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CLASS: E (2018)

Page 1. 14.2 : D-C-F-E-B-A

Page 2. 14.3 : 1) Water, : relaxation, fights stress

-water dispenses,pond

2) Wood : creatifity and flexibility

-wooden furniture, wooden flooring

3 ) fire : originality, enthusiasm

-red walls, red picture frame

4) earth : organization, and stability

-brick walls,earth colored tiles

5) metal : strength and determination

-metal filing cabinets, metal blinds.

Page 3. 15.2:

Answer : step 1 Get their attention

1. Give a big smile

2. Get straight to the point.
Tell them who you are and what you have for them

Step 2 Get their interest

1. Doing a survey
2. Show them the product
3. Tell them it is free, demonstrate it

Step 3. Get their desire

1. Tell them the advantages the product

2. Give it to them

Step 4. Get their money

1. Get their sympathy

2. Make them feel guilty
3. Give them a free offer

Golden Rule
Never leave without a sale

Page 4. 15.3

1. Barbeque : 300
Bought by Rudney
When? Last summer
Why? For parties in the garden
2. Boots : 200
Bought by Jane
When? Holiday last christmas
Why? For going out
3. Sunglasses: 150
Bought by Simon
When? July
Why? Thought he’d look cool
4. Computer : 1000
Bought by Kate
When? February
Why? Thought she needed it for work

Page 5. 16.2

a. 7 years ago
b. Martin’s grandma’s house
c. Near London
d. Martin and friend
e. Lounge
f. Not a big noise
g. Martin’s grandma’s bedroom
h. Both of them
i. Left side
j. Carpet

Page 6. 16.3

a. 5
b. 1
c. 4
d. 3
e. 2

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