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Israeli Standard IS 413

Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

December 2013

ICS CODE: 91.080


Design provisions for earthquake resistance

of structures

The standards institution of Israel

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

The following individuals participated in the preparation of the amendment of 1998:

N. Eizenberg, Y. Glick (chairman), A. Scarlet, M. Adin, A. Ruttenberg

Committee coordinator: G. Yanai

The amendment of 1998 was approved by technical committee 104 – characteristic loads on
structures with the following composition:

Technion – Civil engineering department A. Ruttenberg, Y. Glick, D. Yankelevski

Geological Institution Y. Mimran

Workers Company S. Dauver

Bureau of Engineers and Architects A. Scarlet, S. Rabin (chairman)

Ministry of Defense D. Dickman

Ministry of housing and construction M. Sokolovski

Consumers Histadrut Authority R. Farchat

Committee coordinator – A. Ben noon

The second amendment sheet of this standard was prepared by an expert committee with
the following composition:

A. Ruttnberg (chairman), N. Eisenberg, A. Scarlet, M. Adin, A. Pizanti, R. Farchat

The second amendment sheet was approved by technical committee 104 – characteristic
loads on structures with the following composition:

Technion – Civil engineering department A. Ruttenberg, Y. Glick, D. Yankelevski

Geological Institution R. Weinberg

Workers Company S. Dauver

Bureau of Engineers and Architects A.Scarlet, S. Rabin (chairman), K. Reinhorn, Y.


Ministry of Defense D. Dickman

Ministry of housing and construction M. Sokolovski

Consumers Histadrut Authority R. Farchat

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

The third amendment sheet was prepared by technical committee 104 – characteristic loads
on structures with the following composition: Raz Mor, David Segal, Adrian Scarlet, Avraham
Pizanti, Rina Farchat, Avigdor Ruttenberg (chairman)

The third amendment sheet was approved by technical committee 104 – characteristic loads
on structures with the following composition

Association of Construction and Shmuel Rabin (chairman)

Infrastructure Engineers

Technion – civil engineering department Yiska Goldfeld, Avigdor Ruttenberg

Geological Institution Zohar Gvirzman

Israel Contractors and Builders Association Natan Chilo

Bureau of Engineers and Architects Adrian Scarlet, Yossi Ricehman, Claudia


Ministry of Defense Yifat Lopovitz

Ministry of housing and construction Moshe Sokolovski

Consumers Histadrut Authority Rina Farchat

The following individuals have also contributed to the preparation of the third amendment
sheet: Naftali Eizenberg, Sam Freedman, Menachem Kenigsberg.
Moshe Carmel coordinated the amendment sheet preparation.
The fourth amendment sheet of this standard was prepared and approved, under an appeal
discussion, by the central committee 100 for building standards with the following
Kibbutz Industrial Association Eli Cohen
Association of chambers of commerce Shlomi Rozenberg
Technion – civil engineering department Rachel Beker
Israel Consumers Histadrut Talma Weinberger
Israel Association of Contractors David Katz (chairman), Haim Lev,
Aharon Sapir
Israel Association of Industrialists Gil Ashuach, Dan Trynin
Bureau of engineers and architects Israel David
Standard institution of Israel Dani Sneider
Public Works Company Shimon Nesichi
Ministry of defense Orna Raviv
Ministry of housing and building Leo Rubins
Ministry of the interior David Pilzer
Repr. of the Standards institution administration Helen Atarot

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Consumers Histadrut Authority Avi Janach

The fifth amendment sheet was prepared by the expert committee 10401 – Earthquakes –
with the following composition:
Oren Lavan, Edi Leibovitz, Raz Mor (chairman), Rina Farchat, Asaf Keller, Doron Shalev
Yaron Ofir and Menachem Keninsberg also contributed to the amendment sheet
The fifth amendment sheet was approved by the technical committee 104 – characteristic
loads on buildings, with the following composition:
Association of construction and infrastructures engineers – Edi Leibovitz
Technion – Civil engineering department Yiska Goldfeld, Oded Rabinovitz
Geological Institution Zohar Gvirzman
Bonei Haaretz Association Natan Chilo
Israel Electricity Corporation Arkadi Livshiz
Bureau of engineers and architects Paulin Weiz, Israel David (chairman), Shay
Ministry of Defense Claudia Renhorn
Ministry of building and housing Lezer Feldman
Consumers Histadrut Authority Rina Farchat

Elan Ben Noon, Yonatan Nachmani and Limor Argaman concentrated the fifth amendment
sheet preparation work.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Notice of combined revision

This standard is a combined revision that includes IS 413 of June 1995

Error correction of October 1995

Amendment no. 1 of October 1995

Amendment sheet no. 2 of May 2004

Amendment sheet no. 3 of September 2009

Amendment sheet no. 4 of July 2010

Amendment sheet no. 5 of December 2013


Structures design, earthquakes, design response spectra, ductility level.

Up-to-dateness of the standard

The Israeli standards are reviewed from time to time, and at least once every five years, to
adapt to scientific and technological developments. The users of standards have to make
sure they are using the latest revision of the standard, including the amendment sheets.

A document published in the records as an amendment sheet can be a separate amendment

sheet or an amendment integrated in the standard.

Standard validity

This Israeli standard, including the amendments, enters into force from the time it is
published on the records.

It has to be checked if the standard or parts of it are formal. A formal standard or

amendment sheet (in whole or in part) enter into force 60 days from the publication of
notice in the records, unless a later notice sets a later date for coming into force.

Labeling with a standard mark

Whoever producers a product that meets the requirements of the applicable Israeli
standards is allowed, upon permit from the standards institution of Israel, to label it with a
standard mark.


It is forbidden to copy, photocopy or disclose, in any way, this standard or parts of it,
without prior approval in writing from the standards institution of Israel.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table of contents

Preface 15
Chapter A – General matters 15
101. Standard applicability 15
102. References 15
103. Definitions 17
103.1 Accelerogram 17
103.2 Structure base 17
103.3 Story shear strength 17
103.4 Floor shear force 17
103.5 Collector 17
103.6 Low structure 17
104. List of symbols 22
105. Structure classification 30
105.1 Types of structures this standard applies to: 30
105.2 Types of structures this standard applies to (the applicable requirements
are stricter) 30
106. Documentation 31
107. Design inspection and execution 31
108. Instructions for additions, constructive changes and designation change
of structures (3A) 32
108.1 General 32
108.2 Structurally independent additions 32
108.3 Additions that are not structurally independent ...................... 32
108.3.1 Loads and displacements 32
108.3.2 Design 32
108.4 Change of designation 33
108.5 Change in existing structure without increasing its area and/or
designation change 33
108.5.1 General 33
108.5.2 Permissible changes 33
Chapter B – Data and features of the seismic activity 34
201. General 34
202. Environmental features 34

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

202.1 Seismic accelerations 34

202.1.1 Parameters of seismic accelerations 34
202.1.2 Proximity to an active fault 35
202.1.3 Proximity to a potentially active fault 36
202.1.4 Sliding of slopes 36
202.2 Impact of ground sections 36
202.2.1 Definition of the soil types at the site 36
202.2.2 Spectral design accelerations and site coefficients .................. 38
202.2.3 Specific site response survey 39
202.3 Design response spectrum 39
202.4 Spectrum correction coefficients for various restrain levels (4B) 40
202.5 Peak Ground Acceleration – PGA 40
203. Structure features 41
203.1 Regular structure 41
203.2 Irregular structure 42
203.3 Design limitations 42
203.4 Basic cycle time of a structure 43
203.5 Vertical design acceleration coefficient 44
204. Determining the design loads 44
204.1 Seismic activity directions 44
204.1.1 Horizontal action 44
204.1.2 Vertical action 44
204.2 Seismic design coefficient 44
204.3 Structure importance coefficient 45
204.4 Force reduction coefficient 46
204.5 Limitations on the use of the various ductility levels and reduction
coefficient 47
204.6 Determining the story shear force 47
204.7 Limitations on the location of masonry walls 48
Chapter C – Structure calculation methods 49
301. General 49
301.1 Analytic model 49
301.2 Loads 49
301.3 Analysis types 50

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

301.4 Drifts and displacements 50

302. Equivalent static analysis 50
302.0 Calculation model 50
302.1 Total horizontal design load 51
302.2 Concentrated load at the structure head 51
302.3 Horizontal design load distributed along the structure height ... 52
302.4 Vertical design loads 52
302.5 Horizontal distribution of the design load 53
302.6 Impact of torsion 53
302.7 2nd order impacts 55
302.8 Double-stage calculation for tower structures ........................ 55
303. Modal analysis 56
303.1 Design spectrum 56
303.2 Calculation model 56
303.3 Oscillation modes 57
303.4 Horizontal design load 57
303.5 Combination of oscillation modes 58
303.6 Torsion impact 58
303.7 2nd order impacts 59
304. Other methods 59
305. Function of a load bearing element 60
305.1 Diaphragms 60
305.2 Shear wall system 60
305.3 Foundations and base story 60
306. A structure with a soft or weak story 60
Chapter D – Design of reinforced concrete frame systems 61
400. Masonry walls with reinforced concrete belts or steel frame .... 61
400.1 Masonry walls and masonry partition walls 61
400.2 Horizontal belt 61
400.3 Connection and reinforcement 61
400.4 Belts around openings 61
401. Ductility levels 61
402. Material properties 62
402.1 Concrete 62

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

402.2 Reinforcement steel 62

403. Moment resisting spatial frames made of reinforced concrete . 63
403.1 General instructions for seismic design of frames .................... 63
403.2 General design requirements 63
403.2.1 Horizontal design loads 63
403.2.2 Limit horizontal story drift 63
403.2.3 Horizontal design drift 64
403.2.4 Maximum expected drift 64
403.2.5 Separation between adjacent structures (of any material) ....... 64
403.2.6 Stability test 66
403.2.7 Limit horizontal absolute acceleration 66
403.3 Design requirements for the various ductility levels ................ 66
403.3.1 Design of walls 66
403.3.2 Design of columns 74
403.3. Intersections with top ductility levels 80
403.4 Structures with weak or soft story (including structures on open column
floor) 84
404. Ductile shear walls made of reinforced concrete ..................... 84
404.1 General instructions for seismic design of ductile shear walls ... 84
404.2 General design requirements 84
404.2.1 Design loads and moments 84
404.4.2 Design shear forces 85
404.2.3 Minimum dimensions 88
404.2.4 Reinforcement sections in a ductile shear wall ........................ 88
404.2.4.2 Horizontal reinforcement 90
404.2.4.3 Sensitive areas in ductile shear walls 90
404.2.5 Tie beams in braced shear walls 92
Chapter E – Design of steel frame systems 94
Chapter F – design of other structure systems 94
601. Frame systems for other unique structures (9)........................ 94
602. Foundations 94
602.1 Structure foundations 94
602.2 Tie members 95
602.2.1 Beams 95

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

602.2.2 Floors 95
602.2.3 Maximum vertical distance between the foundation and tie member ..
602.2.4 Design of tie members 96
602.3 Impact of earthquake on the ground strength ........................ 96
603. Stability of retaining walls 96
603.1 Active force 98
603.2 Fixed or anchored walls 99
603.4 Passive force 100
604. Non-load bearing elements 100
604.1 Horizontal loads on non-load bearing structure elements ........ 100
604.2 Design of non-load bearing elements 101
604.3 Design of the connection of non-load bearing elements........... 101
604.4 Design of frame elements that are not part of the load bearing frame
system that resists a seismic load 101
Chapter F – design of reinforced concrete frame with high ductility level .............. 102
700. General instructions for seismic design of frames with high ductility level.
701. Design of beams for shear 102
702. Stirrups and shear reinforcement – minimum requirements .... 103
703. Design of shear reinforcement 104
704. Minimum dimensions of columns 105
705. Sensitive areas in columns 106
706. Intersections with high ductility level 109
706.1 Capacity of columns in relation to the beam capacity .............. 109
706.2 Design force to check for shear at an intersection ................... 109
706.3 Inspection of the intersection resistance to horizontal shear .... 113
706.4 Checking an intersection resistance to vertical shear ............... 115
707. Structures with a soft or weak story 116
Chapter H – design of ductile shear walls made of reinforced concrete with high ductility
level .......................... 116
801. General instructions for seismic design of ductile shear walls ... 116
802. Minimum dimensions .......................... 116
803. Sensitive areas in walls .......................... 118
Appendix A – Accelerometers .......................... 121

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix B – Map of horizontal ground accelerations .......................... 121

Appendix C – list of settlements in Israel and their ground accelerations (the list of
settlements was updated)] .......................... 122
Appendix D – Design shear strength values for the calculation of equations (73), (74), (75) ..
.......................... 167
Appendix E – Instructions for preparation of a specific site response survey as per section
202.2.3 .......................... 168
E-1 Analysis of the site response .......................... 168
E-1.2 Development of model for the site conditions .......................... 168
E-1.3 Analysis of the site response and calculation results .......................... 169
E-2 Analysis of the ground motion impact .......................... 169
E-3 Spectrum of the response to the design .......................... 169
E-4 Parameters of the design acceleration .......................... 170
Appendix F- Review of the calculation model for the planned structure ................ 171
Appendix G – Map of active faults and potentially active faults .......................... 172
Appendix H – maps of seismic acceleration parameters .......................... 173
Appendix I – Map of areas suspected of irregular subsoil amplification (13) .......... 185

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

List of tables

Table 1 – Classification of the site soil ........................................................................... 37

Table 2 – site coefficient for short cycle times, Fa ........................................................... 38
Table 3 – Site coefficient for long cycle times, Fv ............................................................ 38
Table 4 – Importance factors I of structures (until defined otherwise in the planning and
building regulations) ................................................................................................... 45
Table 5 – maximum values (A) of the force reduction coefficient K for a reinforced concrete
structure.................................................................................................................... 46
Table 7 – force reduction coefficient values K for a unique structure (with no material
limitation) .................................................................................................................. 46
Table 8 – frequency factor values for live load................................................................ 49
Table 9 – analysis types by structure properties ............................................................. 50
Table 10 – permissible concrete types ........................................................................... 62
Table 11 – seismic design requirements for moment resisting spatial frames for the various
ductility levels ............................................................................................................ 63
Table 12 – design shear force for beams with medium ductility level ................................ 68
Table 13 – limits of longitudinal reinforcement ratio in beams for different steel types ...... 69
Table 14 – minimum requirements for stirrups in beams with low and medium ductility level
................................................................................................................................. 72
Table 15 – requirements for column dimensions of medium ductility level ........................ 75
Table 16 – requirements for stirrups in various areas in a column with low ductility level and
medium ductility level ................................................................................................. 79
Table 17 – seismic design requirements for shear walls with the different ductility levels ... 84
Table 18 – horizontal reinforcement ratio in a sensitive area of a ductile shear wall with
medium ductility level ................................................................................................. 92
Table 19 – seismic amplification factor for non-load bearing elements............................ 101
Table 20 – seismic design requirements for frames with high ductility level..................... 102
Table 21 – design shear force for beams with high ductility level .................................... 103
Table 22 – minimum requirements for stirrups in beams with high ductility level ............. 104
Table 23 – requirements for column dimensions for high ductility level .......................... 106
Table 24 – requirements for stirrups in different areas on a column with high ductility level
............................................................................................................................... 107
Table 25 – seismic design requirements for ductile shear walls for high ductility level ...... 116
Table 26 – horizontal reinforcement ratio in a sensitive area of a ductile shear wall with high
ductility level............................................................................................................ 120
Table D-1: Values of d1 (MPa) .................................................................................... 167

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

List of figures

Figure 0 – Design response spectrum ............................................................................ 40

Figure 1 – structure with recesses................................................................................. 41
Figure 2 – gradual narrowing along the structure height ................................................. 42
Figure 4 – impact of torsion ......................................................................................... 55
Figure 5 – maximum eccentricity of a beam (horizontal sections) ..................................... 67
Figure 6 – concrete areas where the longitudinal reinforcement of a beam will be located . 71
Figure 7 – sensitive beam areas with dense stirrups........................................................ 72
Figure 8 – length of sensitive area in a column ............................................................... 77
Figure 9 – length of sensitive area at a column-beam intersection .................................... 78
Figure 10 – layout of stirrups in a sensitive area of a column with medium ductility level .... 79
Figure 11 – connection of bars to front columns ............................................................. 80
Figure 12 – Capacity of columns in relation to the capacity of columns at intersections of
moment resisting spatial frames for top ductility levels ................................................... 81
Figure 13 – effective horizontal dimensions at an intersection ......................................... 82
Figure 14 – displacement of moments envelope (1) in walls ............................................ 85
Figure 15 – vertical reinforcement ratio in a ductile shear wall......................................... 88
Figure 16 – Dimensions of sensitive area in a ductile shear wall ....................................... 92
Figure 17 – example for diagonal reinforcement in a tie beam ......................................... 94
Figure 18 – system of active forces behind a rigid retaining wall ....................................... 97
Figure 19 – layout of stirrups in a sensitive area in a column with high ductility level ........ 107
Figure 20 – sections and dimensions for equations (94) – (96) ....................................... 108
Figure 21 – failure plane at an intersection .................................................................. 111
Figure 22 – thickening of a ductile shear wall ............................................................... 117
Figure 23 – ductile shear wall with no thickening.......................................................... 118
Figure H-1: map s1 for return period of 475 years (10% in 50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B) .................................................................................................................... 173
Figure H-2: map ss for return period of 475 years (10% in 50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B) .................................................................................................................... 174
Figure H-3: map Z for return period of 475 years (10%@50 years) for ground class B ....... 175
Figure H-4: map for the value TL (Seconds) for return period of 475 years (10%@50 years)176
Figure H-5: map S1 for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground class
B) ............................................................................................................................ 177
Figure H-6: map Ss for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground class
B) ............................................................................................................................ 178

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-7: map Z for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) for ground class B ......... 179
Figure H-8: map for the value TL (seconds) for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) . 180
Figure H-9: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years), VS30 = 760m/s (ground class
B) ............................................................................................................................ 181
Figure H-10: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years), VS30 = 760m/s (ground
class B) .................................................................................................................... 182
Figure H-11: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years) for ground class B ........ 183
Figure H-12: map for the value of TL (seconds) for return period of 2475 years (2%@50y). 184

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


Earthquakes are expressed by ground shocks that might endanger structures.

This standard specifies design requirements for structures designed to resist such an event.
The requirements are based on the latest information. The resistance of structures having
suitable ductility level is expressed in their ability to absorb energy when subjected to plastic
strains. The purpose of this standard is to ensure adequate resistance of the structures it
applies to, as follows:

- Improve the chances of resisting an earthquake without potential damage to the

stability of the load bearing elements – during a moderate earthquake;
- Improve the chances of earthquake resistance without collapsing and without
risking human lives – during a strong earthquake.

Chapter A – General matters

101. Standard applicability

This standard discusses the resistance of structures to earthquakes.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to the types of structures specified
in section 105.2. Stricter requirements apply to these structures.


From the day this amendment sheet is published, AS no. 5 in the "records", both IS
413 of 1995 including its amendment sheet no. 1 of December 1998 and its
amendment sheet no. 2 of May 2004, and IS 413 of 1995 including its amendment
sheet of December 1998, its amendment sheet no. 2 of May 2004 and amendment
sheet no. 3 of September 2009, and IS 413 of 1995 including its amendment sheet
no. 1 of December 1998, amendment sheet no. 2 of May 2004, amendment sheet
no. 3 of September 2009 and its amendment sheet no. 5 of 2013, shall apply.

Meaning, this amendment sheet allows a transition period. During this period,
planners will be able to design structure resistance to earthquakes according to IS
413 of 1994 with its amendment sheets no. 1, 2, 3 and 5, or according to IS 413 of
1995 with its amendment sheets 1, 2 and 3

Or according to IS 413 of 1995 with its amendment sheets 1 and 2 or

According to the discretion of the building frame planner.

102. References
Standards and documents referred to in this standard:

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Israeli standards

IS 253 Classification of soils for civil engineering purposes – lab

classification and visual classification

IS 412 Loads on buildings: characteristic loads

IS 413 part 2 Design for earthquake resistance: engineering structures – General

IS 413 part 2.1 Design for earthquake resistance: engineering structures –

Tanks on the ground for liquid storage

IS 413 part 2.3 Design for earthquake resistance: engineering structures – raised
tanks for fluids and gases

IS 413 part 2.4 Design for earthquake resistance: engineering structures –

aboveground piping in industrial facilities

IS 414 Characteristic loads on structures: wind load

IS 466 part 1 Concrete code: general principles

IS 466 part 2 Concrete code: elements and systems of reinforced and non-
reinforced concrete

IS 466 part 3 Concrete code: prestressed concrete

IS 466 part 4 Concrete code: elements and systems made of precast concrete

IS 466 part 5 Concrete code: ceilings made of prestressed precast hollow slabs

IS 940 Building foundation

IS 1225 part 1 Steel structures code: general

IS 1225 part 4 Steel structures code: design for earthquake resistance

IS 1227 part 1 Loads on bridges: road bridges

IS 1226 part 2 Loads on bridges: railway bridges

IS 1378 Foundation of piles in rocks by percussion drilling

IS 1630 Support walls made of reinforced soil

IS 2413 Instructions for evaluation of existing structures to earthquakes and

how to reinforce them

IS 4466 part 2 Concrete reinforcement steel: plain bars

IS 4466 part 3 Concrete reinforcement steel: ribbed bars

Israeli laws, regulations and documents

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

GSI/15/2009 – maps of zones with potentially high ground motions amplification:

explanatory notes.

The building and planning regulations (permit application, its conditions and tolls) –
1970, as amended

Foreign documents

EN 1998-1 Eurocode – 8 design provisions for earthquake resistance of


ASCE – 7-10 Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures

103. Definitions
The following definitions shall apply to this standard:

103.1 Accelerogram
Registration of the ground accelerations under an earthquake and their changing as
a function of time.

103.2 Structure base

A level where the planning engineer assumes that the major impact of the ground
motions is transferred there to the structure.

103.3 Story shear strength

Sum of the shear capacity in the inspected direction of all structure columns and
walls on a horizontal section above the floor of a story i (section 204.6).

103.4 Floor shear force

Sum of all seismic horizontal forces acting on the structure, above the floor of a
given story i.

103.5 Collector
A structure element that transfers horizontal forces from the place of action to the
location of vertical elements in the system that resists these forces.

103.6 Low structure

One of the following structure types:

103.6.1 New low structure (until defined otherwise in the planning and building

A one-story or two-story new residential structure, with a total building area of less
than 400 m2, that is located in an area where Z ≤ 0.075, that is not built with a
column floor and is made of a concrete frame or steel frame.

103.6.2 Existing low structure (until defined otherwise in the planning and building

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

An existing one-story or two-story residential building, with a total building area of

less than 400-m2 that is located in an area where Z < 0.06, that is not built with a
column floor and is made of a concrete frame or steel frame. One-story storage structure with a roof span of less than 10-m with no overhead
crane; One-story agricultural structure that is used for agricultural crops or animals;

103.6.5 Temporary or portable structure, of one or two story, whose duration of existence
at the site will not be more than 5 years.

103.7 Regular structure

A structure that meets the requirements of section 203.1.

103.8 Non-regular structure

A structure that deviates at least from one of the requirements for a regular

103.9 Story rigidity level

The ratio of the calculated floor rigidity in a given floor i and the calculated story
rigidity of the floor above it, or the ratio of the average of calculated story rigidities
of the three stories above it, all as relevant.

103.10 Moment resisting spatial frames

A system of frames that transfers the impact of horizontal forces mainly by bending

103.11 Braced spatial frames

A system of vertical trusses that transfers the impact of horizontal forces mainly by
axial forces.

103.12 Frame system

A system of spatial frames with no shear walls that is subjected to all loads (vertical
and horizontal), as specified in section 103.10 or section 103.11.

103.13 Wall system

A system of single load bearing walls or coupled walls that is subjected to all loads
(vertical and horizontal).

103.14 Dual system

A system that is subjected to all loads (vertical and horizontal), partly by moment
resisting spatial frames and partly by single load bearing walls or coupled walls or
braced frames.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

103.15 Force reduction factor

A factor that depends on the structured type and the ductility level it was designed

The design ductility level will be achieved by static scheme and reinforcement
details that ensure the structure behavior.

The use of the reduction factor is based on the structure capacity to develop plastic
hinges and maintain them all together, such that a brittle fracture that might
endanger the stability does not occur.

103.16 Subsoil factor

The definition was deleted.

103.17 Importance factor

A factor that represents the financial-social importance of the structure and its
protection level.

103.18 Center of rigidity

A point in the ceiling of a given story i, where the resultant horizontal force passing
through it does not create rotation of the story ceiling around a vertical axis in
relation to the story's floor.

103.19 Ductility

The capability of a structure or element to absorb energy by plastic strains before

failure occurs.

103.20 Story drift

Maximum difference between the drift of corresponding points on the floor and
ceiling of a given story, after movement.

103.20.1 Relative story drift

The difference of the story drift divided by the story height.

103.21 Response spectrum

An envelope line for the maximum response of an oscillator with one degree of
freedom and a given restraint factor, for ground movements originating from an
earthquake, as a function of the self-frequency of the oscillator.

103.22 Column

An element subjected to bending (1) and axial force that meets the requirements of
section 403.3.2.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

103.23 Plastic hinge

An area limited by an element that is subjected to a moment that equals the section
capacity and can cause plastic rotation, while maintaining the capacity or while
limited increase of it.

103.24 Basic oscillation mode

An oscillation mode that corresponds with the basic period of time (definition

103.25 Coupling

Creation of internal forces in elements in a direction that is perpendicular to one

main direction, as the external horizontal forces act in this main direction.

103.26 Soft story

A story with horizontal rigidity that is smaller than the rigidity of the story above it
times 0.7, or the mean rigidity of the three stories above it times 0.8.

The rigidity evaluation is done by comparing the relative story drifts.


Foundation columns story, or sheet pile walls (including walls made of piles one next
to the other) is considered an aboveground story and is inspected by the above
criteria and those in definition 103.27 (section 203.1).

In compacted soil, the soil resistance can be considered by its subsoil module factor
starting from a depth of 1-m as a minimum.

103.27 Weak story

A story whose total strength for shear to resist horizontal forces is smaller in one of
the directions from the strength of the story above it (in the same direction) times
0.8 (section 203.1).

103.28 Coupled shear wall

A pair of walls in the same plane that are connected at the lintels or tie beams in the
ceiling levels.

103.29 Torsional rigidity

The moment required to obtain rotation around the center of rigidity of the ceiling
of a given story i in relation to the story floor at an angle of 1 radian.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

103.30 Story rigidity

The required horizontal force to obtain parallel movement in the inspected direction
(story drift) in one length unit. This force equals the inverse of the story drift due to
the action of a horizontal unit force in that direction at the center of rigidity.

103.31 Radius of rigidity

A square root of the ratio of the torsion rigidities of a given story i and its story
rigidity for parallel drift.

103.32 Beam

An element subjected to bending that in the worst case of design load combinations,
including seismic activity, carries an axial force as in the requirements of section

103.33 Ductility level

A capability given to the entire structure and various elements in the structure, by
adequate design of the concrete sections and reinforcement, to develop plastic
hinges (definition 103.23) and absorb energy under dynamic conditions without
failure. This capability is given in this standard to structures made of reinforced
concrete in three different levels.

103.34 Frequency

Time defined in years, during which an earthquake that is worse than predicted will
not take place (by a given probability).

103.35 Basic period or basic cycle time

The longest natural cycle time for the structure oscillation.

103.36 Active fault

Fault that was defined by the Geological Institution as an active fault and that
appears on the updated map of the active and potentially active fault in Israel 1(1A)
(See appendix G).

103.37 Potentially active fault

A fault that is suspected as active faults as defined by the Geological Institution but
there is no proof to that, and it appears on the updated map of the active and
potentially active faults in Israel (1A) (see appendix G).

(1A) Definition of the Geological Institution for an active fault for the purpose of this standard: a
fault that has torn the surface at least once in the last 13,000 years.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

103.38 Active fault area

An area of about 200-m on each side and edge of a fault trace (active fault and
potentially active fault). This is an area where there is high probability for repeated
action of one of the fault branches or sub-faults that were not yet located.

104. List of symbols

Aa – total area of tension rebars on a beam in a junction section, that surround the
junction, are subjected to vertical bending and anchored to the tension face of the

sum of the horizontal section areas of columns and walls made of

reinforced concrete in the inspected direction

Ag – full section area of the concrete in an element, column or beam, as relevant

Ai – area of structure subjected to live load q in a given story i

Ajh – horizontal shear reinforcement section area at a column-beam junction

Ajv – vertical shear reinforcement section area at a column-beam junction

Ak – grain section area of a column or wall, bound by an external stirrups

AL- longitudinal reinforcement section area on a beam (top and bottom together)

Sum of the horizontal section areas of masonry walls in the

inspected direction

As – longitudinal reinforcement section area on a beam, found on an external half of

the tension part of a section; total vertical reinforcement section area on a shear
wall section or a column

As' – longitudinal reinforcement section area on a beam, that is found on an external

half of the compressed part in a section

As1; as2 longitudinal reinforcement section areas on beam sections on both sides of
a column-beam junction

Asc – longitudinal tension reinforcement section area on a column (the larger area if
the reinforcement is not symmetrical)

Asc ' – longitudinal compression reinforcement section area on a column (the smaller
area if the reinforcement is not symmetrical)

Ash – total section areas of the stirrup branches (in each main direction) in a column
section; horizontal reinforcement section area on a wall; section areas of one branch
on a stirrup in a beam section

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

As,min – minimum reinforcement section area of one stirrup arm

Horizontal section area of all walls of steel columns in the inspected


AT – increase factor for the impact of torsion (section 302.6)

A – distance between longitudinal rebars on a column (figures 19, 10).

Ah,max – peak expected horizontal ground acceleration (absolute value of the peak
acceleration, m per sec)

a'; b' – dimensions of a thickened edge section of a shear wall (figures 15, 22, 23)

B – horizontal structure dimension perpendicular to the seismic activity direction.

Bx; By width of building in the said story, in direction y or x, respectively

B - wall thickness

bc – column width

bj – effective width at a junction for shear calculation

bw – beam wall width

Cd – seismic design factor

Cdm – horizontal modal seismic design factor for mth oscillation mode

CGi – center of masses in story i

CKi – center of rigidity in story i

d – distance between center of masses and center of rigidities perpendicularly to the

seismic activity direction (figure 4); the permissible horizontal displacement at the
head of a retaining wall (cm); active height of a concrete section

E – maximum active force acting on a retaining wall

EAE – active dirt load on a retaining wall

EPE – passive dirt load at the feet of retaining wall

EWE – dynamic force as a result of pore water pressure behind a retaining wall

e – eccentricity of load Fi in relation to the center of masses perpendicularly to the

seismic activity direction; eccentricity of the beam in relation to the column

eMX; eMY – distance of the centers of areas or from the center of

rigidity of the frame in the given story, respectively

F – the force acting on a sliding surface of the active block

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Fa – site factor for short cycle times (section 202.2.2)

FH – total horizontal design load (equivalent)

FHM – total horizontal modal design load for mth oscillation mode

Fi – resultant horizontal design load for seismic force in story i

Fim – horizontal design load on story i for mth oscillation mode

Fp – side seismic design load on a non-load bearing element

Ftop – horizontal design load concentrated at the top of the structure under
earthquake impact

Fver- vertical design load under earthquake impact

Fv – site factor for long cycle times (section 202.2.2)

Fcd – design compressive strength of concrete -

Fck – characteristic compressive strength of concrete

fctm – mean tensile strength of concrete in a shear wall or frame, as relevant

fmk – characteristic shear strength of masonry walls (Section 204.6)

fsd – design strength of the reinforcement steel or the steel structure

fsd,L – design tensile strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel -

fsd,h – design tensile strength of stirrup steel or horizontal bar steel

fsk – characteristic yield strength (nominal yield limit) in reinforcement steel

fvd – design shear strength of concrete

Gi – characteristic dead load in story i

g – gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/sec2)

H – total height of the structure (m); height of a retaining wall above its base

Hi – level of the ceiling of story i above the base level

- the height where the active force acts

Hp – part of the height of a retaining wall that is subjected to passive force

hb – height of a beam section (m)

hc – dimension in a horizontal section in a column perpendicular to bc (figure 13)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

hi – height of story i (m)

hs – ceiling thickness (figure 6)

hw – wall height in a structure

hx'; hy' distance between axes of extreme longitudinal rebars in a column, in main
directions (figure 20)

I – structure importance factor

i - number of the story in question; slope of the ground surface behind a retaining
wall, in relation to the horizon

K – force reduction factor for a structure, as specified in the corresponding table out
of tables 7, 5.

KAE – active pressure factor on a retaining wall under earthquake conditions

KPE – passive pressure factor at the feet of a retaining wall under earthquake

Kh – horizontal seismic pressure factor, whose value depends on the permissible

displacement for the retaining wall

Kq – frequency factor for live load (table 8)

Kv – vertical seismic pressure factor that by design equals zero

l – beam length up to a junction center, or column length above a junction center

la – length of diagonal bar anchoring on a tie beam

lb – length of tie beam between opening edges

l1; l2 – length of beams on both sides of a column-beam junction (between junction


l1n; l2n – length of beams on both sides of a column-beam junction (between column

lc – length of a sensitive area on a column or wall

lc1; lc2 length of columns on a column-beam junction (between junction centers,

above and beneath the junction)

ln – column length (between column edges)

lp – length of plastic hinge area on a wall

lw - wall length (in a horizontal direction)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

M – a mass that participates in the oscillation mode by its location on the structure

M0 – a moment that causes on a section edge of a column or wall a zero compressive

stress on that Nd ( with linear strain distribution)

M1; M2 - Capacity moments on both edges of a beam span (with a symbol above to
state the trend)

Md – calculated design moment (including amplification factors) in the inspected

direction, in relation to the center of the section

Mu – bending capacity moment for the wall section, by the existing reinforcement

Muc1; Muc2 - bending capacity moment of a column at the connection to a column-

beam junction (above and beneath the junction)

Mul – bending capacity moment of a beam to the left of a junction

Mur – bending capacity moment of a beam to the right of a junction

N – resistance to standard penetration test (SPT)

Nd – design axial force (negative for compression)

n – number of stirrup branches; number of stories in a building

P – resultant force acting at the bottom of the wall

Pcs – a prestressing force that is caused by prestressing cords found on the central
third of the beam height, after prestressing losses

PGA – peak expected horizontal acceleration at the surface (in units of gravitational
acceleration, g)

PI – index of plasticity

Q – combined response value (section 303.5)

Qi – characteristic live load, concentrated or linear, on story i

Qm – response value for mth oscillation mode

qi – characteristic live load, distributed over the area, on story i

Ra – basic spectral amplification factor

Rp – seismic amplification factor for non-load bearing elements

Sa – spectral design acceleration (in units of gravitational acceleration g) (section


SDS – spectral design acceleration under the impact of ground conditions at the site
for short cycle times (in units of gravitational acceleration g) (section 202.2.2)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

SDI – spectral design acceleration under the impact of ground conditions at the site at
cycle time of one second (in units of gravitational acceleration g) (section 202.2.2)

Ss – horizontal spectral acceleration on a rock (ground type B) for a short cycle time
(in units of gravitational acceleration g) (section 202.1.1)

S1 – horizontal spectral acceleration on a rock (ground type B) for a cycle time of one
second (in units of gravitational acceleration g) (section 202.1.1)

s – spacing between vertical rebars on a shear wall

sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups along a beam or along a column; distance

between horizontal bars on a wall

su – non-drained shear strength (KPa)

T – basic period of the structure or basic cycle time

T0 – cycle time on the limit between the first area and second area, as specified in
section 202.3 (seconds)

TL – cycle time on the border between the third area and the forth area (also called
the long corner cycle time) as specified in section 202.3 (seconds)

Ts – cycle time at the border between the second area and the third area (also called
the short corner cycle time) as specified in section 202.3 (seconds()

Vcd – the concrete part that is subjected to shear force on a column

Vch – the concrete part that is subjected to horizontal shear force on a junction

Vcol – horizontal shear force on a column

Vcv – the concrete part that is subjected to vertical shear force at a junction

Vcw – the concrete part that is subjected to shear force in a shear wall

Vd – maximum shear force on a shear wall or tie beam on a braced shear wall

Vi – Total horizontal shear force in story i

Vid – maximum shear force in a beam design

Vim – total shear force in story i for mth oscillation mode

Vjh – design force for horizontal shear at a junction

Vjv – design force for vertical shear at a junction

Vmax – maximum shear force on a beam

Vmin – minimal shear force on a beam

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

VRx; VRy total shear capacity of a story in the inspected direction

Vs – mean speed of the shear wave in the top 30 meters of the subsoil (m per

W – total weight of the structure above the floor of a given story; the weight acting
on an element; the total weight of an element; the weight of the active ground block
acting during earthquake

Wi – total weight of story i (in force units)

Wim – active modal weight in story i for mth oscillation mode

Wm – total active model weight for mth oscillation mode

Wmin – minimum weight acting on an element at limit service state

Ww – weight of the retaining wall

W – moisture content (%)

x – distance of the neutral axis from a compressed edge on a wall

- critical location of the neutral axis

y – distance of an element from the center of rigidity, measured perpendicularly to

the seismic activity direction

Z – peak expected horizontal acceleration on an exposed rock face, classified as

ground type B (in units of gravitational acceleration, g)

z - arm of internal forces in a reinforced concrete element at limit destruction state

 - coefficient in equations (66) and (69)

h – inclination angle of a stirrup that is inclined in relation to the element axis

β – inclination of the back of a retaining wall from the plumb

β1 – axial force factor as per equation (76)

 - spatial non-submerged weight of the ground

f - partial safety factor for the load

m – partial safety factor for the material (c for concrete, s for steel)

n – behavior factor

RD – over-strength factor due to strain hardening in steel

sub – spatial submerged weight of the ground

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

w – spatial weight of water

Δ – separation distance between two buildings or two blocks in a given structure

Δel,I – maximum story drift in story i which is the horizontal story design drift

Δi,lim – limit horizontal story drift in story i

δ – friction angle between the back of a retaining wall and the ground

δid – real expected maximum displacement in ceiling level i, including the impact of

δ i,calc – maximum calculated displacement in ceiling level i

δmax – maximum calculated displacement in ceiling level i, including the impact of

torsion without coefficient AT

δmin – minimum calculated displacement in ceiling level i, including the impact of

torsion without coefficient AT – simultaneously with δmax (at the opposite end)

eq- dynamic amplification factor for shear on walls

c; cu- maximum compression concrete strain in a shear wall; concrete strain for

- restraint factor (% of critical restraint)

 - spectrum correction factor for restrain factors other than 5% (section 202.4)

; 1; 2 – coefficients to determine the reinforcement ratio in column stirrups or in

horizontal reinforcement in a shear wall

; - coefficients in equations (26), (27)

 - tension reinforcement ratio in a section

' – compression reinforcement ratio in a section

c – total longitudinal reinforcement ratio in a column

h – reinforcement ratio in stirrups on a column or horizontal reinforcement ratio on

a shear wall

max – maximum reinforcement ratio

min – minimum reinforcement index

v – vertical reinforcement ratio on a shear wall

 - diameter of plain rolled steel bar; internal friction angle in the ground

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

b - friction angle between the bottom of a retaining wall and the ground

h – diameter of a stirrup bar

im – modal displacement in story i (for mth mode)

L – diameter of a longitudinal rebar

 - the angle obtained, by equation (87), for the retaining wall stability

m – story stability factor in story i for mth oscillation mode

 - ratio of the minimum shear force and the maximum shear force; factor for the
eccentricity impact

 - summary for all structure stories or its oscillation modes

d – design shear stress for a column or beam

dl – design shear stress of the concrete

 - diameter of ribbed rebar

105. Structure classification

105.1 Types of structures this standard applies to:

105.1.1 Residential structure, except for "low structures" (section 103.6);

105.1.2 Public structures;

105.1.3 Industrial and storage structures, except for "low structure" and those discussed in
IS 413, part 2, including all parts;

105.1.4 Stacks;

105.1.4 Silos2 (except for the subjects discussed in IS 413 part 2 including all parts).

105.2 Types of structures this standard does not apply to (the applicable
requirements are stricter)
105.2.1 Nuclear reactors;

105.2.2 Pressure tanks;

105.2.3 Security facilities, chemical industry and other structures whose destruction might
endanger a wide population;

The calculation of silos will also include the response of their content to the structure oscillation,
with different filling levels (information that is available on professional literature).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

105.2.4 Tanks and other engineering structures (to which the sub-parts of IS 413, part 2,
including all parts, apply)

105.2.5 Bridges3

105.3 Structure types, materials and construction methods that are not specified enough
in this standard, will be designed by the applicable requirements of the foreign
documents referenced in section 102.

106. Documentation
106.1 The planner's documents will specify the basic data for his seismic design, as follows:

- Israeli standard IS 413;

- Ground acceleration and the ductility level taken into account in the seismic design
calculations or the calculations of the size of coefficient Cd;
- Short description of the load bearing systems that resist the horizontal forces;
- Were the calculations done manually or using a computer.

106.2 If the calculation was done manually, in part or in whole, then all of the manual
calculations of the engineering relating to the seismic design will be saved as part of
his duty to keep the structure stability calculations. If the calculation was done using
a computer, then a plan personally signed by the planner will be added to the
planner's documents, including the following details:

- Drawing of the calculating model systems, used to present the problem in the
- Names of computer software and their revision, names of user manuals attached to
them and their revision (with any information necessary to determine the nature
and scope of the computer analysis, writing and inspection of data, and analysis and
interpretation of results).

106.3 The planner will keep, as part of his duty to keep the structure stability calculations,
these documents as well:

- Full printout of data, as submitted for computer running, including the signature of
the planner who made them, full name and submission date for running on a
- Final result output in the form of printout or CD.

107. Design inspection and execution

In structures of group A, B (section 204.3) and in high and multi-story structures of
group C, in all areas of the country, the design inspection and execution will be
required as follows:

The design of bridges will be done as specified in IS 1227 including all parts. The horizontal ground
acceleration will be determined as specified in section 202.1.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- Design inspection, by a structure engineer who is an independent licensed inspector,

an expert in structure design for earthquakes. This requirement shall apply after the
publication of the Planning and Building Regulations for the duty of design
inspection and execution.
- Preparation of a specification for the supervision for materials and their tests (in
addition to the regular supervision) – by an experienced engineer, who will inspect
the lab test reports and make periodical visits to the site, to make sure that the
execution meets the specifications and plans.

108. Instructions for additions, constructive changes and designation

change of structures (3A)

108.1 General
The instructions of this section apply to the design of additions to an existing
structure and to the design of an existing structure whose designation was changed
(importance factor and/or loads).

The design of changes in an existing structure without increasing its area and/or
designation will be done by the requirements of section 108.5.
See in addition the planning and building regulations.

108.2 Structurally independent additions

The design of an addition that is structurally independent of the existing structure
will be done such that the additional shall meet all the requirements of this

108.3 Additions that are not structurally independent

108.3.1 Loads and displacements

The existing structure and the addition to it (hereinafter: "the total structure") will
meet the loads and displacement limitations specified in this standard.

108.3.2 Design The structural model

The total structure analysis will take into account the rigidity and strength of the
new and existing elements that participate in the acceptance of the seismic load.
The analysis will consider structural elements or non-structural elements that
participate in the load acceptance, even if not designed to do that. The rigidity and
strength of masonry walls, "honeycomb", precast elements or others will be
calculated by the recommendations of the latest professional literature and/or
relevant standards (Israeli, American or European).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended Existing structure elements that are not part of the seismic
stiffening system
The capacity of structure elements to carry the gravity loads combined with
the stresses developing in them under the influence of the maximum
expected displacements according to section 403.2.4, while preventing
brittle fracture will be ensured. Design of the addition elements

The design of the addition elements will meet the requirements of this
standard and the requirements of standards relevant to the design of new
buildings. The existing structure elements are part of the seismic stiffening
The existing structure elements will meet the stresses developing in them. In
the absence of reinforcement details that provide sufficient ductility to
prevent a brittle fracture, the capacity of these elements to resist the
stresses developed in them will be ensured, without taking into account a
force reduction factor (meaning K = 1.0).

108.4 Change of designation

When a change in designation changes the classification of the structure to a higher
importance level group (section 204.3) and/or results in change in loads, then the
structure and the access to it will meet the requirements applicable according to this
standard to new structures for the corresponding group.

108.5 Change in existing structure without increasing its area and/or

designation change

108.5.1 General
A change can be made in an existing structure, as specified in section
108.5.2, without meeting the requirements of section 108.3, except for the
requirements relating to the structural model specified in section 108.3.2, if
it is proven by calculation, that the change does not reduce the seismic
resistance of the original structure.

108.5.2 Permissible changes

The permissible changes in an existing structure without meeting the
requirements of section 108.3 are as follows: addition of lift shafts,
improvement of accessibility for the disabled, improvement of security
protection and/or seismic protection (for partial improvement of the
structure resistance to earthquakes, with no area addition and no
designation change), improvement of sanitary conditions, improvement of
fire safety, light construction addition as long as its mass is not more than
2.0% of the original structure mass (3B), and that it does not increase the
eccentricity between the rigidity center and its center of mass.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended
Calculation of the original structure mass will be performed for the structure parts above
the entry level (meaning, excluding basements, underground parking spaces and shelters)
and will include the construction and cladding materials.

Chapter B – Data and features of the seismic activity

201. General
"Seismic activity" according to this standard is the forces and displacements exerted
(in horizontal and vertical direction) due to an earthquake.

The combination of the seismic activity with other loads will be as specified in the
relevant Israeli standards for combinations of loads.

202. Environmental features

202.1 Seismic accelerations

202.1.1 Parameters of seismic accelerations

The parameters Z, Ss and S1 of the response spectrum characterize
responses of structures located on ground type B, due to an earthquake for
which there is a given probability (for example 2%, 5% or 10%) and that a
stronger earthquake will occur within a period of 50 years.

Z – peak expected horizontal acceleration on an exposed rock classified as

ground type B (in gravitational acceleration units g) (See section 202.2.1,
table 1).

Ss- horizontal spectral acceleration coefficient, for systems with 5% restraint,

on an exposed rock (ground type B) for a short cycle time, but not shorter
than T0 as defined in section 202.3

S1 – horizontal spectral acceleration coefficient, for systems with 5%

restrain, over an exposed rock (ground type B), for a cycle time of one

These values are brought in units of gravitational acceleration g (9.81 g per


These values will be determined by the location of the construction site and
the desired probability, out of the accelerations map (see appendix H) or the
list of settlements (see appendix C). For demonstration, the auxiliary tool as
specified on the website of the Standards Institution of Israel can be used
(for information only).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

The design will be based on the values that correspond with probability of 10% in 50 years
(repetition period (1) of about 475 years).
Class A building (as stipulated in table 4) shall be designed as the maximum determined in
accordance with (see formula 3 a-g):
Structures of importance group A (as specified in table 4) will be calculated by the stricter of
the following (see equation 3 (A-G):
Sa would be in accordance with 10% for a period of 50 years (return period of 1/475) – TG
the load is multiplied by the importance factor I.
Sa – based on a probability of 10% in 50 years (return period of 1/475 years).
Sa would be in accordance with 2% for a period of 50 years (return period of 1/2475) divided
by the importance factor I.
Sa – based on probability of 2% in 50 years (return period of 1/2475 years) divided by 1.4.

Structures of importance group B (as specified in table 4) will be calculated by the stricter of
the following:

Sa- based on probability of 10% in 50 years (return period of 1/475 years);

Sa - based on probability of 5% in 50 years (return period of 1/975) divided by 1.2.

202.1.2 Proximity to an active fault

A. On the trace (1) of an active fault and 15-m on both sides of its edge, no structures
that this standard applies to will be erected. Geological research has to be carried
out in order to pinpoint the location of the fault and the traces of additional faults, if
any, up to the limit of an "active fault area".
B. The construction of structures in an "active fault area" will be accompanied by a
reasoned opinion concerning the foundations and geology, that will prove that
within the structure area and up to 15-m meters from it, there are no traces of an
active fault.
C. The prohibition on construction on an active fault trace shall not apply to low
structures that are not designed for residence, as defined in section 103.5, nor in
cases where the ground at the site is not classified as ground type A, B or C,
according to section 202.2.1. In cases where the ground is classified as type D, E or F,
except for structures as defined in section 103.6 that are not occupied, it has to be
proven by detailed calculation that the structure shall meet the requirements of this
standard, considering relative displacements originating from the rock. In addition, it
has to be proven that the shear area/strip in the ground is not located within the
structure area, including its foundation elements.
D. All the opinions will be attached to the documents submitted to the local authority,
and will constitute part of the conditions for granting a construction permit.
E. For every outline plan, or a detailed plan including construction that is subjected to
the earthquake design requirements, geological survey will be carried out in order to
check for active and potentially active faults, and the conclusions shall be an
inseparable part of the design documents.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

202.1.3 Proximity to a potentially active fault

Construction on a fault trace that appears on the fault map of the geological
institution that is suspected as active or close to it (see appendix G) up to a
distance of 200-m on each side, requires a geological survey in order to
pinpoint the fault location and check that it is not an active fault. If proofs
are found that the fault is inactive, then the research report will be
submitted to the geological institution to confirm the findings.

If the findings are not confirmed, or if geological survey is not conducted,

then the limitations specified in section 202.1.2 for an active fault shall apply
to the construction close to the fault.

202.1.4 Sliding of slopes

When building on a slope or close to it, the soil consultant will check the
seismic stability of the slope, and if soil sliding there might endanger the
structure stability. If the slope is found unstable, adequate steps must be
taken to ensure its stability, otherwise building the structure there must be
prevented. The above consultant's opinion will be attached to the
documents submitted to the local authority as part of the compliance with
requirements for accepting a building permit.

202.2 Impact of ground sections

The impact of soil and subsoil conditions at the site on the structure
response have to be determined. The soil classification at the site (from A to
F) is based on the parameters in table 1 and in section 202.2.1 below at the
top 30-meters of the subsoil, while weighting the various layers and their
thickness4, as specified in table 1, unless the soil at the site has to be
classified as type F. If there is a soil layer that is thicker than 3-m, that
separates between the foundation bottom and a rock, then the soil at the
site will not be classified as A or B.

202.2.1 Definition of the soil types at the site

A. The type of soil at the site will be determined by the definitions in table 1
and in this section.
B. The soil at the site will be classified as E when it meets the corresponding
criteria in table 1, or if in addition to the condition of the table, the soft clay
layer thickness is more than 3-m and it features the following properties:

PI > 20,  >405, Su < 25 KPa

Weighting of the parameters that characterize the soil at the top 30 meters will be done by the

equation , as di is the layer thickness, xi is a parameter that characterizes the layer

(meaning Su, N or Vs) and . For example, the mean shear wave velocity at the top 30

meters is , as Vs.i is the shear wave velocity on sub-layer i of thickness di.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


Su – shear non-drained strength (KPa)

 - moisture content (%)

PI – plasticity index

C. Soil at the site will be classified as type F when one of the following
conditions is met:
1. Soil that may reach failure or collapse under a seismic load, like soil that
might undergo liquefaction and sensitive clays.
2. Organic clay and peat soil of thickness of more than 3-m.
3. Plastic clay, with plasticity index PI larger than 75 and thickness larger
than 8-m.
4. Very thick layers of soft clay or semi-stiff clay, with thickness of more
than 37-m and non-drained shear strength Su that is lower than 50 KPa.
D. When the section does not precisely meet the provisions of one of the soil
types in the table, the closest section out of the specified sections has to be

Table 1 – Classification of the site soil

Type of soil Description Shear wave Resistance in Non-drained

at the site velocity at the standard shear strength
top 30-m of the penetration test (KPa) (A)
subsoil (m/sec) (SPT) (A)

A Hard rock >1500 - -

B Rock 760-1500 - -
C Very dense soil or 360-760 >50 >100
soft rock
D Rigid soil 180-360 15-50 50-100
E Soft clay (see also <180 <15 <50
section 202.2.1)
F For conditions for classification see section 202.2.1 C. In this case, specific site
response analysis has to be carried out as specified in section 202.l2.3.
A) In case of discrepancy between the inspection of and , the soil at the site will
be classified by the softer soil.
B) In structures of importance groups A and C that are located in an area suspected as
amplifying the deviations, as presented in the map of areas suspected as amplifying
irregular subsoils (appendix I), and for which a specific site response survey was not
carried out, the soil will be classified one level lower rigidity degree than the one
obtained by the table criteria (for example soil type C will be defined as D).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

202.2.2 Spectral design accelerations and site coefficients

The spectral design accelerations coefficients under the influence of the soil
conditions at the site SDS and SD1 will be calculated by equations (1) and (2),
as the values of SS and S1 will be determined by the specified probability
(for example 10% in 50 years, 2% in 50 years):



Fa – site coefficient for short cycle times as specified in table 2

Fv – site coefficient for long cycle times as specified in table 3.

Table 2 – site coefficient for short cycle times, Fa

Type of soil Horizontal spectral acceleration on a rock (soil type B) for a short cycle time
at the site Ss (section 202.1.1)
Ss = 0.5 Ss = 0.5 Ss = 0.75 Ss = 1.0 Ss  1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
F Section 202.2.3

Table 3 – Site coefficient for long cycle times, Fv

Type of soil Horizontal spectral acceleration on a rock (soil type B) for a cycle time of one
at the site second S1 (section 202.1.1)
Ss = 0.1 Ss = 0.2 Ss = 0.3 Ss = 0.4 S1  0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4
F Section 202.2.3

In the absence of sufficient data about the soil properties to a depth of 30-m as a
minimum, or an opinion of a licensed soil and foundation engineer, the site
coefficients Fv and Fa will be determined by soil type E, unless the soil at the site is
classified as F.

The spectral design accelerations in a soil classified as F will be determined by

analysis of the specific site response as described in section 202.3.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

202.2.3 Specific site response survey

Limitations and instructions for a specific site survey are brought in appendix

A specific site response survey has to be performed in the following cases:

A. When the soil section is classified as F according to section 202.2.1

B. For structures of importance group A (see table 4) in areas where, according
to the map of "areas suspected as amplifying irregular subsoils" (See
appendix I), it is suspected that irregular subsoil are amplified due to the
existence of very hard base rock or due to basin effects.

A specific site survey can be also conducted in cases where the soil is classified A
to E. In such case, the spectrum will be determined by the survey and not by the
tables, as long as it meets the limitations of appendix E about the reduction of

202.3 Design response spectrum

The design response spectrum, brought in figure 0, determines the values of the
spectral design acceleration coefficient Sa as a function of the basic cycle time (the
basic period) of the structure, T.

The spectral design acceleration coefficient is determined by four areas of cycle

times, as specified below:

A. In the range where T is lower than T0:

T0 – is the cycle time at the border between the first range and the second range
(seconds) whose value is:
But for tanks according to Israeli standards IS 413 parts 2.2 and 2.3 in this range:
B. In the range where T is between T0 and Ts:
Ts – is the cycle time on the border between the second range and the third range (also
called the "short corner cycle time") whose value is:
C. In the range where T is between Ts and TL:
TL – the cycle time on the limit between the third range and the forth range (also called
"the long corner cycle time" (see appendix H). Its value is more than 4 seconds, and is
determined based on the site location, and is stated in the standard maps for the long
corner cycle time.
D. In the range where the cycle times are longer than TL:


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Sa – spectral design acceleration coefficient (in g


T – cycle time in seconds

Figure 0 – Design response spectrum

202.4 Spectrum correction coefficients for various restrain levels (4B)

The restrain level  according to this standard is 5%. When a restrain level other
than 5% is required, its rate will be as specified in the corresponding part of Israeli
standards IS 413 series or other relevant Israeli standards.

The response spectrum values for restrain levels  other than 5% will be obtained by
multiplying the value Sa by the correction coefficient , that is given in the equation:


The restrain level of the convective component in fluid tanks is 0.5% as specified in
IS 413 part 2.2, but for it  = 1.5.

The restraint level to calculate the correction coefficient  for structures higher than
50-m, with circumferential walls that are not masonry walls of thickness larger than
15-cm, will not be more than 3%.

202.5 Peak Ground Acceleration – PGA

If a specific site survey is not carried out to determine the peak ground acceleration,
then the peak acceleration will be calculated by the spectrum value at cycle time 0
(intersection with the vertical axis), or by the following equation:



Fa – is the site coefficient for short cycle times as specified in table 2 (by the value of

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

203. Structure features

Structures will be classified as regular or irregular.

203.1 Regular structure

A structure that meets all of the following conditions together:

A. For a horizontal configuration –

- For an approximately symmetrical geometrical shape of a structure, where there are
recesses in the structure (1), the dimension of each of them will not be larger than
one quarter of the minimum external dimension in the structure (figure 1). If their
depth is larger than the smaller of 2.5-m or 1/10 of the horizontal structure
dimension in the recess depth direction;
- The area of any ceiling used as a diaphragm will be no less than half of the bounding
area (on a convex polygon) of the story in question;
- On each story, the distance d that is measured perpendicularly to the direction of
the seismic activity (figure 4), between the center of masses and the center of
rigidity (definition 103.18) will not be more than 15% of the radius of rigidity
(definition 103.31) that is calculated in that direction.
- There will be no horizontal discontinuity in a load bearing system that resists the
earthquake forces;
- In the calculation of story drifts, including the torsion impact, the maximum story
drift will not be larger by more than 50% of the drift in that direction, on the
opposite end of the story in question.

Figure 1 – structure with recesses

B. For a vertical configuration

- With no limitation on a vertical configuration, for a one-story or two story structure
of less than 11-m high;
- There will be no soft story in the structure (definition 103.26);
- There will be no weak story on the structure (definition 103.26);
- In a frame structure, the ratio between an existing shear capacity and a story shear
design force will not change by more than 20% from a story to the story beneath it.
The limitation will not apply to the top story of any structure and to the two top
stories in a structure of 7 stories and up;

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- There will be no vertical discontinuity in a structure in a load bearing system that

resists the earthquake forces;
- There will be no story in a structure whose total weight is 1.5 and more larger than
the weight of any story below it;
- In a structure whose horizontal dimensions are increasingly reduced along the
height (figure 2), there will be no narrowing within the bottom part (within the
range of 15% of the total height of the structure), and the narrowing on any ceiling
above this range will be less than 10% of the horizontal dimension in the direction of

Figure 2 – gradual narrowing along the structure height

203.2 Irregular structure

A structure that fails to meet the conditions specified in section 203.1, in whole or in

203.3 Design limitations

The design of structures according to this standard will be performed using modal
analysis (or other acceptable dynamic analysis), except for cases where equivalent
static analysis, as brought in table 9, is permitted.

Story structures may not be built with a soft story when the ratio of rigidities
(definition 103.26) is less than 0.65 of the story above it, or 0.7 of the mean of the
three stories above it, or with a weak story (definition 103.27), unless the structure
is a double-story and its height above the foundation surface is less than 9-m.

The design of structures with irregularities for which there are no instructions in this
standard will be performed as instructed in the latest professional literature.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

203.4 Basic cycle time of a structure

The basic cycle time T of the structure will be calculated by common methods for
structure dynamics, taking into account all the elements that contribute to the
structure stability. In reinforced concrete structures and composite steel-concrete
structures, the rigidity of the elements that contribute to rigidity will be evaluated
considering cracking. In the absence of a more accurate analysis of cracked elements
made of reinforced concrete, the bending and shear rigidity will be as recommended
in the latest professional literature. The rigidity can be determined considering half
of the rigidity of the non-cracked section.

If the total contribution of elements that are not part of the system that is designed
to carry seismic load (like masonry walls or precast concrete screen walls) to the
horizontal rigidity of the structure is more than 15% of its rigidity without these
elements, then their contribution to the structure rigidity has to be taken into
account in the calculation of its cycle times only.

In equivalent static analysis, the basic cycle time T can be determined based on tests
or measurements using approximate methods, but it will not be longer than that
obtained from these equations:

- In a structure made of reinforced concrete frames or steel eccentric stiffened



In a structure made of steel frames:


In other structures:



H - the total height of the structure above the top level of the foundation or a rigid
basement ceiling (5A) (m)

T – the structure's cycle time (seconds)

In equivalent static analysis, if the cycle time T was calculated by dynamic analysis,
then the cycle time for the calculation will not be larger than that obtained from
equations (6A), (6B) (6C), multiplied by a coefficient that equals:


As a substitute for analysis to evaluate T, the values of equations (6A), (6B) and (6C)
can be used.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


The rigidity of masonry walls will be calculated by Israeli standard IS 2413 in the
section discussing masonry walls (4.4.1), or according to other latest professional

203.5 Vertical design acceleration coefficient

The design acceleration coefficient for vertical seismic activity is calculated by
multiplying by 2/3 of the design acceleration coefficient ordinates for horizontal
seismic activity (meaning: the values to calculate vertical spectral accelerations will
be determined by multiplying by 2/3 of the values calculated by equations (3)).
The note was omitted.
Will be taken as measured above a rigid basement ceiling, if the horizontal rigidity of the
basement in the inspected direction is at least 5 times larger than that of the structure within
its range.

204. Determining the design loads

204.1 Seismic activity directions

204.1.1 Horizontal action

A. The direction of horizontal seismic activity for any element will be the one that
causes the most severe stresses.

In regular structures, the calculation can be carried out in two main directions
only: the direction of the axis of symmetry (or the approximate axis of
symmetry) and the perpendicular direction.

B. The results of the two calculations will be integrated as specified in the various
sections of this section (see also section 303.2).

204.1.2 Vertical action

The impact of a vertical seismic action is brought into account mainly in the design
of cantilevers, prestressed concrete beams (IS 466 part 3) and column supporting
beams (section 302.4).

204.2 Seismic design coefficient

The seismic design coefficient Cd will be determined by the equation:


Cd will be subjected to the following limitations:


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

C. In an equivalent static analysis only when S1 >0.4:

Sa – spectral response acceleration coefficient from the design response spectrum
specified in section 202.3
I – structure importance coefficient by table 4
K- force reduction coefficient due to seismic activity as per section 204.4.
Z – expected horizontal ground acceleration coefficient
S1 – according to section 202.1.1.
If the value of Cd that is calculated by the limitations A, B, and C above, is larger than

, then the drift calculations will be performed based on the forces obtained from
the calculation as per section 302 or 303 and not directly from the values of Sa in the

204.3 Structure importance coefficient 5

The seismic protection level the structure will be designed for will be adapted to the
public importance and the expected environmental damages, and its value will not
be lower than specified in table 4.

Table 4 – Importance factors I of structures (until defined otherwise in the planning and
building regulations)

Group Structure type Importance factor

A Structures having high public importance, that are supposed 1.4
to function with their systems during and after an
earthquake: power plants, hospitals, firefighting stations,
police stations, phone exchanges, first aid stations (including
entries and passages, and the service structures and water
tanks serving them)
B Structures of public importance, that are supposed to allow 1.2
escape of people with no life hazard, like schools, day care
centers, cinemas, prayer houses, function and dancing halls,
public buildings, jails and structures where a large amount of
people is expected, including highly populated buildings, as
determined by the competent authority.
C All other buildings that are not included in groups A and B.
Note: see also section 202.1.1.

The values of importance coefficients for tanks and other structures containing explosive or toxic
materials, or for tanks having a potential of causing considerable damage to the environment,
whether independent or part of a structure, will be at least those that are specified in IS 413, part 2.2.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

204.4 Force reduction coefficient

The force reduction coefficient values K for reinforced concrete structures are
specified in table 5.

Force reduction coefficient values K for steel structures are specified in IS 1225 part

Force reduction coefficient values K for unique structures are specified in table 7.

Table 5 – maximum values (A) of the force reduction coefficient K for a reinforced concrete

No. Stiffening system Ductility level

Low Medium High
1 Moment resisting spatial frames 1.5 3.5 5.0
made of reinforced concrete
2 Braced frames made of reinforced 1.5 3.0 4.5
3 Shear walls or dual systems, made 1.5 3.0 4.0
of reinforced concrete
A) In irregular structures, with medium and high ductility level, the reduction
coefficient value K will be reduced by 20%.
B) Existing structures will be handled subject to the instructions of section 108.

Table 6 – force reduction coefficient values K for a steel structure – the table was omitted.

For values for a steel structure see IS 1225 part 4.

Table 7 – force reduction coefficient values K for a unique structure (with no material

The structure K
Stacks and silos made of cast in situ reinforced concrete whose 3.5
walls go down up to the level of foundations, cooling towers,
signs, racks in warehouses
Stacks and silos (not mentioned above), vertical production 2.8
facilities, hopper tanks, antenna towers (cantilever or bound) and
other independent structure (self-supporting)
Cantilever structures with concentrated mass at the top, 2.0
amusement facilities memorials
Unique structures discussed in the sub-sections of Israeli standard As specified in the
IS 413 part 2 – engineering structures reduction coefficient
tables of the series

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

204.5 Limitations on the use of the various ductility levels and reduction
A low ductility level is permitted only for "low" structures and structures of
importance group C in an area where Z ≤ 0.20, for structures of importance group B
in an area where Z ≤ 0.10, and for structures of importance group A in an area where
Z ≤ 0.075.

Structures of importance group A, that are erected in an area where Z  0.10, will be
designed with a reduction coefficient that fits a medium ductility level only (even if
the details of their elements are designed for a high ductility level).

204.6 Determining the story shear force

The story shear strength will be determined in separate for each of the main
directions, in order to check the location of a weak story (definition 103.27) as per
section 203.1.

In the calculation of the story shear strength, the frame components will be taken
into account (like, concrete or steel columns, reinforced concrete walls, braced
shear walls, vertical trusses made of concrete or steel) that resist the story shear
force in the inspected direction, and masonry walls of 150-cm thick or more, that are
parallel to that direction, whether built between concrete columns or between
concrete walls on both ends – less the length of openings in them. The total story
strength for shear in the inspected direction will be calculated by equations (7) and
(8) as follows:

(7) In concrete (7A)


(8) In steel (8A)



VRx; VRy Total shear capacity of a story in the inspected direction

Sum of the horizontal section areas of columns and reinforced

concrete walls in the inspected direction

Sum of horizontal section areas of masonry walls in the inspected


Horizontal section area of all webs of steel columns in the inspected


fvd - design shear strength of concrete

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

fsd – design strength of steel in columns

fmk – characteristic shear strength of masonry walls whose value is:

0.2 MPa – in masonry walls where the mortar strength at joints is 10 MPa as
a minimum

0.1 MPa – in masonry walls where the mortar strength at joints is weaker.

204.7 Limitations on the location of masonry walls

In order to prevent negative impact due to eccentric distribution of masonry walls in
a story, the conditions of equations (9) below shall be met in each of the building



eMX; eMY - distance of the centers of areas or from the center of

rigidity of the frame in the story in question, respectively (measured perpendicularly
to the inspected wall)

Bx; By width of building in that story, in direction y or x, respectively

When one of the above conditions is not met – the rigidity of these walls will be
taken into account when determining the location of the story's center of rigidity.
For this purpose, walls made of hollow blocks or silicate squares will be considered
as having a Young's modulus of 2000 MPa, and Ytung block walls will be considered
to have Young's modulus of 1200 MPa.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Chapter C – Structure calculation methods

301. General

301.1 Analytic model

- Seismic impact on a structure is determined by an analytic model that represents
the actual behavior of the structure.
- The model also takes into account all structure elements that do not carry load and
can impact the response of its load bearing system.
- This standard is based on a linear elastic model of the structure, when determining
the design loads.

301.2 Loads
The calculation of seismic impacts takes into account all weights Wi that exist in the
structure during a seismic event, as a cause and source of inertial forces in an
earthquake, by their location in the building, according to the following equations
(10) and (11):



Wi – total weight of story i (in force units)
Gi – characteristic dead load in story i
Qi – characteristic live load, distributed over a surface, in story i
Qi – structure area that is subjected to live load in story i
kq – frequency factor for live load (table 8)
M – seismic participating mass in the oscillation mode, by the location in the
G – gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/sec2)
The impact of Wi (times the partial safety factor for a load of f = 1.0) will be always
integrated in the calculation of the earthquake impact.

Table 8 – frequency factor values for live load

Structure type Frequency factor

Roofs with no access kq = 0
Residential buildings and office buildings kq = 0.2
Halls and parking lots kq = 0.3
Warehouses, libraries, archives kq = 0.5
Silos kq = 1.0

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

301.3 Analysis types

Table 9 specifies the analysis types by the structure properties.

Table 9 – analysis types by structure properties

Analysis types Structure type

Equivalent static analysis Permitted only for the following structures:
(section 302) A. Structures of importance group C that were defined as
"regular" and whose height is not larger than 42-m from
the foundation surface or from the surface of a rigid
basement (5A) and structures with basic cycle time T, the
shorter of the following:
T  (3.5 Ts; 2 seconds)
Ts – the cycle time on the border between the second range
and the third range (also calls "the short corner cycle time")
whose value is SD1/SDS.
B. Structures of importance group C, regular or irregular, in
all areas, whose level above the base level is less than
20-m and the number of stories above the lowest
ground surface around them is not larger than 5 – as
long as there is no soft or weak story in them, and that
the distance between the center of masses and the
center of rigidity in each direction is less than 15% of the
structure length in that direction.
Modal analysis (section Fit for all structures in all areas and is binding in any case where
303) equivalent static analysis is forbidden.
Advanced analyses As specified in section 304.

301.4 Drifts and displacements

The requirements and instructions of sections 403.2.2, 403.2.3, 403.2.4 , 403.2.5 and
its sub-sections – apply to all structure types, of any material and any calculation

302. Equivalent static analysis

302.0 Calculation model

The structure and its elements will be designed to meet the forces and displacements
under the following stress combinations:

A. 100% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 30% of the
design force due to an earthquake in direction Y with 30% of the design forces due
to an earthquake in direction Z;

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

B. 30% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 100% of the
design force due to an earthquake in direction Y with 30% of the design forces due
to an earthquake in direction Z;
C. 30% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 30% of the design
force due to an earthquake in direction Y with 100% of the design forces due to an
earthquake in direction Z;

When directions X and Y are horizontal and perpendicular to each other and direction Z
is the vertical axis.

The earthquake in direction Z will be considered only in the cases specified as per
section 204.1.2.

302.1 Total horizontal design load

Total horizontal design load, FH, acts at the base of the structure in the direction of
calculation (and its value also equals the total shear force at the structure base), will
be calculated in each direction in separate according to the following equation (12):



Cd – seismic design coefficient (section 204.2)

Wi – total weight of story i (in force units)


Design shear forces for the top ductility levels will also include the dynamic
amplification factor, as specified in section 404.2.2.

302.2 Concentrated load at the structure head

In a structure calculated by the equivalent static analysis method, with basic period
T that is longer than 0.7 seconds, a concentrated horizontal design load will act on
its head FT (in addition to a distributed design load, as specified in section 302.3),
whose size will be calculated by equation (13) below:



T – basic period of the structure

In a structure with a basic period shorter than that and in a structure that is
calculated by modal analysis, no such concentrated load will act. When calculating
the structure stability to resist turning over, the impact of FT may be neglected.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

302.3 Horizontal design load distributed along the structure height

In the absence of a method more accurate than the method above, the remaining
horizontal design load FH –FT will be distributed along the height of a "regular"
structure, when exerted as a series of equivalent concentrated forces in the level of

The rate of horizontal load in each story i in the direction in question will be
calculated by the following equation (14):



Fi – equivalent horizontal design load for a seismic force in story i under the impact
of an earthquake

FH – total horizontal design load under the impact of an earthquake (section 302.1)

FT – concentrated horizontal design load at the structure head under the impact of
an earthquake (Section 302.2)

Wi – total weight of story i (in force units)

Hi – ceiling level of story I above the base level

The load Fi acting on the top ceiling level will be attached to the load FT acting there.

302.4 Vertical design loads

For all elements sensitive to vertical design loads in a structure (prestressed beams,
cantilevers, column carrying beams etc.) in an equivalent static analysis, a vertical
load Fv is applied, with force reduction factor K=1, as specified in equations (15), (16)
and (17) below:

On horizontal cantilevers, upward and downward, with no live load:


On prestressed beams, as a combined load with minimum load directed downward:


On column carrying beams at the spans:



Pv – a vertical design load under the impact of an earthquake

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

I – structure importance factor

W – weight exerted on an element

Wmin - minimum weight exerted on the element at limit service state

PGA – peak expected horizontal acceleration on the surface (in units of gravitational
acceleration, g)

302.5 Horizontal distribution of the design load

A design load Fi in each story will be exerted in the ceiling level, the story shear force
Vi will be divided into different stiffening components of the story, using of the
acceptable engineering methods – by the rigidity and location - assuming that the
ceiling is a diaphragm (section 305.1), which is horizontal and rigid in its plane. The
ceiling displacement and rotation depend on the size and direction of the resultant
(sum) of the horizontal forces above the story in question, and its location in relation
to the center of rigidity of the story.

All elements that carry vertical load which are not part of the load bearing system
that resists the horizontal load in that direction are also inspected, with respect to
their capability to continue to carry vertical loads, as their horizontal displacement in
each story, according to their location in the structure (section 403.2.3), is K times
larger than the displacement calculated by the elastic method, by the above design

302.6 Impact of torsion

In each story, it is assumed that the total mass that contributes to the inertial forces
is shifted from its original place CGi to distance e (as described in figure 4) and it is
calculated which of the two displacements cause the most dangerous stress on each
of the inspected elements. The displacement level is determined by equation (18)


As in this equation and in figure 4:

e – random eccentricity of load Fi in relation to the center of masses, perpendicularly

to the seismic action direction

B – horizontal structure dimension, perpendicularly to the seismic activity direction

d – distance between the center of masses and the rigidity center perpendicularly to
the seismic activity direction (figure 4)

CGi – center of masses in story i

Cki – center of rigidity in story i

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

If in the calculation of the dangerous stress under the impact of torsion (e and d) it is

found that , or , the impact of torsion will be increased as


- In a repeated calculation the random eccentricity level e according to equation (18)

is multiplied by an increase factor AT as per equation (19) below:


With the following constraint:

In this equation:

δmax – maximum calculated displacement in the level of ceiling i, including the

impact of torsion using equation (18) without factor AT;

δmin – minimum calculated displacement in the level of ceiling i, including the impact
of torsion using equation (18) without factor AT, calculated simultaneously with

In structures that are symmetrical with respect to masses and rigidities, around an
axis parallel to the seismic activity direction (when the structure can be calculated
using two separate planar models as per section 303.2), the impact of the torsion
moment distributed along the structure height can be calculated as follows, which is
a simpler method than the calculation by equation (19):

The impact of seismic forces on the stiffening elements, that is calculated with no
torsion impact (translation only), will be increased by multiplying by factor  that is
calculated by equation (20) below:



 - increase factor

y – distance of the inspected element from the center of rigidity, measured

perpendicularly to the seismic activity direction

B – the horizontal structure dimension, perpendicularly to the seismic activity


As long as the result, in absolute value, is not less than the one obtained by
calculation with torsion by equation (18), with no increase. But if it is found that
when using equation (20) we obtain that , then the calculation will be
done by equation (19) in the symmetrical structure as well.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended



Figure 4 – impact of torsion

302.7 2nd order impacts

2nd order impacts on the shear forces and moments in the various stories are not
taken into account when the following (21) is met:



i – story stability factor in story i

W – total weight of the structure above the floor of the story i

- maximum story drift in story i in elastic seismic calculation, including torsion

impact, based on the design load obtained from equations (5), (6), (12)

K – force reduction factor for a structure (table 5 or table 7 or as per IS 1225 part 4)

Vi – total horizontal shear force in story i

Hi – height of story i (from ceiling level to ceiling level)

When the condition is met, 2nd order impacts are taken into account
using one of the acceptable calculation methods.

The story stability factor I will not be larger than 0.2 in any story.

302.8 Double-stage calculation for tower structures

In structures including soft multi-story structure (hereinafter: "soft tower") on a rigid
wide structure (both are a tower structure), a double-stage calculation method can be
used, when the three following conditions are met:

- The two structure parts, each by itself, is a regular structure;

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- The mean rigidity in the stories of the wide and rigid structure part, is 10 times or
more larger than the mean rigidity in the soft tower stories.
- The basic period of the soft tower itself, that is fixed in the level of connection to the
wide rigid structure, is longer than the basic period of the structure with its two
parts, times 0.9.

The double-stage calculation method will be as follows:

- A soft tower is designed as a separate structure fixed to the wide rigid structure in
the level of connection between them, and K that fits the properties of the soft
tower and its structure is selected;
- A wide rigid structure is designed as a separate structure and a second K is selected,
that is fit for the properties and structure. Seismic loads that come from the soft
tower will be increased by the ratio of the two K values, and will act in the level of
connection between the two structure parts (in addition to the forces due to the
wide rigid structure weight that act in the level of the inspected connection).

303. Modal analysis

303.1 Design spectrum

The design spectrum for each oscillation mode and each oscillation period will be
the seismic design factor value as per section 204.2.

303.2 Calculation model

A structure is calculated, if it oscillates in two perpendicular directions with no
significant coupling, using separate planar analytic models, one for each
perpendicular direction.

When the condition of non-coupling is not met, the analytic model will take into
account spatial motions (3-dimensional) of the structure.

The structure and its elements will be designed to resist the forces and
displacements that meet the following stress combinations:

A. 100% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 30% of the
design force due to an earthquake in direction Y and 30% of the design forces due to
an earthquake in direction Z;
B. 30% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 100% of the
design force due to an earthquake in direction Y and 30% of the design forces due to
an earthquake in direction Z;
C. 30% of the design forces due to an earthquake in direction X with 30% of the design
force due to an earthquake in direction Y and 100% of the design forces due to an
earthquake in direction Z;

When directions X and Y are perpendicular and horizontal and direction Z is the vertical

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Taking into account the earthquake in direction Z will be done only in the cases required
according to section 204.1.2.

303.3 Oscillation modes

A calculation using a modal analysis will include the following oscillation modes, as a

A. In planar models:

In each of the two perpendicular directions, all oscillation modes whose periods are
longer than 0.4 seconds will be taken into account. If their number if less than 3, at least
3 oscillation modes whose periods are longer will be taken into account (including
periods shorter than 0.4 seconds).

B. In non-planar models

In each seismic activity direction, all oscillation modes whose periods are longer than 0.4
seconds will be taken into account. If their number is less than 4, at least four oscillation
modes will be taken into account (including periods shorter than 0.4 seconds), as two of
them are basically rotational.

C. When the sum of participation factors (see note above) in the oscillation modes in
paragraphs A or B is smaller than 90%, then oscillation modes are added to
supplement to 90% as a minimum in each direction.


The participation factor is the ratio as per equation (23).

303.4 Horizontal design load

A total modal horizontal design load, FHm, will act at the base of the structure in each
of the oscillation modes included in the model, and will be calculated by the
following equations (22) and (23):



This design load is divided into horizontal forces Fim in the level of each ceiling i in
each of the oscillation modes included in the model – according to the displacement
of the said ceiling in that oscillation mode and the rate of active modal weight Wim in
that story under that oscillation mode, that are calculated by equations (24) and (25)


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


Equations (26) and (27) were omitted, where:

Cdm – horizontal modal seismic design factor for mth oscillation mode as per
equation (7) with the restrictions of section 204.2.

Wm – total active modal weight for mth oscillation mode

Wi – total weight of story i (in force units)

im – modal displacement in story I for mth oscillation mode

FH – total horizontal design load, obtained by equivalent static analysis, from

equations (7) and (12) with the restrictions of section 204.2.

For additional information about the calculation model inspection for the planned
structure see appendix F.

303.5 Combination of oscillation modes

The combined response values are calculated, for each type in separate (for example
for displacement, axial forces, moments, shear forces etc.) using the following

The modal values are calculated by the square root sum method (SRSS).

The corresponding design values are obtained by the following equation (28)



Q – combined response value of one type (for displacement, axial force, moment,
shear force etc.)

Qm – response value of the same type, for mth oscillation mode

All oscillation modes that need to be taken into account will be those whose
participation factor is larger in the relevant direction, as long as the provisions of
section 303.3 C are complied with.

For periods that are very close in length (difference of less than 10%), a combined
value by the CQC (Combination Quadratic Complete) equation is calculated.

303.6 Torsion impact

The torsion impact is calculated as specified in section 302.6. In a non-planar model
where the story mass is modeled in a way that considers the rotational inertia
around a vertical axis, the random eccentricity will not be multiplied by factor AT.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

303.7 2nd order impacts

The calculation is conducted as specified in section 302.7, but the story stability
factor i will be calculated by equations (29) and (30) below:




- maximum story drift in story i in an elastic seismic calculation

- maximum story drift as above for mth oscillation mode

Vi – total horizontal shear force in story i

Vim – total shear force in story i for mth oscillation mode

i - story stability factor in story i

W – total weight of the structure above the floor of a story i

K – force reduction factor for a structure, as specified in the corresponding table; 5,

7 and as specified in IS 1125 part 4

hi – height of story i (m) (from ceiling level to ceiling level)

When the condition is met, 2nd order impacts are taken into account
using one of the acceptable calculation methods.

The story stability factor I will not be larger than 0.2 in any story.

304. Other methods

Other acceptable dynamic calculation methods can be used, based on acceptable
calculation principles, like the time history analysis, with a sufficient number of
accelerograms from different earthquakes, as their intensity is adjusted to the value
Z in the area where the structure was designed (by the map in appendix B).

It should be emphasized, that in this calculation method, maximum values for forces
and moments at various locations on the structure appear at different time points in
the said earthquake, as well as in other earthquakes – which makes it difficult to
determine the correct design values. Therefore the use of this method will be
considered complementary calculation in addition to the calculation by the modal
analysis method and will not substitute it.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

305. Function of a load bearing element

All load bearing elements will be designed to prevent brittle fracture, and will ensure
continuous transfer, through suitable strength and rigidity, of all forces calculated by
this standard, from the place of attack up to the elements of the load bearing
structure that resists the oscillations, and from there to the foundations and ground.

305.1 Diaphragms
Ceilings and floors will act as diaphragms, to collect the forces in their area and
transfer them to seismic stiffening elements, or transfer these forces from them.
Their action will be mainly in the elastic area – used as solid surfaces or as trusses.

The connections of ceilings to the stiffening elements will resist the transferred
maximum forces (horizontal and vertical). Displacements in the diaphragm plane will
be coordinated and limited to the possible distortions of load bearing elements
attached to them, such that these elements will not lose their capability to serve as
supports for vertical and horizontal forces (see specification in section

In structures where the ceilings are made of precast elements, joint action of all
elements as a horizontal diaphragm will be ensured. The diaphragm will resist the
shear forces and moments in the horizontal plane, that are caused by its action as a
rigid diaphragm that transfers the seismic forces to the stiffening elements. The
diaphragm will also transfer the seismic forces that are caused due to differences in
the rigidity of the stiffening elements. For this purpose, the precast elements will be
connected using suitable measures and suitable strength (like, toothing, welding,
reinforcement overlaps, supplementary concrete casting at the site).

305.2 Shear wall system

The shear walls will be always anchored to the base level. Load bearing elements in
a dual system, both in frames and in shear walls (the two sub-systems), will meet
(each system in separate) the applicable requirements, as relevant, as specified in
the corresponding sections.

Elements and the connection areas between them will have the correct strength, to
allow the two sub-systems act by the applicable requirements.

305.3 Foundations and base story

When the length of base stories or piles changes within the structure area, their
rigidities will be adjusted as necessary for horizontal forces, the distribution of
horizontal forces between them on the base story will be adapted and the additional
eccentricity caused due to that in relation to other stories will be taken into account
(sections 602, 603) (see also IS 1378).
306. A structure with a soft or weak story
In such a structure, in the soft or weak story, on the story above the soft or weak
story, and in the story beneath it, the columns will be designed for an increased
design force multiplied by 1.0 K. The design and reinforcement specification will be
performed according to section 403.4. The design of the wall structure will also
include reinforcement details that are fit for a sensitive area in these stories.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Chapter D – Design of reinforced concrete frame systems

400. Masonry walls with reinforced concrete belts or steel frame

Masonry walls and masonry partition walls made of bricks or blocks of all kinds of
15-cm thick and up will include reinforced concrete belts, as required below:

400.1 Masonry walls and masonry partition walls

Masonry walls and masonry partition walls made of bricks, blocks and other
materials, with the above thickness, will be stiffened with vertical and horizontal
belts made of reinforced concrete or steel frames. The distance between belts will
not be more than 5-m. The wall areas created between these belts will not be more
than 20 sq-m, and the length of their diagonal will not be more than 40 times the
wall thickness or the partition thickness.

400.2 Horizontal belt

In each story, there will be at least one horizontal belt for each wall or partition wall,
that will bind the masonry walls or masonry partition walls. The minimum
reinforcement of these belts will be 4 bars made of ribbed steel of 8-mm in
diameter, that will be well fixed to the vertical load bearing elements.

A beam cast on a wall or partition wall after construction, which is part of the ceiling,
can serve as a horizontal belt.

400.3 Connection and reinforcement

On each intersection between masonry walls or partition walls, or between partition
walls and partition walls, connection will be made by toothed construction, or a
vertical belt made of reinforced concrete will be performed. Each free edge of a
masonry wall or masonry partition wall of 15-cm thick and up will be strengthened
by a vertical belt made of reinforced concrete. Corners of built staircases will be also
strengthened through reinforced concrete vertical belts.

400.4 Belts around openings

Each opening, with a dimension of more than 2.50-m in any direction, will be
surrounded by reinforced concrete belts or steel frame, that will be connected to
the frame. The foregoing shall not apply when the dimension of the wall section
where the opening is found, in the direction of the large dimension of the opening,
is less than 3.20-m.

401. Ductility levels

The load bearing systems will be designed for each of the following ductility levels,
subject to the conditions of section 204.5. The higher the ductility level, the lower
the size of the calculated seismic force during the design, according to table 5 and
equations (12), (22):

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- Low ductility level6 - this ductility level is fit for structures that are designed as
specified in the concrete code, in Israeli standard IS 466, including all parts – plus the
requirements defined below;
- Medium ductility level – in this ductility level, special design requirements shall
apply, such that the system will be able to function within the elastic-plastic
response range for cyclic load or alternating load with no brittle fracture
- High ductility level – in this ductility level, the design will be performed using special
methods that will allow the development of a defined number of stability systems.
The design using these methods will be done with further specification of the
sections. The systems will include plastic hinges and will be related to high capability
to absorb energy. In this ductility level it is taken into account that displacements
and distortions may remain in the structure after a strong earthquake. The design
requirements for this level are specified in this chapter and in chapters F and G.

The medium and high ductility levels together will be also called the top ductility levels.

402. Material properties

The properties of steel and concrete, for the various ductility levels, will be as
required below in this section, as a minimum.

402.1 Concrete
Regular concrete types will meet the requirements of table 10, as a minimum.

Table 10 – permissible concrete types

Concrete type
For load bearing elements For other elements
B-30 as a minimum B-20 as a minimum

402.2 Reinforcement steel

The types of reinforcement steels for concrete in elements subjected to seismic load
will meet the requirements of IS 4466 part 2 and part 3.

Plain steel bars will not be used for reinforcement of load bearing structure parts in
the top ductility levels.

The anchoring and reinforcement overlaps on load bearing elements that participate
in the load bearing system that resists the seismic load, will be calculated in each
case by low adhesion conditions, as defined in IS 466 including all of its parts,
without reducing the value of (reduction of the anchorage length due to the
existence of a bend or hook), longitudinal rebars on beams will end with a standard
hook, as a minimum.

This level is selected considering the limitations specified in section 204.5.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

In sensitive areas of load bearing elements, reinforcement extension by welding or

overlap by welding will not be allowed.

403. Moment resisting spatial frames made of reinforced concrete

403.1 General instructions for seismic design of frames

Frames for the various ductility levels will be designed by the requirements of the
sections specified in table 11.

Table 11 – seismic design requirements for moment resisting spatial frames for the various
ductility levels

Ductility level Sections of design requirements

All levels

Medium level Also:

403.3.1.3, 403.3.1.4, 403.3.1.6, 403.3.1.7,
403.3.2.1, 403.3.2.3, 403.3.3.1, 403.3.3.2,
403.3.3.3, 403.3.3.4
High level As specified in chapter G

403.2 General design requirements

403.2.1 Horizontal design loads

Horizontal design loads for frames will be determined by chapter B and
chapter C, by the analysis type.

403.2.2 Limit horizontal story drift

The limit horizontal story drift in each story i, is the maximum
permissible limit for the difference in horizontal displacements calculated by
the ceiling level and the floor level in story i. This limit drift will be calculated
as follows:

▪ When the basic period T is shorter than 0.7 seconds, the drift will be
calculated by equation (31) below:


And in all other cases, by the following equation (32):



Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- is the limit horizontal story drift

K – force reduction factor for a structure (table 5 or 7)

hi – height of story i (m) (from floor level to ceiling level)

When brittle elements are connected to the structure, it has to be decided if the
requirements should be stricter.

403.2.3 Horizontal design drift

The horizontal design drift will be calculated by the seismic design
forces assuming elastic behavior of a cracked concrete section, using
equivalent static analysis or modal analysis. The design drift, including the
torsion impact, will meet in each story the condition of (33) below:



- maximum calculated drift in the level of ceiling i

403.2.4 Maximum expected drift

In all places in the structure (including seams between adjacent structure
blocks), the option of maximum drift on each side will be considered, by the
following equation (34):



- maximum expected real drift in the level of ceiling i, including the torsion

403.2.5 Separation between adjacent structures (of any material)

403.2.5.1 General
The structures will be built as a minimum, at a distance from the end of the
property or from an adjacent structure, to allow free oscillation of each
structure without causing damage to an adjacent structure during an
earthquake, (nor on an existing structure, neither on a built structure or a
structure that will be built in the future). This requirement also applies to
blocks of the same structure, divided by vertical joints.

The joint space, by the spacing required below, will be kept clean from any
filling or construction waste and dirt throughout the structure existence
period. This space will be also maintained between the ends of finish and
cladding materials of the walls of the two adjacent structures. The insulation
of joints against wind and rain will be connected only to one of the two

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

adjacent structures, and will be able to move over the other structure in
case of an earthquake.

403.2.5.2 The spacing

A separation spacing will be determined in each story by calculation or by
another method. The actual dimension will not be lower in any case than
the required dimension.

o A calculated spacing will be determined by the sum of expected maximum

displacements of the two adjacent structures (or the two blocks) ,
determined by section 403.2.4 for each of them, meaning:


- An approximate value of the spacing can be determined only if the two structures
are regular and are not the structures specified in section 403.2.4.3. The
approximate spacing  (mm) depends on the basic period of the structures and
factor Z according to equation (36) below:



- the longer basic period out of the periods of the two structures


A.  will not be less than the value of as H in this section is the height of
structure from the foundation head up to the highest level that may interact with an
adjacent structure.
B. In any case, 0 will not be lower than the following values:

In an area where Z  0.075 then 0  25-mm

In an area where 0.1  Z  0.2 then 0  50-mm

In an area where 0.25 Z then 0  75-mm

The dimensions  will remain constant by the larger value of the values obtained
from equation (36) or by section A above, at the top half of the structure – and
dimension  may be linearly decreased to dimension 0 that is given in section B
above, starting from the half structure height up to the bottom of the joint.

403.2.5.3 Structures that require an increased spacing

In the following cases, an increased spacing is required on the joint, and
strict compliance with the requirements for the cleanness of the space and
complete separation between the structures:

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

o When the levels of ceilings in the two structures are at a different level on
both sides of the joint.
o When the structures are very different in masses or in basic periods, by
more than 50% of the low value;
o When the structures have a different number of floors (a difference of more
than two stories).

The increased spacing will be calculated by acceptable engineering methods

(available on the professional literature) and in any case will not be less than
calculated by equation (35).

403.2.6 Stability test

Tested as specified in section 302.7, or section 303.7 in chapter C.

403.2.7 Limit horizontal absolute acceleration

In structures of importance group A, where there are systems that are
sensitive to acceleration, and are supposed to function after an earthquake,
it is recommended to limit the absolute accelerations in the structure
according to the limitations of the sensitive equipment, according to the
customer/equipment manufacturer requirements.

403.3 Design requirements for the various ductility levels

The requirements for low and medium ductility levels are brought below. The
requirements are partly applicable to a high ductility level, except for sections where
there is an explicit reference to chapter G (a chapter that summarizes all
requirements for a high ductility level).

403.3.1 Design of walls

In a load bearing system that resists the seismic load – the beams will be
designed as follows, to ensure their capability to resist cyclic distortions at
the selected ductility level, while maintaining their bending strength.

403.3.1.1 Definition of beam in moment resisting spatial frames

In this standard, a "beam" is defined as an element subjected to bending,
which is not a wall, and in the worst case of design load combinations,
including seismic action, is subjected to an axial design force Nd, that meets
the following condition (37) (whether the element is vertical, horizontal or



Nd – design axial force

Ag – full section area of concrete in an element

fcd – design compressive strength for concrete

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

403.3.1.2 Section dimensions for beams

The section dimensions will meet these geometrical requirements on each



(See legend in figure 5).

The requirements of this section do not apply to tie beams in braced shear walls and
on high beams.

403.3.1.3 Additional geometrical requirements for the top ductility levels

At the top ductility levels, these requirements will be also met (figure 5):

(40) mm







e - eccentricity of the beam in relation to the column
bc – column width
bw – wall web width
hc – dimension in a horizontal section in a column, perpendicular to dimension bc
hb – beam section height
l- beam length up to the intersection center
Figure 5 – maximum eccentricity of a beam (horizontal sections)

403.3.1.4 Design of beams for shear

Shear beams in a structure will be designed for ultimate failure state by the
following requirements:

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- For low ductility level, the beams will be designed by IS 466.

- For high ductility level, the beams will be designed by chapter G.
- For low and medium ductility levels, the beams will be designed for increased shear
forces, to protect them from brittle fracture under shear (or loss of adhesion of the
reinforcement to the concrete), even at a state after the formation of plastic hinges
in the system;

The shear design forces will be in any case larger than the forces obtained from the load
analysis. Their size is determined by the maximum shear obtained when the two extreme
sections of the spam exhaust their full bending capacity in opposite directions, according to
the actually prevailing concrete sections and reinforcement sections.

When calculating the capability of sections as explained above, the impacts of the axial and
perpendicular load will be also included, as specified in table 12. Therefore, on each field
end, there will be two design shear force values:

- Maximum value Vmax, that corresponds with a negative capacity moment at the
relevant edge (and positive on the opposite edge) and maximum vertical load on the
- Minimum value Vmin, that corresponds with a positive capacity moment at the
relevant edge (and negative on the opposite edge), and minimum vertical load on
the beam.

The ratio  between these two values (at the edge in question of the field) will be calculated
by the following equation (43):


When the value of  is less than (-1.0),  = (-1.0) will be taken into account.
The design of the shear resistance of beams at the left end of a field is specified in
table 12. The right end will be designed by adequate substitution of the stress
Table 12 – design shear force for beams with medium ductility level

Table legend:
q1 – maximum vertical load on the beam
q2 – minimal vertical load on the beam
M1; M2 – capacity moments at the two edges of the beamspan (with a top symbol to state
their trend)
l – beam length up to the center of intersection
 - the ratio of the minimal shear force to the maximal shear force

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

403.3.1.5 Longitudinal reinforcement in beams

In each of the ductility levels, on each section of the beam, the following
condition (44) will be met in the design of the longitudinal reinforcement (as
per table 130:



 - tension reinforcement ratio in a section

In a section where the moment sign changes under different loading states,
condition (44) shall apply both to the top reinforcement and to the bottom

Table 13 – limits of longitudinal reinforcement ratio in beams for different steel types

Reinforcement index Steel types Equation

min 0.0064 0.0035

max 0.0320 0.0175

Table legend:
 - plain steel
- ribbed steel
min - minimum reinforcement ratio
max – maximum reinforcemnet index
fsk – charactdeistic yeild strength of the reinforcemnet steel
fsd – design strength of the reinforcement steel

For the top ductility levels, the following limitations shall also apply:

A. Along a beam, on each section perpendicular to its axis, there will be top and
bottom rebars. On each face there will be at least two ribbed steel bars of 14-mm in
B. On all sensitive beam areas (section 403.3.1.6), the following condition (45) will be



 - tension reinforcement ratio in a section

' – compressed reinforcement ratio in a section

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

C. In the design of the top and bottom reinforcement, in all other beam areas, the
reinforcement section area will not be less than 1/4 of the maximum reinforcement
section area that is required in any section in that field (top or bottom).
D. The reinforcement section area used to calculate the capacity at the field end in L or
T beams, cast with a ceiling as a single unit, is the sum of section areas of all
longitudinal bars that are found within the dotted area in figure 6. At least 75% of
this reinforcement will be anchored to the column grain, or will pass through it into
an adjacent field further away on the beam.
E. The anchoring lengths of bars anchored at a junction or within a sensitive area on a
beam, will be increased at least by 50% as against the requirements for poor
adhesion conditions in IS 466, including all parts.
F. The maximum diameter of rebars anchored within the area of a beam-column
intersection will be limited by the following equations:

For low ductility level:

(45A) For internal columns in a frame

(45B) For external columns in a frame

For low and medium ductility levels:

(45C) For internal columns in a frame

(45D) For external columns in a frame

For high ductility level:

(45E) For internal columns in a frame

(45F) For external columns in a frame

Ag – full section area of the concrete in a column
Hc - column dimension in the length direction of the bar in question
fcd – design compressive force in concrete
fctm – mean tensile strength of the concrete in a frame
fsd – design strength of reinforcement steel
Nd,min – minimum axial design force
- diameter of rebar made of ribbed steel

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Column Column

At the intersection of beams

Column Column

(D) (C)

Without beams perpendicular to the beam

Figure 6 – concrete areas where the longitudinal reinforcement of a beam will be located

403.3.1.6 Stirrups and shear reinforcement – minimum requirements

Stirrups in a beam will be designed as required in IS 466 including all parts,
but without taking into account the assistance of concrete in resisting the
shear forces.

For medium ductility levels, the stirrups will also meet the requirements
further below in this section and in section 403.3.1.7.

For high ductility level, the stirrups will also meet the requirements of
chapter G.

In sensitive beam areas of medium ductility level, the stirrup section areas
and their distances will meet the requirements of table 14.

Locations of sensitive beam areas will be as follows (figure 7):

o On each field end, up to the following distance from the column edge;
▪ For low ductility level: 1.0 hb
▪ For medium ductility level 1.5 hb
▪ For high ductility level 2.0 hb

On both sides of a section where plastic hinge may be created, up to a

distance of hb from this section;

o In an area where compression reinforcement is required.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 14 – minimum requirements for stirrups in beams with low and medium ductility

Specification of requirements for a sensitive area

8h mm
Sh = min [hb/4; 24h ; 7L; 200 mm]
h – diameter of stirrup bar
L – diameter of longitudinal rebar
hb – beam section area
sh – distance between adjacent stirrups along the beam

Figure legend:

See the legend of table 14.

Figure 7 – sensitive beam areas with dense stirrups

(Dimensions are in mm)

403.3.1.7 Design of shear reinforcement

In the design of elements which are beams in the load bearing frame system
that resists the seismic load, that meets conditions (37), in the calculation of
the shear reinforcement the term (-0.5dl) will be omitted from equations
(42), (43) in section (that discusses the determination of the
reinforcement section) in IS 466 part 1.

When the stirrups perpendicular to the element axis has n branches, the
section area of one branch Ash will be calculated by equation (46) below:


- When (when the shear in the opposite direction is lower than

half of the shear in the other direction, or if the shear does not change direction),

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

the shear reinforcement will be designed by IS 466 including all parts, according to
the truss model.
- When , the shear reinforcement will be designed by IS 466
including all parts, by the truss model, only if the following condition (47) is met:


- When , and condition (47) is not met, the shear reinforcement

will be designed as inclined two-way reinforcement at angles of 45 (to prevent
two-way diagonal cracking) as follows:

Half of the shear will be accepted by stirrups and half on inclined reinforcement, if
the following condition (48) is met:


Even if condition (48) is not met, the entire shear will be accepted by two-way
inclined reinforcement, such that on each beam section (including the connection to
the column), inclined reinforcement will be found in each diagonal direction, whose
section area will be calculated by the following equation (49):


In addition, the element will contain in any case stirrups as required in section

In the equations and in the above conditions:

Ash – section area of one branch in a stirrup in a beam section

As - section area of inclined reinforcement found in a single vertical section of a


bw – width of beam wen

sh - distance between adjacent stirrups along the beam

n – number of stirrup branches

fvd – design shear strength of the concrete

fsd,h – design tensile strength of the stirrup steel

fsd – design tensile strength in the longitudinal and inclined steel

d – design shear stress of the beam

d – effective height of the concrete section

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

403.3.2 Design of columns

The design of columns according to this section applies to all sections that
do not meet condition (37). Columns will be designed for axial forces and
bending moments, that are obtained from linear analysis of the structure in
which the most severe design load combinations were included.

The column sections will meet the following condition (50):


As the value of coefficient d is different for each ductility level:

For high ductility level d = 0.5

For low and medium ductility level d = 0.6

For low ductility level d = 0.7

Columns which are part of load bearing frames that resist seismic load7 will
meet the following limitations and requirements:

A. In frames where there are 4 columns or more – plastic hinges are permitted
on one quarter of the number of columns in each frame, at the maximum, as
long as all other columns remain in the elastic region.
B. In structures of one or two stories, or at the top story of a multi-story
structure, the number of columns with plastic hinges will be limited to half
of the number of columns, as long as the structure stability is maintained.
C. The design of columns for stresses combined with bending, axial force and
shear will prevent optional development of failure (unlike the appearance of
a plastic hinge).
D. When the structure is calculated by equivalent static analysis, the calculated
moments on the columns are multiplied by coefficient  according to
equations (51) and (53) below:

(51) for a planar frame

(52) for a spatial frame

With the following constraint:  1.50, in the two cases;

(53) at the base of the column, in the two cases

In the above equations:

T – basic period of the structure (seconds)

For requirements for columns which are not part of these frames – see section 604.4.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

403.3.2.1 Minimal dimensions

The dimensions of the column section will meet the requirements of IS 466
including all parts, and for medium ductility level, the requirements of table
15 shall also apply to it.

Table 15 – requirements for column dimensions of medium ductility level

Section width
On the four top stories: 200  bc mm
On lower stories: 250  bc mm
On all stories: 300  bc mm
l25 bc
l – column length
bc – column width
hc – dimension of a horizontal section of a column perpendicular to bc and larger than it.

403.3.2.2 Longitudinal reinforcement in columns

In all ductility levels, the reinforcement in columns that are part of a load
bearing system that resists the seismic load will be the following condition

(54A) in a non-sensitive area

(54B) in a sensitive area of a column


c – total longitudinal reinforcement ratio in a column

The spacing between adjacent bars of longitudinal reinforcement will not

exceed 200-mm. The arrangement of bars in a section will meet the
section's design in the different directions. In all ductility levels, there will be
no reinforcement overlap inside the intersection.

403.3.2.3 Design of columns for shear

Columns subjected to shear will be designed for limit failure state. The size
of shear force will be determined by calculation of the seismic forces.

In structures with low ductility level, columns will be designed for shear as
per IS 466 including all parts.

In structures of the top ductility levels, columns will be designed for shear as

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

o When the columns are compressed, the part of the concrete in resisting the
shear will be calculated in the inspected direction, Vcd, as per equation (55)



Ag – full section area of the concrete in a column

fvd – design shear strength of the concrete

fcd – design compressive strength of the concrete

Md – design axial force

o The remaining shear force will be accepted by stirrups and diagonal shear
reinforcement, as specified in section 403.3.1.7. The bars of stirrups on
columns will end with hooks at an angle of 135 as a minimum.

The transverse reinforcement ratio at the top ductility levels will not be less
than calculated by the equation:



Ak – grain section area of a column, bound in an external stirrup (measured

by the outside of the stirrup)

Fsd,h – design tensile strength of the stirrup steel

h – reinforcement ratio in stirrups in a column, which is the stirrup steel

volume ratio (without the volume of hooks) in a given section, and the
volume of concrete in the same section

403.3.2.4 Sensitive areas in columns

Areas sensitive to shear in columns for the various ductility levels will be as

o In any ductility level, in sections marked as lc in figure 8.

o For low ductility level, in a section of lc long above and beneath a beam at an
intersection, as per figure 9, that meets the following condition (57A):

(57A) lc = max [1.0 hc; ln /6; 450 mm]

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

o For medium ductility level in a section of lc long, above and beneath a beam
at an intersection, as per figure 9, which meets the following condition

(57B) lc = max [1.5 hc; ln /6; 500 mm]


lc - length of sensitive area in a column

hc – the larger dimension on a horizontal section of a column

ln - column length (between beam edges)

Diameter of stirrups on a column and the distance between them:

o Stirrups along the column with high ductility level, will meet the
requirements of chapter G.

Stirrups along the entire column length with medium ductility level and in a
sensitive area on this column with low ductility level will be designed by the
requirements of table 16.

In non-sensitive column areas with low ductility level, the stirrups will meet
the specification of section 403.3.2.3.

- Stirrups in a column section, in a sensitive area with medium ductility level, will be
arranged as described in figure 10, taking into account the cover thickness of the
external stirrups, as specified in IS 466 including all parts.
- The column stirrups will be also assembled within the intersection area (along the
entire beam height).
- For low and medium ductility levels, a second longitudinal bar as a minimum will be
found at a stirrup corner.
- Overlap of longitudinal reinforcement on a column which is an element of a load
bearing frame that resist seismic load, will not be found within a sensitive area
where a plastic hinge can be formed.

B) Sensitive area created due to a A) Sensitive area formed due to a

built filling wall connection restraint between a
column and a cast wall

Figure 8 – length of sensitive area in a column

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


Figure legend:
sh – distance between adjacent stirrups
lc – length of sensitive area in a column
ln – column length
L – diameter of longitudinal rebar
hc – dimension of a horizontal section in a column, perpendicular to bc
bc – column width
h'c – distance between axes of longitudinal rebars
Note: for the beam reinforcement and stirrups see figure 7.

Figure 9 – length of sensitive area at a column-beam intersection

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 16 – requirements for stirrups in various areas in a column with low ductility level
and medium ductility level

Specification of requirements
Minimum diameter of stirrup 8 h mm
But not less than
Spacing between stirrups in a sensitive area
For low ductility level sh = min [9L; bc/2; 200mm]
For medium ductility level sh = min [7L; bc/3; 150mm]
In a non-sensitive area for medium ductility level
sh = min [12L; bc; 250mm]
Table legend:
h – stirrup bar diameter
L – diameter of longitudinal rebar
bc – column width
sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups along the column
fsd,h – design tensile strength of the stirrup steel
or in the steel of horizontal bars (tie stirrups)
fsd,l – design tensile strength for longitudinal reinforcement steel


stirrup Tie stirrups Close Close
Tie stirrup stirrup stirrup

Figure 10 – layout of stirrups in a sensitive area of a column with medium ductility level

(Dimensions in mm)

403.3.2.5 Reinforcement of front column connection

All front columns (the external columns including corner columns) will be
connected to all ceilings and columns perpendicular to the front through
additional horizontal rebars by the layout described in figure 11 (C shape). In

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

connection to a ceiling without beams, will be required on each

intersection, and at the connection to a beam perpendicular to the front, at
least will be required. In any case, these connections bars will
surround the vertical reinforcement on columns, with concrete cover as
specified in Israeli standard IS 466 including all parts.

If the beam reinforcement is composed of bars of or more, then the

above additional connection bars will be at least . On corner columns,
there will be 3 bars connected to beams on each of the fronts. In ceilings
without beams, two bars can be used in the diagonal direction or two pairs
of bars in the direction of fronts.

Figure 11 – connection of bars to front columns

(Dimensions in mm)

403.3. Intersections with top ductility levels

403.3.3.1 Capacity of columns in relation to the capacity of walls

Each intersection on a moment resisting spatial frame that resists seismic
loads, for the top ductility levels, will be designed by equations (58) and (69)
below, in the two directions described in figure 12, to prevent an option of
column failure next to the intersection:

(58) as per figure 12A

(59) as per figure 12B


Muc – capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12) of a
column, beneath and above the intersection

Mur – capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12) of a
beam, to the right of an intersection

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Mul – the capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12)
of a beam, to the left of an intersection

n – behavior coefficient, n = 1.00 for a frame with medium ductility level

(for the behavior coefficient for a frame with a high ductility level see
section 706.1).

For high ductility level, at all intersections of moment resisting spatial

frames, the conditions and requirements of sections 706.2, 706.3 and 706.4
will be also met.


Figure 12 – Capacity of columns in relation to the capacity of columns at intersections of

moment resisting spatial frames for top ductility levels

For all ductility levels, there will be no reinforcement overlap within the
intersection. For the top ductility levels, there will be no reinforcement
overlap in the sensitive areas of the columns and in beams close to the

The column stirrups will be also installed inside the intersection, with the
density and dimeter as necessary in sensitive areas according to table 16,
unless the calculation requires more than that.

403.3.3.2 Design forces for shear test at an intersection

The design forces for horizontal and vertical shear test at an intersection
with medium ductility level will be the maximum possible force combination
in the horizontal section and the vertical section, taking into account the
strength of the other elements connected to the intersection, as follows:

o The bending moments caused by a seismic load will be multiplied for a

medium ductility level by a behavior coefficient n = 1.10;
o The axial forces on the columns tested will be the minimum value of forces
obtained from the action of the seismic load
o The entire system of design forces will maintain equilibrium at the
intersection, and the shear forces will be adapted to maintain this

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

403.3.3.3 Intersection resistance test for horizontal shear

The layout of horizontal shear reinforcement at an intersection, and its
calculation with a medium ductility level will meet the following

- The effective width bj at an intersection (figure 13) for the shear calculation
will meet one of the following conditions (60) or (61):

(60) as bc  bw

(61) as bc < bw


bc – column width in the direction perpendicular to the beam span

bw – beam web width

bj – effective dimension of a column width at an intersection

hc – dimension on a horizontal section on a column perpendicular to bc (in

the beam span direction)

Column Beam Column


Figure 13 – effective horizontal dimensions at an intersection

When a beam is eccentrically connected to a column with eccentricity level e

(figure 5), the effective width bj will be reduced by equation (62) below:


The maximum design force Vjh to calculate the areas of all reinforcement
sections for horizontal shear at an intersection will be limited by the
following condition (63):


The maximum design force Vjh to calculate the areas of reinforcement

sections for horizontal shear at the intersection will be reduced by the rate
of the concrete part Vch that carries the horizontal shear force, as follows:

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

A. If the vertical compressive force above the intersection is less than 0.1 Ag Fcd
(or is a tensile force), there will be no reduction;
B. If the vertical compressive force above the intersection is larger in absolute
value than 0.1 Ag Fcd, but is not larger than 0.5 Ag Fcd, the reduction will be at
the rate of Vch by equation (64) below:


C. The maximum vertical compressive force above the intersection will not be
higher than 0.5 Ag Fcd. Intersection resistance test for vertical shear

The layout of reinforcement for vertical shear at an intersection and its
calculation for medium ductility level will meet the following requirements:

The design force for vertical shear at intersection Vjv will be calculated by
equation (65) below:


This force will be reduced by the rate of the concrete part Vcv that
participates in carrying the vertical shear force, as follows:

A. When a compressive axial force is exerted on the column and the column
reinforcement is symmetrical, Vjv will be reduced at a rate of Vcv by equations (66)
and (67) below:



B. When compressive axial force is exerted on a column and the column reinforcement
is not symmetrical, Vcv will be calculated by equations (66), (68):


C. When an axial tensile force that is less than 0.3 Ag Fcd is exerted on a column, Vcv will
be calculated by equations (66), (69):



Ag – full section area of the concrete in a column

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Asc – longitudinal reinforcement section area in a column (the larger in area)

Asc' – longitudinal compression reinforcement section area (the smaller in area)

D. In any other case, the vertical shear force will not be reduced at the intersection.

403.4 Structures with weak or soft story (including structures on open

column floor)
Such structures are considered irregular structures and are permitted only for low or
medium ductility level. The limitations of section 203.3 and table 9 (section 301.3)
apply to them and the requirements of section 306. In columns of a soft or weak
story, and in the story above it and the story beneath it (if any), stirrups will be
installed by table 16 – along the entire height of these three stories – but at a
vertical distance where sh  100-mm. The vertical reinforcement overlaps on these
columns will have length increased by 30% compared to the required length for poor
adhesion conditions in IS 466, including its parts.

404. Ductile shear walls made of reinforced concrete

404.1 General instructions for seismic design of ductile shear walls

The design of shear walls for the various ductility levels will be done by the
requirements of the sections specified in table 17, such that under the cyclic
distortions in an earthquake, the walls will not lose their capacity to bear horizontal
and vertical forces, by the selected ductility level. The design and calculation for
shear is designed to prevent an option of failure of walls under shear, before they
exhaust their capacity for bending combined with vertical load.

Table 17 – seismic design requirements for shear walls with the different ductility levels

Ductility level Sections of design requirements

All levels 404.2.1, 404.2.4, 40402.4.1, 40402.4.2,
404.2.5, 404.2.5.1, 404.3.5.2, 404.2.2,
40402.3, 404.2.4.3
Top levels 404.2.3, 404.2.43
Top level As specified for the top levels and
802, 803 (chapter H)

404.2 General design requirements

404.2.1 Design loads and moments

Horizontal design loads for ductile shear walls made of reinforced concrete
in seismic operation, will be calculated by linear analysis, while allowing the
following modifications:

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

A. Redistribution (1) of loads and moments that were obtained by calculation by

the elastic theory is done – if total equilibrium is ensured, and the design force
acting on a wall equals at least 70% of the calculated elastic force for it.
B. In a braced shear wall, the shear capacity can be reduced by one third (or less)
of all story tie beams up to 80% (or more) of the calculated capacity, when the
shear capacity for other tie beams is increased accordingly.

The design loads for walls and their combinations will be determined as specified in
sections 302, 303.

Whether or not redistribution was done, the walls' moment envelope will be
increased as follows (figure 14):

- A straight line (cord) is drawn between the maximum moment at the wall base (A)
based on Md and between the zero moment at the head:
- The line of increased moments is passed parallel to a cord at a distance lw in the
vertical direction from (A).
- The concrete sections and reinforcement are designed by the moment obtained
from the displaced chord.

Note: if the bending capacity, Mu, at the base of a given wall that is designed to
develop a plastic hinge, is 25% larger than the design moment acting on it, Md, then
it has to be ensured that other plastic hinges will not develop along the height in
sections that are not designed for that. Alternatively, repeated design with a new
force reduction coefficient could be carried out, that is valid only for the said wall

and its base, that equals .

Increased moment


Calculation envelope

Figure 14 – displacement of moments envelope (1) in walls

404.4.2 Design shear forces

- When determining, in a braced shear wall, the axial force in an inspected
horizontal section, the sum of shear capacities of all tie beams above the
inspected section (existing concrete sections and existing reinforcement
sections in concrete) are multiplied by the behavior coefficient n = 1.25.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- When a structure is calculated by equivalent static analysis with low ductility

level, the shear force calculated in the shear wall is multiplied as described

In a structure of up to 5 stories high, we multiply by a dynamic amplification

factor according to equation (70) below:


In a structure of more than 5 stories high, we multiply by a dynamic

amplification factor according to equation (71) below:


With the following constrain:


 - dynamic amplification factor

n – number of stories

The shear force acting on a shear wall is multiplied, for the top ductility
levels, by a dynamic amplification factor eq by the equation:



K – force reduction coefficient

Rd – over-strength factor due to strain hardening in steel; in the absence of

more accurate details, the value of 1.2 can be used.

Mu – capacity bending moment for the wall base section by the actually
existing compressive force and reinforcement (according to chapter 5 of IS
466 part 1)

Md – calculated design moment in the wall base section (including

multiplying by coefficient  if necessary)

SDS – spectral design acceleration coefficient under the impact of ground

conditions at the site and short cycle times

T – basic cycle time of the structure in the relevant direction

Sa(T) – spectral design acceleration coefficient for the basic cycle time of the


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

When the walls in the load directions are not identical, then the more
flexible walls (for bending) tend – after yield of the other walls – to carry
larger shear forces than expected by their rigidity or relative strength.

- The design shear force in a shear wall will be limited by the following
condition (73)8:


- The design shear force in the wall will be reduced by the rate of the concrete
part that resists the shear, as follows:
o In the wall part where the appearance of a plastic hinge is expected,
and the total minimal compressive force in it is larger than 0.1 AgFcd,
the design shear force will be reduced by Vcd as specified in equation
o In the wall part where the appearance of a plastic hinge is not
expected, and the total minimum compressive force in it is larger
than 0.1 AgFcd, the design shear force on it will be reduced by Vcw, by
the following equation (74):


- When the compressive force is smaller than that, the design shear force will
be reduced by Vcw by equation (75) below:


1 will be determined by equation (76) below:


With the following constraint:


Mo – a moment causing at the edge of the wall section a zero compressive

stress on the same Nd with linear strain distribution

Md – increased calculated design moment (including displacement by figure

14) in the same direction, in relation to the center of the wall section

1 – coefficient

For the purpose of this section , as the value of d1 is as specified in table D-1 in appendix
D. In the sensitive area for the high sensitivity level, will be used.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

404.2.3 Minimum dimensions

The minimum section dimensions of a shear wall will meet the requirements
of IS 466, including all parts, and will also meet the following requirements:

- Throughout the country and for any ductility level, the shear wall will be at
least 150-mm thick, except for the following requirement:
- For a low ductility level in an area where Z  0.10 , the wall thickness will be
120-mm as a minimum;
- Regular openings in a wall are preferable to obtain braced shear walls.
- For a high ductility level, the requirements of section 802 in chapter H will
be added.

404.2.4 Reinforcement sections in a ductile shear wall

404.2.4.1 Vertical reinforcement

Vertical reinforcement distributed in a ductile shear wall will meet the
following conditions:

- The vertical reinforcement ratio will be ;

- The reinforcement ratio will be calculated in separate for each section
where the reinforcement layout changes or the wall thickness changes
(figure 15);
- The vertical reinforcement will be composed of reinforcement distributed
along the wall (which creates grids with the horizontal reinforcement), and
concentrated reinforcement at the wall edges or in corners and

(B) Distributed reinforcement A) Concentrated reinforcement

Figure 15 – vertical reinforcement ratio in a ductile shear wall

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- In a shear wall, there will be at least two orthogonal steel wires, one for
each wall face. The diameter of bars in grids will not be more than 1/10 of
the wall thickness;
- The spacing between vertical bars will not be more than 200-mm
- The vertical distributed reinforcement ratio will meet the following
condition (77):



v – vertical reinforcement ratio in a shear wall

b - wall thickness

s – spacing between vertical rebars in a shear wall

Vd – maximum shear force in a shear wall

Vcw – part of concrete that resists a shear force on a shear wall

Nd – design axial force (negative for compression)

Ag – full section area of concrete in a wall

fsd,L – design tensile strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel

- On a vertical edge of a shear wall, the horizontal rebar edges will surround
the wall edge in the shape of double hook (two bending of 90).
Alternatively, an open horizontal stirrup will be added at the wall edge (C
shaped rebar, with full overlap with the horizontal bars on grids);
- The vertical reinforcement section area, concentrated at the wall edge or at
the intersection with a flange or with a perpendicular wall, will meet the
following conditions:
1. Will not be smaller than required to accept the tensile forces accepted
in the calculation according to IS 466 including all parts;
2. Will not be less than 0.001 of the effective concrete section area in the
wall (horizontal section).
- When the compressive stress on the wall edge is more than 0.4 fcd (as
specified in figure 22), the wall (or flange) have to be thickened at the top
ductility levels (section 404.2.4.3);
- Vertical reinforcement overlap will be prevented in an area where the steel
is expected to yield. There will be no overlap of more than one third of the
rebars in a single section. Between consecutive overlaps, there will be a

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

vertical distance with no overlap that is at least twice as long as the overlap
- On a horizontal joint in shear walls, the following condition (78) will be met:


404.2.4.2 Horizontal reinforcement

Horizontal reinforcement in a ductile shear wall will meet all of the following

- The horizontal reinforcement ratio will be

- The diameter of bars will not be more than 1/10 of the wall thickness;
- The spacing between horizontal bars or between stirrups will not be more
than 300-mm, and in sensitive areas, will not be more than 200-mm.
- The reinforcement ratio will meet the following condition (79):



h – horizontal reinforcement ratio in a shear wall

b – wall width

sh – spacing between horizontal bars in a wall

lw – wall length in the horizontal direction

fsd,h – design tensile strength of the horizontal bar steel

404.2.4.3 Sensitive areas in ductile shear walls

Sensitive areas of ductile shear walls at the top ductility levels will be as
specified below:

- In the vertical direction, from the wall base up to the place where a plastic
hinge can be formed, and no less than the following condition (80) (figure



lc – length of sensitive area in a wall, expressed as an integer number of


lw – wall length in the horizontal direction

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

hw – height of the wall in question

- In the horizontal direction, the wall area, where the concrete compressive
strain in it is more than 0.0015, the strain will be calculated as linear strain,
by the worst load combination, including seismic load (figure 16).

The strain calculation will be done for the horizontal section of the wall,
including thickening and flanges up to a distance lw/2 on each side of the
wall (figure 16). The maximum strain at the wall edge will not be more than
0.0035. The thickening details on the wall edge will be as specified in section

The required horizontal reinforcement ratio in a compressed sensitive area

is specified in table 18 and depends on the location of the neutral axis x in
relation to the critical location (for medium ductility level), as defined in
equation (81) below:



lw – wall length in the horizontal direction

Mu – capacity bending moment for a wall section, by the existing


Md – calculated design moment (including amplification coefficients)

In the absence of a more accurate method, as the area of distributed

reinforcement is not more than 0.005blw, the dimension x can be evaluated
by equation (82) below:


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


In the vertical direction in the horizontal direction

Figure 16 – Dimensions of sensitive area in a ductile shear wall

The length of the sensitive area will, not be less than 15% of the wall length (lw) and
will be thicker than it, multiplied by a factor of 1.5. The wall thickness in the
sensitive area will not be less than 200-mm and no less than the story height divided
by 15.

Table 18 – horizontal reinforcement ratio in a sensitive area of a ductile shear wall with
medium ductility level

Location of neutral axis in Horizontal required reinforcement ratio

a sensitive area
Like the minimum requirements for horizontal reinforcement
for this ductility level (section 404.2.4.2)
Like the requirements for reinforcement in a sensitive area for
this ductility level (section 403.3.2.4)
X – distance of neutral axis from a compresed edge of the wall
- critical location of the neutral axis

404.2.5 Tie beams in braced shear walls

The resistance of tie beams between braced shear wall parts against shear
and diagonal forces will be inspected as follows, to ensure they withstand
the rotation and vertical relative displacements that are required for the
braced wall motion.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

404.2.5.1 Design of tie beams

Tie beams will be designed for bending and shear as regular beams as
specified in this chapter, and the reinforcement in them will be symmetrical
(the top reinforcement ratio will equal the bottom reinforcement ration, on
both ends).

When one of the following conditions is met on the beams, the bending and
shear in them will be accepted by diagonal reinforcement in the two



Under the following conditions:

Vd – maximum shear force in a tie beam in a braced shear wall

b – wall thickness

hb – height of the tie beam section

fctd – concrete design tensile strength

d – effective height of the tie beam section

lb – length of tie beam between the opening edges

404.2.5.2 Diagonal reinforcement

Beam reinforcement in diagonal bars will meet all of the following
conditions in all ductility levels:

A. The reinforcement will be equal in two crossing directions.

B. A tie beam with diagonal reinforcement of 200-mm thick as a minimum
C. Each group of bars in a diagonal direction will be surrounded by close
rectangular stirrups or a spiral (as required for columns with high ductility
level in chapter H). The spacing between stirrups or spiral pitch will not be
more than 100-mm;
D. The length of diagonal bar anchoring will be 1.5 times the full anchoring
length (1.5la) as a minimum, as specified in IS 466, including all parts, that
will be measured from the beam connection point to the wall (figure 17).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure 17 – example for diagonal reinforcement in a tie beam

Chapter E – Design of steel frame systems

The design of steel frame systems will be done as specified in IS 1225.

Chapter F – design of other structure systems

601. Frame systems for other unique structures (9)

The section was omitted.

602. Foundations

602.1 Structure foundations

A structure should be based on soil of one type, and if the soil contains several
layers – on one of these layers.

When it cannot be determined that the soil and water conditions at the site do not
prevent full or partial liquefaction of the ground, adequate tests will be carried out,
including the soil surface sliding (as specified in section 202.1.4), if they are sloped.

If it is found that there is a liquefaction risk, then the impact on the structure
stability and foundation will be inspected by the soil consultant.

If stability is not proven, then the erection of the structure at the site will be
prevented. The consultant's opinion will be attached to the documents submitted to
the local authority as part of the compliance with the requirements for accepting a
building permit.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

A consistent foundation method should be ensured throughout the structure. In a

structure divided into blocks by separation joints, each block will be founded using a
consistent method.

The foundations system will allow transfer of the seismic load and the creation of
energy absorption conditions at the top structure, without affecting the capability of
foundations to carry the full vertical forces.

Shallow foundations (separate foundations or rafts) will be designed such that soil
strains will remain limited, with no significant residual strain.

602.2 Tie members

Separate foundations will be tied by horizontal members (floors or beams) in two
directions, as perpendicular to each other as possible. The tie members will meet
the following requirements:

602.2.1 Beams
The section dimensions of beams will not be less than 200-mm, and the
section area will not be less than 800 cm2.

602.2.2 Floors
The thickness of a tie floor will not be less than 150-mm. In order to
calculate the compressive capacity, an effective width that equals 12 times
the floor thickness can be considered, but no more than half of the distance
between adjacent columns.

602.2.3 Maximum vertical distance between the foundation and tie

The maximum distance between the top face of the foundation and the
bottom face of the tie member will be as follows:

- 750-mm for a shallow foundation

- 500-mm for a deep foundation (like a pile).

Only if one of the following conditions is met:

- In an area where Z  0.1, when the small dimension of the column section
between the tie member and the foundation is at least 300-mm
- In an area where Z  0.15, when the small dimension of the column section
between the tie member and the foundation is at least 400-mm for a
shallow foundation, and as the dimension of the pile in a deep foundation;

If the column dimensions are smaller than specified above, then the tie
member will be attached to the foundation.

If the small dimensions of the column equals at least 15 times the value
above, and the shear stress in concrete is less than fvd, then the above
vertical distances can be increased by 500-mm.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

602.2.4 Design of tie members

The calculation of the capacity of tie members and reinforcement in them
will be done by the forces and moments accepted from the structure
calculation for seismic activity. In any case, the axial force in a horizontal tie
member will be calculated in two states: compressive force and tensile
force. The axial force will equal at least 1/10 of the maximum vertical force
of the most loaded column tied by the member.

When a tie member is attached to a foundation slab, or when it connects

shear walls in their plane or between shafts used as "stiffening grains", the
moments transferred to the tie member can be neglected. In this case, the
tie members can serve, along their length, as diaphragm as well.

The rebars necessary to accept the calculated forces will be anchored for
their full capacity to external columns, as specified in IS 466, including all
parts. When a tie beam is connected at the end only to a perpendicular
beam, this beam will be calculated to carry the horizontal moments caused
by the above axial force on the tie beam perpendicular to it. The minimum
stirrup reinforcement in foundation columns (between the foundation head
and the top face of the tie beam) will be .

602.3 Impact of earthquake on the ground strength

As a direct result of an earthquake, in many cases the soil rigidity and strength are
reduced. This weakening can be caused due to shear strains on the ground and due
to pore water pressure rise during the earthquake. This weakening is very important
for the design of foundations in non-cohesive ground (for example, sand, silt, sand
with gravels), that is found beneath the groundwater. In this type of soil, when its
relative density is smaller than about 70%, the design takes into account the option
of development of liquefaction state during an earthquake.

When calculating the ground capacity to accept maximum force under an

earthquake, a maximum stress that equals 1.33 times the permitted stress for static
load is used, at the maximum, as specified in IS 940, as long as no reduction is
expected in the ground strength and rigidity.

In structures found close to slopes or bluffs, the stability of bluffs or slopes will be
also checked for earthquake conditions.

603. Stability of retaining walls

In the calculations of horizontal forces and the calculation of the wall resistance to
sliding, that are performed by the sub-sections of this section (figure 18), the impact
of the earthquake on the ground properties beneath and behind the wall are taken
into account. Assuring the general stability of the wall-soil system is especially
important when the wall is built on or next to a slope. The stability inspection will
take into account possible weakening of the ground due to an earthquake.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

(a) System of forces acting on the active ground block behind a wall

(b) System of forces acting on the wall


Specified after equation (87).

Figure 18 – system of active forces behind a rigid retaining wall

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

603.1 Active force

In the seismic design of retaining walls, like cantilever walls, gravity walls9 that are
free to move in the horizontal direction with no significant fixing, as the wall base is
higher than the groundwater level, the active force EAE is calculated by the



Neglecting Kv:



0 – resultant force acting at the bottom of the wall

 - spatial non-submerged (1) weight of the soil

H – height of retaining wall above its base

- action height of the active force

 - internal friction angle in the ground

b – friction angle between the bottom of the wall and the ground

δ - friction angle between the back of the retaining wall and the ground

 - inclination of the back of the retaining wall behind the retaining wall, toward the

i – slope of the ground surface behind the retaining wall, toward the horizon

 - an angle obtained by equation (87)

KAE – active pressure coefficient under earthquake conditions

F – the force acting on the sliding surface of the active slice

W – weight of active ground block acting during an earthquake

Ww – weight of the retaining wall

Retaining walls made of reinforced soil will be designed as specified in IS 1630.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Kh – horizontal seismic pressure coefficient, whose value depends on the permitted

displacement for a retaining wall

Kv – vertical seismic pressure coefficient that in the design is taken as 0

Kh can be calculated by equation (88) below:



d - permitted displacement at the head of the retaining wall (cm)

PGA – horizontal expected ground acceleration factor (in relation to the gravitational
acceleration g)

When the wall supports ground in which an adjacent building is founded, and there
is mutual impact between the building foundations and the retaining wall, the
displacement d will be limited to maximum 2-cm.

When part of the ground behind the wall is saturated and found beneath the
groundwater level, only the dynamic force exerted on the ground is obtained from
the above equations (in the saturated area), when substituting the submerged
spatial weight of the ground sub.

To this force, the dynamic force caused by pore water pressure, that is calculated by
the following equation (89), has to be added;


In the absence of an accurate calculation, it is assumed that in an earthquake, the

active resultant force EAE or acts, by the case, at half of the wall height.

603.2 Fixed or anchored walls

When the wall is prevented from moving in a horizontal direction (for example by
supports, ceilings or rigid anchors), or when the wall is founded by excavation in the
rock, the force the ground exerts on the wall during an earthquake can be calculated
by the equations of section 603.1, when substituting kh = 1.5 PGA in them.



1.1 – safety factor against sliding during earthquake

b – friction angle between the bottom of the retaining wall and the ground

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

E – maximum active force acting on the retaining wall

603.4 Passive force

The passive force EPE at the feet of a retaining wall is calculated by equations (91)
and (92) below:




 - is calculated by equation (87), when taking kh = 1.5 PGA

Hp – part of the height of retaining wall, that is subjected to passive force (see also
figure 18), and is found below the ground surface, on the exposed side of the wall.

604. Non-load bearing elements

604.1 Horizontal loads on non-load bearing structure elements

Non-load bearing structure elements, their connections to the structure and
connections of fixed equipment carried by the structure, will be designed to
withstand the horizontal loads resulting from an earthquake, as follows:

- Each element or part of it will be designed to resist a side seismic load fP by

the following equation (93):



PGA – expected horizontal ground acceleration coefficient (in relation to the

gravitational acceleration g)

W – total weight of the element

RP – seismic amplification coefficient for non-load bearing elements

I – structure importance factor

- An element will be considered rigid, when its basic period (with no

attachment to the frame), under fixed support conditions, is shorter than
0.06 seconds. The value RP for a rigid element is specified in table 19.
- For a non-rigid element, RP will be determined considering the dynamic
properties of the element and the structure that carries it, as long as it is not
less than the corresponding coefficient in table 19. In the absence of

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

specified dynamic analysis for such an element, the amplification factor 2RP
will be according to table 19, as long as it is not larger than 2.0.

Table 19 – seismic amplification factor for non-load bearing elements

Element type Coefficient RP

Cantilever parapets, cantilever stacks, signs, decorative elements etc. 2.0
Filling walls, curtain walls, partition walls, fences, mechanical 0.75
facilities, storage facilities, suspended ceilings etc.
Non-load bearing elements that are not mentioned above 0.75

604.2 Design of non-load bearing elements

Non-load bearing elements will be designed to withstand, without failure, the load
determined by section 604.1, perpendicularly to the axis of a linear element (in any
direction) or perpendicularly to the area of a planar element.

604.3 Design of the connection of non-load bearing elements

The connection of non-load bearing elements to the building frame will allow free
and undisturbed motion of the story ceiling in relation to the floor, by the maximum
expected displacements as per section 403.2.4 (but not less than 13 mm per story) –
for displacement, both in the direction parallel to the plane of the non-load bearing
element and perpendicularly to it – while using sliding connection fittings (like an
enlarged hole, elongated hole, telescopic connection, flexible spring connection)
that are not tightened.

Connection fittings will have sufficient ductility and rotatability and will prevent
fracture or extraction of the connection itself, of the anchoring of parts in the said
element or to the building frame, or damage to fittings surrounding the connection

The connection fitting and its anchoring will be designed to a load that is 4/3 larger
than the load calculated by sections 604.1, 604.2. Screws, pins, welding connections
etc. in the connection fittings will be designed for a load that is 4 times larger than
the load calculated by sections 604.1, 604.2.

604.4 Design of frame elements that are not part of the load bearing frame
system that resists a seismic load
These elements will be inspected in the calculation to maintain their capacity to
carry the calculated axial forces in service state, when drifted in each story by the
maximum expected displacement according to section 403.2.4 – when they maintain
elastic continuity relations on intersections, considering 2nd order impacts, but with
a partial safety coefficient for load of f = 1.0.

If necessary, the longitudinal reinforcement sections, their stirrups and density or

the concrete sections will be increased, in order for the element to meet the
calculation test, or in order to provide it with sufficient ductility to withstand it with

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

no damage due to the formation of plastic hinges on sections that fail to meet the
calculation test.

Chapter F – design of reinforced concrete frame with high ductility level

700. General instructions for seismic design of frames with high ductility
The design of frames for high ductility level will be done by the requirements of the
sections specified in table 20.

Table 20 – seismic design requirements for frames with high ductility level

Sections for design requirements

701. Design of beams for shear

Beams which are part of the load bearing frame system that resists seismic loads in a
structure will be designed for shear at limit failure state. The design of beams will
meet the requirements of section 403.3.1.4, and for high ductility level, the beams
will be designed as follows:

Design shear forces will be in any case larger than the forces obtained from the load
analysis. Their size is determined by the maximum shear obtained when the two
extreme sections of the span exhaust their fall bending capacity in opposite
directions, according to the actual concrete sections and reinforcement sections. In
the calculation of the capacity of the above sections, the impacts of the axial and
perpendicular load will be also included, as specified in table 21.

Therefore on each field end, there will be two design shear force values:

- The maximum value Vmax that corresponds with a negative capacity

momenta at the end in question (and positive on the opposite end) and
maximum vertical load on the beam
- Minimum value Vmin that corresponds with a positive capacity moment at
the end in question (and negative at the opposite end) and minimum
vertical load on the beam.

The ratio  between these two values (at the said end of the field) will be
calculated by the following equation (43):


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

When the value of  is less than (-1.0),  = (-1.0) will be used.

The design of beam resistance to shear at the left end of a field is specified in table
21. The design of the right end will be done with adequate substitution of the stress

For high ductility level, the bending moments will be multiplied by a behavior
coefficient n = 1.25.

Table 21 – design shear force for beams with high ductility level

(The calculation has to be repeated for shear at the opposite end of the beam)

Table legend:
q1 – maximum vertical load on the beam
q2 – minimal vertical load on the beam
M1; M2 – capacity moments on both ends of the beam span (with a top sign to state the
n – behavior coefficient
L – beam length up to the intersection center
 - ratio of the minimum shear force to the maximum shear force

702. Stirrups and shear reinforcement – minimum requirements

Stirrups in a beam will be designed as required in Israeli standard IS 466 including all
parts, but without considering the assistance of concrete in resisting the shear
forces. At high ductility level, the stirrups will also meet the requirements of this
section and those of section 703. In sensitive beam areas, the section areas of
stirrups and their distances will meet the requirements of table 22.

Sensitive beam areas will be as follows (figure 7):

- At each field end, up to the following distance from the column end:
o For high ductility level: 2.0 hb
o On both sides of a section where a plastic hinge can be formed, up
to a distance of hb from this section
- In an area where compression reinforcement is required,

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 22 – minimum requirements for stirrups in beams with high ductility level10

Specification of requirements in a sensitive area

8mm  h
Sh = min [hb/4; 24h; 5L; 150mm]
Minimum section area of one branch of a stirrup:

Table legend:
- longitudinal reinforcement section areas in a beam held against buckling by the
stirrup, including the relative part of bars that are not bi-directionally connected
Fsd.L – design tensile strength for longitudinal reinforcement steel
Fsd,h – design tensile strength of stirrup steel
h – diameter of stirrup bar
L – diameter of longitudinal rebar
hb – beam section height
sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups along the beam

703. Design of shear reinforcement

In the design of elements which are beams in the load bearing frame system that
resists the seismic load, which meets condition (37), the term (0.5dl) will be omitted
in the calculation of the shear reinforcement from equations (42) (43) in section (which discusses the determination of the reinforcement section), in Israeli
standard IS 466 part 1.

When the stirrup perpendicular to the element axis has n branches, the section area
of one branch Ash will be calculated by equation (46) as follows:


- When (when shear in the opposite direction is lower than half

of the shear in the other direction, or when the shear does not change sign), the
shear reinforcement will be designed by Israeli standard IS 466 including all parts,
according to the truss model.
- When , the shear reinforcement will be designed by IS 466 including
all parts, by the truss model, only if the following condition (47A) is met:


Explanation for the use of table 22 is brought in this book: Paulay T and Priestly MJN: Seismic design
of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings, Wiley, New York, 1992, Clause 4.5.5.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- When and condition (47A) is not met, the shear reinforcement will
be designed as two-way inclined reinforcement at an angle of 45 (to prevent
crossed diagonal cracking), as follows:

Half of the shear will be accepted by stirrups and half on the inclined reinforcement,
if the following condition (48A) is met:


If even condition (48A) is not met, the entire shear will be accepted by two-way
inclined reinforcement, such that in each section of the beam (including the
connection to the column), in each diagonal direction there will be inclined
reinforcement whose section area will be calculated by equation (49) below:


In addition, the elements will contain stirrups as required in section 702.

In the equations and the above conditions:

Ash – section area of one branch in a stirrup in a beam section

As - section area of inclined reinforcement found in one vertical section of a beam

bw – beam web width

sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups along the beam

n – number of stirrup branches

fvd – design shear strength of the concrete

fsd,h – design tensile strength of the stirrup steel

fsd – design tensile strength of the longitudinal and inclined steel

d – design shear stress in a beam

D – effective height of the concrete section

704. Minimum dimensions of columns

The dimensions of a column section will meet the requirements of IS 466 including
all parts, and for high ductility level, the requirements of table 23 will be also met.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 23 – requirements for column dimensions for high ductility level

Specification of requirements
300 mm  bc
300 mm  hc
l 10 bc in a fixed or cantilever column
l 16 bc in in other columns
Table legend:
l – column length
bc – column width
hc – dimension of a horizontal section of a column, perpendicular to bc and larger from it

705. Sensitive areas in columns

Aras sensitive to shear in columns with high ductility level will be as follows:

- In sections marked as lc in figure 8,

- In a section of lc long above and beneath a beam at an intersection, as per figure 9,
which meets the following condition (57C):

(57C) lc = max [1.5hc; ln/5; 600mm]

lc - length of sensitive area in a column
hc – large dimension in a horizontal column section
ln – column length (between beam ends)

- The diameter of stirrups in a column and the spacing between them

o Stirrups along the column length, with high ductility level will be designed by
the requirements of table 24.
o The column stirrups will be also installed within the intersection (along the
beam height).

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 24 – requirements for stirrups in different areas on a column with high ductility level

Specification of requirements
Minimum stirrup diameter 8mm  h
But not less than:
Spacing between stirrups in a sensitive area:
sh = min [ 5L; bc/4; 100-mm]
In a non sensitive area
sh = min [8L; bc/3; 170-mm]
Table legend:
h – stirrup bar diameter
L – diameter of longitudinal rebar
bc – column width
sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups along the column]
sfd,h – design tensile strength of the stirrup steel or horizontal bar steel (tie stirrups)
fsd,L – design tensile strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel

Stirrups in a column section, in a sensitive area with high ductility level, will be
arranged as shown in figure 19, considering the cover thickness of the external
stirrup. For high ductility level, each longitudinal bar will be found on a column at a
stirrup corner, except for cases where a  150-mm (when the additional bar within
area a is exempted from that requirement).


Close stirrup
Tie Close stirrup
Close stirrup
Tie stirrup stirrup


Figure 19 – layout of stirrups in a sensitive area in a column with high ductility level

(Dimensions are in mm)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- Overlap of longitudinal reinforcement in a column which is an element in a moment

resisting spatial frame will not be found within a sensitive area where a plastic hinge
may be formed.
- In a sensitive area in a column with high ductility level, the reinforcement ratio in
stirrups h will be increased by equations (94) (95) (96) below:





fck – characteristic compressive strength of concrete

fsk – characteristic yield strength of the stirrup steel

Nd – design axial force of a column

Ag –full section area of the concrete in a column

Ak – grain section area of a column bound inside an external stirrup

Ash,x; Ash,y – section area of all stirrup branches that are parallel to the axis in

- coefficients by equations (96)

sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups, along a column

hx; hy- spacing between extreme longitudinal rebars on a column in main directions
(figure 20)

Figure 20 – sections and dimensions for equations (94) – (96)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

706. Intersections with high ductility level

706.1 Capacity of columns in relation to the beam capacity

Each intersection on a moment resisting frame with high ductility level will be
designed by equations (58) and (59), below, in the two directions described in figure
12, to prevent an option of column failure next to the intersection:

(58) as per figure 12A

(59) as per figure 12B


Muc – capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12) of a column,
above and beneath an intersection

Mur - capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12) of a beam, to
the right of an intersection

Mul - capacity bending moment (in the direction described in figure 12) of a beam, to
the left of an intersection

n – behavior coefficient n = 1.25 for a frame with high ductility level

For high ductility level, on all moment resisting frame intersections, the
requirements and conditions of sections 706.2, 706.3, 706.4 will be also met.

For high ductility level, there will be no overlap of reinforcement in sensitive areas of
columns and beams around or within the intersection.

The column stirrups will be also installed inside the intersection, with the density
and diameter necessary for a sensitive area according to table 24, unless the
calculation requires more.

706.2 Design force to check for shear at an intersection

The design forces to check for horizontal and vertical shear at an intersection (figure
21) with high ductility level will be the maximum possible force combinations in the
horizontal and vertical section, taking into account the strength of other elements
connected to the intersection, as follows:

- Bending moments caused by seismic load, will be multiplied by a behavior factor n =

1.25, as specified in table 21;
- The axial forces in the columns inspected will be the minimum values of forces
accepted due to the action of seismic load;
- The entire system of design forces will maintain equilibrium at the intersection, and
the shear forces will be fit to maintain this equilibrium (figure 21);

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- On an internal intersection (and respectively, on an external intersection), the

design force for horizontal shear at intersection Vjh will be calculated by equations
(97) and (98) below:



But it is permitted to approximately calculate on an internal intersection by equation

(99) below:


When the conditions of equation (100) below are met:


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Failure plane


Vertical bars

Figure 21 – failure plane at an intersection


Pu; Pu' axial force in a column, above and beneath an intersection

Vcol; V'col shear force in a column, above and beneath an intersection

T'p; Tp tensile force in abeam, to the right and left of an intersection

V'b; Vb – shear force in a beam, to the right and left of an intersection

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

M2; M1 - bending moment in a column, to the right and left of an intersection

M'; M - bending moment in a column, above and beneath an intersection

A'sc; Asc - extreme vertical reinforcement section area on a column to the right and left of an

As1; As2 - horizontal reinforcement section area in a beam, above and beneath an

lc; l'c – distance between beam axes, on the stories above and beneath an intersection

l2; l1 - span between column axes, to the right and left of an intersection

l2n ; l1n – net span between column edges, to the right and left of an intersection

hb – height dimension of the beam

hc – column dimension in a direction parallel to the beam'

fsd – design tensile strength of longitudinal and inclined steel

T; T' tensile force on a beam reinforcement, above and beneath an intersection

T''; T''' tensile force on the eternal reinforcement of the column to the right and left of an

Vjh; Vjv – design shear force at an intersection, in the horizontal and vertical direction

C's; Cs compressive force in the compression reinforcement on a beam to the right and left of
an intersection

C'''s; C''s compressive force in the compression reinforcement on a column above and
beneath the intersection

C'c; Cc compressive force in the compressed concrete in a beam, to the right and left of an

C''c; C'''c – compressive force in the compressed concrete in a column above and beneath
the intersection

The design vertical shear force at intersection Vjv, will be calculated by equation (65) below:


In which, and in the above conditions:

As1; As2 – reinforcement areas in the beam sections on both sides of the column-
beam intersection sides (1)

Fsd,L – design tensile strength of longitudinal reinforcement steel

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Vcol – horizontal shear force in a column

M1; M2 design moments on both ends of a beam span (with a top sign to state their type)

L1; l2 – length of beams on both sides of a column-beam intersection (between intersection


l1n; l2n length of beams on both sides of a column-beam intersection (between column edges)

lc1; lc2 length of columns on a beam-column intersection (between intersection centers,

above and beneath the intersection)

hb – beam section height (m)

hc – dimension in a horizontal section of a column perpendicular to bc and larger than it.

706.3 Inspection of the intersection resistance to horizontal shear

The layout of reinforcement for horizontal shear at an intersection and calculating it
for high ductility level will meet the following requirements:

- The effective width bj at the intersection (figure 13) for the shear calculations will
meet one of the conditions (60) or (61) below:

(60) when

(61) when


bc – width of column in the direction perpendicular to the beam span

bw – beam web width

bj – effective dimensions of the column width at an intersection

hc – dimension of a horizontal section in a column perpendicular to bc (in the beam

span direction)

When the beam is eccentrically connected, with eccentricity level e (figure 5), the
effective width bj will be reduced by equation (62) below:


- The maximum design force Vjh to calculate the areas of reinforcement sections for
horizontal shear at an intersection will be limited by the following condition (63):


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- The maximum design force Vjh to calculate the areas of reinforcement sections for
horizontal shear at an intersection will be reduced by the rate of concrete Vch that
carries the shear force, as follows:
A. When a beam at an intersection is subjected to force pcs (after prestressing losses)
in chords that are found within the middle third of the beam height, the shear force
will be reduced by 0.7 Pcs.
B. When a vertical compressive force is exerted on a column Nd above the intersection
(including vertical prestressing, if any) that is larger, in absolute value. than 0.1Agfcd,
but is not larger than 0.5 Agfcd, then Vjh will be reduced by the rate of the concrete
part Vch that carries the horizontal shear force, by the following equation (101):


C. When axial tensile force Nd is exerted on a column , which is less than 0.2 Agfcd
(absolute value), then Vjh will be reduced at a rate of Vch by equation (102) below:


D. When the planner prevents the formation of a plastic hinge on beams that connect
to the intersection at a distance of less than hb from the column end, and on an
external intersection when the beam reinforcement is anchored to the beam
protrusion beyond the column ,then Vjh will be reduced by the part of concrete Vch
that carries the shear force, by the following equation (103):


In which and in the above equations:

Ag – full section area of the concrete in a column

fcd – design compressive strength of concrete

As – longitudinal reinforcement section area in a beam that is found on the external

half of the tension part of the section

A's – longitudinal reinforcement section area in a beam that is found on the external
half of the compressed part of the section.

Note: in cases A-D the area of A's of the beam reinforcement which is larger than As
will not be taken into account.

E. When part of the tension bars in the beams that are connected to the
intersection are subjected to vertical bending, surround the intersection and

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

are anchored to the tension face of the column, then Vjh will be reduced by
the rate of concrete that resists shear Vch, by the following equation (104):



As – the smaller area out of the areas of tension bars to the right or left of
the intersection

F. In any other case, the horizontal shear force at an intersection will not be
o The maximum vertical compressive force above the intersection will not be
more than 0.5 Agfcd.
o Total horizontal reinforcement for shear at intersection Ajh will be calculated
by the following equation (105):


And will be divided into stirrups, at equal spacing as possible, to be located

between the top reinforcement and bottom reinforcement on a beam, of
width bj. The spacing between stirrups will not be more than 200 mm and
not more than 12 L.

706.4 Checking an intersection resistance to vertical shear

The reinforcement layout for vertical shear at an intersection and checking it will
meet the following requirements:

- The design force for vertical shear at an intersection Vjv by equation (65) will be
reduced by the rate of concrete Vcv that resists the vertical shear force as follows:
A. When a compressive axial force is exerted on a column, on both sides of the
intersection, Vjv will be reduced by the rate of concrete Vcv that resists the design
force, by equation (106) below:


B. When an axial tensile force Nd that is less than 0.2 Agfcd is exerted on a column,
Vjv will be reduced by the rate of concrete Vcv that resists the shear force, by the
following equation (107):



Ag – full section area of the concrete in a column

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

fcd – design compressive strength of concrete

Asc – longitudinal reinforcement section area in a column (the larger in area)

Asc' – longitudinal compressive reinforcement section area in a column (the smaller

in area)

C. In any other case, the vertical shear force at an intersection will not be reduced.
D. When a plastic hinge is expected on a column next to an intersection, as part of
the main mechanism to absorb energy, the reductions of sections A, B will be
- The total vertical reinforcement section area for shear at intersection Ajv is
calculated by equation (108) below:


And divided into vertical intermediate bars, on the column edges parallel to the
frame direction of width bj, or into vertical stirrups, at equal spacing as possible, to
be located between the corner bars on a column. The spacing between stirrups or
bars will not be more than 200-mm. One vertical bar at least out of the bars
calculated by equation (108) will be added to each end, and they will be all well
anchored on the column on both sides of the intersection.

707. Structures with a soft or weak story

For high ductility level, structures with a soft or weak story will not be built.

Chapter H – design of ductile shear walls made of reinforced concrete

with high ductility level

801. General instructions for seismic design of ductile shear walls

The design of ductile shear walls for high ductility level will be done by the
requirements of the sections specified in section 25.

Table 25 – seismic design requirements for ductile shear walls for high ductility level

Sections for design requirements

802. Minimum dimensions

The minimum section dimensions for a ductile shear wall will meet Israeli standard
IS 466 including all parts, and will also meet the following requirements:

- For a high ductility level, the shear wall thickness will be at least 150-mm

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

- Regular openings in a wall are preferable to obtain braced shear walls:

- The wall length in a horizontal direction lw will meet the following condition (109)


When the wall fails to meet condition (109), it will also meet the requirements for a
wall squat as specified in the foreign documents in section 102.

- When the compressive strain in a wall c is larger than 0.0015, the wall thickness b'
will be increased as specified in figure 22.

The wall thickness can be reduced to dimension b if one of the two following
conditions is met:

A. This compressive strain is close to the wall end, as specified in figure 23 A.

B. This compressive strain is close to a reinforcing wall (perpendicular to the shear wall)
or the thickening of a wall end as specified in figure 23 B.

Figure 22 – thickening of a ductile shear wall

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended


Figure 23 – ductile shear wall with no thickening

803. Sensitive areas in walls

Sensitive areas in ductile shear walls for the top ductility levels will be as specified below:

- In the vertical direction, from the wall base up to the place where a plastic hinge
can be created, and not less than condition (80) below (figure 16).



lc – length of a sensitive area in a wall, expressed in a whole number of stories

lw – wall length, in the horizontal direction

hw – wall height

- In the horizontal direction, the wall range, where the concrete compressive strain is
larger than 0.0015. The strain will be calculated as a linear strain by the worst load
combination, including seismic load (figure 16).
- The strain calculation will be done for the horizontal section of the wall, including
thickening and flanges up to a distance lw /2 on each side of the wall (figure 16). The
maximum strain on the wall end will not be more than 0.0035.
- The wall end can be without thickening, if the wall dimensions meet the
requirements of IS 466 including all parts, for a wall without thickening but with no
strengthening wall.

The horizontal reinforcement ratio required in a compressed sensitive area is specified

in table 26 and depends on the location of the neutral axis x, in relation to the critical
location , that is defined (for high ductility level) in the following equation (110):

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended



lc – wall length in the horizontal direction

Mu – bending capacity moment of the wall section, by the existing reinforcement

Md – calculated design moment (including amplification factors)

In the absence of a more accurate method, when the area of the distributed
reinforcement section is not larger than 0.005b lw, the dimension x can be calculated
by equation (82) below:


The horizontal reinforcement ratio will also meet the following conditions (111) and




b – wall thickness

fcd – design compressive strength of concrete

fck – characteristic compressive strength of concrete

fsk – characteristic yield strength of the stirrup steel

Nd – design axial force in the wall (negative for compression)

Ag – full section area of the concrete in a wall or wall thickening

Ak – grain section area of the wall thickening, bound in an external stirrup

Ash – horizontal reinforcement section area in a wall

coefficients by equations (112)

sh – spacing between adjacent stirrups or horizontal reinforcement, along the wall


Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Table 26 – horizontal reinforcement ratio in a sensitive area of a ductile shear wall with
high ductility level

Location of neutral axis in a Required horizontal reinforcement ratio

sensitive area
Like the requirements for reinforcement in non-sensitive
areas in beams of this level
The reinforcement ratio in equations (111) – (112)
Table legend:
X – distance of the neutral axis from a comrpessed edge of the wall
- critical location of the neutral axis

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix A – Accelerometers


In an area where Z  0.25, in any new building of 12 stories or more and in any building with
an area of stories (for licensing) above the ground level of more than 10,000 m2, accessible
measurement places for 3 accelerometers will be prepared (hereinafter: "preparation").
Each preparation will include a closable niche or cabinet and communication and power
outlets, that will be performed by the instructions of the Ministry of National Infrastructures.
The supply, installation and operation of the accelerometers and the related equipment will
be under the responsibility of the Ministry of National Infrastructures.

Appendix B – Map of horizontal ground accelerations


The horizontal ground acceleration factors by their location in the map of Israel are brought
in appendix H, and are available for information only on the website of the Standards
Institution of Israel (1A). The list of settlements and their ground accelerations is brought in
appendix C.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix C – list of settlements in Israel and their ground accelerations (the list of settlements was updated)]

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Abu Juiad
Abu Gosh
Abu Snan
Abu Serichan (tribe)
Abu Abdon (tribe)
Abu Amar (tribe)
Abu Amra (tribe)
Abu Kurinat (sett.
Abu Kurinat (tribe)
Abu Rubiya 9tribe)
Abu Rukik
Even Yehuda
Even Menachem
Even Sapir
Even Shmuel
Avnei Eitan
Avnei Chefetz

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Um El Fachem
Um El Kutuf
Um Batin
Or haganuz
Or Haner
Or Yehuda
Or Akiva
Meitarim occ. area*
Misgav occ. Area
Achziv ind. Area (Miluot)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Neeman indu. Area

Achuzat Barak
Atrash (tribe)Ibim
Ayelet Hashachar
Eilon Tavor *
AL Arian
El Rom
El Sayid
Alon Hagalil
Alon More

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Alon Shvut
Alonei Aba
Alonei Habashan
Alonei Itzach
Eli Ad
Alphei Menashe
Asad (tribe)
Aazam (tribe)
Afinish (tribe)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new

coordinate system

AAshdot Yacov (Ichud)
Ashdot Yaoc (Meuchad)
eSHEL Hanasi
Beer Ora
Beer Tuvia
Beer Yacov
Beer Milka
Beer Sheva
Beerot Isac
Bustan Hagalil

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Buyina Nugidat
Reg. school (Asher)
Bir El Maksur
Bir Hadaj
Beit oren
Beit El
Beit Elazari
Beit AAlfa
Beit Arie
Bei Berk
Bei Jan
Bei Govrin
Beit Gamliel
Beit Dagan
Beit Hagdi
Beit Halevi
Bei Hilel
Beit Haemek
Beit Haarava
Beit Hashita
Breit Zid
Beit Zayit
Beit Zera
Poria hospital

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Beit Horon
Beit Cherut
Beit Halkia
Beit Hanan
Beit Hananya
Beit Chashmonai
Beit Yeoshua
Beit Yoseph
Biet Yanai
Beit Isacc- Shaar Chefer
Beit Lechem Haglilit
Beit Meir
Beit Nechemia
Beit Nir
Beit Nekufa
Beit Oved
Beit Uziel
Beit Ezra
Beit Arif
Beit Zvi
Beit Kama
Beit Keshet
Beit Raban
Beit Rimon
Beit Shean
Beit Shemesh
Beit Shearim
Beit Shikma
Bitan Aharon
Beitar Ilit

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Ben Zakai
Ben Ami
Ben Shemen (Youth
Bnei Brak
Bnei Darom
Bnei Yehuda
Bnei Atarot
Bnei Auash
Bnei Zion
Bnei Reem
Binyamina-Givat Ada*
Bosmat Tivon
Bar Giora
Bar Yochai
Brur Chail

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Bat Hadar
Bat Chen
Bat Chefer
Bat Yam
Bat Ayin
Bat Shlomo
Kishon refineires *
Jedida Makar
Janabib (tribe)
Jiser A Zarka
Jesh (Gush Halav)
Geuli Teiman
Geva Binyamin
Geva Carmel
The new Givon
GGivot Bar
Givat Avni
Givat Ela
Givat Brener

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Givat Hashlosha
Givat Zeev
Givat Chen
Givat Chaviva
Givat Haim (Ichud)
Givat Chaim (Meuchad)
Givat Yoav
Givat Yearim
Givat Yeshayahu
Guvat Koach
Givat Nili
Givat Oz
Givat Shmuel
Givat Shemesh
Givat Shapira
Goranot Hagalil

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the Settlement

new coordinate system

Glil Yam
Gilad (Even Isac)
Gan Hadarom
Gan Hashomron
Gan Chaim
Gan Yoshia
Gan Yavne
Gan Ner
Gan Sorek
Gan Shlomo
Gan Shmuel
GInot Hadar
Ganei Hadar
Ganei Yochanan
GGanei Am
Ganei Tikwa

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Gesher Haziv
Gat (kibbutz)
Gat Rimon
Daliya El Carmel
Deganya A
Degania B
Dir El Asad
Dir Chana
Dir Rafat

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Hadar Am
Hod Hasharon
Hawashal (tribe)
Hozil (tribe)
Sorek stream res. Cen.
Har Adar
Har Gila
Har Amsha
Vered Yericho
Zbarga (tribe)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Zichron Yacov
Hualad (tribe)
Havazelet Hasharon
Chad Nes
Chugirat (Dahar) (tribe)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chibat Zion
Chafetz Haim
Hazor Ashdod
Hazor Haglilit
Cherev Leat

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Tuba Zangariya
Taybe (in the valley)
Tirat Yehuda
Tirat Carmel
Tirat Zvi
Tal El
Tal Shachar
Tamra (Izrael)
Yanuch Jat
Yad Binyamin
Yad Hashmona
Yad Chana
Yad Mordechai

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Yad Natan

Charashim Yad Rambam
Chashmonayim Yedida
Tiberia Yahud
Tuba Zangariya Yahel
Turan Yuval
Taybe Yuvalim
Taybe (in the valley) Yodfat
Tira Yaonatan
Tirat Yehuda Yosheviya
Tirat Carmel Izrael
Tirat Zvi Yechiam
Tal El Yotveta
Tal Shachar Yetav
Telalim Yechni
Talomn Dead sea hotels
Tamra Yanov
Tamra (Izrael) Yanon
Yene Yesod Hamaala
Tefachot Yesodot
Yanuch Jat Yasur
Yevul Yaad
Yavneel Yael
Yavne Yaaf
Yagur Yaara
Yagel Yafia
Yad Binyamin Yafit
Yad Hashmona Yifat
Yad Chana Yiftach
Yad Mordechai Izhar

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Yatzitz
Charashim Yakum
Chashmonayim Yakir
Tiberia Yokneam (moshava)
Tuba Zangariya Yokneam Ilit
Turan Yiron
Taybe Yardena
Taybe (in the valley) Yerucham
Tira Jerusalem
Tirat Yehuda Yarchiv
Tirat Carmel Yarka
Tirat Zvi Yarkona
Tal El Yesha
Tal Shachar Yishi
Telalim Yishrash
Talomn Yated
Tamra Kabul
Tamra (Izrael) Kaukab Abu El HIga
Yene Kabri
Tefachot Kaduri
Yanuch Jat Kadita
Yevul Kochav Hashachar
Yavneel Kokav Yair
Yavne KKokav Yaacov
Yagur Kochav Michael
Yagel Kurazim
Yad Binyamin Kachal
Yad Hashmona Kachla
Yad Chana Kisufim
Yad Mordechai Kishur

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Klil
Charashim Kalanit
Chashmonayim Kamana
Tiberia Kmehin
Tuba Zangariya Kamun
Turan Kanot
Taybe Kanaf
Taybe (in the valley) Kineret (moshava)
Tira Kineret (kibbutz)
Tirat Yehuda Kseifa
Tirat Carmel Kislon
Tirat Zvi Kseria Smia
Tal El Kaabia – Tabash - Chajara
Tal Shachar Kefar Aviv
Telalim Kefar Adumim
Talomn Kefar Uria
Tamra Kefar Achim
Tamra (Izrael) Kefar Bialik
Yene Kefar Bilu
Tefachot Kefar Blum
Yanuch Jat Kefar Bin Noon
Yevul Kefar Bara
Yavneel Kefar Baruch
Yavne Kefar Gideon
Yagur Kefar Galim
Yagel Kefar Glikson
Yad Binyamin Kefar Giladi
Yad Hashmona Kefar Daniel
Yad Chana Kefar Haoranim
Yad Mordechai Kefar Hachoresh

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Kefar Hamacbi

Charashim Kefar Hanagid
Chashmonayim Kefar Hanor Hadati
Tiberia Kefar Hanasi
Tuba Zangariya Kefar Hess
Turan Kefar Haore
Taybe Kefar Harif
Taybe (in the valley) Kefar Vitkin
Tira Kefar Verburg
Tirat Yehuda Kefar Veradim
Tirat Carmel Kefar Zoharim
Tirat Zvi Kefar Zeitim
Tal El Kefar Chabad
Tal Shachar Kefar Choshen
Telalim Kefar Chitim
Talomn Kefar Haim
Tamra Kefar Hanania
Tamra (Izrael) Kefar Chasidim A
Yene Kefar Chasidim
Tefachot Kefar Charuv
Yanuch Jat Kefar Truman
Yevul Kefar Yasif
Yavneel Kefar Yididiya
Yavne Kefar Yeoshua
Yagur Kefar Yona
Yagel Kefar Yechezkel
Yad Binyamin Kefar Yaabetz
Yad Hashmona Kefar Lama
Yad Chana Kafar Kana
Yad Mordechai Kefar Monsh

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Kefar Meimon

Charashim Kefar Mala
Chashmonayim Kefar Manda
Tiberia Kefar Menachem
Tuba Zangariya Kefar Masrik
Turan Kefar Metzer
Taybe Kefar Mordechai
Taybe (in the valley) Kefar Natar
Tira Kefar Sald
Tirat Yehuda Kefar Saba
Tirat Carmel Kefar Silver
Tirat Zvi Kefar Sirkin
Tal El Kefar Avoda
Tal Shachar Kefar Aza
Telalim Kefar Etzoin
Talomn Kefar Piness
Tamra Kefar Kassem
Tamra (Izrael) Kefar Kish
Yene Kefar Kara
Tefachot Kefar Rosh Hanikra
Yanuch Jat Kefar Roznwald (Zaryit)
Yevul Kefar Rupin
Yavneel Kefar Ruth
Yavne Kefar SHamai
Yagur Kefar Shmuel
Yagel Kefar Shmaryahu
Yad Binyamin Kefar Tavor
Yad Hashmona Kefar Tapuach
Yad Chana Karkom
Yad Mordechai Kerem Ben Zimra

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Kerem Ben Shemen

Charashim Kerem Yaven (Yeshiva)
Chashmonayim Kerem Maharal
Tiberia Kerem Shalom
Tuba Zangariya Karmei Yoseph
Turan Kamrei Zur
Taybe Karmiel
Taybe (in the valley) Karmia
Tira Kramim
Tirat Yehuda Karmel
Tirat Carmel Lavon
Tirat Zvi Lavi
Tal El Levanim
Tal Shachar Lahav
Telalim Lehavot Habashn
Talomn Lehavot Haviva
Tamra Lehavim
Tamra (Izrael) LLod
Yene Luzit
Tefachot Lochamei Hagetaot
Yanuch Jat Lotem
Yevul Lotan
Yavneel Liman
Yavne Lachish
Yagur Lapid
Yagel Lapidot
Yad Binyamin Lakia
Yad Hashmona Maor
Yad Chana Meir Shfeya
Yad Mordechai Mavo Beitar

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Mavo Dotan

Charashim Mavo Choron
Chashmonayim Mavo Chama
Tiberia Mvo Midiyim
Tuba Zangariya Mevo'ot Yam
Turan Maboyim
Taybe Mivtachim
Taybe (in the valley) Mavkiyim
Tira Mevaseret Zion
Tirat Yehuda Majd El Krum
Tirat Carmel Majdel Shams
Tirat Zvi Magar
Tal El Megadim
Tal Shachar MMigdal
Telalim Migdal Haemek
Talomn MMigdal Oz
Tamra Migdal Tefen
Tamra (Izrael) Migdalim
Yene Megido
Tefachot Magal
Yanuch Jat Magen
Yevul Magen Shmuel
Yavneel Magshimim
Yavne Midrach Oz
Yagur Ben Gurion college
Yagel Rupin college
Yad Binyamin Modiyin-Macabim-Reut*
Yad Hashmona Modiyin Ilit
Yad Chana Modla*
Yad Mordechai Moledet

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Moza Ilit

Charashim Mokabila
Chashmonayim Moran
Tiberia Moreshet
Tuba Zangariya Mazor
Turan Mazkeret Batya
Taybe Mizra
Taybe (in the valley) Mizra'a
Tira Mechola
Tirat Yehuda Hilla camp*
Tirat Carmel Tali camp
Tirat Zvi Yavor camp
Tal El Yehudit camp*
Tal Shachar Yocheved camp*
Telalim Yafe camp*
Talomn Yatir camp
Tamra Miryam camp*
Tamra (Izrael) Adi camp*
Yene Tel Nof camp*
Tefachot Machanayim
Yanuch Jat Mechasiya
Yevul Metula
Yavneel Mata
Yavne Mei AMI
Yagur Maitav
Yagel Meisar
Yad Binyamin Mizar
Yad Hashmona Merivav
Yad Chana Meiron
Yad Mordechai Meishar

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Meitar
Charashim Mechora
Chashmonayim Mikchol
Tiberia Michmoret
Tuba Zangariya Michmanim
Turan Melea
Taybe Melilot
Taybe (in the valley) Malkia
Tira Malkishua
Tirat Yehuda Menucha
Tirat Carmel Manof
Tirat Zvi Manot
Tal El Menachamiya
Tal Shachar Manara
Telalim Manshut Zebeida
Talomn Masad
Tamra Masada
Tamra (Izrael) Mesilot
Yene Mesilat Zion
Tefachot Maslul
Yanuch Jat Masa'da
Yevul Masudin El Azazma (tribe)
Yavneel Maabarot
Yavne Maagalim
Yagur Maagan
Yagel Maagan Michael
Yad Binyamin Maoz Chaim
Yad Hashmona Maon
Yad Chana Meona
Yad Mordechai Maayan Baruch

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Maayan Zvi

Charashim Meyilia
Chashmonayim Maale Edomim
Tiberia MMaale Efraim
Tuba Zangariya Maale Gilboa
Turan Maale Gamla
Taybe Maale Hachamisha
Taybe (in the valley) Maale Levona
Tira Laale Michmash
Tirat Yehuda Maale Iron
Tirat Carmel Maale Amos
Tirat Zvi Maale Shomron
Tal El Maalot Tarshicha
Tal Shachar Maanit
Telalim Maas
Talomn Miflasim
Tamra Avshalom plants
Tamra (Izrael) Barkan plants*
Yene Upper Galilee plants
Tefachot Granot plants
Yanuch Jat Har Tuv plants*
Yevul Izrael plants (Haemek)
Yavneel Dead sea plants (Sedom)
Yavne Kanot plants
Yagur Maon plants*
Yagel Malachi junc. plants*
Yad Binyamin Zin Arava plants
Yad Hashmona Zemach plants
Yad Chana Rotem plants
Yad Mordechai Shean plants*

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Mezadot Yehuda

Charashim Mezuva
Chashmonayim Mazliach
Tiberia Mizpe
Tuba Zangariya Mizpe Aviv
Turan Mizpe Ilan
Taybe Mizpe Yericho
Taybe (in the valley) Mizpe Netofa
Tira Mizpe Ramon
Tirat Yehuda Mizpe Shalem
Tirat Carmel Mezar
Tirat Zvi Mivke Israel
Tal El Margaliot
Tal Shachar Merom Golan
Telalim Merchav Am
Talomn Merchavia (sett.)
Tamra Merchavia (kibbutz)
Tamra (Izrael) Kaduri regional center
Yene Merom Galil regional center
Tefachot Misgav regional center
Yanuch Jat KKoach center
Yevul Merivan center*
Yavneel Shoham center
Yavne Shapira center
Yagur Mashabei Sade
Yagel Misgav Dov
Yad Binyamin Misgav Am
Yad Hashmona Mashad
Yad Chana Mesua
Yad Mordechai Mesuot Isac

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Maskiot
Charashim Mishamr Ayalon
Chashmonayim Mishamr David
Tiberia Mishmar Hayarden
Tuba Zangariya Mishmar Hanegev
Turan MMishamr Haemek
Taybe Mishmar Hashiva
Taybe (in the valley) Mishmar Hasharon
Tira Mishmarot
Tirat Yehuda Mishmeret
Tirat Carmel Mishan
Tirat Zvi Matan
Tal El Matat
Tal Shachar Matitayahu
Telalim Neot Golan
Talomn Neot Hakikar
Tamra Neot Mordechai
Tamra (Izrael) Neot Smadar
Yene Naura
Tefachot Nevatim
Yanuch Jat Negba
Yevul Negohot
Yavneel Nehura
Yavne Nahalal
Yagur Nahariya
Yagel Nov
Yad Binyamin Noga
Yad Hashmona Neve Avot
Yad Chana Nave or
Yad Mordechai Neve Ativ

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Neve Ilan

Charashim Neve Ilan*
Chashmonayim Neve Eitan
Tiberia Neve Daniel
Tuba Zangariya Neve Zohar
Turan Neve Ziv
Taybe Neve Charif
Taybe (in the valley) Neve Yam
Tira Neve Yamin
Tirat Yehuda Neve Yarak
Tirat Carmel Neve Mivtach
Tirat Zvi Neve Michael
Tal El Neve Shalom
Tal Shachar Noam
Telalim Nof Ayalon
Talomn Nofim
Tamra Nofit
Tamra (Izrael) Nofach
Yene Nokdim
Tefachot Nordiya
Yanuch Jat Nurit
Yevul Nechusha
Yavneel Nachal Oz
Yavne Nachala
Yagur Nachliel
Yagel Nechalim
Yad Binyamin Nacham
Yad Hashmona Nachaf
Yad Chana Nachsholim
Yad Mordechai Nachshon

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Nachshonim
Charashim Netua
Chashmonayim Natur
Tiberia Netayim
Tuba Zangariya Nataf
Turan Nein
Taybe Nili
Taybe (in the valley) Nizan
Tira Nizan B
Tirat Yehuda Nizana (education community)

Tirat Carmel Nizanei Sinai

Tirat Zvi Nizanei Oz
Tal El Nizanim
Tal Shachar Nir Eliyahu
Telalim Nir Banim
Talomn Nir Galim
Tamra Nir Daviv (Tel Amal)
Tamra (Izrael) Nir Chen
Yene Nir Yafe
Tefachot Nir Isac
Yanuch Jat Nir Israel
Yevul Nir Moshe
Yavneel Nir Oz
Yavne Nir Am
Yagur Nir Ezion
Yagel Nir Akiva
Yad Binyamin Nir Zvi
Yad Hashmona Nirim
Yad Chana Nirit
Yad Mordechai Niran

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Ben Gurion airport

Charashim Nes Harim
Chashmonayim Nesm Amim
Tiberia Nes Ziona
Tuba Zangariya Neurim
Turan Naale
Taybe Naama
Taybe (in the valley) Naan
Tira Nazazra (tribe)
Tirat Yehuda Nezer Sirani
Tirat Carmel Nazareth
Tirat Zvi Nazareth Ilit
Tal El Nesher
Tal Shachar Nativ Hagdud
Telalim Natif Halamed Hei
Talomn Nativ Haasara
Tamra Nativ Hashayara
Tamra (Izrael) Nativot
Yene Natanya
Tefachot Sajur
Yanuch Jat Sasa
Yevul Savion*
Yavneel Segula
Yavne Suad (chamria)*
Yagur Suad (Kamana) )tribe)
Yagel SSulam
Yad Binyamin Susia
Yad Hashmona Sufa
Yad Chana Sachnin
Yad Mordechai Seid (tribe)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Salma
Charashim Salyit
Chashmonayim Samar
Tiberia Saad
Tuba Zangariya Saar
Turan Sapir
Taybe Stariya
Taybe (in the valley) Ajar
Tira Abadon
Tirat Yehuda Evron

Tirat Carmel AAgur

Tirat Zvi Ad Halom
Tal El Adi
Tal Shachar Adanim
Telalim Uza
Talomn Uzeir
Tamra Olesh
Tamra (Izrael) Omer
Yene Ofer
Tefachot Ozem
Yanuch Jat Ukabi (Benu Ukba) (tribe)
Yevul Azuz
Yavneel Azar
Yavne Azriel
Yagur Azariya
Yagel Azrikam
Yad Binyamin Atawana (tribe)
Yad Hashmona Ateret
Yad Chana Idan
Yad Mordechai Ilabun

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Einot
Charashim Ilot
Chashmonayim Ein Ayala
Tiberia Ein El Asad
Tuba Zangariya Ein Gev
Turan Ein Gedi
Taybe Ein Dor
Taybe (in the valley) Ein Habesor
Tira Ein Hod
Tirat Yehuda Ein Hachoresh

Tirat Carmel Ei nHamifratz

Tirat Zvi Ein Hanaziv
Tal El Ein Haemek
Tal Shachar Ein Hashofet
Telalim Ein Hashlosha
Talomn EEin Vered
Tamra Ein Zivan
Tamra (Izrael) Ein Chod
Yene Ein Hazeva
Tefachot Ein Charod (Ichud)
Yanuch Jat EEin Charod (Meuchad)
Yevul Ein Yahav
Yavneel Ein Yacov
Yavne Ein Karem agr. School
Yagur Ein Karmel
Yagel Ein Maahal
Yad Binyamin Ein Nekuva
Yad Hashmona Ein Iron
Yad Chana Ein Zurim
Yad Mordechai Ein Kinya

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Ein Rafa

Charashim Ein Shemer
Chashmonayim Ein Sarid
Tiberia Ein Tamar
Tuba Zangariya Einat
Turan Ir Ovot
Taybe Akko
Taybe (in the valley) Alumim
Tira Eli
Tirat Yehuda Alei Zahav
Tirat Carmel Alma
Tirat Zvi Almon
Tal El Amuka
Tal Shachar Aminadav
Telalim Amiad
Talomn Amioz
Tamra Amikam
Tamra (Izrael) Amir
Yene Imanuel
Tefachot Amka
Yanuch Jat Einav
Yevul Usafiya
Yavneel Afula
Yavne Ofra
Yagur Ez Efraim
Yagel Azmon Segev
Yad Binyamin Arabe
Yad Hashmona Aramsha*
Yad Chana Arab El Naim
Yad Mordechai Arad

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Arugot
Charashim Arara
Chashmonayim Arara Banegev
Tiberia Aseret
Tuba Zangariya Atlit
Turan Atniel
Taybe Faran
Taybe (in the valley) Modiyin ind. park
Tira Emek Chefer industrial
Tirat Yehuda Peduel
Tirat Carmel Peduyim
Tirat Zvi Pedaya
Tal El Furidis
Tal Shachar Poria – work village
Telalim Poria – Neve Oved
Talomn Poria Ilit
Tamra Porat
Tamra (Izrael) Patish
Yene Pelech
Tefachot Palmachim
Yanuch Jat Pnei Haver
Yevul Pesagot
Yavneel Fasuta
Yavne Paamei Tashaz
Yagur Pazael
Yagel Pekiyin (Bukiya)
Yad Binyamin New Pekiyin
Yad Hashmona Pardes Chana Karkur
Yad Chana Pardeiya
Yad Mordechai Farod

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Farzon
Charashim Peri Gan
Chashmonayim Petach Tikwa
Tiberia Petachia
Tuba Zangariya Zeelim
Turan Zvia
Taybe Zivon
Taybe (in the valley) Zuba
Tira Zochar
Tirat Yehuda Zofia
Tirat Carmel Zofim
Tirat Zvi Zufit
Tal El Zofar
Tal Shachar Zukei yam
Telalim Zukim
Talomn Zur Hadasa
Tamra Zur Isac
Tamra (Izrael) Zur Moshe
Yene Zir Natan
Tefachot Zuriel
Yanuch Jat Zurit
Yevul Zipori
Yavneel Zalfon
Yavne Zandale
Yagur Zefariya
Yagel Zafririm
Yad Binyamin Zefat
Yad Hashmona Zerufa
Yad Chana Zora
Yad Mordechai Kevua (tribe)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Yavne group

Charashim Kedumim
Chashmonayim Kadima Zoran
Tiberia Kedma
Tuba Zangariya Kidmat Zvi
Turan Kedar
Taybe Kidron
Taybe (in the valley) Kadarim
Tira Kydirat A-Zana (tribe)
Tirat Yehuda Kuayin (tribe)
Tirat Carmel Komemiut
Tirat Zvi Koranit
Tal El Ketora
Tal Shachar Keisariya
Telalim Kelachim
Talomn Kalya
Tamra Kalanswa
Tamra (Izrael) Kela
Yene Kazir –Charish
Tefachot Kazr A Sar
Yanuch Jat Kazerin
Yevul Kiryat Ono
Yavneel Kiryat Arba
Yavne Kiryat Ata
Yagur Kiryat Bialik
Yagel Kiryat Gat
Yad Binyamin Merchavim education cnt.
Yad Hashmona Kiryat Tivn
Yad Chana Kiryat Yam
Yad Mordechai Kiryat Yearim

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Kiryat Yearim (institution)

Charashim Kiryat Motzkin
Chashmonayim Kiryat Malachi
Tiberia Kiryat Netafim
Tuba Zangariya Kiryat Anavim
Turan Kiryat Akron
Taybe Kiryat Shlomo
Taybe (in the valley) Kiryat Shmona
Tira Azata educational cnt
Tirat Yehuda Airport city
Tirat Carmel Karnei Shomron
Tirat Zvi Keshet
Tal El Rama
Tal Shachar Ras El Ein
Telalim Ras Ali
Talomn Rosh Haayin
Tamra Rosh Pina
Tamra (Izrael) Rosh Zurim
Yene Rishon Lezion
Tefachot Revava
Yanuch Jat Revivim
Yevul Ravid
Yavneel Ravid
Yavne Regba
Yagur Regavim
Yagel Rahat
Yad Binyamin Revacha
Yad Hashmona Revaya
Yad Chana Rochama
Yad Mordechai Romana

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Rumat heib

Charashim Royi
Chashmonayim Rotem
Tiberia Rehov
Tuba Zangariya Rehovot
Turan Rechaniya
Taybe Reichan
Taybe (in the valley) Reina
Tira Rimonim
Tirat Yehuda Rintiya
Tirat Carmel Rechasim
Tirat Zvi Ram On
Tal El Ramot
Tal Shachar Ramot Hashavim
Telalim Ramot Meir
Talomn Ramot Menashe
Tamra Ramot Neftali
Tamra (Izrael) Ramla
Yene Ramat Gan
Tefachot Ramat David
Yanuch Jat Ramat Hakovesh
Yevul Ramat Hashofet
Yavneel Ramat Hasharon
Yavne Ramat Hovav
Yagur Ramat Yochanana
Yagel Ramat Yishai
Yad Binyamin Ramat Magshimim
Yad Hashmona Ramat Zvi
Yad Chana Ramat Raziel
Yad Mordechai Ramat Rachel

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system
Chermesh Renan
Charashim Reyim
Chashmonayim Raanana
Tiberia Rakefet
Tuba Zangariya Rishpon
Turan Reshafim
Taybe Retamim
Taybe (in the valley) Shear Yeshuv
Tira Shavei Zion
Tirat Yehuda Shavei Shomron
Tirat Carmel Shabli – Um El Ganem
Tirat Zvi Segev Shalom
Tal El Sde Ilan
Tal Shachar Sde Eliyahu
Telalim Sde Eliezer
Talomn Sde Boker
Tamra Sde David
Tamra (Izrael) Dse Varburg
Yene Sde Yoav
Tefachot Sde Yacov
Yanuch Jat Sde Isac
Yevul Sde Moshe
Yavneel SSde Nachum
Yavne Sde Nechamiya
Yagur Sde Nizan
Yagel Sde Uziyahu
Yad Binyamin Sde Zvi
Yad Hashmona Sdot Yam
Yad Chana Sdot Micha
Yad Mordechai Sdeo Avraham

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Sdei Chemed

Charashim Sdei Terumot
Chashmonayim Sdema
Tiberia Sdemot Devora
Tuba Zangariya Sdemot Mechola
Turan Sderot
Taybe Shoeva
Taybe (in the valley) Shuva
Tira Shoval
Tirat Yehuda Shoham
Tirat Carmel Shomera
Tirat Zvi Shomeriya
Tal El Shokeda
Tal Shachar Shoresh
Telalim Shorashim
Talomn Shoshnat Haamakim
Tamra Shazor
Tamra (Izrael) Shachar
Yene Shacharot
Tefachot Shibolim
Yanuch Jat Shitim
Yevul Sheich Danon
Yavneel Shilo
Yavne Shilat
Yagur Shechaniya
Yagel Shalva
Yad Binyamin Sheluchot
Yad Hashmona Shlomi
Yad Chana Shlomzion
Yad Mordechai Shamir

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Shima'a
Charashim Shomrat
Chashmonayim Shimshit
Tiberia Shani
Tuba Zangariya Snir
Turan Shaab
Taybe Sha'al
Taybe (in the valley) Shaalabim
Tira Shaar Efraim
Tirat Yehuda Shaar Hagolan
Tirat Carmel Shaar Haamakim
Tirat Zvi Shaar Menashe
Tal El Shaarei Tikwa
Tal Shachar Shefayim
Telalim Shafir
Talomn Shefer
Tamra Shefaram
Tamra (Izrael) Shaked
Yene Shekef
Tefachot Sharona
Yanuch Jat Srigim (Li On)
Yevul Sarid
Yavneel Sharsheret
Yavne Shetula
Yagur Shetulim
Yagel Taashur
Yad Binyamin Tidhar
Yad Hashmona Tuval
Yad Chana Tomer
Yad Mordechai Tushiya

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Timorim
Charashim Tirosh
Chashmonayim Tel Chay
Tiberia Tel Aviv Yaffo
Tuba Zangariya Tel Yoseph
Turan Tel Isac
Taybe Tel Mond
Taybe (in the valley) Tel Adashim
Tira Tel Kazir
Tirat Yehuda Tel Sheva
Tirat Carmel Tel Teomim
Tirat Zvi Telem
Tal El Talmei Eliyahu
Tal Shachar Talmei Eliezer
Telalim Talemi Bilu
Talomn Talmei Yoseph
Tamra Talmei Yechuel
Tamra (Izrael) Talmei Yafe
Yene Telamim
Tefachot Timrat
Yanuch Jat Tenuvut
Yevul Taoz
Yavneel Binyamin indus. zone*
Yavne Bar Lev indus. zone
Yagur Lower Galilee ind. zone
Yagel Dalot ind. Zone
Yad Binyamin Hasharon ind. Zone
Yad Hashmona Hof Yavne ind. Zone
Yad Chana Chazav ind. Zone*
Yad Mordechai Mivza ind. Zone*

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Central point (in the new Settlement

coordinate system

Chermesh Zerifin ind. Zone

Charashim Reem ind. Zone*
Chashmonayim Shachak ind. Zone
Tiberia Sapirim ind. Zone
Tuba Zangariya Tifrach
Turan Tekuma
Taybe Tekoa
Taybe (in the valley) Tarabin A Zana (tribe)
Tira Tarabin A Zana (sett.)*
Tirat Yehuda Tarom

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix D – Design shear strength values for the calculation of

equations (73), (74), (75)


Table D-1: Values of d1 (MPa)

Longitudinal Strength values d1

reinforcement Concrete type
ratio B-20 B-25 B-30 B-40 B-50 B-60
0.005 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
0.01 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6
 0.01 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix E – Instructions for preparation of a specific site response

survey as per section 202.2.3


E-1 Analysis of the site response

The requirements of section E-1 have to be met when conducting specific site response
survey as specified in section 202.2.23. The analysis will be documented in a report.

E-1.1 Base rock oscillation

The earthquake response spectrum with the specified probability (for example 2% or 10% in
50 years) will be developed for the base rock, considering the requirements specified in the
standard or in section E-2. If analysis as described in section E-2 is not carried out, the
response spectrum of the base rock with the specified probability will be developed
assuming a site with ground type B (table 1). If the rock at the site is ground type A, the
response spectrum of the base rock will be adapted using the site coefficients as specified in
tables 2 and 3 of the standard, unless the use of other site coefficients can be justified. At
least five horizontal ground motion acceleration time records are required, that document
seismic events that actually took place, or at least 15 that document simulated events – will
be selected out of the events having magnitude and distance from fault that correspond
with the magnitude and distance from fault of the dominant event at the site. For each
record, the accelerations will be made to a scale, such that on average, the response
spectrum for each of the documented events will be, approximately, within the response
spectrum level as defined above, for the significant cycle time range for the structure
response at the site.

E-1.2 Development of model for the site conditions

A model of the site response will be developed based on the shear wave velocities for a low
strain level, non-linear relations or equivalent linear relation between the shear stress and
strain, and the specific weights of the ground specimen. These shear wave velocities will be
determined based on measurements at the said site, or by measurements of similar ground
specimen at the site environment. The nonlinear relations or equivalent linear relations
between the shear stress and strain and the specific weights will be selected based on lab
tests or known relations for similar ground specimen. The uncertainties related to the
ground properties will be evaluated.

The sub-soil model that will be taken into account in the site response survey will include all
layers from the ground level up to the hard bedding that is characteristic of the researched
area (base rock). The accurate definition of this hard bedding (lime, dolomite, basalt etc.)
changes by the different geological conditions of Israel, and its depth can reach hundreds of
meters. When conducting the survey, a geologist who knows the geological structure of the
sub-soil in the area has to be employed. For areas suspected of increased irregular sub-soil,
the hard bedding that can generate irregular amplifications is defined in the report of the
geological institution GSI/15/2009.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

When the hard bedding is at such depth that obtaining information about the thickness of
layers and their physical properties at the bottom of the section is impractical, then
information from adjacent boreholes can be used to evaluate the thickness of layers that
were not drilled and their composition, and evaluate their physical properties accordingly. In
such case, the evaluation of uncertainties will be also done for the thickness of layers. the
earthquake response spectrum and the records of the base rock motions that were
developed by section E-1 will be adapted to the ground type set as the hard bedding, using
the site coefficients that are brought in tables 2 and 3 in the standard.

E-1.3 Analysis of the site response and calculation results

The records of the base rock motions will serve as input for the ground section, assuming
they are motions of the rock layers exposed above the ground surface (outcrop). The ground
section response and records of the ground surface motions will be determined using
corresponding calculation methods, that refer to the non-linear properties of the ground in a
nonlinear way or equivalent linear way. The ratios of the structure response spectrum (with
5% damping) for the ground surface motions and the structure response spectrum (with 5%
damping) for the base rock motions that is used as input for the ground profile,. The
recommended response profile at the ground surface will not be lower than the response
spectrum for the base rock motions, multiplied by the mean spectral ratio between the
response spectrum at the ground surface and the response spectrum at the base rock (for
each cycle time in separate), that is obtained from analyses of the site response. The
recommended motions at the ground surface that are obtained by analysis will reflect the
reference to the response sensitivity to uncertainty concerning the ground properties,
model depth, and motions used as input.

E-2 Analysis of the ground motion impact

The requirements of section E-2 will be met when analyzing the impact due to ground
motions. The analysis will take into account the regional tectonic environment, geological
data and the seismic activity, the expected reoccurrence rate of earthquakes at known faults
and source areas and their expected maximum magnitudes, the attenuation properties of
the ground motions, the impact of noises adjacent to their source areas – if there are such
impacts – on the ground motions, and the impact of the conditions beneath the surface level
at the site. The conditions beneath the surface level at the site will be considered by using
attenuation relations that represent the local and regional geological conditions or by
implementation of the requirements of section E-1. The analysis will include updated
interpretation of the seismic activity, including the uncertainty in the use of models and
parameter values for sources of seismic activity and ground motions. The analysis will be
documented in a report.

E-3 Spectrum of the response to the design

For any required probability, the spectrum acceleration Sa obtained from analysis of the site
response at any cycle time will not be less than 80% of that calculated by section 202.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

In sites where the ground is of type F, where the site response has to be analyzed by table 1,
the spectral acceleration for design for any cycle time will not be less than 80% of the one
corresponding with sites of E class.

E-4 Parameters of the design acceleration

When the site analysis is analyzed to determine the ground motions according to section E-
3, SDS will be taken as the spectral acceleration Sa that is obtained from the site specific
response spectrum with cycle time of 0.2 seconds, as long as this parameter is not lower
than 905 of the peak value of the spectrum acceleration Sa for any cycle time that is larger
than 0.2 seconds. For the purpose of calculation, SD1 will equal the larger of the spectrum
acceleration values Sa with cycle time of one second, or twice the value of the spectral
acceleration Sa with a cycle time of 2 seconds.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix F- Review of the calculation model for the planned structure

(For information only)

If the total shear force at the base, as obtained from modal analysis, is less than 0.85 FH, it is
recommended to reconsider the suitability of the calculation model for the planned

FH – total horizontal design load, that is obtained by equivalent static analysis from
equations (7) and (22) of the standard, with the limitations of section 204.2.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix G – Map of active faults and potentially active faults 11


Ministry of National Infrastructures

Instructions for using the map Energy and Water resourcesw
A. Location of an active fault or potentially
active fault requires professional geological
research. The research has to extend up to
the end of the area of an active fault zone, in
order to rule out the existence of other fault
B. Repeated review of the status of a fault
suspected as active requires professional Ministry of National Infgrological survey
geological research, whose findings will be Jerusalem 2013
inspected by the geological institution.
C. Only the geological institution may change Key map for the map of active and potentially
the status of a fault.
D. Before the investigation, it is recommended active faults in Israel
to ask the geological institution if the fault For amendment sheet 5 of IS 413 – design of
status has changed since the last map update.
For specified instructions and explanations, see the structure resistance to earthquakes
explanations for the map of active faults and
potentially active faults in Israel for IS 413 in the
geological institution report GSI/02/2013.

The map of active and potentially active faults presents relevant

geographical information, as accurate as possible about the
location of faults for which there are evidence that they tore the
surface level in a young geological period. The map is based on the
standard geological mapping of Israel at a scale of 1:50,000 issued
by the Geological Institution. The accuracy level of the map is
conditioned on the accuracy level of the geological maps. And it can
reach up to several tens of meters. Therefore for the purpose of
engineering planning, whoever uses the map must locate the
location of the fault at the site.
This map does not describe seismic risks and shall not be used as
forecast for the future location of earthquakes.

Definition: active faults for amendment sheet 5 of IS 413

A fault will be considered an active fault if it has torn the surface
level at least once in the last 13,000 years.
Potential active faults for amendment sheet 5 of IS 413
A potentially active fault is a fault that belongs to one of the three
follwoign groups:
A. Branches of the first and second order of an active fault as
between them and the active fault there is continuous
physical connection on the surface level. A first order branch
is defined here as a fault that is branched directly from an
active fault, and a 2nd order fault is defined as splitting
directly from a first order branch.
B. Faults for which there are geological or geophysical evidence
Active fault indicating that they are branches that come out from the
Potentially active dead sea rift from areas covered with water or areas with
fault volcanic cover.
Active fault area C. Faults for which there is clear evidence for tearing of the
surface level in the time period between the last 13,000 years
and 35,000 years.
D. Active fault areas
E. An area of about 200m on each side and end of tan active
fault trace and potentially active fault.

For this map at a higher resolution, please see the website of the Standards Institution of Israel,, Israeli Standards, annexes to IS 413 amendment sheet 5.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix H – maps of seismic acceleration parameters


Figure H-1: map s1 for return period of 475 years (10% in 50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-2: map ss for return period of 475 years (10% in 50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-3: map Z for return period of 475 years (10%@50 years) for ground class B

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-4: map for the value TL (Seconds) for return period of 475 years (10%@50 years)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-5: map S1 for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-6: map Ss for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) Vs30 = 760 m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-7: map Z for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years) for ground class B

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-8: map for the value TL (seconds) for return period of 975 years (5%@50 years)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-9: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years), VS30 = 760m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-10: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years), VS30 = 760m/s (ground
class B)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-11: map for return period of 2475 years (2%@50 years) for ground class B

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Figure H-12: map for the value of TL (seconds) for return period of 2475 years (2%@50y)

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Appendix I – Map of areas suspected of irregular subsoil amplification



Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Map of areas
suspected as
irregualr subsoil

Map of areas suspected as increasing irregular subsoil

foramendment sheet no 5 for IS 413 (design of structure resistance to
Amendment sheet no. 5 of IS 413 adopts the American approach for ground
classification except for exceptional cases for which the map of areas suspected
of increasing irregular subsoil (Gvirzman and Zaslavski, 2009) was prepared.
The map indicates two types of areas where the level of ground motion increase
during an earthquake might be higher than usual: (A) where soft soil is laid
directly on a very hard mother rock (marked in black on the map), where the
seismic motion increase is increased considerably due to the entrapping of
seismic energy in the soil layer (B) Narrow and deep geological ponds (marked
on the map by red grid lines) , where additional effects of increase related to the
entrapment of energy between the pond walls and the surface can be caused,
and focusing of waves on certain areas, concentration of energy next to the
pond walls, in the direction of seismic waves etc.
it should be noted that the map of areas suspected of increase of irregular
subsoil indicate problematic areas but is no substitute for detailed survey, that
quantifies the increase level and characterizing it with a corresponding
frequency and intensity. I t is recommended to use this map by the instructions
of amendment sheet no. 5 of IS 413, and mainly its appendix E, and study the
explanation notes for the map in the report of the geological institution

Rock site
Regualr soil area
Soil site with suspcision of irregular increase as a The schematic section demonstrating possible combinations of geological units
result of the existence of hard bedding at the base
Site wsuspected of irregfular increase at naroow and on the lowland and coastal plane of Israel, which create strong return of
depp geological ponds earthquake waves and might result in irregular increase of ground motions
during earthquake. The numbers approximately indicate the shear wave velocity
in units of meter per second. A thick red line indicates seismic return with
approximate impedance ratio of 4 and up, whose depth in the range can cause
irregular increase. This figure is designed for illustration only and must not be
used for increase calculations without detailed survey of the investigated area.

Israeli Standard IS 413
Combined version of the standard of June 1995, as amended

Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures

Error correction

IS 413

May 2014

This error correction corrects

IS 413 of June 1995

Error correction of October 1995

Amendment no.1 of December 1998

Amendment sheet no. 2 of May 2004

Amendment sheet no. 3 of September 2009

Amendment sheet no. 4 of July 2010

Amendment sheet no. 5 of December 2013

202. Environmental properties

202.2 Impact of ground sections

202.2.2 Spectral design accelerations and site coefficients

In the part that specifies the horizontal spectrum acceleration values on a rock, on the first
right column, the column heading Ss = 0.5 will be omitted and replaced by:

Ss  0.25.


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