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S.Y. 2018-2019

“Negative Effects of Technology to the Health of Students”

( December 10, 2019 )

II. Introduction

Technology, it seems, is everywhere these days. As computers have become more

commonplace, the use of information technology has become pervasive in most everyone’s lives.
People use technology to improve their ability to do work. For most of us, it is hard to imagine


S.Y. 2018-2019
daily life without the influence of technological devices, be it handheld video games, personal
digital assistants, cell phones or any number of computers. This is especially true for younger
generations. With the help of technology, many of the intricate and significant processes can be
conducted with increased ease and accuracy with the aid of modern technology. Thanks to the
multiple positive outcomes of technology, the education sector has undergone a notable change
and as it is, this change has been for the better (Pea, 1998). The invention of computers and the
Internet technology have brought a major revolution in the education field. For this reason, the
significance of technology in schools cannot be disregarded. In fact, the introduction of computers
in schools has made it easier for teachers to disseminate knowledge and for the students to take
hold of it. To put it more aptly, the computer technology has added a fun-element to the learning
process. Additionally, the invention of the internet has brought the much-needed interaction in the
education sector (Miller, 2008).

With the Internet today, you can communicate with loved ones at great distances, to find
large amounts of information in a few seconds, to make purchases and pay bills. Classrooms
around the world have implemented many forms of technology to enhance student interest and
achievement. The indisputable advantage of the Internet on education is that the network offers
unlimited opportunities to find information – necessary books, encyclopedic information,
scientific articles, a documentary video, etc. E-learning has become one of the fastest-moving
trends in education and poses a promising alternative to traditional learning.

III. Body

 Key Issues or problem



S.Y. 2018-2019
Technological advancement have grown in leaps and bounds and are showing no signs of
slowing down. Continuous surge of such technological advancement has helped many countries
saved lives and help in improving the overall quality of life – Yet, such integration of new
technology and human lifestyle has, in fact, an adverse effect on the health of the human body.
These affect us both good as well as bad. It is important to vote that without careful integration
and proper use, technology can overmen the human intent and the excessive use can cause
immense harm. Though these harm might not be immediate, but few years down the line, it will
affect the human species as a whole. Even in current times, the negative effect on health due to
technology is an alarming issue. Technology has helped make health in daily life much better and
simpler giving important details and opportunities for treatment quickly and accurately.

Technology and its development is an integral part of the human lifestyle. It is a parameter
to increase the efficiency of living and also integral to the betterment of the human species as a
whole. If these growth is left unchecked, and if optional countermeasures are not taken to control
its negative aspects, technology can lead to move harm rather than good. Other inventions that
being developed and implemented in the fields of the medicine have a profound effect on the
quality of life. Treatment has become more quick, efficient and accurate and the procedures were
safer that they were ten years ago. Also, keep healthy and domestic methods of fitness regulation
are also now abundant and reality available to the common people the integration of technology
has helped increase the life expectancy of an average human.

On the other side, the overuse and dependency on technology for minor task is an alarming
issue by having more technology; we are helping health to improve and also the same time are
using it as a cause of deteriorating health

 Assumption


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Technology can have a large impact on users' mental and physical health. Being overly
connected can cause psychological issues such as distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant
gratification, and even depression. Besides affecting users' mental health, use of technology can
also have negative repercussions on physical health causing vision problems, hearing loss, and
neck strain.

Within this virtual realm, social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and
Snapchat have altered the way Generation Y culture is understanding the world and thus how they
view themselves. In recent years, there has been more research on the development of social media
depression in users of sites like these. "Facebook Depression" is when users are so affected by
their friends' posts and lives that their own jealousy depletes their sense of self-worth. They
compare themselves to the posts made by their peers and feel unworthy or monotonous because
they feel like their lives are not nearly as exciting as the lives of others.

Another instance of the negative effects of technology in society, is how quickly it is

pushing younger generations into maturity. With the world at their fingertips, children can learn
anything they wish to. But with the uncensored sources from the internet, without proper
supervision, children can be exposed to explicit material at inappropriate ages.This comes in the
forms of premature interests in experimenting with makeup or opening an email account or social
media page—all of which can become a window for predators and other dangerous entities that
threaten a child's innocence. Technology has a serious effect on youth's health. The overuse of
technology is said to be associated with sleep deprivation which is linked to obesity and poor
academic performance in the lives of adolescents.

Any change can be unsettling, but changes as profound as those being unleashed by the
current phase of technological development – known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution – are


S.Y. 2018-2019
prone to be particularly destabilizing. Technology pulls together the various networks that
constitute modern life and fuses them into a complex “system of systems”, in which risks become
difficult to identify and even more difficult to measure.

We can point to relatively isolated technological risks, such as the risk of a cyberattack
interrupting business operations, but in an increasingly interconnected world the consequences can
be much greater. Consider, for example, the immediate cascading impact of a cyberattack that
knocks out a provider of critical infrastructure. Or the social and political impact of automation
and artificial intelligence if they are allowed to reconfigure the world’s labour markets as radically
as some have suggested is likely.

Technology is also shaping many of our background assumptions or perceptions, and this in
turn can shape our understanding of and attitude towards risks. We live in a world defined by both
the accelerating pace of technological change and the uncertainty this speeding up causes.
Anecdotally, at least, more and more of us feel that we are running to stand still – just about
keeping pace with some technological developments that affect us but largely oblivious of many
others and unsure of how they all fit together.

 Data analysis


S.Y. 2018-2019
The level of students who get Negative effect of their health in using Technology.
1 = disagree totally 4 = agree

2 = disagree 5 = strongly agree

3 = not strong opinion

Survey Chart

1 2 3 4 5

In this chart, showing that the most of students, answer’s Agree.

 Proposed Alternative

The negative effect of technology on the human body may sound daunting, dangerous, and
downright scary sometimes. But the reality is that, while these symptoms and sicknesses can be
hazardous to your health. They are typically only brought about by overuse.

Too much of everything is never good for your health, whether it be technology, chocolate,
or even going for a new. Moderation in all its boring glory, is the only real way to make sure you’re
destined for a healthy life.

Put your phone away before you go to bed. Stand up from your computer for a few minutes
every hour. Avoid scrolling social media feeds for hours on end. Go outside every once in a while
without extra gaming what your see out there.

 Impact of Proposal on the Pursuit of Happiness



S.Y. 2018-2019
Modern life may increase the risk of some physical and mental health problems, but
striking a balance between online and real world social relationships, going forward, may help to
keep our health in check.

Technology can add limitless value to our lives - especially if we take care to use it
mindfully. Let technology to a pleasant addition to your full life, not the only thing you live for.
Because, next assured, you’re going to feel the physical and mental effects of that dependence
before you know it.

IV. Conclusion

A society have different definitions according to the political and sociological point of view
but both agree that a society is formed when people live at a place and connect to each other. Being
social is very important In today's technological time when everyone is busy to benefit themself
by using the new advanced technology. The demand of increase in technology have not affected
our relationship to the society but have changed the way of us being social. This new connection
that has build up is known as society and technology or sociotechnology. Society and technology
is the main source for to connect to other peoples in the world. If we took an example of animals
they are not connected to animals from a different area because they don't use the knowledge to
improve their ability to create new technologies.

To improve the technology knowledge and financial support is very important.

Technological advancement is allowing our scientists to do research and save thousands of lifes
by finding the cure for dangerous diseases and this will not stop. Technology will advance lifestyle
will improve and the connection of society and technology will be stronger. Technology is also
playing an important role improve our environment to provide healthy lifestyle to people belong
to the society. such as improvement is farming, industry, renewable energy, clean air, sewer
treatment and solid waste management.Technology is helping society to connect to each other


S.Y. 2018-2019
using the cellular devices, computers and social media applications such as snapchat, what's app,
facebook and tweeter. Technology through web pages and search engines is helping people belong
to different societies to make research and help people belong to their social circle. Technology is
helping people to adopt the culture of different nations to show unity.

Technological advance is converting the concept of society from being interaction between
the people of a group or a area to the connection between the people around the globe through
social media. Within improving lifestyle and making a strong connection of people, technology
have also affected some peoples negatively. The relationship of society and technology is affected
when ethics of using technology are ignored by the user. Technological ethics does not force a
human to stay away from using some applications on social media instead it gives the ability to
the user to distinguish between right and wrong. Ethics do make user to encourage if find someone
is doing right and discourage if something is misrepresented. The one biggest negativity of social
media is that people do connect to the people they do not know.

Wrong people being on social media is leading to fraud, identity theft, scamming, and much
more. In some situations negativity of social media causes people to be depressed or commit
suicide. The ethical demand is to whenever someone's negativity is identified through their, actions
we should report it the same manner if we saw someone doing wrong around us and report it. This
action would save technological society from the harmful effects and make stronger relationship
of society and technology.

V. Reference


S.Y. 2018-2019

Posted on11/23/2011AuthorWayne Caswell

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