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CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Graphics graphics reflect an graphics reflect most graphics are many graphics are no relevant graphic
(clarity/ exceptional degree of creativity, all are made by the student not clear or are too used
originality/ creativity, are related to the but based on the small; no original
relevance) related to the subject and make it designs or ideas of graphics are
subject and make it easier to understand others, all related to included; graphics
easier to understand the subject do not relate to the
Writing 0-1 errors in 2-3 errors in 4-5 errors in 6-7 errors in 8 or more errors in
Conventions grammar/mechanics grammar/mechanics grammar/mechanics grammar/mechanics grammar/mechanics
Attractiveness the work is the work is the work is the work is no effort at design or
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy attractiveness;
attractive in terms of design, layout and though it may be a or very poorly hardly readable;
design, layout, and neatness bit messy designed; it is not very messy
neatness attractive
Use of Class used time well used time well used some of the rarely used the class did not use class
Time during the class during the class time well during the time well and was time to focus on the
period; focused on period; usually class period; there often distractive in work OR often
getting the work focused on getting was some focus on class distracted others
done; never the work done and getting the work
distracted others never distracted done but
others occasionally
distracted others

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