MiCS Full Datasheet V1.0 PDF

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Data Sheet MICS-Series

The MICS-Series is a compact MOS sensor.

MICS-Series has a proprietary MOS technology uƟlizing state of the art
MES technolgy, combining a specialized nano-parƟcle sensing layer with
a patented poly-silicon heater. This unique design creates a highly
sensiƟve and responsive semiconductor sensor,manufactured on an
automoƟve producƟon line for outstanding quality and performance.
These sensors are easily capable to detect and measure combusƟble
and polluiƟon gasses in parts per billion (PPB) and are suitable for many
environmental, automoƟve and industrial applicaƟons.

Name Detectable Gases Range

MiCS-2614 Ozon O3 10 ~ 1000 ppb
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 ~ 10 ppm
Hydrogen H2 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Carbon monoxide CO 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 ~ 10 ppm
Ethanol C2H5OH 10 ~ 500 ppm
Hydrogen H2 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Ammonia NH3 1 ~ 500 ppm
Methane CH4 > 1000 ppm
Carbon monoxide CO 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Ethanol C2H5OH 10 ~ 500 ppm
MiCS-5524 Hydrogen H2 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Ammonia NH3 1 ~ 500 ppm
Methane CH4 >1000 ppm
Ammonia NH3 1 ~ 500 ppm
Ethanol C2H5OH 10 ~ 500 ppm
MiCS-5914 Hydrogen H2 1 ~ 1000 ppm
Propane C 3H 8 > 1000 ppm
Iso-butane C4H10 > 1000 ppm
VolaƟle Organic Compounds VOCs 0~1000ppb
Equivalent Carbon Dioxide CO2 400 ~ 2000 ppm
MiCS-EK1 Gas Sensors EvaluaƟon Kit
MiCS-QSB Gas Sensors Quick Start Test Board
MiCS-Socket Gas Sensors Socket

For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr
SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.
CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)
www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr

Page 1 of 5
Data Sheet MICS-2614

The MiCS-2614 is a compact MOS sensor.

The MiCS-2614 is a robust MEMS sensor for ozone

detecƟon; suitable also for gas leak detecƟon and
outdoor air quality monitoring.

• Smallest footprint for compact designs
(5 x 7 x 1.55 mm)
• Robust MEMS sensor for harsh environments
• High-volume manufacturing for low-cost 1
RS / R 100ppb

• Short lead-Ɵmes


10 100 1000
O3 [ppb]
Detectable gasesG
• Ozone O3 10 – 1000ppb ConƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH

For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-2614

Performance sensorG
Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
RED sensor
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 11 3 60 kΩ
Typical O3 detecƟon range FS 10 1000 ppb
SensiƟvity factor (see note 2) SR 2 1.5 4 -

1. Sensing resistance in air R0 is measured under controlled ambient condiƟons, i.e. syntheƟc air at 23
±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH. Sampling test.

2. SensiƟvity factor is defined as Rs at 100 ppb of O3 divided by Rs at 50 ppb of O3. Test condiƟons are
25 ± 2°C and 50 ± 5% RH. IndicaƟve values only. Sampling test.

Read the following instrucƟons carefully before using the MiCS-2614 described here to avoid erroneous
readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.
• The sensor must be reflow soldered in a neutral atmosphere, without soldering flux vapours.
• The sensor must not be exposed to high concentraƟons of organic solvents, silicone vapours or
cigareƩe-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensiƟve layer.
• Heater voltage above the specified maximum raƟng will destroy the sensor due to overheaƟng.
• This sensor is to be placed in a filtered package that protects it against water and dust projecƟons.
• SGX sensortech strongly recommends using ESD protecƟon equipment to handle the sensor.
Data Sheet MICS-2614

MiCS-2614 with recommended supply circuit (top view) MiCS-2614 with measurement circuit (top view)
R1 is 82 Ω . This resistor is necessary to obtain the right The voltage measured on the load resistor is directly linked
temperature on the heater while using a single 5V power to the resistance of the sensor respecƟvely. RLOAD must be
supply. The resulƟng voltage is typically VH = 2.35V. 820 Ω at the lowest in order not to damage the sensiƟve

Parameter Symbol Typ Min Max Unit

HeaƟng power PH 80 66 95 mW
HeaƟng voltage VH 2.35 - - V
HeaƟng current IH 34 - - mA
HeaƟng resistance Ω
RH 68 58 78
at nominal power

Rating Symbol Value / RangeG Unit

Maximum heater power dissipaƟon PH 95 mW
Maximum sensiƟve layer power dissipaƟon Ps 1 mW
Voltage supplyHeaƟng current Vsupply 4.9 – 5.1 V
RelaƟve humidity range RH 5 – 95 %RH
Ambient operaƟng temperature Tamb -40 – 70 °C
Storage temperature range Tsto -40 – 50 °C
Storage humidity range RHsto 5 - 95 %RH
Data Sheet MICS-2614

Package outline dimensionsG

The package is compaƟble with SMD assembly process.

Pin Connection

C Rh1

D Rs1

F Rh2

G Rs2

K MiCS-2614 configuraƟon (boƩom view)

Sensor configurationG
The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an
embedded heaƟng resistor and the sensing layer on top.
The internal connecƟons are shown above.
Data Sheet MICS-2714

The MiCS-2714 is a compact MOS sensor.

The MiCS-2714 is a robust MEMS sensor for nitrogen

dioxide and leakage detecƟon.

• Smallest footprint for compact designs
(5 x 7 x 1.55 mm) 100.00
• Robust MEMS sensor for harsh environments
• High-volume manufacturing for low-cost 10.00
• Short lead-Ɵmes



Detectable gasesG 0.01

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Concentration [ppm]
• Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 – 10ppm
• Hydrogen H2 1 – 1000ppm
ConƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH

For more informaƟon please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-2714

Performance sensorG
Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 0.8 20 kΩ
Typical NO2 detec on range FS 0.05 10 ppm
Sensi vity factor (see note 2) S0.25 - 2 - -

1. Sensing resistance in air R0 is measured under controlled ambient condi ons, i.e. synthe c air at 23
±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH. Sampling test.

2. Sensi vity factor is defined as Rs at 0.25 ppm NO2, divided by RS in air. Test condi ons are 23 ± 5°C
and ≤5% RH. Indica ve values only. Sampling test.

Read the following instruc ons carefully before using the MiCS-2714 described here to avoid erroneous
readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.
• The sensor must be reflow soldered in a neutral atmosphere, without soldering flux vapours.
• The sensor must not be exposed to high concentra ons of organic solvents, silicone vapours or
cigare e-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensi ve layer.
• Heater voltage above the specified maximum ra ng will destroy the sensor due to overhea ng.
• This sensor is to be placed in a filtered package that protects it against water and dust projec ons.
• SGX sensortech strongly recommends using ESD protec on equipment to handle the sensor.
Data Sheet MICS-2714

MiCS-2714 with recommended supply circuit (top view) MiCS-2714 with measurement circuit (top view)
R is 131 . This resistor is necessary to obtain the right
G The voltage measured on the load resistor is directly linked
temperature on the heater while using a single 5 V power to the resistance of the sensor. RLOAD must be 820 Ω at
supply. The resul ng voltages is typically VH = 1.7 V. the lowest in order not to damage the sensi ve layer.

Parameter Symbol { — t• tˆŸ |•›

Hea ng power PH 43 30 50 mW
Hea ng voltage VH 1.7 - - V
Hea ng current IH 26 - - mA
Hea ng resistance
RH 66 59 73
at nominal power

yˆ›•Ž z ”‰–“ }ˆ“œŒGVGyˆ•ŽŒ

G |•›
Maximum heater power dissipa on PH 50 mW
Maximum sensi ve layer power dissipa on Ps 8 mW
Voltage supplyHea ng current Vsupply 4.9 – 5.1 V
Rela ve humidity range RH 5 – 95 %RH
Ambient opera ng temperature Tamb -30 – 85 °C
Storage temperature range Tsto -40 – 120 °C
Storage humidity range RHsto 5 - 95 %RH
Data Sheet MICS-2714

The package is compaƟble with SMD assembly process.

Pin Connection
A Rh1
B Rs1

H Rh2

J Rs2

K MiCS-2714 configuraƟon (boƩom view)

The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an
embedded heaƟng resistor and the sensing layer on top.
The internal connecƟons are shown above.
Data Sheet MICS-4514

MICS-2614 MICS-4514

The MiCS-4514 is a compact MOS sensor with two fully

independent sensing elements on one package.

The MiCS-4514 is a robust MEMS sensor for the

detecƟon of polluƟon from automobile exhausts.

Ethanol CO CO
FeaturesG Hydrogen

• Smallest footprint for compact designs 1.00 H2S Methane

(5 x 7 x 1.55 mm) Ammonia

Ethanol Hydrogen Propane
• Robust MEMS sensor for harsh environments 0.10

• High-volume manufacturing for low-cost Iso-butane

applicaƟons 0.01
• Short lead-Ɵmes 0.01
Concentration [ppm]
Concentration [ppm]

RED sensor, conƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH

Detectable gasesG
• Carbon monoxide CO 1 – 1000ppm
• Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 – 10ppm Hydrogen

• Ethanol C2H5OH 10 – 500ppm 1.00


• Hydrogen H2 1 – 1000ppm
• Ammonia NH 3 1 – 500ppm 0.10

• Methane CH 4 >1000ppm
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Concentration [ppm]

OX sensor, conƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH


For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-4514

Performance RED sensorG

Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
RED sensor
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 100 1500 kΩ
Typical CO detec on range FS 1 1000 ppm
Sensi vity factor (see note 2) S60 - 1.2 50 -

Performance OX sensorG

Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
OX sensor
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 0.8 20 kΩ
Typical NO2 detec on range FS 0.05 10 ppm
Sensi vity factor (see note 3) SR - 2 - -

1. Sensing resistance in air R0 is measured under controlled ambient condi ons, i.e. synthe c air at 23
±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH for RED sensor and synthe c air at 23 ±5°C and ≤ 5% RH for OX sensor.
Sampling test.
2. Sensi vity factor is defined as Rs in air divided by Rs at 60 ppm CO. Test condi ons are 23 ± 5°C and
50 ± 10% RH. Indica ve values only. Sampling test.
3. Sensi vity factor is defined as Rs at 0.25 ppm NO2, divided by Rs in air. Test condi ons are 23 ± 5°C
and ≤ 5% RH . Indica ve values only. Sampling test.

Read the following instruc ons carefully before using the MiCS-4514 described here to avoid erroneous
readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.
• The sensor must be reflow soldered in a neutral atmosphere, without soldering flux vapours.
• The sensor must not be exposed to high concentra ons of organic solvents, silicone vapours or
cigare e-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensi ve layer.
• Heater voltage above the specified maximum ra ng will destroy the sensor due to overhea ng.
• This sensor is to be placed in a filtered package that protects it against water and dust projec ons.
• SGX sensortech strongly recommends using ESD protec on equipment to handle the sensor.
Data Sheet MICS-4514

MiCS-4514 with recommended supply circuit (top view) MiCS-4514 with measurement circuit (top view)
RDRED is a 82 Ω and RDOX is a 133 Ω. These resistors are
G The two voltages measured on the load resistors are
necessary to obtain the right temperatures on the two directly linked to the resistances of the RED and OX sensors
independant heaters while using a single 5V power supply. respecƟvely. RLOAD must be 820 Ω at the lowest in order
The resulƟng voltages are typically VHRED = 2.4V and not to damage the sensiƟve layer.
VHOX= 1.7V.

Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
RED sensor/OX sensor
HeaƟng power PH 76/43 71/30 81/50 mW
HeaƟng voltage VH 2.4/1.7 - - V
HeaƟng current IH 32/26 - - mA
HeaƟng resistance
RH 74/66 66/59 82/73 Ω
at nominal power

Rating Symbol Value / RangeG Unit

88 (RED sensor)/50 (OX
Maximum heater power dissipaƟon PH mW
Maximum sensiƟve layer power dissipaƟon Ps 8 mW
Voltage supplyHeaƟng current Vsupply 4.9 – 5.1 V
RelaƟve humidity range RH 5 – 95 %RH
Ambient operaƟng temperature Tamb -30 – 85 °C
Storage temperature range Tsto -40 – 120 °C
Storage humidity range RHsto 5 - 95 %RH
Data Sheet MICS-4514

Package outline dimensionsG

The package is compaƟble with SMD assembly process.

Pin Connection

A Rh1 OX

B Rs1 OX





H Rh2 OX

J Rs2 OX

K NC –

Sensor configurationG
The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an
embedded heaƟng resistor and the sensing layer on top.
The MiCS-4514 includes two sensor chips with independent heaters and sensiƟve layers. One sensor
chip detects oxidising gases (OX) and the other sensor detects reducing gases (RED). The internal
connecƟons are shown above.
Data Sheet MICS-5524

The MiCS-5524 is a compact MOS sensor.

The MiCS-5524 is a robust MEMS sensor for indoor

carbon monoxide and natural gas leakage detecƟon;
suitable also for indoor air quality monitoring; breath
checker and early fire detecƟon.

• Smallest footprint for compact designs
(5 x 7 x 1.55 mm)
• Robust MEMS sensor for harsh environments
• High-volume manufacturing for low-cost 10.00
Ethanol CO
applicaƟons CO
• Short lead-Ɵmes
1.00 H2S Methane

Ethanol Hydrogen Propane
0.10 Propane

Detectable gasesG 0.01

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
• Carbon monoxide CO 1 – 1000ppm Concentration [ppm]
Concentration [ppm]

• Ethanol C 2H6OH 10 – 500ppm

ConƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH
• Hydrogen H2 1 – 1000ppm
• Ammonia NH 3 1 – 500ppm
• Methane CH 4 >1000ppm

For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-5524

Performance sensorG
Symbol Typ Min Max Unit
RED sensor
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 100 1500 kΩ
Typical CO detec on range FS 1 1000 ppm
Sensi vity factor (see note 2) S60 - 1.2 50 -

1. Sensing resistance in air R0 is measured under controlled ambient condi ons, i.e. synthe c air at 23
±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH. Sampling test.

2. Sensi vity factor is defined as Rs in air divided by Rs at 60 ppm CO. Test condi ons are 23 ± 5°C and
50 ± 10% RH. Indica ve values only. Sampling test.

Read the following instruc ons carefully before using the MiCS-5524 described here to avoid erroneous
readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.
• The sensor must be reflow soldered in a neutral atmosphere, without soldering flux vapours.
• The sensor must not be exposed to high concentra ons of organic solvents, silicone vapours or
cigare e-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensi ve layer.
• Heater voltage above the specified maximum ra ng will destroy the sensor due to overhea ng.
• This sensor is to be placed in a filtered package that protects it against water and dust projec ons.
• SGX sensortech strongly recommends using ESD protec on equipment to handle the sensor.
Data Sheet MICS-5524

MiCS-5524 with recommended supply circuit (top view) MiCS-5524 with measurement circuit (top view)
R is a 82 Ω . This resistor is necessary to obtain the right The voltage measured on the load resistor is directly linked
temperature on the heater while using a single 5V power to the resistance of the sensor respec vely. RLOAD must be
supply. The resul ng voltage is typically VH = 2.4V. 820 Ω at the lowest in order not to damage the sensi ve

Parameter Symbol Typ Min Max Unit

Hea ng power PH 76 71 81 mW
Hea ng voltage VH 2.4 - - V
Hea ng current IH 32 - - mA
Hea ng resistance Ω
RH 74 66 82
at nominal power

Rating Symbol Value / RangeG Unit

Maximum heater power dissipa on PH 88 mW
Maximum sensi ve layer power dissipa on Ps 8 mW
Voltage supplyHea ng current Vsupply 4.9 – 5.1 V
Rela ve humidity range RH 5 – 95 %RH
Ambient opera ng temperature Tamb -30 – 85 °C
Storage temperature range Tsto -40 – 120 °C
Storage humidity range RHsto 5 - 95 %RH
Data Sheet MICS-5524

Package outline dimensionsG

The package is compaƟble with SMD assembly process.

Pin Connection


C Rh1

D Rs1

F Rh2

G Rs2

K MiCS-5524 configuraƟon (boƩom view)

Sensor configurationG
The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an
embedded heaƟng resistor and the sensing layer on top.
The internal connecƟons are shown above.
Data Sheet MICS-5914

The MiCS-5914 is a compact MOS sensor.

The MiCS-5914 is a robust MEMS sensor for ammonia

detecƟon; suitable also for gas leak detecƟon and
indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring.

• Smallest footprint for compact designs
(5 x 7 x 1.55 mm)
• Robust MEMS sensor for harsh environments 10.0

• High-volume manufacturing for low-cost

applicaƟons 1.0
• Short lead-Ɵmes Propane


0.1 Iso-butane


Detectable gasesG 0.0

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Concentration [ppm]

• Ammonia NH 3 1 – 500ppm
• Ethanol C 2H5OH 10 – 500ppm
• Hydrogen H2 1 – 1000ppm ConƟnuous power ON, 25°C, 50% RH
• Propane C 3H8 >1000ppm
• Iso-butane C4H10 >1000ppm

For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-5914

Performance sensorG
z ”‰–“ { — t• tˆŸ |•›
Sensing resistance in air (see note 1) R0 - 10 1500 kΩ
Typical NH3 detec on range FS 1 300 ppm
Sensi vity factor (see note 2) SR - 1.5 15 -

1. Sensing resistance in air R0 is measured under controlled ambient condi ons, i.e. synthe c air at 23
±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH. Sampling test.

2. Sensi vity factor is defined as Rs in air divided by Rs at 1 ppm of NH3. Test condi ons are 23 ± 5°C
and 50 ± 10% RH. Indica ve values only. Sampling test.

Read the following instruc ons carefully before using the MiCS-5914 described here to avoid erroneous
readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.
• The sensor must be reflow soldered in a neutral atmosphere, without soldering flux vapours.
• The sensor must not be exposed to high concentra ons of organic solvents, silicone vapours or
cigare e-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensi ve layer.
• Heater voltage above the specified maximum ra ng will destroy the sensor due to overhea ng.
• This sensor is to be placed in a filtered package that protects it against water and dust projec ons.
• SGX sensortech strongly recommends using ESD protec on equipment to handle the sensor.
Data Sheet MICS-5914

MiCS-5914 with recommended supply circuit (top view) MiCS-5914 with measurement circuit (top view)
G The voltage measured on the load resistor is directly linked
R1 is typically a E96 resistor at 93.1 Ω . This resistor is
necessary to obtain the right temperature on the heater to the resistance of the sensor respec vely. RLOAD must be
while using a single 5V power supply. The resul ng voltage 820 Ω at the lowest in order not to damage the sensi ve
is typically VH = 2.2V. layer.

Parameter Symbol Typ Min Max Unit

Hea ng power PH 66 60 73 mW
Hea ng voltage VH 2.2 - - V
Hea ng current IH 30 - - mA
Hea ng resistance Ω
RH 72 64 80
at nominal power

Rating Symbol Value / RangeG Unit

Maximum heater power dissipa on PH 88 mW
Maximum sensi ve layer power dissipa on Ps 8 mW
Voltage supplyHea ng current Vsupply 4.9 – 5.1 V
Rela ve humidity range RH 5 – 95 %RH
Ambient opera ng temperature Tamb -30 – 85 °C
Storage temperature range Tsto -40 – 120 °C
Storage humidity range RHsto 5 - 95 %RH
Data Sheet MICS-5914

Package outline dimensionsG

The package is compaƟble with SMD assembly process.

Pin Connection

C Rh1

D Rs1

F Rh2

G Rs2

K MiCS-5914 configuraƟon (boƩom view)

Sensor configurationG
The silicon gas sensor structure consists of an accurately micro machined diaphragm with an
embedded heaƟng resistor and the sensing layer on top.
The internal connecƟons are shown above.
Data Sheet Packaging Information

The two resistors (82 ohm for RED and 51+82
Packaging G
ohm for OX) are necessary to obtain the right
The sensors are
temperatures onpackaged in a tape andheaters
the two independent reel for
while using a 5V power supply.
The sensors are placed in a carrier type. The
dimensions of the cavity are 5.5 x 7.5 x 2.55 mm
(the tolerance is +/- 0.2 mm).
The outside dimension of the reel is either 178
+- mm (for a maximum of 700 sensors ) or 330
+ 0.25 / -4 mm (for a maximum of 2000

For more information please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, CourƟls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-86/89

• Calibration-free
• Low power
• Wide VOCs detection range
• High sensitivity
• High resistance to shocks and vibrations

#805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon-dong,
Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-86/89

° °

° °


Read the following instructions carefully before using the indoor air quality sensor described in this
document to avoid erroneous readings and to prevent the device from permanent damage.

•The sensor must not be exposed to high concentrations of organic solvents, ammonia, silicone
vapour or cigarette-smoke in order to avoid poisoning the sensitive layer.
•The sensor should be protected against water and dust projections.
•SGX strongly recommends using ESD protection equipment to handle the sensor.
•For any additional questions, contact SGX Sensortech
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-86/89
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-86/89

Pin Connection VZ-86

Pin Connection VZ-89


#805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon-dong,

Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Data Sheet MICS-VZ-87

#805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon-dong,
Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-87
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-87
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-87
Data Sheet MICS-VZ-87


#805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D,

Pyeongchon-dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

Data Sheet MICS-EK1

SGX MiCS-EK1 Gas sensor Evalua on Kit

Simply a ach the universal power supply, connect

to a PC USB port and plug in gas sensor.
The SGX data logging and control so ware allows
the performance of different sensors to be assessed
and make in easy to capture performance data.

• For use with MiCS-Series Gas Sensors
• Automa c measuring of sensor resistance changes
• USB interface to a Personal Cumputer (PC)
• Free PC applica on so ware for easy control
and data logging
• Se able heater drive levels
• Automa c load resistor switching
• Four configurable alarm outputs
• Two configurable analog outputs
• Four digital inputs
• Ambient temperature monitoring
• Provision for humidity sensor (customer fit)

Packing List
• Evalua on PCB
• Universal Mains Adapter
• USB lead
• CD Data Logging So ware and User Manual
• MiCS-SMD-PCB (SMD Adapter PCBs x 5pcs)

For more informa on please contact :

info@sgxsensortech.com info@nanosentech.co.kr

SGX Sensortech, Cour ls 1 NANOSENTECH Co., Ltd.

CH-2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Switzerland Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)

www.sgxsensortech.com www.nanosentech.co.kr
Data Sheet MICS-QSB

MiCS-Quick Start Board

The MiCS-Quick Start Board allows a number of

the MiCS Sensors to be quickly tested,
with the required circuit on a PCB,
through the use of jumpers.

• For use with MiCS-2614, 2714, 4514, 5524, 5914
• Quick test
• Basic circuit supports
• Easy to up-garde or replacing sensors
without de-soldering
• Eliminate soldering temperature damage
• Support SMD socket on the board
• DC 9V Power supply
• OperaƟng Temeprature 0 ~ 50˚C
• Extension Port
• Jumper socket in order to use several sensors
• Size 70 x 59 x 23 mm

Packing List
• MiCS-Quick Start Board
• 4 PlasƟc_Legs with 4 Screws
• Not include Adapter
• Not include Sensors

For more informaƟon please contact :



#805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)


The MiCS-SOCKET provide high reliability.

The main advantage of using MiCS-SOCKET is

to eliminate soldering temperature damage,
produc on line ESD problems that can enter the sensors.
Easy to up-grade or replacing defec ve sensors without de-soldering.
MiCS-SOCKET provide high reliability and total lower costs.

Electrical Data Material Data

Contact Resistance 30 mΩ Insulator FR-4, BLACK, UL94V-0

Current Ra ng 1.0 AMP Contact BERYLLIUM COPPER
Insula on Resistance 1000 mΩ Pla ng GOLD 10μ inch min
Dielectric Voltage 500 VAC

Top view Side view

For more informa on please contact :

This drawing contains informa on proprietary to ANDON ELECTRONICS
CORPORATION. Any reproduc on, disclosure or use of this drawing is #805, Doosan Venture Digm B/D, Pyeongchon -dong,
expressly prohibited as ANDON ELECTRONICS may otherwise agree in Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (ZIP 431-755)
wri ng. Regarding any ques on, Please call 031-478-3625
and mail info@nanosentech.co.kr www.nanosentech.co.kr

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