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The Tale of Two Brothers

By Ali Latif Shushtari

Have you heard the story of the two brothers?

Yes, they were two
Two brothers they were
Grown under the cloak of the King
The Great KING
A King of all
A King of kings he was
He, the owner of all virtues

The story begins where the two brothers were lost and disgraced
Hopeless, they walked the desert
The sun, burning
And in the twilight of life and death
Appeared a man
There he was
Far but clear
Cutting the horizon
It was the King
He who shall not be named
“That’s the right path’’
Shouted the first brother
“No more misery for us!”
And gave his brother a look full of honesty and joy
Even I,
I, whom you shall call “uncle tale teller”
Felt its depth
The look I say
As I was there
Memorizing this event
Welcomes them in with his grace and lordship
The King
Whom you shall not know
“Lord! Lost we are in this hell of darkness. No home and hope left for us two poor miserable creatures in this
godless circus. Forsaken we are. Help us, master! Help us find the path to righteousness, as you are the master
of all virtues.”
Cried out brothers
“Sorrow no more my beloved ones! Sorrow no more, as you are in the right hands now.”
Whispered the king solemnly
A whisper louder than God’s
A whisper for all ears
A king for all
I saw him
The King of kings he was
He who shall not be named
The Great KING

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