B2B Illinois - August 3, 2008

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www.b2billinois.com The Weekly Business-to-Business Forum

Editor: Andrew Wheeler

815-929-5416 awheeler@b2billinois.com

How to Measure FROM THE EDITOR

Training Effectiveness
“You cannot step twice into the same river,
for other waters and yet others go ever
flowing on. They go forward and back
again. “
Joe Giunta | B2B contributor and evaluate the results against all five levels of each clarification and count the number of clarifi-
assessment. The ROI assessment will be meas- cations made within a specified period before and —Heraclitus of Ephesus (ca.535-475 BCE)
When the economy scrapes the profit from your ured after a specified time, such as three months, after the training. Since time has a dollar value, it
bottom line, it is time to take a closer look at the six months or a year. is reasonable to conclude that a 50 percent reduc- In other words, the only constant is
return on investments (ROI) from ALL your If the trained group improves their productivity tion in the number of clarifications would equal a change. Starting with this edition, every Sun-
spending—including training. by 50 percent over the non-trained group, we can 50 percent savings in the associated costs, which, day edition of The Daily Journal will now con-
Before purchasing a training program, you assume a monetary savings to your company of in this case, is $25,000. tain B2B Illinois—The Weekly Business-to-
might ask your training provider for ideas on ways $25,000. Business Forum. Over the past 5 years, B2B
to measure its ROI. Do not assume that training is Training Costs and the ROI Formula Illinois has published information submitted
too elusive to measure effectively. Many programs Calculating ROI There is one more cost to consider and that is by businesspeople in a monthly direct mail
are able to produce a measurable return. After you convert the effects of training into dol- the cost of the training. That has to be factored publication. We are still committed to bring-
lars, you can calculate your return on investment. into the actual ROI. ing the best in operational and management
Measuring Results When calculating the cost of information to our business community, only
Most industry experts believe training, it is important to include now we will be delivering it to doorsteps
there are five levels of training direct costs such as the cost of the across the region as part of The Daily Jour-
assessment. They are: program, trainer, books, etc. and nal, every Sunday. We are also developing an
■ Evaluate participant reaction indirect costs such as staff time, interactive website that will be like no other
■ Measure learning classrooms, and supplies. This will in our region. So if you are new to B2B Illi-
■ Assess job behavior give you the Total Incurred Costs nois, welcome! And if you are one of our
■ Identify business results of the program. long-time readers, thanks for your past and
■ Calculate ROI Once we have determined these continued support.
Although ROI assessments are costs, we can use the following
more difficult and time consuming equation to measure ROI. Andrew H. Wheeler
to perform, they are also more B2B editor
useful to the training buyer ROI%=Net Program Benefits x
because they can clearly justify 100 divided by Total Incurred
training expenditures. It is impor- Costs
tant to understand that not all
training programs can produce a
measurable ROI, but for those that
In our example, the Net Pro-
gram Benefit is $25,000. If the
The Absolute

do, it is well worth calculating. Total Incurred Costs were
$10,000, the ROI would look like
Isolate Effects this:
The first thing you need to do ROI=$25,000 x 100 divided by
is conduct a pre-training assess- $10,000=250 percent. in Local Dining
ment and follow it up with a Knowing you have a 250 per-
post-training one. You should do cent ROI for this program will
this with two groups. One group will receive Start by identifying potential benefits and sepa- help justify the cost of the training for the remain-
the training and the other will not. This will rating them into “hard data,” which refers to meas- ing employees. If the ROI is not good, you may
give you a comparison. urable benefits and “soft data,” which refers to want to re-evaluate this particular program.
Let’s assume you want to purchase a training intangible outcomes that are difficult to quantify. Regardless of what level of assessment you use
program in diversity and your pre-test shows the Hard data would include: to evaluate your training, measuring those ben-
following problems: ■ Productivity efits is a good thing for both you and the train-
■ Initial testing shows that workers make many ■ Quality ing provider. Ultimately, it will help you make
assumptions about each other’s behavior ■ Labor hours better decisions about the training needs in
■ Analysis of these assumptions indicate a high ■ Absenteeism and tardiness your organization.
level of misunderstanding resulting in time lost Soft data would include:
to numerous clarifications and a rising level of ■ Attitude
mistrust among workers ■ Misunderstanding Joe Giunta is a contract training
■ The calculated time lost due to constant clarifi- ■ Relationships manager for Joliet Junior College’s
cation and mistrust results in an estimated In our diversity training example, we linked the Corporate and Community Services
$50,000 of unnecessary annual cost to the com- need to clarify communication within the group division.
pany to lost productivity. One way to measure that pro-
We can deliver diversity training to one group ductivity loss is to establish an average time for
Available and searchable online at
or available in print at any
Investment Balance is the Key Daily Journal office.
David Robinson, AAMS | B2B contributor by the beginning of 2000, assuming you never fear of more big losses, sold stocks at lower and
rebalanced your holdings. This 80-to-20 stock- lower prices. The biggest sales occurred in 2003—
Balance is essential to almost all parts of our bond ratio probably was much too risky for you. right as the market was set to rebound over the
lives. We balance work and family issues. We can As it turned out, your portfolio would have next few years. The Definitive
balance our indulgence for desserts with an extra reached the 80 percent stock level at a very inop- To sum up: Greed and fear caused many
trip to the gym. We even balance our checkbooks. portune time—right before the stock market investors to “buy high and sell low”—the opposite Business Contact
But sometimes, we let our investment portfolios get decline of 2000-2002. of the “golden rule” of investing. But if these
out of balance—and that can be a costly mistake.
Of course, for your portfolio to become unbal-
Consequently, to help avoid taking on too much
risk, you should consider rebalancing your portfo-
investors had systematically rebalanced their
portfolios along the way, they could have helped
anced, it had to be balanced to begin with. When lio at regular intervals to bring it back to the asset avoid the negative results that can arise when
you developed your investment strategy, you allocation that’s right for your needs. In the above emotions dictate investment decisions. (Even so,
probably made sure your asset allocation—the example, this would have meant reducing your asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect
percentage of your portfolio that you invested in exposure to stocks and adding more bonds. against loss.)
each asset class, such as stocks or bonds—reflect- But rebalancing your portfolio can do more Your financial advisor can help you establish a
ed your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. In than just restore your asset allocation—it can also rebalancing strategy. But don’t wait too long to
short, your portfolio was balanced. However, over help you take some of the emotions out of invest- begin. A balanced portfolio is an essential step
time, the amount of your portfolio devoted to a ing. How? Consider, once again, the huge rise in toward helping you achieve your long-term finan-
certain asset class could “drift” from your initial stock prices from 1982 to 2000. Caught up in the cial goals.
asset allocation. euphoria of a seemingly endless bull market,
This drifting process can lead to an unbalanced many investors got greedy and kept buying more
portfolio—and leave you vulnerable to market and more stocks—including the so-called “dot-
David Robinson is a financial advi-
forces in ways you hadn’t anticipated. To illustrate com” stocks, many of which had ambitious busi-
sor with Edward Jones in Kankakee.
this point, let’s assume you began investing in ness plans but little, if any, actual earnings. When
1982 with a portfolio weighted 50 percent in the technology “bubble” burst in 2000, these
stocks and 50 percent in bonds. But following the stocks sank—and so did the fortunes of their
long run-up in stock prices, nearly 80 percent of investors. Then during the stock market slump
your portfolio’s value might have been in stocks over the next couple of years, investors, driven by

Available and searchable online at

Dispelling the Disability Myth: or available in print at any
Daily Journal office.
Accommodation Can Restore Productivity
Dorcilla Schoolman | B2B contributor his rights with regard to the employee. As a result, employer could have purchased a screen magnifi-
the employee doesn’t ask for reasonable accommo- er for less than $50 that would help the employee
Often, the general public thinks of ‘disability’ as dations that will enable the employee to do the job to see the screen without struggling. Additionally,
being a developmental disability or one that is vis- efficiently and with the least amount of stress. the employee could be given an accommodation
ible. But the truth is that ‘disability’ has many For example, a loyal, hard-working, productive to take an extra 15-minute break to rest her eyes
more faces. Diabetes, hearing impairment, arthri- employee contracts diabetes and then develops each day. Productivity could be restored.
B2B Illinois is YOUR
tis, visual impairment, and heart ailments are just diabetic retinopathy, a common complication of Please remember—an accommodation may be forum for local business
a few examples of the many types of disabilities. diabetes. As the disease progresses, the employee all that is needed for a person with a disability to news and information.
From walkers to transportation, from grab bars finds that seeing her computer screen, even with perform the essential functions of a job. Don’t Send us your articles, news,
to disability benefits, from bump dots to lift adjusting the font size, is increasingly difficult. By think disability equals absence of ability. Chal- press releases, event photos,
questions and comments:
chairs, there are many services, assistive tech- the end of the day, the employee has stress lenging our old stereotypical impressions and def-
nologies and programs available to assist the per- headaches from concentrating so hard on seeing initions of the word ‘disability’ will help us to find
son with disabilities to remain independent her computer screen. The employee is concerned and keep qualified, talented workers. E-mail Andrew Wheeler at
and/or productive. However, frequently persons about disclosing that she is having difficulty For more information, please visit Great Lakes awheeler@b2billinois.com
with disabilities don’t avail themselves of those because she isn’t sure if she will be viewed as ADA’s website at www.greatlakesada.org.
resources because of the social stigma, because ‘incompetent’ or unable to do her job. Productivi- Your information may appear in print and/or
Dorcilla Schoolman is operations online at www.b2billinois.com.
they believe that these services are costly, or ty has been diminished.
manager for Options Center for
because they don’t think of themselves as having Two rather inexpensive steps could be taken to We reserve the right to edit for grammar, style and
a disability. resolve this problem and it is within the employ- Independent Living. length, not for content. We also reserve the right to
refuse publication of any article for any reason.
Accordingly, the person with a disability in the ee’s rights through the Americans with Disabilities
For submission guidelines, please visit
workforce does not always know his rights with Act (ADA) to ask that they be taken. If the www.b2billinois.com/submissions
regard to his employer, nor does the employer know employee had asked for an accommodation, her

B2B Illinois is a product of The Daily Journal Advertising Department.

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