Practicum - Handbook

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Dewsbury High School Marching Mongoose Band

Mr. Sean White - Director

“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody
has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t
turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work
around it.”
– Michael Jordan

Course Syllabus
To the Parents:
I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for letting and encouraging your
children to join the arts. Music is an all powering subject that everyone should have a part in.
Though the hours may be tough and the concerts may be late, watching your children sing their
hearts out for all to hear is one of the most rewarding moments in their experience. Please help in
keeping them motivated throughout their school careers in all that they do. If you have any
questions or concerns do not hesitate to call or email me. I’ll be happy to discuss anything.
Thank you,
Mr. White

Meeting Times:
0 Period: Jazz Band
1st Period: Marching/Concert Band
2nd Period: Freshmen Ensemble
3rd Period: Conference
4th Period: Music Appreciation
5th Period: Mariachi
6th Period: Conference
7th Period: Orchestra

● To obtain and continue correct playing techniques
● To recognize and understand the structure of music rhythmically, melodically and
● To learn and perform a variety of musical literature
● To expand interest and knowledge of repertoire, performances, and artistic achievement
form a variety of countries, societies, and cultures.
● To cultivate a sense of identity, pride, group spirit, and improved self-image through
participation in a successful performing ensemble.
● Class Participation
● Concert Attendance & Behavior
● Classroom Assignments
● Extra Credit
○ Attend outside concerts that you are not performing on. Write a ONE-page reflection on
the performance. To be turned in to Mr. White TWO weeks prior to the end of the

Attendance is a crucial part of learning in this course. When a rehearsal is missed participation
points will be deducted for that day and the students must make up any written classwork upon
their return. To make up participation for a missed class the student must meet with the director
for individual coaching during after school hours. Unexcused absences will follow the DHS
Attendance Policy.

Concert attendance is required. Each concert can be viewed as a test for the course. Unexcused
absences from performances will receive a ZERO for that event. For further details please talk to
Mr. White.

Classroom Policy:
● No gum, food, or drink (except WATER) in the classroom. This is to ensure we keep our space
clean and rodent free.
● Check around your seat and area to pick up any rubbish left behind.
● No electronic devices should be out during the class period. They must be put away in a
backpack. Electronic device policy will follow DHS Policy.
● Do not write on or erase material from the whiteboard or bulletin board unless instructed to do so.
● Be respectful of others and stay silent while others are talking or giving directions.

Materials Needed:
● Sheet Music (provided for you)
● Pencil (NO PEN)
● Instruments (every day)
Each student has the opportunity to earn an “A” grade in band. This grade will be based on your
daily class participation and performance attendance, not your talent or personality. The
following is a breakdown of the grading structure:

100 – 90% A
89 – 80% B
79 – 70% C
69 – 60% D
59 – 0% F

Participation: 40%
Concerts: 30%
Part Checks: 10%
Classwork: 10%

Total: 100%

Concert Attire:
Anything black is appropriate for concerts. An all black dress with school dress code appropriate
length is acceptable. Black button down shirts with black pants will also be accepted. Any color
tie or accessory will also be permitted within good taste.

Concert Dates:
Saturday, September 23rd @ 4pm - District Honor BandAuditions @ Torrin High School
Saturday, October 14th @ 6pm - Concert
Saturday, November 11th @ 2pm - Veterans Day Concert at Veterans Home
Saturday, December 16th @ 6pm - Christmas Concert
Friday, December 22nd @ 7:30pm - Christmas Carolling around the neighborhood (be festive)*
Friday, February 16th @ 6pm - Concert
Friday, April 26th @ 6 pm - Concert

Football games will be help on Friday evenings; dates TBD

*not a required event

I have read and agree that my student will abide by the guidelines set above.

Signature:____________________________ Date:_____________

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