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1. Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _____ it before.

a) saw
b) had seen
c) has seen
d) was seen
2. A cold wind _____ for the last three days.
a) has been blowing
b) blows
c) is blowing
d) blew
3. I _____ as ill as I do now for a long time.
a) wasn't feeling
b) haven't been feeling
c) didn't feel
d) haven't felt
4. I wish I _____ younger.
a) had been
b) would be
c) were
d) have been
5. She said she _____ to me, but she didn't.
a) would have written
b) will have written
c) would write
d) will write
6. If he _____ lucky, he could get the job.
a) is
b) had been
c) would be
d) would have been
7. She told him that if he _____ his promise, she _____ speak to him again.
a) break - would never
b) break - will never
c) broke - will never
d) broke - would never
8. You _____ a six-month contract when you are offered a permanent position elsewhere. What will you do?
a) have just started
b) had started
c) were starting
d) started
9. I'll see you in August when I _____ back.
a) will come
b) came
c) will have come
d) come
10. They claimed they _____ the law.
a) haven't broken
b) were not breaking
c) hadn't braken
d) wouldn't breaking
11. My friend _____ when the lesson started.
a) hasn't arrived
b) wasn't arrived
c) hadn't arrived
d) wasn't arriving
12. He _____ on the bank fishing when he _____ a man's hat floating down the river.
a) has sat - had seen
b) was sitting - saw
c) sat - was seeing
d) was sitting - has seen
13. July 10th is my wedding anniversary. Next month, my husband and I will _____ for twenty years.
a) marry
b) have married
c) be married
d) have been married
14. Who _____ the boss tell him that?
a) did hear
b) does hear
c) hears
d) heard
15. Something extremely strange _____ yesterday while we were out jogging.
a) was happened
b) happened
c) has been happening
d) has happened
16. I _____ this letter around for days and haven't even looked at it.
a) carry
b) have been carrying
c) am carrying
d) was carrying
17. Ouch! I _____ my thumb!
a) have cut
b) am to cut
c) had cut
d) had been cut
18. I _____ the flowers yesterday morning.
a) have been watering
b) watered
c) have watered
d) did watered
19. As soon as you _____ that, I'd like you to go to bed.
a) did
b) will do
c) will have done
d) have done
20. By then I _____ my driving test, I hope.
a) pass
b) will have passed
c) will be passed
d) have passed
1. For a hundred years or so, some critics ------- that poetry is dying and all that time poets ------- poems that
later generations recognise as great.

a) have maintained / have been writing

b) had maintained / were writing

c) maintained / wrote

d) would maintain / had been writing

e) maintain / are writing

2. What I ------- is that we ------- to think seriously about a thorough reform in the legal system.

a) proposed / had begun

b) was proposing / have begun

c) am proposing / begin

d) had proposed / were beginning

e) have proposed / should have begun

3. When the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli ----- a map of Mars in 1877, he ----- a large number of
straight linear features, which he called "canali" that is "channels".

a) publishes / has noted

b) had published / was noting

c) has published / notes

d) published / noted

e) would have published / had noted

4. The report presents a general overview of the problems that ------- when a disaster
------ nation.

a) will be encountered / hits

b) had been encountered / was being hit

c) have been encountered / had hit

d) are encountered / will hit

e) would have been encountered / will hit

5. There have been some art critics who ------- in depreciation of Van Gogh that he ------- a draughtsman all
his life.

a) had maintained / has remained

b) have maintained / remained

c) were maintaining / had remained

d) maintained / would have remained

e) will maintain / remains

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