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Solving thermal expansion, building settlement movement, noise,

vibration, de-aeration & dirt problems in pipes and plant



Pipe House
Solutions 6 Head
Ltd., Potters LaneHornbeam
Office, Wednesbury
Tel:01423-878888 Tel:Fax:01423-878880
0121 502 2517 Fax: 0121 502 5718












This publication contains general information.

If you require more detailed data then please contact us.
Nothing herein constitutes a warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

© Pipe Solutions Ltd

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Pipe Solutions Ltd are a wholly independent company established with the aim of providing the
engineering industry with a one stop shop for solving the problems of thermal expansion,
building settlement movement, noise, vibration, de-aeration and dirt removal in pipes and plant,
whilst providing an unequaled portfolio of expansion joints, flexible connectors, flexible hoses
and couplings, vibration isolators and air removal equipment.

Technical expertise, quality products, professional market support and a value led pricing policy
enable Pipe Solutions Ltd to achieve success in the mechanical engineering industry.

A Quality Management System approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance and certified to
BS EN ISO 9001:2000 enables all in house operations to be completed to the satisfaction of all
Pipe Solutions Ltd clients. From a ‘helping hand’ to a 'complete solution', you are assured of the
highest standard.

Specially developed computer software enable the whole support team to accurately deliver
exactly what is required; from providing prompt product proposals and technical data to timely
product despatches and invoicing.

Pipe Solutions Ltd guarantee customer care. Every team member is committed to the customer.
If you are made a promise, it will be honoured. Tasks that are clearly not achievable will not be
taken on and you will be told immediately. We build our reputation on integrity and honesty.

Pipe Solutions - put us to the test !


Solving thermal expansion, building settlement movement, noise,
vibration, de-aeration & dirt problems in pipes and plant

Pipe Solutions Ltd, Head Office, Hornbeam Park Oval, Harrogate, HG2 8RB
Tel:01423-878888 Fax:01423-878880

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All pipes and vessels expand and contract in direct proportion to a temperature change. This can be
due to the temperature of the flowing media or from surrounding ambient temperature. Wind chill
and solar gain are also factors that should be considered.

Expansion and contraction can be calculated mathematically using the formula:-

X = L × (T1-T2) × CExp

Where, Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for Common Pipe Materials

X = Expansion or Contraction (m)
L = Length of pipe or vessel (m)
Material Coefficient Material Coefficient
T1 = Starting Temperature (ºC)
Copper 16.4 x 10-6 ABS 100 x 10-6
T2 = Final Temperature (ºC)
Carbon Steel 12.2 x 10-6 PVCU 80 x 10-6
CExp = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Stainless Steel (Austeni tic) 16.3 x 10-6 PVCC 70 x 10-6
Stainless Steel (Ferri tic) 10.9 x 10 PE 200 x 10-6
Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for
Cast Iron 11.0 x 10-6 PP 150 x 10-6
various common materials are shown right:-

Expansion rates of common materials at various temperature changes are as follows:-

Temp. Change Rates of Thermal Expansion for Common Pipe Materials (mm/m)
ºC Copper C.Steel S.Steel Cast Iro n ABS PVCU PVCC PE PP
10 0.16 0.12 0.16 0.11 1.00 0.80 0.70 2.00 1.50
20 0.33 0.24 0.33 0.22 2.00 1.60 1.40 4.00 3.00
30 0.49 0.37 0.49 0.33 3.00 2.40 2.10 6.00 4.50
40 0.66 0.49 0.65 0.44 4.00 3.20 2.80 8.00 6.00
50 0.82 0.61 0.82 0.55 5.00 4.00 3.50 10.00 7.50
60 0.98 0.73 0.98 0.66 6.00 4.80 4.20 12.00 9.00
70 1.15 0.85 1.14 0.77 4.90 10.50
80 1.31 0.98 1.30 0.88 5.60 12.00
90 1.48 1.10 1.47 0.99
100 1.64 1.22 1.63 1.10
110 1.80 1.34 1.79 1.21
120 1.97 1.46 1.96 1.32
130 2.13 1.59 2.12 1.43
140 2.30 1.71 2.28 1.54
150 2.46 1.83 2.45 1.65
160 2.62 1.95 2.61
170 2.79 2.07 2.77
180 2.95 2.20 2.93
190 3.12 2.32 3.10
200 3.28 2.44 3.26
210 2.56 3.42
220 2.68 3.59
230 2.81 3.75
240 2.93 3.91
250 3.05 4.08
260 3.17 4.24
270 3.29 4.40
280 3.42 4.56
290 3.54 4.73
300 3.66 4.89

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Exceeding Allowable Stresses

When the pipe is free to move, problems tend not to exist so often. However, when the pipe is
restricted from moving freely, large forces and moments are imposed on pipe supports, anchors
and connections to vessels, plant, etc. As a result, the allowable stress on the pipe and the fixed
points may well be exceeded, leading to premature failure.

Pipe Bowing and Buckling

Other expansion related problems may also start to occur, such as the pipe buckling or bowing. This
is often the direct result of a pipe growing in length between two fixed points. Although the fixed
points (anchors) may not be over-stressed and remain intact, the pipe is being compressed like a
column and could potentially buckle.

Building Settlement Movement

Whenever pipes are routed across structural movement joints in buildings, roads, bridges, etc.,
they will be subjected to differential displacements. These must be taken into consideration when
designing the pipe system.

Vessel Settlement

Pipes may be installed with rigid connections to vessels used for storage of fluids. These
installations will probably be made whilst the vessel is empty. However, when the vessel is filled, the
weight of the fluid may cause settlement of the foundations or compression of spring mountings.
These must be taken into consideration when designing the pipe system.

Plant Vibration and Start-up

Whenever equipment that is installed on anti-vibration mountings starts-up or runs-down, it will

pass through the resonant frequency of the vibration isolation system. At this point, the equipment
will move more than during normal operating conditions. These movements or displacements will
be imposed on the pipework connections and may overstress or fatigue the pipe and or plant
nozzles. Expansion bellows can relieve these stresses and also reduce the transmission of noise
and vibration to the pipe system.

Water Hammer and Flow Induced Movement and Vibration

Turbulent and high velocity flow of liquids in pipes can cause pipe displacements where the liquid
acts upon direction changes and reductions in the pipe system. Where a system process uses
automated valves, fast closure times can cause water hammer. Expansion bellows and flexible
hoses can help with relieving stresses in the pipe.

Wind Loading on Supporting Structures

High wind speeds naturally buffer buildings, bridges, gantries, etc. The forces developed may
cause the structure to sway, which will in turn displace the pipework. If there is a possibility of
displacements being imposed on the pipe, then they must be taken into consideration when
designing the pipe system.

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There is no such thing as a "correct solution" as many can exist. However taking a methodical
approach will unveil the possible solutions that can solve the expansion problems.

Many factors must be taken into consideration. The following information should be gathered
before different methods are considered:-

Pipe Material (Expansion Coefficients)

Pipe Nominal Size (and Gauge, Wall Thickness or Schedule)
Pipe Length, Location and Layout
Temperature (Minimum, Maximum and Starting Temperature)
Pressure (Working and Test)
Connection and Branch Points
Building Structure (Position and Strength of Walls, Floors, Soffits, Mezzanines, etc)



x &
x &
= &




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The majority of pipe systems have direction changes due to the routing through buildings and
structures, over and under roads, etc. This introduces ‘natural’ or ‘inherent’ flexibility into the pipe
system. The ability of the pipe to bend is a function of pipe material, nominal size, wall thickness,
and length allowed to deflect. The result of the pipe being able to bend is to reduce the forces acting
within the system and to reduce the pipe stresses.
Length ‘L’ (m)
Expansion ‘X’ (mm)


Force ‘F’ (N)

The length of pipe required to bend can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-

For carbon steel pipes, L = sqrt(D × X) × 0.10 For copper pipes, L = sqrt(D × X) × 0.06

Where, L = Length (m)

D = Pipe Nominal Diameter (mm)
X = Expansion (mm)

The force required to bend this length of pipe can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-

For carbon steel pipes, F = (24 × I × X) ÷ L³ For copper pipes, F = (8.4 × I × X) ÷ L³

Where, F = Force (N)

I = Moment of Inertia (cm4)
X = Expansion (mm)
L = Length (m)
The moment of inertia (2 moment of area) can be calculated mathematically using the formula:-

I = 3.142 (D4 - d4)


Where, D = Pipe Outer Diameter

d = Pipe Internal Diameter

The stress developed in the bending pipe can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-
5 5
For carbon steel pipes, S = (6 × 10 × D × X) ÷ L² For copper pipes, S = (2.1 × 10 × D × X)÷ L²

Where, S = Stress (N/m²)

D = Pipe Nominal Diameter (mm)
X = Expansion (mm)
L = Length (m)

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The following tables provide an easy look-up for the branch or offset length required to bend by
various amounts of expansion or contraction, for both carbon steel and copper pipes. If 50% cold
pull is used, the branch or offset will accommodate twice the movement; for look-up purposes, use
half the amount of expansion or contraction.

Expansion ‘X’ (mm) PIPE


Offset ‘L’ (m) COLD

Expansion 'X' Branch or Offset Length 'L' (m) required for the stated Carbon Steel Pipe Size (No Cold Pull)
(mm) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
1 0.387 0.447 0.500 0.566 0.632 0.707 0.806 0.894 1.000 1.118 1.225
2 0.548 0.632 0.707 0.800 0.894 1.000 1.140 1.265 1.414 1.581 1.732
3 0.671 0.775 0.866 0.980 1.095 1.225 1.396 1.549 1.732 1.936 2.121
4 0.775 0.894 1.000 1.131 1.265 1.414 1.612 1.789 2.000 2.236 2.449
5 0.866 1.000 1.118 1.265 1.414 1.581 1.803 2.000 2.236 2.500 2.739
10 1.225 1.414 1.581 1.789 2.000 2.236 2.550 2.828 3.162 3.536 3.873
15 1.500 1.732 1.936 2.191 2.449 2.739 3.122 3.464 3.873 4.330 4.743
20 1.732 2.000 2.236 2.530 2.828 3.162 3.606 4.000 4.472 5.000 5.477
25 1.936 2.236 2.500 2.828 3.162 3.536 4.031 4.472 5.000 5.590 6.124
30 2.121 2.449 2.739 3.098 3.464 3.873 4.416 4.899 5.477 6.124 6.708
35 2.291 2.646 2.958 3.347 3.742 4.183 4.770 5.292 5.916 6.614 7.246
40 2.449 2.828 3.162 3.578 4.000 4.472 5.099 5.657 6.325 7.071 7.746
45 2.598 3.000 3.354 3.795 4.243 4.743 5.408 6.000 6.708 7.500 8.216
50 2.739 3.162 3.536 4.000 4.472 5.000 5.701 6.325 7.071 7.906 8.660
60 3.000 3.464 3.873 4.382 4.899 5.477 6.245 6.928 7.746 8.660 9.487
70 3.240 3.742 4.183 4.733 5.292 5.916 6.745 7.483 8.367 9.354 10.247
80 3.464 4.000 4.472 5.060 5.657 6.325 7.211 8.000 8.944 10.000 10.954
90 3.674 4.243 4.743 5.367 6.000 6.708 7.649 8.485 9.487 10.607 11.619
100 3.873 4.472 5.000 5.657 6.325 7.071 8.062 8.944 10.000 11.180 12.247

Expansion 'X' Branch or Offset Length 'L' (m) required for the stated Copper Pipe Size (No Cold Pull)
(mm) 15mm 22mm 28mm 35mm 42mm 54mm 67mm 76mm 108mm 133mm 159mm
1 0.232 0.281 0.317 0.355 0.389 0.441 0.491 0.523 0.624 0.692 0.757
2 0.329 0.398 0.449 0.502 0.550 0.624 0.695 0.740 0.882 0.979 1.070
3 0.402 0.487 0.550 0.615 0.673 0.764 0.851 0.906 1.080 1.198 1.310
4 0.465 0.563 0.635 0.710 0.778 0.882 0.982 1.046 1.247 1.384 1.513
5 0.520 0.629 0.710 0.794 0.869 0.986 1.098 1.170 1.394 1.547 1.692
10 0.735 0.890 1.004 1.122 1.230 1.394 1.553 1.654 1.972 2.188 2.392
15 0.900 1.090 1.230 1.375 1.506 1.708 1.902 2.026 2.415 2.680 2.930
20 1.039 1.259 1.420 1.587 1.739 1.972 2.196 2.339 2.789 3.095 3.383
25 1.162 1.407 1.587 1.775 1.944 2.205 2.456 2.615 3.118 3.460 3.783
30 1.273 1.541 1.739 1.944 2.130 2.415 2.690 2.865 3.415 3.790 4.144
35 1.375 1.665 1.878 2.100 2.300 2.608 2.906 3.095 3.689 4.094 4.476
40 1.470 1.780 2.008 2.245 2.459 2.789 3.106 3.308 3.944 4.376 4.785
45 1.559 1.888 2.130 2.381 2.608 2.958 3.295 3.509 4.183 4.642 5.075
50 1.643 1.990 2.245 2.510 2.750 3.118 3.473 3.699 4.409 4.893 5.350
60 1.800 2.180 2.459 2.750 3.012 3.415 3.804 4.052 4.830 5.360 5.860
70 1.944 2.355 2.656 2.970 3.253 3.689 4.109 4.376 5.217 5.789 6.330
80 2.078 2.517 2.840 3.175 3.478 3.944 4.393 4.678 5.577 6.189 6.767
90 2.205 2.670 3.012 3.367 3.689 4.183 4.659 4.962 5.915 6.564 7.177
100 2.324 2.814 3.175 3.550 3.888 4.409 4.911 5.231 6.235 6.920 7.566

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The following tables provide an easy look-up for the length of the loop sides required to bend by
various amounts of expansion or contraction, for both carbon steel and copper pipes. If 50% cold
pull is used, the loop will accommodate twice the movement; for look-up purposes, use half the
amount of expansion or contraction.

Side Length ‘L’ (m)

ANCHOR Expansion ‘X’ (mm) ANCHOR

Expansion 'X' Loop Side Length 'L' (m) required for the stated Carbon Steel Pipe Size (No Cold Pull)
(mm) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
1 0.274 0.316 0.354 0.400 0.447 0.500 0.570 0.632 0.707 0.791 0.866
2 0.387 0.447 0.500 0.566 0.632 0.707 0.806 0.894 1.000 1.118 1.225
3 0.474 0.548 0.612 0.693 0.775 0.866 0.987 1.095 1.225 1.369 1.500
4 0.548 0.632 0.707 0.800 0.894 1.000 1.140 1.265 1.414 1.581 1.732
5 0.612 0.707 0.791 0.894 1.000 1.118 1.275 1.414 1.581 1.768 1.936
10 0.866 1.000 1.118 1.265 1.414 1.581 1.803 2.000 2.236 2.500 2.739
15 1.061 1.225 1.369 1.549 1.732 1.936 2.208 2.449 2.739 3.062 3.354
20 1.225 1.414 1.581 1.789 2.000 2.236 2.550 2.828 3.162 3.536 3.873
25 1.369 1.581 1.768 2.000 2.236 2.500 2.850 3.162 3.536 3.953 4.330
30 1.500 1.732 1.936 2.191 2.449 2.739 3.122 3.464 3.873 4.330 4.743
35 1.620 1.871 2.092 2.366 2.646 2.958 3.373 3.742 4.183 4.677 5.123
40 1.732 2.000 2.236 2.530 2.828 3.162 3.606 4.000 4.472 5.000 5.477
45 1.837 2.121 2.372 2.683 3.000 3.354 3.824 4.243 4.743 5.303 5.809
50 1.936 2.236 2.500 2.828 3.162 3.536 4.031 4.472 5.000 5.590 6.124
60 2.121 2.449 2.739 3.098 3.464 3.873 4.416 4.899 5.477 6.124 6.708
70 2.291 2.646 2.958 3.347 3.742 4.183 4.770 5.292 5.916 6.614 7.246
80 2.449 2.828 3.162 3.578 4.000 4.472 5.099 5.657 6.325 7.071 7.746
90 2.598 3.000 3.354 3.795 4.243 4.743 5.408 6.000 6.708 7.500 8.216
100 2.739 3.162 3.536 4.000 4.472 5.000 5.701 6.325 7.071 7.906 8.660

Expansion 'X' Loop Side Length 'L' (m) required for the stated Copper Pipe Size (No Cold Pull)
(mm) 15mm 22mm 28mm 35mm 42mm 54mm 67mm 76mm 108mm 133mm 159mm
1 0.164 0.199 0.224 0.251 0.275 0.312 0.347 0.370 0.441 0.489 0.535
2 0.232 0.281 0.317 0.355 0.389 0.441 0.491 0.523 0.624 0.692 0.757
3 0.285 0.345 0.389 0.435 0.476 0.540 0.601 0.641 0.764 0.847 0.927
4 0.329 0.398 0.449 0.502 0.550 0.624 0.695 0.740 0.882 0.979 1.070
5 0.367 0.445 0.502 0.561 0.615 0.697 0.777 0.827 0.986 1.094 1.196
10 0.520 0.629 0.710 0.794 0.869 0.986 1.098 1.170 1.394 1.547 1.692
15 0.636 0.771 0.869 0.972 1.065 1.207 1.345 1.432 1.708 1.895 2.072
20 0.735 0.890 1.004 1.122 1.230 1.394 1.553 1.654 1.972 2.188 2.392
25 0.822 0.995 1.122 1.255 1.375 1.559 1.736 1.849 2.205 2.446 2.675
30 0.900 1.090 1.230 1.375 1.506 1.708 1.902 2.026 2.415 2.680 2.930
35 0.972 1.177 1.328 1.485 1.627 1.844 2.055 2.188 2.608 2.895 3.165
40 1.039 1.259 1.420 1.587 1.739 1.972 2.196 2.339 2.789 3.095 3.383
45 1.102 1.335 1.506 1.684 1.844 2.091 2.330 2.481 2.958 3.282 3.589
50 1.162 1.407 1.587 1.775 1.944 2.205 2.456 2.615 3.118 3.460 3.783
60 1.273 1.541 1.739 1.944 2.130 2.415 2.690 2.865 3.415 3.790 4.144
70 1.375 1.665 1.878 2.100 2.300 2.608 2.906 3.095 3.689 4.094 4.476
80 1.470 1.780 2.008 2.245 2.459 2.789 3.106 3.308 3.944 4.376 4.785
90 1.559 1.888 2.130 2.381 2.608 2.958 3.295 3.509 4.183 4.642 5.075
100 1.643 1.990 2.245 2.510 2.750 3.118 3.473 3.699 4.409 4.893 5.350

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If natural flexibility is insufficient, or the resultant forces are excessive, then expansion joints are the
next solution. However, there are several different models and it must be decided which is the best
for the pipe system being designed.

The possible positions and strengths of anchors and guides must be considered. Different models
of expansion joint, when combined with the pipe system parameters, will impose different forces.

The expansion joints can be divided into two main groups. These are ‘unrestrained’ and ‘restrained’
expansion joints. All expansion joints fall into one of these groups as illustrated below:-


The AXIAL expansion joint is the only model that

falls into the unrestrained group. Generally they
are designed to accommodate movements of
between 25mm and 50mm. They are limited to
axial travel only and must be suitably anchored
and guided so as to prevent damage. The only
exception to this rule is on very low pressure
systems up to 2 Bar, such as combined heat and
power exhaust applications.


There are several expansion joint models that fall

into the restrained group. With all these models,
anchor forces are generally lower than with
unrestrained expansion joints, and furthermore,
fewer pipe guides are required.

LATERAL expansion joints can be designed to

accommodate very large movements. They are
limited to lateral travel only. FULLY
ARTICULATED models can allow lateral
movement in any direction from their main axis.
DOUBLE HINGED models can allow lateral
movement in one plane only.

HINGED expansion joints, when used in sets of 2

or 3, can be designed to accommodate very large
movements. They are limited to angular travel
only, but effectively create articulating sections of
pipe when used with a 2nd or 3rd unit. They are
also known as ANGULAR expansion joints.

GIMBAL expansion joints are similar in principle

to the HINGED model, but they are able to
angulate in any direction from their main axis.
When used in sets of 2 or 3, or in conjunction with
HINGED models, they can be designed to
accommodate very large movements.

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The unrestrained AXIAL expansion joint must only be used in straight pipe runs that have been
adequately anchored and guided. Typical layouts are illustrated below:-

Anchor Primary Guides Intermediate Guides Anchor

Anchor Intermediate Guide Primary Guides Primary Guides Intermediate Guide Anchor

Comparing the two diagrams above, it can be seen that the axial expansion joint may be positioned
anywhere in a straight pipe run. However, the number of primary and intermediate guides required
varies, so it is important to carefully consider the options available on site.

Anchor Intermediate Primary Anchor Primary Intermediate Anchor

Guide Guides Guides Guide

Anchor Primary Anchor Primary Anchor

Guides Guides

The same comparison with regard to the numbers of guides can be made for the above two
diagrams. Also consider in these two cases the ease of access for periodic inspection in the future;
i.e. one access point, or two access points.

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The restrained LATERAL expansion joint can be used in pipe runs that contain direction changes, or
they can be used at intersections of two pipe runs that do not run parallel. Typical layouts are
illustrated below:-
Intermediate Guides Planar Guide

Anchor Cold Pull

Here the LATERAL expansion joint is used at the end of a long single pipe
run. Note the planar guide allowing the upper pipe to bend to compensate
for the arc-swing of the expansion joint. Anchor

Intermediate Guides Planar Guide

Cold Pull
Anchor Anchor

Here the LATERAL expansion joint is used in an

offset between two pipe runs that are parallel to
each other. Note the planar guide allowing the
upper pipe to bend to compensate for the arc-swing
of the expansion joint.
Intermediate Guides

Planar Guide

Intermediate Guides

Intermediate Guides

Cold Pull
Here the LATERAL expansion joint is used in a vertical offset
between two pipe runs that are perpendicular to each other.
Note the planar guide allowing the upper pipe to bend to
Anchor compensate for the arc-swing of the expansion joint.

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The restrained HINGED expansion joint can be used in sets of 2 or 3 in pipe runs that contain
direction changes, or they can be used at intersections of two pipe runs that are not parallel.
Typical layouts are illustrated below:-


Anchor Intermediate Guides Intermediate Cold Intermediate Anchor
Guide Pull Guide

Here two HINGED expansion joints are

used in an offset between two pipe runs
that are parallel to each other.
Anchor Intermediate Pull Intermediate
Guide Guide 3-PIN ‘Z’ SYSTEM

Intermediate Guides Anchor

Here three HINGED expansion joints are
used adjacent to a small offset between
two pipe runs that are parallel to each
other. Cold Pull

Intermediate Guides

Cold Pull Cold Pull

Here three HINGED expansion
joints are used in a loop in a very
long straight pipe run.



Cold Pull
Here three HINGED expansion joints are used at the
Intermediate direction change between two long pipe runs that are
Guide perpendicular to each other.

Cold Anchor
Intermediate Pull Intermediate Intermediate
Guide Guide Guide

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The restrained GIMBAL expansion joint can be used in sets of 2 alone, or in a set of 2 with 1 Hinged
expansion joint. They can be used in pipe runs that contain direction changes, or they can be used
at intersections of two pipe runs that do not run parallel. Typical layouts are illustrated below:-

Planar Guide


Cold Pull

Here two GIMBAL expansion joint are used in a vertical offset
between two pipe runs that are perpendicular to each other. Anchor
Note the planar guide allowing the upper pipe to bend to
compensate for the arc-swing of the expansion joint.

Planar Guide

Anchor Spring Support


Here two GIMBAL expansion joints are used in conjunction Guides
with one HINGED expansion joint to accommodate thermal
expansion in a complex multi-directional pipe system.

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Pipe anchors are required to control pipe expansion or contraction, and for ‘natural’ flexibility or
expansion joints to function as designed. The forces acting on the pipe anchors will comprise one or
more of the following:-

• Friction force of the pipe moving over the supports, relative to pipe slope

• Bending force of the offset or branch

• Spring force of the bellows of the expansion joint

• Pressure thrust force of unrestrained expansion joints

• Centrifugal force of the flowing media acting on pipe direction changes

• Wind loading force relative to wind speed and height above ground

• Dead weight force of pipe, media, insulation and components

Each of these forces are considered separately over the next few pages as follows:-

Friction Force

As the pipe expands or contracts over its supports, it encounters friction. The anchors must resist
this friction force, which is a function of the weight of the pipe, insulation and contents, coefficient of
friction and the slope of the pipe. For vertical pipes (risers), friction forces are small, but can be
estimated at 15% of the anchor force multiplied by the coefficient of friction.

The friction force can be calculated mathematically using the formula:- F = M × G × CFriction

Where, F = Force (N)

M = Mass (kg)
G = Gravitational Acceleration (9.81m/s2)
CFriction = Coefficient of Friction

Coefficients of friction vary. As a guide, use the following:-

Steel on P.T.F.E. = 0.03

Point Contact steel on steel = 0.20
Line Contact steel on steel = 0.25
Edge Contact steel on steel = 0.30
Face to Face Contact steel on steel = 0.40

Coefficient of Friction force (N) for 1m horizontal length of water filled insulated* BS1387 heavy steel pipe
Frictio n 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
0.03 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.4 3.4 4.4 6.7 9.1 11.7
0.2 3.1 4.3 6.9 9.4 11.2 16.3 22.6 29.4 44.7 60.6 78.3
0.25 3.9 5.4 8.6 11.8 14.0 20.4 28.2 36.8 55.9 75.8 97.9
0.3 4.7 6.5 10.3 14.1 16.8 24.4 33.8 44.1 67.1 90.9 117.4
0.4 6.3 8.6 13.7 18.8 22.4 32.6 45.1 58.9 89.5 121.3 156.6
*Insulati on is 50mm thi ck and has a density of 200k g per cub ic metr e

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Bending Force

As the pipe expands or contracts it may try to bend offsets at the end of the run, or branches off the
main pipe. The anchors must resist this bending force, which is a function of the moment of inertia of
the pipe, the amount of expansion, and the length of pipe able to bend.

The bending force can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-

For carbon steel pipes, F = (24 × I × X) ÷ L³ For copper pipes, F = (8.4 × I × X) ÷ L³

Where, F = Force (N)

I = Moment of Inertia (cm4)
X = Expansion (mm)
L = Length (m)

Expansion Force (N) to bend a 2m length of BS1387 heavy steel pipe by the stated expansion
(mm) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
1 2.4 5.3 12.9 27.5 41.9 92.4 193.5 342.0 816.0 1560.0 2586.0
2 4.7 10.5 25.7 55.0 83.9 184.8 387.0 684.0 1632.0 3120.0 5172.0
3 7.1 15.8 38.6 82.4 125.8 277.2 580.5 1026.0 2448.0 4680.0
4 9.5 21.0 51.5 109.9 167.8 369.6 774.0 1368.0 3264.0
5 11.9 26.3 64.4 137.4 209.7 462.0 967.5 1710.0
10 23.7 52.5 128.7 274.8 419.4
15 35.6 78.8 193.1
20 47.4 105.0
25 59.3
Blank s paces i ndicate that the pi pe would be overstr essed

Spring Rate Force

As the pipe expands or contracts it may need to deflect expansion joints installed in the pipe system.
The anchors must resist the force required to overcome the ‘spring’ of the bellows, which is a
function of the amount of expansion and the linear or angular spring rate of the bellows, which can
be found on expansion joint data sheets.

The spring force can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-

For axial expansion joints, F = X × SLin

Where, F = Force (N)

X = Expansion (mm)
SLin = Linear Spring Rate (N/mm)

For hinged expansion joints, F = (X × SAng) ÷ L

Where, F = Force (N)

X = Expansion (mm)
SAng = Angular Spring Rate (Nm/deg)
L = Length of pipe between bellows

It is often easier to use the maximum force to deflect when it is stated on the expansion joint data
sheets, even though the expansion joint is not being fully deflected.

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Pressure Thrust Force

As the pipe expands it may need to deflect axial expansion joints installed in the pipe system. The
anchors must be able to resist the pressure thrust force which is present whenever unrestrained
(axial) expansion joints are used. This force is a function of the effective area of the bellows and the
working or test pressure at the expansion joint location.

The pressure thrust force can be calculated mathematically using the formulae:-

For working conditions, F = AE × Pworking × 0.1 For test conditions, F = AE × Ptest × 0.1

Where, F = Force (N)

AE = Effective Area (cm2), taken from data sheets
PWorking = Working Pressure (kN/m )
PTest = Test Pressure (kN/m2), often 1.5x working pressure
0.1 = Correction Factor, due to measurement units used
Pressure Pressure Thrust Force (N) exerted by Axial Expansion Joints at the stated pressure
(kN/m²) (bar ) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
100 1 60 80 100 190 230 350 530 720 1110 1690 2340
200 2 120 160 200 380 460 700 1060 1440 2220 3380 4680
300 3 180 240 300 570 690 1050 1590 2160 3330 5070 7020
400 4 240 320 400 760 920 1400 2120 2880 4440 6760 9360
500 5 300 400 500 950 1150 1750 2650 3600 5550 8450 11700
600 6 360 480 600 1140 1380 2100 3180 4320 6660 10140 14040
700 7 420 560 700 1330 1610 2450 3710 5040 7770 11830 16380
800 8 480 640 800 1520 1840 2800 4240 5760 8880 13520 18720
900 9 540 720 900 1710 2070 3150 4770 6480 9990 15210 21060
1000 10 600 800 1000 1900 2300 3500 5300 7200 11100 16900 23400
1100 11 660 880 1100 2090 2530 3850 5830 7920 12210 18590 25740
1200 12 720 960 1200 2280 2760 4200 6360 8640 13320 20280 28080
1300 13 780 1040 1300 2470 2990 4550 6890 9360 14430 21970 30420
1400 14 840 1120 1400 2660 3220 4900 7420 10080 15540 23660 32760
1500 15 900 1200 1500 2850 3450 5250 7950 10800 16650 25350 35100
1600 16 960 1280 1600 3040 3680 5600 8480 11520 17760 27040 37440
2000 20 1200 1600 2000 3800 4600 7000 10600 14400 22200 33800 46800
2400 24 1440 1920 2400 4560 5520 8400 12720 17280 26640 40560 56160

Centrifugal Force

As the media flows through the pipe, it encounters bends. At these bends the flowing media exerts a
centrifugal force on the pipe. The anchors (and guides) may have to resist this centrifugal force,
which is a function of the media density, media velocity, area of the bend, bend angle, and G.
The centrifugal force can be calculated mathematically using the formula:- F=(D×V ×A×Sin BAng)÷G

Where, F = Force (N)

D = Density of the media (kg/m3)
V = Velocity (m/s)
A = Area of the bend on which the flowing media acts (cm )
BAng = Bend Angle (degrees)
G = Gravitational Acceleration (9.81m/s 2)
Centrifugal force (N) for water flowing round a 90deg steel pipe bend at the stated velocity
Velocity (m/s) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
0.5 47 84 134 231 313 502 843 1165 1978 3019 4317
1.0 187 334 534 926 1254 2009 3372 4661 7910 12075 17269
1.5 420 753 1202 2083 2821 4521 7587 10488 17798 27168 38856
2.0 747 1338 2136 3704 5016 8038 13487 18645 31641 48300 69077
3.0 1681 3010 4806 8333 11286 18085 30347 41952 71192 108674 155424
Water dens ity at 20C is 1000kg/m3

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Wind Loading Force

Wind loading forces occur significantly at high wind velocity on exposed sites. The anchors (and
guides) have to resist this wind loading force, which is a function of the wind velocity, height above
ground, and area of the side of the pipe (and insulation).

The wind loading force can be calculated mathematically using the formula:- F = Fwind × AEffective

Where, F = Force (N)

FWind = Lateral Wind Force (N/m )
AEffective = Effective Area (m )

Wind Wind Type Lateral Wind Lateral Wind Loading Force (N) per metre length of Insulated BS1387 Heavy Steel Pipes
Velocity Force (N/m2) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
(m/s) Effecti ve Area
0.122 0.127 0.134 0.143 0.149 0.161 0.177 0.189 0.215 0.241 0.266
5 Gentle Breeze 16 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.3
10 Fresh Breeze 63 7.7 8.0 8.4 9.0 9.4 10.1 11.2 11.9 13.5 15.2 16.8
15 Moderate Gale 139 17.0 17.7 18.6 19.9 20.7 22.4 24.6 26.3 29.9 33.5 37.0
20 Fresh Gale 250 30.5 31.8 33.5 35.8 37.3 40.3 44.3 47.3 53.8 60.3 66.5
25 Whole Gale 390 47.6 49.5 52.3 55.8 58.1 62.8 69.0 73.7 83.9 94.0 103.7
30 Storm 563 68.7 71.5 75.4 80.5 83.9 90.6 99.7 106.4 121.0 135.7 149.8
35 Hurricane 761 92.8 96.6 102.0 108.8 113.4 122.5 134.7 143.8 163.6 183.4 202.4
40 1000 122.0 127.0 134.0 143.0 149.0 161.0 177.0 189.0 215.0 241.0 266.0
Based on an Insul ation Thi ckness of 50mm

Dead Weight Force

Dead weight forces must always be taken into account when designing anchors, guides and
supports. The anchors (and guides when used to support the pipe) have to resist these dead weight

This is very important when designing anchors for vertical pipes (risers) in tall buildings.

The dead weight forces can be calculated mathematically using the formula:-

F = (Mpipe + Mmedia + Minsulation) × G × L

Where, F = Force (N)

Mpipe = Mass of Pipe per metre (kg/m)
Mmedia = Mass of Media per metre (kg/m)
Minsulation = Mass of Insulation per metre (kg/m)
G = Gravitational Constant (9.81)
L = Length of pipe (m)

Mass (kg/m) for Pipe, Water Contents and Insulat ion for B S1387 Heavy Steel Pipes
Component 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
Pipe 1.45 1.90 2.97 3.84 4.43 6.17 7.90 10.10 14.40 17.80 21.20
Water 0.18 0.33 0.52 0.93 1.27 2.07 3.53 4.91 8.38 13.05 18.70
Insulati on 2.30 2.40 2.60 2.90 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.40 5.20 6.00 6.80

TOTAL 3.93 4.63 6.09 7.67 8.80 11.74 15.43 19.41 27.98 36.85 46.70
Insulati on is 50mm thi ck with dens ity of 200kg/m3

Do not forget to add the mass of any other pipe fittings such as valves, strainers, de-aerators, etc.

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Pipe guides are required to control the direction of pipe expansion or contraction, and for the
‘natural’ flexibility or expansion joint solution to function as designed.
They should be capable of withstanding a lateral force of 15% of the total force acting on the pipe
anchor. The lateral force could act in any direction that is perpendicular to the pipe axis. This is
advised in the Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA).

The pipe guide spacings can be calculated mathematically using the formula:-

LGuide = (3.142 / fGuide) × sqrt[ (E x I) / (F × S) ]

Where, LGuide = Length between Guides (m)

fGuide = Guide Factor
E = Modulus of Elasticity (N/m2)
I = Moment of Inertia (cm )
F = Total Buckling Force (N)
S = Safety Factor (3 is recommended)

The values for Guide Factor [fGuide] for the pipe section being guided is based as follows:-
When both sides of the expansion joint are axially guided (close tolerance), take fGuide = 0.5
When both sides are simply supported (roller/chair), take fGuide = 1.0

Modulus of Elasticity for Common Pipe Mater ials (Approximate)

Modulus of Elasticity [E] values for METALS PLASTICS
various common materials are shown right:- Modulus Modulus
Material Material
(N/m2) (N/m2)
The moment of inertia can be calculated Copper 70 x 109 ABS 1.8 x 109

mathematically using the formula:- Carbon Steel 200 x109 PVCU 3.0 x 109
Stainless Steel (Austenitic) 190 x 10 PVCC 2.8 x 109
4 4
I = 3.142 (D - d )
Stainless Steel (Ferritic) 190 x 10 PE 0.7 to 0.9 x 109
0.9 to 1.5 x 109
64 Aluminium 65 x 10 PP

Where, D = Pipe Outer Diameter

d = Pipe Internal Diameter

The Total Buckling Force [F] for the pipe section comprises several components:-

For standard axial expansion joints (unrestrained) the components will usually be:-
Friction Force + Spring Rate Force + Pressure Thrust Force

For lateral, hinged and gimbal expansion joints (restrained) the components will usually be:-
Friction Force + Spring Rate Force

For natural flexing pipe installations, such as offsets and loops, the components will usually be:-
Friction Force + Bending Force

Please refer to the previous section headed PIPE ANCHORS for force calculations.

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Pipe Guides used with Unrestrained Expansion Joints

4D 4D 14D See Table See Table See Table See Table

Anchor 1st Primary 2nd Primary Intermediate Anchor

Guide Guide Guides

Primary Guides
These are of paramount importance when considering unrestrained or axial expansion joints. There
should be a maximum of 4 pipe diameters from the expansion joint to the 1st guide and 14 pipe
diameters from the 1st to the 2nd guide. This is advised in BS6129.
If the expansion joint is positioned adjacent to an anchor, then the distance to the anchor should be
a maximum of 4 pipe diameters.

Intermediate Guides
These are required at intervals to prevent bowing or buckling of the pipe between the 2nd primary
guide and the anchor. The spacing between these guides depends on the pipe nominal size,
material, wall thickness and forces acting along the pipe.
The pipe guide spacings can be calculated mathematically using the previous formula:-

LGuide = (3.142 / fGuide) × sqrt[ (E x I) / (F × S) ]

As both sides of axial expansion joints must always be guided (close tolerance as detailed below), a
value of 0.5 is taken for the Guide Factor [fGuide].
The Pressure Maximum is taken as the system test pressure.
The Bellows Effective Area (AE) is taken from data sheets.

Test Pressure Max. Intermediate Guide Spacing (m) for BS1387 Medium Steel Pipes used with Axial Exp Joints
(Barg) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
Modulus of El asti cit y, E 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Moment of Inert ia, I 0.71 1.5 3.7 7.74 11.78 26.2 54.5 97 231 470 787
Guiding Fac tor, G 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Bellows Ef fect ive Area (cm2) 6 8 10 19 23 35 53 72 111 169 234
2.5 3.5 4.4 6.2 6.5 7.3 8.9 10.4 11.9 14.8 17.1 18.8
6 2.3 2.9 4.0 4.2 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 9.6 11.0 12.1
10 1.8 2.2 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.4 5.2 6.0 7.4 8.6 9.4
16 1.4 1.8 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.9 6.8 7.4
25 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.7 5.4 6.0
(Support Centres) 2.0 2.4 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.7 3.7 4.1 4.4 4.8
Support Centres as found in CIBSE Gui de B

When considering copper pipes, reduce the intermediate guide spacing by approximately 30%
because copper is more flexible than steel and will tend to bow or buckle more easily.

The effectiveness of pipe guides to direct the expansion movement towards an axial expansion joint
depends on the clearance between the pipe and the guide.

For primary guides, an annulus of 1mm (i.e. 1mm all-round clearance) is recommended for pipes up
to 150mm NB. Larger pipes may have an annulus of 2mm (i.e. 2mm all-round clearance).

For intermediate guides, an annulus of 2mm (i.e. 2mm all-round clearance) is recommended for
pipes up to 150mm NB. Larger pipes may have an annulus of 4mm (i.e. 4mm all-round clearance).

NOTE: as horizontal pipes may naturally sit on the bottom of the guide, then the clearance above
the pipe will be twice the clearances stated above.
Further information regarding pipe guides and supports can be found in BS3974.

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Pipe Guides used with Restrained Expansion Joints or ‘Natural’ Flexing Pipe

See Table See Table See Table See Table

Planar Guide Intermediate Guides


See Table See Table See Table See Table

Planar Guide Intermediate Guides


When considering pipe guides for use with restrained expansion joint systems or natural flexing
pipe systems, the spacing depends on the pipe nominal size, material, wall thickness and forces
acting along the pipe.
The previous formula enables us to tabulate guide spacings based on the largest anchor force.
Anchor Force Guide Spacing (m) for BS1387 Medium Steel Pipes used with Restrained EJs / 'Nat' Flexing
Max. (N) 15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
Modulus of Elasticity, E 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Moment of Inerti a, I 0.71 1.5 3.7 7.74 11.78 26.2 54.5 97 231 470 787
Guiding Fac tor, G 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
1000 1.37 1.99 3.12 4.51 5.57 8.31 11.98 15.98 24.66 35.18 45.52
2000 0.97 1.41 2.21 3.19 3.94 5.87 8.47 11.30 17.44 24.87 32.19
3000 0.79 1.15 1.80 2.61 3.22 4.79 6.92 9.23 14.24 20.31 26.28
4000 0.68 0.99 1.56 2.26 2.78 4.15 5.99 7.99 12.33 17.59 22.76
5000 0.61 0.89 1.40 2.02 2.49 3.71 5.36 7.15 11.03 15.73 20.36
6000 0.56 0.81 1.27 1.84 2.27 3.39 4.89 6.52 10.07 14.36 18.58
7000 0.75 1.18 1.71 2.10 3.14 4.53 6.04 9.32 13.30 17.20
8000 1.10 1.60 1.97 2.94 4.23 5.65 8.72 12.44 16.09
9000 1.50 1.86 2.77 3.99 5.33 8.22 11.73 15.17
10000 1.76 2.63 3.79 5.05 7.80 11.12 14.39
20000 1.86 2.68 3.57 5.51 7.87 10.18
30000 2.19 2.92 4.50 6.42 8.31
40000 2.53 3.90 5.56 7.20
50000 3.49 4.97 6.44
60000 4.54 5.88
70000 5.44
(Support Centres) 2.0 2.4 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.7 3.7 4.1 4.4 4.8
Support Centres as found i n CIBSE Guide B - Safety Fac tor used i s 3

For these guides, the clearance between the pipe and the guide is not so critical as compared to
those for axial expansion joints. An annulus of 2mm (i.e. 2mm all-round clearance) is recommended
for pipes up to 150mm NB. Larger pipes may have an annulus of 4mm (i.e. 4mm all-round

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Having covered the important calculations relating to anchors and guides over the last few pages, it
seems appropriate to show some typical examples.


Very Light Light Medium Heavy Duck-foot


Saddle / Strap Tubular T-Slide Double

Channel Slide

Roller / Strap Tube with T-Slide with Double

Spacing Rods PTFE Inserts Roller and Chair

Roller, Chair Tube with T-Slide with Double

& Guide “Spider” Clamp Roller T-Slide


Spring Spring Spring
Mounts Hangers Hangers

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Cold pull or cold draw is applicable to the ‘natural’ flexing solution, as well as unrestrained and
restrained expansion joint solutions.

Cold pull effectively has the potential to halve the movement being imposed on the pipe offset, loop
or expansion joint.

50% Cold Pull

By applying 50% of the expansion in a pipe run as cold pull, a pipe offset or loop is then only required
to deflect by a smaller amount, effectively reducing the stresses.

Another way of considering cold pull is that a pipe offset or loop can accommodate more expansion
if it is pre-set to position that returns to the neutral position when the pipe is subjected to half the
temperature rise, and moves beyond the neutral position when full temperature is reached.

100% Cold Pull

There are occasions when 100% cold pull is best. For example, when considering very high
temperature pipes that are subjected to continuous heat (e.g. steam, MTHW or HTHW distribution
mains), the working stress in the bellows convolutions can be reduced dramatically if they come to
rest in their neutral position.

Pre-Cold Pulled Expansion Joints

Axial expansion joints are often supplied with cold pull applied in the factory. This is good practice as
it relieves the engineer on site from applying cold pull on each pipe run. However, where there is a
temperature drop after the axial expansion joints have been installed, then models allowing
expansion and contraction must be specified.
Restrained expansion joints such as the angular and lateral models are not usually supplied pre-
cold pulled.

Applying Cold Pull to Unrestrained Expansion Joint Systems

Having calculated the amount of cold pull, a block of timber of thickness equal to the cold pull
amount is placed between 2 flanges, either between the axial expansion joint flange and the mating
flange, or between 2 mating flanges further down the pipe run before the anchor. The pipe
installation, together with anchors and guides is then fully completed. The block of timber can be
removed and the gap drawn togther with long high tensile bolts, remembering the gasket of course.
The long bolts must not be replaced with standard length bolts and the location must be clearly
identified as the COLD PULL position so that future engineers can identify it as such .

Applying Cold Pull to Restrained Expansion Joint Systems and Natural Flexing Pipe

The process is carried out in the same way, with the exception that if there are 2 significant pipe runs
with the expansion ‘pushing’ towards the same expansion system, then 2 cold pull positions are

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Pipe Insulation / Lagging
When insulating pipes that contain expansion joints, some points should be noted as follows:-
The movement of the expansion joints must not be restricted by the insulation material.
The movement of flexing pipe must not be restricted by the insulation material.
The insulation material must be removable from the expansion joint to allow for periodic inspection.
Care must be taken when considering the type of insulation material to be used,
as some materials contain substances that can cause corrosion of the bellows membrane under certain conditions.

Installation Check List

After installation of expansion joints, guides, anchors and supports etc, the engineer must consider the following questions:-
Have the correct type of expansion joints been installed ?
Have the expansion joints been installed correctly ?
Have the expansion joints, guides and anchors been installed in the correct location ?
Has the correct amount of cold pull (cold draw) been applied ?
Has sufficient clearance been allowed for correct operation of the expansion joints ?
Have the expansion joints been damaged in any way ?
Have all transport supports been removed ?

Commissioning of a pipework system usually includes a pressure test, more often than not at a multiple of 1.5x or 2x the intended
system working pressure. The pressure test will normally be at ambient temperature.
Removing expansion joints from a system prior to testing is NOT good practice. This defeats the object of testing because other
system components, such as anchors, guides, supports, etc are NOT subjected to the larger forces which may be encountered with
expansion joints, in particular, axial expansion joints. Also, if expansion joints are not present during the test, any leaks in the
expansion joint will not become apparent until the system is under working conditions. The engineer must check points as follows :-

Check BEFORE the pressure test:

Ensure that the system test pressure does not exceed the maximum for the expansion joints.
Ensure that main and intermediate anchors are strong enough to withstand the test pressure.
Ensure that primary and intermediate guides are free to allow pipe movement.
Ensure that expansion joint moving parts are free to allow movement.

Check DURING the pressure test: WARNING: Take care when checking pressurised components !
Check for any evidence of leakage.
Check for any pressure loss.
Check for malfunction of expansion joints, anchors, guides and supports.
Check in particular for any evidence of snaking or squirm in the bellows membrane.
Investigate ALL abnormal changes or unexpected occurance.

Check AFTER the pressure test:

Ensure that moving components have returned to their original positions.
Ensure that any necessary drain down has been accomplished.

Start Up Check:
Ensure that chemical additives are correct and will not damage the expansion joint bellows membrane.
Ensure that the thermal expansion of the pipework causes movement in the anticipated manner.
Ensure that the expansion joints absorb the movement in the manner for which they were designed.
Ensure that all components are still operating within their design limits at maximum system working conditions.
Ensure that the system itself is operating within design limits.
Records must be made throughout ALL of the above stages. If problems arise, the procedure MUST be halted and investigated.

Operation and Maintenance

Records of system changes must be made, such as temperature, pressure, cycling, pipework mod’s etc. Any changes must be
evaluated to assess exactly what consequences they may have on system components. Consult the designer of the original system.

Periodic inspection of expansion joints must be made. All expansion joints have a limited life expectancy; this will have been
considered during system design, however early failure sometimes occurs due mainly to secondary factors. During periodic
inspection the following factors should be looked for:-
Mechanical damage to the bellows convolutions.
Corrosion of the bellows convolutions.
Loosening of flange bolts or pipe threads.
Seizing of guides and supports.
Weakening of anchors, guides and supports.
Debris or foreign material in the bellows convolutions.
Seizing of hinges or ties on expansion joints.

Expansion joints are maintenance free. As part of a maintenance program, expansion joints must be kept clean and free of foreign
material. Corrosion protection must be exercised from day one. Soldering flux is HIGHLY CORROSIVE to bellows convolutions.

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Gauge Specific
Pressure Temperature Volume Density
(Barg) o
( C)
(m /kg) (kg/m3)

0 100.0 1.694 0.590

1.0 120.2 0.886 1.129

2.0 133.5 0.606 1.651
3.0 143.6 0.462 2.163
4.0 151.8 0.375 2.668
5.0 158.8 0.316 3.169
6.0 165.0 0.273 3.666
7.0 170.4 0.240 4.161
8.0 175.4 0.215 4.653
9.0 179.9 0.194 5.144

10.0 184.1 0.177 5.650

20.0 212.4 0.100 10.043
30.0 233.8 0.067 15.004
40.0 250.3 0.050 20.092
50.0 263.9 0.039 25.355
60.0 275.6 0.032 30.826
70.0 285.8 0.027 36.536
80.0 295.0 0.024 42.517
90.0 303.3 0.020 48.828

100.0 311.0 0.018 55.494

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Nominal Material Wall Max Min Mean Int Metal Surface Moment Section Pipe Water Support
Size Thick O/D O/D I/D Cross- Cross- Area / Of Mod Weight Content Centres
BS1387 Steel -ness section section Metre Inertia -ulus
Area Area Length
BS2871 Copper
mm mm mm mm mm2 mm2 m2 cm4 cm3 kg/m l/m m
15mm Heavy steel 3.25 21.7 21.1 14.9 175 186 0.067 0.79 0.736 1.45 0.175 2.0
Medium steel 2.65 21.7 21.1 16.2 205 155 0.067 0.71 0.656 1.22 0.205 2.0
1/2" Copper (Table X) 0.70 15.045 14.965 13.6 145 31.6 0.047 0.08 0.108 0.28 0.145 1.4
Copper (Table Y) 1.00 15.045 14.965 13.0 133 44.1 0.047 0.11 0.145 0.39 0.133 1.4
15mm Copper (Table Z) 0.50 15.045 14.965 14.0 154 22.9 0.047 0.06 0.080 0.20 0.154 1.4

20mm Heavy steel 3.25 27.2 26.6 20.4 326 243 0.085 1.75 1.29 1.90 0.326 2.4
Medium steel 2.65 27.2 26.6 21.6 367 203 0.085 1.50 1.11 1.58 0.367 2.4
3/4" Copper (Table X) 0.90 22.055 21.975 20.2 321 59.6 0.069 0.33 0.303 0.52 0.321 1.4
Copper (Table Y) 1.20 22.055 21.975 19.6 302 78.3 0.069 0.43 0.387 0.69 0.302 1.4
22mm Copper (Table Z) 0.60 22.055 21.975 20.8 340 40.2 0.069 0.23 0.210 0.35 0.340 1.4

25mm Heavy steel 4.05 34.2 33.4 25.7 518 380 0.106 4.29 2.54 2.97 0.518 2.7
Medium steel 3.25 34.2 33.4 27.3 586 312 0.106 3.70 2.20 2.44 0.586 2.7
1" Copper (Table X) 0.90 28.055 27.975 26.2 540 76.7 0.085 0.71 0.504 0.68 0.540 1.7
Copper (Table Y) 1.20 28.055 27.975 25.6 516 101 0.085 0.91 0.650 0.89 0.516 1.7
28mm Copper (Table Z) 0.60 28.055 27.975 26.8 565 51.7 0.085 0.49 0.347 0.46 0.565 1.7

32mm Heavy steel 4.05 42.9 42.1 34.3 927 490 0.134 9.16 4.31 3.84 0.926 2.7
Medium steel 3.25 42.9 42.1 35.9 1016 406 0.134 7.74 3.64 3.14 1.016 2.7
1 1/4" Copper (Table X) 1.20 35.07 34.99 32.6 837 128 0.110 1.83 1.043 1.12 0.837 1.7
Copper (Table Y) 1.50 35.07 34.99 32.0 806 158 0.110 2.22 1.270 1.39 0.806 1.7
35mm Copper (Table Z) 0.70 35.07 34.99 33.6 889 75.5 0.110 1.11 0.635 0.67 0.889 1.7

40mm Heavy steel 4.05 48.8 48.0 40.2 1272 566 0.152 13.98 5.79 4.43 1.271 3.0
Medium steel 3.25 48.8 48.0 41.9 1376 461 0.152 11.78 4.87 3.61 1.376 3.0
1 1/2" Copper (Table X) 1.20 42.07 41.99 39.6 1234 154 0.132 3.21 1.528 1.36 1.234 2.0
Copper (Table Y) 1.50 42.07 41.99 39.0 1197 191 0.132 3.93 1.869 1.69 1.197 2.0
42mm Copper (Table Z) 0.80 42.07 41.99 40.4 1284 104 0.132 2.20 1.048 0.91 1.284 2.0

50mm Heavy steel 4.50 60.8 59.8 51.3 2070 784 0.189 30.8 10.2 6.17 2.070 3.4
Medium steel 3.65 60.8 59.8 53.0 2205 651 0.189 26.2 8.7 5.10 2.205 3.4
2" Copper (Table X) 1.20 54.07 53.99 51.6 2095 199 0.170 7.0 2.573 1.76 2.095 2.0
Copper (Table Y) 2.00 54.07 53.99 50.0 1965 327 0.170 11.1 4.101 2.88 1.965 2.0
54mm Copper (Table Z) 0.90 54.07 53.99 52.2 2145 150 0.170 5.3 1.963 1.33 2.145 2.0

65mm Heavy steel 4.50 76.6 75.4 67.0 3530 1005 0.239 64.5 17.0 7.90 3.530 3.7
Medium steel 3.65 76.6 75.4 68.7 3700 831 0.239 54.5 14.3 6.51 3.700 3.7
2 1/2" Copper (Table X) 1.20 66.75 66.60 64.3 3245 247 0.209 13.2 3.97 2.18 3.245 2.0
Copper (Table Y) 2.00 66.75 66.60 63.1 3125 406 0.209 21.3 6.38 3.58 3.125 2.0
67mm Copper (Table Z) 1.00 66.75 66.60 64.7 3285 206 0.209 11.1 3.34 1.82 3.285 2.0

80mm Heavy steel 4.85 89.5 88.1 79.0 4905 1285 0.279 114 25.6 10.1 4.905 3.7
Medium steel 4.05 89.5 88.1 80.7 5115 1080 0.279 97.0 21.8 8.47 5.115 3.7
3" Copper (Table X) 1.50 76.3 76.15 73.2 4210 352 0.239 24.4 6.45 3.11 4.210 2.4
Copper (Table Y) 2.00 76.3 76.15 72.2 4100 467 0.239 31.9 8.43 4.11 4.100 2.4
76mm Copper (Table Z) 1.20 76.3 76.15 73.8 4280 283 0.239 19.9 5.22 2.50 4.280 2.4

100mm Heavy steel 5.40 114.9 113.3 103.3 8380 1840 0.358 272 47.7 14.4 8.380 4.1
Medium steel 4.50 114.9 113.3 105.1 8680 1540 0.358 231 40.6 12.1 8.680 4.1
4" Copper (Table X) 1.50 108.25 108.0 105.1 8680 504 0.340 71.4 13.21 4.45 8.680 2.7
Copper (Table Y) 2.00 108.25 108.0 103.1 8355 832 0.340 115 21.41 7.33 8.355 2.7
108mm Copper (Table Z) 1.20 108.25 108.0 105.7 8780 405 0.340 71.2 10.66 3.57 8.780 2.7

125mm Heavy steel 5.40 140.6 138.7 127.7 13050 2270 0.438 520 73.4 17.8 13.05 4.4
Medium steel 4.85 140.6 138.7 129.8 13250 2065 0.438 470 67.4 16.2 13.25 4.4
5" Copper (Table X) 1.50 133.5 133.25 130.4 13350 621 0.419 134 20.26 5.47 13.35 3.0
Copper (Table Y)
133mm Copper (Table Z) 1.50 133.5 133.25 130.4 13350 621 0.419 134 20.26 5.47 13.35 3.0

150mm Heavy steel 5.40 166.1 164.1 154.3 18700 2700 0.518 862 105 21.2 18.70 4.8
Medium steel 4.85 166.1 164.1 155.3 18950 2455 0.518 787 95.4 19.2 18.95 4.8
6" Copper (Table X) 2.00 159.5 159.25 155.4 18950 988 0.501 304 38.42 8.71 18.95 2.7
Copper (Table Y)
159mm Copper (Table Z) 1.50 159.5 159.25 156.4 19200 743 0.501 230 29.09 6.55 19.20 2.7

Tel:Tel0121 502
01423 2517
878888 26

1.1. These Conditions also apply to the provision of advice or other services by employees of Pipe Solutions Limited
1.2. The Buyer acknowledges that these Conditions exclusively define the relationship and agreement with Pipe Solutions Limited and that they supersede all other agreements and Conditions
1.3. No variation in these Conditions, expressed or implied, shall be accepted by the Pipe Solutions Limited unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by a Director of Pipe Solutions Limited and
signed on behalf of the Buyer

2.1. These Conditions limit or exclude the liability of Pipe Solutions Limited to avoid the need for Pipe Solutions Limited to increase the level of it's insurance against the risks so limited or excluded, and
thereby to minimise the cost of the Products or Services supplied to the Buyer
2.2. If the Buyer nevertheless requires Pipe Solutions Limited to be responsible for risks or liability which is otherwise limited or excluded by these Conditions, then Pipe Solutions Limited will, at it's
option, quote an alternative price for the supply of the Products or Services to reflect the additional cost of obtaining the appropriate additional insurance or other appropriate cover

3.1. All orders for the Products made by the Buyer shall be confirmed to Pipe Solutions Limited by the Buyer in writing within 24 hours of being received by Pipe Solutions Limited
3.2. Upon receipt of the Buyer's written order confirmation by Pipe Solutions Limited, a binding Contract for the purchase of the Products comprised in the order shall be concluded
3.3. Any order made by the Buyer is subject to acceptance by Pipe Solutions Limited and a Contract will only be formed when Pipe Solutions Limited has accepted the Buyer's offer to buy
3.4. Records held and procedures adopted by Pipe Solutions Limited in relation to orders placed by the Buyer are prima facie evidence that the Buyer has used or ordered the Product indicated


4.1. The Buyer is not permitted to cancel the Contract, except where previously agreed in writing by a Director of Pipe Solutions Limited
4.2. In the event of cancellation by the Buyer, the Buyer will fully indemnify Pipe Solutions Limited against all expenses incurred up to the time of the cancellation

5.1. The Buyer will accept delivery of the Products by Pipe Solutions Limited or its agents on the date, or within the time period stipulated by Pipe Solutions Limited
5.2. Any time or period for delivery stipulated by Pipe Solutions Limited shall be deemed an estimate only and Pipe Solutions Limited shall not be liable for the costs and consequences of any delay
5.3. Delivery will be made by or on behalf of Pipe Solutions Limited to anywhere within the United Kingdom specified by the Buyer. Delivery to the Buyer's carrier or agent shall be deemed to be delivery
to the Buyer for the purpose of these Conditions
5.4. Pipe Solutions Limited shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever or howsoever arising caused by its non-delivery or by failure to make Products available ready for collection on the due date

6.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment for the Products or Services will be made within 30 days from the invoice date
6.2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no payment discount or allowance will be made
6.3. Interest on any overdue account may be charged on a day to day basis at a rate of 6% above the Bank of England base lending rate
6.4. Value Added Tax at the ruling shall be added to the price and shall form part of the purchase price of the Products or Services for the purpose of these Conditions
6.5. If the Buyer fails to make payment in accordance with these Conditions or other written agreement, Pipe Solutions Limited reserves the right to discontinue, defer or suspend the supply of the
contracted Products or Services to the Buyer, and to refer the Buyer's information to a debt collection or credit reference agency without notice to the Buyer

7.1. The Products or Services will be sold to the Buyer at the prices agreed at the time the order is made by the Buyer
7.2. Pipe Solutions Limited reserves the right to increase any fees once each year to reflect changes in the British economy
7.3. Any price quoted by Pipe Solutions Limited or contained in any order or contract shall be valid only for 28 days from the date of such quotation, order or contract

8.1. The Products shall remain the sole and absolute property of Pipe Solutions Limited and title to and legal and equitable ownership of the Products shall not pass to the Buyer until payment is
received by Pipe Solutions Limited for all monies due from the Buyer
8.2. The Buyer acknowledges that until payment for the Products is made in full, the Buyer is in possession of the Products solely as a fiduciary for Pipe Solutions Limited
8.3. Without prejudice to any other right or remedies available to it, Pipe Solutions Limited may for the purpose of recovering its Products, and at any time before payment to it of all monies due from the
Buyer, enter upon any premises where such Products are stored, or where they are reasonably thought to be stored, and may repossess the Products

9.1. Where the Products are ordered by reference to any sample, Pipe Solutions Limited shall endeavour to ensure that the Products match the sample
9.2. Pipe Solutions Limited warrants that the Products supplied to the Buyer will be suitable for the primary purpose for which the Products are made and normally used
9.3. No warranty is given or is implied as to the suitability of the Products for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions unless such purpose or conditions have been previously
agreed in writing by Pipe Solutions Limited
9.4. Other than in relation to personal injury or death, to the extent permitted by law, Pipe Solutions Limited are not liable to the Buyer or anyone claiming through the Buyer for any loss or damage or
costs sustained or incurred by the Buyer, it's employees, contractors or agents or any third party, arising in any way in connection with this agreement or from the use of, or the supply of the Products
9.5. To the extent permitted by law, Pipe Solutions Limited exclude, without limiting the above, liability to the Buyer for consequential loss including, without limitation, loss of profits or business

10.1. All claims for loss caused by damage in transit, in storage or on delivery by Pipe Solutions Limited must be notified in writing by the Buyer to Pipe Solutions Limited within three days after receipt of
the Products and must within seven days thereafter be supported by a detailed written claim by the Buyer to Pipe Solutions Limited
10.2. All claims for non-delivery, shortages, variances in design, or incorrect specification must be notified to Pipe Solutions Limited by the Buyer in writing no later than three days after the date of
10.3. No claims for shortages, variances in design or incorrect specification shall be accepted in whole or in part by Pipe Solutions Limited if the Products in question have been installed or cut or worked-
upon by the Buyer or its employees or agents
10.4. The risk of accidental loss whilst the Products are being returned will be borne by the Buyer

11.1. Pipe Solutions Limited shall not be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under these Conditions if such delay or failure results directly or indirectly from
any cause beyond the reasonable control of Pipe Solutions Limited.
11.2. Delay or failure includes, but is not limited to, acts or restraints of government or governmental agencies, force majeure, act of God, war, riot, civil or criminal disturbance, insurrection, accidents,
fire, explosion, earthquake, flood, the elements, strikes, labour disputes, shortages of suitable material, labour or transport
11.3. The obligations of Pipe Solutions Limited may be performed in whole or in part by its authorised distributors, sub-contractors or agents

12.1. Pipe Solutions Limited shall be entitled forthwith to terminate any contract incorporating these Conditions and payment thereunder shall immediately become due if the Buyer shall make any
default in, or commit a breach of these Conditions, or of any of its obligations to Pipe Solutions Limited, and have not remedied the same within 10 days of receiving Notice from Pipe Solutions
Limited, or if a receiver, provisional liquidator, or administrator or other like person is appointed over any of the Buyer's undertakings or assets or if the Buyer enters into an arrangement with any of
it's creditors or becomes insolvent or otherwise is unable to pay it's debts when they fall due


13.1. Any contract incorporating these Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the English law and shall be enforceable in the English Courts


14.1. Any contract incorporating these Conditions may not be assigned by the Buyer without the prior written consent of Pipe Solutions Limited


15.1. Pipe Solutions Limited reserve the right to obtain credit information from a credit reporting agency and information about the Buyer's commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness from a
business which provides that information, to enable Pipe Solutions Limited to apply a credit policy
15.2. Pipe Solutions Limited reserve the right to use any company or organisation that provides invoice discounting or credit factoring services
15.3. Pipe Solutions Limited reserve the right to suspend the Buyer's access to Products or Services if there is reasonable cause to do so, or as a result of a direction from any government or other


16.1. The Buyer will agree that the Products will be used as designated by Pipe Solutions Limited and in accordance with any current standard or code of practice
16.2. Pipe Solutions Limited may advise the Buyer from time to time, but does not carry responsibility for the installation or implementation of the advice given
16.3. The Buyer will not, nor will allow others to engage in any activity that is in breach of, or fail to comply with, any applicable law, rule, regulation, standard or code of practice
16.4. The Buyer must, at no cost to Pipe Solutions Limited, ensure full, free and safe access to our Products in order for us to inspect the same
16.5. The Buyer must provide Pipe Solutions Limited with information that is required in relation to the supply of the Products
16.6. The Buyer is solely responsible for the use of the Products and for all payment of fees arising from the use or provision of the Products whether or not the user had the Buyer's authority
16.7. Pipe Solutions Limited reserves the right to have any Product fully tested and examined following a reported failure


17.1. In making these Conditions Pipe Solutions Limited does so for itself and for and on behalf of every employee, sub-contractor or agent of Pipe Solutions Limited and the Buyer hereby confirms that
any exemption from liability granted to Pipe Solutions Limited by these Conditions shall also extend to any such employee, sub-contractor or agent of Pipe Solutions Limited

18.1. Any Notice sent under a contract incorporating these Conditions shall be sent to the registered office of Pipe Solutions Limited or the Buyer (as the case may be) and shall be deemed duly given by
letter 48 hours after being posted by pre-paid registered post or if delivered by hand at the time of delivery

Impartial Technical Help

CPD Technical Training Courses

Site Attendance - Surveys and Sign-offs

Technical Reports and Submittals

Prompt Proposals and Quotations

Help with Specification Clauses

Product Data Sheets and Catalogue

Detailed Installation Instructions

Operating & Maintenance Instructions

Web Site for Information Downloads

Quality Management System


Vibration and Noise Control

De-aeration and Dirt Removal

Thermal Pipe Expansion

(all publications are available on CD ROM or from our Website)

Pipe Solutions
Solletico Ltd.,6 Head
House Office,
Potters LaneHornbeam Park West
Wednesbury Oval, Midlands
Tel:01423-878888 Tel:Fax:01423-878880
0121 502 2517 Fax: 0121 502 5718

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