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1. Refer to Real World Case 1 on enterprise architecture.

What are the advantages of

centralized enterprise architecture? What are the advantages of a decentralized approach
that leaves these decisions to the operating units? How do you balance both? Discuss.

Ans Enterprise architecture focuses on four crucial: connection, collaboration, communication,

and customers. Imagine needing to manually log onto five different systems to create and track
an order, or spending 20 hours to research project because you didn’t know that the information
already existed in another department.

An organization structure is the sketch of a company s structure and guideline for managing
business operation. Small businesses holders are usually responsible for creating their companies
organizational structure. Two types of organization structure are found in the business
environment. Centralized and decentralized. Each structure offers advantage and disadvantage
for business owners.

2. Why is there a trend toward cross-functional integrated enterprise systems in business?

Ans The increasing business in today these cross-functional, integrated systems the interrelations between
different functional areas and the effect they have on the organization. . Functional-silo systems, while
very effective in helping managers manage their specific area do not provide these capabilities. Integrated
systems allow modern organizations to stay flexible to changes in their environment and react promptly
across the board. It could be argued that functional integration within the organization is a necessary but
not sufficient.

3. Which of the 13 tools for accounting information systems summarized in Figure 7.18 do you feel
are essential for any business to have today? Which of them do you feel are optional, depending on
the type of business or other factor? Explain.

Ans The criteria used to separate technologies between essential and optional is a subjective one. Some of
these technologies virtue of their pervasiveness currently in the work environment would be very difficult
for organizations to do without. They include communication and shared management tools which are
important for any project size. That a technology was included in the optional group does not diminish its
importance. These technologies, however, depend on certain types of organizational culture and processes
to support their usage.

Essential :

1, Electronic mail 2, Voice mail 3, Faxing 4, Web publishing 5, Calendaring and scheduling 6, Task and
project management 7, Voice conferencing 8, Videoconferencing

Optional :

1, Instant messaging 2, Data conferencing 3, Discussion forums 4, Chat systems

4. What other solutions could there be for the problem of information systems incompatibility in
business besides EAI systems?

Ans Alternatives to an EAI system, which comprises middleware between disparate businesses function
oriented systems, would be to purchase an integrated enterprise-wide suite. Such suites are built to work
together. Another solution might include opening the organizational datasets much the way Amazon,
Google, and others have done via APIs. By providing access to data via APIs, Dell would enable its
customers to build their own interfaces on their own terms and with minimal assistance.

5. What are the most important HR applications a company should offer to its employees via a
Web-based system? Why


1. Policy references 2. Training material 3. Benefits information 4.Careerpathguidance 5.Timesheets 6.

Work scheduling 7. Travel planning


By offering this information online organizations can reduce the workload on HR increase employee
productivity enable employees to develop and manage their own careers (reducing turnover) and improve
the quality of HR information.

6. How could sales force automation affect salesperson productivity, marketing management, and
competitive advantage?

Ans Sales force automation means the use of computers to automate sales recording and reporting by
sales people, communications between salespersons and their customers, and sales support. Web browsers
and sales contact management software that connects them to marketing Websites on the Internet,
extranets, and their company intranets. This not only increases the personal productivity of sales people,
but it dramatically speeds up the capture and analysis of sales. it allows marketing and sales management
to improve the delivery of information and the support they provide to their salespeople. Therefore, many
companies are viewing sales force automation as a way to gain a strategic advantage in sales.

7 How can internet technologies be involved in improving a process in one of the functions of
business? Choose one example and evaluate its business value?

Ans Answers should consider improvements in data capture costs, data quality, cycle-time reductions, and
increased information availability. A simple example might include a web-based form through which
customers may place their own product orders. Such a form would reduce transcription errors by
shrinking the communications chain, enable real-time error check Systems reduce telecommunications
and labor costs, increase the organization's markets pace presence, and enable real-time transaction

8. Refer to the Real World Case on Nationwide Insurance in the chapter. Senior management was
emphatic about maintaining a 24-month deadline at all cost. Should the scope of the project be
adapted to reflect a deadline, or should deadlines reflect the scope of a project? Discuss
Ans Obviously a deadline should reflect a project's scope. A project takes as long as it takes, and its scope
dictates the number of tasks the organization must accomplish. Setting a deadline without considering the
project's scope would just foul up plan. On the other hand, limiting scope to fit a deadline can be quite
logical. Markets change, business needs change, laws and regulations change, and a project with an
overly long deadline may find itself outdated even before it goes live. In IT we call this a "moving target”
and they're hard to hit without shorter deadlines. The rule of thumb is that anything over 18 months is
probably too long. Projects should be broken up into smaller pieces and implemented on shorter

9. What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help
it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why?

Ans Recommendations:

Web publishing to create current web presence

Online transaction processing automating a fundamental workflow

Workflow for creating ad-hoc workflows and process monitoring

Wiki especially for product support and HR policy publication

Sales force automation to support sales in the field and sales management processes

10 Refer to the example on General Electric in the chapter. How do enterprise collaboration
systems contribute to bottom-line profits for a business?

Ans There is a growing organizational need to integrate business processes to improve organizational
control, coordination, and responsiveness by allowing data and information to flow more freely between
different parts of the organization. Enterprise collaboration system software consists of a set of
interdependent modules for applications such as sales and distribution, financial accounting, investment
production planning, plant maintenance, and human resources that allows data to be used by multiple
functions and business processes. The modules can communicate with each other directly. Vendors are
rapidly enhancing their products to provide more capabilities for supply chain management, CRM, and
exchange of data with other enterprises. Systems can greatly enhance the bottom-line profits for a

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