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1.. We generally add ​ING

study studying
talk talking

2.. When verbs finish in E. We change the E by using ING

dance dancing
smoke smoking
see and be
3.. When verbs finish in IE, we have to change them into Y and we add ING

die dying
lie lying

4.. When we have a syllable verb and we have one vowel between two
consonants. We double the last consonant, and we add ING
swim swimming
get getting

Except: When the verbs finish in X-Y-W

fix fixing
buy buying
draw drawing
5.. When we have more than one syllable. We have to pay attention to the
stress or accent

begin beginning
contról controlling
omít omitting



1.. We usually add "ED"

talk talked
paint painted

2.. When the verbs finish in "E", we just add "D"

smoke smoked
dance danced
3.. When the verbs finish "Y" preceded by a consonant, we change the "Y" into "I",
and we add "ED".

cry cried
spy spied

Tell them that when the verbs are preceded by a vowel, it's not necessary to change
obey obeyed
play played

4.. When the verbs have just one syllable, and there is a vowel between two
consonants, we have to double the last one,and then we add "ED".
shop shopped
mop mopped

When the verbs have more than one syllable we have to listen to the accent if the
accent is on the syllable that has a vowel between two consonants, we double the
last one, and we add "ED".
prefér preferred
contról controlled

All the verbs accept these rules except the ones that finish in "W-X-".
fix fixed
allow allowed


We have to use the /t/ sound when the verbs finish in these letters: s, k, x, p, z,
dress dressed/t/
cook cooked/t/
mix mixed/t/
stop stopped/t/
buzz buzzed/t/

We have to use the /d/ sound when the verbs finish in these letters; Vowel sound, w,
r, v,b,m,n,l
follow followed/d/
view viewed/d/
clear cleared/d/
comb combed/d/
travel traveled/d/
When the verbs finish in t,d,te,de, we use /ed/ sound.
want wanted/ed/
create created/ed/
decide decided/ed/
need needed/ed/

go went
do did
get got
read read

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