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Q-advantages of living densely

good grwoth and business

low barriers to entry

low cost of transportaion and providing services

Q-how to raise more revenue

1-urban property tax

-decrease the high property tax rate

-updating property tables

-computerizing the registration

2-rationalising WSS user fees

-current fee and collection is low

-revise water fees

-bring more people to collection

3-others (notes)

-issuing municpal bonds

-support for services provided by other countries(e.g turkey)

-recovery of costs by various cities

Q differenc between urban and rural poor?

ANS- lack of safety nets in urban (no financial or emotional support)

cost of living in urban area is more

Q-Good transport policies


1- public transport must be inclusive accessible affordable and covenient

2- as Supply of people(population) is not effected by the public trnasport, government must invest in

those poblic transportd which would cut large masses e.g BRT LTC(BRUTE LTC) etc.
3-as supply of cars is effected by making new roads(past expereince), government should rather invest
in public awareness

4-Invest in railway cheaper and faster

5-corruption should be eliminated

6- proper path for padestrians and cyclists

7-issue of environemental degradation should be taken into aacout and introduce enviornmently
freindly vehicles

8-central data repository for vehicles

9-more co ordiantion between authorities to reduce the efforts


AMZON transfer to a city benefits and -ve sides


1- bid price would have to be paid from the citizens money

2- Provide infrastructure and that money could have been spent on other "needs".

3- Give tax cuts

4- Increasing difference betweeb rich and poor .. not sustainable

5- Cope up with the needs of more people as this would become hub and attract more people


1- Hub of trade and commerece

2- hub of politics

3- would attract more people and thus more talents

4- provide more jobs to people

5- GDP would increase

6- real state value would increase

Lums parking solution (my own answer)

1- intorduce university bus

2- Make different paths for entrance and exit

3- Make different stories building

4- there should be a car lifter if someone parks wrongly or in the way

5- there must be fines for parking the car in the main path(wrongly)

6- number tags for parking can be given to avoid any conflict of parking between the two.

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