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Scholarship Application

Student A:You are applying for a Erasmus Master’s program. Today you have an
interview.(Talk about your cv, project summary and motivation)

Student B: You are a member of the selection committee. Interview a candidate.

Scholarship Application
Marvin: Good afternoon, I am Marvin.

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Marvin. My name is Juan Manuel, I am the HR manager.

Please, take a seat.

Marvin: Thank you.

Interviewer: Well Marvin. I would like to thank you for your interest in our program, for
starters, tell me a little about yourself

Bien Marvin. Me gustaría agradecerle su interés en nuestro programa. Para empezar,

háblame un poco de ti.

Marvin: That’s right .I am Peruvian and I am a ninth cycle student of Chemical Engineering
of the San Marcos Mayor National University. I had a project about ecological packaging .
There I got to synthesize a biodegradable polymer from cassava starch and subsequently
developed a biodegradable packaging . This eco-friendly packaging will promote the use of
renewable resources in the manufacture of packaging and will reduce the accumulation of
these in the environment.

Interviewer: ¿Por qué has solicitado la beca?

Marvin: Well , I love to contribute with the reduction of waste in the environment and
develop eco-friendly processes and products. I feel so good when I promote sustainable
development. Therefore I would like to continue to expand my knowledge about that topic .

Interviewer: ¿Qué sabes del programa académico que quieres estudiar?

Marvin: The Erasmus mundus joint Master in biological engineering and chemistry for a
sustainable bioeconomy is a scholarship for develop the bioeconomy promoting of
sustainable value chains that enhance biodiversity and preserve natural resources.

Interviewer: Well…good for me, I guess, your portfolio is really good. ¿Which are you plans
for the future?

Marvin: Subsequent to the master's degree I would like to pursue a ph.d. in sustainable
bioeconomy and development of innovative products of biological basis .With this I will be
able to contribute to the development industries with new technologies and cost-effective
processes which do not harm the environment . In addition I would love to apply this
knowledge in my own company, to be an example to follow in other industries.
Interviewer: ¿Cómo te va a ayudar esta beca a cumplir tus objetivos?

Marvin: Due that scholarship help me to learn more about bioeconomy with excellent
professors and in the laboratories of latest technology where I will be able to develop
different projects. In addition to this I will meet different experts about this topic that They will
be able guide me to develop technology to reduce pollution profitably.

Interviewer: Palabras para finalizar

Well Marvin, let me tell you a Little bit about our program

We offer an excellent incentive, incredible benefits among other things

If everything goes acording to plan, I really think you’ll enjoy studying here.

It’s a great program

Marvin, it was very nice to meet you

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