God's Words .

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God's Words, My Voice (p.

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John 15:26 and 1 Corinthians 2:9-13

What happens when you allow the Holy Spirit into

your heart? Many changes take place in your life,
and sometimes it seems very overwhelming.
Allowing the Holy Spirit into your heart, is also
allowing it to clear out all the things in your life
that you don't need. If you have bad relationships
you don't need to be in, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes,
or anything else that is leading you away from the
path of God, the Holy Spirit guides you away from
these things. The big things, is that The Holy Spirit
is your guide. He knows and only knows the
thoughts of you and God. He shares what God
needs to say to you through him. Also, the Holy
Spirit is there to tell you what God needs you to
share or do in your walk with him. For example,
say that you know God wants you to share
something with your youth group in front of
everyone, but you're a little scared to get up in front
and speak. It's okay to be scared at first. God will
not be disappointed if you're scared. See, the thing
is that God is disappointed in you if you disobey.
So, if God tells you to speak in front of your youth
group, by all means, do it. So, when you're scared
to speak, do not fret because when you allow the
Holy Spirit into your heart, he speaks to you the
words that God wants you to say. It may be hard to
understand, but if God wants you to say something
about God, you simply have to listen. Listen to
what he has to tell you. You do not go byyour own
understanding and knowledge that you have gotten
from the world, but by the knowledge that God has
planted in you. He gives you this knowledge
through the Holy Spirit. In simpler terms, The Holy
Spirit is God's messenger to you. He tells you
exactly what God wants you to know and
understand. Getting back to the topic of The Holy
Spirit being your guide, though, think about it this
way. Have you ever thought about doing something
wrong and you don't feel right about? Have you
ever heard that little voice inside of your head,
telling you not to do something? That is the Holy
Spirit all the way. He is guiding you not to do
unholy things that take off of your path and you
walk with God. But, as soon as he guides you out
of the bad things, that you sometimes might still
want, he leads you into the good things about being
a Christian. Good things like knowing that
someone always loves you: God. The good things
like always having someone to go to in times of
need: God. The good things like knowing where
you're going to be for eternity when this world is
done, and knowing that you have served your God
good. The good things like the things in store for
you when you obey. The good things like the things
in store for you in heaven when everything that you
have done, has turned out for the best, because of
all the rewards from God you get in return. But,
you must understand, serving God isn't for the
rewards in heaven. It's not for the fame of being a
famous preacher or Christian singer. It's not for the
"good jobs" and the "you're a great christians". You
see being a Christian is all about serving your God
because he has loved you like no other. Because he
sent his only son to die for you, and that if it was
only you that he was going to die for, that he still
would have done it. No love in this corrupted world
could compare to that of our God's. It's deeper than
the deepest ocean and higher than the highest
moutain. The Holy Spirit allows you to feel this
great love that God has for you. It's such a great
love that you can't even begin to comprehend how
much he loves you. You can never make up for the
sacrifice that God gave when Jesus was on that
cross, but the best you can do is serve him and love
him for what he has done. That's what being a
Christian is all about. You see, it's a tough and
bumpy and long road, but it's all worth when you
open your eyes and REALLY see how much he
loves you. So the Holy Spirit guides you down this
walk of faith, and he helps you succeed in serving
our God. He helps you see what God has in store
for you life, and what he wants you to do with it.
The Holy Spirit speaks directly from God to tell
you about his love, about what you need to say and
do, and about what great things he has in store for
you. And that makes it ALL the worth while.

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