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Women 1- a king!

w2- no, it�s not true. Once upon a time there was..
w1- a piece of wood!
w2- Neither! Once upon a time there was..
Man- a table leg, a simple piece of woodpile, waste stuff good for nothing
w2- a pinocchio!
w1 & M - a pinocchio
M- this morning an idea crossed my mind, I thought about building something
w1- something that can move and make me laugh
M- he will feed us
w1- we�ll get him out
M- he will make us rich
w1- he will bring us luck
M- pinocchio you will bring us luck
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w1- well it�s not valuable stuff..
w2- but it happened just in time
w1- if it won�t work I�ll change it
M- if it won�t wonk i�ll throw it away, it is waste stuff, stuff to throw away,
w2- wooden eyes
w1: it is material to be excavated, smoothed, carved, broken...
w2- stop laughing! You stop laughing I said! Stop laughing!
P- Ohi! You hurted me! Now I am naked and I will scratch myself! They decided to
put an ax inside me they decided to shape me with an iron wheel giving me the form
of a small human. Right! They only keep the parts they want. This empty house will
flood with my sap and I will force them to drown in it. They made my left foot
crooked but I don�t want them to know, there will be time to fix me. The dust
disappears and an arm comes out. But I am also that dust, so why do they throw it
away? Why all this noise? Why is the birth so loud?
Everybody: Pinocchio!
P- who are you?
Cricket- who are you! Caution! You must ask permission before speaking! You must
wait for your turn to speak! You rude chow, we don�t talk like that in my house.
P- from now this is my house and I ask you to be so kind to leave, immediately.
Now. And never look back. Please.
Cr- I will not leave until I have told you a great Truth.
P- I�m hungry
Cr- you have to sit still and wait for your father to come back if you want to
P- I�m starving!
Cr- you are not able to get food yourself
P- I break my belly from hunger!
Cr- pain does not exist pinocchio. Your pains are nothing. You know what we say
when pain it�s gone? � It was nothing, it passed away� Your pains are just chemical
reactions inside your wood.
all rights reserved These are failures of your photosynthesis. You know what
chlorophyll photosynthesis is pinocchio, do you know?
P- no but I know I have to get out of here because if I stay here they will force
me to study by heart things I don�t want to learn and in a way or another they will
make me fall. And to be honest I don�t really want to do that, I definitely prefer
banging my head against the wall until it collapses, tearing my throat screaming or
just leaving rather then obeying at your stupid laws!
Cr- Poor pinocchio! The things you say are really worth. Do you want to bang your
head against the wall? Then leave, go! You will become soon a beautiful donkey and
everyone will make fun of you!
P- donkeys are good animals and they are empathetic too. You know what does
empathetic means?
Cr- And you know what does idealist means? �someone with a luck of gumption�. Your
father is a very idealistic man. Where is him now ? if you really want to go out
then leave. Then when your father comes back I�ll tell him that you left him to
grow old on his own and that you don�t care about him. Caution pinocchio!
P- stop it
Cr- Caution pinocchio! Shame on those children who rebel against their parents and
who leave their own house, they will never be happy at this world and sooner or
later, they will
regret it.
P- I�m starving
Cr- they will never be happy at this world and sooner or later they will regret it.

P- I�m starving
Cr- they will regret it.
P- make me something to eat
Cr- shame on those children who don�t follow the advice of wise people
P- make me something to eat or die!
Cr- I am a wise person because I know more than you.
P- you die!
Cr- I know more than you because I know more than you
P- I�m starving I�m starving I�m starving
Cr- sooner or later you will regret it.
P- you bloody idiot, you didn�t feed me. Every animal feeds its own child at the
first signal of need. The child who eats after crying is stressed, frightened, he
would start sucking his thumb or his hand or his tie. He would behave incorrectly
because he�s too stressed, he would become aggressive because he�s too stressed, he
won�t respond to commands because he�s too stressed, he would tear
all rights reserved his belly from hunger, he wants anything to eat, even bad,
even disgusting but something to eat. You stupid bloody idiot, why you didn�t feed
me? There�s nothing here to eat here. I have
to go outside, outside there will be someone who could feed me.
P- someone will look out
Old Man- what do you want?
P- excuse me sir, would you..
OM- why are you bothering me so late!
P- would you be so kind to throw me something to eat? I�m starving!
OM- of course Pinocchio! Are you starving my darling, aren�t you? Let me see what I
have for you..would you like some bread, is it ok for you sweetheart?
P- it is thank you so much! But please give me some salty bread! I hate bread with
no salt! Thank you!
OM- your welcome!
Salesman- pinocchio!
P- dad?
S- no, I am a friend of your father!
P- are you?
S- Yes, this morning your father came to me and sold me the only jacket he had to
buy you this!
P- what is it?
Theacher- this is a book
T: it contains the secret of knowledge and you can use it at school to learn
P- my father sold his only jacket to buy that thing?
T- with �that thing� you will learn how to help you father when he won�t be able to
work anymore. don�t you want to help your father when he will be old?
P- my father is already old and has a broken back because he bends over to fix the
sink. can that �thing� fix his back?
all rights reserved T- no but if you�ll read many of this �things� you will be
able to fix the sink instead of your father.
P- well it looks interesting but I�m sorry today I can�t read
T- that�s the reason why you have to go to school pinocchio. There you will learn
how to read and...
P- yeah yeah yeah the other guy also told me that I have to go there, but to tell
you the truth I�m not sure I want to.
T- but how? School is the perfect place for such a little thing like you! You will
sit for hours cutting sheets along the edges and if you are lucky you will go to
the blackboard to write in chalk. Mmmmm chalk! It smells so good!
P- yeah but they also told me that if you mess up they write down somethingh in
your school diary, something secret that only dads can read and when they read it
they cry and I don�t want that.
T- who told you that? You will have fun instead and learn a lot of useful things in
order to help your father when his back will be broken. Don�t
you want to help your father when he won�t have a back anymore?
P- of course I want it, he is the most important person to me
T- you will learn how to write, your father can�t so you will be able to write down
his memories and keep them forever
P- fine then...I�ll go
T- good job pinocchio! First year the bases: how to sit down, when the teacher
enters every student stands up then how to make origami, orthogonal projections the
weather in Estonia Lituania Lettonia, where sugar beet is grown, how many cuttles
cows and swines and ovines are there in the world, the ancient romans the ancient
egyptians who invented writing Marco Polo who killed who who did what who died like

P- I told you I�ll go!

T- crophyllian photosynthesis, how to calculate the perimeter of an imaginary house
you will learn discipline the sense of being together and you will be so cultured
that nobody won�t take you for a ride
P- stop it! stop it! I�m telling you I�ll go!
T- you will learn foreign languages so you�ll be able to travel all over the wolrld
you will learn how to use your breath to play a flute...bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla..
P-thank you so much, can you excuse me for a second?...
what�s this music?
Boy- read the sing, it�s written!
P- ehm sorry but today I can�t read
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B- what a donkey! my brother can�t read but he is just three years old! lt�s
P- and what is that?
B- it�s the puppet theatre!
P- do I have to pay to get in?
B- five coins
P- would you borrow me five coins? I�ll give you them back tomorrow
B- sorry but today I have no money
P- For five coins I give you my shirt
B- it�s dirty, did you take it from your cousin?
P- for five coins i give you my shoes
B- no, they suck I have a pair with sparkling lights on sole which costed more then
P- what if...I...give you this book?
B- I already have it
T: I don�t buy anything from kids
S- for five coins I take the book
Puppets- oooooh in the name of the Lord! There is Pinocchio there! Pinocchio
pinocchio is it really you pinocchio? come here come to your brothers come and join
us! come come come!
Mangiafoco- etc�.
P- bliss you
Ma- thank you
P- your welcome
Ma- etc�
P- bliss you
Ma- thank you
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P- your welcome
Ma- etc�
P- felicit�
Ma- excuse me?
P- thank you
Ma- etc�
P- bliss you!
Ma- etc�
P- bliss you!
Ma- why are you here?
P- etc�
Ma- bliss you!
P- thanks
Ma- your welcome but why did you came here? why all this noisy mess around?
P- sir...
Ma- why did you came here to break my balls?
P- sir...
Ma- etc�
P- bless you!
Ma- no, BLISS you!
P- what?
Ma- you have to say �bliss you!�
P- ah sorry
Ma- what a ballbuster!
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Ma- etc�
Ma- thank you
P- your welcome
P- believe me sir, I...
Ma- stop it! Tonight we will menage it out, now I�m starving and the roast don't
cook itself so... let�s go in the KITCHEN!
Puppets- no sir please please the kitchen no! no! don�t bring us to the kitchen! no
no ! please!
Ma- you tall tall gendarmes, bring me that waste stuff so I can burn it!
Puppets- no no please please don�t! no no please!
P- please sir Mangiafoco!
Ma- here there are no sirs!
P- please lord Mangiafoco!
Ma- here there are no lords!
P- please gentleman Mangiafoco!
Ma- here there are no gentleman, only tall tall gendarmes!
STOOOP IT! I changed my mind, I don�t burn you anymore. take this coins and go.
Fox- thanks for dinner pinocchio
P- how would you know my name?
F- I know your father well
P- and where have you met him?
F- he was standing on his door way
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P- and what was he doing ?
F- he was shaking. he stinked of hunger poor old thing!
Cat- poor old thing!
P- poor old thing! well he is a very important person to me and I would do anything
for him. Is there some way to help him?
F-but of course there is!
C- of course there is!
F- it�s just that I really can�t think of one...
P- I beg you! Help me to help him! it�s very important I would do anything to him
F- mmmh let me think....
C- let him think
F- what is it that you got there?
P- these? well these are things that are important to me these are objects that you
give and
then you can eat
F- money!
C- money!
P- yes these are things that are money
F- these help people to feel better
P- also dad?
C- also dad?
F- also dad
C- also dad
P- also dad! And so this money can even fix his back?
C- his hips his back and so on
F- with this money you can buy yourself whatever you want
P- anything?
C- anything you want!
all rights reserved P- but I�ve just become a Lord! these here if you well versed
are five wonderful golden pieces of money and I�ll buy dad a brand new dress all
made of gold and diamonds and a fur for the next ice and a house with fire and a
giant pot that fulfills itself with beans all year long and planners hummers clumps
of gold and with his initials on and he will remember it everytime he is working,
and to you I�ll give a present of whatever you want
F- pinocchio that�s great but with five coins you will never be able to buy such
P- ah no?
F- eh no
C- eh no
P- e what can I do to have more money?
F- do you believe in magic?
P- yes yes I do
F- and do you know I can multiply money with magic?
P- you really can?
F- if you don�t believe me I�ll make someone else rich
C- someone else
P- nonono it�s fine
F- pinocchio we live to make other�s rich
C- others
F- those five coins I can turn into 2000!
C- do you know how much 2000 is?
P- it�s a lot?
F- a lot
C- a lot
F- you just need to be very concentrate and you pronounce the magic word, do you
know it?
P- �please�?
F- good job! Now let�s start! Put the coins on the table!
P- done!
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F- now close your eyes and focus on the amount of coins you would like to have
P- done!
F- magic word?
P- please
P- who are you?
Cricket- caution pinocchio!
P- again! what do you want from me?
Cr- go back and bring the money to your father who�s crying and in despair and
grows old by himself because you ran away from home
P- shut up! Tomorrow my father will become a Lord as this five coins will turn into
two thousands
Cr- pinocchio stop tempting fate! Most of times you get fucked, it�s not worth it!
Let the big ones do the big stuff. Listen to me and head back
P- and I want to head forward instead
Cr- the time is late
P- I want to head forward
Cr- the night is dark!
P- I want to head forward
Cr- the road is dangerous
P- shut up! leave me alone bloody idiot I didn�t choose you
Cr- remember that arrogant kids sooner or later will regret it
P- and what if the kid did something? what if I suddenly started kicking and
dripping my throat of screaming? Then the world would notice my presence. The last
time I�ll pronounce the word � please � will be to ask you to leave and never come
back, please
Cr- do as you please pinocchio, and may heaven protect you from killers.
all rights reserved P- �may heaven protect you from killers� I don�t need heaven I
can protect my own self I don�t want to listen to anyone no more
Woman 1- no more !
P- I should even meet the killers! If they attacked me in a dark straight I would
tuck all my hands in their eyes �till I would touch their nerves. I would throw
myself on them and I would rip their tummy of and that would be fair enough! I
don�t believe in killer for me they�ve been made up
Man- made up!
P- What do you know about what�s really scary? Under my bed..
Woman-underneath my bed lives a huge wet maggot wrapped in a cloth like a fat baby
it disgusts me I don�t see it �cause it hangs from the woods sluts and it only
falls when I�m sleeping
M- When I fall asleep some insects get under my skin, they crawl from the ankless
to my closed eyelids. When I open them i feel like someone is watching me, someone
is looking at me even if I don�t see it, even if I don�t know.
Woman 2- I�m not afraid of the anorexic man in tail-coat, he looks at me, stands
still behind the threes, he wants to pass his skin and bones hands on my face. I
have to eat, now, by night, otherwise I�ll become like him.
Woman 1- ( singing )
Mom, do not send me out in the evening
I am a young girl and I cannot beware
There are young men outside
boring, they would like to kiss me
P-I am not afraid of the dark
M- I am not afraid of the dark
Woman 2- you only need to pretend to be a cat with yellow eyes
M- or a puppet with crooked feet what�s the problem?
P- what�s the problem?
M- what can there be in the dark apart from people?
P- and people have two legs and two arms just like me and I can face them and why
would people be in the dark to scare me ? I�ll head forward just as I am. Full
stop. You didn�t understand anything
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Fairy - I wait for the grade to come and collect me. None�s in this house they�re
all dead and I�ve forgotten what they used to smell like and we�ll forget the view
from this window everything in me stopped renewing and in a few hours I�ll become
all rigid, the jaw, then the elbows then the knees it�s the same order of
decomposition. In the same order I�ll begin to rot and the laces that sustain the
muscular puppet of my body will lose blood runs through the textures and falls down
like this I�m so red up and down white like wax and beautiful and it�s like life
melted away from me. I was standing when I died reason why my shins are red of
blood and full and swollen like a ridiculous candle the view of disintegration
makes even the
animals sick but as I am now they would eat me you mustn�t fear death pinocchio
everything will just carry on working apart from you each very fever of you will
come alive and move and some other will have your eyes there will be other daddies
don�t be jelous of the denaturalized body that�s hosting you don�t try and take it
with you where you will go let it be a bird nest let it be a cripple�s stick, table
leg for a drunken how many things you can be pinocchio and you only wish to be the
one that don't remain
P- somebody will come somebody will come somebody will come

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