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Class - IX

Maximum Marks : 90 Time : 3 hours

Instructions :
The question paper is divided into four sections.
Section A : Reading 20 marks
Section B : Writing 20 marks
Section C : Grammar 15 marks
Section D : Literature 35 marks
All questions are compulsory.
Marks are indicated against each question.

(Reading – 20 Marks)
1. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow by 5
writing the options that you consider the most appropriate in your
answersheet :
The beginning of this fun-filled season with the sun hidden behind the
grey clouds brings cheer to many of us waiting eagerly to splash in the rains.
Of course not everything about rains is glamorous. Especially when you
think about endless traffic jams, the bad roads dotted with potholes,
uncleared garbage and the spate of water borne diseases. Also viral infections
like cold and cough make their presence felt.
Most infectious diseases prevalent in rainy season can be prevented by
simply washing our hands regularly. Scrubbing hands regularly with water
and soap can prevent us from contacting respiratory and diarrheal diseases.
Kids have a lower level of immunity and hence hand washing becomes a
crucial part of their life style. When playing especially during monsoon
season kids come into contact with germs and can unknowingly become
infected simply by touching their nose, eyes or mouth. The Food and Drug
Administration states that the human influenza virus can survive on surfaces
for up to eight hours, making people susceptible to catching it each time they
touch the infected surface. Hence repeated hand washing is required.
To make the best of the rainy season we should follow some simple
guidelines. First of all if we decide to get wet in rains we should change into a
dry set of clothes at the earliest. Also we should keep raw food items at bay
and wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use. Moreover strict
kitchen hygiene should be maintained in order to enjoy one of the most
beautiful seasons of the year. Also, in order to have a trouble free rainy
season home made fresh food should be given preference over the fast food
sold in the market.

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(a) People wait for the rains since they can __________ in it.
(i) splash
(ii) have potholed roads
(iii) have spate of water borne diseases
(iv) have endless traffic jams
(b) After getting wet in rains we should put on dry clothes __________
(i) as late as possible (ii) whenever we like to
(iii) as early as possible (iv) when we fall sick
(c) Besides maintaining kitchen hygiene we should __________ so as to
keep us disease free in rainy season.
(i) avoid raw fruits (ii) enjoy raw fruits
(iii) avoid vegetables (iv) consume more fruits and vegetables
(d) The passage suggests that small children should wash their hands
__________ in rainy season since they have lower immunity.
(i) frequently (ii) rarely
(iii) after every meal (iv) before every meal
(e) The word in the passage which means the same as‟ prone and
vulnerable‟ is __________
(i) dotted (ii) hygiene
(iii) susceptible (iv) influenza

2. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by 5
writing the options that you consider the most appropriate in your answer
sheet :
Time is running out and the parents are worried with just 10 days left
for the schools to reopen after holidays. Since the children have enjoyed
through their vacations it is their parents who are surfing the internet,
painting the charts, writing essays and preparing science models to complete
their homework. Some busy parents who are well off but cannot spare time
are compelled to send their wards to the “holiday homework special” classes.

Sumedha, who holds classes for completing the children‟s homework says
that she charges anything between Rs.1000 and 5000 per child depending on
the class and volume of homework. Many schools give away prizes for the
best homework or add the marks in internal assessment. This makes it almost
imperative for parents to get the best quality.
Majority of the parents complain that the level of the homework is so high
that their children are clueless about how to do it. Also many of them fret
that the quantum of holiday homework is so much that children fail to
complete it within the stipulated holidays.

In spite of all the troubles all parents agree that holiday homework is
essential for the children. Some of them opined that homework helps
establish and strengthen bonds between them and their children as it brings
them close to each other. Some others think that holiday homework keeps the
children in touch with their studies when they are not going to school.

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(a) The two objections raised by parents regarding holiday homework
are _________
(i) children playing through the holidays and amount of
home work.
(ii) high level and amount of homework
(iii) too much time and high level of homework
(iv) lack of ideas among children and level of homework
(b) Holiday homework special „classes are conducted‟ for _________
(i) busy parents (ii) children of busy parents
(iii) for all well off children (iv) teachers
(c) That _________ makes it necessary that quality homework is done.
(i) schools assign difficult homework
(ii) parents are doing the homework
(iii) schools add marks of the homework to internal assessment
(iv) parents are paying a heavy price for the homework.
(d) Besides keeping the children in touch with their studies homework
_________ between parents and children.
(i) sets up bonds (ii) builds bonds
(iii) weakens bond (iv) sets up and builds bonds
(e) The word _________ in the passage means the same as “ expressed
(i) running out (ii) spare
(iii) imperative (iv) opined

3. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow. 5
From the threshold of the Dawn
On we wander, always on
Till the friendly light be gone
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!
We are free-born sons of Fate
What care we for wealth or state
Or the glory of the great ?
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!
Life may grant us or withhold
Roof or raiment, bread or gold,
But our hearts are gay and bold,
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!
Time is like a wind that blows,
The future is a folded rose,
Who shall pluck it no man knows‟
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!

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So we go a fearless band,
The staff of freedom in our hand
Wandering from land to land.
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!
Till we meet the night that brings
Both to beggars and to kings
The end of all their journeying
Y‟ Allah! Y‟ Allah!

(a) At what time of the day do the beggars start begging ?

(b) “Till we meet the night”. What does the night refer to here ?
(c) Why do the beggars not fear the future or the fate ?
(d) What kind of life do the beggars live ?
(e) Which word the poem means the same as „remove by picking or
pulling out‟?

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 5
On a sweltering summer day in a dingy government school
classroom, 47 children of class 3 attempt to solve a maths problem inscribed
on the makeshift blackboard. The teacher smiles approvingly, and moves
onto the next question. This would be a familiar sight, except that the teacher
is a 16 year old school going boy.
What really motivated this young boy to impart education to these students ?
Was it sheer commitment or the new trend of community service encouraged
by various school boards ?
Unlike common perception that students take part in community
development merely for grades, there are many who are volunteering to pick
up litter from public places, teach in schools for the underprivileged and go
on conservation trips with their friends and teachers. Majority of the
students who are doing community service opined that they love and enjoy
it. However, students also believe that with the school boards curricula
encouraging Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) more students have
been sensitized to community service than earlier times.

While the ICSE and ISC curricula require students to take up SUPW for a
certain number of hours, involving work done at home, school or outside
which is beneficial to community, the CBSE also encourages schools to
undertake similar programmes. Similarly, the IB students also have to
undergo a minimum of 50 hours of community service that comes under
CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) criteria. Apart from the usual ways of
community service some CBSE schools are opting for innovative options
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such as taking their students on a Clean Yamuna Yatra.
So is the community service a 100% success ? Some students as well as
teachers believe that there needs to be more commitment on the part of the
students. Also parents should encourage the practice of taking to community
service. All in all, the community service seems to be a fast rising trend, but
needs to be pursued on a larger scale, with a greater amount of involvement.
(a) In what respect is the classroom described in paragraph one different
from a normal classroom ?
(b) Name any two community services described in the passage .
(c) What is the common belief regarding students‟ participation in
community service ?
(d) How have different boards helped in promoting community service
among the students ?
(e) Find the word in the passage which means the same as “ expressed as

(Writing – 20 Marks)
5. Your cousin has fallen into the bad habit of smoking. He does not realize that 8
smoking is highly injurious to active as well as passive smokers. Write a
letter in about 100 words telling your cousin about the harmful effects of
smoking. You are Pankaj living at J-54 Spring Enclave, New Delhi.
The use of various gadgets-washing machine, mobile phone, i-pod etc. in our
life is growing day by day. The latest researches reveal that these gadgets
produce radiation which are immensely harmful to us. Write a letter in about
100 words to the editor of a local daily highlighting the dangers of
over-exposure to gadgets. You are Vineeta of B- 124 ABC Enclave Janakpuri

6. Riding without helmets, speeding, rash driving and jumping red lights are 8
some aspects of underage driving. The underage drivers fail to realize that
they are putting to risk not only their own but also the life of other road users.
Write an article in about 120 words highlighting solutions to the menace of
underage driving.
Delhi is seen as soft target by the terrorists. Amit/Amita read the following
advertisement by Delhi Police. She/he decided to deliver a speech in the
school assembly to spread awareness among students how they can help in
avoiding terrorist activity. Write the speech for her/him in about 120 words.
 You can help us prevent bomb explosion :
 Never touch –unidentified, unclaimed and suspicious objects
 Report about suspicious people/objects to the nearest police station or
dial 100
 Win big rewards.

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7. Using all the phrases and words given below in the box weave an interesting
story in about 80 words.
__________ A adjudged the best speaker, participated, slightly nervous, sure
to win, tough competition, excited


Adhyyan and Bhrigu are planning a trip to Manali in Himachal Pradesh.

Develop an interesting dialogue, in about 80 words, between the two wherein
they discuss preparations for their visit to the hill station.

(Grammar – 15 Marks)
8. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate words 1x3=3
from the given alternatives. Write the answers in your answersheet against
the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage

S.K.V. Babbar Enclave turned (a) __________ a cultural hub on 3rd July
(b) __________ the school organized Rabindra Janmotsav. The celebration
(c) __________ four compositons.

(a) (i) upon (ii) into (iii) on to (iv) under

(b) (i) when (ii) as (iii) that (iv) which
(c) (i) includes (ii) including (iii) included (iv) had included.

9. Complete the passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the 1x3=3
ones given below the passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet
against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole passage.

Now it (i) __________ that once the earth had two moons. According to the
astronomers the smaller of the two moons smashed into the other in what
(ii) __________ “big splat”. As a result of big splat our planet (iii) __________
with a single bulked up moon.

(i) (a) has discovered (b) has been discovered

(c) has been discovering (d) has discover
(ii) (a) was being called (b) was been called
(c) is being called (d) is calling
(iii) (a) was left (b) had been left
(c) is leaving (d) was leaving

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10. Read the dialogue given below and complete the report that follows. Write 1x3=3
your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not
copy the dialogue and the report.
Santa : How did your hen die ?
Banta : I poured hot water into its mouth.
Santa : But why did you do it ?
Banta : Actually I thought it would give me boiled eggs.
Santa asked Banta (a) __________
Banta replied that (b) __________ . Now Santa wanted to know why he had
done it. To which Banta replied that (c) __________ .

11. In the following passage each line has an error. Write the incorrect word in 3
your answersheet along with the correct word against each correct blank
The hijacked plane have a e.g. have had
hundred and fifty passengers which had (a) _____ ______
suddenly turned hostages. None on them (b) _____ ______
could ever believe if to be real. Different (c) _____ ______
passengers had an range of different experiences (d) _____ ______
which would also be determine by how they (e) _____ ______
took the trauma of been captured for (f) _____ ______
seven full days.

12. Look at the words and phrase given below. Rearrange them to form 3
meaningful sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. The
first one has been done as an example.
 EXAMPLE : four / divided / the question / has been / sections /
paper / into
 The question paper has been divided into four sections.
(a) the reading/four / passages/will/section/have/unseen,
(b) five / multiple choice / passage / questions / each /
followed / will be/by
(c) vocabulary/out of/marks/twenty/for/marks/will be/four

Text Books – 35 Marks
13.(A) Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 4x2=8
Friends had conjectured that the bear would not recognise her. I had thought
so too. But while she was yet some yards from his cage Baba saw her and
recognised her. He howled with happiness. She ran up to him, petted him
through the bars and he stood on his head in delight.
(i) What was the common opinion of the author and his friends ?
(ii) How did the bear express its happiness ?
(iii) Which trait of the author‟s wife is highlighted in the passage ?
(iv) Which word in the passage means the same as „ guessed‟ ?

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B. I find it difficult to tear myself away from the square. Flute music always
does this to me : it is at once the most universal and most particular of
sounds. There is no culture that does not have its flute- the reed neh, the
recorder, the Japanese shakuhachi, the deep bansuri of Hindustani classical
music, the clear or breathy flutes of South America, the high-pitched Chinese
flutes. Each has its specific fingering and compass. It weaves its own
associations. Yet to hear any flute is, it seems to me, to be drawn into the
commonality of all mankind, to be moved by music closest in its phrases and
sentences to the human voice. Its motive force too is living breath : it too
needs to pause and breathe before it can go on.

(i) Pick one line or phrase from the passage which suggests that Vikram
Seth is fond of listening to flute.
(ii) What sets apart all the flutes from each other ?
(iii) Write down one similarity between a flute and a human being.
(iv) Find the word in the last line of passage which means the same as

14. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by 6
choosing the most appropriate options from those given below. Any
two extracts
(A) Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
“This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection,
Which is, if you‟ll let me speak so bold,
Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,
And would probably give me the roo-
Matiz!” said the Kangaroo.

(a) „This requires some little reflection‟ „This‟ here refers to __________
(i) hopping by kangaroo (ii) boring life of the duck
(iii) the nasty pond (iv) duck‟s request to give it a ride
(b) The Kangaroo‟s objection to Duck‟s plan is that __________
(i) the Duck is very heavy
(ii) Duck‟s feet are wet and cold
(iii) the Duck is very bold
(iv) the Duck quacks a lot
(c) The name of the poem from which this stanza has been taken is
(i) The Duck and the Kangaroo
(ii) The Duck and Kangaroo
(iii) Duck and Kangaroo
(iv) The Kangaroo and the Duck

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(B) They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war‟s long winter starv‟d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.

(a) __________ bring/brings about hunger.

(i) Harvests (ii) War
(iii) Winter (iv) Both harvests and winter
(b) „The lines‟ in their hand stand for __________
(i) fate of people
(ii) differences among people
(iii) similarities among people
(iv) the hard work put in by people
(c) These lines have been composed by __________
(i) William Wordsworth (ii) W.W.E. Ross
(iii) Gieve Patel (iv) James Kirkup

(C) So hack and chop

But this alone wont do it.
Not so much pain will do it.
The bleeding bark will heal
And from close to the ground
Will rise curled green twigs,
Miniature boughs
Which if unchecked will expand again
To former size.
(a) The bark bleeds since __________
(i) The tree is emotional
(ii) the tree secretes sap
(iii) the tree has been hacked and chopped
(iv) all of these
(b) The __________ will grow to their former size.
(i) bleeding bark (ii) roots of the tree
(iii) small branches of the tree (iv) only (i) and (ii)
(c) __________ will help the hacked tree heal itself.
(i) Sun (ii) Water (iii) Air (iv) All of these

15. Answer any three of the following questions in 40-50 words each. 2x3=6
(a) Do you think the intruder was a boastful fellow ? Why/why not ?
(b) how did Santhosh Yadav pressurize her affluent parents to pay for
her education in Delhi ?
(c) “Excellence would only come at a price. “How did Maria Sharapova
learn this important lesson ?
(d) Describe the „island „made for Baba.

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16. Answer the following question in about 80 words. 5
Do you think, while packing the hampers, George and Harris had a difficult
time ? Explain with suitable examples from the text that you have read.
The chaos and disorder at the Pashupatinath temple does not go well with
the sanctity this great temple enjoys. Explain.

17. Answer the following question in about 80 words. 4

(a) What did the begger tell Sergei ? why did Sergei threaten to call the
police ?
(b) What kind of friend was Sue to Johnsy ?

18. Answer any two of the following questions in 40-50 words each. 3x2=6
(a) What happens when the zip on his carry on bag gives way ?
(b) The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been
shown in the story ?
(c) „His heart went cold‟ when he reached his village, why ?

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