Listening VSTEP B1

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Tp. Hồ Chí Minh - 2019

1. What does the principal want to tell the students?
(A) An audition program is coming to the school.
(B) They should practice their singing.
(C) A famous person will come to visit the school.
(D) A concert will be held at the school.

2. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To encourage students to use the library more often.
(B) To inform students about the opening hours of the library.
(C) To ask students to share the resource with another school.
(D) To give advice to students on how to check out a library book.

3. What is probably NOT true about the announcement?

(A) The tours begin in the morning.
(B) The students should meet in the courtyard of the school.
(C) Some students will have to stand.
(D) Not all students are joining the tours.

4. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To remind students to bring their instruments to school.
(B) To explain what the music class will be like this year.
(C) To choose some students to participate in a band.
(D) To teach students how to use some instruments.

5. What is the teacher explaining?

(A) How to apply to the school clubs.
(B) Two clubs the students may join.
(C) Where to find the two clubs.
(D) How many people are in the clubs.

6. What point does the principal make?

(A) The middle school has succeeded in connecting home and school.
(B) The school has developed a lot in recent years.
(C) Many more children will go back home and study.
(D) The school will have a challenge of making a new plan.

7. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To stress that planting trees is easy.
(B) To introduce a new way of planting trees.
(C) To suggest using a video for guidance.
(D) To question whether the instructions on how to plant trees are right.

8. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To inform the students of a competition timetable.
(B) To encourage the students to participate in various sports.
(C) To introduce a wrestling club to students.
(D) To look for suitable students to compete in a match.

9. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To announce a punishment to a student.
(B) To introduce the rules of the library.
(C) To tell the students which books can be checked out.
(D) To remind the students to bring back books they checked out.

10. Why is the teacher talking about the activity?

(A) She wants the students to better understand what a ghost is.
(B) She forgot the meaning of the two words.
(C) She wants to make sure the students can draw something.
(D) She wants to teach the students how to act as a ghost.

11. What are the two students talking about?

(A) Homework
(B) TV programs
(C) Current events
(D) Frightening stories

12. What happened to the people on the crashed plane?

(A) They all died.
(B) Many of them survived.
(C) They fell into the sea.
(D) They found a ghost.

13. What is the cartoon that the girl was watching about?
(A) Some animals in a jungle
(B) How to deal with problems
(C) Becoming a successful professor
(D) A therapist and his son

14. What does the girl mean when she says, “If they have it, make sure you
rent it”?
(A) She doesn’t believe they have it.
(B) She wants to borrow the movie from the boy.
(C) She strongly recommends the cartoon.
(D) She can’t wait to see the movie.

15. Why are the two students telling each other their names?
(A) They don’t know each other before.
(B) They like to introduce themselves.
(C) They are practicing a play.
(D) They forgot each other’s names.

16. Why do the two students feel nervous when they meet new people?
(A) They don’t want to say anything that may offend people.
(B) They don’t know new people’s names.
(C) They like to hang out with people whom they know.
(D) They are afraid of losing friends.

17. What is the boy like when he is around people?

(A) Shy
(B) Extroverted
(C) Afraid
(D) Passive

18. What does the boy meet people?

(A) At parties
(B) At home
(C) At school
(D) On the street

19. What are the two friends mainly talking about?

(A) Having a pet
(B) How to rescue animals
(C) Training dogs
(D) How to take care of cats

20. What animal does the girl like better?

(A) Dog
(B) Cat
(C) Guinea pig
(D) Fish

21. What pet does the boy have?

(A) A cat
(B) A dog
(C) Some fish
(D) A bird

22. What pet does the girl decide to have?

(A) A pug dog
(B) An independent dog
(C) A dependent cat
(D) A calico cat

23. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

(A) Some most dangerous voyages ever
(B) How a man succeeded in having great adventures
(C) One of the world’s most famous explorers and navigators
(D) Some stories about different places
24. What did Cook do when he was young?
(A) He was a captain of an army
(B) He was sent to Canada
(C) He bought a ship from Canada
(D) He studied in France

25. Why did Britain send Cook to the South Pacific?

(A) To find an unknown place
(B) To find someone in Australia
(C) To save an endangered animal species
(D) To make a map

26. What was Cook looking for in his last voyage?

(A) An island
(B) Some passage in the north
(C) An unknown person
(D) Some missing ships

27. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

(A) What genes make us skinny
(B) Why some people are skinny though they eat a lot
(C) How to put on weight
(D) How to lose weight

28. Why does the woman mention genes?

(A) To ask a question that hasn’t been answered
(B) To raise a debate about whether some genes are good
(C) To compare genes to other factors
(D) To give an example of how people lose weight

29. According to the speakers, why do people still have “fat genes”?
(A) Because they are important to our bodies
(B) Because these genes are unable to disappear in our evolution process
(C) Because we need these genes to deal with excessive fat
(D) Because we have not had enough time to evolve a response to them
30. Based on the discussion, what is probably true about a fat person?
(A) He can’t easily lose his weight even if he does much exercise
(B) He has more skinny genes than fat ones
(C) He can’t lose weight
(D) Losing weight is dangerous for him

31. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To entertain the class with some stories
(B) To discuss the bad sides of where they are going
(C) To remind the class of a place they went before
(D) To introduce the city they are visiting

32. What does the speaker suggest the class NOT do in San Jose?
(A) Walk alone during the night
(B) Swim in the sea
(C) Sit by the beach
(D) Talk to strangers

33. When can the class learn about the offers that the tour company is giving?
(A) Right away
(B) This afternoon
(C) Next morning
(D) Tomorrow afternoon

34. Why does the speaker mention different kinds of currency?

(A) To tell the class what currencies they can use
(B) To teach the class different cultures
(C) To ask for tips
(D) To remind the class not to lose money

35. Where is the class going to arrive in a while?

(A) A village
(B) A school
(C) A hotel
(D) A company

1. What is probably true about the principal’s talk?

(A) The school has both girls and boys
(B) It was given at a new semester opening ceremony
(C) It was given at a semester ending ceremony
(D) The school does not have a clear goal yet

2. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To tell the students how many times they can be late for school
(B) To tell the students that the school will treat all the late comers in the same
(C) To tell the students that attendance is very important for high school
(D) To tell the students that high school admission has nothing to do with

3. What is probably NOT true about the announcement?

(A) There is practice for boys and girls on Friday
(B) The meets are held on Thursdays
(C) The season will end by late November
(D) Practices for the boys’ and girls’ teams start at different times

4. What does the teacher want the students to do?

(A) Look for photographers, writers, artists, and designers
(B) Have a meeting once a week
(C) Help with advertising the yearbook
(D) Apply to the Yearbook Committee

5. What will the students probably do next?

(A) Divide into groups
(B) Look at photographs
(C) Find a connection between the pictures
(D) Write a description
6. What does the principal want to tell the students?
(A) All the students will go to Mrs. Strickland’s room to have lunch on Thursday
(B) The students in Grade 7 are going to have a field trip today
(C) The Quebec trip meeting has been changed to Thursday
(D) The field trip has been changed to Thursday

7. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To ask the students to mix some chemical materials and see the reaction
(B) To teach the students how to make “fossils”
(C) To ask the students to pay attention to safety
(D) To remind the students to finish the experiment on time

8. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To tell the students air is not weak
(B) To tell the students air is very important
(C) To prove that air is very thin
(D) To ask the students to do homework

9. What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To describe motivations, expectations, fears, and realization of settlers in
(B) To tell the students how to find the link between the texts
(C) To tell the students how to do their homework
(D) To ask the students to collect related information about California

10. Why is the teacher talking about the activity?

(A) To imply that many students have joined the activity
(B) To imply it is a popular activity
(C) To tell the students the activity is difficult
(D) To tell the students what the “Battle of the Books” is

11. Why is the boy’s GPA screwed up?

(A) He didn’t take the test
(B) He didn’t do well in the economics final
(C) He failed all the tests
(D) Some tests were too difficult for him

12. What was the boy’s GPA before this semester?

(A) 3.2
(B) 3.45
(C) 3.4
(D) 3.1

13. What did the boy do this semester?

(A) He retook the economics test
(B) He studied very hard
(C) He studied econ as much as he should have
(D) He played StarCraft too much

14. What will the boy do?

(A) He will not play games during school
(B) He will retake the economics final exam
(C) He will start playing StarCraft
(D) He will let the girl help him with economics

15. Where does the conversation probably take place?

(A) In a library
(B) On a road
(C) In class
(D) At home

16. Which is true about the conversation?

(A) The girl can take some books
(B) The book that the girl wants is not available
(C) The book that the girl wants is on the third shelf
(D) The girl forgets to bring the old book

17. What is wrong with the girl’s old book?

(A) It is lost
(B) It is overdue
(C) It is broken
(D) It is borrowed by her friend

18. What is the girl probably going to do next?

(A) Read some newspapers
(B) Go and fetch her old book
(C) Borrow another book
(D) Learn the rules of the library

19. How did the boy describe his high school?

(A) It does not have a drama club
(B) It is far from his house
(C) It does not organize track and field
(D) It has a football team

20. What did the boy do with his best friend?

(A) They went to school together
(B) They had lunch together
(C) They spent much time together
(D) They went home together

21. Why did the boy NOT tell the interviewer his last big drama?
(A) His friend didn’t have time to practice with him
(B) He wanted to keep a secret
(C) He was too busy to practice it
(D) The drama had not been finished

22. What job was the boy probably applying for?

(A) A dancer
(B) A drama writer
(C) A singer
(D) An officer

23. Which is NOT the reason that sailors became pirates?

(A) They could not stand the miserable life on the ship
(B) They wanted to survive
(C) They thought a pirate’s life is a proud one
(D) They wanted to have adventures

24. How was the pirate’s life?

(A) It was happy
(B) They often argued
(C) They were healthy and long-lived
(D) They always got on land

25. What was the captain responsible for?

(A) He was the most powerful person on the ship
(B) He divided the stolen gold
(C) He punished pirates who did something wrong
(D) He was in command during a battle

26. Which is true about the pirates?

(A) They had to follow their rules
(B) They killed a lot of people
(C) The never attacked a town
(D) Most of them were once prisoners

27. Which is NOT the feature of dragonflies’ wings?

(A) Being glassy
(B) Being flexible
(C) Being strong
(D) Being heavy

28. What are chief among dragonflies’ abilities?

(A) Powerful Feet
(B) Powerful Eyes
(C) Powerful Jaws
(D) Powerful Stomachs

29. Why do dragonfly wings look glassy?

(A) Because they are made of chitin
(B) Because they are fragile
(C) Because they have external skeletons
(D) Because they are natural forms

30. Which insect doesn’t have glassy wings?

(A) Flies
(B) Bees
(C) Spiders
(D) Butterflies

31. How many people can the ship take?

(A) 6,200
(B) More than 2,000
(C) Over 8,200
(D) 225,000

32. Who owns this ship?

(A) Finland
(B) Royal Caribbean International
(C) Florida
(D) The USA

33. Where will the ship go on its first voyage?

(A) The Caribbean Sea
(B) Finland
(C) Florida
(D) The Atlantic Ocean

34. What is the biggest attraction on this ship?

(A) The park
(B) The swimming pool
(C) The movable bar
(D) The open-air theater
35. What’s the purpose of the speaker?
(A) To tell the class that this ship is very expensive
(B) To tell the class how big this ship is
(C) To tell the class that it’s very worth traveling on this ship
(D) To sell this ship

1. What is probably true about the principal’s talk?

(A) The performance was held on weekend

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