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Individual Assignment 5

ITEC 640 – Fall 2010

DUE: 11:59PM EST, Wednesday, Nov 24

You are to work individually on all individual assignments. Each assignment must include
the following statement:

This assignment is my own work. Any assistance I received in its preparation is acknowledged
within the assignment, in accordance with academic practice. If I used data, ideas, words,
diagrams, pictures, or other information from any source, I have cited the sources fully and
completely in footnotes and bibliography entries. This includes sources which I have quoted or
paraphrased. In adding my name following the word 'Signature', I intend that this certification
will have the same authority and authenticity as a document executed with my hand-written
Signature _____________________________

Individual Assignment #5

1. Assume each of the following is response to a conflict. Classify each of the following
into one of the categories of conflict resolution discussed in your text and state why you
chose that particular category.

a) Let’s deal with this issue next week.

b) It seems that the real problem here is not a lack of communication, but a lack of
knowledge of what needs to be done and when. Here is a copy of the project
schedule. It should let you understand what you need to know.
c) Since we cannot decide on the purchase of new computers, we will have to wait until
out meeting next month.
d) Let’s calm down and get the job done!
e) Let us do a little of what both of you suggest
f) Do it my way!
g) Mary and Steve, both of you want this project to cause as little distraction to your
departments as possible. With that in mind, I am sure we can come to an agreement
on the purchase of equipment and what is best for the project.
h) Mary, you say that the project should include the purchase of two new computers and
Steve, you say that the project can use existing equipment. I suggest we perform the
following test on the existing equipment to determine if it needs to be replaced…
i) Mary, what is we get new computers for the design tasks on the project and use the
existing computers for the monitoring functions?
j) We have talked about new computers enough. I do not want to get new computers
and that is it!

2. Order the categories of conflict resolution from best to worst. Justify your answer.
3. Using different leadership styles in different setting and with different people is quite
common. List some settings that you have experiences and the leadership style you
chose to use. Which leadership style is most “natural” for you and why? (Note there is
no best answer…I am looking for well-written one-page single-spaced document
demonstrating leadership style comprehension.)

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