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Personal Project

Report Writing Workshop - Dec 11 2019

PP Report Writing Workshop
10:00 - 10:10 Introduction & Set Up
10:10 - 10:50 Session 1: Focus on Criteria A
10:50 - 11:30 Session 2: Focus on Criteria B
11:30 - 12:15 Session 3: Focus on Criteria C
12:15 - 13:05 Lunch
13:05 - 14:00 Session 4: Re-asses & Criteria D
During the sessions, your supervisors will be coming in for a 10-15 minute meeting to help set you up for
success over the winter break.
Where am I?
● I've started and I feel like
I know what I'm doing.

● I haven't started and

I'm not sure where to begin.

● I've started but gotten stuck.

Helpful Hints
● Write in sections focused on the criteria and standards.
(Use Haiku & Marking Guide to help you).

● Write 120 - 300 words per section

● The report is an ANALYSIS,

so focus on:
■ why
■ how
■ what you learned
Refer to the MYP PP Cycle:
● Investigating
● Planning
● Taking Action
● Reflection

Focus on:
● Why
● How
● What you learned
Give a brief overview.
You can:
● describe your product/outcome
● explain why you chose to create your
● how you feel about your product/outcome now that
you've finished
● describe what you've learned in the process
Criteria A
i. Challenging Goal ii. Prior Knowledge iii. Research Skills &
& Global Context link to MYP subject Academic Honesty
● Justify why your goal/product ● Justify how prior learning ● Include in-text citations to
is challenging to you and subject specific support your writing
knowledge was relevant and
● Justify why the topic helpful to your project: ● Include an alphabetical
interests you and why it is bibliography (from PJ)
personal ○ Link to learning in at
least one subject ● Show your
● Justify why your goal/ Source Evaluation
product connects to your ○ Optional: link to (CRAAP/OPVL)
chosen Global Context experiences in and out
of school

State Outline Describe Explain Justify

Criteria B - Planning
i. Develop Success ii. Plan & Record the iii. ATL Skills:
Criteria Development Self-Management
● Justify your ● Justify your action plans ● Justify your time and
research-informed success and timelines (long and resource management
criteria used to assess your short) for the course of action ○ Organization Skills
product’s final quality: How and why did you
● Justify any changes or manage your time &
○ Criteria should be revisions you made and why resources.
challenging, you made them What did you learn?
observable and ○ Describe what ○ Affective Skills
measurable happened because of How did you manage
the changes your self?
● Justify any changes and ■ Resilience,
why you made them perseverance,

Present State Demonstrate Describe Justify

Criteria C - Taking Action
i. Create Product or ii. ATL: Thinking iii. ATL: Communication
Outcome Skills and Social Skills
● Evaluate the development of ● Evaluate the effect that your ● Organization of report.
your product through the critical and creative thinking Subtitles, readability/flow,
success criteria skills had on the product and citations/quotes, evidence of
project: product, bibliography,
● Evaluate your appendices (10 page max).
product/outcome in relation ○ Use examples in
to goal and global context Marking Guide to help ● Evaluate how well you
developed your
communication & social skills
*Submit evidence of your product ○ focus on people
on ManageBac (5 good photos, relevant to your project
screenshots on 1 page A4 as pdf.
OR 30-sec audio/video)*

Outline Describe Explain Analyze Evaluate

Criteria D - Reflection
i. Reflect on the ii. Reflect on the iii. Reflect on you as
● Reflect on and evaluate the ● Reflect on and evaluate how ● Evaluate how the process
success of your product. completing the project has has impacted your learning.
extended your knowledge
○ refer to your success and understanding of the ○ Use the IB Learner
criteria & reasons for topic and of the global Profile to discuss your
success/failure. context. strengths and
development against
○ Use meaningful, the IB Learner Profile.
detailed explanations,
descriptions and
support with specific

Outline Describe Explain Analyze Evaluate

Include: Use Purdue OWL's MLA Appendices should be:
1. Title page: Guide to help create your ● Organized by name
● Project Title list of sources used in your and/or number e.g.
● School Name Appendix-A, 2a, 2b
● Year: 2019/20
● Word Count ● Up to 10 extracts or 10
It is best if you can include pages (no more).
2. Table of contents: cited quotes from your
research in the report to ● Clearly referenced in the
3. Page Numbers support your claims and report.
provide evidence.

Read Re-read Friend Supervisor Feedback

Key Deadlines
Dec 12th - Report Writing Workshop
Well done! I am so impressed with the work you did today. I hope you feel

BEFORE Jan 15th - Draft Submitted to on MB.

You can submit before. The sooner you submit, the sooner you will get feedback
and can act on it.

BEFORE Jan 29th - Meet Supervisor to discuss draft.

Arrange a meeting to discuss draft.


Submit your final report to you supervisor on ManageBac for final grading.
Keep Warm & Write Well

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