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p. 17

Volume 80, Number 26 $1.00 West and East Village, Chelsea, Soho, Noho, Hudson Square, Little Italy, Chinatown and Lower East Side, Since 1933 November 25 - December 1, 2010

Tea Party’s brew

doesn’t go down
well Downtown
BY LINCOLN ANDERSON coasted to re-election, with
It was the week after Deborah Glick getting 87
the election and a longtime percent of the vote, Richard
reader of this newspaper, Gottfried garnering 82 per-
a lifetime Village resident, cent and Brian Kavanagh,
called to say she was won- 84 percent.
dering why the paper hadn’t Sheldon Silver, the pow-
reported the results of the erful Assembly speaker, won
local Downtown races. Sure, re-election uncontested.
she said, probably all the In the state Senate, Tom
same people won, just like Duane took 85 percent of
usual, as they’ve been doing ballots cast, while freshman
for years — but still... . senator Daniel Squadron
She was right. There was voted back into office
weren’t any surprises — with 86 percent.
and there weren’t any com- Incumbent Democrats
petitive races, either. Local dominated in local congres-
Democrats faced little- sional races, as well. Veteran
known, token Republican Congressmember Carolyn
challengers, and, in each Maloney — after fend-
case, solidly whupped them.
Photo by The Anonymous Photographer Local assemblymembers Continued on page 4

Street art from the underground NYCHA’s repair

The Underbelly Project, a hidden collection of street art in an abandoned Brooklyn subway station, has recently
been getting publicity — and at least 20 people sneaking in to see it have been arrested. See Page 15 for more
photos. system is broken,
After Pei protests N.Y.U. plan, tenants charge
BY ALINE REYNOLDS ence is yet to be seen.
Lower Manhattan, the Nadya Martoral, who has

supermarket site is new focus world’s financial capital

where tremendous fortunes
are made and lost, is also
lived for two decades in the
Alfred E. Smith Houses, near
the entrance to the Brooklyn
BY ALBERT AMATEAU be broader and shorter, 17 to 20 sto- change. the site of 30 public hous- Bridge on the Lower East
After New York University ries, about 200 feet tall; but it would This week, Alicia Hurley, N.Y.U. ing developments where Side, is unemployed and
announced last week that it was with- have roughly the same total 250,000 vice president for government affairs low-income tenants live in takes care of her 11 children
drawing its Landmarks Preservation square feet of space proposed for the and community engagement, said the shoddy and unhealthy condi- on her own.
Commission application to build a abandoned project, which is the same university will file a uniform land use tions. These residents look to As if that were not hard
40-story fourth tower on the super- square footage of each of the three review procedure, or ULURP, applica- the New York City Housing enough, she has a host of
block site of three I.M. Pei-designed existing buildings. tion next year for development on both Authority for much-needed unfixed appliances in her
residential towers, Village neighbors Nevertheless, neighborhood and the south Silver Towers superblock repairs to their decaying apartment, some of which
and preservation advocates were wait- preservation-advocacy opponents where the Pei buildings are located, as apartments. jeopardize her family’s health
ing for the other shoe to drop. vowed last week to fight the alterna- well as the north Washington Square But NYCHA, short on and darken their mood.
What comes next is the N.Y.U. tive. The Greenwich Village Society Village superblock. funds and, some say, inef- Floor tiles are cracked, win-
as-of-right alternative to build on the for Historic Preservation and the “The ULURP will also cover the fective, cannot seem to keep dows are broken, and the
northwest corner of the superblock on Community Action Alliance on NYU block east of Washington Square Park up with the escalating work plaster from her kitchen and
the Morton Williams supermarket site 2031 are holding a town hall meet- between Waverly Place and Washington orders. NYCHA promises it bathroom ceilings is falling
— which is not protected by landmark ing at 6:30 p.m. Wed., Dec. 1, in the Place, not for a change in F.A.R. [floor is devising a master plan off.
designation. basement hall of Our Lady of Pompei area ratio] but for retail uses,” Hurley to improve the repairs sys- Martoral has made sev-
Because the supermarket site has Church, at Carmine and Bleecker Sts., tem, but whether the new
a larger footprint, the building would to explore the implications of the Continued on page 11 approach will make a differ- Continued on page 6


2 November 25 - December 1, 2010




5V]¶5V][O Photos by J.B. Nicholas

Leaving some art behind
Members of the Free Art Society installed paintings and did performance art along

E. Second St. between Avenues A and B in the early hours of Nov. 8, in an effort
to brighten residents’ Monday morning. The project is part of the artists collective’s

ongoing effort “to reclaim public space for the people.”

   5 '



November 25 - December 1, 2010 3

Has a Gift for Cooking SCOOPY’S written in red.) More to the point, how could a tagger have
created such huge, 20-foot-high, bubble letters? we won-
dered. Billy Leroy, he of the antiques-and-props tent next

4.5 Qt Rnd door, explained, “That’s a legal tag. It’s a tribute to Dash
$164.98 Snow. They used a fire-extinguisher technique. One of Barry
Sugg. Rt. $280 McGee’s pals did it. The new mural starts tomorrow. The
30-50% OFF* Rnd artist’s name is Kenny Scharf. He is from L.A. but has been
Enameled Cast Iron 5.5 Qt
Made in France $18 4.938 15
MCNALLY PULLS OUT: In September, we reported that a New Yorker since 1980.” Ah yes, Billy knows all.
g. Rt. $
Sug superstar restaurateur Keith McNally was retooling his plans for
Come in for nd a new eatery at Greenwich Ave. and W. 10th St. after neighbors SOMETHING TO SCRIE’M ABOUT : There’s more
Qt R
SALE prices on 7.25 4.98 objected to having a Pulino’s Cafe at the location. At the time, good news for Ray of Ray’s Candy Store on Avenue A. He’s
other shapes & sizes $2gg. Rt. $3
we were hearing McNally had agreed instead to make the place got his Ansul system, he’s got his lease renewal, he got his,
— the fire-gutted, former Village Paper Party Store — a more well, a B+++ on his Sanitary Inspection Grade, though he’s
*Mfg sugg. retail, in-store only, while supplies last thru 12/31/10
upscale (read “sophisticated and subdued”) Balthazar Cafe, a obsessed with getting an A. (Hey, two out of three ain’t
Support Your Local Family Owned Shops spinoff of his popular Soho bistro on Spring St., rather than an bad.) Now, he’s also finally got his SCRIE, or Senior Citizen
This Holiday Season offshoot of his new Pulino’s Bar & Pizzeria (read “younger and Rent Increase Exemption, which means his apartment rent
65 East 8th St. (off B ’way) • 212- 966-3434 noisier”) on the Bowery. But now there’s not going to be any
Mon- Sat 11-7 • Thurs ’til 8pm • Sun 11-6 offshoot, spinoff or anything else there by McNally. “McNally Continued on page 25
has withdrawn the application and is no longer considering that
location,” Richard Stewart, vice chairperson of Community
Board 2’s S.L.A. Licensing Committee, tells us. “But I can tell
Happy you that Carlos Suarez of Bobo restaurant [at 181 W. 10th St.]
Thanksgiving! has taken the lease and has just finalized an agreement with the
neighborhood association, and C.B. 2 has approved his applica-
tion for a beer-and-wine license.” Suarez actually initially had
the inside track on the one-story building, and even sweetened
the pot by saying he’d have a rooftop garden for use by students
from nearby P.S. 41 — but he was then bumped by McNally.
As for why McNally withdrew, Stewart said, “He claimed there
was too much community opposition, though stipulations [on
the restaurant’s operation] had been agreed on by the neighbor- Serving the West Village for 15 years
hood association.” Proprietor Eve Crenovich invites you for

SORRY, ED: In other eatery news, we hear some action is Breakfast, Lunch, Exciting Dinners
“brewing” at the former Joe Jr. burger joint location at Sixth Weekend Brunch and Catering
Ave. and W. 12th St., specifically, that a Brazilian coffee-
and-sandwich shop will be opening there shortly on Dec. 1.
Don’t forget our famous Cupcakes!
We have this information from a well-placed source, but it’s
hard to confirm, she said, because the place’s windows are
covered with newspaper. The main question is will the new
shop be able to survive the late Ed Gold’s curse — his wish
that his former beloved “headquarters” remain empty for
eternity, to spite the landlord for prohibitively raising Joe Jr.’s
rent? Only time will tell.

ED PEGGED IT: Speaking of Ed Gold, at his memo-

rial the other week, Community Board 2 Chairperson Jo
Hamilton, in her remarks, recalled how she always dreaded
his annual “New Year’s Wishes” talking points in this news-
paper — the ones in which he astutely skewered local leaders Home of the NFL Sunday Ticket,
in a sort of written roast. She said in one such year’s-end col- College Football, Premier League
— Recommended by Gourmet Magazine, Zagat, Crain’s NY, Playbill & The Villager —
umn a few years ago, Gold pointedly penned that she should
“sit down and have lunch with Andrew Berman.” Remarked
Soccer, MLB Playoffs + World Series
“Gold Medal Chef of the Year”. — Chefs de Cuisine Association Private Party Room avail. / happy hour 4 -7 Mon. - Fri.
Hamilton with a smile, “I’m still waiting for that phone call.”
69 MacDougal St. (Bet. Bleeker & Houston St.)   s  
Translation: Hamilton and the Greenwich Village Society for 63 Carmine St., Greenwich Village.
/PEN-ON 3AT PMsWWWVILLAMOSCONICOM Historic Preservation director need to mend some serious Tel. 212 - 414 - 1223 •
fences. Berman wasn’t at Gold’s memorial, since G.V.S.H.P.
had previously scheduled for the same time an open-house
loft tour of the Westbeth Artists Residence, at which 23 art-
ists’ apartments, along with Westbeth’s public spaces, were
on view. Told of Hamilton’s comments, Berman responded it %DE\1XUVH
was the first he’d heard them. “Not having heard it firsthand,
I don’t have a comment on it,” he said. “But I think one +RXVHNHHSHURU
should really focus on remembering Ed when talking about +RPH+HDOWK$LGH"
his memorial service, and not any extraneous issues.” So, we
asked, will he call her? He’s not telling — at least not us. :HKDYHWKHSURIHVVLRQDOIRU\RX
“Since I didn’t hear this comment, it would be inappropriate
to respond in the press,” he said. x/LYH,Q/LYH2XW
EVER-EVOLVING WALL: Passing by the “graffiti wall”
on East Houston St. by the Bowery on Tuesday we did a
double take when we saw it apparently had been “bombed” OLFHQVHGDQGERQGHG
by taggers yet again, now covered with giant silver bubble
letters. (Just last week we had a photo of the wall on the
East Villager’s front page when it was still covered with
Barry McGee’s piece of scores of legendary graffitists’ tags  3ULQFH(PSOR\PHQW#DROFRP
4 November 25 - December 1, 2010


Downtown likes its Dems,

 not ‘Tea’; Incumbents coast
the Sheraton Hotel where the statewide
Continued from page 1 Democratic candidates convened after their
ing off a tough primary challenge by East Gottfried hasn’t faced a Democratic pri-
Villager Reshma Saujani — was returned mary challenger since ’92.
to Washington with 75 percent of the vote, He said he knew very little about his
the same percentage that Congressmember Republican candidate in this past race and
Jerrold Nadler got. Topping them both, how- had never met him.
ever, was Congressmember Nydia Velazquez, “I did know who he is. His name is
who won re-election with a whopping 93 Michael Chan — from Hong Kong,”
percent of the vote. Gottfried offered.
In short, the “Tea Party revolution” defi- “In my area, almost anyone running
nitely did not take hold Downtown, as the on the Democratic line would be a strong
Republicans, as usual, went down to defeat candidate,” he added. “I think the fact that
again. Manhattan Democratic officials rarely have
“I think we are very fortunate to have a primaries and rarely have election contests
very well-informed and involved constitu- is a testament to the fact that Manhattan
ency that has the capacity to express concern residents are very vocal and active and keep
and disagreements in a rational and thought- their legislators on their toes. A candidate
ful manner,” observed Glick. “Therefore, that is up to that is going to be a strong
it is not a surprise to me that the hysteria candidate. Being held to that standard keeps
fomented by the Tea Party did not find fertile you in good shape.
ground [here].
“My somewhat partisan view,” Glick con-
tinued, “is that the Republican Party has
not offered up programs or ideas that are
broadly supportive of people, and have gen-
‘“A politician loyal to a
erally sat back and said, ‘No.’ The Tea Party
had people saying, ‘I don’t want government
party cannot be trusted.”’

to touch my Medicare’ — totally uninformed
and stupid. The Democratic Party, histori-

cally, is the party that offered support for
EDFN\DUGWKHHLJKWKZRQGHURIWKHZRUOG middle-class and working-class people, since
(quoting Charles Sumner)
LVWKULYLQJLQ7KH:HVW9LOODJH the days of Franklin Roosevelt.
“The Tea Party’s message was that they
were very angry. They wanted smaller govern-
WKH SODFH ZKHUH 1HZ <RUNHUV RYHU  FUHDWH LQGLYLGXDO OLIHVW\OHV WR ment and fewer taxes,” Glick noted. “Where “I think Manhattan residents have
HQMR\OLIHWRWKHIXOOHVW the Republicans won they were marginally very solid, progressive values by and
+DQVRQ )LWQHVV LV D VLPSOH VWUDLJKWIRUZDUG \HW KLJKO\ HIIHFWLYH Democratic areas.” In some of these cases, large,” Gottfried noted. “I think the eco-
H[HUFLVH GLHW DQG PRWLYDWLRQDO SURJUDP  7KH +DQVRQ )LWQHVV PRGHO Democrats had won these seats in 2008 in nomic and social diversity of Manhattan
areas that were typically Republican. has to do with that. There’s also a cer-
Glick, who represents Greenwich Village, tain amount of self-selection — most
IUHTXHQWO\HQRXJKWRORVHIDWVWUHQJWKHQPXVFOHVDQG³VFXOSW´WKHERG\ has been in the Assembly 20 years, which Manhattanites chose to come here and
WRDOHDQHUKHDOWKLHUDQG\RXQJHUORRNLQJERG\,WVWULYHVWRPDNHWKH might seem like a pretty long time. However, live, or chose to stay here and live. If you
SDLQSDLQOHVVDQGWKHH[HUFLVHVXVHUIULHQGO\ Gottfried, who was elected when he was a live in New York City, you see on a daily
+DQVRQ )LWQHVV KHOSV \RX ZRUN \RXU OLIH QRW \RXU OLIH LQWR H[HUFLVH 23-year-old Columbia law student, has held basis how important government is in our
his Chelsea seat for 40 years — an Assembly lives — from mass transit and hospitals to
record. educational institutions.”
“Staggering,” Glick noted of Gottfried’s Not surprisingly, Gottfried is not a believ-
VXFFHVVDUHHQFRXUDJHPHQWDQGYDULHW\7KHYDOXHRIHQFRXUDJHPHQW longevity. She said her colleague’s record is er in term limits for state legislators.
FDQQRW EH RYHUHVWLPDWHG  $QG YDU\LQJ H[HUFLVH URXWLQHV W\SH not at risk from her, noting, “I can say one “I think term limits ought to be in the
UHSHWLWLRQ DQGRU LQWHQVLW\  ZLOO NHHS \RX PRWLYDWHG LQWHUHVWHG DQG LQ thing for sure — 20 years from now, I will hands of voters every two years,” he said,
DFWLRQ not be in the Assembly.” referring to the length of state legislators’
Gottfried said his margin of victory in terms and the power of constituents to vote
this year’s race, 82 percent, equals what he them in or out of office.
7KH9LOODJHUDQG7KH(DVW9LOODJHU got in 2008, and that it’s his all-time high Asked for comment on his own re-election
for whenever he’s faced a Republican can- and Democrats’ firm hold on Downtown
didate. So, “at 40,” he’s the strongest he’s Manhattan, Silver said, “New Yorkers are

ever been. progressive to the core. Whether it’s protect-
“I’m quite happy,” he said of his win. ing affordable housing, expanding access
“I really get an enormous amount of sat- to healthcare or fighting for civil rights, I
isfaction out of my work. I’m just always believe that government has a real role to

QG delighted when I’m rehired.” play in making people’s lives better.”
:HVW9LOODJH3HUU\6W± )O1<&  Gottfried is long past celebrating his Asked if he was concerned about some
6R+R*UHHQH6W± )O1<&  now-routine Election Day romps with post- early rumors that Governor-elect Andrew
8QLRQ6TXDUH%URDGZD\± )O1<&  election parties and bubbly. Cuomo might be angling to stage a coup
 “I had a slice of pizza and a glass of Diet against him and depose him as speaker,
+DQVRQ)LWQHVVȓYHUL]RQQHW_ZZZ+DQVRQ)LWQHVVFRP Coke at the Chelsea Reform Democratic
Club,” he noted, adding he did later go to Continued on page 25
November 25 - December 1, 2010 5

Photos by Milo Hess

Spray it, don’t say it; Fire Department floats new boat
On Sat., Nov. 13, in the harbor near the Statue of Liberty, the Fire Department wel-
comed its new fireboat, Firefighter II, below, to the fleet with an impressive display of
water-cannon prowess. The new vessel replaces the vintage Firefighter. It’s the twin
of the fleet’s other recent addition, the Three Forty Three, named for the number of
firefighters who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Among the fireboats joining
in the water-shooting salute was the retired John J. Harvey, which moors at the Hudson
River Park’s Pier 66 in Chelsea — and which was a hero of 9/11. Afterward, the fleet
motored to outside Battery Park City’s North Cove marina, near the W.T.C., where
there was a pause for a moment of silence.

Thank you
for the fantastic pizza
& salads... Excellent lunch!
- From your friends at The Villager Newspapers
6 November 25 - December 1, 2010

The Housing Authority’s repair system is broken,

Hospital, said asbestos could still be pres-
Continued from page 1 ent in the floors of older NYCHA buildings,
such as Smith Houses, which was built in
eral repair requests to NYCHA, to no avail. 1953.
“I call and say, ‘Listen, I need this… ’ “It’s usually found in floors and hallways,”
They give [ticket numbers] to me, and they Licht said. “The more you are exposed to it,
never come over here.” the more likely you are to get lung cancer 20
Most recently, a NYCHA operator sched- years from now.”
uled a repair for Sept. 23. Martoral said she Only days after Jubilee hurt herself on
waited all day, but no one came. the tiles, a broken window in one of the
“I feel like that’s abuse, because I can’t bedrooms fell forward onto her arm.
live like that. I understand I owe money,” she “I got up to look at my sister’s closet, and
said in broken English. “But they have to do the whole window came off on my arm,” she
the job in housing, too.” explained.
Her daughter Jubilee Domenech, 16, A handyman showed up a few days later
recently injured the nails on her big toes to repair the window, but didn’t finish the
on broken floor tiles on the entryway to the job.
bathroom. She was forced to give up her “He was here for 10 minutes, tops,” she
spot on her high-school basketball team said. “He just left this piece here with a
this fall because, she said, it’s too painful bunch of screws.”
to play. The window is still broken.
“I can’t play no more until my toenails “Don’t touch it,” her mother warned
come off,” she said. Jubilee, fearful that it could hurt her daugh-
Jubilee visited the doctor the day of the ter’s arm again.
accident, but she was too scared to go back The pipes above the toilet leak intermit-
and get her nails removed. Her goal of earn- tently, causing water and plaster to rain
ing a basketball scholarship at a state univer- down.
sity is now on the line. “When we flush the toilet, it goes crazy,”
“My toes are bothering me,” she said, Martoral said.
“and they’re making me think twice about She has filed a complaint for that, too,
what I want to do.” but doesn’t have a scheduled appointment.
The apartment’s cracked floor may pose Jubilee, in the meantime, wears a sweater Photo by Aline Reynolds
other health problems, as well. Dr. Warren Alfred E. Smith Houses tenant Nadya Martoral showed her work-order list — with
Licht, chief medical officer at Downtown Continued on page 7 about 10 pending items — for her apartment.




invite you to a




November 25 - December 1, 2010 7

say frustrated tenants

But the renovations will not come anytime
Continued from page 6 soon.
In the meantime, they face health risks.
in the house to protect her arms against the According to Dr. Licht, “Mold has spores,
falling plaster. and spores act as allergens,” often leading to
Aixa Torres, president of the Smith asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Houses Tenant Association, established a As a short-term fix, Cody sprays her walls
grievance committee last spring to document with Lysol, putting a towel over her nose to
tenants’ complaints and to assist those who avoid inhaling the mold.
don’t speak English. Earlier this month, she “I run out of the bathroom and close the
conducted a training session to teach resi- door, so when I go back inside all those black
dents how to set up an appointment through mold spots are off the wall and the ceiling,”
NYCHA’s Centralized Call Center. she said.
Torres is fed up with the repairs system, Long-term inhalation of mold can lead
which she said is proving futile. Based on to an inflammation of the lungs, according
the repairs schedule, her ceiling fan isn’t sup- to the National Institute of Health. Indeed,
posed to be fixed for two years. Cody reported that her allergies have gotten
“I’m just, like, done with them,” she said. progressively worse over the years.
“If we have to do litigation, we’re going to “I’ve taken more allergy medicine this
go that route.”
Dorothea Cody, her husband, Roland,
and their seven children have lived since
2003 in the Rutgers Houses development
year than any year ever,” she said, noting
that it’s the first year she has taken prescrip-
tion drugs for her symptoms.
The Codys had another appointment with
New Music
on the Lower East Side, just north of the
Manhattan Bridge. Their crumbling bath-
room causes constant leaks in the apartment
next door, occupied by the elderly Mrs.
NYCHA for plastering scheduled for Nov.
15, but they feared it would just be another
“She gets flooded every time we take a
shower.” Cody said. “After we shower, she’s
mopping up a quart of water.”
‘I’m just, like, done with
them. If we have to do
Chen wasn’t available for comment, but
Cody described her neighbor’s conditions: litigation, we’ll go that
“The wall is so damp, it feels like cardboard.
All of the tile on her floor is up — it’s not route.’
puckering, it’s up. And her hallway wall is
tilting forward. She just had new tiles laid Aixa Torres
again. It looks horrible.” Monday, November 29, 2010
The Codys have their own maintenance
8:00 PM • Frederick Loewe Theatre • 35 West 4th Street
problems to deal with. Moldy plaster from
the ceiling and walls falls on them when they temporary fix, if that. Getting the affected
flush the toilet in their main bathroom. area painted will be a much longer wait, with This month, the NYU Informed Neighbor series will feature
“There’s a busted pipe in the wall — they a date scheduled for sometime in 2013. a special concert by the NYU New Music Ensemble, Dr. Esther
constantly fix the bricks over and over, and By now, Cody and her family’s patience
Lamneck, artistic director.
get the same result in less than six months,” has been pushed to the limit.
she said. “I pay too much rent for my bathroom
The NYU New Music Ensemble is recognized for performances
NYCHA has visited three or four times to be looking like this, for so many years,”
since the spring. Cody said. of acoustic players with electronic music and video, fixed media,
“They come in and have a look and they In NYCHA’s Seward Park Extension, just and interactive computer pieces. Performers in the ensemble
say, ‘Oh, that’s the plasterer’s job,’ ” she said. south of the Williamsburg Bridge approach
include musicians who play traditional, ethnic, and electronic
“And it’s never done.” ramp, Mary Sing, 89, lives in an apartment
“The unions have rules the workers have that is filled with dust. But that’s the least of instruments. The ensemble has premiered works throughout the
to abide by, so they can’t always call in a her problems. Part of her living-room wall United States and in festivals in Hungary, France, Yugoslavia,
plumber and then a plasterer in the right is ripped wide open, exposing the building’s
and Italy.
order,” explained Victor Bach, a policy ana- rotting interior.
lyst with the Community Service Society, a “They were supposed to fix it,” said her
This concert will feature an ensemble of twenty players of
nonprofit advocacy and research organiza- daughter, Mattie Luther, 70, whose full-time
tion for low-income New Yorkers. occupation is taking care of her mother. diverse instrumentation performing works by guest Italian
According to the Codys, there was a time “The minute they fixed it, it started cracking composers, Giampiero Gemini and Antonio Poce. Other composers
when NYCHA’s repair system was more — and they left it like that.”
include Lawrence Fritts, Sylvia Pengiliy, Jason Bolte, and Yael
efficient. The mother and daughter got so frus-
“If they came in and saw what needed trated they called 311, which directed them Acher-Modiano.
to be done, it was fixed right away,” said back to NYCHA’s call center.
Dorothea Cody. “Now, when you call, they Sing has nightmares of the ceiling caving This performance is free and open to the public.
contradict one another. No one is consis- in on her. She constantly spits into a bucket
tent.” to get rid of phlegm that collects in her RSVP TO NYU’s Office of Government and Community Affairs
Finally, an inspector from the U.S. mouth and throat. at or 212.998.2400.
Department of Housing and Urban “She’s been doing that for four years, since
Development, which has a role in regular I’ve been here,” Luther said.
oversight of all NYCHA properties, visited A few months ago, Luther herself was diag-
the site a few weeks ago. nosed with a throat infection.
“They said the mildew conditions were
unsafe, and we put in an order,” Cody said. Continued on page 8
8 November 25 - December 1, 2010

New repair call center comes under fire; Lack of

developments throughout the city.
Continued from page 7 Annual underfunding “adds to our
structural deficit and hampers the author-
“There was nothing wrong with my throat ity’s ability to meet the maintenance needs
until I came here,” she said, suspecting it is of our aging housing stock,” explained
related to the conditions. Michael Kelly, NYCHA’s general manager,
Eliana Colon, another Seward Park at a recent public hearing.
Extension resident, won’t step foot into her In 2005, the Housing Authority antici-
kitchen, sickened by a putrid smell coming pated a $7.5 billion need for apartment
from a gaping hole above the cabinets. The repairs. Today, however, only one-fifth of
stench comes from mold caused by a leak that those funds is available — not nearly
has persisted for months. enough for the thousands of work orders
Eliana’s son Alfredo, who often stays over- the agency receives each year. Since 2005,
night to care for her, said, “We called [the repair requests have continued to soar,
emergency hotline]. The first time they came, reaching 250,000 last year, while NYCHA’s
they make a little hole to investigate the leak.” budget was further battered by the reces-
That was last February. sion. The authority currently has a backlog
Another handyman visited in June, making of 107,000 work orders, some of which are
an even bigger hole in an attempt to stop the scheduled for 2012 and 2013.
dripping. Tenant advocates, such as Judith
“The guy took a look and said, ‘Oh my Goldiner, supervising attorney at the Legal
God’ — then he went upstairs and never came Aid Society, also believe the problem is
back,” Alfredo said. compounded by NYCHA’s mismanagement
Fungus is now growing in the cabinets, and of the funds it does have. The authority is
the wall below it is soaked in water, making spending excessively on job training, social
cooking in the kitchen no longer an option. Photo by Aline Reynolds services and sanitation, Goldiner said, while
“I have to buy takeout food for her,” The floor tiles in Nadya Martoral’s kitchen, above, and hallway in the Smith Houses neglecting fundamental maintenance of the
Alfredo said. have been in disrepair for years, despite her pleas to NYCHA for repairs. developments.
The Colons’ next repair appointment is “They’re required to provide decent
scheduled for June 2011. In the meantime, times,” Alfredo said of his mother, who has very young and the very old, and people housing. All the rest of it is kind of window
Eliana is considering withholding rent as she been hospitalized for asthma. who already have a diagnosis of asthma.” dressing,” said Goldiner. “There’s a lot of
and her son continue to endure the horrible “Anything that stays damp creates an According to NYCHA, a lack of funding ways that they could save money in their
odor that pervades the apartment. environment for mold to grow,” Dr. Licht is a major problem, affecting the agency’s
“She can’t breathe with the smell some- said. “People who are affected most are the ability to keep up with repairs on its 344 Continued on page 9

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November 25 - December 1, 2010 9

funds is biggest problem

landlords outside of NYCHA, Goldiner
Continued from page 8 explained.
Last March, NYCHA got a welcome
budget and redirect it toward what really infusion of roughly $1 billion from
needs to happen here.” President Obama’s American Recovery and
Kelly announced at the hearing that Reinvestment Act of 2009 that, starting this
NYCHA is trying to do just that: He said fall, is being distributed to the developments
the agency is looking into re-appropriating for basic repairs over the next 15 years. The
$7 million in capital funds for repairs and authority also received a separate allocation
re-evaluating its capital program. of $423 million from the U.S. Department
But it can be a vicious cycle: The less of Housing and Development for capital
the authority invests on its developments’ expenses, including elevator repairs, boiler
aging infrastructure, the greater the need replacements and energy efficiency projects
for individual repairs. in developments across the five boroughs.
“The serious repair needs are coming Now, each development will get its
from the backlog of unmet capital improve- slice of the stimulus money since 21 devel-

ments,” explained Victor Bach, a housing opments, previously owned and operated
policy analyst at the Community Service by the city and state, including Rutgers
Society. “With that kind of backlog, you Houses, were federalized earlier this year.
have accelerated deterioration.”
In 2005 NYCHA created a centralized
call center to streamline repair services
across the city. The center operates from 6
a.m. to midnight on weekdays and has an
electronic ticketing system that schedules
‘NYCHA has been plagued
by underfunding, poor
repairs based on urgency. Holiday Toy Drive
Major emergencies, such as gas leaks, M O N DAY, D E C E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 0
elevator outages or floods, are typically
management and lack U N T I L T H U R S DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 0
attended to within 48 hours. But the tenant
still has to schedule a follow-up appoint-
of political will.’ NYU’s Office of Government and Community Affairs and the Administrative
Management Council are collecting new, unwrapped toys to be donated to
ment through the call center for patch- over 1,500 children from the Lower East Side. If you would like to make
up work on the walls or for a floor job.
Daniel Squadron
a donation, please call the Office of Government and Community Affairs
Residents of several Lower East Side devel-
at 212.998.2400. Your gift will be distributed at the 9th Precinct Community
opments believe the system is inefficient.
Council Holiday Party.
“They just pass the buck from one work-
er to another, and nothing ever gets done,” “All developments were hurting before,
Washington Square Park Tree Lighting
said Rutgers Houses tenant Dorothea Cody, because there was less money for each
T U E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 7, 2 0 1 0 AT 6 : 0 0 P M
who has had a leak in her bathroom for development,” explained state Senator
years. Daniel Squadron. Gather by the arch in Washington Square Park for the annual lighting of
Tenants at Smith Houses and the other But the stimulus alone may not be the the Christmas tree. Sing Christmas carols along with song leader Mary
Lower East Side developments are filling final fix, according to Squadron, who co- Hurlbut accompanied by the Rob Susman Brass Quartet and await a special
out report cards that ask them to assess launched the campaign for federal support visit from Santa! The Washington Square Association will provide compli-
NYCHA’s operations. So far, the call center and has been working with the tenant asso- mentary songbooks.
has received an “F” for timeliness and a “C” ciations of the various Downtown develop-
for overall reliability. ments to expedite repairs. Washington Square Music Festival Holiday Concert
A shortage of union tradesmen is also “The easy solution is always money,” F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 0 AT 8 : 0 0 P M
making the situation worse. The total num- Squadron said. “But money is never enough. St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 371 Sixth Avenue
ber of painters, carpenters and plasterers NYCHA has been plagued by three chal-
Don’t miss this free holiday concert directed by Lutz Rath and featuring
available to NYCHA dropped from 805 lenges: underfunding, poor management
guest artists Stanley Drucker and Naomi Drucker, clarinetists.
in 2005 to 765 this year, according to a and a lack of political will.”
NYCHA report obtained by this newspa- Kelly reported at the hearing that
per. NYCHA is making a major effort to fix the
Winter Choral Concert
Meanwhile, the number of individual repair system. The authority is working on F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 1 7, 2 0 1 0 AT 7 : 3 0 P M

lawsuits against NYCHA over repairs has a comprehensive, five-year strategic plan Frederick Loewe Theatre, 35 West Fourth Street
escalated in the last six months, according to preserve public housing that will “serve Mark your calendar for this annual Winter Choral Concert presented by
to the Legal Aid Society. And some tenants as a vital road map for addressing our cur- Music and Performing Arts at NYU Steinhardt. For more information
are withholding rent, or threatening to do rent maintenance and repair backlog,” he and ticket reservations, pelase call 212.352.3101 or visit
so, until NYCHA fixes their apartments said. The plan will be released sometime ticketcentral/calendar. Admission is $10 general; $5 students and seniors.
— which could jeopardize their housing next year, according to Sheila Stainback, a
status. NYCHA spokesperson. Christmas Eve Caroling in Washington Square Park
“It’s a dangerous situation because when Until then, many residents could remain F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 0 AT 5 : 0 0 P M
you do that, you really risk getting evicted, frustrated and exposed daily to health haz-
Meet by the arch in Washington Square Park for caroling on Christmas Eve!
and you also risk being blacklisted” by ards in their apartments.
The Rob Susman Brass Quartet will lead revelers in singing holiday favorites.
The Washington Square Association will provide complimentary songbooks.
Sun. $3.50 Screwdrivers & our famous Bloody Mary’s, NYU’s Office of Government and Community Affairs

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10 November 25 - December 1, 2010

N.Y.U.’s towering blunder inspires us to fight on

fidence that we do see things more clearly than that basis alone, reflects the fact that no one at absolutely destroy any sense of common com-
TALKING POINT N.Y.U. does; and with the sure knowledge that
these high-priced lawyers and architects are
N.Y.U. has any aesthetic sense nor any basis on
which to execute good judgment.
munity; closing the garage on the Washington
Square Village block and replacing it with
BY MIRIAM KAPLAN really only hired to see to the accomplishment Absolutely everything about Plan parking on the Pei block, with no mention of
I want to say that this statement from of the will of those that hire them, and not to 2031 shows poor judgment: the sought- how Washington Square Village’s residents
Mr. Pei is extraordinary good news. Not just defer to excellence where it exists. after rezoning to C6-2; putting retail are to get from the garage to their buildings
because New York University has been defeat- I have been studying the history of N.Y.U. on Mercer St. when there is plenty — even if an entrance were to be provided on
ed on the landmarks issue. But more impor- this week: For the university campus and for Bleecker St., there would still be a minimum of
tantly, because it shows how completely N.Y.U. several buildings around the square they had the equivalent of a three-block walk in the open
miscalculated in this regard. the services of Stanford White; for Bobst they from the garage to 1 and 2 Washington Square
In all of our statements at the Community had Philip Johnson; for the south superblock Everything about Plan Village.
Board 2 hearings, we danced around the rea- they had I.M. Pei — all of them great architects, That top-class architects would sign off on
sons for objecting to the fourth tower. We were who had a vision about what the architectural 2031 shows poor such a design — which effectively destroys
addressing many important issues — in truth, face of a great university should be and who an existing residential community that pro-
not so clearly and starkly as the statement from had a tabula rasa on which to work. judgment. vides some blessed open space in an open-
Henry Cobb does — but we were on target. For Plan 2031, N.Y.U.’s biggest redesign space-starved part of the city — just to sat-
And yet N.Y.U. couldn’t or wouldn’t hear effort — probably since its former University isfy the expansionist plans of N.Y.U. reflects
the message. Heights campus in the Bronx — the architects poorly on them. They may be world-class
With all their high-priced consultants were constrained to work within an existing of retail one block away on Broadway; hous- but their behavior is that of hacks who go along
— architects and lawyers — they couldn’t context. N.Y.U. hired big guns. But an existing ing 1,400 students in a dormitory on a block with anything just to get the commission.
see how wrong they were about the overall context is not a proper arena for great archi- that has about 500 apartments; increasing Getting back to Cobb’s statement:
design of the block. And they substituted all tects who have their own vision and ego. the underground acreage, even though there Just because we have this good news,
that foolish talk about dialogue for a true What N.Y.U. got was a plan that clashed as is a stream that runs under the two blocks; we cannot relax. But we can go for-
recognition of the spatial relations. badly as plaid with floral print. eliminating the driveways on the Washington ward, in the full confidence that an army
And in that is a great hope to take us for- What was needed were not-so-great archi- Square Village block, which would isolate is going to form behind us. Because I certainly
ward. Just as N.Y.U. was blind with regard tects — people who could subsume their ego the two slabs from each other, but more believe that people will come out from the
to aesthetics, they are blind to the intent of and come up with a design for new buildings importantly would curtail the accessibility of woodwork to support us — now that they
zoning. And it is that blindness that will defeat that integrated with the existing landscape. ambulances, school buses, deliveries and so forth have the confirmation that N.Y.U. so mis-
them in the end. That the architects could not see the ugliness to each of the complex’s buildings; putting retail judged this one issue.
So far, it doesn’t look like we will have of their plans (not just the Pei block, but even in the ground floor of the Washington Square
someone like Pei to come forward on a white more so the Washington Square Village block) Village buildings, which would totally destroy Kaplan is former chairperson, Washing-
charger in the coming battle — though who is a serious mark against them, no matter how their residential nature; installing academic ton Square Village Tenants Association’s
knows what may happen? high their ratings. That no one at N.Y.U. could buildings and a public mall between the two Task Force in Response to N.Y.U. Plan
In the meantime, we move on with the con- see the ugliness of the plans and reject them on Washington Square Village slabs, which would 2031


Christmas 154 Sullivan Street New school with British accent
New York, NY 10012
S S :
BY ALBERT AMATEAU noting that Prince Michael of Kent, a cousin
CHEDULE OF ERVICES (212) 777-2755 A new private elementary school for chil- of Queen Elizabeth II, will preside at the
dren 3 to 11 years old, World Class Learning opening ceremony next year. Academy, an affiliate of British Schools of The new school has renovated 50,000
America, is opening next year in the East square feet of the building at 44 E. Second
Village at E. Second St. at Second Ave., in St., which it has leased from LaSalle, the
the former LaSalle Academy. all-boys Catholic high school. LaSalle is now
December 24 The school is enrolling 3-year-olds for sharing the building at 215 E. Sixth St. with
5:00PM - Vigil Mass for Christmas its nursery school, opening in January 2011, St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic elementary
and is accepting applications for children school.
ages up to 11 for the rest of the school, Full-day tuition for the nursery school
December 25 - Christmas which will open in September, said John will be $22,500 per year; for 4- and 5-year-
Taylor, headmaster. olds, the tuition will be $25,500 per year;
12 MIDNIGHT - Mass of the Nativity preceded “We are the only school in the city to offer and for the upper grades, $31,900 per
the International Primary Curriculum — year. The half-year tuition for the nursery
Christmas carols begin at 11:30pm based on the numeracy and literacy program school in January will be $9,400, Taylor
of the English National Curriculum,” Taylor said.
said. The English National Curriculum is the The British Schools of America, parent
9:00AM - Mass of standard primary-school curriculum in the organization of the World Class Learning
United Kingdom, Taylor explained. Academy, has five other primary schools in
the Nativity The English connection goes further. the U.S.: in Chicago, Boston, Washington,
“We have royal patronage,” Taylor said, D.C., Houston and Charlotte, N.C.

11:00AM - Mass of
the Nativity Art for Haiti raised $30,000
Last month’s Tribeca art auction for Center. “These funds will go a long way
Haiti raised more than $30,000 to help in rebuilding my sister’s school, which is a
rebuild Children Harvest School in Port refuge for its neighborhood and educates
au Prince, Haiti. More than 70 contem- over 250 children in desperate need,”
porary and Haitian artists donated works said Tribeca resident Jacqueline Fils-Aime,
to the auction, which was held Oct. 20 at sister of the director of Children’s Harvest
Manhattan Youth Downtown Community School.
November 25 - December 1, 2010 11

After Pei protests N.Y.U. plan, market is new focus

director, said he was gratified that the uni- Board 2, said she was surprised and relieved including hotel and housing, in the mix.”
Continued from page 1 versity dropped its original plan, “in the face by the university’s withdrawal of its L.P.C. Lynne Brown, N.Y.U. senior vice presi-
of overwhelming opposition, including from application for the 400-foot tower. dent, said in a prepared statement, “From
said. “We expect the Department of City I.M. Pei.” However, Berman added, “N.Y.U.’s “However, we are equally concerned the beginning, we sought a design for the
Planning to certify our ULURP application insistence on moving ahead with its alterna- about the proposal to build on the Morton Silver Towers block that was most respect-
in the late summer of 2011 to begin a seven- tive plans for a development on the adjacent Williams site,” she said. “It is immediately ful of Mr. Pei’s vision. Some people dis-
month review process, including community non-landmarked supermarket site, as well as adjacent to 505 LaGuardia Place and the agreed with our approach, others agreed.
board and department meetings and final community garden and just across the street We believed that among those who agreed
City Council approval,” she said. from Washington Square Village.” was Mr. Pei himself, who expressed no
N.Y.U. decided to drop the tower plan Hamilton said the community board is opposition to the concept of a tower on
after Henry Cobb, a partner of the architec-
‘We will be considering the now trying to learn exactly what the univer- the landmarked site when we spoke to
tural firm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, sent sity wants to build and how it would fit in him directly in 2008. Mr. Pei has now had
a letter to L.P.C. saying that Pei, 93, was
impacts on light and air, the ULURP application. a change of heart. The clarity Mr. Pei has
strongly opposed to the proposed tower on “We will be considering the impacts of now provided that the Morton Williams
the landmarked portion of the superblock.
shadows, wind tunnels, the entire project on light and air, shadows, site is preferable is helpful to us in under-
University design consultants had said the wind tunnels, open space, traffic, infrastruc- standing how to proceed with our uniform
additional tower would complement the
open space, traffic, ture and many other factors,” she added. land-use review procedure proposal.”
“pinwheel” arrangement of the Pei design. N.Y.U. officials said last week that the Cobb said this week that although he
The Cobb letter said in part, “A fourth
infrastructure and many university withdrew its L.P.C. application was not present at the 2008 conversation
tower is profoundly destructive of the land- as a mark of respect for Pei’s vision and between Pei and N.Y.U., he has spoken to
marked entity because it closes a composition
other factors.’ for L.P.C., which in 2008 granted land- Pei and other people who were there.
that was intended to be open and upsets the mark protection to the Pei-designed Silver “Mr. Pei made no comment on the fourth
carefully considered balance between solid and
Jo Hamilton Towers plaza with three 300-foot-tall towers tower plan. On that issue he was silent,”
void. It also seriously compromises the gener- around the 36-foot-tall, sculptural rendering Cobb told this newspaper on Monday. Cobb
ous visibility of Picasso’s Bust of Sylvette.” of Picasso’s “Bust of Sylvette.” noted that the conversation occurred shortly
Cobb also said the alternative proposal the remainder of its massive NYU 2031 plan The original N.Y.U. plan called for a hotel before L.P.C. designated the Silver Towers
on the Morton Williams site was “unattract- to add 2 million square feet of space around in the 400-foot tower, and the university complex a city landmark in November 2008
ive as represented in [N.Y.U.’s] filing, but as Washington Square Park, shows that the intends to include hotel uses in an as-yet- — two and a half years before N.Y.U. applied
an as-of-right building…is nonetheless pref- university still does not get it.” undecided location in the larger project. to L.P.C. for approval of the fourth tower.
erable to the proposed fourth tower. Ideally, Berman said N.Y.U. should look to places Hurley said, “Our former proposal had “The letter I wrote to the L.P.C. was nar-
the corner building would be designed so as like the Financial District to absorb its four buildings and our new proposal has rowly focused and carefully written, and the
to make it more responsive to its neighbors growth, and vowed to continue to fight the four buildings. With the withdrawal of the only reason we commented was because we
and to the landmarked entity.” university’s plans for the Village. application for the tower on the landmarked felt obliged to comment on any alteration to
Andrew Berman, G.V.S.H.P. executive Jo Hamilton, chairperson of Community site, we will keep all of the proposed uses, the landmarked site,” Cobb said.

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12 November 25 - December 1, 2010


Hope for SPURA Art squeezed out of the parks Wish list for the streets
After decades of inertia at the Seward Park Urban
Renewal Area, on the Lower East Side south of the
Williamsburg Bridge, the makings of a viable develop- To The Editor: To The Editor:
ment scheme are taking shape. Where six blocks have Re “East Side, West Side, park improvements all around; Re “The peddling of pedaling and those pesky pedestri-
lain vacant, occupied by open-air parking lots, there are It’s a green golden age” (Progress Report article, by Adrian ans” (talking point, by Daniel Meltzer, Nov. 18):
now visions of housing and commercial development, Benepe, Nov. 18): The situation is astonishingly weird already in the East
and much-needed jobs and economic development. What Commissioner Benepe’s “Green and Golden Age” Village: First Ave. is so chopped up and impossible for cars,
It must be stressed that what exists now are only guide- refers to is green for the money and gold for the profits he is taxis and the disabled, that setting regulations for bikers ain’t
lines, not a plan, per se. But Community Board 3 — which funneling to corporations, BID’s and park conservancies at solving the problems most of us have with this ditzy plan.
has been spearheading this process for the past several the public’s expense. He is the commissioner of park privati- I personally want more bikes and more, more mass tran-
years — is indeed now working toward a final plan. zation; a real estate agent trying to get the highest price per sit, but government continues to conspire against this.
The guidelines were presented Nov. 16 at C.B. 3’s Land square foot for our public parks. I want cyclists (and I also want them regulated, fined,
Use, Zoning, Public and Private Housing Committee. Free speech, artists’ rights and public use of the parks are imprisoned for life if they ride on the sidewalk, ignore sig-
Basically, they call for a mixed-use project, with equal the collateral victims of this real estate scam that puts giant nals, etc.). I want mass transit. I want private cars outta here.
parts residential and commercial development. There holiday vending markets in the most crowded parks, and O.K., so I want too much.
would be 800 to 1,000 units of housing. Under one pos- luxury condos in new parks. Soon enough, he’ll have all the
sible scenario, the mix could include 40 percent market- trees removed from Union Square Park because they take up Lu Krasne
rate, 30 percent moderate and middle-income, 20 percent valuable space needed by park concessions.
low-income and 10 percent senior housing. For a graphic example of Benepe’s “Golden Age”
No retail spaces would be larger than 30,000 square see this link,
feet, effectively excluding big-box stores, though a Holiday-Market-2010-USP . Incoming! Look out — bikers!
supermarket of larger size would be allowed. A movie
theater and parking space would also be included. Robert Lederman To The Editor:
In addition, although they weren’t in the original Lederman is president of ARTIST (Artists’ Response to Re “The peddling of pedaling and those pesky pedestri-
1965 renewal plan, C.B. 3 is also including in its rede- Illegal State Tactics) ans” (talking point, by Daniel Meltzer, Nov. 18):
velopment concept the four Essex St. Market buildings, Great article and right on! The bikers are like kamikazes.
between Stanton and Houston Sts. They ride their bikes everywhere and anywhere at any speed,
Leading the C.B. 3 committee on the renewal area with total disregard for traffic direction, stoplights or pedes-
is David McWater. McWater, when he was board Cyclists must obey rules trian safety — and that’s not just the delivery bikers. There
chairperson, initiated the community-led, contextual needs to be far more oversight and penalties for breaking
East Village / Lower East Side rezoning approved by To The Editor: the law.
the city two years ago, which put height caps on new Re “The peddling of pedaling and those pesky pedestri-
development. He’s confident the SPURA plan will also ans” (talking point, by Daniel Meltzer, Nov. 18): Gretchen Berger
win approval. I used to be a biker and was terrified to bike on the
Next month, the SPURA guidelines will be fleshed streets. Thus, I had to limit my pedaling to the parks, and to
out at C.B. 3, and it’s hoped the board will vote on the get there I would have to walk my bike on sidewalks. I would E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to
concept in January. But there’s still far to go. The city will have certainly welcomed a bike lane. or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The
need to do an environmental impact statement (E.I.S.), I no longer bicycle, and am now mostly a pedestrian or Villager, Letters to the Editor, 145 Sixth Ave., ground floor,
then a uniform land-use review procedure (ULURP), bus rider. Bikes scare me to death. They come zooming out NY, NY 10013. Please include phone number for confirma-
then issue requests for proposals (R.F.P.’s) to get devel- of nowhere when I cross the street, completely ignoring red tion purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters
opers for the 10 various sites. All this could take three lights. for space, grammar, clarity and libel. The Villager does not
years, and, of course, construction would be phased in What to do? Bike lanes are not the problem — prop- publish anonymous letters.
over many years. McWater stressed it’s important to get erly used, they could be a boon. But, wherever they bike, if
the approval process completed before Mayor Bloomberg cyclists don’t obey the rules, they are a danger. I don’t really
leaves office — since who knows what could happen
under a new administration? Whatever consensus has
been painstakingly built over the past two years could
understand Meltzer’s objection to the lanes. If there weren’t
lanes, wouldn’t the bikers be on the streets instead, posing
the same menace as they do in the lanes?
Sound off!
The renewal plan itself has expired. But McWater Joan Wile Write a letter to The Editor
said, the city will give priority to former renewal-area
residents who seek to return and get affordable hous-
ing, if their income meets requirements.
In 2003, the city pitched a SPURA proposal with a
mix of housing, including 400 low- and middle-income
units. That plan was scrapped due to vehement com-
munity opposition. In contrast, this current process has
been community driven.
The key will be getting the area’s local elected officials
onboard, namely Councilmember Margaret Chin and
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. While many residents
of the Grand St. co-ops, where Silver lives, have his-
torically resisted SPURA’s development, opposing more
affordable housing, the co-ops’ residential mix has been
changing, getting younger, more diverse. There’s new
sentiment for movement on these eyesore blocks.
Now that a new, consensus plan is materializing, it’s
incumbent on Chin and Silver to engage and support the
process. If not, a golden opportunity will be lost; who
knows what sort of plan for SPURA will be proposed in
some future round, if any? It’s time for Chin and Silver
to help shepherd this long-paralyzed project through to
fruition. That would be a legacy to be proud of.
November 25 - December 1, 2010 13

Correcting some misperceptions post-St. Vincent’s

of St. Vincent’s decided to close the hospital in no small allocated to St. Vincent’s can be used to reopen a hos-
TALKING POINT part because of its overall debt of more than $1 billion,
much of which is owed to TD Bank and GE Capital. It
pital. In fact, only after we have the pieces in place for
a viable hospital will federal funds — such as mortgage
BY CHRISTINE C. QUINN, is true that a Health Department regulation does require insurance and healthcare grants — be available. By con-
JERROLD NADLER, that while a hospital is shutting down, it must care for its ducting an assessment, and clearly establishing a strong
THOMAS K. DUANE patients as it arranges for them to be moved elsewhere. foundation for a hospital, we can and will attract a new
AND RICHARD N. GOTTFRIED sponsor and generate crucial city, state and federal gov-
As we move forward in the aftermath of the tragic loss of ernment support.
our community hospital, we — the many friends, advocates The bottom line is: There is no magic bullet that’s going
and supporters of St. Vincent’s — must work together to There’s no magic bullet to get us a to get us a hospital immediately. It will take a lot of hard
take all of the positive steps we can to restore emergency work to get the decisions made and the financing raised. No
and acute-care services to our community. Having all the hospital immediately. one is happy with this situation. In fact, we are all angry and
ammunition we need in this battle is essential. Therefore, devastated by this tragedy. However, we are taking the need-
documenting the specifics of what services we need with a ed steps to make our healthcare whole again. Getting good,
community health assessment is critical to this mission. solid data to prove the case is an essential part of the job. So,
We believe our community needs an acute-care facility Unfortunately, we cannot rely on city zoning to force too, are demonstrations, letter writing, community building
and emergency room. But it will take hard facts to convince a hospital to re-emerge. Nowhere in the city’s Zoning and other advocacy, creativity and strategic thinking and
a potential hospital operator to invest the necessary hun- Resolution does it allow for a local government to force planning. No one tactic is exclusive. All are necessary. We
dreds of millions of dollars to finance a new facility, and no a property owner to use a piece of land for one specific must and we will work together to regain a hospital and, in
one else is going to gather this key data. Therefore, we, as a purpose — especially when the land is currently con- the meantime, maintain and expand high-quality accessible
community, must undertake this process ourselves and work trolled by the federal bankruptcy court. That is the real- healthcare for all, regardless of ability to pay.
together to compile that information. ity of the situation.
Opening a hospital takes more than knowing in our And, also unfortunately, neither the federal funds Quinn is speaker, New York City Council; Nadler is con-
hearts that it is needed and demanding it fervently. It also received by the Lower Manhattan Development gressmember for the Eighth District; Duane is state senator
takes reliable data to document to others that the facil- Corporation for rebuilding and revitalizing Downtown for the 29th District; Gottfried is assemblymember for the
ity is necessary and will be viable. That’s precisely what post-9/11, nor the federal healthcare grants previously 75th District.
we’re trying to do, with the support and participation of
a long list of community members, community organiza-
tions, healthcare workers and other advocates.
In our efforts to move forward in meeting the health
needs of the community, we would like to correct some
misconceptions that we have recently heard.
First of all, the assessment is about guiding future
healthcare planning efforts and its scope is being driven
by a broad coalition of community stakeholders, not by
any private parties or special interests.
Additionally, North Shore-L.I.J. has already begun
development of its urgent-care center and that center
will move forward regardless of the community needs
assessment already underway.
We would also like to clarify that while the New York
State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st
Century (the “Berger Commission”) did identify several
hospitals and nursing homes as unnecessary and forced
mergers and closings, it did not state in the affirma-
tive that every other facility was needed. In a July 15,
2010, letter to Community Board 2, David Sandman,
the executive director of the Berger Commission, stated,
“The Commission made no specific recommendation or
findings regarding St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan —
Greenwich Village Campus.”
While Section 2806 of the New York State Public
Health Law does require the Health commissioner to Photo by Lincoln Anderson

make certain findings before closing a hospital, that sec- Call it the ATM that never sleeps in the city that never sleeps. Raising the ordinary
tion only applies if the commissioner, not a hospital’s
board, is going to force a hospital to shut down. It has
SCENE ATM sign to another level, a deli at Ninth St. and Second Ave. sports a sidewalk-
spanning, completely ATM’ed-out, neon canopy — leaving no doubt that there is,
nothing to do with the St. Vincent’s situation. The board truly, a 24-hour, cash-dispensing machine within.

Member of the
New York Press
Association John W. Sutter Elizabeth Butson Troy Masters Marvin Rock
Named best weekly newspaper National
in New York State in 2001, 2004 and 2005 Newspaper Lincoln Anderson Francesco Regini Mark Hassleberger Ira Blutreich
by New York Press Association Association
The Villager (USPS 578930) ISSN 0042-6202 is published GRAPHIC DESIGNER Doris Diether
Published by COMMUNITY MEDIA, LLC every week by Community Media LLC, 145 Sixth Ave., First
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14 November 25 - December 1, 2010

p.m. Sun., Nov. 14, to discover that her
Guilty of murder parents, who had been on the train with
her, were nowhere to be seen. A stranger
A Manhattan jury on Thurs., Nov. 18, stopped her and said, “You look lost. Let’s
found Jeromie Cancel, 24, guilty of the look around on our tiptoes,” and then took
August 2008 strangling murder of Kevin her by the wrist. The stranger then grabbed
Pravia, 19, a Pace University student, in the woman’s wallet from a strap on her wrist
Pravia’s Chelsea apartment. The jury delib- and fled. The victim, 38, lost $68 in cash,
erated a day and a half after the end of the credit cards and her Florida diver’s license,
trial, which began Nov. 5, before they ren- police said.
dered the guilty verdict. Cancel encountered
Pravia near Union Square Park and went
him to Pravia’s apartment at 239 W. 15th
St., where he garroted him with an electric A washout
cord while the victim was asleep, according
to the charges. Pravia, an honors student A man entered Savon, the specialty
in the Lubin School of Business at Pace’s soap boutique at 78 Seventh Ave. near
campus near City Hall, had last been seen 14th St., around 5 p.m. Fri., Nov. 19, and
by friends getting into a cab at Gold and told the saleswoman, “This is a robbery.
Fulton Sts. after a party. Cancel was arrested Give me your money,” police said. The
Photo by Jefferson Siegel
three days later after burglarizing his father’s woman thought it was a joke and burst
home in Queens. He told police at the time out laughing, but the intruder put his hand
how he killed Pravia while watching a hor-
ror film. Cancel’s lawyer, Michael Alperstein,
failed to have the confession excluded as evi-
in his pocket simulating a gun and said,
“Give me the money or I’m going to kill
you.” But the woman pushed the burglary
‘Hey, Regis — check it out!’
Last Thursday was Juror Appreciation Day at Manhattan Supreme Court. An annual
dence. State Supreme Court Justice Daniel button behind the counter and the robber
celebration saluting New York City jurors, guest celebrities filling the courtroom jury
Fitzgerald is to sentence Cancel on Fri., fled, police said.
box included Kelly Ripa, Jimmy Fallon, Tom Brokaw, Ralph Lauren, Julianna Margulies,
Dec. 10.
America Ferrera and Julia Stiles. The celebrities themselves were called for jury duty
in the past year. Ripa, above, held up her certificate of appreciation outside Manhattan
‘This is a stickup’ Supreme Court.
L.E.S. serial burglar
Police are looking for a man involved driver’s license and $5 in cash in his pos- motorcycle to the Ducati Triumph agency
Police are looking for a suspect they in the robbery of two Greenwich Village session that belonged to the apartment’s at 155 Sixth Ave. at Spring St. at 11:20
identified as Irving Walker, 40, for 13 bur- bank branches last month. The suspect, residents, police said. a.m. Fri., Oct. 19, for servicing returned
glaries on the Lower East Side from Oct. described as a heavyset white man, 5 feet on Saturday afternoon Nov. 20 to find
12 to Nov.15. The suspect entered the front 10 inches tall, between 55 and 60 years the bike, valued at $25,000, was gone.
door of apartments on Madison St. between old, with wavy gray hair, walked into the The agency owner said the bike had been
Rutgers and Catherine Sts.; East Broadway Capital One bank, at 21 University Place, Immaculate arrest parked at the curb in front of the location
between Pike and Rutgers Sts.; and Eldridge around 11:10 a.m. Tues., Oct. 5, told the after it was serviced.
and Forsyth Sts between Hester and Grand teller, “Let me get my wallet out,” and then Police arrested Michelle Harris, 44, on
Sts., mostly during the early morning hours, tossed a black plastic bag on the counter. Tues., Nov. 16, and charged her with the
police said. “This is a stickup. No dye, right?” he added. Aug. 16 theft of a handbag belonging to
The suspect often woke sleeping resi- The teller began filling the bag with bait a woman who was praying at Immaculate Auto-theft reduction
dents during the burglaries, police said. money, whose serial numbers are recorded, Conception Church, 414 E. 14th St. near
Police described Walker as a 6-foot-tall, 210- while the robber said, “You know what to First Ave. Harris was recorded on a surveil- Car owners may join auto-theft preven-
pound, black man whose last known address do. Good job.” The thief put the bag of lance tape at the time taking the bag from tion sticker programs that all precincts are
was 2636 University Ave., Bronx. money in his coat pocket and fled south on a pew next to the victim, according to the offering neighborhood residents. The CAT
He is suspected in the following bur- University Place, police said. charges filed with the Manhattan district (Combat Auto Theft) program is for cars
glaries: 133 East Broadway on Oct. 12; 33 On Fri., Oct. 22, a man with the same attorney. not usually used between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Catherine St. on Oct. 14; 120 Madison St. description walked into the HSBC branch, Decals on registered cars’ rear side windows
on Oct. 18; 7 Monroe St. on Oct. 22; 105 at 576 Hudson St. at W. 11th St., at 11:34 tell officers they may stop the vehicles oper-
Henry St. on Oct. 25; and 114 Madison St. a.m. He filled out a bank slip at the side ated between those hours.
on Oct. 26. counter and then walked up to a teller, put a Auto theft The HEAT (Help End Auto Theft)
On Nov. 3 he entered an apartment at black bag under the window and said, “This program is for car owners over age 40
122 Madison St. at 2:10 a.m., and entered a is a stickup. Give me the money.” The teller A Brooklyn woman who parked her car who sign waivers saying that people under
residence at 69 Eldridge St. the same day at pushed the bag back out empty and the rob- near the southwest corner of Vandam St. age 25 do not drive the vehicle. Decals
5:10 a.m. He is also a suspect in burglaries ber walked out and fled, police said. and Sixth Ave. at 12:05 a.m. Fri., Nov. 19, allow police to stop those cars if the driv-
at 201 Madison St. on Nov. 7, 113 Madison returned at 5 p.m. to find her 2000 Dodge ers look younger than 25. For those and
St. on Nov. 11, 75 Madison St. on Nov. 13, Charger was gone. Police determined the other car-theft prevention programs in the
215 Madison St. on Nov. 14, and 74 Forsyth car had not been towed and there were no Sixth Precinct, which covers Greenwich
St. on Nov. 15. Perry St. burglar signs of broken glass indicating a forced Village, see or contact Officer Robert
entry. Jackson, 212-741-4811, at 233 W. 10th
A witness who saw a man climb St. In the Ninth Precinct, which covers
through a window at 80 Perry St. at 6:05 the East Village east of Broadway, contact
Bad samaritan p.m. Sun., Nov. 14, and climb out again Jaime Hernandez, 212-477-7805, at 321
a few minutes later, called police, who Motorcycle gone E. Fifth St.
A visitor from Florida exited the subway arrested Aniyah Simone, 16. The sus-
station at Canal and Varick Sts. around 5 pect had credit cards and debit cards, a A Brooklyn man who brought his Alber t Amateau
November 25 - December 1, 2010 15

Photos by The Anonymous Photographer

In the empty underbelly of the beast, street art lurks

The Underbelly Project, an illegal show of street art, curated by street artists PAC and Workhorse, fills the inside of an abandoned Brooklyn subway station. The project began
in 2009. Artists, 103 in all, were escorted into the space individually to create their works. According to the project’s Web site, “Unobstructed by the pressures of commercial
sales, e-mail or daily routines, each artist painted one full night.” (There’s definitely no e-mail, since four stories belowground in the century-old station, there’s no WiFi.) It’s
one of the largest shows of such pieces ever mounted in one place. Many of the contributors are significant figures in both the street-art world and the commercial trade that
now revolves around it. Following the space’s opening to select viewers earlier this month, police have made at least 20 arrests of people sneaking in or out. It’s not that
surprising — given that the old station is located underneath a police precinct. Police have said there are no plans to remove the artwork.
16 November 25 - December 1, 2010
November 25 - December 1, 2010 17


Pacino ‘very good’ — but ‘Merchant’ misses the point
Tallmer ranks four Shylocks, wonders what Mostel would have done
or? Indifferent to indistinguishable. One
THEATER is the show’s Bassanio (David Harbour).
He’s the heavy who needs the dough,
almost gets his buddy carved up for the
THE MERCHANT OF VENICE sake of those 3,000 on-demand ducats
Written by William Shakespeare and then wins the girl who won the case,
only to betray her in the next minute by
Directed by Daniel Sullivan giving away that ring she’d given him.
Through Jan. 9, 2011 Another is that most obliging buddy,
Antonio (Byron Jennings). In director
At The Broadhurst Theatre (235 W. 44th St.) Daniel Sullivan’s staging, these two chaps
For tickets ($66.50-$136.50), call 212-239-6200 spend an awful lot of time periodically
clenched in one another’s arms, staring
into one another’s eyes.
I’m fully aware that Shakespeare has
BY JERRY TALLMER Bassanio more than once employ the word
Believe it or don’t, but I am not old enough “love” in passages like:
to have seen the great Jacob Adler’s astonish-
ing 1902-03 performance as a Shylock who To you, Antonio,
spoke only Yiddish throughout a Broadway I owe the most, in money and in love,
production of “The Merchant of Venice” in And from your love I have a warranty —
which all around him were speaking elegant To unburden all my plots and purposes
Elizabethan English. How to get clear of all the debts I owe...
That in itself was a point sharply made:
“The Merchant of Venice” is bad for the One footnote. At the Broadhurst these
Jews. Is good for the Jews. Is both. days and nights, Al Pacino is the shortest
Al Pacino can never be accused of bom- male on stage. I imagine this was deliber-
barding us with either Yiddish or high- ate casting: the Little Jew, dashing here
flown-sounding English. He just gives us a and there among these giant gentiles.
Shylock of high Pacino intensity and a lot of As for the ladies, Portia is a bifurcated
motion — Jews and Italians do a great deal role (half merciless ingenious mercy-quot-
of speaking with their hands, so the legend ing lawyer, half idiot love-struck teensy-
goes — and high Pacino intensity is compel- weensy) that has defeated more than one
ling enough to make anyone, even me, want actress over the ages. I don’t know if it
to rush to The Broadhurst Theatre to see defeats Lily Rabe, because, if I could
how he, and it — this outdoor “Merchant” hear every syllable of Pacino’s, I could
brought indoors — makes out. fully decipher not one of hers until she
He: Very good. It: Not so good. exploded — over-exploded — as the trial
First place, the costuming. The gentle- of Antonio and/or Shylock begins. For the
men of the Rialto in sort of stiff, dark, rest, her unfortunate output was rather
wide-shouldered Ad Age business suits circa like duck quacks.
1950, the idea being to prove once more Unfortunate, too — I guess the word is
for the thousandth time that Shakespeare is gratuitous — is the interjected acting-out
really really relevant, even now. of the punishing baptism of Shylock, in
The women — well, Portia — in sort of the dark, like a mime show, complete with
high school prom gowns circa 1955, when Photo by Joan Marcus splashing water. Pacino took his baptism
Joseph Papp’s Public Theater to be — then Al Pacino ‘gives us a Shylock of high Pacino intensity and a lot of motion.’ and scuttled off, as did the play when
the Shakespearean Workshop Theater — was all those Christian gentlefolk repaired to
just setting forth in such inexpensive plum- we? who spit upon his gabardine and call him revel and romance at Belmont. I am sorry
age on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. There must have been, in theater, such “dog” three times a week and twice on to have to confess that, even if it con-
Relevance? If “If you prick us, do we huge cage-like settings going back into the Sundays, even as they haughtily apply for tains some of the most exquisite poetry
not bleed?” isn’t relevant, now and forever, Twenties and even earlier — but the first a fatal loan. in Shakespeare (“On such a night…”),
what is? ones to thrust themselves into my aware- At the Broadhurst Theatre I could hardly this whole courtship half of the play has
Second place, the setting. I don’t know ness were when Julian and Judith’s Living tell one of these good lads from the other. always bored the socks off me.
where we would be these days without skel- Theatre came back from exile abroad to a They were each trying so strenuously to I mean the Belmont subplot, caskets
etal expressionistic (impressionistic?) stage 1968 repertoire at the Brooklyn Academy of speak that elegant Elizabethan English, in and all. Or is Shylock just a subplot?
sets constructed of metal piping and such- Music with their “Frankenstein” and other contradistinction of the whole Joe Papp idea Oy oy oy, there’s the rub. Over the
like, rods and joints and slabs and chicken such disturbances of the peace. of bringing Shakespeare alive and well and years I have seen four Shylocks: Boris
wire and nuts and bolts; nothing more than Third place, the acting. Pacino is busy- organically to our own populace. Tumarin, 1962 (at Off-Broadway’s no
giant cages, really. busy-busy, dashing all over the stage — but From Pacino’s lips I heard every syl- longer existant Gate Theater); George C.
“Like a prison,” an acquaintance sug- his Shylock is also a good and deeply seri- lable loud and clear. So much for those Scott, also 1962, ripping a passion to tat-
gests. Exactly. But there are no prisons in ous individual. He wants to dig up and who deplore (a) method acting, (b) the ters in Central Park; Dustin Hoffman on
“The Merchant of Venice” unless you mean examine not just his own humanity but late Lee Strasberg — Pacino’s beloved Broadway, 1989 — methodical, reason-
that all Venice is (was) a prison — at least whatever humanity must somewhere exist mentor.
for Jews. But we already knew that, didn’t within all these despicable bullying goyim The other male actors in this endeav- Continued on page 19
18 November 25 - December 1, 2010

Let’s Have Hanukkah...and Chanukah...and Hanukah!

COMPILED BY SCOTT STIFFLER ELEANOR REISSA CELEBRATES box office at 646-437-4202 or visit www.
CHANUKAH ON ICE Humor, pathos and inclusiveness get
Congregation Emunath Israel has come equal sharing on a bill headlined by Tony
up with an innovative way to celebrate nominee and international artist Eleanor CHANUKAH WONDERLAND
Chanukah — by incorporating ice sculpting, Reissa — in her only NYC appearance this What happens for eight consecutive
Jewish music, Chanukah crafts and kosher season. Hailed as one of the world’s most nights, is different each time and offers
latkes. Attendees will have an opportunity gifted interpreters of Yiddish song, Reissa sizzling latkes, delicious donuts, meno-
to choose from a variety of Chanukah activi- is accompanied by a band of musical lumi- rah lighting, chocolate Chanukah gelt and
ties, listen to Jewish music, and participate naries under the direction of Frank London prizes galore? The answer’s not exactly a
in creating Chelsea’s fist ever ice Menorah. (of the Klezmatics). Marty Confurius on brain teaser, given that this is a Chanukah
“Chanukah on Ice” takes place on Dec. 2, the upright bass, Rex Benincasa on per- (Hanukkah?) listing. But one thing’s for
6:30 visit or call cussion and drums, slide trombone player sure — the fact that this particular celebra-
212-242 9882. Brian Drye and pianist/accordion player tion is jam-packed with fun (and maybe
Patrick Farrell bring their talents to the some jam for those latkes?) is a no-brain-
table, as Reissa breezes through an after- er. “Chanukah Wonderland” is My Little
FIRST NIGHT OF HANUKAH noon of Hanukkah songs and musical gems School’s gift to you. Dec. 1 through Dec.
Stuyvesant Square Community Alliance from the Yiddish theater — including Abe 8. Locations, times, prices vary. For event
presents “First Night of Hanukah” — a free Ellstein’s “Abi Gezint” and “Oy Mama details and registration, visit www.mylittle-
Hanukah Lighting led by TORAHnyc (with Am I in Love.” Those who aren’t fluent
East End Temple) in Yiddish (and aren’t even Jewish) won’t Photo by Stephen Kunken
There will music, refreshments and be left in the dark: Reissa will intersperse Keep your eye on the (Yiddish) sparrow:
Hanukah surprises for the kids! Wed., Dec. Yiddish selections with songs like “Que Eleanor Reissa. COMMUNITY HANUKKAH
1. Two lightings, at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sera, Sera,” “Brother, Can You Spare a CELEBRATION ON THE L.E.S.
at W. Stuyvesant Square Park (16th St. & 2nd Dime?” and even “Yankee Doodle.” Sun., 36 Battery Place). Tickets are $18 ($15 for What do you expect for nothing? How
Ave., near the statue of Peter Stuyvesant). For Dec. 12, 2:30 p.m., at the Museum of Museum and National Yiddish Book Center
info, call 212-717-4613 x6. Jewish Heritage (Edmond J. Safra Plaza, Members). To order, call the Museum Continued on page 19

Just Do Art!
COMPILED BY SCOTT STIFFLER proceeds to animal charities). The two-drink
minimum is your gift to yourself. So drink
CHITA RIVERA AT BIRDLAND up and rock out — Fido and Fifi are counting
Too bad the charismatic, won’t-coast- on you. For reservations, call 212-757-0788
on-her-legacy Chita Rivera is like Christmas after 4:30 p.m. Find out more about the
— because we wish she’d come around (to band at,
Birdland) more than once a year. Her most and listen to them at Pet-Rox on MySpace
recent concert there, in 2009, was a nearly Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures &
90-minute intermissionless lesson on how Music Downloads.
to work a crowd, sell a song and earn an
audience’s love and respect (even though
it was hers for the taking from the moment LECTURE: INVESTIGATING
she set her tiny feet and toned gams on the MANHATTAN’S MOST HAUNTED
stage). Ever the seasoned pro, it’s likely this HOUSE
week’s two-night/four-show gig will deliver The Merchant’s House Museum
the same dishy pre-song patter that gave delivers a unique trip back in time all
2009’s performance its inside track appeal. year long — but from October through
No word on the set list, but you’ll be telling December, they’re especially busy. A vari-
the story for years to come if Rivera dips ety of holiday-themed fare is coming
into last year’s repertoire and blazes her soon. But before the calendar page turns
way through the most articulate, relentless, to December, MHM hosts one last para-
practically breathless interpretation we’re normal-centric event (which acknowl-
ever likely to see of the Jacques Brel song edges its well-earned reputation as the
“Carousel.” At 8:30 p.m. & 11 p.m. on Fri., most haunted house in Manhattan). For
Nov. 26 & Sat., Nov. 27 — at Birdland (315 three years, paranormal investigator Dan
West 44th St. btw. 8th & 9th Aves.). Music Photo by Laura Marie Duncan Sturges has been collecting startling evi-
charge: $40 side seating and $50 center We should all look so good: Chita Rivera rules the roost at Birldand. dence which makes a convincing case
seating ($10 food/drink minimum). For that something intriguing, strange and
reservations, call 212-581-3080. Visit www. minimum; 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. But just below the furry surface, the band (so far) unexplained is happening here. is concerned with how those songs speak Is it the work of former Tredwell family
Mondays at Birdland, “Jim Caruso’s Cast to the human condition. Now, after hav- residents and servants reaching out from
Party” features open mic talent from journey- ROCK ‘N RUDOLPH HOLIDAY ing performed at pet-centric places such as the final frontier? The skeptical Sturges
men crooners and more than one Broadway FUNDRAISER Brooklyn’s Prospect Park Zoo, the band is won’t say — he does invite you to draw
baby who just can’t stop singing on her one It’s been over a dozen years since vet- bringing their act to a place which has seen its your own conclusions after learning about
night off. Taming the wild cabaret aesthetic erinarian Jeffrey Levy formed “Pet-Rox” — a share of rare and strange birds: that legend- his investigative techniques and hearing
— and charming the socks off the crowd as musical charity group founded composed ary Restaurant Row cabaret space known as recordings of disembodied voices and
he plugs elsewhere gigs of guest performers entirely of individuals involved in the pro- Don’t Tell Mama. Thurs., Dec. 2, 9 p.m. at, viewing photos containing orbs of light
and hawks “tonight only” discounts on those motion of better animal welfare. On the well, Don’t Tell Mama (343 W. 46th St. btw. and a ghostly silhouette. Tues., Nov. 30, 7
swanky $10 “Cast Party” T-Shirts — is your surface, their musical selections all relate to 8th and 9th Aves.). The donation, $25, is
affable host, Jim Caruso. $10 cover/$10 the creatures we co-inhabit the planet with. your gift to Pet-Rox (who will donate partial Continued on page 20
November 25 - December 1, 2010 19

ing, dreidel games, kosher refreshments,
Continued from page 18 tours of the Preschool and more. This
year’s celebration will also feature the
about dreidel games, storytelling, songs and premiere screening of a new series called
a menorah lighting? That’s what you’ll get, “Shalom Sesame” (from the creators of
for FREE, at this Hanukkah celebration Sesame Street). “Chanukah: The Missing
for the Lower East Side community! Join Menorah”finds that super-special blue
friends, neighbors and classmates for a fun, monster Grover stressing when his spe-
meaningful kickoff to this year’s Festival of cial friend Anneliese van der Pol (of
Lights. Play dreidel for gelt, and take part in “That’s So Raven” fame) gets caught in
storytelling and songs before promenading a game of tag with a chicken and loses
from the historic Mazer Theater to event her special menorah — just as Chanukah
sponor The Educational Alliance — for a fes- is about to begin! This first-ever com-
tive first lighting of the menorah. This event munal viewing of the film, coordinated
is FREE and open to the public (perfect for by the JCC Association, will be a special
families with kids of all ages). Wed., Dec. 1, holiday treat for kids and parents alike.
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 197 E. Broadway Sun., Dec. 5, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The
(btw. Clinton & Jefferson). For info, visit Educational Alliance Preschool (197 E. or call 646-395-4245. Broadway. btw. Jefferson & Clinton Sts.).
FREE. Appropriate for children age 6
and under. For info, call 646-395-4251
OPEN HOUSE NOTE: The Preschool offers full day, half
The Educational Alliance Preschool day, extended day and 2, 3, 5 day/week
hosts this FREE Hanukkah event for Kids options. Financial aid is available. To
& Families. Come celebrate Hanukkah learn more and set up a tour, please call
and learn about Educational Alliance 646-395-4250 or email preschool@edalli-
programs for toddlers and preschoolers. Applications are due December
Festivities will include Hanukkah arts 30th, 2010. The Preschool is located at
& crafts, dancing, sing-a-longs, storytell- 197 E.Broadway on the Lower East Side.

‘Merchant’ misses the point

disdainful man of some intellect, looking
Continued from page 17 down with utter contempt on all these
wastrel mercantile pleasure-seeking godless
able, businesslike; and now Al Pacino, yahoos gambling away recklessly with car-
2010, at the Broadhurst. goes far at sea. It was the kind of perfor-
It isn’t every day you get to see a motion- mance and sheer conception that made you
picture superstar return to the living stage shiver.
and do a very good job, like three of the four But the best Shylock that could ever be
above. Mr. Pacino, with his unmatchable imagined neither I nor you will ever get to
nervous energy and his bred-in-the-bone see. The son of a bitch died on us in 1977
sincerity, certainly gives us a Shylock to keep during tryouts in Philadelphia on the way in
in the books. to Broadway with this confounding drama.
But the best “Merchant of Venice” I’ve His name was Zero Mostel.
ever seen and savored was the one directed Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimen-
by and starring Russian-born actor-teach- sions, senses…? Anyone who ever saw Zero
er Boris Tumarin, at that little lost Off- in full dimension as Leopold Bloom or
Broadway theater back in 1962. anyone else knows the answer to that. I’m
Tumarin’s Shylock was a cold, austere, confident Al Pacino would agree.


Mimi Stern-Wolfe, Artistic Director


20 November 25 - December 1, 2010

Just Do Art!
Continued from page 18 The ARChive of Contemporary Music’s Holiday Record
& CD sale helps support the ARChive — a not-for-profit
p.m. at the Merchant’s House Museum (29 E. Fourth St. music library which collects, preserves and provides infor-
btw. Lafayette & Bowery). For reservations ($20 general mation on popular music from 1950 to the present (they
admission, $10 for MHM members), call 212-777-1089 keep two copies of all recordings released in America, and
or visit their collection numbers over two million sound record-
ings). There will be over 20,000 items for sale — but
don’t worry about depleting the permanent collection.
BLACK GOLD — THE PASSION OF ALEIJADINHO The items are new donations from record companies and
Music, dance, mask work, puppetry, poetry and video collectors, and there’s not a used, returned or defective
projections are used to tell the story of Antonio Francisco product in the bunch. What you will find, though, will be
Lisboa (1738-1814) — Baroque sculptor of Brazil. “Black collectible LPs priced below book value, hundreds of CDs
Gold” is the dramatic account of a man born a slave and priced at $1 to $5 each and cassettes 4 for $1.00. Not
freed at birth by his Portuguese father, a master builder enough? There will also be many hard to find 7” singles,
of churches. Winning Brazil’s Grand Prize at the age of shelves of new music books, African, Reggae & world-
18, Lisboa became the Michelangelo of his country. His music releases, Classical LPs (most for 50¢ or LESS),
life parallels the gold rush in the colonial cities and the videos, 60s psychedelic posters, and Sony Yule log DVDs
development of Brazil in arts, religion and politics, reach- (just released by Johnny Cash, Mariah Carey and Kenny
ing for independence from the Portuguese and its own Chesney, for $5 each). For the dis-en-vinyled, ARChive’s
identity. Sat., Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sun., Dec. 5 at 3 newly-departed food stylist neighbors left behind “TONS
p.m. at Shooting Star Theatre in South Street Seaport of high-end and everyday kitchenware.” Support the
(40 Peck Slip, 2 blocks north of Fulton St. btw. Front ARChive mission by becoming a member, and you’ll shop
and South Sts.). Admission $18.00. For reservations, the sale before the general public and be welcomed at
Image by Eric Zim
directions, and further info: www.ShootingStarTheatre. their Dec. 9 cocktail party. For membership details and
org or 646-825-1864. Also visit or call Ho, Ho, Retro: Stock up on Record & CD stocking other info, call 212-226-6967, visit
212-242-6036. stuff at the ARChive Holiday Sale. and check out their blog ( The

Support your local cinema!

At 209 W. Houston St.; Call 212-727-8110 or visit www. At 22 East 12th St. (btw. University Place & 5th At 209 W. Houston St.; Call 212-727-8110 or visit www. For the Box Office, call 212-727-8112. Ave.). Call 212-924-3363 or visit www.cinemavillage. For the Box Office, call 212-727-8112.
A nonprofit cinema since 1970, Film Forum is serious about com. A nonprofit cinema since 1970, Film Forum is serious
delivering on its original mission statement. That mission? To Built in 1963 “in the shell of a turn of the century fire sta- about delivering on its original mission statement. That
provide a home for “NYC theatrical premieres of American tion,” Cinema Village’s three screens thrive thanks to the fact mission? To provide a home for “NYC theatrical premieres
independents and foreign art films” as well as “repertory selec- that they “exist where we are: in the midst of most diverse, of American independents and foreign art films” as well as
tions including foreign and American classics, genre works, cosmopolitan and cine-aware of cities.” “repertory selections including foreign and American clas-
festivals and directors’ retrospectives.” The third screen “is sics, genre works, festivals and directors’ retrospectives.”
dedicated to extended runs of popular selections from both The third screen “is dedicated to extended runs of popular
programs, as well as new films for longer engagements.” ANTHOLOGY FILM ARCHIVES selections from both programs, as well as new films for lon-
At 32 Second Ave (at 2nd St.). Call 212-505-5181 or visit ger engagements.”
THE ANGELIKA FILM CENTER & CAFE Since 1970, Anthology has sought to “preserve,
At 18 West Houston St. (at Mercer St.); 212-995-2000; exhibit, and promote public and scholarly understanding IFC of independent, classic, and avant-garde cinema.” That At 323 Sixth Ave. (at West Third St.) Call 212-924-7771. For
This Arthouse cinema, with a cafe for discussion and translates, rather well, into screening over 900 film and the Box Office, call 212- 924-5246 or visit
socializing, boasts locations in both New York and Texas. video programs annually — with time left over to publish Open since 2005, it’s hard to imagine the neighbor-
Its sister space here in the city is Village East Cinema (www. books and catalogs and preserve films (over 800 films hood without this three-screen source of independent, foreign to date). and documentary features. IFC regular happenings include
“Weekend Classics” at 11 a.m. every Friday, Saturday and
Sunday — and cult movies every Friday and Saturday at
Midnight. Those dependable happenings are supplemented
by “Short Attention Span Cinema” (short films which screen
before every feature). It also has (as the website boasts and this
author can attest to) — “organic popcorn with real, natural but-
ter” at the concession stand. Sure, you’ll pay a little more for the
real thing; but what else is new?
November 25 - December 1, 2010 21

Just Do Art!
trations of growing up. Has our spunky heroine, (advice-
Continued from page 20 giver extraordinaire Edwina Spoonable) sharing he wis-
dom on everything from setting the table to making new
sale takes place Sat., Dec. 11 through Sun. Dec. 19, daily friends. That it’s done through clever, catchy and poi-
from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. At 54 White St. (3 blocks south gnant songs makes the experience enjoyable and engag-
of Canal, btw. Broadway & Church. Take the 1 train to ing for kids who know what Edwina’s going through as
Franklin, or any train to Canal). well as adults who remember what it was like. Dec. 17
through Feb. 25 at the DR2 Theatre (103 E. 15th St.).
For tickets ($39), call 212-239-6200. For groups of 10 or
MONK IN MOTION: THREE C’S more, call 646-747-7400. Visit for
“Monk in Motion: The Next Face of Jazz” is a partner- additional details and full playing schedule.
ship between BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center and
the Thelonious Monk Institute that presents the top three
winners from the renowned Annual Thelonious Monk ADVENTURE THEATER!
International Jazz Competition. Each concert features one This interactive theatrical adventure for heroes of all
winner and their combo from various parts of the world, ages is brought to you by The Metropolitan Playhouse.
demonstrating the versatility and variety of different jazz The dynamic improv company Freestyle Repertory Theatre
styles. The “Three C’s” program showcases Cécile McLorin (which has been known to bring audience members on
Salvant, Charenée Wade and Cyrille Aimée — who will per- stage to become part of the action) leads this family-
form three 7 p.m. solo concerts on Sat., Dec. 4, 11 and 18 friendly immersive experience in which you invent the
respectively. Single tickets are $25 (students/seniors, $15). plot, provide sound effects, become the scenery and play
Those who purchase tickets to two performances can see important characters. “Adventure Theater” is perfect
the third presentation free. At BMCC Tribeca Performing for children ages 5-13. The details differ every time, but
Arts Center, Theatre 2 (199 Chambers St. btw. Greenwich here’s the plot in a nutshell: The inhabitants of a magical
& West St.). land desperately need your help. A wicked leader has risen
to power, and an emissary is sent to the mortal world to
seek a hero powerful enough to return peace, happiness
DEAR EDWINA and prosperity to the inhabitants. Our Hero — played by
After debuting in 2008, scoring two Drama Desk a child chosen from the audience — travels to the magical
nominations and enjoying a successful 2009 holiday sea- land, meets fabulous creatures, makes powerful friends
son run, the musical “Dear Edwina” is fast becoming a and faces great dangers. Meanwhile, the wicked leader
seasonal family-friendly tradition in league with visiting is all too aware of our Hero’s presence and is gleefully
the Macy’s windows and presenting a long wish list to a Photo courtesy of the Merchant’s House Museum making plans for their ultimate meeting! Dec. 4 through
certain jolly fellow on temporary leave from the North Who’s that man in the mirror? See “Lecture” on page Dec. 12, 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays, at Metropolitan
Pole. This heartwarming show about the joys and frus- 18. Playhouse (220 E. 4th St. btw. Aves. A & B). Tickets
are $10 for children twelve, $12 for adults. To order, call
212-995-5302 or visit www.


This walking tour lets it be known that 100 years after
his death, (figurative) footprints remain in Manhattan
made by Samuel L. Clemens (better known as Mark
Twain). “Mark Twain’s New York” reveals the specifics
of the famed Missouri-born, Mississippi-bred author’s
decades-long relationship with our decidedly northern
town. Writer Peter Salwen leads this tour of little-
known Twain-related sites peppered throughout lower
Manhattan. Tickets are $20. The walk starts at Broadway
and Spring St., on the Southeast corner (in front of the
Gap store). Walks take place at 1 p.m., Saturdays and
Sundays, through Nov. 28. The “Mark Twain’s New York”
birthday tour happens at 1 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 30 (Mark
Twain’s 175th birthday!). For details, call 917-620-5371
or visit


The FDNY is showcased through the work of New
Orleans native, and photographer, Lilli M. Albin —
whose exhibition “Selections from ‘On The Job’ ” fea-
Image courtesy of Sears-Peyton Gallery NYC tures pieces focusing on the public and private space
“4 Boats and Orange Sky” (2009, 45 x 65 inches framed, oil on paper). within NYC’s firehouses. As for the sponsoring venue:
The New York City Fire Museum (the official museum of
the FDNY) is located in a 1904 firehouse which has been
KATHRYN LYNCH: CHOPPY WATERS repurposed to house over 10,000 artifacts from NYC’s
Whether floating on tranquil waters against a brilliant orange sky or struggling amidst a blue-hued storm, the new oil on rich heritage of firefighting. The Museum is open Tue.
canvas works which comprise Tribeca artist Kathryn Lynch’s third solo exhibition at Sears-Peyton Gallery are intimate con- through Sat., 10 a.m.–5 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m.–4
templations of the bliss and danger we court when venturing into uncharted territory. “Choppy Waters” features composi- .pm. Suggested admission is $7 for adults and $5 for
tions centered on a small sailboat navigating stormy waters and charged climates. Lynch describes her creative experience children, students and seniors. The exhibit runs through
as “getting to go on an adventure.” Go on one of your own — through Dec. 18, at Sears-Peyton Gallery, 210 11th Ave., Jan. 30, 2011. At the New York City Fire Museum (278
Suite 802 (btw. 24th and 25th Sts.). Hours: Tues. – Fri., 10 a.m.-6 p.m and Sat., 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Call 212-966-7469 or visit Spring St.) For info, call 212-691-1303 or visit www.
22 November 25 - December 1, 2010

a domestic Limited Liability App. for Auth. filed NY Dept. ROAD CONSTRUCTION, of State (SSNY) 9/9/2010. TORS, LLC Articles of Organization
Company (LLC), filed with the art. of org. filed Secy. of LLC. Office in NY Co. SSNY filed with Secretary of State RIGLE, LLC.
of State: 9/8/10. Jurisd. and Articles of Organization
Sec of State of NY on 9/15/10. State NY (SSNY) 9/28/10. Off. design. Agent of LLC upon of New York (SSNY) on
date of org.: DE 7/1/10. Cty Authority filed with NY Dept. whom process may be filed with Secretary of State Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
NY Office location: New York loc. in New York Co. SSNY 05/25/09. Office location:
designated as agent of LLC off. loc.: NY Cty. Sec. of State of State on 9/24/10. Office served. SSNY shall mail copy of New York (SSNY) on of State of NY (SSNY) on
County. SSNY is designated designated as agent of for- location: NY County. LLC 09/08/10. Office location: NY County. SSNY has been
upon whom process may of process to Gabriel Dagan
as agent upon whom pro- be served. SSNY shall mail eign LLC upon whom process 331 East 51st St New York, NY County. SSNY has been designated as an agent upon 9/28/10. Office location: NY
cess against the LLC may be formed in FL on 7/26/10. whom process against the
copy of process to: John S.B. against it may be served. The NY Sec. of State designated NY 10022. Purpose: Any law- designated as an agent upon County. SSNY designated as
served. SSNY shall mail a Older, 144 E. 44 St, 7th Fl, NY, ful activity. LLC may be served. The
Sec. of State shall mail copy agent of LLC upon whom whom process against the agent of LLC upon whom
copy of any process against NY 10017. Purpose: Any law- Vil 10/28-12/2/10 address to which SSNY shall
the LLC served upon him/ of process to: The LLC, 30 W. LLC may be served. The
ful purpose, management process against it may be mail a copy of any process process against it may be
her to Karina Glasser, 29 W. 61st St., Unit 20-C, NY, NY address to which SSNY shall against the LLC is to: KISS-
vested in managers. served and shall mail pro- 25 PARK BRIDGEHAMP-
138th St., #4B, NY, NY 10037. Vil 10/21-11/25/10 10023. Addr. of foreign LLC mail a copy of any process ING CLUB LLC, 30 Bank served. SSNY shall mail pro-
cess to: c/o CT Corporation TON, LLC,
General Purposes. Latest in DE is: National Corporate against the LLC is to:CFD70 Street, New York, NY 10014. cess to: c/o Michael D. Parker,
Research, Ltd., 615 S. DuPont System, 111 8th Ave., NY, a domestic Limited Liability Asset Investors, LLC, 350 E.
date to dissolve 12/31/2040 VERITY WINES LLC, NY 10011, regd. agent upon Company (LLC), filed with the Purpose: To engage in any
Hwy., Dover, DE 19901. Auth. 54th Street, Suite 2A, New Esq., 1391 Main St., Ste. 610,
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 a domestic Limited Liability Sec of State of NY on 8/9/10. lawful act or activity.
officer in DE where Cert. of whom process may be York, NY 10022. Purpose: Vil 11/4-12/9/10 Springfield, MA 01103. Pur-
Company (LLC), filed with NY Office location: New York
YANG FAMILY CAPITAL the Sec of State of NY on Form. filed: DE Sec. of State, served. FL and principal busi- County. SSNY is designated To engage in any lawful act pose: any lawful activity.
LLC. 6/23/2009. NY Office location: 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, ness addr.: 7411 Fullerton as agent upon whom pro- or activity. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
NEW YORK County. SSNY DE 19901. Purpose: any law- St., Ste. 300, Jacksonville, FL cess against the LLC may be Vil 10/28-12/2/10 Vil 11/4-12/9/10
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. TION OF PRINCIPIA
is designated as agent upon ful activity. 32256. Arts. of Org. filed with served. SSNY shall mail a PARTNERS LLC.
of State of NY (SSNY) on whom process against the copy of any process against
5/25/10. Ofc in NY Cty. SSNY Vil 10/21-11/25/10 FL Sec. of State, Tallahassee, NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- Authority filed with Secy.
LLC may be served. SSNY the LLC served upon him/her NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
designated agent of LLC FL 32314. Purpose: any law- to Hugh Janow, Esq., Law TION OF HUDSON HAR- of State of NY (SSNY) on
shall mail a copy of any pro-
upon whom process against cess against the LLC served NOTICE OF FORMATION ful activity. Offices of Hugh Janow, LLC, BOR CAPITAL LLC. 10/20/10. Office location: NY TION OF LG GP, LLC.
it may be served. SSNY shall upon him/her to Steven R. OF MDP VI HOLDING Vil 10/21-11/25/10 One Blue Hill Plaza, Ste. 1006, Authority filed with NY Dept. County. LLC formed in Dela- Authority filed with Secy.
mail process to C/O United Doran, 40 E. 89th St., apt. CO LLC. Pearl River, NY 10965. Gen- of State on 10/8/10. Office ware (DE) on 12/20/94. SSNY
States Corporation Agents, 12a, ny, ny 10128. General NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- eral Purposes. designated as agent of LLC of State of NY (SSNY) on
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Vil 10/28-12/2/10 location: NY County. LLC
Inc., 7014 13th Ave Ste 202, Purposes. TION OF INTEGRATED upon whom process against 10/18/10. Office location: NY
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 of State of NY (SSNY) on formed in DE on 10/6/10. NY
Bklyn, NY 11228. Purpose: MERCHANDISING SYS- it may be served. SSNY shall
10/5/10. Office location: NY NOTICE OF QUAL. OF Sec. of State designated as County. LLC formed in Dela-
General. TEMS LLC. mail process to the LLC, 156
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 NOTICE OF FORMATION County. SSNY designated as 509 FIFTH AVENUE agent of LLC upon whom
Authority filed with Secy. William St., 11th Fl., NY, NY ware (DE) on 10/7/10. SSNY
OF BE WELL ANIMAL agent of LLC upon whom ASSOCIATES OWNER process against it may be 10038. DE addr. of LLC: 1209
LLC. process against it may be of State of NY (SSNY) on LLC, served and shall mail process designated as agent of LLC
NOTICE OF FORMATION 10/07/10. Office location: NY Orange St., Wilmington, DE
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. of served. SSNY shall mail pro- Auth. filed Sec’y of State to: c/o Skadden, Arps, Slate, 19801. Arts. of Org. filed with upon whom process against
OF ADVANCED RISK County. LLC formed in Dela-
State of NY (SSNY) on 6/8/10. cess to: c/o Millennium Part- (SSNY) 8/23/10. Office loc.: Meagher & Flom LLP, Four DE Secy. of State, Div. of
SOLUTIONS, LLC. ware (DE) on 10/31/01. Princ. NY County. LLC org. in it may be served. SSNY shall
Office location: NY County. ners, 1995 Broadway, 3rd Fl., Times Square, NY, NY 10036, Corps., PO Box 898, Dover,
Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. SSNY designated as agent office of LLC: 437 Madison DE 6/8/10. SSNY desig. as Attn: James M. Schell. DE mail process to: The LLC, 150
NY, NY 10023. Purpose: any DE 19903. Purpose: Any law-
of State of NY (SSNY) on of LLC for service of process. Ave., NY, NY 10022. SSNY agent of LLC upon whom
lawful activity. addr. of LLC: c/o The Corpo- ful activity. E. 58th St., NY, NY 10022.
09/30/10. Office location: NY SSNY shall mail process to: designated as agent of LLC process against it may be
County. Princ. office of LLC: Vil 10/21-11/25/10 served. SSNY shall mail copy ration Trust Co., 1209 Orange Vil 11/4-12/9/10
99 Washington Ave. #805A, upon whom process against DE address of LLC: Stellar
c/o ARM-Capacity of NY, 90 Albany, NY 12210. Purpose: of proc. to 1140 Ave of the St., Wilmington, DE 19801.
it may be served. SSNY shall Americas, 11th Fl., NY, NY Cert. of Form. filed with DE Corporate Services LLC, 3500
Broad St., Ste. 1503, NY, NY Any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
mail process to c/o Corpo- 10036. Reg. Agt. at such addr. Sec. of State, 401 Federal St.,
10004. SSNY designated as Vil 10/21-11/25/10 OF FLORANAMEL LLC. TION OF PUNCHCUT South DuPont Hwy. Dover,
ration Service Co., 80 State upon whom proc. may be Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: LLC.
agent of LLC upon whom Arts. of Org. filed with NY DE 19901. Cert. of Form. filed
St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. served is Norman Sturner. any lawful activity.
process against it may be NOTICE OF FORMATION Dept. of State on 6/14/10. Authority filed with Secy.
OF PAYNE NYC LLC. DE addr. of LLC: c/o, 2711 DE off. addr.: 160 Green- Vil 10/28-12/2/10 with DE Secy. of State, 401
served. SSNY shall mail pro- Office location: NY County. tree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover, DE of State of NY (SSNY) on
cess to the LLC at the addr. of Centerville Rd., Ste. 400,
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. of Sec. of State designated as 19904. Cert. of Form. on 8/12/10. Office location: NY Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE
its princ. office. Purpose: Any State of NY (SSNY) on 6/1/10. Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts.
agent of LLC upon whom file: SSDE, Townsend Bldg., NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- County. LLC formed in Cali- 19901. Purpose: any lawful
lawful activity. Office location: NY County. of Org. filed with DE Secy. fornia (CA) on 9/13/02. SSNY
process against it may be Dover, DE 19901. Purp.: any TION OF BLACKBERN
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 SSNY designated as agent of State - John G. Townsend lawful activities. designated as agent of LLC activity.
served and shall mail pro- Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, PARTNERS LLC.
of LLC for service of process. Vil 10/28-12/2/10 upon whom process against
SSNY shall mail process to: cess to: c/o Sandra Viana, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Authority filed with NY Dept. Vil 11/4-12/9/10
NOTICE OF FORMATION it may be served. SSNY shall
114 Horatio St. PH4, NY, NY Esq., Withers Bergman LLP, Any lawful activity. NOTICE OF QUAL. OF W of State on 3/18/10. Office mail process to: The LLC, 170
OF 60 GUILDERS PRO- 10014. Purpose: Any lawful 430 Park Ave., 10th Fl., NY, Vil 10/28-12/2/10 144 VENTURE LLC, location: NY County. LLC Maiden Lane, 3rd Fl., San
NY 10022. Purpose: any law- Auth. filed Sec’y of State formed in DE on 1/7/10. NY Francisco, CA 94108, also the
Articles of Organization Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Sec. of State designated FICATION OF THE
ful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION (SSNY) 9/8/10. Office loc.: address of the principal office
filed with Secretary of State agent of LLC upon whom
of New York (SSNY) on Vil 10/21-11/25/10 OF GARAGE MEDIA NY NY County. LLC org. in DE and the address to be main- BROADSMOORE GROUP,
NOTICE OF FORMATION 12/28/09. SSNY desig. as process against it may be
08/31/10. Office location: OF GOLDSTEIN FAM- LLC. tained in CA. Arts of Org.
agent of LLC upon whom served and shall mail pro- filed with CA Secy. Of State, LLC.
NY County. SSNY has been ILY LLC. NOTICE OF FORMATION Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. process against it may be cess to the principal business 1500 11th St., Sacramento,
designated as an agent upon Articles of Organization were OF THIRTEENTH FLOOR of State of NY (SSNY) on served. SSNY shall mail copy Authority filed with Secy. of
whom process against the filed with the Secretary of GROUP, LLC. addr.: 295 Madison Ave., 24th CA 95814. Purpose: any law-
10/05/10. Office location: NY of proc. to c/o Dalan Mgmt. ful activities. State of NY (SSNY) on 8/9/10.
LLC may be served. The State of New York (SSNY) Fl., NY, NY 10017, Attn: Jona-
Arts. of Org. filed with NY County. SSNY designated & Assc., 134 W. 25th St., NY,
address to which SSNY shall on 05/07/10. Office location: NY 10001. DE off. addr.: 160 than Bernstein, regd. agent Vil 11/4-12/9/10 Office location: NY County.
Dept. of State on 5/28/10. as agent of LLC upon whom
mail a copy of any process New York County. SSNY has Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover, upon whom process may be LLC formed in Delaware (DE)
been designated as agent of Office location: NY County. process against it may be
against the LLC is to: 60 Guil- DE 19904. Cert. of Form. on served. DE addr. of LLC: c/o NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
the LLC upon whom process Sec. of State designated as served. SSNY shall mail pro- on 7/23/10. SSNY designated
ders Productions LLC., 77 file: SSDE, Townsend Bldg., The Corporation Trust Co., TION OF SK GREENWICH
against it may be served. agent of LLC upon whom cess to c/o Davidoff Malito Dover, DE 19901. Purp.: any
Bleecker Street #602, New 1209 Orange St., Wilming- LLC. as agent of LLC upon whom
SSNY shall mail a copy of process against it may be & Hutcher LLP, Attn: Mark lawful activities.
York, NY 10012. Purpose: ton, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. Authority filed with Secy. process against it may be
process to the LLC, 420 9th served and shall mail pro- D. Geraghty, 605 Third Ave., Vil 10/28-12/2/10
To engage in any lawful act Avenue, New York, New York filed with DE Sec. of State, of State of NY (SSNY) on
or activity. cess to the principal busi- 34th Fl., NY, NY 10158. Pur- served. SSNY shall mail
10001. Purpose: For any law- NOTICE OF QUAL. OF 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 10/8/10. Office location: NY
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 ness addr.: Thirteenth Floor pose: Any lawful activity.
ful purpose. MIDSUMMER SMALL 19901. Purpose: any lawful County. LLC formed in Dela- process to: 711 Fifth Ave.,
Group, 880 Third Ave., 13th Vil 10/28-12/2/10
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 CAP ADVISORS, LLC, activity. ware (DE) on 2/14/06. SSNY Ste. 405, NY, NY 10022. DE
NOTICE OF FORMATION Fl., NY, NY 10022. Purpose: Vil 10/28-12/2/10 designated as agent of LLC
any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION Auth. filed Sec’y of State
CHINA MAIN STREET, 511 NINTH AVENUE (SSNY) 8/10/10. Office loc.: upon whom process against address of LLC: 615 South
LLC ASSOCIATES LLC Vil 10/21-11/25/10 OF LOVE ROCKS NY LLC. it may be served. SSNY shall
NY County. LLC org. in CHEF WANG’S HOUSE, DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE
art. of org. filed Secy. of Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. Art. of Org filed w/Secy. DE 8/5/10. SSNY desig. as mail process to: c/o Phillips
of State (SSNY) 10/6/2010. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- of State of NY (SSNY) on LLC 19901. Arts. of Org. filed with
State NY (SSNY) 9/2/10. Off. agent of LLC upon whom Lytle LLP, 437 Madison Ave.,
loc. in New York Co. SSNY Office in NY Co. SSNY TION OF LYXOR/EVA 6/17/10. Office location: NY process against it may be Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. 34th Fl., NY, NY 10022. DE DE Secy. of State, Townsend
designated as agent of LLC design. Agent of LLC upon PENTANGLE PARTNERS County. SSNY designated served. SSNY shall mail copy of State (SSNY) 8/30/2010. address of LLC: Diversified
whom process may be of proc. to Att: Michael A. Office in NY Co. SSNY Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Pur-
upon whom process may FUND LLC. as agent of LLC for service Corporate Services Inter-
be served. SSNY shall mail served. SSNY shall mail Amsalem, 295 Madison Ave., design. Agent of LLC upon national, Inc., 508 Main St., pose: any lawful activity.
copy of process to The LLC Authority filed with NY Dept. of process. SSNY shall mail
copy of process to: 212 E. 38th Fl., NY, NY 10017. DE off. whom process may be Wilmington, DE 19804. Arts.
355 Lexington Avenue, 17th of State on 10/4/10. Office process to: 201 E.77 St. #3F, addr.: CSC, 2711 Centerville Vil 11/4-12/9/10
87th St, 3A, NY, NY 10128. Fl New York, NY 10017. Pur- NY, NY 10075. Purpose: Any served. SSNY shall mail copy of Org. filed with DE Secy.
location: NY County. LLC Rd., Wilmington, DE 19808.
Purpose: Any lawful pur- pose: Any lawful activity. lawful activity. Cert. of Form. on file: SSDE, of process to The LLC 88 7th of State, P.O. Box 898, Dover,
formed in DE on 4/15/10. NY DE 19903. Purpose: any law-
pose, managed by 1 or more Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Vil 10/28-12/2/10 Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE Avenue New York, NY 10011. NOTICE OF FORMATION
members. Sec. of State designated as ful activity.
agent of LLC upon whom 19901. Purp.: any lawful Purpose: Any lawful activity.
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Vil 11/4-12/9/10 OF 30 W 89 REALTY, LLC.
process against it may be Vil 10/28-12/2/10
OF DELANOR, KEMPER served and shall mail pro- NY MOHS LASER DER- Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
cess to the principal business MATOLOGY, P.L.L.C. of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on
ING CONSULTANCY, LLC State of NY (SSNY) 10/7/10. addr.: c/o Lyxor Asset Man- art. of org. filed Secy. of State REALTY LLC. 9/21/10. Office location: New
Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. LLC.
Office in NY Co. Principal agement Inc., 1251 Ave. of NY (SSNY) 9/24/10. Off. loc. of State (SSNY) 10/18/2010.
art. of org. filed Secy. of Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. York County. SSNY desig-
location: 5030 Broadway Ste the Americas, 46th Fl., NY, in NY Co. SSNY designated Office in NY Co. SSNY Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. of
State NY (SSNY) 9/14/10. Off. of State of NY (SSNY) on
621, NY, NY 10034. SSNY NY 10020. DE addr. of LLC: as agent of LLC upon whom design. Agent of LLC upon State of NY (SSNY) on 8/4/10. 3/18/09. Office location: NY nated as agent of LLC upon
loc. in New York Co. SSNY
designated as agent of LLC designated as agent of LLC c/o The Corporation Trust process may be served. whom process may be Office location: NY County. County. SSNY designated as whom process against it may
upon whom process may be Co., 1209 Orange St., Wilm- SSNY shall mail copy of served. SSNY shall mail SSNY designated as agent
upon whom process may served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to Kriss & agent of LLC upon whom be served. SSNY shall mail
be served. SSNY shall mail ington, DE 19801. Cert. of process to: Margaret Davino, of LLC for service of process. process against it may be
copy of any process to reg. Form. filed with DE Sec. of Feuerstein LLP C/O Kenneth SSNY shall mail process to: process to: The LLC, 30 W
copy of process to: c/o Paula 120 Broadway, 14th Fl, NY, served. SSNY shall mail pro-
agent National Corporate P. Horowitz 360 Lexington
Gantz, 210 W. 90 St, 4A, NY, Research Ltd., 10 E 40th St-10- State, P.O. Box 898, Dover, NY 10271. Purpose: Practice Ave, 12th Fl New York, NY 500 W.43 St. #35D, NY, NY cess to: The LLC, 39 W. 37th 89th St., NY, NY 10024. Pur-
NY 10024. Purpose: Any law- th Fl, New York, NY 10016. DE 19903. Purpose: any law- Medicine, members name/ 10017. Purpose: Any lawful 10036. Purpose: Any lawful St., 3rd Fl., NY, NY 10018.
ful purpose. ful activity. address on file w/SSNY. activity. Purpose: any lawful activity. pose: any lawful activity.
Purpose: Any lawful activity. activity.
Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Vil 10/21-11/25/10 Vil 10/28-12/2/10 Vil 10/28-12/2/10 Vil 11/4-12/9/10 Vil 11/4-12/9/10 Vil 11/4-12/9/10
November 25 - December 1, 2010 23

III, LLC. LLC. of State (SSNY) 10/12/2010. that a license, #TBA has been PY, PLLC REALTY III EMPLOYEE
a domestic LLC. Art. of Org. TAINMENT, LLC.
Authority filed with NY Dept. Office in NY Co. SSNY applied for by Saro Corp Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. INVESTMENT PRO-
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. GRAM, L.P.
of State on 10/18/10. Office design. Agent of LLC upon d/b/a Saro to sell beer and of State (SSNY) 10/20/2010.
of State of NY (SSNY) on whom process may be wine at retail in a restaurant. 9/30/2010. NY office location: Authority filed with Secy.
location: NY County. Princ. Office in NY Co. SSNY of State of NY (SSNY) on
5/19/03. Office location: NY served. SSNY shall mail copy For on premises consump- NY County. SSNY designated of State of NY (SSNY) on
bus. addr.: 280 Chestnut, design. Agent of PLLC upon 5/27/10. Office location: NY
County. SSNY designated of process to Robert Wittish tion under the ABC law at as agent of LLC upon whom 11/01/10. Office location: NY
Westmont, IL 60559. LLC 102 Norfolk Street NY, NY whom process may be County. SSNY designated
as agent of LLC for service 646 Long Island Ave Deer process against it may be County. LP formed in Dela-
formed in DE on 9/21/10. Park, NY 11729. Purpose: 10002. served. SSNY shall mail copy
of process. SSNY shall mail served. SSNY shall mail copy as agent of LLC for service ware (DE) on 10/15/10. Princ.
NY Sec. of State designated Any lawful activity. Vil 11/18-11/25/10 of process to The PLLC 250
of process to 156 Ludlow St., of process. SSNY shall mail office of LP: c/o Angelo, Gor-
agent of LLC upon whom process to: 2 Sherman Ave., Vil 11/11-12/16/10 West 22nd St 4D New York,
5th Fl., NY, NY 10002, Attn: don & Co., L.P., 245 Park Ave.,
process against it may be NY, NY 10040. Purpose: Any NOTICE IS HEREBY NY 10011. Purpose: Any law- process to: 80 State St., Alba-
26th Fl., NY, NY 10167. SSNY
served and shall mail pro- lawful activity. GIVEN ful activity. J. Glancy, princ. ofc. address ny, NY 12207. Purpose: Any
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- designated as agent of LP
cess to: c/o CT Corporation Vil 11/11-12/16/10 TION OF SAVANNA Vil 11/18-12/23/10 of LLC. Purpose: any lawful lawful activity. upon whom process against
that a license, #TBA has been
System, 111 8th Ave., NY, FUND II REIT, LLC. applied for by Da Follia, LLC activities. it may be served. SSNY shall
NY 10011, regd. agent upon Vil 11/18-12/23/10
Authority filed with Secy. d/b/a La Follia to sell beer, ADVENT INVESTIGA- Vil 11/18-12/23/10 mail process to the LP at
whom process may be NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- the addr. of its princ. office.
of State of NY (SSNY) on wine and liquor at a retail TIONS LLC
served. DE addr. of LLC: 1209 TION OF S3 CAPITAL 10/28/10. Office location: NY restaurant. For on premises NOTICE OF FORMATION Name and addr. of each
Orange St., Wilmington, DE County. LLC formed in Dela- consumption under the ABC OF MORK CONSULTING, general partner are available
19801. Cert. of Form. filed law at 226-228 Third Avenue of State (SSNY) 11/1/2010. OF PROPOINT CLAIM from SSNY. DE addr. of LP:
Authority filed with Secy. ware (DE) on 09/23/10. Princ. LLC.
with DE Sec. of State, P.O. office of LLC: 10 E. 53rd St., aka 151 East 19th Street NY, Office in NY Co. SSNY SERVICES LLC. c/o Corporation Service Co.,
of State of NY (SSNY) on
Box 898, Dover, DE 19903. 37th Fl., NY, NY 10022-5056. NY 10003. design. Agent of LLC upon Articles of Organization filed Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. 2711 Centerville Rd., Wilm-
10/22/10. Office location: NY SSNY designated as agent Vil 11/18-11/25/10 whom process may be ington, DE 19808. Arts. of
Purpose: any lawful activity. with Secretary of State of of State of NY (SSNY) on
Vil 11/4-12/9/10 County. LLC formed in Dela- of LLC upon whom process served. SSNY shall mail copy Org. filed with Secy. of State
NewYork (SSNY) on 09/28/10. 6/10/10. Office location: NY
ware (DE) on 10/06/10. Princ. against it may be served. NOTICE IS HEREBY of process to The LLC 15 W of DE, Dept. of State, Div.
SSNY shall mail process to Office location: NY County. County. SSNY designated
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- office of LLC: 590 Madison GIVEN 39th St 11th Fl New York, NY of Corps., John Townsend
c/o Corporation Service Co., SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC for service Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Pur-
TION OF PARK 185TH Ave., NY, NY 10022. SSNY that a license, #TBA has been 10018. Purpose: Any lawful
80 State St., Albany, NY as an agent upon whom pro- pose: Any lawful activity.
LLC. designated as agent of LLC applied for by 205 East 4th activity. of process. SSNY shall mail
12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: Street LLC d/b/a Dorian Gray cess against the LLC may be Vil 11/25-12/30/10
Appl. for Auth. Filed w/ upon whom process against 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. Vil 11/18-12/23/10 process to: PO Box 20094,
to sell beer, wine and liquor served. The address to which
Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) it may be served. SSNY shall 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. SSNY shall mail a copy of NY, NY 10023. Purpose: Any
at a retail restaurant. For on NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
on 3/4/08. Office location: mail process to c/o Corpora- Arts. of Org. filed with Div. SOHO 2205 LLC lawful activity.
premises consumption under any process against the LLC TION OF KORTRIGHT
NY County. LLC formed in tion Service Co., 80 State St., of Corps., Secy. of State, DE, the ABC law at 205 East 4th Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. OPPORTUNITY FUND LP.
Delaware (DE) on 10/4/07. John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 is to: ProPoint Claim Services Vil 11/18-12/23/10
Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE Street NY, NY 10009. of State (SSNY) 11/12/2010. LLC, 111 N. Canal St, Ste 801, Authority filed with Secy.
SSNY designated as agent Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE Vil 11/18-11/25/10
addr. of LLC: 2711 Centerville 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Office in NY Co. SSNY Chicago, IL 60606. Purpose: of State of NY (SSNY) on
for service of process. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon NOTICE OF FORMATION
Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, activity. To engage in any lawful act 11/05/10. Office location: NY
shall mail process to: 16192 NOTICE IS HEREBY whom process may be
DE 19808. Arts. of Org. filed Vil 11/11-12/16/10 OF MANHATTAN SNOR- County. LP formed in Dela-
Coastal Hwy., Lewes, DE GIVEN or activity.
with DE Secy. of State, Div. served. SSNY shall mail copy ING AND SLEEP CENTER ware (DE) on 11/03/10. Princ.
19958. DE address of LLC: that a license number Vil 11/18-12/23/10 office of LP: 399 Park Ave.,
NOTICE OF FORMA- of process to Jajan, PLLC 110
16192 Coastal Hwy., Lewes, of Corps., John G. Townsend 1248610 has been applied for LLC. 39th Fl., NY, NY 10022. SSNY
TION OF GOOD MOOD Wall Street, 11th Fl New York,
DE 19958. Cert. of Form. filed Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, RECORDS, LLC. by the undersigned to sell NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. designated as agent of LP
NY 10005. Purpose: Any law-
with DE Secy. of State, 401 Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: beer and wine at retail in upon whom process against
Arts. of Org. filed with NY ful activity. TION OF BOP 245 PARK of State of NY (SSNY) on
Federal St. Ste. 4, Dover, DE Any lawful activity. a restaurant under the alco- it may be served. SSNY shall
Dept. of State on 9/21/10. Vil 11/18-12/23/10 LLC. 10/22/10. Office location: NY
19901. Purpose: any lawful Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Office location: NY County. holic beverage control law at mail process to the Partner-
activity. KIRAN RESTAURANT CORP. Authority filed with Secy. County. SSNY designated as ship at the princ. office of
Sec. of State designated as
Vil 11/11-12/16/10 located at 159 E. 55 St. New SOHO 1905 LLC of State of NY (SSNY) on agent of LLC upon whom the LP. The regd. agent of
12PT PRINT LLC agent of LLC upon whom
process against it may be York, NY 10022 for on prem- Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. 10/18/10. Office location: NY the company upon whom
Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. ises consumption. process against it may be
NOTICE OF FORMATION served and shall mail pro- of State (SSNY) 11/12/2010. County. LLC formed in Dela- and at which process against
OF ROSA PRIME PRO- of State (SSNY) 10/20/2010. cess to the principal business Vil 11/18-11/25/10 Office in NY Co. SSNY served. SSNY shall mail the company can be served
ware (DE) on 10/12/10. Princ.
DUCTIONS LLC. Office in NY Co. SSNY desig. addr.: 251 W. 95th St., #3S, design. Agent of LLC upon Office of LLC: 200 Vesey St., process to: c/o The LLC, 262 is Matthew B. Taylor at the
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. agent of LLC upon whom NY, NY 10025. Purpose: any NOTICE OF FORMATION whom process may be Central Park West, Ste. 1H, princ. office addr. Name and
OF PAPA STANLEY LLC. 11th Fl., NY, NY 10281-1021. addr. of each general partner
of State of NY (SSNY) on lawful activity. served. SSNY shall mail copy
process may be served. SSNY designated as agent NY, NY 10024. Purpose: any are available from SSNY. DE
10/1/10. Office location: NY Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of process to Jajan, PLLC 110
SSNY shall mail copy of pro- of State of NY (SSNY) on of LLC upon whom process lawful activity. addr. of LP: 2711 Centerville
County. SSNY designated cess to 1675 Richmond Rd., Wall Street, 11th Fl New York, against it may be served. Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- 10/29/10. Office location: NY Vil 11/18-12/23/10
as agent of LLC for service Staten Island, NY 10304. Pur- NY 10005. Purpose: Any law- 19808. Arts. of Org. filed with
TION OF FMS NIAGARA, County. SSNY designated SSNY shall mail process to
of process. SSNY shall mail as agent of LLC upon whom ful activity. Secy. of State of the State of
pose: Any lawful purpose. LLC. the LLC at the Princ. Office of
process to: 75 West End Ave. process against it may be Vil 11/18-12/23/10 NOTICE OF FORMATION DE, 401 Federal St., Dover,
#C10M, NY, NY 10023. Pur- Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Authority filed with NY the LLC. DE addr. of LLC: Cor-
Dept. of State on 10/22/10. served. SSNY shall mail OF 247 AVENUE U PART- DE 19901. Purpose: Any law-
pose: Any lawful activity. poration Service Company, ful activity.
Office location: NY County. process to c/o Jerome J. FOUR HUNGRY STOOG- NERS LLC.
Vil 11/11-12/16/10 NOTICE OF FORMATION Caulfield, Carter Ledyard & 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Vil 11/25-12/30/10
Princ. bus. addr.: 920 Win- ES LLC,
OF COVALENT, LLC Milburn LLP, 2 Wall St., NY, Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
ter St., Ste. A, Waltham, MA a domestic Limited Liability
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- 02451. LLC formed in DE on NY 10005. Purpose: Any law- of Formation filed with DE of State of NY (SSNY) on NOTICE OF FORMATION
Articles of Organization filed ful activity. Company (LLC), filed with the
TION OF PARK 18 WEST 10/19/10. NY Sec. of State Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., OF HIGH 10 MEDIA LLC.
with Secretary of State of Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Sec of State of NY on 9/16/10. 11/6/06. Office location: NY
LLC. designated agent of LLC 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
NewYork (SSNY) on 10/01/10. NY Office location: New York County. SSNY designated as
Appl. for Auth. Filed w/ upon whom process against DE 19901. Purpose: Any law- of State of NY (SSNY) on
Office location: NY County. it may be served and shall NOTICE OF FORMATION County. SSNY is designated agent of LLC upon whom
Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) as agent upon whom pro- ful activity. 07/12/10. Office location: NY
SSNY has been designated mail process to: c/o CT Cor- OF LIMITED LIABILITY process against it may be County. Princ. office of LLC:
on 3/4/08. Office location: COMPANY. NAME: SHEF- cess against the LLC may be Vil 11/18-12/23/10
as an agent upon whom pro- poration System, 111 8th served. SSNY shall mail pro- 590 Madison Ave., NY, NY
NY County. LLC formed in Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. FIELD FIFTY M ONE P served. SSNY shall mail a
Delaware (DE) on 10/4/07. cess against the LLC may be 10022. SSNY designated as
agent upon whom process ONE, LLC. copy of any process against NOTICE OF FORMATION cess to: c/o Wachtel & Masyr,
SSNY designated as agent served. The address to which agent of LLC upon whom
may be served. DE addr. of Articles of Organization were the LLC served upon him/her OF PXA LLC LLP, 110 E. 59th St., 28th Fl., process against it may be
for service of process. SSNY SSNY shall mail a copy of LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilm- filed with the Secretary of to David Lincoln Ross, 445 Articles of Organization NY, NY 10022. Purpose: any served. SSNY shall mail pro-
shall mail process to: 16192 any process against the LLC ington, DE 19801. Arts. of State of New York (SSNY) W. 23rd St., Apt. 5A, NY, NY filed with Secretary of State lawful activity. cess to c/o Pavia & Harcourt
Coastal Hwy., Lewes, DE is to: The LLC, 245 W. 55TH Org. filed with DE Sec. of on 10/15/10. Office location: 10011. General Purposes. LLP, Attn: John R. Firestone,
19958. DE address of LLC: ST STE 1104, New York, NY State, 401 Federal St., Dover, New York County. SSNY has of New York (SSNY) on Vil 11/18-12/23/10
Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Esq., 600 Madison Ave., 12th
16192 Coastal Hwy., Lewes, 10019. Purpose: To engage in DE 19901. Purpose: any law- been designated as agent of 09/02/10. Office location: Fl., NY, NY 10022. Purpose:
DE 19958. Cert. of Form. filed ful activity. the LLC upon whom process NY County. SSNY has been Any lawful activity.
any lawful act or activity Vil 11/11-12/16/10 against it may be served. NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- PUBLIC NOTICE
with DE Secy. of State, 401 designated as an agent upon Vil 11/25-12/30/10
Federal St. Ste. 4, Dover, DE Vil 11/11-12/16//10 SSNY shall mail a copy of TION OF MAKIRAN
whom process against the Notice is hereby given, pur-
19901. Purpose: any lawful NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- process to the LLC, c/o Levy PROPERTIES LLC.
& Halperin, LLP, 381 Park LLC may be served. The suant to law, that the NYC NOTICE OF QUALIFICA-
activity. JANET MOY, M.D., LLC TION OF WARBURG PIN- Authority filed with Secy.
Avenue South, Suite 713, address to which SSNY shall Dept. of Consumer Affairs TION OF GERSON GLOB-
Vil 11/11-12/16/10 CUS PRIVATE EQUITY of State of NY (SSNY) on
Notice of the formation of (E&P) X-B, L.P. New York, New York 10016. mail a copy of any process AL ADVISORS, LLC.
10/25/10. Office location: will hold a Public Hearing
the above named Profes- Authority filed with NY Dept. Purpose: For any lawful pur- against the LLC is to: The Authority filed with Secy.
NOTICE OF QUALIFICA- pose. NY County. LLC formed in on Wednesday, December of State of NY (SSNY) on
sional Limited Liability Com- of State on 10/6/10. Office LLC, 330 E 75th Street, #5B
TION OF BRONX PARK- Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Delaware (DE) on 06/03/10. 8, 2010 at 2:00 p.m., at 66 11/12/10. Office location: NY
pany (“PLLC”) Articles of location: NY County. LP Princ. office of LLC: c/o Key- NY, NY 10021. Purpose: To
ING GROUP LLC. formed in DE on 10/5/10. John Street, 11th floor, on County. LLC formed in Dela-
Organization filed with the Ventures, Inc., 445 Park Ave., engage in any lawful act or
Appl. for Auth. Filed w/ NY Sec. of State designated NOTICE OF FORMATION a petition from Sunflower ware (DE) on 11/09/10. Princ.
Department of State of NY NY, NY 10022. SSNY desig- activity. office of LLC: 70 E. 55th St.,
Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) agent of LP upon whom pro- OF LIMITED LIABILITY
on 7/29/2010. Office Loca- COMPANY. NAME: 70 nated as agent of LLC upon Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Restaurant Associates, Inc., 21st Fl., NY, NY 10022. SSNY
on 4/15/08. Office location: cess against it may be served
NY County. LLC formed in tion: County of New York. . and shall mail process to BROAD LLC. whom process against it may to continue to, maintain, designated as agent of LLC
Delaware (DE) on 3/17/08. The Secretary of State of NY the principal business addr.: Articles of Organization were be served. SSNY shall mail NOTICE OF FORMATION and operate an unenclosed upon whom process against
SSNY designated as agent (“SSNY”) has been designat- c/o Warburg Pincus LLC, filed with the Secretary of process to c/o Corporation OF ENTIOLE LLC. it may be served. SSNY shall
sidewalk café at 361 Green-
450 Lexington Ave., NY, NY State of New York (SSNY) Service Co. (CSC), 80 State mail process to c/o The Ger-
for service of process. SSNY ed as agent of the PLLC upon Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. of wich Street, in the Borough
10017, Attn: General Coun- on 10/13/10. Office location: St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. son Group, LLC at the princ.
shall mail process to: 16192 whom process against it may State of NY (SSNY) on 8/2/10. office of the LLC. DE addr. of
sel. DE addr. of LP: c/o The New York County. SSNY has DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, of Manhattan, for a term of
Coastal Hwy., Lewes, DE be served. SSNY shall mail Office location: NY County. LLC: c/o Corporation Service
Corporation Trust Co., 1209 been designated as agent of 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. two years. Request for a copy
19958. DE address of LLC: a copy of any such process Co., 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste.
Orange St., Wilmington, DE the LLC upon whom process 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. SSNY designated as agent of the proposed revocable
16192 Coastal Hwy., Lewes, 19801. Name/addr. of genl. against it may be served. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808.
served to: Wormser, Kiely, Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of LLC for service of process.
DE 19958. Cert. of Form. filed ptr. available from NY Sec. SSNY shall mail a copy of consent may be addressed Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
with DE Secy. of State, 401 et al.., Attn Thomas L. Fuerth, of State, Div. of Corps., 401 SSNY shall mail process to:
of State. Cert. of LP filed with process to the LLC, c/o 142-03 to Dept. of Consumer Affairs, of State of the State of DE,
Federal St. Ste. 4, Dover, DE Esq., 825 Third Ave., 26th Flr. Federal St., Ste. 3, Dover, DE 15 W.72 St. #19F, NY, NY
DE Sec. of State, Townsend 37th Avenue, Flushing, New 42 Broadway, New York, NY Div. of Corps., P.O. Box 898,
19901. Purpose: any lawful NY NY 10022. Purpose: to Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Pur- York 11354. Purpose: For any 19901. Purpose: Any lawful 10023. Purpose: Any lawful Dover, DE 19903. Purpose:
activity. practice medicine pose: any lawful activity. lawful purpose. activity. activity. 10004 Attn: Foil Officer Any lawful activity.
Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Vil 11/11-12/16/10 Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Vil 11/18-12/23/10 Vil 11/25-12/2/10 Vil 11/25-12/30/10
24 November 25 - December 1, 2010

ENTERTAINMENT, LLC Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. LLC.
Articles of Organization
filed with Secretary of State
Of State of NY (SSNY) on Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
FILE NO. 2010-3693 FILE NO. 1683-09
10/4/10. Office location: NY
of New York (SSNY) on County. SSNY designated as
of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on
10/26/10. Office location:
09/23/10. Office location:
NY County. SSNY has been
agent for service of process.
designated as an agent upon
SSNY shall mail process to:
ignated as agent of LLC upon CITATION By the Grace of God Free and Independent
whom process against the 701 7th Ave. #4W, NY, NY TO: Unknown Distributees, Attorney General of the State of New York, New
LLC may be served. The 10036. Purpose: Any lawful whom process against it may THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE York – Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical College And to the heirs
address to which SSNY shall activity. be served. SSNY shall mail OF NEW YORK at law, next of kin and distributees of Cecilia Scott, if living and if any of them
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 process to: c/o Cooley LLP, be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, executors,
mail a copy of any process
against the LLC is to: 233 1114 Avenue of the Ameri- By the Grace of God Free and Independent administrators, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places
W 77th Street #10E, New NOTICE OF FORMATION cas, NY, NY 10036, Attn: Peter of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry, be ascertained
Mansbach. Purpose: any law-
To the heirs at law next of kin, and distributees by the petitioner herein; being the persons interested as creditors, legatees,
York, NY 10024. Purpose: OF 123 WAVERLY AVE of Kitty Weiss, deceased, if living, and if any of
To engage in any lawful act LLC, ful activity. them be dead to their heirs at law, next of kin, devisees, beneficiaries, distributees, or otherwise in the estate of Cecilia Scott,
or activity. Vil 11/25-12/30/10 distributees, legatees, executors, administra- deceased, who at the time of her death was a resident of 405 E. 63rd Street,
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 Art. of Org. filed Sec’y of New York, New York. A petition having been duly filed by Ethel J. Griffin,
tors, assignees and successors interest whose
State (SSNY) 3/7/03. Office names are unknown and cannot be ascertained Public Administrator of the County of New York, who maintains an office at 31
SOLEDAD O’BRIEN location: NY County. SSNY NOTICE OF FORMATION after due diligence. Public Administrator and Chambers Street, Room 311, New York, New York 10007. YOU ARE HEREBY
PRESENTS LLC designated as agent of LLC OF NIGHTSHIFT LLC. Attorney General of New York State. CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the New York County Surrogate’s Court at
upon whom process against A petition having been duly filed by Leo Vaz, 31 Chambers Street, New York, New York, on January 4, 2011, at 9:30 A.M.
Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. who is domiciled at 117-01 Park Lane South,
of State (SSNY) 11/4/2010. it may be served. SSNY shall in Room 503, why the following relief stated in the account of proceedings, a
of State of NY (SSNY) on Apt. C4K, Kew Gardens, New York. You are
Office in NY Co. SSNY desig. mail copy of process to 331 hereby cited to show cause before the Surro- copy of the summary statement thereof being attached hereto, of the Public
11/5/10. Office location: NY
agent of LLC upon whom W. 57th St., #301, NY, NY gate Court, New York County at 31 Chambers Administrator of the County of New York as administrator of the goods, chat-
10019. Purpose: any lawful County. SSNY designated as
process may be served. Street, Rm. 503, New York, NY on January 21, tels and credits of said deceased, should not be granted: (i) that her account
activities. agent of LLC upon whom 2011 at 9:30 am on the fore noon of that day,
SSNY shall mail copy of pro- be judicially settled; (ii) that the above named person(s) be cited to show
cess to 142 W. 26th St., Apt. Vil 11/25-12/30/10 process against it may be why a decree should not be made in the estate cause why such settlement should not be granted; (iii) that a hearing be held
5, NY, NY 10001, which is served. SSNY shall mail of Kitty Weiss lately domiciled at 222 East 93rd to determine the identity of the distributees at which time proof pursuant to
also the principal business process to: United Corporate Street, Apt. 38K, New York, New York 10128
NOTICE IS HEREBY admitting to probate a Will dated January 19, SCPA Section 2225 may be presented, or in the alternative, that the balance
location. Purpose: Any law- GIVEN Services, Inc., 10 Bank St., 2006 a copy which is attached, as the Will of the funds be deposited with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of
ful purpose. Ste. 560, White Plains, NY of Kitty Weiss deceased, relating to real and New York for the benefit of the decedent’s unknown distributees; (iv) that the
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 that a license, number
1249018 for beer, wine, and 10606. Purpose: any lawful personal property, and directing that letters claim of New York – Presbyterian Hospital in the amount of $ 660.00, and the
activity. testamentary issue to Leo Vaz. claim of Weill Cornell Medical College in the amount of $ 650.00, be allowed;
NOTICE OF FORMATION liquor has been applied for
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 (v) that the Surrogate approve the reasonable amount of compensation as
OF RL ORGANIZATION by the undersigned to sell Dated, Attested and Sealed reported in Schedules C and C-1 of the account of proceedings to the attor-
LLC beer, wine, and liquor at retail November 5, 2010
Surrogate ney for the petitioner for legal services rendered to the petitioner herein; (vi)
Articles of Organization in a restaurant/billiards hall NOTICE OF FORMA-
Hon. Nora S Anderson that the persons above mentioned and all necessary and proper persons be
filed with Secretary of State under the Alcoholic Bever- TION OF THE JACKSON Deputy Chief Clerk cited to show cause why such relief should not be granted; (vii) that an order
of New York (SSNY) on age Control Law at 500 W. GROUP HOLDINGS LLC. Jana Cohn be granted pursuant to SCPA Section 307 where required or directed; and
10/19/10. Office location: 207 Street for on premises Attorney for Petitioner (viii) for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
consumption. Euro El Tina Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Jon C. Biondo, Esq.
NY County. SSNY has been Dated, Attested and Sealed. November 5, 2010 (Seal). Hon. Nora S. Ander-
designated as an agent upon Restaurant Lounge and Bil- of State of NY (SSNY) on Attorney for Petitioner
10/7/10. Office location: NY Telephone Number 212-532-2456 son, Surrogate. Jane Passenant, Chief Clerk.
whom process against the liards Corp. Law Offices of Peter S. Schram, P.C., Counsel to the Public Administrator,
LLC may be served. The Vil 11/25-12/2/10 County. SSNY designated as 222 East 31st Street, Main Level, NewYork, New
York 10016 New York County, 350 Broadway, Suite 515, New York, New York 10013 (212)
address to which SSNY shall agent of LLC upon whom
mail a copy of any process Address of Attorney 896-3310
NOTICE OF FORMATION process against it may be (Note: This citation is served upon you as Note: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not
against the LLC is to: The served. SSNY shall mail required by law. You are not required to appear.
LLC, 888c Eighth Avenue, OF SERIN CAPITAL, LLC required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not
process to: The LLC, 1407 If you fail to appear it will be assumed you do object to the relief requested. You have the right to have an attorney-at-law
Suite 355, New York, NY Articles of Organization not object to the relief requested. You have a
10019. Purpose: To engage filed with Secretary of State Broadway, 38th Fl., NY, NY right to have an attorney appear for you.) appear for you and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full
in any lawful act or activity. of New York (SSNY) on 10018. Purpose: any lawful account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney.
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 activity. Vil 11/25-12/16/10 Vil 11/18-12/9/10
12/11/06. Office location:
NY County. SSNY has been Vil 11/25-12/30/10
RICHARD SHUBACK, designated as an agent upon
LLC, whom process against the NOTICE OF FORMATION
a domestic Limited Liability LLC may be served. The
Company (LLC), filed with the address to which SSNY shall
Sec of State of NY on 9/22/10. mail a copy of any process Arts. of Org. filed with NY SUPPLEMENTAL CITATIONS THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK,
NY Office location: New York against the LLC is to: Serin Dept. of State on 10/26/10. By the Grace of God Free and Independent
County. SSNY is designated Capital, LLC, 156 5th Ave, Ste Office location: NY County. TO: To Victor Miller, Gwendolyn Miller, Richard C. Wilbur, Phyllis J. Wilbur, and Annette C. Woodams, if living and if dead, to his/her heirs at law, next of kin and
as agent upon whom pro- 1234, NY, NY 10010. Pur- Sec. of State designated as distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if s/he died subsequent to the decedent herein to her/his executors, administrators, legatees,
cess against the LLC may be devisees, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and to all other heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of
pose: To engage in any law- agent of LLC upon whom MARGOT LUCE, the decedent herein, whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot, after diligent inquiry be ascertained and the Public Admin-
served. SSNY shall mail a
ful act or activity. process against it may be istrator of the County of New York, and Carolyn A. Woodams Ophardt and Robert Alton Woodams.
copy of any process against
the LLC served upon him/her Vil 11/25-12/30/10 served and shall mail pro- A petition having been duly filed by Nancie Roan and Ellen Wynn Broadbent domiciled at 11 Echo Street, Salisbury, CT 06068 and 107 Lester Lane, Los Gatos,
to Feuer & Orlando, LLP, 350 cess to: c/o DeGaetano & CA 95032, respectively.
Fifth Ave., Ste. 7116, NY, NY ASCOT CAPITAL LLC, Carr, 488 Madison Ave., 17th YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, New York County, at 31 Chambers St, NY, NY on December 17, 2010 at 9:30
10118. General Purposes. a domestic Limited Liability Fl., NY, NY 10022. Purpose: o’clock AM of that day why a decree should not be made in the estate of Margot J. Luce, lately domiciled at 5 Weehawken Street, County of New York admitting
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 Company (LLC), filed with any lawful activity. to probate a Will dated October 7, 2004, deceased, related to real and personal property, and directed that
the Sec of State of NY on Vil 11/25-12/30/10 Letters Testamentary issue to: Nancie Roan and Ellen Wynn Boadbent.
NOTICE OF FORMATION 7/29/10. NY Office location: Date, Attested and Sealed: October 29, 2010
OF GLOBAL DIRT MOVIE, Surrogate :Hon Kristen Booth Glen
New York County. SSNY is Chief Clerk : Jane Passenant Surrogate
designated as agent upon Attorney for Petitioner: Ralph Randazzo
Arts Of Org. filed with Secy. TION OF CANDLEWOOD
whom process against the Telephone: 631-673-4998
Of State of NY (SSNY) on LLC may be served. SSNY INVESTMENT GROUP, Address: 464 New York Ave, Huntington, NY 11743
9/24/10. Office location: NY shall mail a copy of any pro- LP. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the
County. SSNY designated as cess against the LLC served Authority filed with NY relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you.] Surrogate
agent of LLC upon whom Vil 11/4-11/25/10
upon him/her to Amarjit S. Dept. of State on 10/8/10.
process against it may be
served. SSNY shall mail pro- Bhalla, Ascot Properties, Ltd., Office location: NY County.
cess to: 300 W. 106th St., 46 Trinity Pl., 2nd Fl., NY, NY LP formed in DE on 6/4/10.
NY, NY 10025. Purpose: any 10006. General Purposes. NY Sec. of State designated
lawful activity. Vil 11/25-12/30/10 agent of LP upon whom
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 process against it may be NOTICE
NOTICE OF FORMATION served and shall mail pro-
Maribel Medina Burgos and Jorge Ramos Alvarez
cess to: The LP, 777 Third The State ofTennessee, Department of Children’s Services, has filed a petition against you seeking to terminate forever your parental rights to
OF VISION REAL ESTATE Arts. of Org. filed with Secy.
LLC. Ave., Ste. 19B, NY, NY 10017, Jorge Ramos Medina. It appears that ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you because your whereabouts are unknown. You are
of State of NY (SSNY) on Attn: Michael Lau. DE addr. hereby ORDERED to serve upon M. Anne Austin, Attorney for the Tennessee Department of Children Services, 1300 Salem Road, Cookeville,
Art. of Org. filed w/Secy. Of 4/21/10. Office location: NY
State of NY (SSNY) on 7/2/10. of LP: c/o National Corporate Tennessee 38506, (931) 646-3013, an Answer to the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the Tennessee Department of Children
County. SSNY designated as
Office location: NY County. Research, Ltd., 615 S. DuPont Services, within thirty (30) days of the last day of publication of this notice and pursuant to Rule 39(e)(1) of the Tenn. R. Juv. P. you must also
agent of LLC upon whom
SSNY designated as agent
process against it may be
Hwy., Dover, DE 19901. appear in the Juvenile Court of Putnam County, Tennessee at Cookeville, Tennessee on the 9th day of December, 2010, at 9:00 A.M. for the
for service of process. SSNY
served. SSNY shall mail
Name/addr. of genl. ptr. avail- Adjudicatory Hearing on the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights filed by the State of Tennessee, Department of Children’s Services If
shall mail process to: 304 able from NY Sec. of State. you fail to do so, a default judgment will be taken against you pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 36-1-117(n) and Rule 55 of the Tenn. R. of Civ.
Mulberry St. #LE, NY, NY process to: Bettina Equities
Company, LLC, Attn: Legal Cert. of LP filed with DE Sec. P. for the relief demanded in the Petition. You may view and obtain a copy of the Petition and any other subsequently filed legal documents
10012. Purpose: Any lawful at the Putnam County Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office, at Putnam County Justice Center, 421 East Spring Street, Suite 1C49A, Cookeville, TN
activity. Present name of LLC: Dept., 230 E. 85th St., NY, NY of State, 401 Federal St.,
James Joseph Real Estate 10028. Purpose: any lawful Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: 38501.
any lawful activity. Vil 11/4-11/25/10
LLC. activity.
Vil 11/25-12/30/10 Vil 11/25-12/30/10 Vil 11/25-12/30/10
November 25 - December 1, 2010 25

G.O.P.’er: Democrats could be in for a close shave

“The Tea Party, it’s O.K., wake up a lot of retrospective on the process, particularly Through his New York Uprising group,
Continued from page 4 people,” Scala said. “I think it’s a good idea. on the spiritually and corrupt Democratic Koch has been leading the push for reform
We gonna be in great shape.” Party of New York, which is anything but in Albany. In the state Senate, with 62 seats,
Silver said he wasn’t worried. Randy Credico, another local candi- democratic. As Senator Charles Sumner said all but eight members have signed onto the
“No. New York has serious challenges,” date, not an incumbent, didn’t fare too in 1854, ‘A politician loyal to a party cannot Uprising pledge; in the Assembly, with 150
Silver said. “Right now I’m focused on well running on a third-party line. A stand- be trusted.’ ” seats, 83 have signed.
working with Andrew Cuomo to get New Unlike Gottfried, former Mayor Ed Koch “So we have a majority in both Houses,”
York’s fiscal crisis under control and get our said he does believe in term limits for both Koch said. The pledge calls for three spe-
economy moving again.” city and state elected officials. On Nov. 2, cific things: independent redistricting, ethics
Meanwhile, Frank Scala, president of the ‘The city go for the in a stinging rebuke to the City Council and reform and a GAAP (generally accepted
Albano Republican Club, does feel the tide is, Mayor Bloomberg, New York City voters accounting principles) balanced budget. So
in fact, starting to turn in favor of the G.O.P. Democrats. They gotta do strongly backed returning to a limit of two far, though, Silver has failed to sign onto
in both the state and city. A Stuyvesant terms, overturning the Council’s legislative the pledge.
Town resident, Scala has in the past run if the person is good.’ extension of term limits in 2008. But Koch “Ultimately, I don’t give up,” Koch said,
against former Councilmember Kathryn said he supports a limit of three terms, not “and hope that I’ll be able to get Shelly to
Freed and former Assemblymember Steve Frank Scala two. join the reform movement.”
Sanders, whose seat Democrat Kavanagh
now holds.
In a heavy Italian accent, Scala spoke
in a phone interview from his E. 30th St.
barbershop, La Scala — “like the opera,”
he noted.
up comic and former head of the William
Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice, he ran as
a Libertarian against U.S. Senator Chuck
SCOOPY’S NOTEBOOK High Line maintenance-and-operation build-
“The Republicans decide to wake up a Schumer after failing to qualify for the Continued from page 3 ing in our Progress Report section last
little bit,” he said over the sound of whirring Democratic primary. He got 0.6 percent — week incorrectly stated that the Downtown
electric shears. “We pick up seven congres- or 26,000 votes — on Nov. 2 to Schumer’s will drop $100 a month and can’t be raised. Whitney Museum would be completed at the
sional seats in New York State.” 2.7 million votes. It’s about time he got it, since he’s 77 and same time as the adjacent, planned “M-&-
A problem for the G.O.P., though, he “I lost my interest after Schumer and the qualified for it 15 years ago. Ray once again O” building, in mid-2013. While the article
acknowledged, is that New York City voters state Democratic Party knocked me off the is amazed by his super staffer Eryn, who not was correct in saying the Gansevoort St.
tend to back the straight party line. Democratic primary ballot,” Credico said. “I only single-handedly saws up and demolishes museum’s groundbreaking is scheduled for
“New York City go for the Democrats. lost even more interest when I was restricted old refrigerators for him, but biked all the May 2011 — just six months away! — setting
They gotta do if the person is good,” he to one box on the ballot, even though I was way Downtown several times to get the neces- the record straight, museum spokesperson
said, as in, voters should base their decision nominated by two parties. The judge ruled sary paperwork so he could get his SCRIE. Stephen Soba said, “The Whitney has no
on the individual candidate, not solely the in my favor but stayed the decision till intention of completing construction by 2013.
party. after the election. I am writing a scathing CORRECTION: The article on the new Our planned date of completion is 2015.”


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— June G
The Trial Court
therapies, itinerant teaching, Probate and Family Court
early intervention &
Marisol DeJesus vs. Domingo DeJesus
party planning. To the Defendant:
Call Elizabeth @ 718/812-1910 Worcester Probate and Family Court
225 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01608
The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for Divorce requesting that the Court grant a divorce for IRRETRIEVABLE

Need to place a legal ad for The Complaint is on file at the Court

An Automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action
which would negatively impact the current financial status of either party. SEE Supplemental Probate Court
Rule 411.

your business? Call 646-452-2471 You are herby summoned and required to serve upon: C. Njeri Cichohi, Esq. Legal Assistance Corporation,
405 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608. Your answer, if any, on or before 12/10/2010. If you fail to do so, the
court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your
answer, if any, in the office of the Register of this Court.
Jason Sherwood / Senior Marketing Consultant Witness, Hon. Denise L Meagher, First Justice of this Court
Date: October 4, 2010 Stephen G.Cihahaim
Register Probate
Vil 11/25/10
November 25 - December 1, 2010 27

Photos by Clayton Patterson

Oh, ja! Freaky fun at the Wild Style show in Germany

For the past several weeks, documentarian Clayton Patterson has been in Germany with the Wild Style show, a combination of
CLAYTON’S PAGE sideshow-type acts and tattoo convention. He’ll return to the Lower East Side in early December. Above and below left, Lucky
Diamond Rich, the world’s most tattooed man — whose tattoo transformation Patterson has photographed over the years — per-
formed for the crowd. Below right, a horned acrobat hung around.
28 November 25 - December 1, 2010


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