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Submitted in partial fulfillment of PROJECT For the award

of the Degree of

Under the Guidance of




AUG-DEC 2019

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete

without the mention of the people who made it possible and whose constant guidance and

encouragemnt crown all the efforts success.

We are extremely grateful to our respected Director, Dr. Mr.H.SUDHARSHAN

RAO SIR for fostering an excellent academic climate in our institution.

We also express our sincere gratitude to our respected Head of the Depatment

Mr.A.SREEKANTH REDDY for his encouragement, overall guidance in viewing this project a

good asset and efforin bringing out this project.

We would like to convey thanks to our PROJECT guide at college Mr. SIVA

KRISHNA for his guidance, encouragement, co-operation and kindness during the entire duration

of the course and academics.


We are here by declare that the mini project work titled “DENSITY BASED


(R151209), Uma Maheswari (R151423) & Sumalatha (R151358) to the RGUKT in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics &

Communication Engineering is our original work where others' ideas or words included, we have

adequately cited and referenced the original sources. The analysis, design and implementation of

this project have been done by us and it has not submitted anywhere else for the award of the


(signature of the student)


Page No:

➢ Abstract

➢  Introduction 

➢  Hardware Description

➢ Working

➢ Source code & Outputs

➢ Advantages & Applications

➢ Conclusion

➢ Future Scope

➢  References

Traffic congestion is a severe problem in major cities/towns across the world and it has

become a nightmare for the commuters in these areas.Traffic can be controlled in several main

junctions by incorporating either automatic traffic light control or traffic police. But conventional

traffic light system is based on fixed time concept alloted to each side of the junction which cannot

be varied as per varying traffic density.At some times priority of traffic light needs to be changed

based on more number of vehicles waiting in same road.Somewhat to overcome this problem.

We propose to design and develop a density based traffic signal system.The signal changes

automatically on sensing the traffic density at the junction.This can be done by using IR sensors

and Arduino.IR sensors are arranged on each road in accurate manner to detect traffic density

properly; these sensors always sense the traffic on that particular road.All these sensors are

interfaced to the arduino.Based on these sensors, controller detects the traffic and controls the

traffic system.The controls of traffic light depends on number of vehicles available in the road.

This is going to be very helpful in the reduction of the traffic congestion and also it saves

time too. And this evolution may leads to better development for the future.


• In this modern life we are facing many problems, traffic congestion is one of the major
thing that increasing rapidly day to day. Due to increase in population no.of vechical usage
also increasing rapidly.
• High volume of vehicles, the inadequate infrastructure and the irrational distribution of the
development are main reasons for increasing traffic jam.
• Present conventional traffic light system is based on fixed time which is already assigned in
the system,which can't be varied as per varying traffic density,it means junction timings are
• These systems are very inefficient. Major drawback is ‘unnecessary waiting time’.
• Automatic based traffic light controller is needed to reduce the traffic delay and travel
time.The proposed system explains how to control the traffic based on density.
Required components:

• UltraSonic Sensors - 4
• Bread board - 1
• LEDs - 4(red)+4(green)+4(yellow)
• USB Cable - 1
• Connecting wires
• Power supply


Ultrasonic Sensors
Power supply


Arduino specification:
Microcontroller - Arduino mega 2560
Digital I/O pins - 54
Analog input pins - 16
Flash memory - 256KB
Clock Speed - 16 Mhz

Features of the Arduino UNO:

Microcontroller - Atmega328
Input Voltage (recommended) - 7-12V
Operating Voltage - 5V
No.of Digital I/O Pins - 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Input Voltage (limits) - 6-20V.
Analog Input Pins - 6.
DC Current per I/O Pin - 40 mA.
DC Current for 3.3V Pin - 50 mA.


Arduino is an open-source project that created microcontroller based kits for building
digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control physical devices.The project is
based on microcontroller board designs, These systems provide sets of digital and analog
input/output (I/O) pins that can interface to various expansion boards (termed shields) and other
circuits.The boards feature serial communication interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB)
on some models, for loading programs from personal computers.For programming the
microcontrollers, the Arduino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based
on a programming language named Processing which also supports the languages C and C++.The
first Arduino was introduced in 2005, aiming to provide a low cost, easy way for novices and
professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and
actuators.Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled form, or as do-it-yourself
kits. The hardwaredesign specifications are openly available, allowing the Arduino boards to be
produced by anyone.

Fig2: Ultrasonic sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor Pin Configuration:

Pin Number  Pin Name   Description

1 Vcc The Vcc pin powers the sensor, typically with +5V
2 Trigger Trigger pin is an Input pin. This pin has to be kept high
for 10us to initialize measurement by sending US wave.
3 Echo Echo pin is an Output pin. This pin goes high for period
of time which will be equal to the time taken for the US
wave to return back to the sensor.
4 Ground This pin is connected to the Ground of the system.

HC-SR04 Sensor Features:

• Technology Used : Non-Contact Technology

• Operating voltage : +5V
• Theoretical Measuring Distance : 2cm to 450cm
• Practical Measuring Distance : 2cm to 80cm
• Accuracy : 3mm
• Measuring angle covered :<15°
• Operating Current :<15mA
• Operating Frequency : 40Hz
About: Ultrasonic Sensor
The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic (US) sensor is a 4 pin module, whose pin names are Vcc,
Trigger, Echo and Ground respectively. This sensor is a very popular sensor used in many
applications where measuring distance or sensing objects are required. The module has two eyes
like projects in the front which forms the Ultrasonic transmitter and Receiver.
As the name indicates, ultrasonic sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic waves.The
sensor head emits an ultrasonic wave and receives the wave reflected back from the target.
Ultrasonic Sensors measure the distance to the target by measuring the time between the emission
and reception.
An optical sensor has a transmitter and receiver, whereas an ultrasonic sensor uses a single
ultrasonic element for both emission and reception. In a reflective model ultrasonic sensor, a single
oscillator emits and receives ultrasonic waves alternately. This enables miniaturization of the
sensor head.

Distance calculation
The distance can be calculated with the following formula:
Distance L = 1/2 × T × C
where L is the distance, T is the time between the emission and reception, and C is the sonic speed.
(The value is multiplied by 1/2 because T is the time for go-and-return distance.)

The Ultrasonic transmitter transmits an ultrasonic wave, this wave travels in air and when it gets
objected by any material it gets reflected back toward the sensor this reflected wave is observed by
the Ultrasonic receiver module as shown in the picture below

Fig3: Ultrasonic recevier module

Using HC-SR04 with Arduino Module:

In order to get the precise distance measurement, HC-SR04 is mostly used in combination with
different Arduino Modules like Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega. You can connect Arduino with
this sensor in the following way.

➢ First, you need to power up the sensor using 5V DC regulated input to the sensor. Connect
the ground pin with the ground of the voltage source. You can also power the sensor module
using the Arduino 5V pins as the current drawn by the sensor is less than 15mA, won’t be
affecting the current ratings of the Arduino Module.

➢ After setting up the initial arrangement, connect both Trig and Echo pins to the I/O pins of
the Arduino Board. The Trig pin must be kept high for 10us in the start. The sensor module
will start generating sound waves with the frequency around 40,000 Hz per second from the

➢ As the waves bounce back, consequently, the Echo pin will turn on until the sounds waves
are received by the receiver. This time will be calculated using Arduino Module.


• The power supply is given to the system through a power supply cable connected to
• The UltraSonic sensor detects any obstacle present in the surroundings as input.
• The project uses the UltraSonic interruption concept for generating logic states to the input
of the MC. To achieve this, the same a number of UltraSonic diodes are used facing
• While the UltraSonic light falls on the photodiode the resistance of the photodiode falls
increasing the bias voltage.
• Logic high sensed by the MC input changes the green ON time to a higher value for
allowing more vehicles to pass through. After sometime in case any other way gets more
logic high, the sequential timing gets automatically increased for that way.
• Based on the UltraSonic interruption the green ON time increases, thus more the vehicle
longer will be the green signal time. Thus dynamic time control is achieved based on the
traffic density.

• These input data sends to microcontroller for processing. After processing the data is sends
to output devices like LEDs devices as output.
Source Code:


 Programming language is less complex
 The SD cards on the board can be easily switched
 The ARDUINO UNO is perfect for adaptive technology
 It possible to build complex and efective products at a cheaper price
 We can save considerable amount of time.
 We can avoid unnecessary occurrence of traffic jams which causes public inconvenience


➢ There is no need of traffic inspector at the junctions for supervising the traffic to run
➢ The intelligent work which is done by traffic inspector will be perfectly done by the
microcontroller in the circuit with the help of sensors and the program which is coded to the

✔ This proposed system reduces the possibilities of traffic jams, caused by high red light
delays and provides the clearance to vehicles, to an extent and successfully.
✔ The road with the highest priority is cleared first.


• Blinking of traffic signal light according to the traffic level present on the road.
• This system manages traffic when any emergency vehicles come. For example ambulance,
fire bridged etc.


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