Third - English 10

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Camp Phillips, Bukidnon

S.Y 2019- 2020
† By This Sign You Shall Conquer †
‘In God’s Mercy, We Serve with Joy’


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: __________ Date: _______________ Score: __________


Choose the most appropriate option to complete each sentence. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your choice on
the space provided before each number. (1 point each)

______ 1. As for ________, I prefer to let people make up ________ minds.

A. I, our C. me, our
B. I, their D. me, their

______ 2. The old woman lived alone, with ________ to look after ________.
A. no one, her C. someone, her
B. no one, herself D. someone, herself

______ 3. Most of those grocery bags are ________, and the rest belongs to ________.
A. mine, hers C. mine, his
B. mine, him D. mine, yours

______ 4. ________ in the village went to the party but ________ enjoyed it very much.
A. Everyone, nobody C. No one, somebody
B. Everyone, somebody D. Someone, nobody

______ 5. Some of these clothes are ________, and the rest of ________ belong to Luv.
A. mine, them C. theirs, it
B. my, them D. yours, it

______ 6. ________ two rings here on my little finger belonged to ________ grandmother.
A. That, my C. This, my
B. These, me D. Those, my

______ 7. When the little boy grabbed the lizard, ________ tail broke off in ________ hand.
A. it’s, his C. its, he's
B. it’s, my D. its, his

______ 8. ________ cannot see through translucent materials, but light can pass through ________.
A. One, them C. No one, them
B. No one, it D. We, it

______ 9. Trademarks enable a company to distinguish ________ products from ________ of another company.
A. its, that C. our, those
B. its, those D. their, that

______ 10. They decided to buy the house because ________ location would allow ________ to get to work very easily.
A. it’s, them C. its, them
B. it’s, themselves D. its, themselves

______ 11. We all told the boss that we wanted to have ________ salaries paid in advance but he just ignored
A. her, it C. our, them
B. his, it D. our, us

______ 12. I hope you will enjoy ________ at the re-union party this weekend because ________ won't be able to be
there myself.
A. themselves, I C. yourself, me
B. yourself, I D. yourselves, me

______ 13. A baby learns the meaning of words as ________ are spoken by others and later uses ________ in
A. these, it C. they, them
B. they, it D. those, them

______ 14. When the man asked me how I had got ________ address, I told him that I was given it by a relative
of ________.
A. his, him C. his, I
B. his, his D. his, me
______ 15. You and ________ brother need to take time to prepare ________ for the long journey which will start
next month.
A. her, yourself C. your, yourself
B. his, yourself D. your, yourselves

______ 16. Everyone was upset by the mysterious stranger – no one knew ________ he had come or ________ he
was going to do.
A. that, what C. who, what
B. where, what D. why, what

______ 17. The solicitor wrote a letter to Luv and ________ in which he asked us if we could settle the matter
between ________.
A. I, us C. me, ourself
B. I, ourselves D. me, us

______ 18. Our dog is of a very good breed as ________ is the offspring of two very champion dogs and inherited
________ features.
A. he, those C. she, those
B. it, their D. this, its

______ 19. Although ________ in the room seemed to follow ________ said by the speaker, he never intended to
simplify his language.
A. everybody, nothing C. nobody, something
B. nobody, anything D. somebody, something

______ 20. Thousands of children nowadays prefer doing ________ homework with a background of pop-music
to doing ________ in a quiet room.
A. her, them C. our, it
B. his, them D. their, it


Evaluate the following sentences. On the space provided below each item, write CORRECT if the given
sentence exemplifies the correct pronoun usage. Revise the sentence by changing improperly used pronouns
if otherwise. Observe proper mechanics in writing sentences. (1 point each)

Example: Someone left their bicycle on Luv’s driveway.

Revision: Someone left his/her bicycle on Luv’s driveway.

21. My sister is older than me.


22. The reporter spoke to Ms. Butil and I.


23. The soccer team won their division last semester.


24. Either of the children can bring their dogs to the Pet Fair.


25. Me and him went to the park near Holy Cross High School.



Read the poem below and write an interpretation of each of the following symbols: rose; worm; night; storm;
and bed. Write your answer on the space provided below each item. (2 points each)

“The Sick Rose”

O Rose, thou art sick!

The Invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.
26-27. rose


28-29. worm

30-31. night


32-33. storm


34-35. bed


IV. IDENTIFICATION (Topic: Literary Criticism)

Below are guide questions that will help a literary critique in analyzing a literary text. Identify which among
the approaches in literary criticism (FORMALISM, MORALISM, MARXISM, FEMINISM, or HISTORICIM) would
each question best fit. On the space provided before each number, spell out your answer in CAPITAL
LETTERS. (1 point each)

__________________ 36.
How is the text’s structure unified?
__________________ 37.
How did the text present the idea of justice?
__________________ 38.
How are women’s lives portrayed in the text?
__________________ 39.
How did the text present the idea of conscience?
__________________ 40.
How did the text deal with criminals and sinners?
__________________ 41.
How does the author create the text’s tone and mood?
__________________ 42.
How does recurring patterns reinforce the text’s theme(s)?
__________________ 43.
How does the text reflect the time in which it was written?
__________________ 44.
How do male and female characters relate to one another?
__________________ 45.
How do figures of speech contribute to the text’s meaning?
__________________ 46.
How do various elements of the text reinforce its meaning?
__________________ 47.
How does the text address issues of economic exploitation?
__________________ 48.
How does the text reflect urban, rural, or suburban values?
__________________ 49.
How does the writer’s diction reveal or reflect the text’s meaning?
__________________ 50.
How does the text challenge or affirm traditional views of women?
__________________ 51.
How did the text distinguish between just and unjust punishments?
__________________ 52.
How did historical movements influence the writer in writing the text?
__________________ 53.
How do economic conditions determine the direction of the characters’ lives?
__________________ 54.
How does the text provide an opposing view of the period’s prevailing values?
__________________ 55.
How did historical influences help in shaping the form and content of the text?
__________________ 56.
How does the marital status of a character affect one’s decisions or happiness?
__________________ 57.
How would the text be different if a female character were a male and vice versa?
__________________ 58.
How does the text reflect the attitudes and beliefs of the time in which it was written
or set?
__________________ 59. How do social forces shape the power relationships between groups or classes of
people in the text?
__________________ 60. How does the microcosm (small world) of the text reflect the macrocosm (large world)
of the society in which it was composed?

V. SHORT RESPONSE TEST (Topic: Literary Criticism)

Using the Reader-Response Approach in literary criticism, write a one-paragraph essay of NOT less than 8
sentences on The Adventure of Don Quixote (An Excerpt), which we have read in class. Use the back portion
of this paper and observe proper mechanics in paragraph writing. Please be guided by the questions below
and the scoring guide as well. (10 points)

Guide Questions:
61-70. What is the text’s purpose?
Do you like or dislike the text? Why?

Scoring Guide: Content and Structure 5 pts.

Language and Style 3 pts.
Mechanics 2 pts.

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