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Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Approximate Age Psychosocial Crisis/Task Virtue Development

Infant-18 months Trust Vs Mistrust Hope

18 months- 3 years Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt Will

3-5 years Initiative vs Guilt Purpose

5-13 years Industry vs inferiority Competency

13-21 years Identity vs confusion Fidelity

21-39 years Intimacy vs isolation Love

40-65 years Generativity vs stagnation Care
65 and older Integrity vs despair Wisdom

Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development

Stage Age Description

Sensorimotor 0-2 Object permanence
Stranger anxiety
Preoperational 2-6 or 7 Pretend play
Language development
Concrete Operational 6 or 7 – 11 or 12 Conversation
Mathematical Transformation
Formal operational 12-adulthood Abstract logic
Potential for mature moral

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximity

Out of reach

Zone of proximal development

learning through scaffolding

Current understanding

Can work unassisted

Sigismund Schlomo Freud’s stages of Psychosexual Development

Stage Ages Pleasure Major Fixation

Source development
Oral 0-1 years Mouth Coming off breast Smoking,
feeding overeating, nail
Anal 1 to 3 years Anus Toilet training Orderliness,

Phallic 3 to 6 years Genitals Oedipus/ Electra Sexual

complex dysfunction
Latency 6 to 12 years None Developing None
Genital 12+ Genitals Full sexual Mentally healthy

Sigismund Schlomo Freud’s components of personality

ID Ego Super-ego
Avoid pain Reality Perfectionism
Seek pleasure Repressed Morals
Subconscious Cognitive function Goals
Neurosis Seeking Father figure
Involuntary Interpersonal skills Personality
Immoral Defense Guilt

Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development

Preconventional level Stage 1 Avoiding punishment

Stage 2 Aiming at a reward
Conventional level Stage 3 Good boy & good girl attitude
Stage 4 Loyalty to law and order
Postconventional level Stage 5 Justice and the spirit of the law
Stage 6 Universal principles of ethics

The four learning styles

Diverging  Concrete experience and reflective

 Feeling and watching
Assimilating  Abstract conceptualization and reflective
 Watching and thinking
Converging  Abstract conceptualization and active
 Doing and thinking
Accommodating  Concrete experience and active
 Doing and feeling

Multiple intelligences

Musical- rhythmic Music smart

Linguistic-verbal Word smart
Intrapersonal Self-smart
Interpersonal People smart
Naturalistic Nature smart
Logical-mathematical Logic smart
Bodily-kinesthetic Body smart
Existential Spirit smart
Visual-spatial Picture smart
Chronosystem (chances over time)

Macrosystem (social and cultural values)

Exosystem (indirect environment)

Mesosystem (connections)

Microsystem (immediate


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