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DAILY LESSON LOG OF M8AL-IIc-3 (Week One-Day Four)

School Grade Level Grade 8

Teacher Learning Area Mathematics
Teaching Date and Time Quarter Second
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the
objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and
remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
I. OBJECTIVES assessed using Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and
competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives
shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates key concepts of linear inequalities in two variables,
systems of linear inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving
linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear inequalities in two variables,
and linear functions.
Learning Competency:
Determines dependent and independent variables. (M8AL-IIc-3)
C. Learning Competencies/ Learning Objectives:
Objectives 1. Define dependent and independent variables.
2. Determine the dependent and independent variable of a problem;and
3. Demonstrate appreciation through active participation.
II.CONTENT Dependent and Independent Variables
LEARNING RESOURCES teacher’s guide, learner’s module,
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 172-173
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 155-156
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that
pupils/students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the pupils/ students
which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
IV. PROCEDURES pupils/students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice the learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
The teacher reviews on the previous topic through asking the following questions:
1. What have done last meeting?
2. How to verify if graphs and rules as function or mere relation?
Possible Response:
1. We tackled about verifying graphs and rules as functions.
A. Review previous lesson
2. We can verify by the following method:
or presenting the new
- We use VERTICAL LINE TEST in verifying graphs as functions.
- We can verify rules/equations as functions if in every value of x, there is
only one value for y.
The teacher asks: What is comes into your mind with this:


B. Establishing a purpose The teacher lets the students realize the importance of determining the dependent
for the lesson and independent variables in solving real life problems.
C. Presenting examples/ Working in triads, the teacher lets the students do Activity 7: “Minds-on” on page
instances of the new 155. Do not include the questions that follow.
lesson Answer Key: Teacher’s Guide page 172.
The teacher discusses with the students the process of arriving at the answer of
D. Discussing new
each exercise in Activity 7. Furthermore, the teacher will ask why they classify such
concepts and practicing
variables as dependent and independent variables. The teacher lets the students
new skills #1
define the dependent and independent variables in relation to the activity.
E. Discussing new The teacher discusses and illustrates thoroughly the definition of dependent and
concepts and practicing independent variables. Furthermore, the teacher relates this variables in
new skills #2 mathematical representation:
Dependent and Independent Variables
In an equation where y is expressed in terms of x, the variable x is considered the
independent variable because any value could be assigned to it. However, the
variable y is the dependent variable because its value depends on the value of x.

Working in triads, The teacher lets the students determine the dependent and
independent variables found in the following real life scenarios.

Exercise 8.2.__
Do you know?
Objective: The students are able to determine the two variables on the real life
scenarios and classify them as dependent and independent variables.
Directions: Determine the two variables found in each scenario and classify
them as independent or independent variables by writing them on
the correct column.

1. Lianne rode a taxi to the her wok everyday. The flag-down of taxi is ₱40.00
which covers the first 5 kilometers and an additional of ₱13.00 in every
kilometer after. How much could be Lianne’s fare considering the
distance of her work place from her house?
2. Jason pays his tuition with his tutoring fee. What could be his total fee in a
week if he tutors 3 hours a day with a rate of ₱150.00 per hour?
3. Mr. Chavez’s basketball team is having a motorcycle wash to raise money
for new uniforms. How much money would the team raise if each
motorcycle pays ₱50.00 to be washed?
F. Developing mastery
4. Jordan squeezes 6 oranges to get 2 1/2 cups of orange juice. How many
(leads to formative
cups of orange juice will Jordan get if he has more than 6 oranges?
assessment 3)
5. Yvonne often reads at night in order to sleep. How many nights will
Yvonne finish a book if she reads about 20 pages a night before she goes
to bed?
No. Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)

Answer Key:
No. Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)
1 Distance Amount of the fare
2 Number of hours tutored Weekly total fee/Salary
3 Number of motorcycles washed Total money raised
4 Numbers of oranges Number of cups of orange juice
5 Number of pages read. Number of nights she reads
Note: An activity sheet, ready to be printed, is provided after this DLL.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
The teacher let’s the students generalize the lesson through questioning.
1. What is the difference of independent and dependent variables.
2. How do we represent independent and dependent variables in mathematical
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about Possible response:
the lesson 1. The difference of independent and dependent variables:
- Dependent variable is a variable that depends on one or more other
variables, while independent variable is a variable in an equation that may
have its value freely chosen without considering values of any other
- Independent variable controls the value of the dependent variable.
2. Independent variable is represented by “x” , while dependent variable is
represented by “y”.
The teacher lets the students determine the dependent and independent variables
found in the following real life scenarios individually.
Given Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)
1. John measures the
length and width of each
side of a rectangle. He
uses those values to
calculate the area.
2. David measures how
many inches his tomato
plant grows every week.
3. The number of gum
balls, g, that can be
packaged in a box with a
volume of V cubic units
is given by g = 40V + 15.
4. Olive thinks of how
I. Evaluating Learning much electric bill she
would pay at the end of
the month considering
the amount of air
conditioning she uses.
5. Alexis wonders the
amount of fats and
calories that her favorite
cookies gives her

Answer Key:
No Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)
1 Lenth and width of the side of the rectangle Area of the rectangle
2 Number of weeks that the tomato grow Height in inches
3 V= volume G=number of gums balls
4 Amount of air conditioning used Amount of Electric bills
5 Number of cookies eaten Amount of fats and calories
In a short bond paper with 1x1 inch margin, the students do the following:
J. Additional activities or
Explain how independent and dependent variables
are related to domain and range.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the pupils/students learn? Identify what help your
VI. REFLECTION instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
of the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:

Tabok NHS - SST-1
Exercise 8.2.__
Find the variables!

Objective: The students are able to determine the two variables on the real life scenarios and
classify them as dependent and independent variables.
Directions: Determine the two variables found in each scenario and classify them as
independent or independent variables by writing them on the correct column.

1. Lianne rode a taxi to the her wok everyday. The flag-down of taxi is ₱40.00 which
covers the first 5 kilometers and an additional of ₱13.00 in every kilometer after.
How much could be Lianne’s fare considering the distance of her work place from
her house?

2. Jason pays his tuition with his tutoring fee. What could be his total fee in a week if
he tutors 3 hours a day with a rate of ₱150.00 per hour?

3. Mr. Chavez’s basketball team is having a motorcycle wash to raise money for
new uniforms. How much money would the team raise if each motorcycle pays
₱50.00 to be washed?

4. Jordan squeezes 6 oranges to get 2 1/2 cups of orange juice. How many cups of
orange juice will Jordan get if he has more than 6 oranges?

5. Yvonne is reads every night to sleep. When will Yvonne a 300-page book if she
reads about 20 pages a night before she goes to bed?

No. Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)


Assessment Sheet 8.2.__
Which is Dependent and Independent?

Objective: The students are able to determine the two variables on the real life scenarios and
classify them as dependent and independent variables.
Directions: Determine the two variables found in each scenario and classify them as
independent or independent variables by writing them on the correct column.

Given Independent Variable (x) Dependent Variable (y)

1. John measures the length
and width of each side of a
rectangle. He uses those
values to calculate the area.

2. David measures how many

inches his tomato plant
grows every week.

3. The number of gum balls,

g, that can be packaged in a
box with a volume of V cubic
units is given by g = 40V + 15.

4. Olive thinks of how much

electric bill she would pay at
the end of the month
considering the amount of air
conditioning she uses.

5. Alexis wonders the

amount of fats and calories
that her favorite cookies
gives her everyday.

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