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Now a days,communication is more important to survive in this world,there are a lot of benefits we can
get in communicating in other persons that may help us to develop out personality as human. I believed
that without communication our world is complicated. Based on what i learned ,communication is a two
way process by which informations, ideas are exchange between two or among individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs and behaviour.

Communication has a very important role in the society. If communication doesn't exist ,our life is too
boring, but before we communicate with other person, let us know first the function of it and it's
elements because function and elements of communication can helps us to be a good communicator
,and to be a good communicator we must know first ourselves and the persons who are we talking to,
what are the information we were discuss all about? We need to analyze and determine all of that.

The different functions of communication are the physical needs, Ego needs, Social needs, and the
Practical needs. Physical needs telling us who are the person we are talking to. Ego needs tells us that we
need to know ourselves to have self concept. In Social needs there are three parts including Inclusion,
Desire of control, and Affection. In Practical needs there are four parts which is safety, socialization, self-
esteem, and self actualization. We must know the elements of communication such as the participants
or the persons involved in the communication, the message or a piece of information that is sent or
given to someone, the context or the interrelated conditions of communication, we also need to apply
all the milieus such as Physical, Social, Psychological, Cultural and Historical milieus. It helps us to
communicate with other person more effectively. The next element of communication is the noise or the
barriers in the communication, the channel or the passageway of communication, and last is the
feedback or the response of the receiver in the message of the sender.

According to Lasswell, there are 5W's of communication that we should consider. First, Who should be
told?. Second, When should they be told? Third, What should they be told? Fourth, Where should the
message be conveyed? Fifth, Who should control the communication process? We should know all of
these because it is very important when you are talking and the communication will meet the success
and be effective. We should be aware when we are talking, be focus and honest therefore it cannot
create misunderstanding.

I really much learned about our lesson in purposive communication, on can be a good communicator
and also be a good listener. I realized that we should give important the communication process and be
aware of what we are talking. Communication is the key to become one to help each other for a better
world. By means of communication we can build a stronger relationship, to understand, love and care
each other. I hope as we continue in our next lesson i can gain more knowledge that i can apply in my
everyday living, how can be a good person and the best version of me.

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