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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Bajet-Castillo High School
Brgy. Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 9

At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
a. recognize and identify the roles and objectives of first aid;
b. demonstrate a situation showing the characteristics of a good first aider; and
c. appreciate the significance of first aid and first aider, through role playing.


Main Topic: The Basic of First Aid
Sub-topics: Roles of First Aid
Objectives of First Aid
Characteristics of a Good First Aider
Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material 9 pp. 327-328
Materials: Visual aids, Television, Power point presentation, chalk
Value Integration: Appreciate the use of first aid in our daily lives.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us pray first…
(One student will lead the prayer)
Good morning class...
Good morning ma’am.
2. Checking of Attendance
Secretary, is there any absentee for today? None, ma’am.

3. Classroom Management
Please pick up the pieces of paper under your
chair and arrange your chairs properly before
you sit down. (the student will pick up the litters and arrange
their chairs)
4. Review
What was our lesson last meeting?
Our lesson last meeting was about the 6
classification of drug abuse.
Very good!

(Teacher will draw a table on the board)

What are these 6 classifications of drug

abuse, can you please give one and explain
its effect? (students will give the 6 classifications of drug
abuse and they will choose the examples of
drugs on the slide.)
Give the first classification of drug abuse, its
effect and its examples.
Gateway drugs, teenagers who engage in these
drugs can have a higher chance of using and
experimenting dangerous drugs. Example of
Gateway drugs are Alcohol, Nicotine and
Marijuana or also known cannabis.
Is that correct, class? Yes, ma’am.

Excellent! Next please?

Depressant drugs, it makes patients sleepy and
light headed. Example of Depressant drugs are
Alcohol, Barbiturates and Tranquilizers.
Is that right?
Yes, ma’am.
Correct! Another one?
Stimulant drugs, opposite to the effect of
depressant. It increases alertness, attention and
energy. Examples of Stimulant Drugs are
Amphetamines, Shabu, Caffeine, Nicotine and
Is that true?
Yes, ma’am.
Very good! Next.
Narcotics, it relieves severe pain and induces
sleepiness. Example of Narcotics are Cocaine,
Heroin and Marijuana.
Is that right, class?
Yes, ma’am.
Alright, that’s right! Will you give another
one? Hallucinogens, it will make you feel, hear or see
things that don’t exist. Examples of
Hallucinogens are Lysergic acid diethylamide,
Psilocybin (Obtained from mushrooms and
Is that correct?
Yes, ma’am!
Great! And lastly?
Inhalants, it can lead delusions, brain damage,
liver damage, comatose and death. Examples of
Inhalants are Acetone, Rugby, Spray paints,
Cleaning fluids and Air condition fluids.
Is that true, class?
Yes, ma’am!
Yes, that’s correct!

Any questions from our past topic?

None, ma’am.
Are you sure?
Yes, ma’am.
Now, let’s move on to our next topic. Are
you ready?
Yes, ma’am!

5. Motivation
Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us
sing the song “Laging Handa”. (the students will sing “Laging Handa”)

The teacher will highlight some lyrics on the

song. And the students will give a certain
situation related to the highlighted lyrics.
After that, the students will determine what
they are going to do to the given situation.

“Maging handa, maging alerto”

Can you give any situation related to this

lyrics? Brown out or black out, Ma’am!

What we’ll going to do to the given scenario

o situation?
Ma’am, I will prepare a candle and store instant
What if the candle you lighted reached the
curtain and your mother got a first degree
burn on her hand while trying to prevent the
fire from spreading, what will you do?
I will cool my mother’s hand with a cool water.
“Kalamidad ay darating sa di inaasahang

Can you give any situation related to this Ma’am, earthquake! I will do the dock, cover
lyrics? and hold. And I will go to the open area.

What will you do if you encountered an

injured person? Let’s say that his head is
bleeding caused by a fallen object? I will try to stop the bleeding by firmly pressing
a clean cloth on the until the medical assistance

“Tubig, gamot, pagkain, kumot, pangsindi,

first aid kit.”

Can you give any situation related to this

Ma’am, for emergencies! I will store foods and
first aid kit for some emergency purposes.

What if you ate the food and you didn’t

notice that it is already expired? What will
you do? I will avoid solid foods until vomiting ends.

Very good!

Base on the activity, what do you think is our

topic for today?
First aid, ma’am.
B. Lesson Proper
Let us first define first aid.
Any idea about first aid? Ma’am, it is a help given to a sick or injured
person until full medical treatment is available.

Ma’am, first aid is the immediate assistance

given to any person suffering from either a
minor or serious illness or injury.
Very good, class! Your answers are all

First aid is the provision of initial care for an

illness or injury. It is usually performed by
non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or
injured person until definitive medical
treatment can be assessed.
Is it clear? Yes, Ma’am!

Now, let us know the roles and objectives of

first aid, and the characteristics of a good
first aider.

Class, you will be divided into 2 groups. I

have here 6 cartolinas, 3 cartolinas for each
group, with different categories inside,
(Roles of First-aid, Objectives of First-aid
and Characteristics of a Good First-aider).
You have 10 minutes to write down your
explanation about the informations written
inside. One representative will present your
answers here in front.
Is it clear, class? Do you have any question?
None, Ma’am!
Can we start?
Yes, Ma’am!

(the class will start doing the activity.)

Time’s up, class!
(The students will post the cartolina on the
Let us see your answers, class. Let’s start
with the roles of first-aid.
It is a bridge that fills the gap between the
victim and the physician.
Group 1. First aid is the care given if the doctor
or hospital is way far from the accident area.
Group 2. First aid is given to a person to prevent
the injury to get worse if the medical assistance
is not yet available.
Alright! Correct, class. First aid is there when
the physician is far from the area where the
victim is. Initial care is important to prevent
the injury to get worse.
Next! It does not intend to compete or to take place of
the service of the physician.
Group 1: First aider are not as expert as the
Group 2. Physicians are more knowledgeable
than the first aider.
Very good, class! First aid is just the initial
care, but medical assistance from the experts
is what the victim really needs.
And last?
It ends when the services of the physicians
Group 1: Physicians will immediately do the
proper medication needed by the victim.
Group 2. The physicians will do the proper
That’s right! Again, first aid is just an initial medication to cure the illness or injury.
care but proper medication by the physician
is what really needed to completely cure an
illness or injury, first aid is just to prevent it
from getting worse.
Again, what are the roles of first aid?
It is a bridge that fills the gap between the
victim and the physician.
It does not intend to compete or to take place of
the service of the physician.
It ends when the services of the physicians
Excellent! Do you understand the roles of
first aid?
Yes, ma’am.
Alright! Let’s move on to the objectives of

The objectives of first aid is often given in

the mnemonics 3P’s.
Let’s start with the first P.
P-reserve life.
Group 1: A person might die if he/she has not
given an immediate first aid.
Group 2: It can save a person’s life by giving an
initial care.
Very good! By giving a proper first aid, you
can save or preserve lives!
Next P.
P-revent further injuries.
Group 1: By giving first aid, we can prevent the
injury to get worse.
Group 2: We can prevent an infection to spread
That’s good, class! We can prevent the injury on the person’s body if we give first aid.
to get worse by giving first aid.
Last P is?
P-romote recovery.
Group 1: We can recover a person who is
unconscious from drowning if we perform CPR.
Group 2: A person who is unconscious can be
recovered if we give a proper first aid.
Very good, class! We might recover a
person’s consciousness through proper first

Can you repeat the 3P’s of the objectives of

First aid? Ma’am, preserve life, prevent further injury, and
promote recovery.

Very good! Can you follow, class? Do you

have any question about the objectives of
first aid? None, Ma’am!

Yes, Ma’am!
Are you sure?

Okay, let’s now proceed to the characteristics

of a good first-aider.

The Characteristics of a Good First-Aider

are: Gentle
Group1: Be gentle to avoid getting the injury
Group 2. A first aider should be gentle to avoid
causing pain.
That’s right! A good first aider should not
cause pain and panic.
Next. Group 1: Observe the victim’s condition.
Group 2: Check if there are other injuries.

Correct! A good first aider should notice all

Next! Resourceful
Group 1: Knows how to use other available
things if there is no other available.
Group 2: Able to use other available things.

Very good! A good first aider should make

the best use of the things at hand.
Next! Sympathetic
Group 1: Should comfort the victim.
Group 2: Reassures the victim her/his safety.

Excellent! A good first aider should comfort

and reassures the victim.
Group 1: Doesn’t scares the victim.
Group 2: Make sure that the victim is safe.

That’s right! A good first aider should not

frighten the victim.

Can you repeat those 5 characteristics of a

good first aider? Gentle, observant, resourceful, tactful and
Excellent! Any questions from the
characteristics of a good first-aider?
None, ma’am.
Did you learn something?
Yes, ma’am!

Okay, let’s see!

C. Generalization
Complete this phrase:
Today I have learned….
Tell something about what you have learned
today. Today, I have learned that first aid is the initial
care given to an ill or injured person.

Excellent! What else?

Today, I have learned that the roles of
objectives are:
It is a bridge that fills the gap between the
victim and the physician.
It does not intend to compete or to take place of
the service of the physician.
It ends when the services of the physicians
That’s right! Another one?

Today, I have learned that there are 3 P’s for the

objectives of first aid.
Preserve life, prevent further injury and promote
Very good! Another one?
Today, I have learned that a good first aider
should be gentle, resourceful, observant,
sympathetic and tactful.

Do you have any question?

None, Ma’am!

Very good, class! It seems that you really

learned something today.

D. Application

For your activity.

Here is the instruction: I will divide the class
into four groups. Each group will be assigned
to act a scenario, showing the knowledge that
you learned today in giving first aid. You
will be given a 5-minute rehearsal. After that
you will present it in front of your
classmates. You have a maximum of 5
minutes for the presentation. Do you


Let’s start now.

(the teacher will start the activity)
(students will go to their group mates and plan
their work.)
Fill out the learning frames below with the information needed.



1. Complete the unfinished statements individually.

I can be a first aider because____________.
I will be a first aider because___________.
As a first aider, I will ___________.

2. Study the Survey of the Scenes and Victims.

Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material 9
Prepared by:



Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher


Head Teacher I

Noted by:

Principal II

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