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Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a

study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Knowledge management is the systematic management of Hotel Silver Shine (HSS knowledge
assets for the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it
consists of the initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the
storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge.
Knowledge Management (KM) is a broad concept that addresses range of strategies and
practices used in Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) to identify, create organized, represent, store, share,
disseminate search, analyse and improve its insights and experiences. Such insights and
experiences include knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS) processes or practice.

A Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) that is not managing knowledge is not paying attention to
business," observed Thomas Stewart, author of Intellectual Capital, in his keynote presentation
at Training 2000. Knowledge Management revolves around the concept that one of the most
valuable corporate assets is the experience and expertise floating around inside employees'
heads. In order to manage this intellectual capital, executives must devise a way to capture and
share that knowledge with co-workers. If done right, Knowledge Management is supposed to
create a more collaborative environment, cut down on duplication of effort and encourage
knowledge sharing saving time and money in the process.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 1
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Company Overview:
In 1998 established Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) is superbly located
near the beach at Holiday Moor, the hotel-motel zone at Cox's Bazar. Away from the chaos of
the crowded beaches, but still a close walk to the vast stretch of quiet white sandy beach behind
the hotel, Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) offers unrivalled views of stunning Bay of Bengal. Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS) has set out the guest services in such ways that make you completely
relieved in all aspects. You don’t have to roam about and waste time here and there to look for
what you need, but just enquire and their well trained staff is ready to serve, bringing solutions
at your fingertips. It has listed the most significant ones, otherwise, there are all facilities, which
couples, family members, business personnel require. A hotel is an establishment that provides
paid lodging on a short-term basis. Facilities provided may range from a modest-quality
mattress in a small room to large suites with bigger, higher-quality beds, a dresser, a fridge and
other kitchen facilities, upholstered chairs, a flat screen television and en-suite bathrooms.
Small, lower-priced hotels may offer only the most basic guest services and facilities. Larger,
higher-priced hotels may provide additional guest facilities such as a swimming pool, business
centre, childcare, conference and event facilities, tennis or basketball courts, gymnasium,
restaurants, day spa and social function services. Some boutique, high-end hotels have custom
decorated rooms. Some hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the
Bangladesh, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guests within certain
stated hours.
Background of Knowledge Management:
Knowledge management efforts have a long history, including on-the-job discussions, formal
apprenticeship, discussion forums, corporate libraries, professional training, and mentoring
programs. With increased use of computers in the second half of the 20th century, specific
adaptations of technologies such as knowledge bases, expert systems, information repositories,
group decision support systems, intranets, and computer-supported cooperative work have
been introduced to further enhance such efforts.
In 1999, the term personal knowledge management was introduced; it refers to the management
of knowledge at the individual level. In the enterprise, early collections of case studies
recognized the importance of knowledge management dimensions of strategy, process and
measurement. Key lessons learned include people and the cultural norms which influence their
behaviors are the most critical resources for successful knowledge creation, dissemination and

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 2
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

application; cognitive, social and Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) learning processes are essential to
the success of a knowledge management strategy; and measurement, benchmarking and
incentives are essential to accelerate the learning process and to drive cultural change. In short,
knowledge management programs can yield impressive benefits to individuals and Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS) if they are purposeful, concrete and action-orientated.
What is the importance of knowledge management?
The concept of knowledge management is relatively new in the business world. For some years
now, working on strategies that allow the intellectual growth of Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) has
become a priority. Managers, trainers and business owners have begun to realize the
importance of adding value to the processes in their Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). The focus of
knowledge management is not only on results and financial growth, but also on results and
personal growth. They are complete strategies that generate benefits for the Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS) as a whole, but mainly for the entrepreneurs and employees who work in the Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS).
1. Advantages of knowledge management for employees
When knowledge management is applied, the entire individual potential of employees is
optimized and exploited as best as possible. Each person working in a company has knowhow
and useful knowledge for the development of business processes. However, this knowledge is
often not used and even goes unnoticed by managers. An environment in which knowledge is
constantly developed and encouraged tend to be more creative, generating value for those who
learn something new and especially, the sharing of experiences. Employees in organizations
concerned about knowledge management are able to work much better and grow along with
the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS).
2. Advantages of knowledge management for entrepreneurs and Hotel Silver Shine
Entrepreneurs, who head the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS), as well as the company itself, gain with
knowledge management because this process is not specific to one area or sector, but covers
the entire Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). Perhaps the main benefit to the company is the creation of
value. But it isn’t about financial or market value, but about added value. The knowledge
generated, shared and maintained within the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) is converted into
productivity, more human views and increasingly improved processes. Consumers, customers,
partners and society in general view the company as a unique organization; in other words, its
internal value is highlighted. Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) are made up of people, physical space,

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 3
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

processes, tools, and the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) own culture (thoughts, beliefs, and
challenges). Knowledge management seeks to develop all these aspects simultaneously. It isn’t
about Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) learning (focus on employees), but about the use and effective
application of corporate knowledge.
Classification of Knowledge:
Knowledge is in two different categories as explicit and tacit knowledge. The distinction
between explicit and tacit knowledge is important. Explicit knowledge can be codified in a
tangible form, whereas tacit knowledge is possessed by people and is inexpressible. Knowledge
is codified when it is recorded or transmitted in the form of symbols or in a tangible form
whereas tacit knowledge is non-codified which is acquired by informal learning. Tacit
knowledge is rooted in a social and cultural milieu whereas codified knowledge is context-

Tacit Knowledge
 Dependent of people, associated with ideas, observations and practice, inexpressible
 Subjective
 Rooted in a social and cultural milieu
 Non-codified, intangible know-how
 Acquired by informal learning, learning by doing

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 4
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

 Rooted in practice and is meaningful within specific circumstances, alive in the people,
based on practice and experience
 More difficult to transfer
 More difficult to acquire, convey and store
Explicit Knowledge
 Independent of people, free from personal bias, based on the rationalization of
 Objective
 Context-dependent
 Codified in a tangible form
 Recorded or transmitted in the form of symbols
 Exists in different shapes such as formulas, designs, reports, documents and diagrams
 Easily transferred
 Relatively easy to acquire, convey, and store
 Summary of comparison for tacit and explicit knowledge
What is knowledge Management?
The full scope of knowledge management (KM) is not something that is universally accepted.
However, before one looks at the differences in the definitions, let's the similarities KM is
about making the right knowledge available to the right people. It is about making sure that an
organization can learn, and that it will be able to retrieve and use its knowledge assets in current
applications as they are needed. Where the disagreement sometimes occurs is in conjunction
with the creation of new knowledge. Limits the scope of KM to lessons learned and the
techniques employed for the management of what is already known. He argues that knowledge
creation is often perceived as a separate discipline and generally falls under innovation
management. Knowledge Management (KM) directly to tactical and strategic requirements. Its
focus is on the use and enhancement of knowledge based assets to enable the firm to respond
to these issues. Which states that KM "is managing the corporation's knowledge through a
systematically and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing, sustaining,
applying, sharing.
Knowledge Management of Hotel Silver Shine:
Knowledge management is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge
and information of a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). It refers to a multidisciplinary approach to

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 5
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

achieving Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) objectives by making the best use of knowledge.
Knowledge management can be described as the way Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) collect,
increase and organize knowledge for their specific actions and within their specific cultures to
increase Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) efficiency. It is the ability of a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) to
retain or improve Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) performance with experience and knowledge.
KM is the systematic leveraging of information and expertise to improve Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS) and operational innovation, responsiveness, productivity and competency.

Knowledge management is based on the transfer or exchange of knowledge. Knowledge

transfer as the diffusion of knowledge from one individual to others. Knowledge transfer occurs
as a result of socialization, education and learning.
How can we better achieve objectives with effective knowledge
Well, for a start, effective knowledge management should dramatically reduce costs. Most
individuals, teams and Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) are today continually ‘reinventing the wheel’.
This is often because they simply do not know that what they are trying to do have already
been done by elsewhere. They do not know what is already known, or they do not know where
to access the knowledge. Continually reinventing the wheel is such a costly and inefficient
activity, whereas a more systematic reuse of knowledge will show substantial cost benefits
immediately. So it is very easy to see how effective knowledge management will greatly
contribute to improved excellence, which is to:
 dramatically reduce costs
 provide potential to expand and grow
 increase our value and/or profitability

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 6
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

 improve our products and services

 respond faster
 Knowledge simply underpins everything we do.
But the benefits of knowledge management for improved excellence, is simply ‘one side of the
coin’. There is more. Effective knowledge management, especially accelerated knowledge
creation, is the driver for innovation. Increasingly, products and services are becoming
‘smarter’ and more knowledge based. Our ability to better collaborate in physical and virtual
teams, as knowledge workers, is driving the process of new knowledge creation. Ideas can now
be turned into innovative products and services much faster.
Why chose knowledge management?
Today, some see knowledge management as a choice. Today, those that work with knowledge
very well are considered extraordinary.
Those that fail to understand knowledge management will consider it as ‘extra effort’ to our
main work, or consider it a passing fad. They will risk ‘throwing the baby out with the
bathwater’. We predict that effective and extraordinary knowledge management, at all levels,
for the individual, team, Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) and global community will naturally become
mainstream and ordinary, as the only way to successfully develop and grow for the future.
More articles and reports on the importance of knowledge development to the national
economies, and knowledge management to Hotel Silver Shine (HSS).
Where Corporate Knowledge Lies
A study of more than 700 US Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) shows that only a small portion of
corporate knowledge is in a shareable form. The majority is in the employee’s brains and
documents not easily shared.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 7
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Where Corporate Knowledge Lies

20% Employee Brains
Paper Documents

A graphical analysis of Where Corporate Knowledge Lies

Benefits of Knowledge Management (KM) to Hotel Silver Shine (HSS):
KM can offer the following:
KM can offer competitive advantage
May help to reduce cost and increase organizational efficiency
Enable’s organization’s to be flexible enough to react and adapt to changing business
and customer requirements
Enhancement of innovation and creativity
Ensuring of sustainable excellence
Improves “working on the go” by implementing knowledge repositories.
Increases employee productivity, and makes management decisions more efficient.
Types of Knowledge Management in Hotel Silver Shine:
The issue of knowledge management systems has probably always been the most discussed
and debated topic within knowledge management (KM). However, in modern KM, few people
would disagree with the notion that knowledge management systems are an absolutely critical
part of a KM initiative. More details on implementing this here: Knowledge Management
HRM as enabler for knowledge management in hotel industry
These should all be directed toward creating an atmosphere of sharing and using knowledge
with full understanding of the competitive consequences. Specifically, HRM must nourish a

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 8
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

culture that embraces getting the right information to the right people in organization at the
right time. Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) can take advantage of the combination of traditional
training and development responsibilities of HRM with the new responsibilities of intellectual
capital, using all of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) resources to create strategic capability. Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS) new staff orientation, which emphasizes the firm’s mission, values, and
artifacts, is an example of this process of making tacit knowledge more visible.
HRM as facilitator for knowledge sharing in hotel industry
Human resource management should combine effective knowledge sharing and usage into
daily life what this means is that, knowledge sharing must be expected, recognized, and
rewarded. This reverses the conventional relationship between knowledge and power.
Information communication technology as enabler of KM
Research recognizes the role that information communication technology (ICT) play an
important role in order to make possible to convert knowledge from tacit to tacit, ,tacit to
explicit, explicit to explicit and finally explicit to tacit in order to create Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS) memory which is a competitive tool for survival of hotel industry.
Hotel & Hospitality Industry Culture as enabler of KM
Suggest that effective knowledge management is at the heart of Hotel Silver Shine (HSS)
performance and enables Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) to realize the value of intellectual capital.
Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) culture is the main impediment to knowledge management and it is
important to note that Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) culture contributes a lot to or prevent
knowledge management. Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) tend to develop dominant Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS) cultures over time as the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) adapt and respond to the
challenges and changes in the environment. In light of the above, culture and structure could
be essential or major setback in knowledge management for organizations in the hotel industry.
Concluded that organizations which show more supportive and open value tendencies have
more potential to show behaviors which would result in knowledge creation? Following that
argument, hotel industry is not an exception if they do not share common values and norms.
Hotel & Hospitality Industry Learning as enabler of KM
Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) competitive success can be achieved by the capability of Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS) to develop new knowledge-based assets that create core competencies. A Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS) can enable Km by acquiring, sustaining the intangible assets and structured
it into the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) artifacts. Knowledge-based assets exist in many forms;

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 9
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) learning is an integral part of any learning Hotel Silver Shine (HSS)
that effectively utilizes its knowledge resources to generate better performances. Indeed, for
organizations in hotel industry to be successful learning Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) they need to
create a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) atmosphere that integrate Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) learning
with culture, human resources, structure and ICT.
What are Knowledge Management Systems?
Knowledge management systems refer to any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves
knowledge, improves collaboration, locates knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden
knowledge, captures and uses knowledge, or in some other way enhances the KM process.
If my explanation above makes the definition of these systems seem vague, that is because
there is no consensus as to what constitutes a knowledge management system, much like there
is no consensus regarding KM. Furthermore, since KM is involved in all areas of the firm,
drawing a line is very difficult.
Goes as far as to argue that Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) should not even think in terms of
knowledge management systems. He argues that KM, though enhanced by technology, is not
a technology discipline, and thinking in terms of knowledge management systems leads to
expectations of "silver bullet" solutions. Instead, the focus should be determining the
functionality of the IT systems that are required for the specific activities and initiatives within
the firm. However, with proper implementation, IT systems have become a critical component
of KM today.
Knowledge Management Tools:
Now that you understand the importance of knowledge management for both those who work
as well as for entrepreneurs, it is time to get to know the best tools to put this strategy into
Get to know 8 powerful resources that can be applied within a business and their benefits:
1. Information management
Every day a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) deals information regardless of whether it’s an online or
offline business. Knowing which information is the most important, which must be filtered and
discarded and which should be passed on to employees is critical. In addition, you need to be
sure who will receive the information in order to maximize results and reduce errors.
Information management is related to the control of information within the Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS). Without good information management, data gets lost inside the corporation, goes to

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 10
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

the wrong receivers and causes operational confusion. Information management is related to
knowledge management since information and knowledge are approximate concepts, but that
are often confused. Knowledge is conveyed together with the shared information. Ensuring the
quality of information is therefore, guaranteeing the quality of knowledge.
2. Corporate education
Education should be understood as a process that is broader than simply carrying out employee
training and professional qualification. Training is to guarantee the level of quality and
knowledge within Hotel Silver Shine (HSS), but corporate education goes beyond. To ensure
good knowledge management, it is essential that the individual potential of employees be
explored. All this must be done aiming at the growth of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) as a
whole. Professional diplomas and hours of training are good market indicators, but they are not
enough to measure the level of knowledge and added value. In general, corporate education is
the result of knowledge management combined with people management. When these two
processes are developed, the company’s long-term goals can be achieved more efficiently.
Education is designed to allow the continuity of the company over time, with continuous
increase of internal quality levels. Therefore, the focus should be on the application of complete
strategies that go beyond the mere training of employees. Even the training needs to be
rethought to enable real growth for all employees, with optimization for the mission and Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS) goals.
3. Corporate intelligence
Corporate intelligence is represented by the sum of all individual intelligences. The intellectual
potential within companies is immeasurable. Implementing strategies to use this potential for
the business mission is always desirable. In conceptual terms, corporate intelligence represents
the integration between people, tools, practices and processes. Having good updated tools, rich
and well-structured processes are important. But it is also equally important to integrate all
these aspects, generating what we call corporate intelligence. This is the level of compatibility
between all areas of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). The intelligence of a Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS) can be measured based on the capacity of integration among the most varied parts that
compose it. Without this integration, without the correct sharing of information and knowledge,
intelligence is lost.
4. Organizational knowledge management

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Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

To carry out Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) knowledge management, it is essential to put various
techniques and strategies into practice. Among them is the creation of clear and efficient
communication channels, decentralization of the processes of forming ideas, presentation of
solutions and the encouragement of individual improvement. Within the organization there are
infinite knowledge’s, a great creative mass and productive energy. These are very rich
dimensions that can contribute to the growth of the company not only in the financial sense but
also in a personal sense.
5. Skill management
There are skills that are useful to the corporate context. For each business model, different
skills are required. How do you manage these skills in order to create a productive, rich and
creative environment? The answer lies in the management of employees, focusing on each
one’s potential. All positive features should be encouraged, while small errors should be
solved. Knowledge management necessarily involves the improvement of individual skills, so
that they become global skills of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) itself. This transformation of
individual potential into added value is critical to the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) growth in the
marketplace. Competent professionals make competent Hotel Silver Shine (HSS).
6. Best practices
All internal practices of a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) can be improved on and perfected over
time. Knowledge management shows us that the level of quality in all sectors does not present
a maximum limit; on the contrary, it’s possible to increasingly grow and improve. Making
business practices better requires monitoring, information analysis, and experiments. In order
for the changes to be embraced by all employees, and not rejected as is the case in many Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS), practices must be analyzed with the help of all those involved. Making
recipients of change feel like participants in the transformation process is critical to ensuring
acceptance. Whenever possible, managers should consult their employees; understand what
practices need to be improved and how to do so in order to optimize experiences and processes.
7. Talent management
Having good talent in the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) is a major differential. However, as is often
the case, talents exist but they are unknown to managers, trainers and entrepreneurs. The
potential wasted is a serious risk for the growth of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS), which despite
having good professionals, cannot extract the best they have to offer. To solve this problem,
talent management is indispensable. This consists of the implementation of strategies that allow

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 12
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

the identification of existing talents within the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS), boosting and
exploring each of them. All based on the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) values and mission. In
addition, talent management allows the development of skills that might be dormant, which
contributes to increasing the level of Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) knowledge.
8. People development
Last but not least, people development is one of the great knowledge management strategies
for Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) employees, and here we’re talking
about all of them, from the technicians to support, including the administrative staff and general
services, must receive constant attention. When people who work in a business grow, business
grows as well. This is the logical result of good people management, which must be done in a
complete and organic manner. The company’s human resources department is very important
in this process. Knowledge management is one of several processes that must be implemented
in a business so that it is successful and grows in the market. However, there are many other
processes that are equally important, all with their characteristics and peculiarities.

Knowledge Management and Information Technologies:

IT systems format, filter and summarize data to convert them into appropriate information,
playing an important role for knowledge exchange. IT facilitates the rapid collection, collation,
storage, and distribution of data, which assists knowledge creation and transmission. IT
facilitates knowledge transfer by data exchange
IT has positive effects on knowledge management by facilitating the transfer of data,
information and explicit knowledge. However it is more effective when knowledge exchanging
participants have similar backgrounds. The characteristics of tacit knowledge make it difficult
to share it via IT. IT alone cannot provide all the necessary conditions for the successful sharing
of tacit knowledge. Therefore for an effective knowledge sharing IT should be supported by
other means. Confidence and trust between the participants and willingness to share the
knowledge is necessary.
As a result IT is only effective when there is a high degree of common knowledge, trust and
willingness to share the knowledge between participants of the knowledge sharing process. The
most important factor is the degree of tastiness of the knowledge. When knowledge has highly
explicit components, the use of IT will likely to be more successful for knowledge sharing. IT
is less suitable for the transfer of tacit knowledge.

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Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

However, for organizations it is the effective management of tacit knowledge which determines
the degree of competitive advantage. Therefore, IT investments should have emphasized on
tacit knowledge. Since IT transfers effectively only explicit knowledge, it is important to
understand the relationship between IT and tacit knowledge therefore IT should be supported
by other mechanisms for an effective knowledge management.
Knowledge Management in Practices:

Knowledge Management has emerged as one of the most important area in management
practices and established as a basic resource for firms and economies. Knowledge management
is regarded as collection, distribution and efficient use of knowledge resources. It is a process
of knowledge creation, validation, presentation, distribution and evaluation. Knowledge
management is a set of procedures, infrastructures and technical and managerial tools, designed
towards creating, sharing, leveraging information and knowledge within and across Hotel
Silver Shine (HSS. Knowledge Management is a systematic and integrative process of
coordinating Hotel Silver Shine (HSS wide activities of acquiring, creating, storing, sharing,
diffusing and deploying knowledge by individuals and groups, in pursuit of Hotel Silver Shine
(HSS goals.
KM in Practice-Processes:
There are some of the steep to Knowledge Management in Practice, there are:
 Finding Information and Knowledge
 Sharing Information and Knowledge
 Development of Knowledge

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Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Finding Information and knowledge, finding information and knowledge refers to processes
that allow Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) to make sense and make use of data, information, and
knowledge objects that may be present but are not codified, analyzed, nor accessible to
members. Sharing of information for knowledge development is the most traditional collection
of processes, easily understood, but often overlooked in a systematic knowledge management
program. Sharing refers to the willingness and ability of the knowledgeable to share what they
know to help others expand their own learning and knowing. Knowledge development takes
place when individuals work to create new understandings, innovations, and a synthesis of
what is known already together with newly acquired information or knowledge. Although
individuals can intentionally develop their own knowledge through seeking opportunities to be
creative and learn, the development of knowledge is often a social process.
KM in Practice-Procedures & Practices:
There are some of the steep to Knowledge Management in Practice, there are:
 Knowledge Audit
 Tags, Taxonomies & Content Management
 Lessons Learned Databases
 Expertise Location
 Communities of Practice (Cops)
The obvious first step in launching a formal KM program throughout a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS
is to conduct an information or knowledge audit. An audit answers the questions of what
information and knowledge exists in the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) and where it is? Who
maintains it? Who has access to it? Etc.
Having identified and located information and knowledge, the obvious next step is to make it
reloadable and retrievable, made possible by tagging and creating taxonomies. (Note that the
term used by far the most frequently in this context in KM is “taxonomy.” The traditional
professional information community would call what most authors in the KM field call
taxonomy a classification scheme, or a classificatory or synthetic structure. Lessons Learned
databases are databases that attempt to capture and to make accessible knowledge that has been
operationally obtained and typically would not have been captured in a fixed medium. In the
KM context, the emphasis is typically upon capturing knowledge embedded in persons and
making it explicit. The lessons learned concept or practice is one that might be described as
having been birthed by KM, as there is very little in the way of a direct antecedent. If knowledge

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 15
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

resides in people, then one of the best ways to learn what an expert knows is to talk with one.
Locating the right expert with the knowledge you need, though, can be a problem. The basic
function of an expertise locator system is straightforward, it is to identify and locate those
persons within a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) who have expertise in a particular area.
Communities of Practice are groups of individuals with shared interests that come together in
person or virtually to tell stories, discuss best practices, and talk over lessons learned
Communities of practice emphasize the social nature of learning within or across Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS). Conversations around the water cooler are often taken for granted, but
organizations find that when workers give up a Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) office to work out of
their home, that the natural knowledge sharing that occurs in social spaces must be replicated
in an online form.
Processes, Procedures & Practices matrix:
If we create a matrix in which the rows are KM Processes and the columns KM Procedures and
Practices, and in which the ordering, top to bottom and left to right is roughly in chronological.
That matrix reveals several interesting things. Almost everything one does in KM is designed
to help find information and knowledge. However, if we assume that the main goal of KM is
to share knowledge and even more importantly to develop new knowledge, then the Knowledge
Audit and the Tags, Taxonomies and Content Management stages are the underpinnings and
the tools. It is the knowledge sharing and knowledge creation of one on one communications
enabled by expertise locators, and the communal sharing and creation of knowledge enabled
by communities of practice toward which KM development should be aimed.
Five Laws of Knowledge Management of Hotel Silver Shine (HSS):
Knowledge sharing is becoming the central driver of the new millennium economy. More and
more companies are now recognizing human capital as the major asset to business success,
access to knowledge and just-in-time learning. The continuous changes and innovations in
information technology and telecommunications will make knowledge even more accessible.
As the unit costs of computing, communications and transactions decline towards zero, all
economic sectors are going through major and rapid transformations. Economic success in this
fast pace environment requires considerable agility and adaptability. Those countries, sectors
and Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) that can adapt will flourish in the new millennium.
The five laws of KM are:
Knowledge is key to business survival

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 16
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Communities are the heart and soul of knowledge sharing

Virtual communities need physical interaction
Passion drives communities of practice
Knowledge sharing has an inside-out and an outside-in dimension
Problems and Failure Factors:
Too often, the effects of technology on the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) are not given enough
thought prior to the introduction of a new system. There are two sets of knowledge necessary
for the design and implementation of a knowledge management system:
The technical programming and design know-how
Hotel & hospital Industrial know-how based on the understanding of knowledge flows
The problem is that rarely are both these sets of knowledge known by a single person.
Moreover, technology is rarely designed by the people who use it. Therefore, firms are faced
with the issue of fit between IT systems and organizational practices, as well as with acceptance
within Hotel & hospital Industrial culture. Stress the importance of understanding what
knowledge management systems cannot do. They point to the fact that introducing knowledge
sharing technologies does not mean that experts will share knowledge - other initiatives have
to be in place.
Building upon all this, and incorporating previously discussed elements, failure factors of
knowledge management systems are as follows:
 Inadequate support: managerial and technical, during both implementation and use.
 Expecting that the technology is a KM solution in itself.
 Failure to understand exactly what the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) needs (whether
technologically or otherwise).
 Not understanding the specific function and limitation of each individual system.
 Lack of Hotel & hospital Industrial acceptance, and assuming that if you build it, they
will come – lack of appropriate Hotel & hospital Industrial culture.
 Inadequate quality measures (e.g. lack of content management).
 Lack of Hotel & hospital Industrial/departmental/etc fit - does it make working in the
Hotel Silver Shine (HSS). Easier is a system appropriate in one area of the Hotel Silver
Shine (HSS) but not another? Does it actually disrupt existing processes?
 Lack of understanding of knowledge dynamics and the inherent difficulty in
transferring tacit knowledge with IT based systems

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 17
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

 Lack of a separate budget

Implications of Knowledge Management:
Knowledge Management (KM) at Infosys has truly come a long way from the time when
employees only shared information through Body of Knowledge documents. Infosys strongly
believes that having a culture of knowledge sharing and reuse is more critical than building a
technology infrastructure. Infosys has therefore embarked on a number of initiatives aimed at
taking the prevailing knowledge sharing culture to even greater heights. Demonstrating the
business value of knowledge re-use and creating a system demand for knowledge sharing / re-
use are other means designed to accelerate this culture-change. Today Infosys has a
comprehensive Knowledge Management infrastructure complete with a dedicated team, a fully
functional technical infrastructure and, most importantly, increasing awareness of the criticality
of knowledge sharing amongst all employees.
Infosys envisions itself as knowledge Hotel Silver Shine (HSS):
Where every action is fully enabled by the power of knowledge;
Which truly believes in leveraging knowledge for innovation?
Where every employee is empowered by the knowledge of every other employee;
Which is a globally respected knowledge leader?
The Infosys Approach focuses on linking knowledge management to overall business strategy
and is holistic in character; it addresses people and processes, with technology tools playing
the role of key enablers.

Any new effort needs top management push in the early stages and the full cooperation of the
top executives of the Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) is of utmost importance. The top management
of Infosys ably supported its KM initiatives, which is making it a success, as the top brass was
quiet early in recognizing that

Knowledge is the currency of the millennium, and knowledge management is a key survival
imperative. Hence Hotel Silver Shine (HSS) from all sectors should adopt KM measures with
a view to increase their competency, be more agile and be in a better position to respond to
changes. Knowledge Management is the Holy Grail of the modern Hotel Silver Shine (HSS)
and is a ‘mission critical’ for all managers of today and tomorrow.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 18
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

This paper stresses the role knowledge plays as a main source for quality improvements and
competitive advantages in hotels, urging them to implement knowledge management.
Especially, the direct customer interface, the high ratio of low status employees, the high rate
of staff fluctuation and rotation, the dispersed single hotels of a hotel chain, which face different
environmental effects, and the need for global and hotel-wide quality standards require a
specific knowledge management designed for hotels. The paper contributes to knowledge
management and hotel management. It presents reflections about knowledge and knowledge
management in hotels based on theoretical considerations about individual and hotel &
Hospitality Industry knowledge that can incorporate shared or distributed mental hotel &
Hospitality Industry models. Although some elements of a knowledge management system can
be more dominant than others, hotels should realize that knowledge management is a system
of interacting pails. Although knowledge management represents an integrated system, this
paper lays a focus on knowledge strategies and structural aspects, because they strongly differ
from other industries" requirements.

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 19
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 20
Assignment Topics: Effective Practice of Knowledge Management in Hospitality Sector a
study on Hotel Silver Shine in Cox’s Bazar

 Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice -Kimiz Dalkir.
 The Knowledge Management Toolkit: Orchestrating It, Strategy, and Knowledge
Platforms, 2/E - Amrit Tiwana.
 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management -Melissie Clemmons
 Knowledge Management Basics - Christee Gabour Atwood. Knowledge Management
- Awad, Elias M. Awad.
 Knowledge Management: Historical and Cross-Disciplinary - Themes-Danny P.
Wallace Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry-Dana V. Tesone


Provided By: - Bay of Bengal Group, EMBA & RMBA Major in HRM 21

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