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LUMUN-KPK Assembly

Topic: Formulating KPK’s Policy for the future

Study Guide Outline

1) Introduction
a. History of KPK (1940-2019 Under Past Governments)
b. Role of the Assembly Post 18th Amendment
c. Major themes of Discussion
2) Policy Objectives of the Assembly (Themes)
a. Economy and Infrastructure Development
i. Tourism
ii. CPEC
iii. Urban Development (Peshawar Metro)
iv. Industry
b. The Issue of Corruption
i. Policing
ii. Bureaucratic Corruption
iii. Tax Collection and Provincial Revenue
c. Local Governance and the Justice System
i. Jirgas and the role of conventional administrators
ii. Mobile Courts and their relevance
iii. Rural justice system
iv. Honour Killings Systematic r*pes etc
d. Healthcare
i. Rural Healthcare
ii. State of Public Hospitals
iii. Issues of doctors employed in public sector
iv. Brain drain/Lack of employment opportunities for young doctors
v. The need for a system similar to the NIH UK
e. Education
i. Unregulated Madressahs and the spread of extremism
ii. Issues faced by public schools
iii. Areas still devoid of basic primary school education
iv. Ghost Schools and Teachers issue
f. Addressing Humanitarian Issues and Drug Related Crimes
i. Child Sexual Abuse
ii. Widespread supply of Narcotics
iii. Honour Killings
iv. Human and Sex Trafficking
v. Rights of Transgenders
vi. Rights of Afghan Refugees
g. Civil Rights
i. Missing Persons
ii. Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement
iii. Profiling of Pashtuns at Checkposts and In entire country (Naqeeb Ullah case
iv. Conduct of the Military
h. Integration of FATA into KPK
i. FCR 1901 and existing state apparatus
ii. Administrative Vacuum
iii. Role of the Frontier Corps
iv. Tribal Militia and the issue of Disarmament
v. Narcotics Control
vi. Local resistance to integration + reforms
vii. Locals Demands
viii. Problem of Electoral Integration/ Article 1, 59, 106/Riphah Article
i. The implementation of the National Action Plan
ii. Role of the Province
iii. Issues associated with preventing terror financing
iv. Conflict between the Federal and Provincial Government
v. Effects of the Introduction of NAP
3) Conclusion
4) Expectations from an Ideal Delegate

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