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aloofness a.

Food placed on a hook or in a net, trap,

angler or fishing area to entice fish
avert b. Turn one’s eyes away
bait c. Unfriendliness
boogeyman d. Fisherman
e. An imaginary evil spirit or being, used to
frighten children

bribe a. Coworker
colleague b. Continuously
companion c. Partner
confront d. Dishonestly persuade (someone) to act
CONSTANTLY in one’s favor by a gift
e. Deal with something

contortions a. The skill of twisting and bending one’s

disguise body into strange and unnatural
fortune position
freebie b. Luck
hand out c. Give
d. Something that you get for free
e. Hide something
Immediately a. Hide and wait to jump out
lurk c. Not reasonable
merit d. Advantage
nonsense e. Disbelievingly

outrageous a. Unusual and surprising

overboard b. Prediction
precarious c. From a ship into the water
prognostication d. Unsafe/not stable
school e. A large group of fish or sea mammals

seductive a. Tempting and attractive

b. Carefully
speculation c. Boat
studiously d. Idea about why something has
threshold happened
vessel e. Doorway


Change the Direct Speech below into Indirect Speech (Reported Speech)!
1. She said, ‘He works in a bank.’
2. Mary said, ‘We went out when the party was over.’
3. Bob shouted, ‘I’m coming now!’
4. Nency said, ‘I was waiting for the bus when he arrived.’
5. Olivia said, ‘I’d never been there before.’
6. Patricia asked, ‘Can I help you tomorrow?’
7. Vivi said, ‘He hasn’t eaten breakfast.’
8. Grandma said, ‘You should go to bed early.’
9. Louis says, ‘I visited my parents at the weekend.’
10. Fairous said, ‘I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London.’
11. Henny said, ‘I was sleeping when Julie called.’
12. Robert asked, ‘Did you arrive before seven?’
13. Lukas asks Mary, ‘ How was your holiday?’
14. She said, ‘I would have visited the hospital if I had known you were sick.’
15. Charlie said, ‘Don’t touch the pan when the water is boiling’
16. Gene said, ‘They had never been to Scotland until last year.’
17. Dony asks Henry, ‘How often do you play sports?
18. Hendro said, ‘Be quick!’
19. Charlie said to Brian, ‘Could you explain number four, please?’
20. Terry said, ‘Don’t do it!’

Change the Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) below into Direct Speech!
1. The teacher asked what we were doing.
2. I answered we were copying the material for the Reported Speech on next Monday.
3. Susan said that she had copied the materials for half of the students in her class.
4. Gerry said that he could see some boys playing in the yard, and they looked happy.
5. Arnold asked whether he and his mother could take the same plane to London.
6. Seon told me to sit n ext to the teacher’s table.
7. Welly told his little brother not to use the elevator along.
8. Renny begged her mom to give her another chance to cook dinner.
9. Timmy said that his sister had ridden bicycle the previous night.
10. Ventry wanted to know where the next meeting would take place.
11. Dian said that she got sore-throat if she had iced water.
12. Jullian said that his mother was cooking then.
13. The porter said that he would help me check-in if I have the name.
14. Zee asked what the title of the book was.
15. Iin said that the book had been returned to the library.

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