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12/11/2019 Suitable clubs for Life Skills and SCORES

Suitable clubs for Life Skills and SCORES

We're looking for clubs and social groups to get students in Life Skills/SCORES involved in. If you
sponsor any clubs (or have any social groups that do activities in your space) please let us know below.
We're also looking for staff members that may want to sponsor a club containing both general education
and students in the Life Skills/SCORES programs. This club would serve to help student in Life
Skills/SCORES feel more involved in the Austin High community and make friends outside of programs
they already participate in.

* Required

1. Do you sponsor any clubs or have social groups that meet in your space on a regular basis? *
Mark only one oval.

Yes Skip to question 2.

No Stop filling out this form.

Club/Social Group Info

2. What is the club and where does the group

3. What time/day does the group meet?

4. What are the club's normal activities, what do

they do?

5. Would members of this club/group be open to the idea of including Life Skills or SCORES
Mark only one oval.


Other: 1/2
12/11/2019 Suitable clubs for Life Skills and SCORES

6. Would this club/group be appropriate for students in Life Skills or SCORES?

Mark only one oval.

Just Life Skills


7. Would you have the time or space to be a sponsor for a new and inclusive club focused on
including students in SCORES and Life Skills in the general Austin High community? *
Mark only one oval.



8. If you're interested in being a sponsor, what's

your name and preferred contact information?

9. If you are not interested, do you you know of

anyone who would be interested in being a

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