Definition, Division and Clasification

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ENG 105 USE 10978

October 17, 2019


The term definition means a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especiallity in a

dictionary. In the literature field it allows to communicate in a precise form. The words can be

define by giving a synonym, a formal or literal definition, or an extended definition. Synonyms

are an easier method of definition of the word. Formal o literal definitions are the basic meaning

and original translation. Extended definitions are an extended explanation of a new or difficult

word. In this last method is necessary to consider the educational level or knowledge of the reader

to know from what point to start and to where to extend the definition of the word.

The Meaning of a Word by Gloria Naylor

1. What are the two meanings of the word nigger as Naylos uses it in her essay?

Naylor emphasizes that the word nigger has a totally opposite and abysmal meaning depending

on the black-race and with-race perspective. In spite of Naylor does not describe the word nigger

from white-race per se, it is implicit the denigrating and racist slur. Nigger meaning from the

perspective of black-race also has several differences, based on the singular and plural meaning.

In the ingular meaning, the word refer a man distinguished himself in some situation that brought

their approval for his strenght, intelligence, or drive. In the plural meaning, it became a description

of some group within the community that had overstepped the bounds of decency as my family

defined it.

What is the clearest definition of each use of the word presented?

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The best definicion that Naylor use to clearify each meaning is when she give a example of how it

can be use.

2. How do the first two paragraphs build unity by connecting to her thesis statements?

Naylor builds unity in both paragraphs by establishing that despite the great difference between

written and spoken words, both lack of meaning if not exist a consensus that assigs meaning. And

it is here where Naylor states that is the consensus that gives the true power of meaning of the

words. To later explains that the word nigger in spite to have a literal meaning, it change according

to the consensus of the culture or community; black or white race.

3. How does Naylor explain this seeming contradiction?

When she write heard between quotation marks, she implies that despite having heard it several

times in her culture, that was the first time that she had paid attention to the true racial meaning of

the word Nigger.

4. What type of details does Naylor include in her brief story?

Naylor uses narrative and sensory details to create actions and events in the beginning of paragraph

5 to explain how the black culture is and how they use the word nigger in their normal life.

Example: two or three conversations going on simultaneously, puntuated by the sound of a baby’s

crying. She also uses descriptive details using adjetives and adverbs to descrive her family in the

4th paragraph. Example: large extended family, close-knit network that gravitated around

grandparents. Bustling and open house with assorted neighbors and tenants, Etc.

How does this narration contribute to your understanding of the word nigger as used by her


This narration, about Naylor’s family, give to me the impresion of to be a very close family, in the

setting of they always live with the family or close, a little messy and with a very open mind. I
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also understood that they have a macho thinking, where the physical force is most applauded and

admired. So, I considere they use the word nigger more in the literal meaning, refering a black skin

and adding the connotation of strong or manly.

Why do you suppose she barely define the other use of the word nigger?

I suppose Naylor barely define the other use of the word because the true denigrating and racial

meaning is already implicit. It would be too much to explain, and difficult for her to define, because

she is a black person.

5. How you characterize Naylor’s tone?

I characterize Naylor’s tone as offended and impressed. She is impressed about how the same word

of a diferent person or with different intentions can make a huge difference of meaning. It is show

when she hear for the first time from her white classmate the word. She “knowed” the meaning of

the word, but from that person she automatically feel a difference of meaning, even when she can

not understand it at all in that moment. Offended, when she explain the meaning of the word

spoken by whites. It is shows when she says: “it was said by a small pair of lips that had already

learned it could be a way to humiliate me”.

6. Whats is the meaning of the Naylor’s last sentence?

The meaning of the Naylor’s last sentence was that the meaning of nigger from general social

perspective is degrading and very painful, and something with which they must learn to deal.

How well does it work as a ending for her essay?

The ending for Naylor’s essay keep the unity with the beginning. Hor the question surged and how

the question was answered.

Who Gets to Be “Hapa” by Akemi Johnson

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1. What does their interaction suggets about living in Hawaii?

The interaction between Johnson and the server in Waikiki suggests that living in Hawaii being

considered Hapa is very pleasant and well accepted, taking them part of the community quickly.

2. What is the evidence that it is a slur?

University of Southern California professor Duncan William give evidence how “hapa” term is

use as a slur. He explain how Japanese-American communities employed Hapa to make those who

were mixed “feel like they were not really, truly Japanese or Japanese-American”. Also, the

Hawaiian professor Losh says that the word “Hapa” became to be used as a slur when blood

quantion laws were instituted by U.S. government, New England missionaries and Asian

plantation workers. This in order to limit eligibility for Hawaiian homestead lands.

What is the evidence that it is not a slur? Which do you find more convincing?

The evidence that the word Hapa is not an insult is based on the fact that it was born in the Hawaiian

language, that means "part", and they use as a meaning of "to be part" of Hawaii culture or


Which do you find more convincing?

I find more convincing the fact that the word “hapa” is not an insult. Because it derived from

Hawaiian language and it was used by the natives themselves before the word was generalized

throughout the world. In addition, the meaning per se of "Hapa" indicates "being part of", being

part of Hawaii.

3. The reason [hapa] feels good is that it’s always felt good? What is that?

This means that since ancient times the use of the word “Hapa” in hawaii, where its roots born,

has been always well received because it proudly denotes being part of this culture.

4. Who is the thief and who is the victim?

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Identity theft in this context means how Asians mixed with other non-Hawaiian offspring have

adopted the term Hapa for theirselves. Placing the Hawaiians as victims of identity theft.

5. How does Johnson show that the use of the word Hapa is connected to the history of the

colonization of Hawaii?

Johnson explain how the word “Hapa” entered the Hawaiian language in the early 1800s, with the

arrival of Christian missionaries who instituted a Hawaiian alphabet. Hapa is a transliteration of

the English word "half," but quickly came to mean "part," combining with numbers to make


6. Why does Johnson ultimately decide to avoid the use of the term hapa, as it applies to


Johnson decide to avoid the use of the term hapa by herself because she has Asian descent but not

specifically from Hawaii.

Division and classification

Division means to separate a class of things or ideas into categories following a clear

principle of basis. Classification mean to group individual objects or ideas into already estabished

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Both division and classification are affected directly by the writer’s practical purpose; what the

writer wants to explain or prove. That purpose determine the class of things or ideas being divided

and classified. Guidelines for a good division and classification:

- Identify a clear purpose, and a principle of division that is appropiated to that purpose.

- Divide your subject into unique categories

- Make your division and clasification complete

- State the conclusion that your division and clasification lead you draw.

The ways of Meeting Oppression by Martin Luther King Kr.

1. What is King’s thesis?

King’s thesis is in the eighth paragraph: The nonviolent resistance must guide the actions of

the Negro in the present crisis in race relations.

2. How does classifying the three types of resistance to opression help him develop his


Classifying the three types of resistance to oppression helps to Martin Luther King to

development his thesis in a superior levels of knowkedge, when the lector already understand

the meaning of three types of resistance to oppression.

3-4 Why do you suppose King discusses acquiescence , violence and nonvioletn resistance in

that order? What organizational principle does he use to rank them? How it help him

buid his argument and support his thesis? Whould his argument work as well in diferent


I think Martin Luther King Jr. had determined that the American public would reject Black

demands for fairness if they were made violently and that Blacks could not wait any longer to
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make their demands for, if they did, they would lose the momentum. Therefore, he arranged

his speech to first discuss acquiescence, the forced endurance of the unfair many Black's

engaged in to survive. He had to point out that this was accepting servitude and had to be

stopped. Then presented the option of violence so he could show people that this opposite of

acquiescence would also fail. Only then, after he had proven the other two would fail, could

he truly present non-violent resistance as the only way to succeed. He calculated that the

presentation in this order was the only way he could achieve his goal and get listeners to agree

with him.

5. What disadvanatges does he see in meeting oppression with acquiescence or with


Disadvantages of meeting oppression with violence is that future generations will be the

recipients of a desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to them will be an endless reign

of meaningless chaos. On the other hand, disadvantages of meeting oppression with

acquiescence is that the Negro cannot win the respect of the white people of the South or the

peoples of the world if he is willing to sell the future of his children fir his personal and

immediate confort and safety.

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan

1. How does Tan’s profession affect her discussion of language in this essay?
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As a writer she is fascinated by language in daily life and spends a great deal of time thinking

about the power of language. As a result, she is aware of the different “Englishes” she uses and is

able to describe in detail the differences between those she uses.

How does she describe a writer’s special relationship to language?

Language is the tool of her trade, she uses many different types of “English” to evoke an emotion,

visual image, complex idea, or a simple truth.

2. Where and how does Tan use the English she learned in school? Professional life.

Besides this “standard English” (paragraph 3), what other categories does her language fit

into? “Home English”

3. Tan describes her mother’s English vs “vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery”.

Reread the transcript of Tan’s mother’s side of the conversation in paragraph 5, and note

places where you see these qualities in her speech.

Sentences lack description and jump right to a point directly “He is Du like Du Zong – but not

Tsung-ming Island people”. Direct observations with vivid descriptions, such as ”the river east

side”, “man big like become a mafia”, I gone to boy’s side, they have YMCA dinner”.

4. As she tries to classify her mother’s English, Tan finds that all of the terms she can

think of unsatisfying are unsatisfying. What is wrong with “broken” and “limited” as


They suggest something is wrong with how someone communicates, as judged against a perfect

standard. Tan suggests this may steer students away from writing into math and science for

example, and limit further language development.

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5. There is an apparent contradiction in the scene with the stockbroker when Tan

describes her mother’s “impeccable broken English. What does she mean by this? How

would you explain the contradiction?

No, she means to say that her mother was using her “broken English” in exactly the best form

that Tan’s mother uses her “broken English”. It is not a contradiction if you view it from the

way in which Tan’s mother uses her “broken English”.

6. What is “terrible” about the line Tan quotes from an early draft of a story that became

part of The Joy Luck Club?

The line is overly complex and difficult to understand clearly the meaning it is trying to convey.

How does she find a solution to this problem with her writing?

She attempts to write stories that are “easy to read” but not strictly following proper English, as

she writes “I sought to preserve the essence (in the writing), but neither an English nor a Chinese


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