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PsYcHo MeSsIaH

Anarchist Kit
DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME : Our text files and message bases are for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES
ONLY.I hold no responsibilities for your actions, any deaths or injuries caused by this reading is your

How To Make Napalm.

About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistency,
like jam and is best for use on vehicles or buildings
- Pour some gas into an old bowl, or some kind of container.
- Use about 30% soap, The soap is
either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do.
The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt
- make sure the gasoline is heated enough to cook the soap.
- Get some Styrofoam and put it in the gas, until the gas won't eat anymore. You should have a sticky
- Put it on the end of something (don't touch it!!). The unused stuff lasts a long time

Molotov cocktail making:

A Molotov cocktail (or petrol bomb) is a crude incendiary weapon which consists of a glass bottle semi-
filled with flammable liquid, usually gasoline (petrol) or alcohol (generally methanol or ethanol), the
mouth of the bottle is stoppered with a cork or other type of airtight bung (rubber, glass, or plastic), and
a cloth rag fixed securely around the mouth. The weapon is used by first soaking the rag in a flammable
liquid immediately prior to using it, lighting the rag and throwing the bottle at the target. The bottle
shatters on impact, spilling the flammable liquid over the target which is then ignited by the burning rag.
Sometimes, if available, self-inflammatory materials (such as white phosphorus), could also be used to
guarantee the bottle's explosion as it hits the target surface. Tar, palm oil or other thickening agents are
often added to the composition in order to make the burning fluid stick to the target rather than run off.
A full bottle will not ignite quickly when it breaks on impact (but has a longer burning potential). For a
device to explode rapidly on impact the bottle is only one half to two-thirds full of mixture.

Soda Bomb:
easily made by simply filling up a 600 ml bottle of 1 half brake fluid (or ethanol) and another half
chlorine, put the lid on, shake it for 1 second or less than throw the bottle, and it will pressurise the
bottle to the extent where it lets of a huge explosion.
DO NOT shake longer than 1 second, or it will explode in your hands.

22 ways to kill with your bare hands:

1. TEMPLE - A very susceptible vital spot. If struck with sufficient force, may cause
unconsciousness or death.
2. NASION - This is the summit of the nose. If struck with sufficient force may cause death.
3. PHILTRUM - This is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose. Attack to this
area may also cause unconsciousness or death.
4. HOOK TO JAW - A powerful hook punch to the front side of jaw may snap an enemy's neck. Fatal.
5. ADAM'S APPLE - A sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate.
6. SOLAR PLEXUS - The small of back. May cause death.
7. TESTICLES - The strong, focused pain of a vicious low blow may cause shock, resulting in death.
8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM - A powerful blow to the nape of the neck, causing mortal damage.
9. COCCYX - A powerful blow to the tail bone. Fatal.
10. FULL NELSON - Stand behind the enemy, put your arms under his, and lock your hands
behind his head. Bending the neck forward may either break neck, asphyxiate enemy, or cut of
supply of spinal fluid to brain, causing brain damage or death.
11. HALF NELSON - Again, standing behind enemy, but one arm is used to pin one of
enemy's arms.
12. BRAIN BUSTER - Bend enemy over towards you, placing him in a headlock. Grab the
back of his belt, and haul him into the air, vertical, upside-down. Allow yourself to fall backward,
landing on your enemy's head, which will absorb your combined weight. Most effective on
concrete or gravel.
13. RUSSIAN OMELET - Cross enemy's legs. Fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground
upside-down and placing his legs above him. Sit on his legs, folding the bass of the spine. Fatal.
14. HEART PUNCH - A strongman's attack, it is simply a powerful blow to the heart. (Many
years ago, the wrestler Ox killed an opposing wrestler with this attack.)
15. UPPERCUT - An upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand,
causing the enemy's head to snap backward. May shatter vertebrae. Fatal.
16. ABDOMEN - A substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ, causing death.
17. RIB CAGE - A vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.
18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH - A swift, hard, cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is
standing near a wall may drive his head into it, causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally.
19. PINNED DROP KICK - Standing behind enemy, holding his arms straight back. A drop
kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine, causing death.
20. HEAD WRENCH - Grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull, and
then twisting with a sudden, violent jerk to rend vertebrae, may easily cause death.
21. CHOKE HOLD - Once a favourite of law enforcement officials, has often proved deadly.
The right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder, and grips the back of the head. The left arm
comes over his left shoulder, reaches across neck, and grabs own right forearm. With enough
pressure applied, causes brain damage or death.
22. HEAD YANK - Bend enemy forward, grab head, and pull back with convincing force. May
separate delicate vertebrae, causing death.

Stealing from Target:

Don’t look up or down too much.

Don’t look at the guards at the front doors at all – definitely not more than once.

Wear your regular clothes to grift little stuff, and don’t hump the shelves while trying to do it.

There are techniques for bigger things.

- Follow all of the above, and then buy something, slip an item into your bag. Walk quickly, look
frustrated, and storm out. If the beep goes off, you will be asked to show your receipt. Say no. They will
let you leave. That’s why it’s important to keep your face level, and try walking to the store if you can.
They can track your car.

- Bring a friend. Show for a while, then go to the checkout and start putting your stuff on the belt. Have
them try to get a refund for nothing or something stupid, and have them throw a fit when they don’t get
it. While the attention is drawn, slip a few things into your sack, and follow the same thing above if you


In every AP – Asset Protection – unit in target, there are Ten officials, three security guards (That are
basically just people dressed in brown to look intimidating), and every single employee in the store on or
off duty, most of them with walkies to communicate with each other in fast, uninterrupted ways. Just
because we don’t catch you immediately don’t mean someone has not noticed suspicion. We have two
floor walkers, which are regularly dressed people who wander the store and spy on you. The employees
do not know who they are, so you won’t see the employees talking to them.
how to hot wire a car:
Simply pull off the plastic cover under the steering wheel, exposing several wires.
You need all these wires, so CAREFUL what you pull.
Firstly, you need to get the ignition on.
Touch the two matching red wires together, in the older car models the standard colour was red, but if
not, look for to matching colours.
95% of the time when you’re successful, the dash will light up. Now the ignition’s on, you can power up
the starter motor, crossing the brown lead with the matching red wires should crank it over and start the
engine, now you’re in business.

How to get out of a blood or DNA test:

This will only work if you’re of 16 years or over.
Every now and then police will not have enough proof to lock you up, there for they may need a blood
test or DNA test.
What you do is refuse to take one, by saying you are Jehovah’s witness (whether you are or not), this
way the police cannot touch you with any needles or shit like that.
remember, you as a juvenile has rights such as:
1. Remain silent, and not incriminate himself/herself.
2. Be placed in quarters separate from adult offenders while being held in custody.
3. Have a lawyer appointed by the court if he cannot afford one
4. Confront his accusers.
5. Be trialed at proceedings that are closed to the public.

Coke Bottle flame thrower:

This is Very simple.
Firstly, you will need, an empty coke bottle, a highly flammable aerosol can.
Now take the lid off the coke bottle and spray the aerosol for about 6 seconds, or more to increase the
effect. Now light the top (the lid), then face the bottle away from you and squeeze the bottle, and it
should release a flame.

Get high off a banana:

1: Obtain 15 pounds of ripe yellow bananas
2: peel all the banana’s, and save the peelings
3: Scrape all the insides of the peels with a sharp knife.
4: Put all the scraped material in a large pot and add water.
5: Boil 3 or 4 hours until it has attained a solid paste consistency.
6: Spread paste onto cookie sheets and dry in oven for about 20 minutes. This will result in fine black
7: now smoke it in filters or tallyhoe's, it will be like having 4 ciggies at once.

Rip off change machines:

Now you and i both know that change machines are true bitches, because they steal our money and look
ugly, now it’s time for revenge!
You first get a nice new dollar to work with. Make sure there are no rips in it. Now, you get a thin piece of
transparent plastic about 3/4 the width of the actual dollar. It must be a good 6" or longer. Next, you
need some transparent tape. Scotch magic tape will work the best. You simply tape the plastic strip to
the dollar. But, you must be careful not to tape it more than 1/2" up the side of the dollar. Tape it on
both sides (front and back, not top and bottom) of the dollar. Now, all you have to do is use it: Walk
casually up to the secluded machine. Take out your dollar, and put it into the machine. BE CAREFUL!
Some of the more modern change machines have alarms! Most likely, though, drink or candy machines
will not. Now, the machine starts taking your dollar.... You wait until your plastic strip is almost all the
way into the machine, and then you pull with sufficient force to get the dollar out of the machine, but not
rip it. If You did it correctly, you should have gotten whatever you bought, and still have your dollar for
later use.

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