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Review: Organic matter removal from soils using hydrogen peroxide, sodium
hypochlorite, and disodium peroxodisulfate

Article  in  Soil Science Society of America Journal · January 2005

DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2005.0120


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4 authors, including:

Robert Mikutta Klaus Kaiser

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Reinhold Jahn
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Review: Organic Matter Removal from Soils using Hydrogen Peroxide,
Sodium Hypochlorite, and Disodium Peroxodisulfate
R. Mikutta,* M. Kleber, K. Kaiser, and R. Jahn
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

ABSTRACT termination of soil mineral properties requires complete

We compare the performance of three most accepted reagents for removal of organic matter without modification of the
organic matter removal: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium hypochlo- mineral phase. An incomplete removal of organic mat-
rite (NaOCl) and disodium peroxodisulfate (Na2S2O8). Removal of ter hampers the evaluation of phyllosilicate clay miner-
organic matter from soil is mostly incomplete with the efficiency of alogy (Tributh and Lagaly, 1991), SSA determination
removal depending on reaction conditions and sample properties. (de Jonge et al., 2000) and may also affect infrared (IR)
Generally, NaOCl and Na2S2O8 are more effective in organic C re- and differential thermal analysis (Mitchell and Farmer,
moval than H2O2. Alkaline conditions and additives favoring disper-
sion and/or desorption of organic matter, such as sodium pyrophos-
phate, seem to be crucial for C removal. Pyrophosphate and additives Hydrogen peroxide was introduced by Robinson
for pH control (bicarbonate) may irreversibly adsorb to mineral sur- (1922) for soil texture analysis and became the most
faces. In soils with a large proportion of organic matter bound to the widely used chemical reagent for organic matter de-
mineral matrix, for example subsoils, or rich in clay-sized minerals struction. Some alternative reactants have been pro-
(Fe oxides, poorly crystalline Fe and Al phases, expandable phyllo- posed to increase C removal efficiency and to reduce
silicates), C removal can be little irrespective of the reagents used. possible effects of H2O2 on minerals. Sodium hypochlo-
Residual organic C seems to seems to represent largely refractory rite (Anderson, 1963) and Na2S2O8 (Meier and Mene-
organic matter, and comprises mainly pyrogenic materials and ali-
gatti, 1997) have emerged as reagents with the greatest
phatic compounds. If protected by close association with minerals,
other organic constituents such as low-molecular weight carboxylic
potential to replace H2O2. These reagents have been
acids, lignin-derived and N-containing compounds may escape chemi- recently applied to soils (Kaiser et al., 2002; Kiem and
cal destruction. For determination of mineral phase properties, treat- Kögel-Knabner, 2002; Eusterhues et al., 2003) and sedi-
ment with H2O2 should be avoided since it may promote organic- ments (Mayer, 1999).
assisted dissolution of poorly crystalline minerals at low pH, disinte- To date, there is a vast number of oxidation protocols
gration of expandable clay minerals, and transformation of vermiculite and much uncertainty regarding the effects of oxidative

into mica-like products due to NH4 fixation. Sodium hypochlorite reagents on soil constituents. A thorough understanding
and Na2S2O8 are less harmful for minerals than H2O2. While the NaOCl
of treatments for soil organic matter removal with oxi-
procedure (pH 9.5) may dissolve Al hydroxides, alkaline conditions
favor the precipitation of metals released upon destruction of organic
dants is the key to a correct interpretation of experimen-
matter. Prolonged heating to ⬎40ⴗC during any treatment may trans- tal results. Thus, our objective is to review and compare
form poorly crystalline minerals into more crystalline ones. Sodium the suitability of H2O2, NaOCl, and Na2S2O8 for organic
hypochlorite can be used at 25ⴗC, thus preventing heat-induced min- matter removal from soils, sediments, and minerals.
eral alteration. Special emphasis was put on (i) the evaluation of indi-
vidual treatment procedures including reaction condi-
tions required, (ii) mechanisms of interaction between

R emoval of organic matter by chemical reagents is

a common pretreatment for analyses of the soil
mineral phase such as particle-size distribution (Gee
the reagents and organic matter, (iii) the organic C re-
moval efficiency and reasons for organic matter resis-
tance, (iv) the effects of reactants on soil minerals and
and Bauder, 1986), mineral composition (Tributh and (v) metal precipitation, and (vi) implications for the use
Lagaly, 1991), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and spe- of chemical treatments for soil analysis.
cific surface area (SSA; Kahle et al., 2003). Chemical
destruction of organic matter is also used to uncover
mineral surfaces for subsequent sorption experiments PROCEDURES, REACTION CONDITIONS,
(Jardine et al., 1989; Kaiser and Zech, 2000; Pagel-Wieder AND APPLICATION
et al., 2004) and to assess organically bound metals (e.g., Removal of organic materials from soil by aqueous
Shuman, 1983). Other fields for the use of chemical degra- reactants is controlled by multiple factors, including the
dation of soil organic matter include the isolation of reaction conditions (pH, temperature, contact time,
refractory organic fractions (Balesdent, 1996; Righi et chemical additives) and soil properties (mineralogy, or-
al., 1995; Eusterhues et al., 2003) and the exploration ganic matter content, and quality). Attempts have been
of organic matter properties (Cuypers et al., 2002). De- made to optimize reaction conditions to increase the
efficiency of organic C removal from soils. This resulted
Institut für Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung, Martin-Luther-Uni- in a variety of treatment protocols compiled in Table 1,
versität Halle-Wittenberg, Weidenplan 14, D-06108 Halle, Germany.
Received 18 May 2004. *Corresponding author (mikutta@landw.uni- which will be briefly discussed here.

Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:120–135 (2005). Abbreviations: Ac, acetate; CEC, cation exchange capacity; IR, infra-
© Soil Science Society of America red; PAH, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons; SSA, specific surface
677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA area; XRD, x-ray diffraction.


Table 1. Methods for organic matter removal from soils, sediments, and minerals compiled from the literature.
Material Volume Concentration Reaction conditions efficiency Determination Citation
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

mL % %
Hydrogen peroxide
2 g soil ⬎15 30 heating – organic matter content Jackson (1958)
I) 5 g soil 1 30 10 mL H2O, 60–70ⴗC, 5 ⫻ 11–77 effect on minerals Lavkulich and Wiens (1970)
15 min
II) 10 g soil ⬎5 30 20 mL H2O, initially 28–81 effect on minerals Lavkulich and Wiens (1970)
room temperature, then
heating to 60–70ⴗC
10 g soil 20 30 80 mL H2O, initially 56–94 surface area and charge Sequi and Aringhieri (1977)
room temperature, then
heating to 70–80ⴗC
10 g soil 20 30 80 mL Na4P2O7, initially 88–100 surface area and charge Sequi and Aringhieri (1977)
room temperature, then
heating to 70–80ⴗC
10 g clay to 60 g sand ⬎5 ⬃30 initially room temperature, – particle size distribution Gee and Bauder (1986)
then heating to 90ⴗC
⬃10 g soil ⬎5 30 then 10 10–20 mL H2O, initially – clay mineralogy Kunze and Dixon (1986)
room temperature, then
heating to 65–70ⴗC
N.A. vermiculite N.A. 30 80ⴗC, 3 min and 20ⴗC, 24 h – effect on clay properties Muromtsev et al. (1990)
15–20 g clay ⬎100 10 initially room temperature, – clay mineralogy Tributh and Lagaly (1991)
then heating to 60–70ⴗC
3 g size fraction 50 50 (vol. %) initially room temperature, 85 surface area Feller et al. (1992)
then heating to 50ⴗC
10 g soil ⬎10 30 or 50 initially room temperature, – particle size distribution Sheldrick and Wang (1993)
then heating to 90ⴗC
10 g clay 200 5 60ⴗC, 5 d N.A.# investigation of clay- Righi et al. (1995)
humus complexes
0.9 g clay† 10 30 NaOAc buffer pH 5, 53 Cs adsorption Dumat et al. (1997)
1 h at room temperature,
then 70ⴗC for 24 h¶
1 g soil 50 6 80ⴗC, five repetitions 66–97 surface area Theng et al. (1999)
10 g decarbonated sediment 20 30 HNO3, 50–90ⴗC, 100 optimization of Schultz et al. (1999)
three additions of H2O2, sequential metal
NH4OAc to prevent extraction
metal precipitation
20 g soil – 10 initially room temperature, 2–34 (wt.) particle size Schmidt et al. (1999)
then boiling for 24 or 72 h fractionation
30 g soil, 500 15 then 30 initially room temperature, 83–94 analysis of residual Leifeld and Kögel-Knabner
diam. ⬍ 20 ␮m then heating to 70ⴗC, 1–3 d organic matter (2001)
Sodium hypochlorite
10 g soil 20 6 boiling, 3 ⫻ 15 min, pH 9.5 32–96 clay mineralogy Anderson, (1963)
5 g soil 10 6 boiling, 3 ⫻ 15 min, pH 9.5 69–83 comparison H2O2 vs. Omueti (1980)
NaOCl for textural
10 g soil 20 5.3 boiling, 3 ⫻ 15 or 30 min, N.A. sequential metal Shuman (1983)
DTPA‡, pH 8.5 extraction
5 g clay 50 5.25 boiling, 5 ⫻ 15 min, pH 9.5 N.A. charge and exchange Cavallaro and McBride (1984)
20 g soil 100 7 80ⴗC, 5 ⫻ 1 h 88–94 B adsorption and Marzadori et al. (1991)
1 g soil 2 5.3 96ⴗC, 2 ⫻ 0.5 h, pH 8.5 N.A. sequential metal Qiang et al. (1994)
0.9 g clay‡ 2 6.6 boiling, 2 ⫻ 15 min, pH 8.5 76 Cs adsorption Dumat et al. (1997)
1–1.5 g sediment – 13 60–80ⴗC, 6 h, pH 9–9.5 N.A. surface area Mayer (1999)
1 g sediment 20 N.A. 95 ⫾ 5ⴗC, 3 ⫻ 1 h, pH 9.5 N.A. sequential metal La Force and Fendorf (2000)
10 g soil 30 6 room temperature, 3 ⫻ 16 h, 26–80 P adsorption and McDowell and Condron (2001)
pH 8.5 desorption
2 g soil 100 6 room temperature, 5 ⫻ 6 h, ⬎87 investigation of Kaiser et al. (2002)
pH 8 clay-humus complexes
4.5 g clay 250 6 room temperature, 6 ⫻ 6 h, 49–81 isolation of stable Mikutta et al. (2004)
pH 8 organic matter
Disodium peroxodisulfate
0.2 g clay – 8g NaHCO3 buffer, 98ⴗC, 1 h, 78–97 clay mineralogy Meier and Menegatti (1997)
pH 7.8–8.5
0.5 g clay minerals – 20 g 22 g NaHCO3 buffer, 80ⴗC, – effect on clay minerals Menegatti et al. (1999)
1 h, pH 7.8–8.5
0.2 g of size fractions – 8g NaHCO3 buffer, 80ⴗC, 16 h 93 surface area Kiem et al. (2002)
0.5 g clay – 20 g 22 g NaHCO3 buffer, 80ⴗC, 16–99 isolation of stable Eusterhues et al. (2003)
2d organic matter
† Pretreated with Na4P2O7 ⫹ NaOH.
‡ Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid ⫽ chelator.
§ OC, organic C.
¶ Ac, acetate.
# Not available.

Hydrogen Peroxide Lack of visible frothing and bleached soil color indicate
Most protocols for sample preparation before textural a complete reaction, but frothing may continue due to
and mineralogical analysis propose the use of 30% (wt/wt) the decomposition of excess H2O2 at mineral surfaces
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

H2O2 but 10 and 50% (wt/wt) H2O2 have been suggested

as well (Table 1). McLean (1931b) found that doubl- AND ORGANIC MATTER section).
ing the H2O2 concentration from 6 to 12% resulted in Sometimes H2O2 is used in combination with acetate
little increase in C removal from soils (Fig. 1). This buffer (pH 5) to prevent acidic conditions resulting from
suggests that the concentration of H2O2 is not decisive formation of acid oxidation products (Douglas and Fies-
for C removal efficiency, probably because of the de- singer, 1971; Pennell et al., 1995). The pH of unbuffered
soil–H2O2 suspensions may drop by up to three units
composition of H2O2 (REACTION OF OXIDANTS
WITH INORGANIC AND ORGANIC MATTER sec- and final pH values between 2 and 4 have been reported
tion), and the presence of chemically stable and mineral- (Douglas and Fiessinger, 1971; Lavkulich and Wiens,
protected organic compounds (EFFICIENCY OF OR- 1971; Griffith and Schnitzer, 1977). Using acetate buffer,
GANIC CARBON REMOVAL DEPENDS ON SAM- H2O2 is additionally consumed due to the oxidation of
PLE PROPERTIES section). acetate. Acetate (Ac) may also adsorb to minerals (e.g.,
Typically, the treatments start at room temperature van Hees et al., 2003) and thus contribute to residual
because of a strong initial reaction with easily decom- C (17–41% C; Pennell et al., 1995).
posable organic matter. If frothing subsides, the sample There is little consistency in H2O2 use before SSA
determination of the mineral phase. Hydrogen peroxide
is commonly heated to 60 to 90⬚C (Table 1). Increasing
concentrations vary from 6 to 30% (Sequi and Arin-
temperature accelerates the decomposition of H2O2 but
ghieri, 1977; Theng et al., 1999) and reaction tempera-
shortens the reaction time necessary to oxidize organic
tures from 50 to 80⬚C (Feller et al., 1992; Theng et al.,
matter (Schultz et al., 1999). At temperatures ⬎70⬚C,
1999) (Table 1). Similarly, H2O2 concentration and con-
H2O2 is rapidly consumed and additional H2O2 is needed
tact time proposed for isolation of stable organic matter
to perpetuate organic matter destruction. At lower tem-
vary strongly (Righi et al., 1995; Theng et al., 1992).
peratures, the contact time needs to be extended (Schultz
These examples demonstrate little agreement on proto-
et al., 1999). In practice, removal of organic C from soils
cols to achieve given research objectives.
using H2O2 often requires several days and no reliable
indicator exists showing completion of the reaction.
Sodium Hypochlorite
The use of NaOCl for organic matter removal was
first proposed by Anderson (1963) for mineralogical
analysis of clays (Table 1). The method utilizes 6%
(wt/wt) NaOCl at pH 9.5 and three consecutive cycles
including boiling for each 15 min. The restriction of
reaction time to 15 min is due to the fast decomposition
of NaOCl at high temperatures. Heat-induced mineral
OF MINERAL CONSTITUENTS section) can be mini-
mized at room temperature, which requires extended
contact times (Table 1; Kaiser et al., 2002). If applied
at pH 9.5, NaOCl may partly dissolve Al secondary
this, NaOCl can be used at lower pH (Table 1). Treating
soils with NaOCl avoids vigorous frothing and boiling
over as often experienced when using H2O2. Modified
NaOCl protocols have been used for multiple purposes
such as for metal extraction from soil organic matter
(Shuman, 1983), before metal sorption studies (McDow-
ell and Condron, 2001), and to investigate stabilization
of organic C by mineral phases (Kaiser et al., 2002)
(Table 1).

Disodium Peroxodisulfate
Fig. 1. (a) Effect of added H2O2 volume on the efficiency of organic
C removal from Welsh carbonate-free Madryn soil (䊉, 5.1% C) Meier and Menegatti (1997) proposed the use of
and Bodrwyn soil (䊊, 4.3% C) using 6%(wt/wt) H2O2. (b) Organic Na2S2O8 to remove organic matter from mineral phases
C removal efficiency from bulk soils with increasing H2O2 concen- in one single step (Table 1). Thermal decomposition of
tration. Soils contained between 1.3 and 6.5% organic C. Sixty
milliliters H2O2 were added equivalent to 0.08 g C. The samples
Na2S2O8 did not decrease C removal at temperatures
were heated gently then boiled (data adopted from McLean, ⬎80⬚C. By using a NaHCO3 buffer, the pH of reaction
1931a, 1931b). suspensions with clay minerals and soils can be kept

between 7 and 8.5 (Menegatti et al., 1999; Kiem and ally decomposed into O2 and H2O (Eq. [1]) via produc-
Kögel-Knabner, 2002), thus preventing acid-mediated tion of odd-electron (radical) intermediates (Evans and
mineral dissolution. After treatment, Meier and Mene- Upton, 1985). Fenton-like chemistry has been applied
gatti (1997) applied a hot wash (98⬚C, 1 min) with formic in remediation of soils (Watts et al., 2002; Kanel et al.,
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

acid to remove any traces of salts. However, SO42⫺ and 2003) and in wastewater treatment (Waite, 2002).
HCO3⫺ have a high affinity for hydroxyl-bearing mineral
surfaces (Ali and Dzombak, 1996; Su and Suarez, 1997) ⫺M2⫹ ⫹ H2O2 → ⫺M3⫹ ⫹ •OH ⫹ OH⫺
and are likely to become attached to minerals such as (Fenton reaction) [2]
Fe and Al oxides or short range order minerals when 3⫹ 2⫹
applied in high amounts (Table 1). Peroxodisulfate oxi- ⫺M ⫹ H2O2 → ⫺M ⫹ HO2• ⫹ H⫹ [3]
2⫹ 3⫹
dation was employed for predicting the bioavailability ⫺M ⫹ •OH → ⫺M ⫹ OH⫺ [4]
of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils
and sediments since both, oxidation and biodegradation, •OH ⫹ H2O2 → H2O ⫹ HO2• [5]
3⫹ 2⫺ 2⫹
removed similar portions of PAH (Cuypers et al., 2000). ⫺M ⫹ O • → ⫺M ⫹ O2 [6]
Recently, the Na2S2O8 procedure has been adopted to
soils to isolate stable organic matter and to study the Hydrogen peroxide can also be consumed by catalase-
influence of mineral surfaces on organic matter storage positive bacteria, which are common members of the
(Kiem and Kögel-Knabner, 2002; Eusterhues et al., microbial community in soil environments (Pardieck et
2003). al., 1992). Catalase decomposes H2O2 into O2 and H2O
without formation of OH radicals (k ⬇ 4 ⫻ 107 M s⫺1;
Pardieck et al., 1992). Manganese oxides can also induce
REACTION OF OXIDANTS WITH the catalase-type reaction resulting in reduced efficiency
of organic C removal in Mn-containing soils. When the
In theory, CO2 and H2O are the end products of oxida- soil reaction is acid, protonation of H2O2 may yield elec-
tive organic matter destruction but a variety of by-prod- trophilic OH cations (Eq. [7]) while at alkaline condi-
ucts form during the chemical treatments. Intermediate tions nucleophilic perhydroxyl ions (HOO–) form
degradation products adsorb to mineral surfaces, form (Eq. [8]).
precipitates (Martin, 1954), complex trace metals, and
thus hinder their redistribution to solid phases (Hoff- H2O2 ⫹ H⫹ ↔ H2⫹OOH ↔ H2O ⫹ OH⫹ [7]
man and Fletcher, 1981) and have the potential to pro- H2O2 ⫹ HO⫺ → H2O ⫹ HOO⫺ [8]
mote mineral dissolution at low pH (Cornell and Schwert-
mann, 1996; Zhang and Bloom, 1999). The interaction The possible decomposition pathways of H2O2 in soils
of oxidants with organic matter involves complex reac- imply that several reactive H2O2 species can interact
tions, depending on either one of the following factors: with organic matter. In the simplest case, H2O2 directly
(i) reaction conditions (pH, temperature), (ii) the pres- oxidizes organic compounds in a peroxidic-type reaction
ence of inorganic catalysts that are capable to transform by a two-electron process without O2 formation (Schumb
reagents into more reactive forms, and, in case of H2O2, et al., 1955). Reaction of organic matter with OH radi-
(iii) the presence of enzymes that reduce the oxidant’s re- cals are far more complex. Under laboratory conditions,
activity. OH radicals react with alkenes and aromatics at diffu-
sion-controlled rates (Watts et al., 2002). Hydroxyl radi-
Hydrogen Peroxide cals can also initiate radical reactions among organic
Hydrogen peroxide is thermodynamically unstable radicals produced by hydrogen abstraction from C–H
and decomposes into O2 and H2O according to Eq. [1] bonds. There is evidence that OH radicals preferentially
(Pardieck et al., 1992). Decomposition of H2O2 increases attack aromatic compounds: Westerhoff et al. (1999)
with pH, being maximal close to the reagent’s pKa at noted that aliphatic structures of natural organic matter
11.6 (Xiang and Lee, 2000). react slower with OH radicals than aromatic moieties.
Xie and Barcelona (2003) reported a higher chemical
H2O2 ⫹ H2O2 → 2H2O ⫹ O2 (log k ⫽ 36.12) [1] resistance of low-molecular weight aliphatic hydrocar-
When present in soils, reduced metal species can cata- bons (C5–C8) compared with aromatic compounds in
lyze the decomposition of H2O2 and thereby produce jet-fuel contaminated sediments treated with H2O2.
OH radicals that are much more powerful oxidants than These results are consistent with the general order of
H2O2 (Strukul, 1992). The Fe2⫹–catalyzed decomposi- reactivity: aromatic ⬎ –CH2– ⬎ –CO– ⬎ –COOH (Pey-
tion of H2O2 into OH species according to Eq. [2] resem- ton, 1993) and may account for the enrichment of ali-
bles the classical Fenton reaction. Surface sites of oxides phatic compounds in H2O2–treated soils (Schulten et al.,
and montmorillonite (Fe2⫹ or Fe3⫹) may similarly pro- 1996; Leifeld and Kögel-Knabner, 2001; COMPOSI-
duce OH radicals by Fenton-like reactions (Huang et TION OF ORGANIC MATTER section).
al., 2001; Gournis et al., 2002; Kwan and Voelker, 2002; In addition, certain aromatic compounds may selec-
Petigara et al., 2002). Equations [2] through [6] repre- tively be removed by H2O2. Andreozzi et al. (2002)
sent the metal-catalyzed Haber-Weiss mechanism, where observed that phenols adsorbed to goethite containing
the metal (M) is cycled between a lower [M(II)] and two adjacent OH groups (or one OH and one NH2)
higher [M(III)] oxidation state and where H2O2 is gradu- were oxidized by H2O2 while those containing two

COOH groups or one COOH plus one OH group were phatic compounds in natural organic matter. Chakrabar-
not reactive toward H2O2. tty et al. (1974) used 12% (wt/wt) NaOCl (pH 12) to
Degradation of lignin strongly depends on the reac- investigate the structural composition of humic acids
tion milieu. At alkaline pH, degradation of lignin is extracted from soil and coal. They reported that reaction
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

more complete than at acid pH, possibly because of results in aliphatic carboxylic acids (malonic, succinic,
more reactive H2O2 species present and larger lignin glutaric, and adipic acid) and aromatic polycarboxylic
solubility (Sun et al., 2000; Xiang and Lee, 2000). This acids (⬎50% CO2, up to 32% non-volatile acids). Hypo-
suggests that under acid conditions lignin components chlorite is presumed to cleave all methine, methylene,
may contribute to residual organic C in H2O2–treated and methyl goups activated by electron-withdrawing
soil. Chemical degradation of humic substances, lignin, heteroatoms without simultaneously disrupting aro-
and simple carbohydrates by H2O2 yields a variety of matic systems.
water-soluble compounds such as mono- and dicarbox-
ylic low-molecular-weight organic acids (e.g., formic, Disodium Peroxodisulfate
acetic, oxalic, and malonic acid), phenols and benzene-
In alkaline to slightly acid solutions, S2O82⫺ reacts with
carboxylic acids (Craik, 1924; Küchlein, 1932; Griffith
and Schnitzer, 1977; Xiang and Lee, 2000; Goldstone et H2O according to Eq. [11] (Kolthoff and Miller, 1955)
al., 2002). Martin (1954) estimated that in two soil clays to finally give SO42⫺ by dissociation of HSO4⫺.
reacted with H2O2, 30 to 40% of the initial organic C 2S2O28⫺ ⫹ 2H2O → 4HSO4⫺ ⫹ O2 [11]
was transformed into oxalate. Similarly, Harada and 2⫺
When heated, S2O undergoes thermal homolysis or
Inoko (1977) using redox titration have calculated that
reacts with reduced metals, for example, Fe2⫹ ions, to
100 g of soil yielded between 0.01 and 0.2 moles of
yield SO4⫺ radicals that can react with organic matter
oxalate during H2O2 treatment.
(Edwards and Curci, 1992). Hydroxyl radicals can also
Less is known about the interaction of H2O2 with
form when SO4⫺ radicals react with H2O and with OH⫺
N-containing compounds. Herriott (1947) reported that
ions at alkaline conditions (Eq. [12] and [13]). Reaction
at room temperature 5% (wt/wt) H2O2 caused a loss of
[12] becomes negligible at dissolved organic C concen-
60% of amino-N from virus protein. Harada and Inoko
trations ⬎1 mg L⫺1, where organic compounds are the
(1977) showed that after treating soils with H2O2, resid-
major sink for SO4⫺ radicals (Peyton, 1993).
ual N was mainly water-soluble (60–100%) and domi-
nated by inorganic N species (⬎70%). Ammonia is a SO4⫺• ⫹ H2O → H⫹ ⫹ SO24⫺ ⫹ OH• [12]
product of the oxidative deamination of amino acids
4 ⫹ OH⫺ → SO 2⫺
4 ⫹ OH• [13]
(Schnitzer and Hindl, 1980) and has been found after

oxidation of humic acid (14 mg NH3 out of 46 mg total Like OH radicals, SO4 radicals have a similar reactiv-
N) (Miles et al., 1985). ity toward organic structures (Peyton, 1993). Larger,
more resistant phenolic compounds may be synthesized
Sodium Hypochlorite by coupling of phenols during radical reactions induced
by SO4⫺ radicals.
In aqueous solution, NaOCl principally exists in the
following equilibria (Eq. [9] and [10]). EFFICIENCY OF ORGANIC
and Organic matter cannot completely be removed from
soils by wet oxidative treatments (Fig. 1). Early work
HOCl ↔ OCl⫺ ⫹ H⫹ [10] took advantage of this fact by using H2O2 for determina-
tion of the degree of humification in soils (Robinson
When natural organic matter is treated with hypo- and Jones, 1925) and to gain information about the
chlorite species (HOCl, OCl⫺), high-molecular-weight composition of organic matter (McLean, 1931a, 1931b).
chlorinated compounds form in a first step that is fol- Progressing research revealed a number of factors re-
lowed by the cleavage of benzene rings into trihalometh- sponsible for incomplete C removal such as soil reaction,
anes and haloacetic acids (Jimenez et al., 1993; Li et al., presence of carbonates, chemically resistant organic
2000; Pomes et al., 2000). Sodium hypochlorite-treated compounds, and protection of organic matter by min-
humic acid yielded more chloroform than treated fulvic eral surfaces.
acid (Peters et al., 1980). Trihalomethane and haloacetic
acids likely derive from 3,5-dihydroxybenzene structures.
In accordance, Norwood et al. (1987) noted that chlorina- Hydrogen Peroxide
tion of aquatic fulvic acid produced chlorinated aliphatics The extent of organic C removal by H2O2 varies with
and resulted in preferential removal of lignin phenols. soils and particle-size separates, ranging from ⬍20%
Chlorinated phenols were also found after reaction of (Bartlett et al., 1937) to ⬎93% (Kahle et al., 2003).
hypochlorite with humic and fulvic acid (Quimby et al., Typical efficiencies of C removal are listed in Table 1.
1980), substituted benzoic acids (Larson and Rockwell, Hosking (1932) noted for a number of calcareous Aus-
1979), and after chlorination of lignin (Rajan et al., 1996). tralian Black soils that 20% (wt/wt) H2O2 removed only
Westerhoff et al. (2004) observed a higher reactivity of 5 to 20% of organic matter when the soil reaction was
aqueous chlorine for aromatic compounds than for ali- alkaline (pH 9–10) while 50 to 90% were removed when

the soil pH was between 6 and 7.5. In soils containing could be removed by this procedure. Reduction of the
Mn oxides, only ⬍30% of organic matter was removed number of repetitive treatments may decrease the re-
because of rapid H2O2 decomposition. Hosking (1932) moval of organic matter in soils rich in poorly crystalline
and Anderson (1963) increased the C removal by re- Fe and Al phases (Siregar et al., 2004).
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

moving carbonates first, using HCl (pH 2–3) or a Na

acetate buffer (pH 5). In calcareous soils, carbonate Disodium Peroxodisulfate
coatings favor occlusion and thus physical protection of
organic matter against destruction. Oxalate, which is a The efficiency of Na2S2O8 to remove organic matter
common product of organic matter destruction (HY- has been proposed to be superior to H2O2 and NaOCl
DROGEN PEROXIDE under section REACTION OF (Meier and Menegatti, 1997; Table 1). When the authors
OXIDANTS WITH INORGANIC AND ORGANIC tested NaH2PO4 as buffer, C removal was less than when
MATTER), can form insoluble complexes with Ca2⫹, using NaHCO3 buffer. This can be attributed to the
thus leaving a residual organic C fraction behind after lower pH (drop from approximately 8 to 5) in case of
H2O2 treatment. Moreover, HCO3⫺ and CO23⫺ ions are the Na2S2O8–NaH2PO4 mixture, which disfavors desorp-
known to inhibit organic matter degradation during wa- tion of mineral-bound organic matter. Kiem and Kögel-
ter purification by scavenging OH radicals (Wang et al., Knabner (2002) applied Na2S2O8 to particle-size frac-
2001). The same may hold true for H2O2 treatment of tions of loamy and sandy surface soils and found a
calcareous soils where carbonates likely dissolve due to contact time of 16 h sufficient to reduce organic C con-
the production of organic acids. centrations by about 93% (Table 1). Oxidative destruc-
Using Na4P2O7 as a dispersing agent in the H2O2 treat- tion of humic acid (Martin et al., 1981) and organic
ment, organic C removal is more complete than by matter from aquifer sediments (Powell et al., 1989),
applying H2O2 alone (Simon et al., 1992). Sequi and however, not exceeded 50%. Thus, desorption of or-
Aringhieri (1977) increased the average organic matter ganic matter by HCO3⫺ or SO24⫺ is likely the key step
removal by using H2O2–Na4P2O7 from 79 to 96%, likely in removal of organic C from soils. In contrast, Eust-
by disruption of aggregates, thereby releasing occluded erhues et al. (2003) found that in some cases even 2 d
organic matter, and by displacing sorbed organic com- of reaction time were insufficient to destroy organic C
pounds from mineral surfaces. Pyrophosphate and also in acid soils rich in secondary minerals (Table 1). This
indicates that either chemically stable compounds repre-
PO34⫺ sorb strongly and hysteretically to soil minerals
sented a major organic fraction (not tested) or strong
(Varadachari et al., 1995; Celi et al., 2000). Hence, when
interactions with mineral surfaces limited desorption of
carrying out a sorption experiment with soil treated with
a mixture of H2O2 and Na4P2O7, occupation of reactive
sorption sites by pyrophosphate needs to be considered.
Furthermore, organo–mineral complexes and chemi-
cally stable compounds contribute to the resistance of
Sodium Hypochlorite Sample-specific properties like the presence of chemi-
According to Anderson (1963), the C removal effi- cally stable organic compounds and protective mineral
ciency of 6% (wt/wt) NaOCl at pH 9.5 was less affected phases are also crucial for organic C removal efficiency.
by the presence of carbonates (up to 9% CaCO3) than
when using 30% (wt/wt) H2O2. Several studies revealed Composition of Organic Matter
that 6% (wt/wt) NaOCl at pH 9.5 removed more C from Pyrogenic materials (black carbon) represent a group
bulk soils and clays than 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 (Anderson, of chemically resistant compounds in soils. They com-
1963; Omueti, 1980; Cheshire et al., 2000). The NaOCl prise randomly oriented condensed aromatic rings lo-
treatment does not require additional dispersing re- cated in graphite-like structures (Schmidt and Noack,
agents because of dispersion by NaOCl itself. In spite 2000). Such materials can make up a significant portion
of a higher electric potential of NaOCl with decreasing of organic matter in soils, especially in soils adjacent to
pH, C removal efficiency is maximal at pH 9.5 (Lavkul- coal-processing industries (Schmidt et al., 1999) or in
ich and Wiens, 1970). This indicates that desorption soils from technogenic materials (Zikeli et al., 2004).
from mineral surfaces under alkaline conditions is deci- Hydrogen peroxide is ineffective to degrade graphite,
sive for the removal of organic compounds. Desorption anthracite, lignite, charcoal, and ash (Robinson, 1927;
may be of similar importance for organic matter removal Schmidt et al., 1999).
as the oxidative breakdown of organic compounds, sug- Low-molecular-weight organic acids produced during
gesting the term “wet oxidation” to be misleading. Kai- oxidative treatments are relatively resistant against fur-
ser and Guggenberger (2003) tested a modified NaOCl ther degradation (Luft and Stöffler, 1998) and thus be-
treatment (pH 8, room temperature, five repetitions) come enriched during oxidative treatments. Analyzing
on 196 heavy soil fractions (density ⬎1.6 g cm⫺3) and H2O2–treated clay and bulk soil fractions by differential
found that between 77 to 95% of the initial organic C thermal and infrared analysis, Farmer and Mitchell

(1963) and Harada and Inoko (1977) found no evidence soil minerals. Contemporary work distinguishes be-
for resistant organic compounds other than oxalate. For- tween the mechanisms of intercalation and sorptive pro-
mation of insoluble calcium oxalates is favored under tection.
alkaline conditions, while in acidic soils adsorption of Intercalation includes replacement of hydrated in-
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

oxalate to variable charge minerals is more likely. organic interlayer cations of expandable 2:1 phyllosili-
Farmer and Mitchell (1963) noted that in some cases cate clay minerals by organic molecules. This requires
complexed oxalate couldn’t be extracted by H2O but by either cationic or neutral organics and a strongly acidic
5% ethylenediaminetetraacetate. In contrast, Escudey soil reaction. Theng et al. (1992) and Righi et al. (1995)
et al. (1999) suggested extensive washing with H2O after assumed that organic matter intercalated in expandable
the H2O2 treatment to remove oxalate from soils com- clay minerals is hardly decomposable by H2O2 due to
pletely but did not quantify their results. a limited accessibility toward the reagent. In contrast,
Several studies confirmed that organic compounds Kodama and Schnitzer (1971) found no evidence that
other than black carbon and oxalate could survive oxida- organic matter sorbed into the interlayer regions of mica-
tive treatments (Righi et al., 1995; Schulten et al., 1996; vermiculite-montmorillonite-interstratified clay resisted
Cuypers et al., 2002). Aliphatic compounds are a signifi- 15% (wt/wt) H2O2.
cant portion of chemically resistant organic matter. Grif- Eusterhues et al. (2003) observed that the concentra-
fith and Schnitzer (1977) estimated that n-alkanes and tion of Na2S2O8–resistant organic matter related posi-
n-fatty acids accounted for up to 40% of the H2O2–resis- tively to the clay content (r ⫽ 0.93) in twelve horizons
tant organic matter, while a substantial fraction of resid- from two acid soil profiles (Typic Haplorthod and Typic
ual C could not be extracted by organic solvents. Study- Dystrochrept). In the Spodosol, a significant relationship
ing the H2O2–resistant organic matter in mica–beidellite of residual organic C to dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate-
interstratified clay by Py-FIMS, Schulten et al. (1996) extractable Fe (r ⫽ 0.90) suggests that the resistant
found it to be enriched in N-containing compounds, organic matter was likely associated with Fe (hydr)-
n-C22–C26 carboxylic acids, n-alkanes, n-diols and alkyl- oxides (sorptive protection). Similar results were re-
substituted aromatic esters. Leifeld and Kögel-Knabner ported by Mikutta et al. (2004) for NaOCl-resistant
(2001) showed by CPMAS 13C-NMR analysis that H2O2 organic matter in clay subfractions from subsurface hori-
preferentially removed sugars (O-alkyl C) and lignin zons of smectitic, vermiculitic, illitic, kaolinitic, and chlo-
compounds (mainly aromatic C) from ⬍20-␮m particle- ritic soils (Table 1). Despite the heterogeneous sample
size separates of agricultural soils leaving an aliphatic set, the concentration of residual organic C correlated
residue behind. In accordance, persulfate treatment evi- well with oxalate-extractable Fe (Feo) and Al (Alo) (Fig.
denced the presence of aliphatic biopolymers in sedi- 2a). Acid oxalate primarily extracts Fe and Al from
mentary and terrestrial humic acids (Saiz-Jimenez, 1992). poorly crystalline aluminosilicates, ferrihydrite and Fe
Martin et al. (1981) found that n-C16–C18 fatty acids were and Al humus complexes (Wada, 1989).
the most abundant compounds after reaction of humic The efficiency of poorly crystalline minerals to protect
acid with acid K2S2O8. However, a variety of benzenecar- organic matter against oxidative destruction was con-
boxylic and phenolic acids were also detected. Cuypers firmed in batch experiments. Singer and Huang (1993)
et al. (2002) reported that persulfate preferentially re- and Huang (1995) showed that humic, tannic, and citric
moved labile and more amorphous organic matter while acid associated with non-crystalline Al hydroxide were
the residuum was enriched with long-chain aliphatics. only partly destructible by H2O2 and NaOCl, while tan-
The resistant organic matter was proposed to have a nic and citric acid were completely oxidized in the ab-
more condensed structure, a higher affinity for hydro- sence of Al hydroxide. The higher resistance of mineral-
phobic compounds and being more thermostable than associated organic compounds was explained by incor-
amorphous organic matter. poration of organic compounds by coprecipitation or
Lower C/N ratios of H2O2–resistant organic matter by formation of strong surface complexes.
indicate a higher chemical stability of some N com- Mikutta et al. (2004) showed that the capability of
pounds. Cheshire et al. (2000) found that some amino minerals in clay subfractions to protect organic matter
acids were protected against degradation possibly within decreases as more organic C is associated with mineral
microaggregates or by interaction with mineral surfaces. surfaces. The C removal efficiency related closely to
Interpretation of C/N ratios after organic matter re- the initial organic C concentration normalized to the
moval is, however, questionable since mineral-bound mineral SSA (C loading; Fig. 2b). This result is consis-
NH4⫹ or NH4⫹ produced during organic matter degrada- tent with the finding that at small C loadings, organic
tion and subsequently fixed to minerals can also affect matter occupies a larger surface area with more func-
C/N ratios (Miles et al., 1985; Leifeld and Kögel-Knab- tional groups involved in multiple-site attachments with
ner, 2001). mineral surfaces (Kaiser and Guggenberger, 2003). Or-
ganic matter in direct contact to the mineral surface
thus appears less susceptible to chemical destruction.
Protection of Organic Matter by Soil Minerals Eusterhues et al. (2003) provided further evidence that
Hosking (1932) recognized that more organic matter the C removal efficiency depends on the protective ca-
resisted the H2O2 treatment in soils with higher clay pability of mineral surfaces. They observed that C re-
content. This suggests that organic matter can be pro- moval by Na2S2O8 decreased with soil depth. Nearly all
tected against oxidative treatments by interaction with organic C was removed from A and EA horizons (⬎98%)

while in the deeper B and C horizons 9 to 84% of the

initial organic C resisted Na2S2O8. This effect can be
explained by larger amounts of mineral-bound organic
matter and by stronger association of organic matter
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

with mineral surfaces with increasing soil depth. In sur-

face horizons, there is much unprotected, particulate
organic matter and binding sites at mineral surfaces
may already be occupied by organic matter resulting in
weaker bindings. In deeper horizons where less of the
mineral surface area is covered by organic compounds
(small C loading), organic matter may sorb in a more
spread-out, uncoiled conformation with more ligands
involved in direct contact with the mineral surface (Kai-
ser and Guggenberger, 2003). As a result, desorption
of organic matter from mineral surfaces during oxidative
treatments is more difficult in subsoils than in topsoils.


The use of chemical destruction of organic matter is
based on the supposition that minerals are unaffected by
the treatments. Here we summarize reports on mineral
changes likely induced by the treatments.

Thermal Effect on Minerals Fig. 2. (a) Relation between the concentrations of residual organic
C and oxalate-extractable Fe plus Al in fine (䊉, ⬍0.2 ␮m) and
Most treatments are conducted under elevated tem- coarse clay (䊊, 0.2–2 ␮m) fractions of 12 acid subsoil samples with
peratures (60–100⬚C) (Table 1). Kaiser and Guggen- different mineralogy after treatment with 6% (wt/wt) NaOCl. (b)
Relationship between the organic C loading of mineral surfaces and
berger (2003) showed that temperatures ⬎40⬚C lasting the amount of removable organic C (data adopted from Mikutta et
several hours can transform moist amorphous Al hy- al., 2004).
droxide into gibbsite while temperatures ⬎80⬚C con-
verted ferrihydrite into hematite. The total SSA of both
the interlayer spaces of phlogopite (mica with low Fe
mineral phases decreased on heating by about 90%,
content) and vermiculite via exchange with H2O and
partly due to the entire loss of microporosity (⬍2 nm).
cations and decomposes into O2 and H2O (Üçgül and
So even moderate heating can alter oxide surface prop-
Girgin, 2002; Obut and Girgin, 2002). The gas evolved
erties and thus gives rise to artifacts, at least in soils rich
can disrupt individual silicate layers. Increasing thick-
in poorly crystalline components. The only procedure
ness of the minerals (80–120 fold) was noted with in-
reported to be efficient under ambient temperature is
creasing H2O2 concentration (1–50%), temperature (40–
the modified NaOCl treatment proposed by Kaiser et
60⬚C), and contact time (1–30 h). Above 60⬚C, phlogopite
al. (2002) (Table 1). However, the method is time-con-
started to exfoliate as described by Drosdoff and Miles
suming and laborious. (1938), possibly because of accelerated decomposition
of H2O2 with increasing temperature. However, treat-
Hydrogen Peroxide ment with 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 (60⬚C, 70 min) caused no
phase change of phlogopite according to x-ray diffrac-
Phyllosilicates tion (XRD) (Üçgül and Girgin, 2002).
Many studies on the effects of H2O2 on individual Douglas and Fiessinger (1971) showed by XRD that
minerals were conducted outside the field of soil re- the (001) signals of smectite and vermiculite decreased
search (Hayashi and Oinuma, 1964; Muromtsev et al., after reaction with H2O2 in presence of large amounts
1990; Üçgül and Girgin, 2002). The use of unweathered of sucrose (168 g C kg⫺1 clay) while little effect was
minerals and the variety of procedures applied, compli- observed without sucrose or in presence of sodium ace-
cates the transferability to soil systems. Despite this, tate buffer (pH 5). They inferred that both minerals,
some general remarks can be made. especially vermiculite, were partly destroyed due to the
Drosdoff and Miles (1938) first noted destruction of low pH (pH 1.8–3) induced by incomplete oxidation of
mica and some vermiculite samples when treated with sucrose. However, decreasing (001) basal peak reflec-
6 and 30% (wt/wt) H2O2. Mineral exfoliation resulted tions following H2O2 treatment may also result from
from catalytic decomposition of H2O2 by Mn oxides residual organic matter producing less than perfect ori-
located in mineral interlayers. Amonette et al. (1985) entation of clay specimen (Dohrmann, 2003).
showed that H2O2 penetrates biotite interlayer spaces Miles et al. (1985) observed NH4⫹ produced during
expanded by tetraphenylborate and oxidizes 85% of the organic matter degradation to sorb to exchange sites of
structural Fe2⫹ ions within 24 h. Also, H2O2 diffuses into vermiculite, inducing collapse of the 1.48-nm spacings to
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

Fig. 4. X-ray diffractograms of Mg-saturated, glycerated, and oriented

Fithian illite (I) (⬍2 ␮m) before and after treatment with 10%
(wt/wt) H2O2 (Fithian illite: 85% illite, 15% mixed layers, kaolinite,
quartz). The treatment was conducted in the presence of straw and
manure (S, M, diam. 0.1 mm). Before treatment, organo–mineral
associations (5% organic matter) were prepared by three drying
and wetting cycles. Treatments: (a) no, (b) I ⫹ H2O2, (c) I ⫹ H2O2 ⫹
S, and (d) I ⫹ H2O2 ⫹ M.
Fig. 3. (a) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of oxide-free
(dithionite–citrate-treated) Prassa-Kimolos bentonite (Greece),
(b) oxide-free bentonite treated with 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 (6 h, 80ⴗC) (1997) showed that deposit illites were not attacked by
in the presence of 230 mg L–1 dissolved organic C. Bars represent H2O2. We studied illite treated with 10% (wt/wt) H2O2
100 ␮m. (80⬚C, 120 h) in the presence and absence of organic
matter. Before treatment, clay specimens were sub-
the 1.03-nm position characteristic for mica-like phases. jected to drying–wetting cycles in the presence of ma-
Infrared spectroscopy confirmed NH4⫹ fixation by the nure and straw (0.1 mm) to facilitate the formation of
treated vermiculite. Therefore, the H2O2 treatment is clay–organic associations. Using XRD, we observed no
not suitable for XRD-based identification of vermiculite structural change of illite induced by H2O2 treatment
in soils. (Fig. 4).
Van Langeveld et al. (1978) inferred from reduced The results compiled above indicate that the alter-
XRD reflections that montmorillonite (6% organic C) ation of phyllosilicates by H2O2 depends on (i) the pres-
was structurally altered during H2O2 treatment. Figure ence of catalyzing materials, (ii) the existence of accessi-
3a and 3b display the transformation of bentonite on ble interlayer mineral surfaces, and (iii) the abundance
treatment with 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 at 80⬚C for 6 h in pres- of organic matter. The results imply that pure depository
ence of dissolved organic matter. Compared with un- minerals not weathered in the soil environment and thus
treated particles, the treated ones show distinctively lacking structural modifications such as cracks, microfis-
frayed structures suggesting corrosion likely caused by sures, and expansion zones as well as sorbed organic
decomposing H2O2 and acidic organic matter degrada- matter are little affected by treatment with H2O2.
tion products.
In contrast, Hayashi and Oinuma (1964) found no
indications for major alterations of repository clays (ver- Carbonates, Oxides, and Sulfides
miculite, montmorillonite, illite, chlorite) treated with In calcareous soils, H2O2 treatment may cause dissolu-
30% (wt/wt) H2O2 at 80 to 90⬚C over several days. Mu- tion and corrosion of carbonate minerals because of the
romtsev et al. (1990) recognized no structural alteration low pH of H2O2 (Pingitore et al., 1993). Typically, Mn
of pure vermiculite treated with 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 by oxides are destroyed during the H2O2 treatment (Shu-
applying XRD analysis, nevertheless the CEC doubled man, 1983; Papp et al., 1991; Table 2). Manganese (III,
because of layer expansion. Rosenberg and Hooper IV) oxides are affected by reduction to Mn2⫹, which is

Table 2. Destruction of Mn oxide and sulfide minerals by oxidative treatments (data adopted from Papp et al., 1991).
Mn and Fe extracted, % Cu and Zn extracted, %
Pyrite Pyrrhotite Chalcopyrite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite Sphalerite
Treatment MnO2 FeS2 FeS CuFeS2 Cu2S CuFeS2 ZnS
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

H 2O2† 97 92 46 39 99 88 80
H2O2 and Na4P2O7‡ 98 41 21 75 99 97 93
NaOCl¶ 1.7 0.8 0.9 8.7 4.2 2.3 1.9
† 1 g sample ⫹ 8 mL of 3:2 mixture of 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 and 0.025 M HNO3.
‡ Conducted at pH 6.5 according to Sequi and Aringhieri (1977); Table 1.
¶ Modified from Lavkulich and Wiens (1970); followed by acid wash.

subsequently oxidized to yield MnOOH (Pardieck et tain mineral constituents like amorphous Al(OH)3 (Par-
al., 1992), Mn3O4 (Jackson, 1958), or a mixture of differ- fitt and Childs, 1988; Kaiser and Zech, 1996). In addition,
ent Mn oxides (Moon et al., 1999). Sulfide minerals are pyrophosphate may induce precipitation of Ca phos-
readily dissolved by reaction with H2O2 (Mukherjee et phates (Hawke et al., 1989; Celi et al., 2001) and Al
al., 2001). Papp et al. (1991) showed that H2O2 dissolved phosphates (e.g., poorly crystalline Al phosphate, tara-
21 to 99% of the total metals present in sulfides nakite, wavellite) (Kim and Kirkpatrick, 2004).
(Table 2). Consequently, H2O2 should not be used to
estimate organically bound metals when sulfide miner-
als are present, for example in acid sulfate soils from Sodium Hypochlorite
coastal lowlands (Shamshuddin et al., 2004). In general, Mn oxides and sulfide minerals are dis-
Iron and Al (hydr)oxides may be affected during the solved to a lesser extent by NaOCl compared with H2O2
H2O2 treatment by heat-induced transformation into (Table 2). Lavkulich and Wiens (1970) found that, at
more crystalline forms and by organic-assisted disso- pH 9.5, NaOCl dissolved significantly less oxalate-extract-
lution at low pH. At alkaline pH, for example, in cal- able Fe and Al than H2O2 (Table 3). This can be ex-
careous soils or when using H2O2 in combination with plained by the alkaline pH of NaOCl, which prevents
Na4P2O7, oxides remain unaltered (Marzadori et al., 1991). acid-induced mineral dissolution and may probably sup-
At low pH (pH 2–4), large concentration of oxalate, port hydrolysis and precipitation of hydroxides (METAL
and high temperature, the H2O2 treatment is comparable PRECIPITATION section). However, some Al can be
or even more aggressive than the acid-oxalate method dissolved at pH 9.5, for example in the Alouette Ap
(pH 3, room temperature, darkness, 4 h) designed for horizon (Table 3). Using the method of Lavkulich and
extraction of poorly crystalline minerals and Fe and Al Wiens (1970), Osei and Singh (1999) reported that no
bound to organic matter (Blakemore et al., 1987). For Fe was released from tropical surface soils by NaOCl
acid soils treated with 30% (wt/wt) H2O2, Lavkulich while extracted Al and Si accounted for up to 0.3 g kg⫺1.
and Wiens (1970) reported that the amount of oxalate- Negligible amounts of Fe and Al were dissolved during
extractable Fe and Al decreased by 34 to 80% and 1 to treatment of a Mollisol surface soil with 5.3% (wt/wt)
90% (II–H2O2 treatment, Table 3). They assumed that in- NaOCl (Qiang et al., 1994; Table 1). In soils rich in
organic Fe and Al phases dissolved during the H2O2 poorly crystalline minerals, 6% (wt/wt) NaOCl at pH 8
treatment. However, mass balance calculations utiliz-
(room temperature, three repetitions) dissolved no Fe
ing selective extractions prior and after H2O2 treatment
and ⬍3% of dithionite-citrate extractable Al and Si
suggest that dissolution of poorly crystalline Fe and Al
(Siregar et al., 2004). These findings support the view
components alone does not entirely explain the smaller
that crystalline oxides and silicates are not affected by
Feo and Alo concentrations after H2O2 treatment (Table 3).
More likely, they result from heat-induced recrystalliza-
tion of poorly crystalline oxides. However, after mild However, NaOCl treatments at higher temperatures
H2O2 treatment (I-H2O2 treatment; Table 3), the mass may induce changes in extractable pedogenic Al and
balance was positive indicating higher extraction effi- Fe (e.g., Langley Ap; Table 3) due to transformation
ciency of acid oxalate after the H2O2 treatment due to into more crystalline forms. In contrast, Marzadori et
disaggregation and removal of organic matter coatings al. (1991) studying calcareous soils found an increase in
from oxide surfaces (Marzadori et al., 1991). When test- Feo and Alo after destruction of organic matter by 7%
ing the influence of 10% (wt/wt) H2O2 on six acid subsoil (wt/wt) NaOCl despite heating to 80⬚C (Table 1). In that
samples, we found an average decrease of Feo and Alo case, the thermal transformation of a poorly crystalline
concentrations by approximately 90% (Table 3). Alumi- oxide fraction was probably overcompensated by an
num and Fe in reacted H2O2 solutions were little (Ta- increased extractability of poorly crystalline phases due
ble 3), suggesting the decrease in oxalate-extractable to the removal of organic coatings. Mayer (1999) found
components to be related to the transformation of min- an increased enthalpy for the adsorption of N2 on marine
erals at high temperature (80⬚C). sediments treated with 13% (wt/wt) NaOCl at pH 9 to
Pyrophosphate, when used in conjunction with H2O2 9.5. The change in adsorption enthalpy was attributed
as a dispersing reagent to enhance C removal, can cause to microtopographic or chemical changes of mineral
loss of peptized fine mineral particles, especially in pres- surfaces due to the highly alkaline reaction conditions.
ence of adsorbed organic matter, or dissolution of cer- This effect warrants further research.

Table 3. Effect of H2O2 and NaOCl treatment on oxalate-extractable Fe and Al fractions in acid bulk soils. Negative values in the ‘mass
balance’ column indicate that poorly crystalline components were transformed during heating into more crystalline forms. Data for
the H2O2 (30%) and the NaOCl treatment adapted from Lavkulich and Wiens (1970).
After treatment in After treatment in
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

Initial residues extracts Mass balance†

Soil Horizon Feo Alo Feo Alo Fe Al Fe Al
g kg⫺1
30% (wt/wt) H2O2 (Treatment I; see ‘Material’ column in Table 1)
Abbotsfort Ap 7.6 10.0 6.3 8.6 0.06 1.9 ⫺1.2 0.5
Abbotsfort Bir 3.5 7.8 3.1 7.0 N.D.‡ 0.2 ⫺0.4 –0.6
Alouette Ap 7.8 10.2 7.7 3.6 1.2 3.1 1.1 –3.5
Cloverdale Ap 8.6 4.6 11.8 3.0 0.9 3.5 4.1 1.9
Cloverdale C 4.2 2.6 3.9 2.6 0.1 0.3 ⫺0.2 0.3
Langley Ap 15.0 12.0 17.9 6.6 0.7 3.6 3.6 –1.8
Whatcom Ap 9.9 6.7 11.6 4.5 0.5 2.8 2.2 0.6
Whatcom Bir 12.0 16.8 11.2 18.0 0.01 0.3 ⫺0.8 1.5
30% (wt/wt) H2O2 (Treatment II; see ‘Material’ column in Table 1)
Abbotsfort Ap 7.6 10.0 3.8 8.3 0.1 1.8 ⫺3.7 0.1
Abbotsfort Bir 3.5 7.8 2.3 7.7 0.02 0.6 ⫺1.2 0.5
Alouette Ap 7.8 10.2 1.6 1.1 7.2 11.5 1.0 2.4
Cloverdale Ap 8.6 4.6 5.3 2.7 1.7 4.0 ⫺1.6 2.1
Cloverdale C 4.2 2.6 1.9 2.3 0.04 0.1 ⫺2.3 –0.2
Langley Ap 15.0 12.0 8.9 6.2 1.9 8.0 ⫺4.2 2.2
Whatcom Ap 9.9 6.7 5.8 3.4 2.0 5.8 ⫺2.1 2.5
Whatcom Bir 12.0 16.8 6.0 14.5 0.2 1.2 ⫺5.8 –1.1
6% (wt/wt) NaOCl (according to Anderson, 1963; Table 1)
Abbotsfort Ap 7.6 10.0 7.3 9.7 0.03 0.1 –0.3 –0.2
Abbotsfort Bir 3.5 7.8 3.3 6.0 N.D. 0.1 –0.2 –1.7
Alouette Ap 7.8 10.2 4.9 5.7 0.7 1.7 –2.2 –2.8
Cloverdale Ap 8.6 4.6 8.7 4.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0
Cloverdale C 4.2 2.6 4.7 3.0 N.D. 0.0 0.5 0.4
Langley Ap 15.0 12.0 11.1 7.0 0.2 0.5 –3.7 –4.5
Whatcom Ap 9.9 6.7 11.3 7.2 0.2 0.6 1.6 1.1
Whatcom Bir 12.0 16.8 12.2 16.0 0.01 0.02 0.2 –0.8
10% H2O2 (wt/wt) (according to Tributh and Lagaly, 1991; Table 1)
Rottleberode Bw 2.3 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.1 ⫺2.1 –0.8
Kyffhäuser E 1.1 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 ⫺0.7 –0.7
Kyffhäuser Bt 1.1 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 ⫺0.5 –0.9
Bährental Bw 2.9 2.5 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.2 ⫺2.2 –1.1
Hewenegg AB 8.9 3.4 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 ⫺7.7 –2.8
Köhlerwald Bt 13.4 13.3 1.4 1.2 N.D. 1.8 ⫺12.0 ⫺10.3
† Mass balance (Fe, Al) (g kg⫺1) ⫽ (Feo, Alo)residuum ⫹ (Fe, Al)extract ⫺ (Feo, Alo)initial.
‡ N.D. ⫽ not detected.

Disodium Peroxodisulfate phase properties and organically bound metal fractions.

Sequi and Aringhieri (1977) noted that Fe and Al associ-
Using XRD, IR spectroscopy and N2 adsorption,
ated with organic matter are released during H2O2 oxi-
Menegatti et al. (1999) found no structural alteration
of Na2S2O8–treated illite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite dation and subsequently precipitate as hydroxides on
reference minerals (⬍0.2 and ⬍2 ␮m). Minor losses of inorganic and organic components. These precipitates
Ca, K, and Mn were explained by partial removal of are assumed to alter SSA and charge of the mineral
fine-grained accessory minerals such as feldspars and phase and to protect organic matter against further deg-
carbonates. The SSA of most treated samples remained radation. The formation of metal precipitates during the
unaltered while the SSA of montmorillonite increased H2O2 treatment was inferred from the increase in SSA
by ⬎20 m2 g⫺1. This was attributed to the dispersion (N2–BET) and positive surface charge, and the concomi-
of large aggregates. The CEC of the treated minerals tant decrease of negative charge. However, it is more
remained unchanged. However, HCO3⫺ as used for pH likely that the alteration of surface charge derived from
control may partly be converted into CO23⫺ on heating, the removal of organic matter carrying much negative
which at 80⬚C, can extract Al from allophanes and hy- charges located in carboxylic groups and from exposure
droxides (Wada, 1989). Thus, if used for organic matter of positively charges on oxide surfaces. Despite that,
removal from soils where these phases are abundant, for precipitation of metals formerly complexed with organic
example volcanic ash soils and Spodosols, this potential matter cannot be ruled out. Schultz et al. (1999) pre-
defect requires further attention. ferred H2O2 instead of alkaline NaOCl to assess organi-
cally bound metals in carbonate-free sediments to avoid
metal precipitation (Table 1). Addition of NH4 acetate
METAL PRECIPITATION during the H2O2 treatment was intended to prevent re-
The question whether metal ions complexed with or- adsorption of metals to the solids. Hoffman and Fletcher
ganic matter are released and precipitate during oxida- (1981) showed that NaOCl (6.5%, pH 9.5) induced little
tion is relevant for the reliable assessment of mineral precipitation of trace metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo) when

inorganic precipitates from soils and sediments were surface-controlled processes (e.g., adsorption, diffusion).
redissolved by acidified H2O. In spite of the alkaline Hydrogen peroxide has been shown to disintegrate mi-
conditions, soluble organic compounds can effectively cas, vermiculites, and smectites. Phyllosilicate disinte-
scavenge metals released and thus hinder their precipi- gration may become more significant with increasing
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

tation. In accordance, Shuman (1983) showed for six H2O2 concentration, temperature and in the presence
bulk soils that 5% (wt/wt) NaOCl (pH 8.5) dissolved of decomposable organic matter. In soils, destruction
similar amounts of metals (Cu, Fe, Zn) from the organic of phyllosilicates might change the surface properties
fraction as 30% (wt/wt) H2O2 while H2O2 extracted sig- but little experimental evidence has been given. For
nificantly more Mn. In summary, there is no consistent example, Theng et al. (1999) hypothesized the SSA in-
perception on the degree of precipitation of organically crease of a smectitic soil following H2O2 treatment to
bound metals released during organic matter destruc- result from destruction of smectite. Treatment with
tion and on the potential effects on mineral properties. NaOCl produced only a minor increase in SSA although
both reagents removed similar amounts of organic mat-
ter. Compared with H2O2, the effects of NaOCl or
SYNTHESIS Na2S2O8 on phyllosilicates seem negligible, but more
This review shows that a large number of protocols studies on soils are needed to confirm that.
for removal of organic matter by H2O2, NaOCl, and Poorly crystalline constituents are most susceptible
Na2S2O8 is available. Removal of soil organic matter to alteration during treatments for organic matter re-
is never complete and largely relies on the reaction moval. In organic matter-rich soils treated with H2O2,
conditions chosen and the sample properties. Sodium organic oxidation products like low-molecular-weight
hypochlorite and Na2S2O8 are more effective in organic organic acids may assist mineral dissolution at low pH.
C removal than H2O2, especially in calcareous soils During the alkaline NaOCl procedure (pH 9.5), Al from
where oxidation-resistant Ca oxalates may form. Car- hydrous oxides can dissolve. This effect can be avoided
bon removal efficiency can be increased by desorbing by using NaOCl at lower pH. Moreover, temperatures
reagents such as NaHCO3 and Na4P2O7, but those com- ⬎40⬚C applied during organic matter removal involves
pounds strongly sorb to minerals, which needs to be the risk of recrystallization of poorly crystalline Al
considered in sorption experiments with treated sam- phases, while temperatures ⬎80⬚C may convert poorly
ples. In soils with large portions of mineral-bound or- crystalline into more crystalline Fe oxides. Since poorly
ganic matter, Fe and Al (hydr)oxides and other poorly crystalline phases significantly contribute to the physical
crystalline constituents, even NaOCl and Na2S2O8 fail and chemical properties of soils (Percival et al., 2000;
to reduce the organic C concentrations effectively. Clay- Kiem and Kögel-Knabner, 2002), more effort should
sized Fe and Al phases provide large SSA and reactive be put on that question. At present, only the NaOCl
hydroxyls favoring ligand exchange reactions with or- treatment has been shown to remain efficient at room
ganic matter (Gu et al., 1995). The resulting mineral– temperature and thus avoids heat-induced transforma-
organic attachments are difficult to break, especially tion of sensitive mineral phases.
when a single molecule is attached to multiple mineral Metals released during degradation of organic matter
surface sites, thus hampering desorption of organic mat- may precipitate, and thereby possibly reduce the C re-
ter, which is an important prerequisite for organic mat- moval efficiency and the amount of organically bound
ter removal. However, sorptive protection of organic trace metals in sequential extraction studies, and may
matter by minerals is hardly discernable from protection also affect surface properties of minerals. However, lit-
of organic matter due to occlusion in microaggregates tle awareness exists of that problem. Hydrogen peroxide
or coprecipitation with hydrous oxides. Since intercala- and NaOCl seem to induce similar metal precipitation,
tion is confined to expandable clay minerals and strongly with the degree of precipitation depending on the pH,
acid conditions, the relevance of protected organic com- metal content and the amount of organic matter. In-
pounds in interlayer spaces is presumably small. Organic organic precipitates may probably become relevant for
matter resistant to oxidative treatment likely represents soils and particle-size separates rich in organically com-
a refractory C pool since it seems to be older than bulk plexed metals such as Andisols and Spodosols.
organic matter before treatment (Theng et al., 1992).
Similar composition of residual organic matter after
chemical and biological degradation suggests the treat- IMPLICATIONS
ment with oxidative reagents to mimic biodegradation At present, the knowledge on oxidative removal of
(Rihani et al., 1995; Cuypers et al., 2002). However, soil organic matter is incomplete with respect to the ef-
selective degradation of certain structures of organic fects of oxidants on soil minerals. Therefore, systematic
matter by the three reagents (aromatics versus aliphat- studies on changes of mineral properties on oxidative
ics) and, in case of H2O2, the likely adsorption of organic removal of soil organic matter are required. These stud-
intermediates deriving from labile organic matter (e.g., ies should involve pure minerals (poorly crystalline ox-
oxalate) to minerals needs to be considered. ides, expandable clay minerals), defined organo–mineral
Based on the evidence shown, changes of mineral complexes and soils with a wide range of properties (min-
phase properties when treated with oxidative reagents eral composition, pH, organic matter content). Conclu-
seem inevitable. This attributes some ambiguity to stud- sions on the feasibility of a certain oxidant/protocol to
ies concerned with soil mineralogical composition or remove organic C are possible only when several oxidants

Table 4. Oxidative treatments in soil analysis. Advantages and drawbacks of reactants: (⫹) ⫽ suitable, (⫺) ⫽ not recommended,
(⫹/⫺) ⫽ ambiguous.
Purpose Hydrogen peroxide Sodium hypochlorite Disodium peroxodisulfate
Textural analysis ⫹/⫺ uncertain for soils with high contents ⫹/⫺ little effect on silicates, ⫹/⫺ large reactant-soil and
Reproduced from Soil Science Society of America Journal. Published by Soil Science Society of America. All copyrights reserved.

of vermiculite, mica and smectite formation of haloorganics reactant-buffer ratio

Mineralogical analysis ⫺ dissolution of carbonates ⫹ little effect on silicates and ⫹ no effect on reference phyllosilicate
and determination of ⫺ destruction of smectitic, vermiculitic oxides (pH 8, 25ⴗC) clays
mineral properties and micaceous minerals ⫺ dissolution of Al hydroxides ⫹/⫺ bicarbonate buffer may extract
⫺ transformation of vermiculites into (pH 9.5) allophan and hydroxides
mica-like minerals by NH4ⴙ fixation ⫺ heating may alter poorly ⫺ heating may alter poorly crystalline
⫺ dissolution of poorly crystalline crystalline oxides (100ⴗC) oxides
oxides in acid soils (especially when
Na4P2O7 is used as dispersant)
⫺ heating may alter poorly crystalline
Extraction of organically- ⫺ dissolution of Mn oxides, sulfide ⫹ little effect on Mn oxides, not used for this purpose
bound metals minerals, and poorly crystalline sulfides and poorly
oxides in acid soils crystalline minerals
⫹/⫺ alkaline pH may favor
metal precipitation (except
in soils rich in OM)

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