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Joanna Kristin T.

Grade 12 STEM 6
Reaction Paper
Movie Review- 100 Tula Para Kay Stella


The movie "100 Tula para Kay Stella" was about a man named Fidel Lansangan

who has a "speech defect" that lets him have a limitation of three-words in a sentence. In

this story, it was in the year 2004 that he met a girl named Stella Puno, a student in the

course of Psychology, whom he did not expect to fall in love with. In his four years in

college, he made 100 poems for Stella, showing how did he liked her since the day they

had met and hoping that she will love him back. This movie can be related to the teenage

romance happening in the present. It was also one of the movies in the Pista ng Pelikulang

Pilipino 2018 and won the “Audience’s Choice Award.” The movie was about the people

using other person for a selfish reason and only for their own advantage.

Fidel and Stella are both 17 years old who met at their school, Pampanga

Agricultural College. It was first in the "Freshies Night" that they became friends even

though their personalities are very much different than expected. Fidel is likely a nerd who

really loves poetry and studying while Stella is one of the chics who focuses more in her

passion to sing and be in a band than studying. This is one of the reasons why Stella used

other people for her own advantage. Instead of studying, she focuses more in grabbing any

opportunity near her, for her passion in singing. Just like the guy she met who was named

Hunter, that gave her the opportunity to achieve her dream, but sooner or later, Hunter was

just being used by Stella because of his connections to different companies that would let

her achieve her dreams. Stella was already close enough to also deceive Fidel and take
advantage of him for her own sake, but then it did not happen. According to Goat (2016),

people are users because of the question, why should they do something for themselves if

they don't have to? It means that people became dependent to others, but in Stella’s case it

was because she was left no other choice but to take that opportunity because it is her

passion. Still, before doing something, people should know first how it will affect others

and not just on themselves. In Fidel’s side, making 100 poems was an old style move of

courting for the millennials in the present day. A typical man in the generation now would

just confess their feelings for a woman through message, chats, or if they are confident

enough, they will say it personally while holding flowers & chocolates. It can be

understood that as time goes by, the tradition of courting a woman which is through

“harana,” is simply fading mostly because of media and the laziness of the Filipinos in

having an easy access to admit their feelings.

The movie, as a whole, will give its viewers complicated emotions that makes it

recommendable as the people would learn something from it. The cinematography of this

movie became very realistic as it really happens in the real world. Also, it is well-crafted

thanks to the director of the movie Mr. Jason Paul Lexamana that even though many were

affected by the story, it just proved how good Mr. Lexamana is to direct movies that many

people would surely remember.

This movie was not just made to show the two close-friends not ending up together,

but as it will be assessed by a person. There would be many more reasons why people

should watch this. In the generation today, millennials should open their minds in terms of

relationships with their partners. Though millennials mostly depend on others, it is still
better for the people to know first how it will affect others and not just on ourselves before

doing something.


Goat, N. (2018) Why are some people 'users' ? (men, emotion, feelings).

Retrieved from:

why-some-people-users.html#ixzz5RWUUSViT on September 18, 2018



Joanna Kristin T. Tamano
Grade 12 STEM 6
Reaction Paper
Event Review- SONA 2018


The event that happened last July 23, 2018 is considered to let the Filipinos know

the desire of the president for the change of the people. "About 2 years ago, I solemnly

took my oath as a worker of the national gov't. I was inspired to institute real changes for

the greater good of the Filipino people," President Duterte opened his speech. This event

opened the minds of the Filipinos about what is really happening in their country. It talks

about different programs and policies of the government that the country aims to achieve.

Some of the main topics in this event were about the war on drugs, the Bangsamoro Organic

Law, corruption, TRAIN Law, Filipino migrant workers and federalism. Through these

programs, change will surely come in the Philippines as the president fulfills his promises.

These programs were mostly about Duterte fulfilling his promise and at the same time,

promising to the Filipinos on the different social problems the country is facing right now.

The pressing issues that the Filipinos made different reactions were the war on drugs,

TRAIN law and inflation rate. According to The Summit Express (2018), thousands of

protesters and militant groups rallied near the Batasan to condemn rampant killings being

linked to Duterte's war against illegal drugs; as well as the tax reform law, raising duties

on fuel, cars, and sugar-sweetened drinks. The TRAIN law according to Dela Paz (2018),

was implemented by which people would receive reduced personal income taxes but

increased those on cars, tobacco, sugar-sweetened beverages, and fuel. This just proves

that it does not benefit the people, but it just changes the perspective of the people about

the tax. The inflation rate also has a negative effect to the Filipinos that almost all the prices
of the goods, products and services became higher not as the people expected it will be. On

the other hand, these programs will still have its positive effects that would benefit the


In war on drugs, though some innocent people are being affected, it is said on The

Summit Express that the war on drugs was Duterte's most important achievement as it

includes good feedback for the fight against crime. The TRAIN law benefits many workers

especially the minimum-wage earners that they would have a take-home pay. For the rising

of the inflation, the prices for soft drinks and cigarettes became higher that makes it a factor

for the Filipinos not to buy these products.

Filipinos should be aware of what the country is facing today. The President,

Rodrigo Duterte, and his promises will prove the change the people wants for the country

to improve what it has. These programs must be prioritized by the government for the

betterment of the country. Although some it has a negative effect to the people, the main

reason of the government for making these programs is to change for the better. Different

reactions and feedbacks came from the Filipinos that would also make the people think and

asses the SONA of Duterte.


Dela Paz, C. (2018, January 9) Explainer: how the tax reform affect the Filipinos. Retrieved


filipino-consumers-workers on September 19, 2018

The Summit Express (2018, July 23). President Duterte SONA 2018 highlights, review for

reaction paper. Retrieved from

duterte-sona-2018-highlights-review-reaction-paper.html on September 16, 2018

Joanna Kristin T. Tamano
Grade 12 STEM 6
Reaction Paper
Text Critique- Why We Are Shallow?
Topic: Present Issues


The article "Why We Are Shallow" was written by F. Sionil Jose that was about

the shallowness of the Filipinos in different aspects. Filipinos are shallow because of their

educational system, Christian faith, being “mayabang”, arrogant, and because of their

media. Filipinos do not read and became enslaved of gross materialism. This article was

made because the writer, also asked himself, why are we shallow? He asked this question

to himself because while watching a medley of Asian dances, the Japanese dance that was

mastered in years got a grudging applause, while the Filipino folk dance which is the

tinikling that can be learned in 10 minutes got an almost standing ovation. This piece has

an objective to let the readers ask themselves, why are we shallow?

Filipinos became so much self-centered that results them to be shallow. Some tend to just

do something for their own fame and advantage. People in the Philippines should have that

sensibility the country needs for it to improve.

One reason why Filipinos are shallow is that they become close-minded people and

ignorant of the real happenings in the country. One example is in the educational system

of the Filipino students. According to ImbaLife (2017), one of the seven issues or problems

that the country is facing in terms of educational system is its deteriorating quality of

problem by which the country has low educational standards because of the low

government budget for education. This explains that government do not focus more on the

country’s educational system. The students, on the other hand, became shallow in a way
that they are just going to school for grades and not to learn anymore. Also, the family only

expects the diploma of their children and not assess anymore if they really had learned

something that can be applied in their lives. Another reason is that Filipinos are

“mayabang” and ego- driven. In the article, it was explained that it was because of the

know-it-alls who mistaken knowledge over wisdom. Scuderi (2018) explained that

knowledge is just the accumulation of facts based from information or experiences, but

wisdom is the ability to judge whether that knowledge is true, lasting and applicable to

your life. This explains that wisdom is something that can be gain, only if people would

apply the right knowledge to their daily lives.

One example of an ideal person according to the writer of this article, is Wilfredo

Villacorta who was offered a high position in the government but did not accept it because

he knew he cannot handle it. Wilfredo shows how humble and true he is that cannot be

compared to the officials in the government when they are offered a high position of job,

they would accepted it. According to the article, Lopez said that “it is better to be silenced

than to be silent,” wherein it explains that people have a freedom to speak out so why not

try using it, because it is understood that it is better to speak your voice out than do nothing

about what the people know and heard.

There are many reasons that F. Sionil Jose explained why Filipinos are shallow. To

conclude these reasons, Filipinos tend to forget the real essence of sensibility in their

country. It is because people are not fully aware of the real happenings in their country.

With this sensibility, people would know how to be wise and humble enough to succeed in

their lives. By using the freedom of speech, people would understand both sides of the
argument and not just hear the opinions of others. These reasons will help the people build

a change and to build a better country.


Imba Life (2017). 7 key issues and problems of Philippine education. Retrieved


education on September 19, 2018.

Jose, F.S. (2011, September 12). Why we are shallow. PhilStar Global. Lifestyle

Section Retrieved from culture/

2011/09/12/725822/why-we-are-shallow on September 19, 2018

Scuderi, R. (2018). What are the differences between knowledge, wisdom, and

insight? Retrieved from

are-the-differences-between-knowledge-wisdom-and-insight.html on September

19, 2018

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