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On July 2, 1996, the mother ship of summer movie invasions landed in

theaters. It came out of nowhere ... and hovered. Unsuspecting cities
nationwide found eager adolescents lining up for blocks. And with the
mercilessly swift firepower of a sophisticated alien spacecraft, Independence
Day proceeded to obliterate its formidable box-office competition—to the
tune of $85 million in just five days!
Independence Day is an action-packed science fiction thriller about aliens
trying to wipe out the human race during Fourth of July weekend. And
what fireworks! The tension begins when enormous flying saucers park
menacingly over earth's largest cities and proceed to demolish miles of
densely populated real estate (an intense and unnerving sight). But those
feisty earthlings won't go quietly. In a "save the planet" campaign more dire
than any recycling drive, the nations of the world unite for a retaliatory strike
led by an honorable U.S. president, a crack marine fighter pilot, a computer
whiz and a colorful medley of supporting characters.
A high-tech hybrid of 1950s alien invasion films and the Irwin Allen disaster
pictures of the 1970s, Independence Day has been called this generation's Star
Wars. But adults who grew up with Darth Vader may want to think twice
before exposing their children to a vicious assault so close to home. E.T.'s
disgruntled cousins level familiar landmarks such as New York City, Los
Angeles, Washington, D.C., and—ulp!—Colorado Springs. Millions of people
die. And though few of the casualties' demises are unduly graphic, a number
of likable characters don't live to see another barbecue, which will certainly
bother more sensitive viewers.
In addition to impersonal violence and mass destruction, adults will object to
the film's frequent uses of profanity and the Lord's name in vain. Also
inappropriate for youngsters are occasional crudities, the enthusiastic
endorsement of cigar smoking, and a brief scene featuring a scantily clad
stripper (whose career choice is condoned).
Still, Independence Day is not without its virtues. It depicts alcoholism as
unhealthy, and sacrifice as noble (a climactic offensive against the aliens
provides a dramatic illustration of John 15:13). The President of the United
States is portrayed as an honest man of personal and professional integrity
who cares more about people and principle than he does about politics. In
addition, the final third of the movie deserves praise for its celebration of
parent-child relationships, the institution of marriage and a kindly Jewish
man's rediscovery of faith.
While this dynamic thrill ride consists of some positive twists and turns, it's
difficult to applaud profanity-strewn entertainment that lures young audiences
with the promise of wholesale carnage. Independence Day packs quite a
punch, but it's one many families may prefer to dodge.

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