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Alpha Lycanthrope 2nd Revision

Sometimes, a Lycanthrope doesn't want to be cured. The curse becomes their gift, and they
wish to share it. They wish to embrace it, and with great challenge and hardship the curse
can embrace them back. Such a Lycanthrope has the possibility of ascending to a higher
stage of power, the pinnacle of Lycanthropic capability. Alpha Lycanthropes, however they
came to be, are never to be lightly trifled with.

Creating an Alpha Lycanthrope

“Alpha Lycanthrope” is an acquired template that can be added to any living Lycanthrope.
This template modifies the existing Lycanthrope template. An Afflicted Lycanthrope gaining
this template becomes a Natural Lycanthrope and stays one, even if it loses this template
Just as there are two ways to become a Lycanthrope, there are two ways to become an
Alpha. The first, and easiest way, is to kill an Alpha Lycanthrope of your kind through the
Trial by Claws. The second, and most beneficial yet more difficult way is to earn it through
deeds, divine favor, efforts and sheer force of will. Precisely how is left up to the GM,
though it could be through defeating a worthy enemy, undergoing a Mythic trial, or simply
through gaining the loyalty and respect of a large group of Lycanthropes of their kind, to
name a few suggestions. This second option is known as a True Alpha, and the differences
are noted below.
A Lycanthrope that gains this template by killing an Alpha loses the ability to ascend to a
True Alpha, unless it willingly gets itself fully cured of Lycanthropy and starts over.

Challenge Rating: Add +1 (+2 for True Alphas) to the Challenge Rating of the
Lycanthrope gaining this template, but see Alpha's Pack below.

Senses: An Alpha Lycanthrope gains +5 to hearing based Perception checks, Survival

checks to track by scent, and gains Darkvision 60'. If the base creature already has
Darkvision, increase the distance by 30'. True Alphas also gain Blindsight 30'.

Speed: Same as the base animal or base creature in all forms, whichever is faster. Any
burrow, climb, swim, or fly speeds possessed by the base animal and base creature are
gained in animal and hybrid forms. If the same mode of movement, other than the base
speed, is possessed by both the base animal and base creature, the Alpha retains the base
creature's in Humanoid form, and replaces it with the higher of the two when in animal and
hybrid forms. A True Alpha still retains only the base creature's in Humanoid form, but
instead adds the two values together when in animal and hybrid forms, using the total as
that mode of movement's speed.
Alpha Lycanthropes gain 20' to only their base move speed, in animal and hybrid forms.
True Alphas gain 30' to only their base move speed, in animal and hybrid forms.
All Alphas are treated as having a 10' running start when making a jump. If they already
have this ability or gain it elsewhere later, they instead gain a +5 on Acrobatics checks
made to jump.
This replaces the original Speed changes.

AC: In hybrid and animal form the Lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base
animal +6.
True Alphas instead have the natural armor bonus of the base animal +8 and gain half this
natural armor bonus to their humanoid form.
This replaces the original AC changes.

Defensive Abilities: An Alpha Lycanthrope loses most of its vulnerability to silver, only the
purest will harm it if at all. It has DR 10/- in animal and hybrid forms during the full moon.
Between the full and new moon phases, this becomes DR 5/-. During a new moon, the
Alpha Lycanthrope is at its weakest, with DR 5/magic and silversheen.
A True Alpha gains half their total DR in their humanoid form, have DR 15/- as long as the
moon is half-full or greater. During the lesser half of the cycle, True Alphas have DR 10/-.
During a new moon, the True Alpha has DR 5/magic and siccatite.
Alpha Lycanthropes, True or otherwise, gain a bonus on this Damage Reduction equal to
half their HD, and retain it during daylight hours.
An Alpha Lycanthrope gains Fast Healing 3, while A True Alpha gains Fast Healing 5.
This replaces the original Defensive Abilities.

Melee: An Alpha Lycanthrope's natural attacks deal damage as if one size category larger,
and may always perform a full attack after a charge.
A True Alpha also receives 1 ½ times their Strength bonus on damage rolls for primary
natural attacks, and their full Strength bonus on damage rolls for secondary natural attacks.

Special Attacks: An Alpha Lycanthrope retains all the special attacks, qualities, and
abilities of the base creature. In hybrid or animal form it gains the special attacks, qualities,
and abilities of the base animal. An Alpha Lycanthrope also gains low-light vision, scent, and
the following:

Change Shape (Su)

All Alpha Lycanthropes have three forms—a humanoid form, an animal form, and a hybrid
form. Equipment does not meld with the new form between humanoid and hybrid form, but
does between those forms and animal form. An Alpha Lycanthrope can shift to any of its
three alternate forms as a move-equivalent action. A slain Alpha Lycanthrope begins to
decay normally, and remains in hybrid or animal form for 2 days per HD, then reverts to its
humanoid form.
True Alphas can shift as a swift action, and when slain, remain in hybrid or animal form and
do not naturally decay.
This replaces the original Change Shape ability.

Guarded by Moonlight (Su)

While the moon is full, an Alpha Lycanthrope's Damage Reduction applies even against
damage from spells and energy damage. True Alphas gain this ability as long as the moon is
half-full or greater.

Trial by Claws (Su)

Alpha status is a prize sought widely by those who embrace their Lycanthropy. Some will go
to great extremes and not earn it, but a Lycanthrope displeased with an Alpha can take
their power by defeating them in a Trial by Claws. The challenging is simple; the challenge
must be issued publicly, before the Alpha and his Pack and/or Dominion. An Alpha may
refuse a challenge, but will earn the disrespect of his Pack and Dominion. An Alpha may
only be challenged once per month during the full moon, and a Lycanthrope that surrenders
can not challenge again until he has gained a Hit Die.
The Trial by Claws itself ritual combat between the Alpha and the challenging Lycanthrope,
with a code that must be followed for the ritual to work. The code is as follows:

• A challenge accepted must begin immediately.

• Neither the Alpha, nor the challenger, may receive aid. Each must fight on
their own, by their own powers. Summoned creatures, familiars, cohorts,
and other companions bound to or otherwise following either party may
not interfere.
• The fight must last until surrender or death. An Alpha that surrenders, and
isn't killed for his power, loses this template anyway. A Lycanthrope that
surrenders is dealt with as seen fit by the Alpha challenged.
• No weapons may be used, other than those granted by Lycanthropy,
natural weapons from the base creature's race, or Unarmed Strikes.
• Spells and abilities are permitted, in the event that they do not create or
call any form of outside assistance.
• If either party does not take a melee attack action against the other for
three consecutive rounds, the Trial by Claws ends as if the one who first
ceased attacking has surrendered.

When a challenge begins and until its end, the Alpha's Damage Reduction gains Natural
Weapons and Unarmed Strikes as bypass elements.
If the code is broken, all witnessing Lycanthropes sense it, the cause and result is known to
them, and the Trial by Claws ends. The Lycanthrope that broke the code is treated as
having surrendered. If outside interference is issued without consent of the Alpha or
challenger, the Trial ends immediately as a draw, leaving both parties unaffected by victory
or defeat. Challenges so interrupted may be reissued sooner than the next month.
A Lycanthrope defeating an Alpha automatically gains the followers from the dead Alpha's
Dominion, and from the Alpha's Pack.
An Alpha or True Alpha slain by a non-Alpha Lycanthrope, reverts to Humanoid form and
remains dead as normal, losing the benefits of this template as the Lycanthrope that killed it
becomes an Alpha. The Ex-Alpha retains its original Lycanthrope template, and may still be
resurrected normally. A resurrected Ex-Alpha that killed an Alpha to gain this template in
the past, cannot ascend to a True Alpha unless it gets itself fully cured of Lycanthropy and
then becomes a Lycanthrope again.
An Ex-True Alpha may reascend to True Alpha by earning it normally, or by slaying the
Lycanthrope that took its power in the Trial by Claws. A successful reascendence through
this specific situation does not penalize the returned True Alpha, but shames the now Ex-
Alpha, leaving him unable to regain the Alpha Lycanthrope template at all, without being
fully cured of Lycanthropy and becoming a Lycanthrope again.

Empowered Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)

The curse from an Alpha Lycanthrope's bite attack in animal or hybrid form is more powerful
than a standard Lycanthrope's. Consuming doses of Wolfsbane gives no additional save. The
victim is subject to a Fortitude save (DC 15 + the Alpha's HD) to negate the effect. Failure
results in an Afflicted Lycanthrope for the full three nights of the next full moon, after which
it is treated as Natural. If Corruption rules are used, the victim gains Natural Lycanthropy
after the Corruption has run its course. The victim always remembers each night spent
involuntarily transformed, but does not gain control until the Natural Lycanthropy applies. If
the victim's size is not within one size category of the Lycanthrope, this ability has no
Curing the bite of an Alpha is much more difficult. After killing the Alpha in question, two
doses of wolfsbane must be consumed before a Cleric of 12th level or higher may use
Remove Disease or Heal to cure it, within three days of the bite. The bite of a True Alpha
requires three doses, and both Remove Disease and Heal to be cast by a Cleric of 12th level
or higher. After this three day period, a Remove Curse spell cast by a Cleric of 12th level or
higher, while the Lycanthrope is in animal or hybrid form, may suffice so long as the Cleric
beats a caster level check against the DC of the bite that turned the Lycanthrope in the first
place, plus 5.
This replaces Curse of Lycanthropy.

Alpha's Dominion (Ex)

An Alpha Lycanthrope has the respect and loyalty of animals related to their animal form.
Such animals are considered Helpful toward the Alpha Lycanthrope, understand messages
delivered by Howl of the Alpha, and may also be communicated with by the Alpha as per
Speak With Animals. Once per month, and if in the proper terrain for the animal, an Alpha
Lycanthrope may spend one day to find and gain a following of these animals. This following
is called a Dominion, and is never greater than 3 HD of animals per HD of the Alpha. These
animals are willing to perform simple tasks for the Alpha, such as fighting, guarding,
defending, and reporting on things that happen in the surrounding territory. It is up to the
GM whether a task is too complex for the Alpha's Dominion to perform.
These animals follow by choice, and mistreating them may cause them to leave. Refusing a
challenge to Trial by Claws seeds disrespect, and one HD of animals per HD of the
challenging Lycanthrope leaves the Alpha's Dominion. For each consecutive refusal, the
number of deserters grows by the challenger's HD (ie; Challenger of 6 HD refused one
month, 6 HD animals leave, Challenger of 7 HD refused next month, 13 HD animals leave,
so on and so forth), and resets once the Alpha accepts a challenge.
Animals that die in service to an Alpha may be replaced as soon as the next search may be
performed. Animals that leave the service of an Alpha may not be replaced until one month
after the event that caused them to.
A True Alpha instead has a following of 5 HD of animals per HD of the Alpha.
This replaces Lycanthropic Empathy.

Howl of the Alpha (Ex/Su)

The Howl of the Alpha has three portions. Whether they are Supernatural or Extraordinary is
defined by each separate portion.
Communication(Ex): An Alpha Lycanthrope has a howl or roar which it may use, as a Full-
Round Action, to communicate over long distances, and can convey a message of up to 30
words. The howl can be clearly heard (Perception DC 0) up to a half-mile away. For each
quarter-mile beyond, Perception checks to hear the howl suffer a –1 penalty. The message
is clearly understood by all Lycanthropes of the same kind as the howler who hear it,
regardless of any language barriers. Lycanthropes that can breathe underwater in any of
their three forms may use this ability underwater in that form.
Influence Form(Su): An Alpha Lycanthrope is also, as a Full-Round Action, able to
influence the form of Lycanthropes of their own kind. When doing so, the Alpha chooses one
Lycanthrope in hybrid or animal form within a 30' radius and howls at it. The Alpha
Lycanthrope rolls an Intimidate check against DC 10 + the target Lycanthrope's Con
modifier, + half the target Lycanthrope's HD. On success, the target Lycanthrope is forced
back into Humanoid form and must remain so for 1d4 rounds. The Alpha Lycanthrope
receives +5 to this check against a member of its Pack. If the check fails, the target
Lycanthrope is immune to this ability for the rest of the day.
A True Alpha may target all Lycanthropes of any kind within a 30' cone when influencing
forms, and adds its Con modifier to the Intimidate check. A True Alpha gains a +5 to this
check for Lycanthropes of its kind, and automatically succeeds this check against members
of its Pack. A Lycanthrope forced into Humanoid form by a True Alpha must remain in that
form for 1d8 rounds.
Fear Effect(Su): Non-Lycanthropes hearing the Howl feel the blood drain from their faces.
Dread grows in their hearts. This acts as a Fear spell that extends as far as the Howl is
heard. Creatures can only be affected by this ability once per day, but suffer a cumulative -
1 penalty on their save against it for each day they are affected. This is a sonic fear effect.
Using Howl of the Alpha provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The Form Influence portion of this
ability has no affect when used on another Alpha of any kind.

Alpha's Pack (Su)

Special: All Lycanthropes with or in an Alpha's Pack are treated as being 1 CR higher than
their usual CR.
An Alpha Lycanthrope may form a Pack of other Lycanthropes of its kind. An Alpha may
make a Lycanthrope a part of its Pack with a bite, and an Afflicted Lycanthrope that
becomes part of an Alpha's Pack, immediately becomes a Natural Lycanthrope, even if it
later leaves the Pack. A Lycanthrope can not become part of a Pack until after all three
nights of its first full moon, or if Corruption rules are used, until after the Corruption has run
its course.
Having a Pack makes an Alpha stronger, just as being part of a Pack makes regular
Lycanthropes stronger. Both gain the bonuses noted below, for as long as they are part of a
Pack. The bonuses are treated as temporary ability bonuses for the first 24 hours, and stack
with the Ability Scores granted by this template.
An Alpha with a Pack gains +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and +2 Constitution in Hybrid and
Animal forms, +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma in all forms.
A True Alpha with a Pack gains +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution in Hybrid and
Animal form, +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma in all forms.
Lycanthropes in a Pack gain +2 Strength and +2 Dexterity in Hybrid and Animal forms, and
+2 Wisdom in all forms in addition to their normal bonuses, and gain the Communication
portion of Howl of the Alpha. Howls from non-Alpha Lycanthropes do not carry the Fear
Effect portion of Howl of the Alpha.
In addition to these bonuses, Lycanthropes in an Alpha's Pack are always aware of their
Alpha's life force, as per the Deathwatch spell. The Alpha of an Alpha's Pack is in the same
way aware of his Pack members' life forces, and always knows the direction and distance
from itself to each Pack member. This awareness only functions between those on the same
plane of existence. An Alpha always knows when a member leaves the Pack.
At any given time, the number of Lycanthropes in an Alpha's Pack may total no more than
double its own Hit Dice. The number of Lycanthropes in a True Alpha's Pack may go up to
triple its own HD. Lycanthropes may choose to leave a Pack at any time, and in doing so
immediately lose the benefits of an Alpha's Pack.
If an Alpha refuses a Trial by Claws, the bonuses to its Pack and from having a Pack are
penalized by -1 per refusal, up to -4. Most Lycanthropes would choose to leave a Pack
before it gets that low. This penalty is removed immediately if the Alpha accepts a Trial by
An Alpha may join another Alpha's Pack, such that a high Alpha may indirectly influence a
large number of Lycanthropes. An Alpha that both has a Pack and is in a Pack, may only
benefit from one of the above ability bonus sets.

The Curse Runs Deep (Su)

An Alpha Lycanthrope, whether average or True, has fully embraced the curse. It is too
deeply rooted to cure with a Remove Curse spell regardless of the situation. Only a Wish or
Miracle used to imitate Remove Curse, cast on the Alpha Lycanthrope after it has been
struck with a weapon that ignores its damage reduction during a new moon, will cure it. A
cured Alpha Lycanthrope loses this template and its original Lycanthrope template, and
must normally regain Alpha status should it become a Lycanthrope again.
The curse makes Alpha Lycanthropes immune to the negative effects of aging, though they
still die from old age when their time comes. True Alphas do not die from old age, and never
age past venerable.
Moonlit Rebirth (Su)
If still intact, the head of an Alpha Lycanthrope can be severed and will remain in animal or
hybrid form. It can be used in rituals on nights of a full moon to create new Lycanthropes as
per the Empowered Curse of Lycanthropy ability with the following alterations:
Unwilling subjects will remain Afflicted Lycanthropes, while willing subjects will become
Natural Lycanthropes. The head must be severed before the Alpha reverts to humanoid
form in order to do this, and the head's power lasts until it is too decayed to use for a bite,
or until one year has passed since death, whichever comes first. Unwilling subjects instead
roll a DC 15 Fortitude Save to avoid the affect. Regular curing methods will suffice for
Lycanthropes made in this way.
An Alpha Lycanthrope's body may be brought back to life as per Resurrection by bathing it
in the light of the full moon, after being bitten by either a number of Lycanthropes in animal
or hybrid form whose total HD equal its own, or a True Alpha of its kind. The alignment
delivered to the passed-on soul is always True Neutral. The ritual lasts two nights of the full
moon, and the body must be shielded from direct sunlight during the first two days. The
first night, the body grows warm as if only recently dead, and any decay regresses. The
second night, the wounds heal and any weapon pieces or poisons are expelled. At twilight
after the third night, the Alpha may return to life. If the Alpha opts not to return, the body
reverts to Humanoid form as it would have been before the ritual and natural decay sets in
retroactively. The body must be in animal or hybrid form, and must not be missing its head
or any limbs or extremities that it had when it died, or at least must be sewn back together
for this ritual to have effect.
True Alphas are brought back as per True Resurrection, and the body does not have to be
physically intact, but must at least consist of a head and torso. Missing limbs will grow back
on the first night.

Ability Scores: +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha in all forms; +4 Str, +4 Con in hybrid and animal
forms. Alpha Lycanthropes have further enhanced their senses and mastered control over
themselves in embracing the curse. True Alphas gain an extra +2 Str in all forms, and an
extra +2 Dex in hybrid and animal forms.
This is in addition to the Ability Scores section from the previous Lycanthrope template, and
any bonuses granted by Alpha's Pack.

As there are other types of Lycanthropes, their abilities differ slightly when becoming an
Silverblood Lycanthropes: Becoming an Alpha is a strengthening of the curse through
embracing it wholly, and the power that flows into the Lycanthrope as a result of becoming
an Alpha overwhelms the ritual magic that creates Silverblood Lycanthropes. They are
treated, in all aspects, as having the regular Lycanthrope template when gaining this
template. Upon losing this template, they become Silverblood Lycanthropes again.

Monstrous Lycanthropes: GMs should use caution when allowing Monstrous Lycanthropes
become Alphas. It can be great for unique encounters but terribly broken if it's your player.
A good rule of thumb is to only allow it if the base monster in question is of the Animal type.

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