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Final Examination
Read the following question carefully and shade your answer in your answer sheet.

1. It is a hydrocarbon gas produced both through natural sources and human activities, including the decomposition of wastes in landfilles,
agriculture, and especially rice culturation, ...etc.
a. Carbon dioxide b. Water Vapor c. Methane d. Nitrous Oxide
2. Who is genius that won the iconic figure in 20th century science that helped the advocates of nanotechnology and provided a valuable intellectual
link to the past.
a. Gerd Binnig b. Heinrich Rohrer c. Erick Drexler d. Richard Feynman
3. When is the Electronic/Inforamtion period of the Information Age?
a. 3,000 BC- 1450 A. D b. 1450-1840 c. 1840-1940 d. 1940- present
4. Whose administration that passed the R.A 9367 or Biofuels Act?
a. Fidel V. Ramos’s Term b. Gloria Arroyo’s Term c. Joseph Estrada’s Term d. Marco’s Term
5. When did they make swords and pigments to color human skin?
a. 2M BC b. 400 BC c. 3000 BC d. 2M
6. Who invented the microscope and thermometer?
a. Galileo Galilei b. Euclid of Alexandria c. Hans Lippershey d. Nicholaus Copernicus
7. What school of thought is this: “Maria puts her faith to God in everything she do ”.
a. Stoicism b. Humanism c. Hedonism d. Theism
8. What school of thought is this: “ You controled your emotion after you found out that your bestfriend has been lying to you”.
a. Stoicism b. Theism c. Hedonism d. Humanism
9. What school of thought is this: “Peter got all the marvel collection in his storage room”.
a. Stoicism b. Theism c. Hedonism d. Materialism
10. What school of thought is this: “ Peter wants to buy the latest smartphone model”.
a. Materialism b. Hedonism c. Stoicism d. Humanism
11. What school of thought is this: “ People are more concerned to others than to themselves”.
a. Materialism b. Humanism c. Hedonism d. Humanism
12. What school of thought is this: “Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory”.
a. Stoicism b. Materialism c. Hedonism d. Humanism
13. What school of thought is this: “ Raul wants to ride in the ferris wheel for the whole day”.
a. Materialism b. Stoicism c. Hedonism d. Humanism
14. What school of thought is this: “Peter got all the marvel collection in his storage room”.
a. Stoicism b. Theism c. Hedonism d. Materialism
15. What school of thought is this: “ Mary eats a lot in the buffet last night”.
a. Materialism b. Hedonism c. Stoicism d. Humanism
16. Who discovered America in 1492?
a. Prince Henry b. Prince William c. Prince Caspian d. Prince Edmund
17. When did the Mesopotamian culture have the evidence of science in astronomical observation?
a. 2M BC b. 400 BC c. 3000 BC d. 2M
18. How many million years ago when science and technology can be traced from the origin of human life?
a. 2M BC b. 400 BC c. 3000 BC d. 2M
19. Who developed the printing press and books in the renaissance Era?
a. Johannes Gutenberg b. Johaness Gatenberge c. Joehaness Gatienberg d. Johanness Gutienburg
20. Who is this navigator that traveled around South Africa, Portugal to reach India for European Maritime discoveries and expansion?
a. Prince Henry b. Christopher Columbus c. Nicolaus Copernicus d. Leonardo
21. During the prehistoric time, they were roughly shaped stones used for chopping and scraping found primarily where?
a. Eastern Africa b. Mesopotamia c. Nile Valley of Egypt d. South Africa
22. Who is the founder of modern geometry?
a. Galileo Galilei b. Euclid of Alexandria c. Hans Lippershey d. Nicholaus Copernicus
23. A mathematician and astronomer who said that the sun is at the center of the solar system and the earth revolves around it.
a. Prince Henry b. Christopher Columbus c. Nicolaus Copernicus d. Leonardo
24. What school of thought is this: “ human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape their own lives”.
a. Stoicism b. Humanism c. Hedonism d. Theism
25. It invloves altering the genes inside your body’s cell in an effort to treat or stop the disease.
a. Gene Theraphy b. Penetrance c. Genetic Engineering d. Genes
26. The prefix “________” denotes sizes of the order to one billionth of a meter.
a. milli b. nano c. meter d. centi
27. Heredity is known as “__________”.
a. Genes b. Penetrance c. Genetic Engineering d. Gene Theraphy
28. What law that a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
a. Law one b. Law two c. Law three d. Law four
29. It has led to the opening up of opportunity for computer programmers, system analysts, hardware and software developers and web designers.
a. Globalization b. Communication c. Cost effectiveness d. Creation of new jobs
30. Common genetic disorder is “___________”
a. Genes b. centrum c. Down syndrome d. Black skin
31. What is the possible solution to the energy crisis, EXCEPT ONE?
a. Overpopulation b. Lighting Controls c. Miscellaneous Factors d. Wastage of Energy
32. An alternative energy that is completely clean burning fuel.
a. Geothermal Power b. Wind Energy c. Tidal Energy d. Hydrogen Gas
33. It is an Act to Integrate, Coordinate and Intensify Scientific and Technological Research and Development.
a. R.A. 2067 b. R.A. 3589 c. R.A. 5207 d. R.A. 8749
34. It made use of animal and plant life to create energy.
a. Nuclear Power b. Wave Energy c. Biofuel d. Natural Gas
35. An Executive Order No. That supports agiences and was named National Science and Technology Authority.
a. Executive Order No. 784, s. 1982 b. Executive Order No. 783, s. 1988 c. Executive Order No. 782, s. 1989 d. Executive Order No. 783, s. 1981
36. Who developed the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981?
a. Gerd Binnig b. Heinrich Rohrer c. A&B d. Richard Feynman
37. This power source has massive potential while doing little to disrupt the land.
a. Geothermal Power b. Wind Energy c. Tidal Energy d. Hydrogen Gas
38. It is the most abundant greenhouse gas and acts as a feedback to the climate.
a. Carbon dioxide b. Water Vapor c. Methane d. Nitrous Oxide
39. It is a powerful greenhouse gas produced by soil cultivation practices, especially he use of commercial and organic fertilizers, fossil fuel
combustion, ntric acid production and biomass burning.
a. Carbon dioxide b. Water Vapor c. Methane d. Nitrous Oxide
40. What is the effect of the climate change, EXCEPT ONE?
a. Tropical cyclones to intensify b. Ocean acidification c. Sea levels to rise by 4 to 6 meters d. Energy Simulation
41. It is a measure of how often a disease genotype corolates to the disease phenotype
a. Phenotype b. Penetrance c. Genetic Engineering d. Gene Theraphy
42. What law that a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first and the secod law.
a. Law one b. Law two c. Law three d. Law four
43. An alternative energy that uses the power of water to generate energy much like with the hydroelectric methods.
a. Geothermal Power b. Wind Energy c. Tidal Energy d. Hydrogen Gas
44. What law that a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
a. Law one b. Law two c. Law three d. Law four
45. Who mentioned in the study that environmental stewardship can be seen in terms of academic service learning?
a. Ramon (2015) b. Haveria (2019) c. A & B d. All of the above
46. A renewable source of energy that is relaible source if the wind turbines are placed in the right direction.
a. Geothermal Energy b. Solar Energy c. Wind Energy d. Wood Energy
47. A renewable source of energy having the disadvantage to the surrounding environment, as land upstream needs to be flooded, and land
downstream will be drained during construction.
a. Hydro Energy b. Solar Energy c. Wind Energy d. Wood Energy
48. It is the most abundant forms of alternative energy.
a. Nuclear Power b. Wave Energy c. Biofuel d. Natural Gas
49. When is the Pre Mechanical period of the Information Age?
a. 3,000 BC- 1450 A. D b. 1450-1840 c. 1840-1940 d. 1940- present
50. It has brought the world closer together, led to sharing information more quickly and efficiently and enanled countries to share ideas and
information with each other.
a. Globalization b. Communication c. Cost effectiveness d. Creation of new jobs
NGEC 7 New

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. B
27. A
28. A
29. D
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. D
40. D
41. B
42. C
43. C
44. B
45. A
46. C
47. A
48. A
49. A
50. A

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