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Organization and Management

School Year 2019-2020

Performance Task # 1: PESTLE and SWOT Analyses

The goal of this performance task is to enable the learners to use their learning in environmental scanning by using
PESTLE and SWOT Analyses.

PESTLE Analysis Mechanics:

1. The class will be divided into eight groups with five or more members.
2. Each group will be assigned to different industries via draw lots.
3. The following are the possible assigned industries:
1. Textile industry
2. Insurance industry
3. Milk tea industry
4. Salon industry
5. Sugar industry
6. Paper industry
7. Sardines industry
8. Media broadcasting industry
9. Travel and tours industry
10. Bagoong industry
11. Mango industry
12. Daing industry
4. There should be an introduction about the industry.
5. Each aspect of PESTLE should have three points from reliable sources.
6. There should be a conclusion to summarize the analysis.

1. PESTLE Analysis should be in tabular form. (4 rows; 6 columns)
2. Font style and size should be Arial 11.

SWOT Analysis Mechanics:

1. The class will be on the same group (PESTLE Analysis groupings).
2. Each group will choose a business under a specific industry (that they used in PESTLE Analysis) to conduct a
SWOT Analysis.
3. There should be an introduction about the company.
4. Each factor of SWOT should have three valid points.
5. Formulate a conclusion to summarize the analysis.
6. Give three (3) recommendations.

1. SWOT Analysis should be in quadrant form.
2. Font style and size should be Arial 11.
Organization and Management
School Year 2019-2020

PESTLE Analysis Rubric

Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
15 pts 11 pts 7 pts 3 points
An introduction of the
industry is presented in a
An introduction of the
clear and concise
industry is presented in a There is a limited There is no
Introduction manner. The introduction
somewhat clear and introduction. introduction.
provides insight and
concise manner.
background into the
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
50 pts 45 pts 40 pts 35 pts
Some points in each 2 or less points in each
All 3 points in each
aspect fit correctly as aspect fit correctly as
aspect fit correctly as
PESTLE political, environmental, political, environmental, Almost all points in
political, environmental,
Analysis socio-cultural, socio-cultural, each aspect are
Content technological, legal and technological, legal and incorrect.
technological, legal and
environmental factors. environmental factors.
environmental factors.
Some are incorrect. Most points are incorrect.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
15 pts 11 pts 7 pts 3 pts
There is less information
The conclusion is NOT in the conclusion. The
The conclusion is made
clearly associated with conclusion is NOT
based on findings from
findings from the clearly associated with
Conclusion the PESTLE Analysis. There is no
PESTLE Analysis. They findings from the
They are presented in a recommendation.
are presented in a PESTLE Analysis. They
clear, and professional
somewhat clear, and are presented in a
professional manner. somewhat clear, and
professional manner.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
10 pts 7 pts 5 pts 3 pts
Grammar, The paper is free from The paper contains a few The paper contains The paper contains
Spelling and grammatical, grammatical, several grammatical, many grammatical,
Punctuation punctuation and spelling punctuation, and spelling punctuation, and spelling punctuation, and
error. errors. errors. spelling errors.
The paper is
The paper is somewhat The paper is presented
The paper is presented presented
presented professionally. somewhat
professionally. All unprofessionally.
Citation and Some references were unprofessionally. Few
references were cited in References were not
Reliability cited in APA format. references were cited in
APA format from cited in APA
Some sources were APA format. Few
reliable sources. format. No sources
reliable. sources were reliable.
were reliable.
Organization and Management
School Year 2019-2020

SWOT Analysis Rubric

Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
10 pts 7 pts 5 pts 3 points
An introduction of the
company is presented in a
An introduction of the
clear and concise
company is presented in There is a limited There is no
Introduction manner. The introduction
a somewhat clear and introduction. introduction.
provides insight and
concise manner.
background into the
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
50 pts 45 pts 40 pts 35 pts
2 or less points in each
All 3 points in each Some points in each
aspect fit correctly as Almost all points
SWOT Analysis aspect fit correctly as aspect fit correctly as
strength, weakness, in each category
Content strength, weakness, strength, weakness,
opportunity or threat. are incorrect.
opportunity, or threat. opportunity, or threat.
Most points are incorrect.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
10 pts 11 pts 7 pts 3 pts
There is less information
There is a conclusion. The conclusion is NOT in the conclusion. The
The conclusion is made clearly associated with conclusion is NOT
based on findings from findings from the SWOT clearly associated with
Conclusion There is no
the SWOT Analysis. Analysis. They are findings from the SWOT
They are presented in a presented in a somewhat Analysis. They are
clear, and professional clear, and professional presented in a somewhat
manner. manner. clear, and professional
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
20 pts 17 pts 15 pts 12 pts
There are less than three
There are three
There are three recommendations. The
recommendations. The
recommendations that recommendations are
recommendations are
are made based on NOT clearly associated
NOT clearly associated There are no
Recommendation findings from the SWOT with findings from the
with findings from the recommendations.
Analysis. They are SWOT Analysis. They
SWOT Analysis. They
presented in a clear, and are presented in a
are presented in a clear,
professional manner. somewhat clear, and
and professional manner.
professional manner.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts
The paper
Grammar, The paper contains a few The paper contains
The paper is free from contains many
Spelling, grammatical, several grammatical,
grammatical, punctuation grammatical,
Punctuation punctuation, and spelling punctuation, and spelling
and spelling error. punctuation, and
errors. errors.
spelling errors.
The paper is
The paper is presented
The paper is presented The paper is somewhat presented
Appearance, professionally. All presented professionally. unprofessionally.
unprofessionally. Some
Citation references were cited in Some references were References were
references were cited in
APA format. cited in APA format. not cited in APA
APA format.
Organization and Management
School Year 2019-2020

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