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1 introduction

2 purpose

3 Related Theory

4 apparatus

5 Observation and calculation

6 Reference
Chezy formula
A ntoine Chézy was born at Chalon-sur-Marne, France, on September 1, 1718, and died on
October 4, 1798. He retired in 1790 under conditions of extreme poverty. It was not until 1797, a
year before his death, that the efforts of one of his former students, Baron Riche de Prony, finally
resulted in Chézy's belated appointment as director of the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées.

In 1749, working in Amsterdam, Cornelius Velsen stated:

"The velocity should be proportional to the square root of the slope."

In 1757, in Hannover, Germany, Albert Brahms wrote:

"The decelerative action of the bed in uniform flow was not only equal to the accelerative action
of gravity but also proportional to the square of the velocity."

They were working on the general laws and theories of Torricelli and Bernoulli. These are some
of the main ideas that Chézy used to develop his formula. However, the credit goes to Chézy
because his formula is not only the first but also the most lasting resistance formula.

Chézy was given the task to determine the cross section and the related discharge for a proposed
canal on the river Yvette, which is close to Paris, but at a higher elevation. Since 1769, he was
collecting experimental data from the canal of Courpalet and from the river Seine. His studies
and conclusions are contained in a report to Mr. Perronet dated October 21, 1775. The original
document, written in French, is titled "Thesis on the velocity of the flow in a given ditch," and it
is signed by Mr. Chézy, General Inspector of des Ponts et Chaussées. It resides in file No. 847,
Ms. 1915 of the collection of manuscripts in the library of the Ecole.

In 1776, Chézy wrote another paper, entitled: "Formula to find the uniform velocity that the
water will have in a ditch or in a canal of which the slope is known." This document resides in
the same file [No. 847, Ms. 1915]. It contains the famous Chézy formula:

v = 272 (ah/p)1/2

in which h is the slope, a is the area, and p is the wetted perimeter. The coefficient 272 is given
for the canal of Courpalet in an old system of units. In the metric system, the equivalent value is:

v = 31 (ah/p)1/2

For the river Seine, the value of the coefficient is 44.

Herschel Clemens translated into English the two Chézy papers. He was the first person to
translate the original documents into English in an accurate way. In the library of the Ecole, there
is another document, without a date, but apparently written after 1775, which shows that Chézy
had applied his formula on the flow in the pipe that conveyed water to the city of Rennes,
France. In this case, the number 17 is the value given to the coefficient.

Current knowledge about Chézy's work is due to Girard and De Prony. Pierre-Simon Girard was
chief engineer at Ponts et Chaussées and a member of the scientific mission to Egypt send by
Napoleon Bonaparte. Baron Riche de Prony was one of Chézy's former students. De Prony was
the first person to use the Chezy formula. Later, in 1801, in Germany, Eytelwein used both
Chézy and De Prony's ideas to further the development of the formula. He gave the value of 50.9
[metric] to the coefficient.

Ever wonder about the origin of Manning’s equation? Well, even if you haven’t it’s still
interesting. This well-known equation achieved its notoriety in a way parallel to many other
things in our modern consumer society. Through what some may call typical but accidental
word-of-mouth marketing techniques. But not by its inventor.

Manning formula
The equation was named after an Irishman (actually born in France in 1816) Robert Manning. He
was 73 when he introduced the equation to the Institution of Civil Engineers in Ireland. He died
eight years later.

Here’s what’s interesting… he never stepped a foot in a fluid mechanics class or had an
engineering degree. He worked for his uncle as an accountant until the Irish famine caused him
to lose his job in 1845. But a year later he was hired on at the expanding Irish Public Works
Department in the drainage division. While one thing led to another, he was appointed Chief
Engineer 1874 and held this position until retirement in 1891. He taught himself hydraulics.

He admired folks like Chezy, Darcy, Kutter and a few other H&H pioneers. Apparently his mass
detestation for complex mathematical formulae was the driving force behind his passion for
simplicity. He tinkered with as many as seven other hydraulic formulae for open channel flow
created by his colleagues in an effort to boil it all down to this equation:

Manning Equation(C later turns into the reciprocal of Kutter’s n)

But this equation had a serious problem… a cube root. Computing a number to the 2/3rds power
was not easy in the late 1800’s. So Manning trashed it and created one that didn’t have a cube
root extraction:
(m is barometric pressure)

But in 1918, Manning’s equation went viral thanks to Horace W. King. Does the Handbook of
Hydraulics ring a bell? King not only suggested exchanging Manning’s K for Kutter’s n, he
tabulated the two-thirds power of numbers over the range of 0.01 to 10 and added it to the 1st
edition of Handbook of Hydraulics. Perhaps it was this table that overcame the greatest difficulty
in using Manning’s equation and made it as famous as it is today. An equation that Manning
himself rejected years earlier and that is baked into most modern hydrology software features.

All told, it took circumstances, an Irish famine, an unemployed accountant and a University of
Michigan professor to create this favorite tool that today’s practicing civil engineer refuses to
give up. Manning’s equation is still the most widely used. Over the last century many new
modern formulae have been developed but nothing has changed in the real world. Well, perhaps
for a just a few years. Here’s what Manning’s equation looked like in 1957.

To physically measure the Manning’s Coefficient and Chezy’s Coefficient.

 To study the variation of ‘n’ and ‘c’ as a function of velocity.

 To study the relationship between ‘n’ and ‘c’.

Related Theory
Open channel generally supported on or above the ground.

Uniform Flow:
A uniform flow is one in which flow parameters and channel parameters remain same with
respect to distance between two sections
Non-Uniform Flow:
A non-uniform flow is one in which flow parameters and channel parameters not remain same
with respect to distance between two sections.

Steady Flow:
A steady flow is one in which the conditions (velocity, pressure and cross-section) may differ
from point to point but DO NOT change with time

Unsteady Flow:
If at any point in the fluid, the conditions change with time, the flow is described as unsteady.

Steady Uniform Flow:

Conditions do not change with position in the stream or with time. An example is the flow of
water in a pipe of constant diameter at constant velocity.

Steady Non-Uniform Flow:

Conditions change from point to point in the stream but do not change with time. An example is
flow in a tapering pipe with constant velocity at the inlet - velocity will change as you move
along the length of the pipe toward the exit.

Unsteady Uniform Flow:

At a given instant in time the conditions at every point are the same, but will change with time.
An example is a pipe of constant diameter connected to a pump pumping at a constant rate which
is then switched off.

Unsteady Non-Uniform Flow:

Every condition of the flow may change from point to point and with time at every point. For
example waves in a channel.

Manning’s Roughness Equation (1889):


V is the average velocity of flow (ft/s, m/s)

n is the Manning coefficient

R is the hydraulic radius (ft, m)

S is the slope of the water surface (m/m,ft/ft)

The Manning’s Equation is an empirical equation which applies on open channel flow and is a
function of velocity, flow area and channel slope. Manning’s Coefficient represents the
roughness or friction applied to the flow by channel.

Manning formula is used to estimate flow in open channel situations where it is not
practical to construct a weir or flume to measure flow with greater accuracy.

Hydraulics Radius:
The hydraulic radius is a measure of channel flow efficiency.


R is the hydraulic radius.

A is the cross sectional area of flow,

P is wetted perimeter.

It is a function of the shape of the pipe, channel, or river in which the water is flowing. In wide
rectangular channels, the hydraulic radius is approximated by the flow depth. The measure of a
channel's efficiency (its ability to move water and sediment) is used by water engineers to assess
the channel's capacity

Chezy’s Formula:
Chezy’s formula can be used to calculate mean flow velocity in conduits and is expressed as


V = mean velocity (m/s, ft/s)

C = the Chezy’s roughness and conduit coefficient

R = hydraulic radius (ft, m)

S = slope (m/m, ft/ft)

 S6 glass sided Tilting lab flume with manometric flow arrangement and slope adjusting
 Point gauge (For measuring depth of channel)

 switch on the apparatus
 Wait to stabilize the water in the flume
 Set the slope of the flume
 Note the discharge reading .
 Measure the depth at three different location for one discharge reading .
 Then change the discharge and measure the depth reading again .

Observation and calculation

Width (b) = 0.0528m

Length of Flume = 1.83m
Slope = 0.0020

Avg Depth 'y' Area of

Sr Flow
Flow R n c v
No. Rate (Q) y1 y2 y3 yavg (A)
m3/s mm mm mm mm m2 m m/s
1 0.007998 30.3 47.5 51 42.93 0.01288 0.033379 0.007466 75.99959 0.620963

2 0.009795 39.3 53.7 57 50.00 0.015 0.0375 0.007673 75.40195 0.653

3 0.011311 42.3 59.6 61 54.30 0.01629 0.039868 0.007515 77.75952 0.694352

4 0.013646 46.1 59.4 64.7 56.73 0.01702 0.041164 0.007176 81.88778 0.743008


manning cofficient




75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
chezys c0fficient

N vs c




naing cofficient






0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76

N vs v
 value of chezy’s co-efficient increases with increase in discharge.

 Manning’s co-efficient decreases with increase in discharge.

 There is a inverse relation between mannings coefficent & velocity .

 There is a direct relation between chezy;s coefficent & velocity

 There is inverse relation b/w manning’s co-efficient and chezy’s co –efficient taken
manometric reading when flow is steady .

 If the bed and sides material and conditions are different then we take equivaent
roughness coefficent .
 The manning formula is simple, accurate and values of for a very wide range of
channels are available


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