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ESSAYS pe ‘\op Shady Wold EFFECTIVE ESSAY ssay writing is one of the most important writing skills. In college context, it gives an ity to students to explore and clarify their thoughis about the topic or subject. The guidelines will help you through the essay.writing process for an effective essay 1. Choose the topic carefully: Carefuul selection out of the given topics is the first step towards success in writing an essay Topic of an essay may belong to a field, which may be vast, but for essay writing, you should keep yourself limited to the particular aspect of the topic and do not deal with the subject exhaustively. 2. Sort out the facts related to the top! them to paper in the form of notes. This Sort out the details of the topic in your mind and transfer for an essay and finding out the mental exercise will also help you in finalizing topic information related to your topic. Follow the basic rules of Ds {contain relevant information he essay: Write a logical conclusion of th rspective on your topic. Tt should sion provides a final view and pet = t Je review of main points and rents or discussion preceding it, with simp! uur feelings about the topic. Use simple and plain English for writing an Essay. Avoid the use of ns or any fashionable words while writing an essay. Plain English . removing redundant words from your Essay make it more Revise, edit and proofreat \Iways proofread and revise your essay before handing it over as a an essay is required to improve clarity and readability. 2. Polish and perfect your essay: ike a finished product, the essay should also be polished and p ability 10. Personal pronoun and narration: Walle writing an cso, try 1 avoid direct narration as magi S of ong rom the, ption of ons a0 p you if lining ; SAYS » MY AIM/ AMBITION IN LIFE. he ambitio che ‘bition if reached or nog makes great the life” T ioe (Robert Browning) becomes meaningful only when he He is fail to organize their energies and focus effectiveness when they lose direction and begi Not failure but low aim is a crime” ce it We should set our goal and then we should try hard to achieve it ity of a country is the result of the gre: f aver eC sult of the great endeavors of the dedicated men 4 goal seeking animal, His life als, Many people fail in life because »ple, like nails lose th hilosophy of life is th progress and prosp were are aS Many ambitions as men. In miliary office aft Some Want to be doctors others to be engines. Some crave to or tr Weal a ees ers to be poets an novelists. My ambition in life sto have nether eet want (0 be a king but a kingmaker I believe only in the well-being of nnd that can only be achieved by education and re-education of my fellow countrymen. “A teacher affects eternity. (Henry Adams) sound to others. { want to be a teacher of ‘ent and important, [tis of supreme importance to influence those Who are going to grow up and matter to the world. There are many reasons for my choice. want to be a teacher, no ‘er how strange it may English, Teaching is very diff “A teacher influences those who matter to the world.” (James Hilton) Yeaching has been the profession of prophets, priests saints and moralists. I have got a good ‘emperament and taste for teaching .As a good mother rears good children ,a teacher builds up a good nation, Allah sent our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) to this world as a teacher for the whole humanity. I think the best people are those who teach others. Engineers build grand-buildings, roads and dams; doctors treat the patients; civil officers run the administration; military officers hers who make them so. A teacher is an engineer maker, @ defend the country, but it is their teac doctor maker, and an officer maker : g “Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds. (Socrates) ean Ei eacher, The answer is that English is the Some people may ask why I want to be an English teacher, 71 t i a tbat is spoken and understood by mest of the people in the world and it is the Lingua Books on modern science, philosophy, history, commerce oe aa in English, So, if we want to produce good engineers, dort i Engl 2 itable. ors the study of English language is inevitable, dawn rk day and night. 1 devote all my time to study English Inge * iene Veena ‘ny aim, | am satisfied with it. In the final analysis, Whatever others may think of : rofession for us. : wermine @ careet oF P portant to det of their dreams. those who believe in the beauty enca of the world ects are _mostl ninistrators and lawma and literature “A future belongs [0 You only live once- (561 Words) a 2. A VISIT 'TO A HISTORICAL PLAC. thinki produ thing. transi (Richard R S that “The Farth is full of God’s Goodness.” Events happening to us imprint lifelong memoirs on the past pages of our minds, Naturally, types of situations occur with us; cheerfulness and melancholy. Humans tend to seek happines in all their acts. One such act is known as recreational activity. We plan and eecomplish such fall of beans visits not only to raise the literacy but also to refurbish the aesthetics within, Surely, would be an icing on the cake if this enchanting spirit is mixed with the love fur history. “History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man.” : (Perey Bysshe Shelley If you want to understand today, you have to search the yesterday. I think no matter where go, you will be happy as long 23 you know why you are there. There are places we fear, place) we dream, places whose exile we became and never learned it until, sometimes, too Jate, But) remember the place with fondness «nd would nover forget my one such i Mosque Lahore. Places like people are complex, and leving them is not simple. Even places yol know well can take on a touch of the unknown when you arrive there from a different direction. ion will take you to places.” “Your imagin: Bor British in a Pakistani family, I had always a sweet hearing of the historical places Pakistan. I had an intuitive love in my DNA for my.ancestral country. In eae vole visited Lahore for the first-time. For the people here, the weather was cooler pkg but for me, newly arrived from England, it was hot. Ate ‘meeting ae Sit ke ae ir ‘ ite place ‘The Badshahi Mosque |. Noe ae es 00 ‘between the doors of Badshahi Mosque and’ wort feelings while standing in 0 | it Empire by narrating to me: ‘made me feel the grandeur of the Mughal 1 ‘ ea ys pig “Chis mosque was built by Emperor ‘Aurangzeb in 1674. The facade imi id Delhi. : : an ae more you know. The more you leara, the more paces you wl minarets of the grand Badshahi ‘ picture of the f My cousin urged me 16 & seh minaret 200 feet all, My on nfor FHale EGcEEIUG1E VALERIE? 3. IS SCLENCE A Ct h unlocks for mankind a ore of mature.” (Samuel Johnson) that science is a curse but I tend to think that it is not. It is the a omet it makes something a curse or a blessing. Science is the . ads but it is the evil genius that turns a beneficial thing into « harmful do things for the welfare of humanity. Blessings of science can srihly paradise. There ace a number of miracles of science of life love to wonder and that is the seed of science.” secliecs (Emerson) s electricity. Electric machines have largely reduced manual labour. Electricity ier for us. Without it our whole industry will come to standstill position. If there tricity, the entire world would be in darkness. Life is not a bed of thoms now because of inventions. Science has brightened and broadened our horizon and acumen. © has played an important role in the production of food. There is significant inease in the production of crops due to fertilizers and modem equipment. Engineers have built dams on rivers to provide water for canals to irrigate the fields. So, man has almost solved the problem of food shortage. “4 man of science is justa student of nature and derives his inspiration from science.” Mi eh, ea __ (GV. Romans) Monsters of the past have been conquered. Medical science has controlled epidemics. It is now possible to operate upon heart and even replace it, Operations of eye, ear and nose are very aoevtnon. There are useful injections which quickly relieve us from pain and illness. Vaccination has made small-pox a thing of the past. Many other diseases like cholera, plague and T:B. have been fully controlled. Quinine has eradicated malaria. Te the field of surgery, science is touching the zenith of progress. Science has added to our physical comforts as well as our mental and intellectual development, There is a goodly number ee yurces af communication like newspapers, magazines, radio, television, ‘and the internet that update people about the current affairs. They help people to know about what is going on in than it was in the past. “Science is more stimula the world. There is more awareness today ting to the imagination than are the classics.” (Holdene) master also. Indeed, it has helped has also created many new Poisonous gasses, and other No-doubt, science is a good servant to humanity, but it is @ bad man to solve many problems but the modem scientific progress problems. Aeroplanes drop bombs and kill men in thousands. fastruments of war are all terribly destructive. sever, the 21% century may be called the age of tremendous scientific progress. We are, sced to seience for modern comforts of life. It has given power and to man. It is servant to mankind, ‘ a | analysis of the given proposition, I tend {0 think that science has its own barbs and ouquets. if used wisely, it can bring the blossom of betterment, and if used unwisely, it can play hhevoc and cause a mess on a massive scale. Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of mares o- q ie 5.0 “Live — and con a ast DAY AT COLLEGE my FIR use they went to college oF thay “All the really valuable things you own are things you canmdl, After the first day. there was no cefooling or bullying. 1 found gentic and co-operative. They created in me a thirst for knowledge: sme. The tome | spent in college was 2 very valuable asset of mny lif olay 2 college a “It ts mes the years in your life that count tig 5. MY HEROTL “Lives of aa HISTORY (QUAID-E-AZAM) a gl . . weiss remind us we can make our lives sublime is leave behind us foot-prints on the sands of time.” Hero is a man of sky-high personality with an exempla ingenious ideas. He must be a man of exceptional qualitic Vigour and unique talent. The Mu ree g alent. The Mustim hisiary is replete with great bright star of this galaxy i a T would always remember Quaid-e-Azam who has served as 4 role m come, He is like a guiding star providing direction to the people of P “aged zam was born in Karachi on 25" December, 1876. He was 2 On passing the Matriculation examination, he went 10 England » After four years, he retumed as a barrister and started his practice in law in Karachi. Later. he shified to Bombay and became one of the leading lawyers. @ Quaid-e-Azam was a great freedom fighter. In those days, the Indian National Congress was striving for freedom from British rule in India. Mr. Jinnah became its member and started working for the freedom of the country. In 1906, All Indian Nv ague was formed to safeguard the Muslims’ rights. Mr. Jinnah also fought for the ¢ Musi “Quality, not quantity, should be the measure of one’s character. - (Douglas Jerrold) He believed in the co-operation and team work. The Muslim League and the Congress Jought for a common purpose against the British. It was mainly due to his efforts that Lucknow Pact was signed by both the parties. This pact recognized the Muslim's claim for 2 separate electorate but the Congress was becoming entirely a Hindu lobby. So, Quaid-i-Azamn left the Congress when it refused to accept the reforms. Quaid-e-Azam was 2 dynamic leader. ied himself fully to the affairs of the Muslim League. He presented the demand ms Fourteen Points at the Round Table Conference in London “Personality is to man what perfume is to flower.” (Charles Lamb) By 1940, Quaid-e-Azam was convi et Oat the Musli ss Save eas under the es reasicion which pier tbe div ision of india. It demanded an independent Muslim comprising Muslim majority provinces. His sincere efforts bore frat and Pakistan appeared the world map on 14” August, 1947 said-e-Azam became the first Governe sof the young nation. He did not listen to ‘on 11” September, 1948. Azam will always live it “Faith, Unity and Discipline” will always General of Pakistan. He worked hard day and night for advice of his doctors to take rest and v nation. His the hearts of the Pakistanis as the father of the ne inspire the people in their struggle for nation- 4 man of courage is also full of faith.” : £ LIFE fe and panorama f y the elderly people all — 6. VILLAG | village than second in first in s small and divine beauty. It 4 made the country and mam made the town” on lives in ruraareas. The farmers or agricultural labourers, ¢. Villagers are contented want to lead the smug life, “If you would be known, not knew vegetate. In a village, if you live in a city.” in villages the level of air pollutio ir non is less than that of cities. This 8 “You arrive at 2 village and in this calm environment Coste a customs sig flowed in villages, sate sh te 2 sean, Teey take 10 dance and open ot attend the functions. They are h and lead a ti a hard life, But they are sir pest and are Yer and not many wants. In village the people are more considerate ¢ clp they could definitely re'y on theit neighbor: at any hour of the need. They are more friendly, more hospitable and mor C able and more onto the traditional kind of practices and believes mosque maintains their social and moral upkeep. re nothing unobserved passes.” (Charles H, Supurgeon) “A village is such a piece of glass w Most of the houses s the houses in villages are made of mud. They are built in clusters with a common en! ce @ ie fror a eC ¢ c fi fe trance at the front. And people share shallow pond for washing clothes and for watering vegetables and live stock In earlier times, there used to be no water-taps. electricity or doctors to look atter the health of s most Villages have electricity and water supply and health centers the villagers. But now-a-d uneducated and superstitious due to which evils of ignorance ‘and blind faiths have crept into their societies IMiveracy and epidemics are rampant, Now, itis duty to find out a remedy. For the improvement and betterment of the village life, mass ation and public health are the primary conditions. For the improvement and development of villages our government should adopt Chiaese policies to promote the village life in Pakistan an the spot, it can stop the migration of villager Most of the people in villages are £3 to fillagers should be provided with facilities 0 short, it is true that country life is sweet one. Many poets have sung the praise of it, Great men thinkers have spent their inv d highly, in all ages by ev aaluable lives in the country sides. Hence, village life has been ery soulful man. 7. WHY 1 LOVE PAKISTAN My From whom my (MY Cou ie soil! vish 10 heaven's sent, hardy sons of rustic toil, and peace, and sw, dear, my native y Warmest w Long may thy Be blest with health, ‘eet content! (Robert Bu A as natural to love one’s country. The Eskimo loves his country in spite of its g eather. The African, living in the midst of a burning desert, is attached to his homeland. | love Pakistan because it is m 'y country. There are some People wh There are others who love the town or the village in which they my outlook. I love all Provinces. I love Pakistan above all provii Punjabi , a Sindhi or a Balochi. This is against my spirit of natio 1 love Pakistan because it is my fatherland. My ancestors were born here; they lived and dic: here. They tilled its soil and tasted its fruits, Thus, I am the c ‘ontinuation of the dreams and aspirations of my forefathers. | am proud of my rich heritage and I am determined to add to the golden traditions of our past. I am nothing without my past and without my country. Pakistan is my pride, my identity and my everything. 0 love their own provins were born. I am not so narroy inces. I do not like to be calle mnalism, i hich our heart is bound. | Our country is that spot to wl ae Wet jors, poets, statesmen and artists. Iqbal, the great p a istan is the home of great within Piand; Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who made Pakistan Pakistan i eerste in who made Pai. Quaid-i SO Be ae who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan; id-i-Azam, : d many others s Kitan ic power; Major Aziz Sh wld Cup; these are the men of great inspiration fr oe 0 istan the Worle - MP» ple of any other nation in the world. 7ynera Khan who won eee superior to the per are ready to make the greatest gps ig people of Pari which few people eve made in 1947 for their homeland as je and faith wt ifices which they fered so much for an idea. ei the yeu fall comes for i Ti untry has sufere hh soil which yields crops tite wc a Fin - aed history. No othet ee urces. I asi tin flow in Pakistan ME future that in the pakistan for its natu’ taste. The Tye | love Pakistan for th — jque in taste. ove all lays d unig out fields. ‘igate for it. If | weaken ff I do nothing nake Mm country So, | must Jove my Con ny country. SO. TM mo : 1 do not Hy hate eee { kno: ee, 1 must $Y eden 1 eum yin ode Pr ejuctin. {hi jude, | or the on omen 1cOMPICE ve for Pal Z way ically yantry a in one Logi y 60 country i techno ig wrong if 1 sal ere done for this delicious land, hath don’ hreave™ (Lord Byron) SOUNTRY) n’s sent, toil, ; among et content! nal (Robert Bu Today abiliti his country in spite of its ¢ ‘5 attached to his homeland. I ah by ir ple who love their own provine Thes yy were born. | am not so narrow} the { svinces. | do not like to be called# tionalism. ‘ yere born here; they lived and died re the continuation of the dreams a? J] am determined to add to the Ss t my country: Pakistan '5 | Vv "and withou Physical, social 3 uted positively to ous Yes negatively. In both the devel, communi unication ti pact on — ; wed $ in all the sector h mobile phones, mobile phones is th g he case of communication has become egral ms | an integral part of our fife. Unlike the can use them in whichever location one is landlines owing to their cor . s s gf to their convenience and their ervices SMS) Cell phones help business people do their work oye ners, = lers, business partners and financial institutions ¢ also removed all ave also removed all the geographical barriers and distances to make iP ties with their loved ones. phones t € families maintain k is no wall, no barrier, if we wish to talk to those we love. Hearts send the messages and the very next moment they are received on the screens!” “Mobile phones have made a significant impact on the social life of people. Apart from ind text services, most mobile phones have cameras. alarm clock, and radio and allow the internet. Smart mobile phones are another “big-bang” in the modem world of technology. The youth of our country takes advantage of some of these features in a to organize and maintain social contacts with friends and relatives. They also social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype for entertainment. In the & mobile phones carry out mobile money transactions also. Banks have also made it customers to enjoy all services on the mobile phone screen . mobile phones have come with negative effects to people's lives. These phones 4 interpersonal relationships and social interactions negatively. Cell phones have tasking, a wend responsible for accidents ‘off our roads. Mobile phones have led to h as immoral and unethical relationships among the young boys and girls. Most mobile phones more important than their parents and families. They would than novel and poetry in their leisure time. It is really quite disturbing when phones in the class rooms Mobile phones have helped these terrorists - — their dreadful criminal activities. Personal lives of people eve ae be. ‘of the presence of these machines in their lives. Asa modern scholar writes ind.” . deprived of those moments when we want tobe lest and nel ot y i vancement since the ara ‘observed, man has made incredible advancement sit | s. Mobile phone can be nat as one of the most important creations of mankind 3 resale sagesher c and training wil 1 the w togell Proper management, planning imypact of mobile phones in our lives. i ements 9. MY FAVOURITE HOBBY { hobby a day keeps the doldrums away. (Phyllis where struggle and effort is necessary for survival He: al exertions leave him utterly exhausted and qj ne life rusts his talent and efficiency. or pleasure in his leisure time. Time hangs h 2 special to do in our spare time. So, I do regularly for enjoyment in my \without hobby is like food without salt. flowers symbolize both love and beauty. I flowers give a fragrant welcome to my guests y e. These flowers keep me close to nature, soul. They enrich my inner self. My hobby saves img oasis in the vast wildemess of life. f freshness the impuritie: It's the safety valve of middle life, and the solace of age. (Mary se flowers that | have grown in my lawn are a source of catharsis for me as well. cast down, [ come to my ‘living’ friends and share my sorrows and sufferings. ) me patiently and quietly and keep my secrets to themselves. This is a fact that rganisms listen and respond but we cannot match their frequency. So, in their: ee! communication gap. My hobby is a healthy activity. In this polluted age of ours, we are st hobby, gardening, gives me a feeling of pleasure and freshness. | spend a few n and saplings and give them rich soil and plenty of water. I do my best to and my whole house becomes fragrant with their sweet smell. I look after my! take care of their young kids. place where we live. If we spend a little make our towns and cities beautiful. We can wipe away Last but not the least, it is worth pointing out that we shou should not make a til of pleasure In other words, vs ‘extént as to convert it into a dull and cheerless (Phyllis McGinley) for survival .He has to toil exhausted and enervated efficiency. time. Time hangs heavy on our spare time. So, different people enjoyment in my spare time is . without salt. D . love and beauty. 1 have grown welcome to my guests who have a at ers keep me close to nature. They keep my inner self. My hobby saves ' ee wildemess of life. J 7 life, and the solace of age. (Mary Roberts) for me as well. Whenever. d share my sorrows and sufferings. They listen to themselves. This is a fact that these living h their frequency. So, in their company 1 do not , source of catharsis we are suffocating to death. My | spend a few rupees on the seeds my best to keep them pro look after my flowers aS parent j age of ours, and freshness. of water. I do ir sweet smell. I tected. th human life. These flowers tell us that beauty e to know that it costs us nothing to beautify ‘ yey and time to grow plants an ipe away ugliness and pollution 1 that We \d never ride a h bl should not indulge 3 nds, We Fy should be re or! jor, for oh? at te Ww mu ‘ot! ol! od rig jo he h Vv ‘ entered the au It As the principal he ceremony Sta veloome him, is ade the farewell speech. — the guidance we he ~ shes for our prosperous an nit came to the ent ert on ainmey MY LAST DAY AT COLLEGE ‘ere &s measured more by the kind oud than the hind it takes in.” : - bee) ae and downs of life Actually life is say be forgotten where as others leave an dom « im sand, but the good things that happen to you on a thi a , : 83 J s, holds that we do not value the things until on my last day at college. It was only then 1 going to leave. It seemed to me as if somebody «acknowledge that | had spent the most valuable asset of my life. ege at 9:00 am. to attend the farewell party which our ¢ auditorium where all my friends and fellow students tudents were not in their uniforms. I was happy that ! suditorium, all the students and teachers rose from their chairs to started with the verses from the Holy Quran. Then one of our The speech represented the feelings of our dear juniors for us. i sce we had given to our juniors. The speaker ended his speech with the awishes for our p and bright future Tt came to the entertainment performances by our juniors. They also sang some beautiful T remembered the time when we, the seniors, used to occupy the stage, but that day we x and our juniors were our hosts. They were going to replace us and we were departing speed was then called to the stage to express my feelings. I recited a sccasion. In the poem I paid tribute to the worthy professors who Mr and infused in us a thirst for knowledge. I also thanked the principal and our 4 said about us. Y ‘ Fm ee " sede his goodbye speech. He gave some valuable pisses of advice and aoe Noccess for our future. He advised us that” purposs of life is to live a La Eas aoe ws you live, keep learning how to live.” At the end of the ceremony, we enjo. swith the principal, professors and the juniors throughout their lives lof education isto prepare the young to educate thee ee bert Maynard) cameras these ious moments ily in our video with us and we were capturing Lage! fs Be ly ibut also in our hearts. We also took autograph Tyee Wer co s took the 5 a a goose the time to leave forever. Our hearts were heavy friends, farewell my foes My ove with these, my care for Ose 12, AN IDEAL TOD Ihe hinehaeas of th 1 teen the ‘ lar is more Hood of a martyr.” ' (Hadith) ime when the seed et Teao in the future generation of talented and Fata to eat duality citizens isnot “ vat 18 to produce ideal become ideal citizens, oe Tinie ansvier to that because there are many bind untly anil works hard to ameliorate his/her performance Salhi 6 1 Wo only seame wore marks or secure a high rank. Beyond iar oleae no abet everything he observes. : Men ae tert anstrean nt to advance ks to drop back.” (Chinese Proverb) et st Vile strives really hard to achieve his goal. He always wins Bhi devernloation dive hm fa on the path where common students dare not walk. He ps himself abreast of the new trends. He attends his HES With re 6 ious in hi receptive mind He is hardworking ' hardworking, consistent, studious and industrious in his et Hiatehe oe youth mary s. However, to Hepes, Mivse a’? There an ideal student powiaibitity of ty The mest Hint Lor Lavayee Is like rowing “They wil while other sleep they dare while other fly.” tudent | ell mannered n . amersea) ae idee hate M1 manne el ad elves in accordance with the stot coke of catiel ite when the foundation of character is laid. It is said: if wealth is Hothing i lost. if health is lost, something is Jost; if character is lost, everything is lost. A { Without sense of discipline is like a ship without a rudder. It sails adrift and never reaches harbor, Ile must follow the rules of the school and obey the orders of his teachers. His dor in school as well as at home should be exemplary. prudent in the selection of friends. He is fully conscious to ensure that no evil tempts him. He vs very well that « single rotten egg spoils the whole basket. An ideal student tries to understand rhe owen to hia parents, He realizes that he owes « large debt to parepts. He never forgets after them when they enter the old life. He must respect and obey his parents. student studies with devotion, speaks ‘after thinking, leaps after looking, decides after and serves with sincerity, He is neither a book worm nor a frog in @ small well. He takes icular ax well ax co-curricular activities. He is really a torch bearer of all that is good. 1 competitions and winning events 1s not the only big thing in Ii and an i Virtues like kindness, compassion, respect, sincerity, honesty, sday's world, and these qualities are tang in poe a ident, He treats bis parents, teachers and elders with respect, and: speaks politely y In times of crisis for his friends, he is the first person to stand“by them, He pet his achievements and never pets depressed by his failures. ¢ positive approach to life. He spreads hope and happiness wherever Me as ak not the least, an ideal student loves his parents ‘and members of the ly as much as be can to help them and to keep them happy: He never wistes a3 money and believes that knowledge is the” wealth n ‘student in one who has the potential to become @ swope. fle aims at becoming the savior and are equally important in te LIFE 13. HOSTE i Jace like home’ is soon to give way a likely new phrase, “there jg cote. who have worn their days out in hostel, if asked, will regard thag ‘of their lives. Hostel is a palace where one is master of one’s own self many social and moral restrictions like parental pressure, sibling tivaly svrormities. It is almost as if they grow a pair of wings, and are ready to fi e of their dreams +y advantages of living in a hostel. The dweller needs to take care of his g his own stuff, and take his own decisions and so on. This creates a sense as compared to day scholars who would s y in him at a relatively early stay s lt ther the warmth of parental care. The students who depend on their own developaie,. al view of I han those who are always pampered by parents. 4 ; | is boon for those who have a disturbed home atmosphere. Homes are not meant es. There is less likelihood that parents arrange a comer for their children to study th siels are purpose-built: these are built for students or job oriented people, keeping in Vit needs. Often they are near the places where these people go for study or job, saving t ‘ime. So staying in a hostel comes as a blessing in disguise as it keeps students away from all t nubles and lets them focus on more important things, especially studies. ‘om an academic perspective also, staying in a hostel proves to be advantageous. We are ff emoved from the day-today distractions and other household responsibilities at home. gives us a lot of time to spend on studies, and secure better grades. Besides s hostel life provides us many opportunities to take part in extra-curri vities like arts and sports, In most colleges, it is the hostel mates who take up active roles in and other organizing events because they can afford time. By getting involved in all these they develop valuable qualities like responsibility, dedication, hard work and sroblem solving skills, which would stand them in great stead for their future corporate lives. ‘0 provides a chance to peep into true nature of one’s fellow beings. On duty or in people follow a uniform code that provides them an opportunity to conceal their re face behind a mask. But. when one lives in hostel, his roommate judges his true nature that) couldn't be otherwise in years. How they wear, eat, sleep either cleanly or filthily; selflessly selfishly. everything dawns upon, Frivad’s responses to each other's work as mirror for the prove. develop. and mend behavior. k life has its own share of dangers too. Freedom from parental control can be advisable 0 fi) is used properly, Students, especially those who have had to live in a highly res vironment, suddenly cherish the newly found freedam of a hostel. Their only aim would ‘oying. These people often lose sight of what is right or wrong, and end up with disastrotl spsequences. Some of them are even misled into drugs, gambling and street crimes. Also they belong to likes to hang out all the time, they too might be misguided .This wo oy their focus from the most important objective, study. These are not the only hazar. © has got other disadvantages like bad food, dirty surroundings and lack of proper the final analysis. we can say that hostel life is an opportunity not a trial. It confidence and nwdernity among the dwellers of it, Gone are the days when 1 wind eeu eee oe ee vitered memorable words of advice to his son while sending ae the trend-setiers, for they see new ways of life and expect ascii Essay Writing fs 14. A PICNIC PARTY OSE — eh Mt vein to sit under fi tree with a picnic basket rather than under a gas pump, but signs and comic strips are interesting as a subject matter. (Roy) ae iced life is taking its course and making our lives dull and drab. Picnic is an outing sie alee rid of the monotonous life, People all over the world spend a lot of ‘ave @ break from their mundane life. They enjoy themselves by going to different hose sel i - ‘ime they spend away from their home and offices makes them relaxed and valry ae s hey come back to their homes and work place after the pleasure trip with greater” oe energy and vigour. David Daiches says that breaks in routine are blessed ones y he other weekend | suggested 10 my friends to go somewhere for outing. We diseussed and decided to go to a farmhouse at Head Balloki. It is some forty kilometers away from Lahore. \ccording to the schedule we were supposed to depart from the college campus at 9:00 a.m. We bad ou breakfast and then our bus left for the destination, Our journey started with a prayer and Hien began the nonstop fun, We were told that the sound system of the bus was out of order. It \vas a great disappointment for us, but soon we realized that it was a blessing in disguise. We decided to enjoy ourselves by singing songs. One of us was a very good singer and he amused us with his melodious voice. After an hour we reached our destination. We had heard about the beauty of the place, byt we were convinced that seeing is believing. “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.” for here, iew their | the (John Keats) The pure and cool breeze over there gave us a soothing weleome and we feasted our eyes on the scenic beauty. We sat there for some time and enjoyed the beautiful place. The lake was the first ‘one to attract the visitors. The boats in the lake invited us to have pleasure in water. We enjoyed ‘a good rowing there, We splashed one another with water and soon all our clothes were wet. It was great fun and excitement for us all. We caught sight of a tube well. Although it was a bit cold, one of us jumped into the pond and ye followed the suit. A few of us stayed away from the cold water, but we pushed them also into e pond, We enjoyed ourselves for some time there and then we felt hungry. We had ordered fresh fish which was the special food of that place. We had a hearty meal which we vould remember for a Jong time. Then we had cold drinks and ate fruit. We also went for the pig- -y. We chased some pigs but we could not kill them because we had no guns or anything to kill oy ith, We, however, captured these thrilling moments in our video cameras. It was about 5 p.m. 4 the sun was descending. We decided to leave for Lahore. The journey back to Lahore was a ‘morable one, We sang songs and cut jokes. At seven, we reached Lahore and got back to our omes afier a very beautiful trip. fo sum up, | must say that the excursions and outings play a very important role in the overall sclopment of our personality. These excursions give us a chance to enjoy some moments away , cur hectic routine of life. These outings make us prepare to face the challenges of life ina ier way. These excursions and outings help us to understand our fellow beings. They also ate us informally. Someone has rightly said 7 When I go to travel, I go to school.” in eal hat y or vise WOTES SERIES 1S. PATRIOTISM Patriotism, love fey 4 ne 'S Country and anyti ich sleep away with injects a sense of Superiority in j “Mother Homeland”. beat for their “paradi tt does Patriot's boost, where’ er we room His first, best country ever is, at home 6 (Oliver Goldsmith Even the birds and the animals Posses thi e plac hi Migratory birds Th is quality that they lov distance and return to th *P- rooted in Man. He loves the pi social and political system to follow piece of land .but the way way of living which gives him freedom, Protection, which brings him worldly honor and regard. He loves his count dressed here and problems are addressed and the relatives always ri double the joys. Moreover, he is brought up at that place an. childhood, there. That feeling dominates all other feeh person grows up. Considering his history, traditions, rituals and. Socio-poli © best, he not only tries to Promote these values but also defends these values. in this regard. he willingly sacrifices whatever he can, even his life, for the protection and prosperity of his country “Lonly regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Ay a tong ir orig his quality is di tory hero where In fact, he Of living in which he believes and iccordingly. The ity, satisfaction, and the recognition are 5 grief and len period. his nsity increases as a tical system (Nathan Hale) That is why; the one who dies defending his country is regarded highly. ip ity amoug the fellow beings who live as a family and share each other's This feeling Pe eee een oe. Patriotic spirit which in return sorrows and joys «1 even their lives for the noble cause of their country. This feeling excites urges sem fe eve e religious, social and political differences and become a “single unity them to bulldoze is is He does not run towards other countries for personal benefit He resists the charms of devotedly. foreign influence. ; “How beautiful ‘youth ? What pity is ie ey who would not be that’ ‘our country!” : Tet we can din but ence te sere erat 16. POLLUTION s the addition of any substance or form of ene y (0 the environment at a rate faster © it by dispersion, decomposition, recycling, or storage in form. Ii also means to contaminate. It is the bitter fruit of over industrialization me harmles: hich is adding ous and lethal elements to environment. We are adding certain things into ur atmosphere which are causing harm to our environment. We boast of having made tonishing growth in different fields of life but after paying a heavy price. The speed at which are mixing these pollutants is alarmingly fast. Pollution spares no one. It ruins everything: man bein; . birds, beasts, marine life, soil, air and plants. It can pose a threat to the future of well “You wouldn't think you could kill an ocean, would you? But we'll do it one day. yat” shows how negligent we are.” (fan Rankin) There are a number of things which are causing pollution. The chief contributors to lution are: Industry which is adding poisonous chemicals and gases into our atmosphere. Soil Air both are badly affected by these harmful chemicals. Pollution continues to increase as a It of the increasing number of motor vehicles on the roads. Exhaust fumes from the engines ‘automobiles contain a number of polluting substances. Most of the substances that are harmful carbon monoxide and a variety of complex hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. When sed to sunlight, these substances undergo a change in their composition. As a result the es produce the brown, toxic and smog. All our big cities are the good examples of this . Other wastes also play their role in causing pollution like atomic waste, the use of ficides, and smoke from the brick kilns, fertilizers, polythene, stinking smells and obnoxious {All these are polluting the soil badly. Soil is the natural body made of mineral and ‘constituents. It is produced by solid material recycling and complex processes of solid modificatio helter, habitat for numerous organisms and is the living medium ts. Soil is the basis for agriculture. All vegetation for human food and animal feed depend . Enormous quantities of waste from man-made products are being released into the soil soil pollution. Polluted water also causes soil pollution. Soil pollution is caused due to ‘ec habits, agricultural practices and inappropriate methods of disposal of solid and caused as a result of atmospheric pollution. Air pollution is a problem that everyone should be concerned about. With the growing ‘of automobiles, and the greenhouse effect problem is becoming more and more of a “air pollution is something to be concerned with. Air pollution involves the release ce wa solids, or liquid aerosols into the atmosphere at rates that exceed ‘of the atmosphere to dissipate them or to dispose of them through eect into liquid layers of the biosphere, Dust storms in deserts and smoke from forest and grass pibute to air pollution, col: Hf oll pouukon , We pollute almost everything useful in nature. Water pollution is the y of water lakes, groundwater, oceans, and even underground water is being vage running into lakes or streams, Industrial waste spills contaminating 1 spills or nuclear accidents. The noise pollution is loud sounds that are either yumans and animals. Airplanes, helicopters, and motor vthicles cause noise. Noise p »e disruptive to humans’ stress levels, may be harmful to unborn people, and away by causing nervousness and decreasing their ability to hear prey or predators. is also a victim of pollution, Smoke and smog both are causing it. The world in general and the developing countries like Pakistan need a whole effort to fight against pollution. Public should be educated about the ravages of pollution’ it can be avoided. Efforts should be made to find alternative ways and means of en like solar energy and other harmless sources of energy. It is a duty lying on our leave a better world tor our coming generations. “Becoming vigilant is the most important and direct change we ean immediately save the planet and its species.” (Chris es LIFEIN A ee, NA BIG Crry of them and to some extent T've been in many 1 would have to say this: Uf you've seen one city one city slum you've seen them all, Gone are the days wh when man} » life was confined t0 4 cert small town, Because of moder has become a global village (Spiro) life in ances do not matter at all, and the " pnomists, one should fi at least, in a metropolitan city is ang omeaperitgtietiesl Yi Hitan city. This will provide him with ample tain locality, He live facilities, di i rane According to modem apital of a country or \ big city caters to the academic, soci me jal, econon here are more and bette je and various other needs of a modem man, @ big city as there are numerous educational re also better opportunities for economic activity in a big city. here are a number of openings here for ori ‘There are also a lot of opportunities are a of openings here for a man to rise in life. There are also ak i i se in s here for enjoyment and entertainment. : er chances for education stitutes and libraries in it A big city has F also its demerits, Nothing is perfect in this world .Perfection lies only in God, te Is no peace and relaxation here as we find in the country life or in a small town. There is more loneliness and alienation in a big city, and as result, there are more psychological diseases and mental problems. People here live a very hectic life, and they are caught in a vicious circle of getting and spending, Big city life is so fast that months and years pass away like days, Leisure is rare and people do not have time to stay and stare, The world is too much with them. City life is millions of people being lonesome together. . (Henry David) ‘A man living in a big city is quite often away from nature. There is a saying that a city never sleeps. So, a big city dweller never has a chance to see a sky full of stars or the beautiful scene of sun rising and sunset. The life style here is often unnatural and artificial. Narrow streets, scarcity of space and over flowing drains make life in big cities problematic, One experiences here all kinds of pollution, like noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and atmospheric pollution. We can say that life in a big city is a mixed blessing, Although there are more and better chances for economic growth and social uplifting for man here, it is at the cost of his spiritual peace and moral well-being. People live a mechanical life here and they are often indulged in cut-throat ‘competition. They struggle hatd to surpass others in their mad race of better life style, ‘Man's course begins in a garden, but it ends in a city. (Alexander) i fere © life ina small town. Modem network of banks, E Life in a big city is totally diffrent from the life in « smal ‘ banks =e ramen and commercial institutes and many multinational companies are found only ina big ity, So, big city life is inevitable for economic and poitical activities in order to Keep Pace WH the modern world, : es Ba To put the pre-going discussion in a nutshell, it ean safely be opined that tif ina ni lass ‘own merits and demerits. It is a type of rose with thorns. These Le disintegr F of our social fabric because most people have their own axe 10 BRINN | “Life in a big city, though curse we may call it, Is indispensable to survive in the modern era : 18. MY FAVOURITE BOOK Charles William Eliot, an American academic, said “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” Acquiring knowledge has always been man’s top most priority, When you open 4 book, yu actually, encounter a new world of wisdom that reorients and recreates you. It's true that ie precious words once read continue to inspire and instruct throughout one’s life. Therefore, someone intends to delve into the world of meanings. books are inevitable. Some people go lm sci-fi; some opt for children classics and others weighty tomes. I love 1 read such books that ae a creative blend of modem and classical literary nuances, and Paulo Cacthy's "The Alchemist” j one of them. Why is “The Alchemist” my favourite book? There are innumerable reasons, reason is the punch line of the novel that I can never ever forget, the line reads: ut the principal “When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~The Alchemist” has crossed the boundaries of its native country. Brazil. and has taken a life of its own, creating a movement around the globe. It has been translated into fifty six languapes. lis immense popularity compelled me to read it. The day J started reading 1, 1 couldn't help completing it in a single sitting This story, dazzling in its graceful lingual simplicity and inspirational sagacity, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. Santiago surmounted the obstacles along the way to find the treasure. Treasure. the Santiago's dream, ise symbol of ‘Personal Legend” and his journey to find the treasure is a symbol of spiritual quest lo actualize his dreams. It really inspired me and made me think he who dares, definitely wins. fr protagonist revolutionized my thinking and the story taught me to value such things that we hav dismissed as childhood fantasies. Thematically this book is rich enough that the reader can’t sty loving it, especially this kind of book, which is all about pursuing one’s dreams. regardless ¢ any hurdles, and about being spiritually connected to the universe, which is part of us. Frat Kafka once remarked: “Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self.” ‘There is another important aspect of my favourite “The Alchemist”, which is its simple language J didn’t find any sort of verbosity in it. Rhythmic flow of sentences coupled with literary nicetié ‘Js something rare because certain writers stuff their writings with bombastic words. This & Coelho’s mastery over language that helped me assimilate the real English sentence structutt G fies in simplicity: this is what I learnt from Coelho through “The Alchemist”. Here's oe fall seven times and {o get up eight times.” vovernment in Pakistan “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” consent of the voters, In other words the ultimate cir representatives for governance. It is the m phenomenon but we find that Islam gives us The Holy Quran describes to hold mutual consultation and then take a esent democracy is greatly accepted by t c people all over the world. The economic and social aspects of democracy mean that each and every citizen is made to live a good and meaningful life. Democracy means bridging the gap between rich and poor and eradicating the social, ethnic, racial and sectarian differences, among the people. “Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in the ordinary people.” Democracy is great institution and it is practiced in the most countries of the world in two ways: One is Parliamentary and the second is the Presidential. British people formulated Magna Carta which paved the way 10 democracy. Currently, India is the langest Parliamentary and America 1s the largest Presidential democracy in the world. Pakistan is also one of the largest democracies in the ‘nord aod bag compel © poeta See During the last 67 years military has intervened in the political system of Pakistan. The does not lie with army only, but it lies in our political and governmental set up. “Al the ills of democracy cam be cured by more democracy.” (Alfred E Smith, Speech 1933) Essay Writing Man has conquered time and space, but the Pakistanis, are still hovering in the labyrinths 9} old traditions and out-worn customs. Cast and “bradry’ system has blinded them and they are not able to see the larger interests of the country. They are not able to realize the sanctity of their vote. The use of money, muscle power and influence of establishment has been a threat to democracy. “I believe in democracy because it realises the energies of every human being.” (Woodrow Wilson) ‘There is an urgent need of wide and fundamental electoral reforms. Firstly, there is a need to strengthen our local body election system. Secondly, Election Commission should be made autonomous and vested with more statutory powers to curb the mentioned evils. Thirdly. there is a need to check transparency in election funding and expenditures of the candidates. wer misuses electronic media for its electioneering purpose. F media should be impartial. Similarly, there is need to educate their basic rights is a soul for true democracy. often the party in po ‘oldng fre and fir elections ‘people. Their awar ae ridden with social and political injustice, weracy cas i emvcracy afr dese of eveaton or Iiteracy mee eT ee ee ee organized through computers. T ee 20. Co Computers and the M es “The similarities between humans re Mere BEmem ues tees Be ees; womn's mind attach improves faster than in day “Computer was born to solve t Computer is indeed a backbone government institutes and off organization all work through com Libraries are being run thre and countries through inte: contrary to past. Process of inven Thousands of inventions are made in machine ness, economy. educuison amd growth of be lame without Gem. iniccmmamst Computers matter for busi that everything scems to ntists, engineers. doc ' 7 der it mi have firm faith in co-education, They say that it is a great source of betterm girls at all levels. Co-education at primary level exists in our country but the at secondary level BA so a cane . 21. CO-EDUCATION | Fe “Every man has three characters- that which he exhi th that which he has and that which he thinks he has. | (Alphonse. Pr ons are very sharply divided on the issue of co-education in our country. Some r in a A ff “Integrity has no need of rules.” ‘emale folks can not be confined to the restricted orbits allotted to them. Previously, th ere not allowed to act and choose according their own wishes. They have rightly cl quality with men because they constitute the fifty one percent of our total population. matter of fact. they have proved to the world that they are inferior to none. Islam constitution of Pakistan have stressed the equality of both the sexes. {is unfair to cherish that co-education fosters foul fusion and carnal pleasures. In fact, there is free mixing of girls and boys, sex-consciousness will be least aroused. if segregation of girls from boys. curiosity is aroused. Students of co-educational institutions are (0 think in terms of man and woman. They know only one thing that they are learners, in co-education system, there are a number of advantages. The girls would not feel shy a hesitant while talking to the boys. The boys will also not drop their head as they address the gi In fact, co-educational experience is essential for a happy and successful life. it may be stated that co-education raises the moral as well as the intellectual level of a st The boys begin to behave more gracefully and responsibly. They will like to appear in their be and neatest clothes. None will like to abuse the other. There is also healthy effect on th student. They bid farewell to their awkward shyness and mannerisms. In the presence of thes won't like to speak in slow and affected tones which are more womanish than womanly o-edueation is beneficial because it is cheap and economical. It is financially difficult laboratories. In co-educational i 22. OUR F event ordin, warily staged by a community, centering on spects of th ‘hat community and its traditions. often marked a and celebrating focal or national Festivals often serve to meet fi ° Tve f0 meet specific purpose eee especially in regard to commemoration and associated with celebration nment, which was ul ! ‘as particularly important to local communities luced entertainment thanksgiving. Those entertai and may. also provide before the advent of my These cele th i r one hese celebrations offered a sense of helonging for religious, social and geographic: pups. Festivals : s ae om Ps. Festivals that focus on cultural or specifically ethnic topics also seek io inform members of community elders by sharing stories unity among families, A festival is a special occasion of feasting of celebration, usu: from religion, and so vital that many and experience that provide a means bor ; ally with religious focus Aside vein lien, ‘nother signifigant origin is agricultural. Food festival iny festivals are associated with the harvest time. There are numerous types of Festivals in the world. Religious festivals such as CHRISTMAS DIWALI. EID-UL-ADHA and EID-UL-FITR serve to mark out the year Harvest festivals. seasonal festivals. are also celebrated in various parts of the world. In Pakistan, many different testivals are celebrated throughout the year If we look at the "Religious Festivals", we have a number of celebrations: Eid-ul-Fitr is a religious festival celebrated at the end of fasting month. Ramadan on the first " Shawal. It is three days celebration during which time family and friends gather for long meals the sharing of gifts and religious devotions id-ul-Adha is also a three days celebration when the Muslims from all over the world offer sacrifice by slaughtering a sheep. goat or cow following the traditional Islamie customs. Its also ‘called the festival of sacrifice. ‘Shab-e-Barat is also a religious festival celebrated on the 14th of Shaaban. The Mustims believe on the night of Shab-e-Barat Almighty Allah writes the destinies of all the people tor the ming year. On this festival, exchange of sweet dishes and visits to friends and fam Meelad-ul-Nabi (S.A.W.W) is the birth of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhan nest SA.W.W), This festival is celebrated by all the Muslims with religious enthustanyy wid nity across the world. It falls on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal every year are some significant days in the history of Pakistan and are eelebrated by all the Fok These festisals are culled "National Festivals.” : kistan mes ement, This escut ish Mustins of South Asrs ot Minty pos wd vost ian Day is a momentous milestone in the history ot Py mark the anniversary of Pakistan Resolution passed hy the 23, 1940. The nation commemorates this day itl gr Lahore on March 23. ae + most outstanding achievement of the Muslims af South Asia whe passed the 1 Resolution resut \zam Muhammad Ali Ji August 14 Essay Writing ng in the creation of P; innah. sor another glorious day and a. tandm INispenstence of Pakistan. Independence Day is the cor ot tr of country. People from the various walk of life he buildings, ¢1 Ping centres, bazaars and all the main places are adorned ws ws, city shopping cen s, : ! azaars and all th are ado ‘akistan uw the dynamic leadership « ark in our history 10 comm elebrated with zeal and fervor in all Part decorate their houses with national flay n fla The 6th of September is z i h of September is a golden chapter in the history of Pakistan, when Pakistan, its militar orves onl ited 3 es and people stood united in 1965 in defense of Pakistan. This historic da commemorated through parades and exhibitions of military equipment in the main cities of the country the 9th of November and the 25th of December are also celebrated for the birthdays of heroes of Pakistan Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah respectively Some other days With the advent of spring, Basant | February eve-y year in the large cities of Pakistan. espe spring festival, People traditionally (ly kites onthe roofs of high buildings. Moreover. som ir roof top for foreigners: and high class gentry have their cultural significance. and they are celebrated as "Cultural Festivals" val is celebrated with pomp and grandeur in the mid of ally in Lahore. In other words this is a i i They star hotels also arrange this function on the! " ‘ange a variety of dishes with mus concerts. a ee a festival is held in Sibi. Traditional sports. handicrafis exhibition. ance parties are arranged at this event Lahore is known for Mela C hiraghan(the festival of lamps). This 1s ¢ , sais aapecinlly for the Lahories. It is celebrated with traditional i Saint, Shab Hussain. This festival is held outside the 1 aim attracts a large number of artists who mostly in the las folk music and local di The last week of March. for the people of 1 the shrine of @ Sufi mega event f fervor and activities al ayy Shalamaar Garden. Lahore for — ue sing Shah Hussain's kaafees and dae ae Festivals in Pakistan can be the major (00 parts of the county. affection and harmony among the people ah the various - MY FAVOUR RITE POET (ALLAMA IQBA “ md es make our lives sublime, a "ints on the sani ind us we and departing leave behind ds of time.” (Long Fellow) Joubtedi: undoubtedly, the poet's scrolls will outlive the monuments of stone; the genius survives all unless claimed by death.” pee (Spencer) ass family at Sialkot. It was under the spiritual of Igbal’s mind took place. From the very g verses even during his school days and + correetion. Dagh wrote back to Iqbal that his €t of Islam was born into a middle of his father that the in Iqbal was 2 unique child. He s of his poems to the Urdu poet ed no correction at all “The child's vision leads him to the path he has to follow. (Claudian) completing his carly education. label migrated to Lahore. Here. Sir Thomas Amold to all that was best in the Western thought. Ighal did his M.A. in philosophy in 1898. faculty of Government College In 1905, Iga! went to Europe for higher studies. sation in 1908 and was conferred upon the degree of Pt... by the University of he started his practice in law in Lahore. ppe enapled him to study the Wester civilizatc’ He could see ail its nakedte: ead of admiring the glamour. he became a critic of the Westen civilization, : “To recognize the best, you have to see the worst.” (Helen Beatrice) nt of the Indian Muslims. He composed Some of his books are “Bang-¢-Dare. # his poetry the pitiable ikwa” and *Jawab-e-Shikwa™ 5, Zaboor-e-Ajam and Javed Nama ; a message of universal brotherhood, individual freedom. s. His postr; has the fundamental rights of human beings. : of the world. We shall always Pay tribute 10 Atlame labal don towards the creation of a new homeland for us hope and self been translates 24. COLLEGE LIFE a time meadow, grove and stream, The earth; and every common sight To me did seem Appareled in celestial light, The glory and freshness of dream" (Wordswo n exquisite blend of felicitations, entertainment, greater sense of responsibility ure and work are check by Jowl. We attend lectures. go to labs, revise at home oF class tests and monthly ones. During a class, a teacher keeps us busy in the lessons, Anack of ereating some humour to make pedagogy interesting anid relieving to re essure from the pupils. Sometimes, we leam that there would be a musical concert rj at is hilarious! eat anomaly between college and school life. A school boy leads a life full of constrai { dawn, goes to school regularly. does the task assigned on" the same day. Whereas. college student is master of his own will. He may bunk the classes but no one is there to scold him, ‘1c may commit mistakes but no one is there to pay heed to it. There is no check on the freedom ofa college [ile This kind of liberty afler the disciplined life of school keeps a student felicitous . College © gives freedom of expression, Every student has the right to give vent to his feelings, both orally| ang in Blick and white He pays heed to the lecture of his pedagogue, discusses with his class fellows’ and formulate his own opinion about specific topic, He can express his opinion in writing also. Closely related 10 this. is the freedom of choice. A student has the choice of coming and going, or playing truant or wasting time and money, Some “ ers spoil themselves when they find themselves in such circumstances. Although they fepent afferwards, there is no use to ery over spilt milk (On the other hand. brilliant students use freedom very wisely and excel in studies and life. They {urn all the lessons. revise them at home and play games to refresh themselves for further wat Hhey unde: and the college opportunity and use it as a launching pad to take off in future. \i school level a student reproduces crammed material on almost all the topics, he does # hove bis own cpinion. However. at college level texts books are not the only source i hpossiedve, stud: nts go through other books to enhance their knowledge and broadened tte | horivon Mischiel. . sobe iene and indiscipline are some salient features of college life. Although tk aie j goods nu ober of decent students, sometimes mischievous ones outnumber them ve? casils Iherewve, the general concept of a college student in the past was of insolent and unaS. com Nowaduys the situation is not as bad as it used to be, Spoech declamutions. quiz competitions, debates and sports are also outstanding features college lite. can be rightly said about the compeutive environment at college. “Fron sharpens iron; intellectual, the intellectual, for the personality. Participants learn team spirit, leader = a ae » OWN Opinion about specific Closely related 10 this. is the study ine \ ance formulate: his freedom of choi or playing truant or wasting time and 1y Ounesters spoil themselves when they find 'epent allerwards, there is no use to Cry over sj On the other hand. brilliant students use freedc learn all the lessons, revise them at home and | Mes under tend the college opportunity and u: \tsehool level a student reproduces cramme have bis own cpinion. However. at college showiedve, students go through other books | horivon Mischiel, . sobe ience and indiscipline are son ue a good: nu ober of decent students. some easily. Therevore. the general concept of a colle one Nowadays the situation is not as bad as it u: Speech declumations, quiz competitions, debat college fife. Itcan be rightly saic about the comp c "Iron sharpens iron; intel These are necessary for grooming SS ee Sooperation. patience and forbearance areal igacher Consequently. We wb IN OUR SOCIETY Ife woman has 1 choose between catching a fly ball and saving choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there coon oe he wll if there are men on base. (Dave Barry) Women never enjoyed the status and respect that they enjoy today. They ar role in all walks of life. Men have only gradually acknowledged their contribut society. The concept of a male-dominant society is on the decline now. Women have proved they are inferior to none. ee Women had no respectable place in society before Islam came to their rescue. They treated and had no rights to education, economic independence and inheritance considered the product of the devil. The new-born girls were buried alive. They were also burn alive with their dead husbands. Islam gave women respect and basic human rights. Women are playing their role today in different capacities. They enjoy better status now as daughter, sister, wife and mother. They have social, financial and matrimonial independence They are no more confined to the four walls of their houses. They now fully participate in the social, political and economic development of the country. The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. For this, she has to bear man hardships. She gives birth to children, feeds them and helps them to grow up. It ts quite true that great men have great mothers. The progress of a nation depends upon the way mothers bring up their children. If the women are educated, the society is bound to progress and prosper “Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior. (Socrates, development of a nation. In the early da history of the Muslims ts full of the name fis, such as Zainab, Sakinah and Rabiah public Women have always played an important role in the of Islam, women worked side by side with men. The ‘of women who were eminent scholars, poets and Su They are also entitled to freedom of expression and to put forward their opinions on legislative and religious matters, In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and in certain cases, even fought bravely Some women, of course, would like to choose some profession as a carver and earn fo themselves. There are certain jobs which women can do more easily and more efficiently the men. They can be very useful and successful teachers, doctors and nurses, By nature, they ar ions. polite and sympathetic and can do well in teaching and medical profe “4 science career for woman is now almost as acceptable as being cheer leader.” (Myra Barber) The main duty of a woman is to be a good wife and good mother, She is to look after the hom, and manage it to the best of her ability. She should not neglect her duties as a wite or mother: she does not do so, the society will go the dogs. Islam and the constitution of Pakistar conferred upon women an enviable place. They should not misunderstand and misuse the ri! and powers given to them. They should participate very wisely in the main flow of fife ens Sontribute to the peace progress and prosperity of the country. They should remain pe iceful wit! | with the forces of nature around them. women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little, (Samuel Johnsow Essay Writ 26. A VISIT TO A ZOO \ coo is a plice where various birds, animals and reptiles are kept. A 200 does not contig ds and animals which we usually see in our villages and towns. It contains those J animals which we cannot generally see. Most of them live in forests. Some of them ary breauht from other countries also, ag they are not found in our country. A visit 10 4 200 is ¢ pleasurable acuvity. It is informative and educative tuo. Zoos are there in almost all the big] oo we have zoos in Lahore. Karachi, and also in Hyderabad. The zoo at Lahore is calles | ahare Zoo. Many people. young and old. boys and girls. from villages and citi the 700 is by tickets. It is open from 10 a.m, onwards. There are sep: animals and reptiles. Tigers and lions have separate and well protected enclosures. After entering the zoo which has a beautiful garden in its front, one comes across the enclosures meant for birds. One can see there different kinds of parrots. pigeons, peacocks and other birds of different colors and from different countries. One can also see the ostrich. a bird which cannot fly. It is an \trican bird. In the next enclosure deer of all kinds, including black bucks. a rare Indian variety. are kept. Then one goes to the enclosure of elephants and camels. Elephants are very huge animals Camels are the ugliest. Children can have joy rides on elephants and camels. Then one moves on to the artificial lake where crocodiles are kept. Next is the enclosure kept for the zebra and the bear. Giratfe is an attraction for children. The next is the tiger enclosure. There are Indian tigers, brown in color, with black stripes. There are also two white tigers which are a rare variety. There are a few leopards and cheetahs also. The Lahore Zoo has a separate enclosur: {or lions where they can be scen roaming freely. One can go in a closed safari park van and have a c'ose look at them. : There are canteens for taking lunch and benches for rest under the green woods. On the other side one can see different kinds of monkeys. chimpanzees and guerrillas which are man’s ancestors. Then the reptile section comes where different kinds of snakes are kept. There is @ separate enclosure for animals and reptiles which move oo Bens ; ee ccrare is d has dim light. One can see the nocturnal creatures mov ng about in darkness. There is jake one on ride all around the 700. When one leaves the zoo in the evening. one and reptiles which are also creations of Almighty A\ this wonderful world. Man owes @ duty to protect : ‘A visit to a zoo - isn't it informative and educative! +s visit this 200. Entrance tp arate enclosures for birds, « and a train to Jeaves it with pleasant memories of birds, animals Hah and which have a right to live with us in il the creatures of God as he protects himself. . i 3 IRTAN Who introduced th and sports. They be dy through nay ne body through exercise “OF SPORTS AND GAME! he marathon 1 eved that © and (old the ways how 0 shag ‘One man 2 Practicin # Sports: m: anshi the chief object of sport Ship is for better than fifty preaching it.” fy OFLS is. of e¢ sowwer. Sports like cricker woot courte, physicu : t. football, g sical strength where: pe achieved by games like chess hae toad 1 ce of ain games Skill is a mental e 4s ame improves our n -Y improve physical health and mental fitne udoku, cards ete. Almost every game requires 4 quality, Physical vigor alone is not enough in mal “A ‘ Sound mind lies in a sound body” The heath of the be 4 e body is essential f be ees ial for success in lif id therefore loses confi i . = : ad therefore loses confidence in him. To kee i its Se Thus sports serve an essential pur t physique. If one Z ‘althy man is always sad, gloomy mea tle ey ‘one must take an active interest in sports. 3 badly Hee they ensure good health and build a fine useless. The great advantage of sport capable of hard endeavor and life without endeavor is sensations. In order that we sh id is that they combine exercise with thrill, excitement and ca hat_ we should readily take exercise it should be made interesting and, as aes dy_knows, practically all kinds of games devised by man possess a certain degree of ‘A bookworm who takes no interest in sport is physically weak and all his mental excellence can t up for his physical deficiency. But we should consider this famous maxim that make not only his physical ability but also the mental ability.” “The greatest asset of a man i so the mind. Sports develop and encourage tinct is natural in man and demands outlets fatches and tournaments and contests are s of participants. The Value of Sports benefits not only the body but the spirit of healthy competition. The. competitive ins Sports has wide scope for the competitive instinct. Mi toughn stamina and endurance of value held to put to test the skill. 10 an important place in life, It is s called the f sportsmanship. sense t i we cultivate what is called the spirit o! ¢ Dsually by taking part in sports i i peration and confidence in ones Hat enabled one 7 fo team work and C00} 0 aie apacity for teat ports is an exellent means of spending one’s leisure There are several other considerations which entail sports | of discipline, to accept a defeat cheerfully yy makes Jack a dull boy.” will not interfere with All work and 90 play ould be organized that the jnould be an only a part of it. jastime. They sh interesting Pé val sports: Sports st Ports ar Life is not very fudies of our youth 28. UNEMPLOY MENT cing, many s ery inception in 1947, Pakistan has been rious problems, Th ’ sare hampering the progress and prosperity of the country. Unemployment is one of biggest challenges faced by the govt. and the people of Pakistan. Unemployment means joblessness of the people who are qualified and fit to do a job. This has assumed gigantic propon, Many other problems and evils are taking birth as the by-prowues in the recent years. unemployment ‘ “A ian willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune inequality exhibits under this sun”. (Thomas Car) major cause of unemployment is the lack of professional and technical education Most of educated young people to doa technical job. The degrees like B.A. M.A, do not guarantee any_profe tion, This does not seew to have any planning solve this problem. Kofi Anan, the former Secretary General of the Unitew Nations. once said: “Unfortunately, very few goveraments think about youth unemployment when they are drawing up their national plans Secondly, our population is increasing at an alarming rate, Fvery year. millions of young peo complete their education and enter the job market. But there are not enough jobs for them. Thin bad and inept governance has also played a nepative role in the escalation of unemployment. Polit caruption, nepotism. extortion. and embezzlement mean that only those people can get good j who are in the good book of the politicians and bureaucracy. Morcover. terrorism has broken backbone of our economy. There is hardly any foreign investment which has aggravated ¢ sufferings. Unemployment has many serious and far-reaching social, economic and psychological consequences. First of al. itis one of major causes ofterorisn. The jobless youth is easily Lured brainwashed by the terrorist organizations. They are further used to destabilze the couniry through nefarious agenda. Secondly, ‘anemployment gives rise (0 other social evils like beppar 'Y. child labou and robbery. As the educated people consider themselves deprived by 1 1 thenwelel involved in criminal activities like robbery. thefl and drug-addiction. If we pick newspaper cp any day. we find many cases of suicides due to unemployment and poverty, am “Unemployment diminishes people. Leisure enlarges them,” : : ae ‘son Cooley Tackling the challenge ‘of unemployment is a heruclean task. Many steps nved to be taken pre omptly ci A. will have to realin to eradicate the problem of unemployment. First ofall, the govt. will have to reali ‘esponsibility A nig which can be ensured by giving people yoo . uh tof providing, basic facilities to the masses Pakistan ail be othe my Without | dream of a prosperou ving good job to she poche beep the words of Hazeat Umar (R.A.).the sear canal crying for the moon. ters ? ind: of hunger on the bank of the oll be held responable for even "ict te et ie ‘The taxes collected from,the pub ess educated 29. IMPORTANCE 6 sat adout events. and hy aper is a typical EWSPAPER appenings. pre daily or Weekly publ cles and advertisements, Viously unknown, especially anusual lication containing mews and opinion As the day starts, most of the people rid through the e € Of newspaper as if ii were met cea aper as if it Were spectacles w pitze at the newspaper is the world’s mirror : bias ef} important role as 4 positive source of learning. F.8 Sanborn is of ~The careful reader of a fey a W good newspapers can les man a e Papers can learn Year than most scholars do in their great librarie: Vewspaper reflects d ‘iscemnment of renowned thinkers, reformers, philosophers and scientists by ng their latest reports. researches, discoveries and inventions, initiated in various fields for the learning of quiescent souls. Newspaper is a vital tool for advertisement as well. It plays a key role in inviting the attention of © public to the general provisions of life. Every Tom, Dick and Harry gets attracted by’ the olorful presentations and advertisements shown in the newspaper. These advertisements nstigate the people to buy things. Newspaper also propagates the acrobatics of politicians and the world pol Kennedy says: . As John t “Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be president, bu they do not want them to become politicians in the process. ces. Fis is what the newspaper docs in its dre consequences. I also mobilizes public opinion on iffe ee the people get in touch with the current situation streaming in the wor iffierent levels to make Ue Pres the information to the unreached. From every walk of lif Newspaper with its ae vr their desired and required columns, Newspaper usually. bears people can get in touch Wir the lawyers, new plans of government for national solidarity. important decisions of courts A anted” for the job-hunting people, making and breaking of commercial news for busine sing in sports, programs of entertainment in the world of political parties a arnt of education, aticles and opinions of the scholars, innovations showbiz, advancems er MMeience and many MOre. n the world ne clk ‘aswell. It is a double edged weapon and cuts both ways its da - er is Newspaper bes i i ublishing false and baseless mews. It is a moral duty of times. jeasis the Fete Now reaaitg social erimes like gang-rape, sex erime, ee to give impartia’ ovryurders, indecent advertisements and other such things are an newspaper orces, KidnapPint Ts type of news creates a bad effect upon the readers. But as anddals re of tie MEWSPAP ney, these abuses ae far less. Mery the just rights of people. I's like a watchdog against the misuse Fie oe the monopoly of the privileged and powerful people. Iti hike a : the heat and temperature of public opinion and reaction. ‘a habit of newspaper-reading. because it provides information, — Eosay Wri 30. TERRORISM " ore and pain understood.” ination, bombing, kidnapping ang 442+" Terrorism is also a form of surrogate é erroris is the use oF threat of vio Common avis of terrorism include air plane hijacking, ass murder. Political terrorism is used to gain or keep power wartire [Cis a very cheap way to fight without actually going (0 wi i ‘ 10 U.S. planes crashed ing 2 Ferrorism in the United States rocked the world. On Sep 11, wh a ore hondieiee the World Trade Centre in New Yor he terrorists. were killed along of ie cca. te massive los of fives made ie | passengers and thousands of innocent people in the building, entire world stand against terrorism, age ‘rvorist organizations usually work against governments. The government buildings and public | places like railway stations, air-ports, trade centers etc. are targeted with bombs and other “eswuctive weapons, The aim of terrorists is to create harassment and panic. As a result, public “emonstrations begin and the entire set-up of the country is disturbed. Business affairs come to e standstill and the economy of the country is affected very badly : re are different causes of terrorism, ‘The Kashmis are engaged in a holy war fer their freedom ag; the Indian soldiers and the state terrorism shamed is humanity of the wounds given by thee.” the Sikhs in India have been committing acts of terrorism to win freedom from India. The Irish people of North Ireland have been terrorizing the British povernment to yzain their independence The Palestinians in Palestine are fighting against Israeli state t m. ‘The chief cause of terrorism is injustice and persecution of the down-trodden people. ‘The wrong policies of certain governments also lead to terrorist activities Another weapon of terrorists is to kidnap big guns. The planes are hijacked for the release of the ; terrorist leaders and other prisoners. The lives of the passengers are put in danger and the : governments come into action immediately. The results of the recent waves of terrorism have opened the eyes of the United Nations, The Sor ntire world is against terrorism, The United States has taken extreme steps and declared AIL | ‘n Qaida organization responsible for terorism in the U.S. The U.S planes hornbed terrorist centres io in Afghanistan and inflicted untold losses to the innocent people of Afghanistan. Their main)» sci irget was Usama-Bin-Ladin, The countries of the world joined hands with the United States to. Dailetais slachal ited Nations in the war against terrori ; war against terrorism. Pakistan also helped the Unit ; Se ism, Terrorism in Pakistan is on the rise, Suicide bomb blasts have terrified the entire nation Many nnocent people lose their lives. It has shattered the economy and distupted the peace process The Pro-American policies of the government have led to al ae Americans have ne Pro-American polic vt ma » the .s everywhere in the world since September 11. ok oe gl wee end if the grievances of the victimized people all ove, tthe 4, ores solve the disputes fy akin ¢ be stopped to 8 fairly world are alleviated. The cruelty against the weak must non : Antitervorist forces may be established to fight against terrorism in the country. The illegal toy, ee nti-terrorist forces ma C a pated to farms and money from abroad must be upre Trampled and divested is humanity by thy brutality and injustice. seen committing acts of terrorism to win freedom fi rth Ireland have been terrori Ing the British povernment to vain . ins in Palestine are fighting Zainst Israeli slate terrorist aes rjustice a Secution of the down-trodden people. The wrong po USO lead to Lerrorist activities of terrorists is to kidnap big guns. The planes are hijacked fo u ers and other prisoners. The lives of the passengers a f ne into action immediately ves of terrorism have Opened the eyes of the Unit terrorism. The United States has taken extreme steps ar esponsible for terrorism in the U.S. The ULS plane mbed 1 ted nflic Vihic untold losses to the innocent people of Afghanist sin-Ladin. The countries of the world joined hands with th« m. Pakistan also helpéd the United Nations in the war against t is on the rise. Suicide bomb blasts have terrified the entire ose their lives. It has shattered the economy and disrupted the n policies of the government have led to chaos everywhere. A ms everywhere in the world since September 11 1 me to an end if the grievances of the victimized peop uelty against the weak must be stopped to solve the dis; ished to fight against terrorism in the country. 1 iust be uprooted to eradivate terrorism , * . ” fi ity by prutality and injustice. Trampled and divested is humanity by thy brutalit b Scsence has . TENC Present through the pas: am wha technology pave thing , but a loss, what we lost.” to the men , Not f Science ae and Technology. it is generally believed that scien : ses (its own bart nce is 8 tnd $ — and bouquets) and abuses. Though the mmmane a ber its) dis mau ieseets Ades caused a fatal threat to human and animal life, ~ pty al dismal aspects of science. Sometimes, it appears — Reap capa life and civilization. Man's urge for authority and his Pitt nen have compelled him to tum tis boon iro bane. He has eye) Though Praise sy: can annihilate the whole world in no time. (within a» didi. is tying to solve the disputed issues through peaceful talks, we position where the gongs of total destruction are constantly clamouring. The most of science are the tanks ( invented by Swinton), Torpedo atomic submarines, fis like F-16 fighting falcon. tornado GR-1 B-S2.etc,Above all, atomic bombs and zre the threats to the human existence in this world issuring the atom, You have learnt to weep and wail In a loud tone,” (Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi ) +d has already witnessed the destruction caused by the atom bombs in Heroshima and sna’. where 70000 people were killed in Heroshima and 1,36,900 people were perished in ski. This “ large scale mess ~ is really frightening ~ No eye could look ‘The explosion that took ‘The lives of two glories In the moments of furies.” (John Peter) he co" linked socially: economically ot religiously, any war may be aworld war. a! the ot is Right as becomes 5” sls caley TW ke ‘of Chemical and More cmons is a heartrending fact. The use nf Chlorine gas and Mustard gas in First and et bd Wes wand later i Amaties:Vieras? War devastated the nations . Similarly. on es, a eS common practice o wire ot the enemy ae rss the twensicth century. 18780 used the same method against Chinese 8 topple them a fnich is to be blamed for the creation of germ warfare and chem! bombs. missiles nee which i “Our scientific progress has outrun ‘Our spiritual power. We have Guided missiles, but misguided men.” canes manny rovis and machines for map Though these machines are rumen Hite ‘comfortable shey also have some disadvantages. (as there (S ng rose will ie anecrones ive explaced an iD MY s for us tay ace mre wees ms and cpu A ceworsee thar aan i partscemnce) Bust AY, Essay Writ, ! kee TOA SE ROA OT pryarmid og PEe Ss wang way nage YU | TIE GORD sew | WG 2 apes Au Sq Ws 24 NOY SQUIMIS | PEST a cqen Gaon une |, amsodsoyeys 24] POE AUD S9G) UISPAPE pur spusuy Sorpew dunodsoad_ PES SI > sty Sumynd Aww ae SWOS PUL SMOT|A} aHajjoo Alu are aWOg “aflaqjoo ee spuaiiy Berie © an wurnby semoyy),aryspusigy and ueys paziid oq 0} a40ul 4482 Sty} UO Suryjou st Sa I etn : yi] Jo aseyd Azone Ut popaau st ay Bane YL» pind ues ou puatiy WY “suOUr Wade “sadn VOLUN e YLOA Saree: (am 2PAYID) ae S} puaLy poos ve savy OL Aa paapuny & 3snw nO; ‘poos au0 puly Oy Aq nod 1) | ENS suO]aw dxf 948 spat, WsaU}O Broad UAYO SPUdLy 1S: K se pur’ cae eos esac ts akon oes ee a aUOD as OS awu099q DALY feDc SLY Ys; ¢ q ue auiod spuouiy “ep Ayond Saou} MOU JAS 9A "A saat Soc a hee ANIA sv {pogAue aidoad Aue ssouge gy, et oe ano Ssolon 0 JNOYsnoy) GNA LSA AW ‘sp ofli6s ai Sav oO Uy Suny Aess3 Essay weting 46. MY COLLEGE S ~Man is destined to learn and College is the best place for it” be ESE Span of my life. | am spending in my Govt. College, Rawalpindi. It is centrally Seamicd institution of the city. famous for its academics and sports. This college enjoys the peelings to be the largest college in the district. Our college is spread over thousands of the Sguute meters. ht also enjoys its traditional value. whege Dullding is scemented into four major blocks i.e. Main block, Administration block, Scsence Block and Master block There are seventy class rooms Overall. There are five well equipped major laboratories. College library is one of the enhancing elements. Main library shome St departmental libraries is consist of almost more than seven thousands books. It is veal 2 fascinating source to illuminate the minds of the students. Students are attached with the owicr Serkd Fp the facility of internet The research and news are generally the topic of scuswon among the students. Tne Scholae aptitude of the teachers is really one of the sources of inspiration for me, They cpovade met omly Knowledge but a vision about a successful life also. All the teachers have a good command over their subjects. Enghsh is my favourite subject. We\leam English in fun. Our octy prmcipal is also of the same subject. Ile pours magnetic energy into the students with his qemertal speeches. Its discipline is exemplary. He never spares the rotien eggs. Socom nesuly of college 1s charged with two playing grounds. These grounds are usually filled os nw om Heeak time. Cricket and football are the favourite games of the boys. Our college so. Siemens seams. Students take active part in it, For last two years, our college has been @ “rors winner in district The flower beds and rows of trees, around the ground, give a splendid sea. Ponple usually come lor a walk in the evening, Peaceful and calm atmosphere provide siding of hostel is lies to the East. This graceful building carries students reside. It gives a high sensation when roars of : : This the students an excellent opportunity 10 a i elt Foe aa yw ved is from the core of our hearts. Its respect. as our Alma Mater, will be borne eee : incre We jove vur college ower a 47. MY II ase pires to be happy and in life “A OF A HAPPY LIFE However, then : ere is no doubt abor ct by, However thes ut the fact that ba a ee uty & few lucky ones achieve the goal of bein rely tage 20es to the extent of saying oe “Happiness is i uppiness is an occasional episode in the general d f rama of pi piness is in no way connecte ee i ee with material glory and eminence. One often comes 0 and pelf yet is craving for more, and is not ee be hatred, fear, jealousy and intolerance spoil happiness. of comparing Ane Stas and the desire to become what others are, often leaves a ich negative passions are the outcome of not being satisfied with what one has \e desires do not let a person be at peace with life, oteworthy that happiness is a relative term since the idea of a happy life varies from person person. Some people think money is a means to happiness because it can help us satisfy our snd wants. The bitter fact of life is that riches bring selfishness, greed, lust, dishonesty and nd worries, And where these things exist, happiness eludes. To it is a misconception. Power seldom generates rood, coupled with pride a \y. power is a source of happiness. Again, eee always instills fear. The hedonists find joy in senses and hold the Epieurian moto 1 drink and be merry for tomorrow you will die’. The hollowness of this view is borne out by isc that excess of hedonism makes one sick. There stemany Who @sopt a0 escapist approach rds life. They believe that asceticism is an antidote to the woes of the world. The approach interesting but too impracticable to be followed in the real life. es in wanting the right things first, in working hard and in appiness li : i f place to cite a Chinese proverb: which ving, It would not be out o fa happy Hite: ieve that the secret of » more than inf ssulates nry idea o! i hour — take a nap.’ «1¢you want happiness for a8 : tyes ‘want happiness for a day — 0 fishing. if you want happiness for 9 30" inherit a fortune. iryou want happiness for ifetime — help someone else. ; vileged i i lth, oF fi sno are less privileged in terms of either health or We ok around. we Sind rane yore See ced of relet from pain and suffering. | am sure ee eae ee Buscaglia holds act ¢ ss we Ie th. Life is @ smal a listening car, an tial to turn a life ouch, a smile, a kind word, al! of which have the potent at ever & ne power of 4 8 en. WE vamaljest act of Carine, oraplime” too off nonest you! SBIS S3LON So, jo quawt|d jenuaiod ory “Suumes Jo JOB ysaqTBWs oY} 1 en v a a v abe : ae v Jo amod ayy ayewNsoz9pun a wy “orp Bun " i ‘uyed wrod Joxjox Jo pau auip ut axe Koy] “Way 10} Uapng eet en ra ig ut padajiaud ssaj are oym Aue puy am ‘punoie yor ssp auOdMIOS diay — auNyapI] “ouMI0j & yDyU — swaK ¥ 10) ssouiddey juem nod jy © 40} ssourddey juem nox uy ea ad ot — ep 8 05 sourddey yuem nox 5) dee 18} —anoy ue soy Ssomrddey juea NOA 31,, PW quonnad py na ® AD of HH Addvy v yo vapi ud shedding Albert Kins in is absolutely right waen he say “Phe signifi ime level OF thinking we were at nt problems we face cannot be solved a when we created th Lainly have 10 1 Ybviously, we will to find solutions for ovate the situation rather tions are required. As the short tem solution, the government should purchase cheap e trom China. fhe midmanagensent of power distribution and generation companics should be rectified through special task forbes: There government should show zero tolerance for etectricity theft at any level. Daily business 7 hours should be reducec ‘ Long term solutions requ: 5 neration capacity and the use of alternative power generat . c er generation wapacity, we need 10 "5 nuild dams, Pakistan isa guited country in this respect. it has such geographieal features that ca sip ws build dams with minimum cost. Only a nation one and sincere political willl ited to accomplish this wish The sweltering summers of Pakistan are also a blessing it ised to atse sold cnengy as the primary source of power generation. Although we have stand 7 4 limited level, we need toinstall it in an organized way. The Grid Tie System, if oning eee organized way with the belp of tanking and private sector, can ; pes on ag 1 few areas in Pakistan are also suitable to use wind energy for po wondertal eae . our thinking level in onde: ‘hu quandary, With the present evasive mind sei, we han solve it, Certain ‘ort and long term substanti SAI Tnte nome

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