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--- -~ -


Pressure Drawdown Analysis, Variable-Rate Case I

,, .“’1
1. ~. JONES
l.. ‘

“ABSTRA~ oil reservoir with a well Ioeated at r = O amd produced at

a constant rate, The point-source solution of Eq, 1 is “’ ~
A theoretical development is presented which provides
a straightforward method of handllng the drawdown analY-
sis for both oil and gas wells @wing at varkzble rates. [n
the past our inability to analyze variabIe-rate drawdowns
PIO=P. +~Ei
,( – 4kt’-” )
. (2)

has been a tnajor obstacle its using them for formalion ..

evaluation. This tnethod should permit wider use of these where Ei (–x) = - +du,
tests in the future, .-f

INTRCWJCTION and h is the net pay thickness in cm, q is the production

rate in ca/see, p. is the original pressure’ at t = O, p w is
Pressure buil&up analyses are widely used to obtain the pressure at any t and r., and rw is the well radius.
reservoir data such as the effective flow capacity of the Eq. 2 deiscri~ the pressure drawdown of a well where
formation. On the other hand, although pressure draw- the formation around it is neither damaged nor improved.
dowrts have been run for a long time, they have not been If a condition of permeability damage or improvement
used extensively to evaluate reservoirs because they are exists, the equation must be corrected for these effeets.
difficult to, analyze, One of the difficulties in analyzing van Everdingen’ introduced an additional term:
pressure drawdowns has been thai the theory developed
until now has Wquired the test to be run at a constant rate.
For both oil and gas wells this is a diiiicult requirement to
satisfy, especially during the early period of a well’s life
P“– —
“0 = 4vkh (: In tk
+ 0.809 + 2s , h . (3)*
where S is the skin factor and is dimensionless. If the well
when drawdown tests are usually run. In spite of this limi;
tation, drawdown tests are often mm with build-ups as a is produced at a variable Fate, then, using tie superposition
check. principle and Solution 3, we have
In this Daner a theow, which handles the drawdown t,k
analmis fo~ ~ariable rat& is Presented for both oil and ‘“
gas wells. Thus, one of tie b&gest deterrents to ruiming
drawdowns is removed, and they shoi.tld become a much
P,)– P. = &
9! ! n w + 0.809 + 2S‘)

more useful engineering tool in the future.


I + . . . + (g,,–q,,,,)

I +0.809i-2S
1} , . . . (4)

The general equation used for describing the unsteady-

- rW*#+c
state radial flow of slightly compressible fluids in homoge-
neous porous media can be written in cylindrical coordi- where t, is the total flowing time for n constant-rate flow
nates as periods, t,-t,, t,- t,, ...t.- tn.l with rates q,, %; . . . %.
.=%+%%%-’ “ “ ● ‘i)
If we iuse Eq. 4 in its present form to construct a
straight-line pressure drawdown plot, k, r. ,+, p., c and S
must be known. ThiS is so because fOr every t. a variable ,I
where r is the radial distance in crnj f is the dine in see- factor :,i
onds, p is the pressure at r and t in atmospheres, # is the
fractional porosity, & is the viscosity in CP, c is the com-
pressibility in- vol/vol/atm, and k is the permeability in
In& q.
r. $PC (
+ 0.8091- 2S
is left at the right side of the equation, ”Thht ‘has been a
There are a num~r of solutions of @ 1 for various
mijor Wllculty in analyzing a‘variable-rate pressure draw-
;boundary conditions. One of these h the so-called “p6int-
souree” sohkion,: which approximates the case of an infinite down. J?hnson and (M&korn’ also used !Wution 2 and
the superposition principle to arrive at a variable-rate pro-
cedure for appraising wellbore damage in water-injeetion
OrigInrd mrrnuwxlpt rece.!ved In *let of Petroleum RngIneem nSice
. .._ Nov. 27, 1s64. Revhd manuwrkrt OSS r?E. X3. 1966. ._
Fa@r’’@aiirited *- FIPE Pr&Itiitlon”I%earih Syni-lum held in ‘Me%
. . _. .. . ._ . . .. .. . . . . -–. . . . . . . . . .
OkI@,Mav 2-4? 19SS, *Th&Et function in S& 2 wti expressed as f?{(-tc) = lfkt + 0.67?2.
Thla apjnwxlmatkm Is valid for rJ< 10-~, which is the rule for WIe,ctUd
Weferencm3given at end of prier: reemvoir.
., ..&._ .*. ___

— .—


wells. Their metlyxi does not result in the M of t& forma- _ tw-uzr . (9
tion and requires a knowledge of k, r., $, p ml c. 2A’~h’M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ “ “
TP eliminate the necessity of knowing these parameters
where W = rnhei flow rate in gm/aec, C = a correlmion
for constructing a straight-line pressure drawdown plot,
constant e 0.41, arid all other symbols denote the usual
we divide both sides of Eq, 4 by q.. After simplifying,
t@s in cgs units. This solution is analogous to the point=
summing and expressing. in engineering units and natural .
log basis, we arrive at ‘ . source solution for liquid flow,”
.: Af@ converting terms in Eq, 9 to engineering units, we

1 P. -P. 70.6 p n~- J %!.~n (rn-~,) have

9. [ 712,4 Q/Azc,”
., ,=, Q“ PU’-PW’ = k~ Ii ‘tp” _, 432 ‘““
@i7 “
1. k’ [ )
II +2S-1-in ~.
r. +pc 1 . . . . ,,, (s)
-0,11 x 10-”
r ~,, ,
. . . (10) :
.. ‘1 If log is used in place of natural log then Eq, 5 becomes where Q = flow l’ate (Msof/D, positive when producing)
,, z,” = average resewoir gas compressibility factor ,
P.-P. 162.6 p ‘-l Aq, T = reservoir temperature, ‘R
> —log (cm-r, ) –3.228
q. - Q. t = flow duration, hour
.{[ =!)
,., ,, # = gas-filled porosity
,... ,
.: k M = gas molecular weight (lb/lb mote)
+- 0,87s + Ioj (6)
1 -’”””” B = q~l~~ flOWcomtant (ft-’) (must be nega-
. ..
where, ia both equations, p is in psi, g is in reservoir bbl/
day, 1A,in $p, M in md-ft, r in hours, r in ft, 4 in fracdon, f?q. iO describes pressure drawdown of. a well where “tie.
c in vol/vol/psi, L=0, tiisthe time w,hen the change in formation around it. is neither damaged nur improved. If
rate ,was initiated, Ag, =qt;l - g, and q,=O. a condition of permeability damage or ,improvemenf exkts,
an addkional term must be added to the equation to ac-
count for these effects. Thus Eq, 10 becomes .

70.6 p
should result in a straight line with a slope m = —.
‘“:= “ZP+Q(lW%’-7’432
+LVfY, . . . (Ii)
For this plot, f is in any consistent time units,
If we consider the drawdown to any flow period n, where S is the skin factor and is dimensionless,
* then from either E@ S or 6, we can solve for S. Thus, 712.4 p Z..7
tn = . . . (12)
1 n–l - kb’””””
s= I/j —_ P.. . S Aq, In (t. -l,)
[ mqn % i=o
and D’ = -0.11 -.
x lo”’J’fy;”T ,.>, (13)
-ln*+7.432, . . . (7)
,. D’ is related to the non-Darcy flow constant D of Ramey’
or if log is used, by
1 yl D’=2mD .,.....,. . . (14)
s= 1.15 -=#— — 2 Aq, log (/. - ?,)
[ an i=O When considering a variable-rate drawdown, we apply
superposition (see Discussion). We consider the variable
- log + + 3.228’ , ., , . ‘[8), flow rate as a series of constant flOW rat- Q,, Qt, Q, . . .
r. AJ-C 1 Q.. Although the total “pressure-squared drop” is made
where m in Eq. 7 is the slope of the natural log plot and up of the three separate quantities, tnQ 1n t,
in ~. 8 the slope of the big plot, t is in hours, and the kp.

r&t of the sy~pols

,, are in engineering units. — % =—
P.-Pm AP
– 7.432 + 2S ,
and D’Q*,. superposition affects only the @t.. The. otier
is read from the straight-line plot for the chosen summa- two are &pendept only on the instantaneous rate Q.. W
tion point. define Q. as the sum of a series of delta rates AQ,, where .
Total pressure drop due to. the skin ekct for the draw- AQo=Qx-Qw AQ, =Q, -Qz,
down test ‘then will be . ‘AQ, = a- Q,, etc.,
Ap (Skin) = 2mSq. (S obtained from Eq. 7) and Q~= O. For a series of rates, the pressure-squared
and AP (skin) = 0.87mSq. ($ obtained from 3%. 8) drop due to the first term, ,mQ In $ will then be
.. ~ *-1 ‘
GAS RESERVOIRS m X AQI kI(ts : ti ),
-From the Appendix, the pressure drawdown for a radial i=o
gas fiow at constant rate in an i~nite reservoir is de.
-aczibedbv . . . . .... - .. . . . . ..- .. . . . . .... . . .. . ...
{, P.’- P.’ = ‘~ %&Y-l
“n’) - (“ -Y#nc)]
-- —.+ ..-. .—. —. .4.. —. . . . . . . ..— —— . . .. . . . . . ....—.. ..—* ....* .. . . I

where m is the S1OPOof the Etraight line when

Q,t(ln$,o 7.432 + 2S

where f. is the total flow time, t~ is the time when the

)1 + D’Q.’ > . . (1S) 1 n-l ‘
— S AQ, log (t”–t, )
Q. i=,
change in rate was initiated, and 1.=0. is used in place of
‘ In many cases the quadrati~ term contributes oniy a
small amount to the total drop and we can neglect it, Then L%lAQ, In (r. -t).
u; 1
in the appropriate piot, In addition, klz is given by
P,,’ – P.’ = III 2oAQdn (tR– ti)
[- kh = 1640 /.Lz#’
. . . . . . . (ltla)
+ Q“ ‘JnW
,, 1 , . . . (16)
We now divide through by Q,, and have “’ Eq, 11 is thy approxihutte solution to the ‘non-linear
., partial differential equation which describes the unsteady-
(P? - Pm’)/Q. =5 %lAQ, In (L-t,] , state flow of gas in porous media. Because of the non- ,
Q,, [ {Yo -1 l~lty of the equation, we must show that the application
kp. of the superposition principle results in adequate answers,
— -7.432 + 2S) . (17)
+ “Z(ln +Mrfo’ ‘ Previous’ authors”” extended Horner’s’ pressure build-up ‘
method of anaiysis for oil wells to gas wells, By so doing
ifwe Pbt (P;-pf:’)/Q”’s J-
Qn %lAQ, in (h-t,) ,
they accepted the applictibility of the superposition princi-
[ 1 ple to the solution of the gas equation. Recently, Russell’
applied the superposition principle to arrive at the two-rate ‘
we sh~uld have a straight line With slope of m and inter- flow equation applicable to gas wells.
cept of B equal to In this paper, in addition to what was accepted by pre-
kp. vioti authors, we showed the adequacy of applying the
in ( ln- –7.432 -1-2S) , sup6-po$ition prin~ple YOthe gas equation as follows:
We solved numerfi:ally the non-linear partial differential
provided that the quadratic flow term is negligible. Then, equation by an iteifltive procedure based upon a Crank-
M = 712,4 /.Lz..T/i?z , , . . ‘i , . : (18) Nicolson’ finite-diff+ence formulation. Sixty equal incre~
ments in In r/r. were used for the solutions. (The formu-
When the gas rate of’flow p;r unit thickness is high, the lation and program have not been described in the litera-
quadratic term can no longer be neglected. The quadratic ture but are similar to other published studies.)
effect puts a bow ih the plot of Using the above-mentioned program, several runs simu-
lating variable-rate drawdowns with preassigned valyes for
Q, kh, S and ~ were made to arrive at ffowing bottom-hole ,
pressure data. These data and the preassigned Q were then
making it impossible; to determine either m or B. This used to solve for kh, S and /J values by the method de-
probicm can be overcome quite easily, however, by, a trial- scribed in this paper. A comparison between the exact and .
and-error wrrection of th~’ pa’ - p.’ vaiues. U the qua- the caic~ated values for SC”**.,of the runs. is shown in
dratic effect were not present, the plot wouid give a Tabie L
straight line. Therefore, we can correct the pressure data The values compare favorably, which W& taken as a
by using different D’ values, The D’ value, which, when proof that the application of the superposition principle to
multiplied by Q;, results in correction factors that the approximate solution of the non-linear partial differen-
en out the, plot, is the proper vaiue. The correct plot is tial equation yields adequate resuits.
‘ then used to determine m and B as previotydy explained.
The si@ f~tor S is given by METHOD .OF APPLICATION AND’ EXAMPLES “’
., ., — 1. Plot on regular coordinate pa~r the production rate
and the pressure-squared drop due to skin is g in reservoir bbl/day vs time t in any appropriate units.
Apt = 2SmQn. . . . . . . .. . . (20)’ 2. lXvide the time axis into time increments and calcu-
late the average flow rate for each increment.
If log is used in place of In, Eqs. 11,’14, 19 and 20
baome 3. Calculate p. - pm = Ap as a function of time, and
1640QpzOeT ktpa divide ~h Ap by the average rate existing at that time at
P,? - P.’ = ~h ~ – 3,2281-0.87$ which p. was read. p. and p. are respectively the initial
[ ‘og +prW I reservoir pressureand the flowing bottom-hole pressure in
MQ/3z..T psi.
-0.11 X 10-” r h, , . . . (Ila)
—. w 4. calculate *~}@ in @-~i) -.
D’=11.87n@, . . . . . .. . . . (14a) .,

s= 1,15
-#+ 3.228- log-
+prw’ ‘ 1 . (19a)

WmrnbIliWlkknms, kh
Skins QuodraNcT.rm #
---- Calculated -._..
CalculOtsd Exact mad @lculaNd
-* .. ... ..- “.. ------ . . - ---- .. . ..-. +~.. .____. .-
200 203 0.05 0
2 lw 0.04 -74 x w“ -6 ~ IF
Ap~ = 0.87SrnQ. , . . . . . -. . . (20a) -.. 18% 102s -:2? 4,70
:200 617 6.90 .-8 x NY -7.7 X’lo”

as a function of time and plot it against Ap/q. calculated in

Step 3 on rectangular coordinate paper. t, is the total flow
time. t, is the time when each change k rate was initiated,
f,,--’0, q, is the flow rate in resmioir bbl/day durk
(t,– t,.,) time interwl Ag, = ~t+i - ~~, Y, = Q ~d %
is the flow r~te during (L - 4-1) time mter~~.
S. Czdqulqte the slope w of the resulting straight-line
plot of Step 4, CaIculrtte M by Ah;= 7.061.L/n~.

Data and Requirement

A three-hour drawdown test was conducted on a hew
well, The average flow rates during the timt, the second,
and the tidrd hour were, respectively, 478.5, 319, and
159.5 reservoir bbl/day. The. original. ~ekervoir pressure
was 3,000 psi. The flowing bottom-hole pressure as a
function of thne is given in Table 2, Calculate the average
M of the field.
Solut&n 6, Plot Ap’/Q. VS fl-’’fiQtQt h (f.–fi ).

Steps 1 through 4 of the “Method of Application” sec- Q,, *=O

tion were performed end are summarized in Table 3. 7. If the plot is a straight line, measure the siope m ant!
The last two columns of Table 3 were plotted on regu. find the intercept B. kh and S can be calculated from m
. , Iar coordinate paper, Fig. 1. The slope of the straight line and B as indica~ed by Eqs. 18 and 19.
70.6 X 0.6 8. ~ the plot bows, the data shouid be corrected for the
of Fig. f is’ 0.41, Thus, M = ‘= 103 md.ft quadratic effect. To do this, guess a positive value for D.
where p ww taken to be 0.6 Cp Calculate D’Q for each data point. Subtract D’Qa from
Ap’. Recalculate Ap’/Qfi using the corrected Ap’ data and
A simulated ,run on the electric analyzer gave a M of
plot as, in Step 6. When the piot is a straight line, dnd the
100 md-ft.
slopk m and the Intercept B. kh an~ ~ can be calculated
.. from m and B as in Step 7, and B can be calculated from
GAS WEL& e. D’ as shown by Eq. 13 and is negative.
1. Plot the production rate, Q in Mscf/D, vs ~ime, t in
hours, on regular coordinate pawr. A computer-simulated b@k-pressure test is used to illus-
. trate the method of analysis. The test was run as described
2. DNide the. time W& irito increments and calculate
under Discussion-, The data used to simulate the gas well
the average flow rati for each increment. ,
are presented in Table 4. ~
3, Calcuiate p.’ – p.’ = Ap* as a function of time and The test was run in accordance with the rules stated in
divide each Ap’ by the average ra~e existing at theJ-#irneat the Texas Railroad Commission’s back-pressure-test man-
which p. was read. p. amt P. m re$wotivfly the initial ual. The output data are given in Table 5 and calculations
reservoir pressure and the flowing bottom-hoIe’ Pressure, to obtiin the variables to be plotted are igiven in Table 6.
4. Calculate the AQ value for each point to be plotted. The circled points in Fig. 2 are a plot bf these data
S. Calculate points. Since the bow in the curve is quite apparent, it is
necessary to correct for the quadratic term. As a trial, let
D’ = 0,035. The correction factors equal fYQne and are
~~~ AQ, in (t.- t,)for each point. , “’
subtracted from Ap’. Table 7 shows calculations for cor-
recting the data. the totrd flow time and. r, is the time when change in
rate was initiated and ?. = 0. The x’s in Fig. 2 are a plot of the points in Table” 7.
The line drawn through them has a slope m of 27, From.
*. 18,
Pt*svra (Psi) .. &h = 712.4X 0.013X 1 X 560/27 = 192.
20 99?
40 557 The actual value of kh for the computer run was 200 md-
1:1 ! 378.5 ft. The intercept is 305 and, by Eq. 19,
s =%+
‘( + 7,432 ‘-ln~
20 x“ ldoo
Tim- q. J% -&-”~lAqt,;. [h - N) = ?4
18,73- ln—-
0.15 X 0.013 X (0.23)’ )
—— [r-t WD) ($$ , a. o

200! ;’ .478 :-g

= – 0.17
2: 42.3
40 478,5 2143 : 4.4s
.. . The actual value for S is zero.
.- -- -~~..- , +$ -- - ..%;;:. ..$g...- -- -- .~g._; . . .. . .
922.5 5:79 6:93
.—–—..;$– . . %$ :: ....906 _ 6.6S 6.70
-.. . .
—. ..-. . ... . . . .. .. A.._ .—.. —— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — . ... .. . .. ..-. —.. ----- .-..—-—
—.-- —- .. .. —..- .-~.----- .-
./ , .“
. .

‘0”11x+%$”’ I
I ,- ~

0.035 x 0.23x 100 0
P = - o,llxlo-M,x20~l~560= ‘63xW +$3 ,,‘
WERCEP1 B, 263

which com ares favorably with the input value .of SLOPE● 22.6
-7*104X 10.P
f’, ~’
.* ~~
0 J

George WalKckprovidedtlw numericalao!utionto the

-4 o’ I 2 a
non-linearp@ial ditlerentialequationof the gas flow,The
authorsWe thankfulfor his help. The authors would like
% F
AQI ln, {tn-t4)
to thank also the managementof Swmy Mobfl Oil Co., Fxc. 2-DETSSMINATION OF Rssanvom PASAMEWIS, GAS FLOW,

ho. for permissionto publi~ this paper. ‘

5. M&thews, C. S.: “Analysis of Preseure’Build.Upand Flow Test
.. Data”, jour. Pet, Tech. (Sept., 1961) 862.
REF12hENCES 6. andboeko Natural Gas Engineering,McGraw.HilI Book ‘G,,
L Horner, D. R.,: “Preesrrre B~d-Up irr Wells”, PrcIc,Third ~o.. New Ark (19!591.
~9j~) PetroIeum Congree., Sm II, The Hague, Netherlands 7. Rs&cll D. G,: ‘iDet&nhation of Formation Characterietfos
. from ~wo.Rate Flow Tests”, Jour. Pet. Teeh. (Dec., 1%3)
2. van llverdingen, A. F.: “The Skfrr Effeet nnd 1SSIr@rerreeon
#I;8Pn#UOkiVeCapacity of a Well”,Trans., AIMB (1$63) 8. Forsythe- and Wasow: Fiw’te Difference Methods or Partrd
*. Dfflerentfal Equutiorrs, John Wiley and SeDS,New \ ork.
3.30itti23D, C, & and.Creerrkorrr, R .A,: “A Variable-hte Pro. 9, Jones,L. G.: “An Ap roxirnati,-;?hod for Computing Non.” ,
cerhrrefor Ap raiafrrgWellbore Dama e in Watertiood Input Steady Statq Fiaw of Emea in Pmmis Mmd2a”,Sot. Pet, Eng.
Wells”, ,Jour. P’et, ?’ech. (Jan., 1%3) b, ‘ “Jour. (Dee.j1961) 264.
10. Jones, L. G.: “R$.ervoir R6r.erve T&s”, Jour. Pet. Tech., -
4, Ramey, H, f., Jr.: “Non-Daro Flow and Wellbore Storage Ef. (March, 1%3) 833.. ,-
fecta in pressure Buildu so $’ Drawdown of Gas Wells”, low.
Pet. Tkch. (Feb., 1963) h.
Wqll mdllls ‘ 0.23 ft
@.@e$to oufsr retsrvdr b.undgry :Oy ft -“ We assume that the’ outer bouridary of &e resemofr
&W evaresm~mprw$lblllfy fatter rtqver Acts the pressure behavior at the well. Tbia allowa
Msrvetr rmnpsrowm 100? us to set eonatant the correlation term C (Ref. 9).
SmamOlrthi&nsst to ft
* mderuls wateht 20 ‘ Frbm Ref. 10, an approximate equation relating time
lnltld pfSSBUrS
(ttmtOf d 1000 pskl and drainage rtiiua is ~~
0s$ wIm4slfy 0.013Gp
20 md: =_ufbriInC. ‘ . A
+4refIc mowfortor f2 -7.104 x 10$y t
2kp.’. .”’” .1)-1)
fMmNy tie
Sfenderdfsmpemlum Oot
where r= time, sec
SW@@ WU1U19 $ “ 14.7 *la ri = drainageiadius, &m
Sfandd comprsalbNIty fetter, Z( 1,00 C = correlationterm = 0.410 for infinite reservoir
711@mts S00 Muf/D behavior. ,
ssc0n4 ret. 1000 MWD:
Third mt. ..: 1200 Mtcf/D From Ref. 9, considering Q positive for a flowing well, we
Fnwfh MC 2000 Mscf/O . obtain

~ea-pws = +++ ’.+,...,,.
(A-2) ‘
MI* WA8CVDI AQ Oumtlonof “Q(hr} p.(ENa)
T where
* ~
0.538 920.47
a t,212 gl;f Y W/.LZeJ?T,
t% 3,0
: % 4,0 g:g L
“=nmr “
5 %’ SoD 4.0
*IO rwdlne waufd not normalty be IrmlodsdIn e fmclt erarsura t9sf. It J -/3JVz,J?T
Wor 0d4s4 ta Nlustmfatwo ra41ng6 et ths *m* IWO ati ti give mom sprad —=
f. qw At% L 2dr#M ‘ .
and aiI symbols and @is are identieal to those for, ~, 9
TASLE6 in the text, From Eq, A-1,
Is -1
__~ % AQ4 In OS-h}
wilt -EL_ : “{=0 ‘“ - W“ls% In+=+ lnt- + In
=i-- 920.47 -0.42 %Ii- (-%F) -0. ‘A-3)
2 W2.18 y.H5 336!s
nt .01. t%l 2r4,3
... . . i
. ~ 435.32 T&&8
370.04 %$ W

..—........- :.-.:. - ----- . .. E%..-..--- ----

Ss3- -------(.@.:--
~- :---------–- ) - $5%s”““”-’
‘“’‘ ‘- -“”
4 .,gig , - &
@ whiehis Rq.9ofthetext. *

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