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Dan Dexter A.

Ramos December 10, 2019

ME- 1BRAVO Mrs. April Ann T. Peña

Partial Fulfilment for the Subject “Science Technology and Society”

Science and Technology has something to do with a lot of things nowadays it has been
serve as a major tool of the ideology currently driving the world economy, namely that of the
free market system, continual growth and the pursuit of personal wealth. But on the other side,
science has been continuously producing or researching a valuable knowledge and
technology that promote environmentally sustainable, people-oriented development and long-
term management of resources which can definitely benefits the entire human race.

Advances in science and its resulting technologies, such as global communication through
the use of cellphones and other communication devices, satellite images of Earth and even
the universe, together with the popular social media and etc., have irrevocably expanded the
space and time scales with which people at many levels of society now view their world.
Science is primarily responsible for increasing public awareness that humans share the planet
with all other living creatures, that the climate that supports all life is subject to change, and
that human activities are actually changing and threatening to seriously change this
environment. “Science has been used in the past centuries mainly as a method of economic
expansion and military power for the wealthier segments of mankind. It is now clear that
current natural resource use and that pressure on the regional and local ecosystem cannot go
on indefinitely without breaking down the natural support systems that make present
civilizations possible.” Roy (1998). Science's influence on the lives of people is increasing.
Today there is a significant measure of public mistrust of science and technology fear. This is
partly due to the belief of some individuals and communities that they will be the ones to suffer
the indirect negative consequences of the introduced technical innovations to benefit only a
privileged minority. Scientists should reflect on the social consequences of technological
applications or the dissemination of partial information about their work and explain the degree
of scientific uncertainty or incompleteness in their findings to the public and policy makers
alike. At the same time, however, they should not hesitate to make full use of the properly
qualified predictive power of science to help people cope with environmental change,
particularly in cases of direct threats such as natural disasters or water shortages.

Science, which has helped bring this situation into being, now has a responsibility to help
communities make a transition from an obsession with development to an increasingly
balanced ecological and economic system. It can be predicted that the rate of change in
natural and human environments and problems will continue to accelerate in the coming
century. Scientists are now obliged to work with policy-makers and the public in finding and
implementing solutions or ways to adapt to local and global issues. Such as reconciling the
current competitive profit motive with the common good; providing for contributions and
rewards to disadvantaged groups of society and minority cultures; justifying current spending
to avoid future generations ' costs or damage; rewarding collective rather than individual
efforts. This are some of the role of Science in our society and in nation building but moreover
humans still the one who will dictate whether this technological advancement will benefits the
entire human race or it just a waste of time.


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