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TEKIKO, Wendy S.

| BSN I - Pender
STEP 1: Formation of Citrate. STEP 2: Formation of Isocitrate.
Oxaloacetate and Acetyl CoA The end product of step 1, citrate,
will undergo through will be the intermediate product of
CITRIC ACID CYCLE condensation with the help of
enzyme citrate synthase. It will
step 2. The citrate will then undergo
through dehydration, followed by
hydration, to perform isomerization
then produce Citryl CoA. The process through the enzyme
produced Cytryl CoA will then aconytase. The resulting product
undergo through hydrolysis, and will be isocitrate, citrate that has
the end product will be citrate, isomerism on the original form of
free coenzyme A, and H+. the citrate synthesized in step 1.

STEP 3: Oxidation of Isocitrate and STEP 4: Oxidation of alpha-

Formation of Carbon Dioxide. This is the ketoglutarate and formation of
first oxidation stage in the citric acid cycle. carbon dioxide. This is the second
The isocitrate from step 2 will react with
oxidation in the citric acid cycle.
NAD+ that is catalyzed by isocitrate
dehydrogenase. Through this, the alcohol Alpha-ketoglutarate from step 1 will
group of isocitrate will oxidize, releasing combine with NAD+, H+, and CoA-
two hydrogen atom. One hydrogen atom SH through alpha-ketoglutarate
will bind to NAD+ to form NADH. dehydrogenase complex. CoA-SH will
Isocitrate will then be converted into release H+ atom, making S-CoA to
oxalosuccinate. It will then undergo through bind with the C4, forming succinyl
decarboxylation that consumes H+ atom. CoA. NADH, carbon dioxide, and one
Loss of carbon dioxide will convert
hydrogen atom will then be produced.
oxalosuccinate into alpha-ketoglutarate.
STEP 5: Thioester bond Cleavage in STEP 6: Oxidation of Succinate.
Succinyl CoA and Phosphorylation of This is the third oxidation in the
GDP. Succinyl CoA will react in hydrogen
phosphate. The S-CoA in succinyl CoA will citric acid cycle. Succinate and
then bind to one of the H+ atoms of hydrogen FAD+ will combine with each
phosphate, releasing itself as a free CoA-SH. other with the help of succinate
The remaining phosphate group will then
attach to the remaining atoms, converting dehydrogenase, making two H+
succinyl CoA to succinyl phosphate. The atoms from succinate to bind in
phosphate group of succinyl phosphate will FAD+ that produces FADH2. The
then bind to GDP under succinyl CoA
synthase and it will then be converted into
succinate then will be converted
GTP. Phosphate group will be removed, into fumarate that depicts trans
leaving off succinate. double bond.
STEP 7: Hydration of STEP 8: Oxidation of L-Malate to
Regenerate Oxaloacetate. This is the fourth
Fumarate. The fumarate from oxidation in the citric acid cycle. L-Malate
step 6 will undergo hydrolysis from step 7 will combine with NAD+ with the
help of malate dehydrogenase. The C2 of L-
with the help of enzyme Malate will then lose its 2 H+ atoms. One of
fumarase. The HO group and the hydrogen atoms will bind to NAD+ to
form NADH, and the remaining is a free atom.
H+ atom will then bind to C2 L-Malate will then be converted into
and C3 respectively. This oxaloacetate, and the by-products are NADH
and H+ atom. The oxaloacetate will then
process converts fumarate into become the intermediate material for the step
L-Malate. 1, and the cycle will begin again.

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