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Usana, Ashley Nicole M.

October 2, 2019

Money plays a role in my life; the fact that I used to spend money for the things I want, for my school
project and somehow for any reason that involves money. Honestly, I am often so consumed by earning
money that I forget to take a pause and think about what it means to me: how do I feel about having some
money and how does it affect my life. For me, money is just a necessity, I need just enough money to meet
my life’s basic need. It seems that there are more things, a teen to spend money on but we just all need to
know what we want over what we need. Money is essential for survival if not for comfort. The comfort and
luxury come only when you have more money than you need for surviving. Who doesn’t want a new car;
an air-conditioned well-furnished house; trendy clothes and all the new gadgets and gizmos in
town? Therefore, it is not the cause of everything wrong in our society, but it is a means of staying in
As a teenager, I realized that money is worthless. These days, I'm not really enamored with the material
things money can buy. Money is primarily about freedom and quality of life. More money means having
to do fewer things that I don't enjoy. It means having the option to save an hour of my life from drudgery.
It means getting to experience new places outside of my hometown. I love this tweet by James Clear. It
pretty much sums up how I feel about wealth. “Real wealth is not about money. Real wealth is: Not having
to go to meetings, not feeling like you have to say “yes”, not worrying about others claiming your time and
energy.” Real wealth is about freedom. Besides, money is all about self-control. It is easy to lose control
whenever and wherever money is involved. Damaging factors such as greed, money lust, power can take
control over the sanest of humans; especially, when the line between these factors and factors such as
survival, expenses and comfort is thin. People want to match up, or to stay a step ahead of, the current
lifestyle of their peers. Also, as a student, I maximize my potential in saving my budget throughout the
week. Sometimes I think about things that I want. It gives me a lot of pressure. But the people around me
realized that being content is a must to do, to be successful in life. And that gives me motivation.
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. (1 Timothy 6:10) What did Paul mean when he wrote this?
He couldn’t have meant that money is always on your mind when you sin. A lot of sin happens when we
are not thinking about money. My suggestion is this: He meant that all the evils in the world come from a
certain kind of heart, namely, the kind of heart that loves money. Money is the currency of human resources.
So, the heart that loves money is a heart that pins its hopes, and pursues its pleasures, and puts its trust in
what human resources can offer. o, the love of money is virtually the same as faith in money belief (trust,
confidence, assurance) that money will meet your needs and make you happy. Love of money is the
alternative to faith in God’s future grace. It is faith in future human resources the kind of thing you can
obtain or secure with money. Therefore, the love of money, or trust in money, is the underside of unbelief
in the promises of God. Jesus said in Matthew “: No one can serve two masters. . .. You cannot serve God
and money.” You can’t trust in God and in money at the same time. Belief in one is unbelief in the other.
A heart that loves money that banks on money for happiness is not banking on all that God is for us in Jesus
as the satisfaction of our souls.

Filipinos also allocate a portion of their present income for their future needs, such as their child's college
education, future vacations, and a retirement fund. I learned that I should adjust the level of expenses to the
level of income. We, Filipinos live beyond our means just to satisfy our wants and cravings. We want to
increase their means; but until that time comes, we are more conscious of our expenses. I am amazed by
how the new series of banknotes of the Philippines were made. It made me feel proud than I was ever
before. But little did I know, that I would present it in front of the class and with all of honor and respect I
can proudly say that Filipinos are blessed.

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