Poveda - Diseño y Cálculo de Un Carro-Cabrestante Giratorio para Un Puente Grúa, Dentro de Un Sis...

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Design and calculation of the

structure of a gantry crane with

50 t of capacity and 50 m of


Jorge Poveda Catalán


Convocatoria de defensa: [Septiembre 2018]

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


DOCUMENT I. DESCRIPTIVE MEMORY _________________________________________ 5

DOCUMENT II. SPECIFICATION OF CONDITIONS _________________________________ 87

DOCUMENT III. STATUS OF MEASUREMENTS___________________________________ 133

DOCUMENT IV. BUDGET ___________________________________________________ 139

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM



Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


1 OBJECT AND REACH _________________________________________________________ 13

1.1 Object __________________________________________________________________ 13

1.2 Reach___________________________________________________________________ 13

2 INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________________ 14

2.1 Project location ____________________________________________________ 14

2.2 Gantry crane ______________________________________________________ 15

2.2.1 Shipyards and heavy industries ________________________________16

2.2.2 Container handling _________________________________________ 16
2.2.3 Automotive porches ________________________________________ 16
2.2.4 Workshops ________________________________________________ 16
2.3 Components ______________________________________________________ 17

2.3.1 Beam ____________________________________________________ 17

2.3.2 Supports _________________________________________________ 17
2.3.3 Car ______________________________________________________ 17
2.3.4 Hoist ____________________________________________________ 18
2.3.5 Translation mechanism _____________________________________ 18

2.4 Classification of gantry cranes ________________________________________ 18

2.4.1 According to the constitution of the porch ______________________ 18

2.4.2 According to the translationality of the porch ____________________ 19
2.4.3 According to the structural system of pórtico ____________________ 19
2.4.4 According to the morphology of the beam _______________________ 20

3 RULES AND REFERENCES ____________________________________________________ 22

3.1 Normative ________________________________________________________ 22

3.2 Bibliographic references ____________________________________________ 22

3.3 Calculation programs _______________________________________________ 24

4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ____________________________________________________ 25

4.1 Geometry of the crane ______________________________________________ 25

4.1.1 Span_____________________________________________________ 25
4.1.2 Lifting height ______________________________________________ 25
4.1.3 Morfología_ _______________________________________________ 25

4.2 Loads ____________________________________________________________ 25

4.2.1 Useful load _______________________________________________ 25

4.2.2 Truck-hoist set ____________________________________________ 25
4.2.3 Service charge _____________________________________________ 25

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

4.3 Maneuver speeds _________________________________________________ 26

4.3.1 Load lifting _______________________________________________ 26

4.3.2 Translation of the gantry ____________________________________ 26
4.3.3 Car translation ____________________________________________ 26

4.4 Period of service _________________________________________________ 26

4.5 Technical-economic aspects ________________________________________ 26

5 TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS __________________________________________________ 27

5.1 Steel ____________________________________________________________ 27

5.2 Unions __________________________________________________________ 30

5.2.1 Welded joints _____________________________________________ 30

5.2.2 Bolted connections ________________________________________ 30

6 CLASSIFICATION OF THE CRANE ______________________________________________ 32

6.1 Class of use ______________________________________________________ 32

6.2 State of charge ___________________________________________________ 33

6.3 Device classification group _________________________________________ 33

7 CALCULATION BASIS ______________________________________________________ 34

7.1 States Limit of Service _____________________________________________ 34

7.2 Ultimate Limit States ______________________________________________ 34

8 ACTIONS ON THE STRUCTURE _______________________________________________ 35

8.1 Main requests ____________________________________________________ 35

8.2 Solicitations due to vertical movements _______________________________ 35

8.3 Solicitations due to horizontal movements _____________________________ 36

8.3.1 Oblique movement ________________________________________ 36

8.3.2 Load inertial force _________________________________________ 40
8.3.3 Shock effects ______________________________________________ 41

8.4 Requests due to climatic effects ______________________________________ 41

8.4.1 Wind action ______________________________________________ 41

8.4.2 Snow overload ____________________________________________ 45
8.4.3 Variations of temperature ____________________________________ 45

9 COMBINATIONS OF ACTIONS _________________________________________________ 46

9.1 Ultimate Limit States ________________________________________________ 46

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

9.1.1 Case I ____________________________________________________ 46

9.1.2 Case II ___________________________________________________ 46
9.1.3 Case III ___________________________________________________ 46

9.2 States Limit of Service ______________________________________________ 47

10 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ________________________________________________ 48

10.1 Description of the simplified model __________________________________ 48

10.1.1 Geometry _______________________________________________ 48

10.1.2 Actions _________________________________________________ 48
10.1.3 Combination of actions ____________________________________ 50

10.2 Option 1. IPE laminated profile ______________________________________ 51

10.2.1 Description of the model ___________________________________ 51

10.2.2 Sizing / checking __________________________________________ 52

10.3 Option 2. HE laminate profile _______________________________________ 52

10.3.1 Description of the model ___________________________________ 52

10.3.2 Sizing / checking __________________________________________ 53

10.4 Option 3. Armed box beam _________________________________________ 53

10.4.1 Description of the model ___________________________________ 53

10.4.2 Sizing / checking __________________________________________ 55
10.4.3 Amount of steel used ______________________________________ 58

10.5 Option 4. Three-dimensional lattice beam with SHS profiles ______________ 59

10.5.1 Description of the model ___________________________________ 59

10.5.2 Sizing / checking __________________________________________ 61
10.5.3 Amount of steel used ______________________________________ 66

10.6 Conclusions of the analysis _________________________________________ 67

11 DESIGN OF THE COMPLETE CRANE ___________________________________________ 68

11.1 Description of the model ___________________________________________ 68

11.1.1 Design considerations ______________________________________ 68

11.1.2 Beams __________________________________________________ 69
11.1.3 Supports ________________________________________________ 69
11.1.4 Car _____________________________________________________ 70

11.2 Calculation of actions ______________________________________________ 70

11.2.1 Own weight ______________________________________________ 70

11.2.2 Service charge ____________________________________________ 70
11.2.3 Service charge ____________________________________________ 71
11.2.4 Wind in service ___________________________________________ 74

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

11.3 Calculation hypothesis _____________________________________________ 76

11.3.1 ELS _____________________________________________________ 76

11.3.2 ELU _____________________________________________________ 76

11.4 Sizing / checking __________________________________________________ 77

11.5 Last conclusions __________________________________________________ 82

ANNEXED. ADDITIONAL DATA ___________________________________________ 83

A1. Dimensioning efforts _______________________________________________ 83

A2. Use of the profiles _________________________________________________ 84

A3. Reactions of the structure ___________________________________________ 85

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Figure 2-1. Concrete block fabrication [22] ________________________________________ 14
Figure 2-2. Project location [11] ______________________________________________ 14
Figure 2-3. Main movements of a gantry crane _____________________________________ 15
Figure 2-4. Taisun Crane [9] ____________________________________________________ 16
Figure 2-5. Automotive porch [12] _______________________________________________ 16
Figure 2-6. Main components of a gantry crane [10] ________________________________ 17
Figure 2-7. Recessed configuration - articulated [11] _________________________________ 18
Figure 2-8. Lattice gantry crane [13] ______________________________________________ 20
Figure 5-1. Diagram Fe-C [19] ___________________________________________________ 27
Figure 5-2. Additional symbols for construction steels [18] ___________________________ 29
Figure 5-3. Butt welding _______________________________________________________ 30
Figure 5-4. Welded joints at an angle _____________________________________________ 30
Figure 8-1. Values of Ψ ________________________________________________________ 36
Figure 8-2. Wheel pair positions ______________________________________________ 37
Figure 8-3. Forces on the apparatus during oblique movement ________________________ 38
Figure 8-4. Aerodynamic coefficient ______________________________________________ 43
Figure 8-5. Net Area Coefficient _________________________________________________ 44
Figure 8-6. Separation coefficient ________________________________________________ 44
Figure 10-1. Beam with uniform distributed load [17] ________________________________ 49
Figure 10-2. Beam with focused point load [17] _____________________________________ 49
Figure 10-3. Dimensions of the IPE profile _________________________________________ 51
Figure 10-4. Dimensions of the DRAWER section ____________________________________ 54
Figure 10-5. Arrow of the beam with the DRAWER sectio_____________________________ 55
Figure 10-6. Geometry of the lattice beam _________________________________________ 60
Figure 10-7. Arrow of the upper bead of the lattice beam _____________________________ 63
Figure 11-1. Model of the gantry crane in SAP200___________________________________ 68
Figure 11-2. Diagram of the car-hoist_____________________________________________ 70
Figure 11-3. Service charge SL ___________________________________________________ 71
Figure 11-4. Oblique load SHO __________________________________________________ 71
Figure 11-5. Load due to movement of the SHP gantry _______________________________ 72
Figure 11-6. Load due to the movement of the car SHC ______________________________ 73
Figure 11-7. Wind load in service _______________________________________________ 74
Figure 11-8. Beam upper beam arrow __________________________________________ 78
Figure A-1. Types of bar ________________________________________________________ 83
Figure A-2. Degree of profiling of profiles _______________________________________ 84
Figure A-3. Knots corresponding to the props of the structure __________________________ 85

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Table 6-1. Class of use ________________________________________________________ 32
Table 6-2. State of charge ______________________________________________________ 33
Table 6-3. Device classification group ____________________________________________ 33
Table 8-1. Pairings of wheel pairs _____________________________________________ 37
Table 8-2. Values of ξ and ν ____________________________________________________ 39
Table 8-3. Wind speed and pressure in service _____________________________________ 42
Table 8-4. Coefficient of form ___________________________________________________ 42
Table 8-5. Coefficient of screen effect ____________________________________________ 43
Table 8-6. Wind speed and pressure out of service __________________________________ 45
Table 9-1. Increase coefficient γc ________________________________________________ 46
Table 10-1. Sizing efforts in the box beam ______________________________________ 56
Table 10-2. Sections used in the lattice beam _____________________________________ 62
Table 10-3. Sizing efforts on the lattice beam ____________________________________ 63
Table 10-4. Weight of the girder in lattice by type of section __________________________ 66
Table 10-5. Comparison of the results of the analysis ________________________________ 67
Table 11-1. Average acceleration and velocity values ________________________________ 73
Table 11-2. Wind loads by type of section _________________________________________ 75
Table 11-3. Eligibility coefficients for actions and number of combinations _______________ 77
Table A-1. Dimension efforts by type of element ___________________________________ 84
Table A-2. Maximum reactions in supports _________________________________________ 85

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


1.1 Object
The object of this project is the structural design of a gantry crane of great light
and medium load. To reach it, the following steps will be followed:

 Acquisition of the necessary information for the approach of the

 Simplified study and modeling of the different existing structural
alternatives for the construction of the crane with the help of a
computer program for structural analysis.
 Choice of the most appropriate option.
 Final design of the crane structure considering the selected alternative

1.2 Scope
This study will be limited to the structural calculation of the gantry crane based
on the design requirements. However, they are outside the scope of this

 The calculation of the connections between the different structural

 Fatigue calculation of elements subject to cyclic loads.
 The modal analysis of the structure.
Likewise, the design of electromechanical elements such as reducing groups,
motors or systems for the regulation and control of the crane will not be

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

2.1 Project location
The crane object of this project is a project for a company dedicated to the production
of prefabricated elements, the crane will be located in a company located in Oporto,
where exclusive concrete blocks of between 20 and 40 tons will be manufactured,

The location of the premises for the construction of the crane has measures of 125m
by 250m, the crane will be out in the open, and will serve to perform tasks of
maintenance of finished parts.

Figure 2-1. Concrete block manufacturing

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

2.2 Gantry crane

The gantry crane is a special type of crane that raises the load by means of a
hoist installed on a beam, which in turn is supported by two or more legs.
These legs are usually fixed to the ground by a mechanism that allows the
translation of the entire structure. Generally the crane moves on rails along the
surface to be covered. The operation of a gantry crane is similar to that of a
bridge crane with the difference that in the latter the beam supports directly on
elevated rails and anchored to the supporting structure of the building where it
is located. Both configurations have a similar forklift system that can run the
beam completely. A volumetric space can be covered with a gantry crane, since
the load can be moved in all three dimensions. The main movements that a
gantry crane is capable of performing are (Figure 2-3):

1. Vertical movement of lifting and lowering of the load.

2. Horizontal movement of the carriage / hoist traveling along the beam.
3. Horizontal movement of translation of the entire structure along the
runway of the gantry

Figure 2-3. Main movements of a gantry crane

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Due to its versatility, gantry cranes are widely used in various industrial sectors
for cargo handling. The range they can cover ranges from a few hundred kg to
thousands of tons. Some examples of its application are shown below.

2.2.1 Shipyards and heavy

In these industries the loads to move are high
(sections of ships, train bogies or prefabricated
concrete elements), oscillating between 20 and
200 t and reaching extreme values of up to
20,000 t

Figure 2-4. Crane Taisun [9]

2.2.2 Container handling
Another common application of gantry cranes is the movement of containers in
port areas. The maximum loads are of the order of 30 t.

2.2.3 Automotive gantries

In this case the crane has the particularity of being
able to move independently in any direction through
pneumatic wheels. They are widely used in the
transfer of containers and boats in port areas.

Figure 2-5. Automotive porch [12]

2.2.4 Workshops
In workshops of repair or mechanical manufacture small gantry cranes are used
to manipulate machines or parts thereof. Its capacity can vary between 100 and
3000 kg. They are usually provided with wheels so they can be moved in any

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

2.3 Components
This section briefly describes the main components that make up a gantry

Figure 2-6. Main components of a gantry crane [10]

2.3.1 Beam
Together with the supports, it forms the basic structural system of the crane. Its
mission is to serve as a platform for the movement of the carriage-hoist unit as
well as to support the efforts it receives from it. In addition, it can house the
control cabin, various electromechanical systems or access gateways for

2.3.2 Supports
They are responsible for receiving the load transmitted by the beam and
channel it to the ground. In addition, like the beam, they can house the control
room, electromechanical systems and access stairs.

2.3.3 Car

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

The car serves as support for the hoist. It is provided with an electromechanical
group that allows it to move along the beam.

2.3.4 Hoist
The hoist is the mechanism that allows the vertical displacement of the load
taking advantage of the mechanical advantage produced by the action of at
least two pulleys. The branches can be chains, when the loads are light, or steel

2.3.5 Translation mechanism

The most common way of translating gantry cranes is through rails or
pneumatic wheels. Therefore, the supports support bogies or frames equipped
with wheels that are moved by electromechanical groups.

2.4 Classification of gantry cranes

To conclude the introduction, and in order to characterize more deeply gantry
cranes, these can be classified according to different aspects; some of them are
commented below

2.4.1 According to the constitution of the pórtico

Figure 2-7. Flush-mounted configuration [11]

The union of the beam with each of the two supports is done differently (Figure
2-7). In a support an articulated joint is executed, without transmission of
moments between both elements. In the remaining support an embedment
materializes, in such a way that the transmission of moments is guaranteed.
Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

With this provision, the structure is a mechanism if we look at its internal

constitution. However, globally the structure is isostatic due to the fact that in
the union of the supports with the rails, fixed supports are obtained.
The main advantage of this configuration is that the necessary section for the
articulated support is smaller, since it only works under axial effort. Gantry with both supports embedded to the beam

In this case the union of both supports with the beam is executed as an
embedment, obtaining a hyperstatic constitution structure (see Figure 2-5). The
main advantage of this configuration is that the arrow on the beam is smaller
compared to the articulated-embedded system.

2.4.2 According to the translationality of the pórtico Fixed gantry

In this case the gantry does not move from its position, so it can only move
loads along its light (see Figure 2-4). Mobile gantry

With this arrangement the gantry crane can move to cover more work surface.
The displacement can be unidirectional along rails or in any direction if it is an
automotive gantry crane on pneumatic wheels (Figure 2-5).

2.4.3 According to the structural system of the gantry Porch based on lattice elements

Both the beam and the supports are made up of lattice profiles, either flat or
spatial. The main advantage of this solution is that it is more economical when
trying to save large lights. In addition, the surface exposed to the wind is
noticeably smaller compared to the porticos formed by box beams.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

However, its limitation is given by its maximum load capacity, which is less than
what can be achieved with box beams.

Figure 2-8. Lattice gantry crane [13] Porch based on full soul profiles

The cranes based on hot-rolled profiles of full core type IPE, IPN or HE are used
when the lights to be saved are reduced and the loads to be handled are light.
Its main advantage lies in its simplicity and economy of construction. Portico based on armed profiles type beam cajón

With this configuration, the beam is constituted by an armed profile based on
welded plates (see Figure 2-6). You can get practically any type of section that is
needed. Generally, the sections have a hollow rectangular shape (with or
without external flanges), well suited to withstand the bending and shear
stresses prevailing in the beam.
This morphology is the most used in the construction of gantry cranes from a
certain size. With it you can reach load capacities over 1000 tons and lights over
100 m.

2.4.4 According to beam morphology Monoviga or monorail pórtico

It is the basic configuration of a gantry crane and in it the car is supported by a
single beam. It is a suitable solution to support low loads. The use of a biretal
configuration is usually preferable after 20 t.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Double or double beam gantry

When the loads to be moved are high and / or the light to be saved is important, a
double-row configuration is used. With it the load is distributed between two beams,
so that the necessary profiles can be of smaller section.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


3.1 Regulations

The following are the rules that have been taken into account for the
realization of this project:

[A] EN 1993-1-1: 2005. Eurocode 3. Steel structures project. Part 1-1. General
rules and rules for buildings. This standard has been used to carry out the
dimensioning and the checks related to the strength and stability of the
[B] EN 10210-2: 2006. Hollow profiles for construction, hot finished, non-alloy
steel and fine grain. Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and properties of the
[C] UNE 36524: 1994. Hot rolled steel products. HE profiles with wide wings and
parallel faces. Measurements.
[D] UNE 36526: 1994. Hot rolled steel products. IPE profiles. Measurements.
[E] UNE 58112-1: 1991. Cranes and lifting equipment. Classification. Part 1:
General. This standard has been used to classify the crane according to the
number of maneuver cycles.
[F] UNE 58132-2: 2005. Lifting devices. Calculation rules. Part 2: Requests and
cases of requests that must intervene in the calculation of structures and
mechanisms. This standard is necessary to define the actions and load
hypotheses that must be applied to the structure of the crane.
[G] UNE 58113: 1985. Cranes Wind action This rule explains how to calculate
the wind actions on the crane.
[H] UNE 76201: 1988. Rolling ways of bridge cranes. Calculation basis.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

3.2 Bibliographic references

[1] ITEA. European training program in calculation and design of steel
construction. Volume 3. Applied metallurgy. San Sebastián: Bellisco, 1997.
[2] ITEA. European training program in calculation and design of steel
construction. Volume 13. Design of unions. San Sebastián: Bellisco, 1997.
[3] ITEA. European training program in calculation and design of steel
construction. Volume 15. Tubular structures. San Sebastián: Bellisco, 1997.
[4] ITEA. European training program in calculation and design of steel
construction. Volume 16. Structural systems: Buildings. San Sebastián:
Bellisco, 1997.
[5] ARCELOR-MITTAL and others. Steel buildings on one floor. Part 5.
Detailed design of lattices.
[6] THE STEEL CONSTRUCTION INSTITUTE. Best practice in steel
construction. Industrial buildings. 2008. ISBN 978-1-85942-063-8.
[7] MONFORT LLEONART, J. Metallic structures for buildings. Volume I.
Valencia: Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2002.
[8] CHURCHES, G and others. Design guide for resolved lattice structures
with tubular steel profiles. Spain: ICT, 2004.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

3.3 Calculation programs

The dimensioning of the beam has been carried out with the help of SAP2000
software. The program basically performs two tasks:

 Calculate the internal efforts and the displacements of the structure (analysis).
For this, it is necessary to define in advance the geometry of the structure and
assign a section to each element, as well as external loads and boundary
 Carry out the necessary checks (dimensioning) according to the regulations that
apply, in this case the Eurocode 3.
Each element is assigned the list of sections that can be used and the program is
responsible for selecting the most appropriate one based on iterations. If a section
does not comply, it is passed to a higher section and recalculated. And conversely, if a
section is very oversized, select a lower one and repeat the process.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

4.1 Geometry of the crane

4.1.1 Span
The span of the gantry L is the horizontal distance between axes of the supports. It has
been established in 50 meters.

4.1.2 Lifting height

The height of elevation H is the vertical distance between the plane of support of the
device and the point of highest elevation of the hook.

4.1.3 Morphology
Due to the demands in terms of light and load, the crane will have a double
configuration, that is, it will be provided with two main beams on which the car will

4.2 Loads

4.2.1 Payload
The payload considered Q is 45 tons. This includes both the weight of the objects to be
lifted and the rigging, hooks and other accessories necessary for its attachment.

4.2.2 Car-hoist set

The weight of the assembly formed by the trolley, the hoist and its actuating elements
(PC) has been set at 5 tons.

4.2.3 Service charge

The service load SL is the sum of the payload and the weight of the carropolipasto.
Therefore, SL = 50 tons.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

4.3 Maneuver speeds

4.3.1 Load lifting

After consulting various commercial catalogs of hoist manufacturers such as GHSA or
ABUS (ref. [9] and [10], respectively), it has been observed that the lifting speed for
nominal loads around 50 t is in the range of [ 4-6] m / min. The speed established for
this study will be VL = 5 m / min.

4.3.2 Translation of the gantry

The speed of translation of the car along the main beams will be 0.4 m / s.

4.4 Period of service

The lifespan of the crane has been established in 25 years. It is considered that it will
work an average of 250 days a year and an average of 8 hours a day, performing 5
cycles of maneuver per hour.

4.5 Technical-economic aspects

The alternative considered optimal will be the one that involves the use of a smaller
amount of material, in this case steel, in its construction. The steel used will be S 355
JR, with fy = 355 MPa and fu = 490 MPa

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

5.1 Steel
According to the UNE 10020 standard, steel is a material that contains, by weight,
more iron than any other simple element, with a carbon content generally lower than
2%. Steel also contains other minerals in smaller proportions, such as phosphorus (P),
sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N). The alloyed steels also contain other elements such as
manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo). The
carbon content has a fundamental effect on the properties of steel. As the carbon
content increases, the hardness and strength of the steel increases, but also increases
its brittleness and decreases ductility. At lower carbon content, steel presents better
solderability. Steel is, in general, a ductile, malleable, forgeable and weldable material.
Figure 5-1 shows the phase diagram of the steel.

Figure 5-1. Diagram Fe-C [19]

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

The steels can be classified according to the carbon content:

 Non-alloy steel, whose carbon content is less than 0.2%.

 Low alloy steel, which contains carbon in amount greater than 0.2% and a total
amount of other elements not greater than 5%.
 High alloy steel, which contains a total amount of other elements greater than
5%. In this group are stainless steels, which contain a minimum of 10.5%
chromium and a maximum of 1.2% carbon.

Steels intended for structures generally contain about 0.25% C and up to 1.6% Mn. Designation of steels

The UNE-EN 10027-1 standard establishes the rules for the symbolic designation of
steels by means of numerical symbols and letters that express certain basic
characteristics, for example, mechanical, chemical, physical, application, etc.
Thus steels for metal construction are designated with an S (Steel, steel in English)
followed by a number that indicates the specified minimum value of the elastic limit in
MPa, for the smallest thickness interval. Below is an example:

S 355 xxx
- S is the key letter of the steel
- 355 is the guaranteed minimum value of the elastic limit in MPa
- XXX are additional symbols (see attached table)
Additional symbols are divided into group 1 and group 2. If the symbols in group 1 are
insufficient to fully describe the steel, additional symbols from group 2 can be added.
Group 2 symbols should only be used in conjunction with those in group 1 and stand
behind them.
The use of the different grades of steel is as follows:

 Grade JR: application in ordinary construction.

 Grade J0: application under construction with high welding requirements.
 Grade J2: application under construction with special requirements for
strength, resilience and weldability.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Figure 5-2. Additional symbols for construction steel [18]

Construction steels are classified according to the manufacturing process and are
regulated in Euronorms:

 Hot rolled steel products, defined in the UNEEN 10025 standard.

 Hollow construction products, hot finished (UNE-EN 10210). and cold formed
(UNE-EN 10219).
 Open profiles for cold rolled and profiled construction (UNE-EN 10162).
 Flat steel products continuously coated with organic materials (pre-coated),
UNE-EN 10169 and UNE-EN 10326.

The following characteristics are common to all steels:

 Elasticity Module: E = 210,000 N / mm2

 Transverse Elasticity Module: G = 81,000 N / mm2
 Poisson's Coefficient: ν = 0.3
 Thermal expansion coefficient: α = 1.2x10-5 (ºC) -1
 Density: ρ = 7850 kg / m3

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

5.2 Unions
5.2.1 Welded connections
Welding is the most economical joining method when the assembly conditions are
favorable. Due to this, when a workshop structure is manufactured, its joints are
usually executed by welding. Types of welds

The types of welds most used in the manufacture of metal structures are:

 Butt welding. It is done in the cross section of the sheets that are in contact. It
may require a preparation of previous edges, depending on the thickness of the
elements to be joined.

Figure 5-3. Butt weld

 Welding at an angle. It is applied to the profile of the surface of the sheets, and
generally does not need edge preparation. Depending on the relative position
of the pieces to be welded, there are three types: overlap joint, T joint and
corner joint.

Figure 5-4. Angled welded joints

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

5.2.2 Bolted connections

When the assembly of the structure is carried out on site, bolted connections are the
most used assembly method. This is due to the fact that on site the welds present
several disadvantages, such as the difficulty to ensure a controlled atmosphere and to
carry out tests that guarantee the quality of the welds executed. Bolted connections
can basically be classified into two groups:

 With non-prestressed bolts. This type of screws are used in structures

subjected to static charges. In this type of joints, the screws work by cutting.
 With prestressed screws. This class of screws is used in structures subjected to
dynamic loads. Here, the screws are subject to axial tensile stress, subjecting
the sheets together to compression forces that cause friction resistance.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


The UNE 58112-1: 1991 [E] standard establishes a general classification for lifting
devices based on the maximum number of maneuver cycles expected during the useful
life of the device and a parameter called load status. It is considered that a maneuver
cycle starts at the moment when a load is ready to be moved and ends when the
apparatus is ready to move the next load.

6.1 Class of use

La siguiente tabla muestra la clase de utilización del aparato en función del número
máximo de ciclos de maniobra.

Table 6-1. Class of use

Considering the starting data, the maximum number of maneuver cycles of the device
will be 250,000 cycles, which corresponds to a class of use U4 (Regular use in light

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6.2 State of charge

The state of charge appears in Table 6-2 and can be defined as the number of times a
load of an order of magnitude determined corresponding to the capacity of the device
is raised. Associated with the state of charge appears the coefficient of the charge
spectrum Kp.

Table 6-2. State of charge

It is considered that the apparatus is capable of belonging to the state of charge Q3.

6.3 Device classification group

Una vez conocida la clase de utilización y el estado de carga, se puede especificar el
grupo al que pertenece el aparato según la siguiente tabla.

Table 6-3. Device classification group

Taking into account the parameters obtained previously it can be observed that the
crane object of the study is included in group A5.

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For the sizing of the structure, the checks related to the method of limit states exposed
in Eurocode 3 will be carried out. The limit states can be defined as situations that, if
exceeded, assume that the structure does not fulfill any of the functions for which it
has been projected. The limit states are divided into two.

7.1 Service Limit States

The Service Limit States (hereinafter, ELS) are the situations for which the
functionality, durability, comfort or appearance of the structure requirements are not
met. In this case, the check is carried out provided that the arrow of the beam does
not exceed a maximum value established Fadm. Overcoming this arrow would not put
the structure at risk of collapse, but it could negatively affect the operation of the
mobile elements of the crane.

7.2 Last Limit States

The ultimate limit states (hereinafter, ELU) are those that produce the failure of the
structure, by collapse or total or partial ruin. The resistance is verified both at the
section level and at the whole element. The standard EN 1993-1-1: 2005 [A]
establishes, in section 6.1, the following partial reduction coefficients that apply to the
characteristic values of material strength:

 Resistance of the cross sections: γM0 = 1.00

 Resistance of structural elements to instability: γM1 = 1.00
 Resistance to breakage of traction cross sections: γM2 = 1.25

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The UNE 58132-2: 2005 standard specifies the actions that must be considered in the
calculation of the structures of the lifting devices in general. These actions can be
grouped into four groups:
• Main requests, in the most unfavorable state of charge.
• Requests due to vertical movements.
• Requests due to horizontal movements.
• Requests due to climate changes.

8.1 Main requests

The main requests include:

 Own weight of each element of the SG structure. It includes the weight of all
the elements that form the structure of the portico.
 Service load SL. Constituted by the weight of the load to be added together
with the weight of the carriage-hoist unit. All these mobile charges will be
assumed in the most unfavorable position.

8.2 Requests due to vertical movements

These actions come from the more or less abrupt lifting of the service load, from the
accelerations or decelerations in the lifting movement and from the vertical crashes
due to rolling on the rails. They are applied by increasing the service load with a
dynamic coefficient Ψ that is calculated using the following expression:

 VL the speed of elevation in m / s.

 ξ an experimental coefficient obtained from numerous measurements made in
various devices.

For gantry cranes take ξ = 0.6.

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The above expression is applicable for lifting speeds up to 1 m / s. For higher speeds,
the dynamic coefficient remains constant. In addition, it may not be less than 1.15. The
following figure shows the values of Ψ according to VL

Figure 8-1. Values Ψ

8.3 Solicitations due to horizontal movements

The demands due to horizontal movements that must be considered are:

 Oblique movement of the SHo crane.

 Inertia force of the load due to the translation of the SHp gantry.
 Load inertia force due to the movement of the SHc carriage.

8.3.1 Oblique movement

The device is considered moving at a constant speed and devoid of antioblicuity drive.
The pairs of wheels can be combined in various ways, as indicated in Table 8-1:

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Table 8-1. Combinations of pairs of wheels

The positions of the wheel pairs with respect to the position of the guiding means can
be expressed by the distance di (Figure 8-2):

Table 8-1. Combinations of pairs of wheels

If flanged wheels are used instead of an external guidance device, d1 = 0.

It is assumed that the lifting apparatus is traveling at a constant speed inclined at an
angle α as shown in Figure 8-3:

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Figure 8-3. Forces on the device during the oblique movement

The guiding force Fy is balanced with the tangential forces of the wheels. The angle α
must be ≤ 0.015 rad and depends on the play between the guide elements and the rail
and the tolerances. The distance h between the guiding means and the instantaneous
slip pole can be calculated by the following expressions:

 For F / F systems

 For F / M systems

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 p is the number of pairs of wheels coupled;

 μ is the distance fraction between the instantaneous slip pole and lane 1;
 μ 'is the fraction of distance between the instantaneous pole of slip and lane 2;
 l is the way of the device;
 di is the distance between the pair of wheels i and the guiding means.
For its part, the guiding effort Fy is obtained as:
𝐹𝑦 = ν · 𝑓 · 𝑚 · 𝑔

 For F / F systems:

 For F / M systems:

 m * g = gravity force of the loaded device;

 n = number of wheels of the device on each side of the raceway.

Finally, the tangential forces Fx and Fy are calculated as follows:

The values of the parameters ξ and ν appear in Table 8-2:

Table 8-2. Values of ξ and ν

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8.3.2 Load inertial force

The force of inertia is a fictitious horizontal force that is applied at the point of
suspension of the load and that produces the same effect on the movement
considered as the accelerator or decelerator torque applied by the motor or brake.
The maximum inertial force of the load produced by horizontal accelerations (or
decelerations) of the load can be calculated as:



 m1 is the mass of the load;

 jm is the average acceleration (or deceleration) of the load suspension point. Translation of the gantry

To calculate the inertial force due to the translation of the complete crane, the
following must be taken:
Ψℎ = 2 Translation of the carriage

For its part, in the calculation of the inertial force due to the carriage of the car, the
following will be taken:



 m1 is the mass of the load;

 m is the mass of the car.

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8.3.3 Impact effects

There can be two ST crash situations:

 Shock against the structure. For travel speeds up to 0.4 m / s as is the case with
this crane, the effect of the collision is not considered.
 Shock on the suspended load. It is not taken into consideration except if the
load is rigidly guided.

The impact effects will not be taken into account since the necessary factors for
consideration are not given.

8.4 Requests due to climatic effects

They include wind action, snow overloads and temperature changes.

8.4.1 Wind action Wind with the appliance in service
The actions on the structure due to the wind being the appliance in service (SW) are
described in the UNE 58113: 1985 [G] standard. The following formula is proposed:



 F is the force due to wind in kN;

 A is the net area of the element considered in m2;
 p is the wind pressure in kN / m2;
 Cf is the coefficient of shape of the element considered. Table 8-3 shows the
wind speed and pressure depending on the type of crane:

Table 8-3 shows the wind speed and pressure depending on the type of crane:

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Table 8-3. Wind speed and pressure in service

By means of Table 8-4 and Figure 8-4 the shape coefficient can be determined:

Table 8-4. Coefficient of form

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Figure 8-4. Aerodynamic coefficient

When the wind blows at an angle to the longitudinal axis of an element, the action of
the wind is obtained by the following expression:

where θ <90o.

It may be the case that some elements are sheltered by others. In this case, the shape
coefficient is multiplied by a screen effect factor η which can be consulted in Table 8-5
and which, in turn, depends on the net surface and separation coefficients (Figures 8-5
and 8-6, respectively).

Table 8-5. Screen effect coefficient

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Figure 8-5. Net area coefficient

Figure 8-6. Separation coefficient

On the other hand, the action of the wind on the mobile load can be obtained by
means of the following expressions:

 For devices type a)

𝑓 = 0.015 · 𝑚 · 𝑔
 For devices type b)

𝑓 = 0.03 · 𝑚 · 𝑔

 For devices type c)

𝑓 = 0.06 · 𝑚 · 𝑔


 f is the force of the wind in kN;

 m is the mass of the moving load in t;
 g is the acceleration of gravity in m / s2.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Wind with the appliance out of service

The action of the wind when the device is out of service SWmax is included in standard
UNE 58132-2: 2005 [F]. The speed and pressure of the wind on the structure as a
function of height can be seen in the following table:

Table 8-6. Wind speed and pressure out of service

Being on the side of safety, you can adopt a constant pressure value for the entire height of
the device and equal to that obtained at its upper end.

8.4.2 Snow overload

The action of snow is not taken into account in the calculation of lifting devices.

8.4.3 Temperature variations

The requests due to temperature variations are not taken into account except in
specific cases. For example, when the elements can not expand freely. In these cases a
range of extreme temperatures is taken (from -20oC to + 45oC).

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9.1 Last Limit States
The UNE 58132-2: 2005 standard [F] stipulates that three different combinations of
actions must be considered in the calculation of the structures:

 Case I. Normal service without wind.

 Case II. Normal service with limit wind.
 Case III. Exceptional requests
In addition, it is contemplated the incorporation of a coefficient of mayoration γc that
depends on the group to which the device belongs and that appears in the following

Table 9-1. Coefficient of γc

9.1.1 Case I
The static actions due to the SG own weight, those due to the SL service load,
increased by the dynamic coefficient Ψ and the two most unfavorable SH horizontal
effects, excluding the shock effects ST are considered. All of them multiplied by the
coefficient γc described above:
γ𝑐 · (𝑆𝐺 + Ψ · 𝑆𝐿 + 𝑆𝐻)

9.1.2 Case II
Case I is added to the action of the SW service limit wind and, if necessary, the action
due to the temperature variation:
γ𝑐 · (𝑆𝐺 + Ψ · 𝑆𝐿 + 𝑆𝐻) + 𝑆𝑊

9.1.3 Case III

In this hypothesis, the most unfavorable combination of actions will be considered
among those listed below:

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 Off-duty equipment with maximum wind:

𝑆𝐺 + 𝑆𝑊𝑚𝑎𝑥
Since the crane will have an anti-tilt device that will prevent the loss of balance, this
combination will not be taken into account.

 Apparatus in service under the effect of a shock:

𝑆𝐺 + 𝑆𝐿 + 𝑆𝑇
In this case shock effects are not considered, so this combination will not be

 Apparatus subjected to the tests described in the UNE 58118 standard. These
tests are outside the scope of this project and will not be considered.

9.2 Limit States of Service

The three cases of combinations described above are used in the sizing and testing of
ELUs. For the verification of the deformation ELS (check of the maximum arrow in the
beams) the following combination of actions is used:


With the application of this calculation hypothesis it must be verified that the
maximum arrow F does not exceed the admissible arrow Fadm, which for this type of
lifting equipment is:

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Once the starting data and design requirements are known, an analysis of the different
structural alternatives currently available is made in order to choose the most suitable
for the realization of this project.
In order to carry out this comparison, the following considerations have been taken
into account:

 A simplified crane model has been created in both geometry and loads.
 The various alternatives have been modeled with the help of structural analysis
and design software SAP2000 v.17, from which the values of the acting forces
and the verifications required by the regulations have been obtained.
 The option chosen will be the one with the least amount of steel. However,
when choosing a solution, other important factors are also involved, such as
the labor required for manufacturing and assembly, maintenance, appearance,
etc. Since the estimation of all these factors would occupy a whole other
project, they will not be taken into account.
 Once this comparison has been made and the most appropriate option
selected, a complete model of the crane will be developed in terms of
geometry and loads that will be the definitive solution to the problem.

10.1 Description of the simplified model

10.1.1 Geometry
The complete crane will be built as a twin portico, that is, with two main beams.
However, the simplified model consists of a single continuous beam of light L = 50 m
supported isostatically at its ends (mobile support / fixed support), requested with half
the service load SL. The morphology of the beam will depend on the alternative

10.1.2 Actions
The actions to consider are two. On the one hand, the inherent weight of the SG
structure, which is a permanent action and can be represented as a burden.

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uniformly distributed along the length of the beam. In Figure 10-1 a schema appears
along with the expressions for the calculation of stresses and deformations.

Figure 10-1. Beam with uniform distributed load [17]

On the other hand, the service load SL = 25 t, modeled as a point load applied at the
most unfavorable point, that is, at the center of the span (L / 2) (Figure 10-2).

Figure 10-2. Beam with centered point load [17]

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10.1.3 Combination of actions ELU
To carry out the sizing and the checks related to the ELU of the structure, the actions
are carried out with the coefficients γC and Ψ, described in Chapter 8. The calculation
hypothesis is, therefore:
γΥ𝐶 · (𝑆𝐺 + Ψ · 𝑆𝐿)

The value of the load corresponding to the own weight depends on the type of profile
used, so it will be determined for each case. On the other hand, the service load is
known. Its total value has been set at 50 tons for the complete crane. For this model,
half of this figure is considered, 25 tons, since only one isolated beam is being
𝑆𝐿 = 25 𝑡
On the other hand, the coefficients γC and Ψ are calculated below.
The device has been included in group A5. Therefore, the value of γC, according to
Table 9-1, will be:
γΥ𝐶 = 1,11
Regarding the dynamic coefficient Ψ, considering an elevation speed of 5 m / min
(0.083 m / s), we have:
Ψ = 1 + 0.6 · 0.083 = 1.05
However, Ψ can not be less than 1.15. Therefore:
Ψ = 1,15
In this way the calculation hypothesis will be:
1,11 · 𝑆𝐺 + 1,30 · 𝑆𝐿 ELS
For verification of the ELS of deformation, both the own weight and the service load
are combined without aging, that is, without the application of coefficients. Therefore,
the load hypothesis in this case will be:
1 · 𝑆𝐺 + 1 · 𝑆𝐿

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10.2 Option 1. IPE laminated profile

10.2.1 Description of the model
The first alternative involves the use of a hot rolled profile of parallel wings type IPE.
Given the light of the beam, it is first tested with the larger section of the commercial
catalog of ArcelorMittal [20], IPE 750x196. Its dimensions are:

Figure 10-3. Dimensions of the IPE profile

The properties of the section with respect to its strong axis are:

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10.2.2 Sizing / checking ELS Deformation
When it comes to sizing biapoyed beams with considerable light, the greatest
limitation is the arrow limitation. Therefore, sizing starts with the checking of this
From the characteristic combination of actions 1 · SG + 1 · SL the value of the
maximum arrow produced in the beam is obtained. Check that the arrow does not
exceed the permissible value:
𝐹 ≤ 𝐹𝑎𝑑𝑚
The maximum permissible arrow is set to L / 1000. Where L = 50 m, Fadm = 0.050 m.

Therefore, the beam does not meet the required requirements and does not meet the
deformation ELS. Thus, no IPE profile is valid for the realization of this structure and
this option is discarded.

10.3 Option 2. HE laminate profile

10.3.1 Description of the model
The next alternative considered is the HE type hot rolled profile. Given the light of the
beam, it is first tested with the largest section of the ArcelorMittal commercial catalog,
HE 1000 M. Its dimensions are:

The properties of the section with respect to its strong axis are

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10.3.2 Sizing / checking ELS Deformation
From the characteristic combination of actions 1 · SG + 1 · SL the value of the
maximum arrow produced in the beam is obtained. Check that the arrow does not
exceed the permissible value:
𝐹 ≤ 𝐹𝑎𝑑𝑚
The maximum permissible arrow is set to L / 1000. Where L = 50 m, Fadm = 0.050 m.

Therefore, the beam does not meet the required requirements and does not meet the
deformation ELS. Thus, no HE profile is valid for the realization of this structure and
this option is discarded, although the improvement with respect to the IPE profile is

10.4 Option 3. Armed box beam

10.4.1 Description of the model
The third alternative consists of an armed box beam made of welded rolled steel
plates. Armed box beams are the most used structural solution when building both
gantry cranes and gantry cranes designed to move medium and large loads, with any
range of lights to be saved.
Their popularity is that they really support the simple and composite bending efforts
that are predominant in this type of structure. Also, being closed sections, they are
useful when torrent moments appear and generally have no problems of lateral
instability. You can build almost any type of section that is needed, although the most
common are rectangular or square.
The design process of this beam begins with the sizing of an initial section taking into
account the following relationships:

ℎ ≥ 𝐿 /25

𝑏 ≥ 𝐿 /65

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Where L is the distance between supports of the beam. If L = 50 m:

𝑏 ≥ 0,769 𝑚
The thickness of the plates can be calculated in such a way that shearing problems of
the core are avoided. This can be achieved if the section is of class 1, 2 or 3. For the
section to be at least class 3 (semi-compact or elastic), according to Section 5.5.2,
Table 5.2 of the standard EN 1993-1-1 [TO]:


If S 355 steel is used for its construction, with fy = 355 MPa, we have:
ε = 0.814
Based on these relationships, the dimensions of a base section (DRAWER 1) have been
calculated. To obtain dimensions without decimal numbers, these have been rounded
upwards. From the base section, 4 additional sections have been defined, increasing
the original dimensions from 10% to 40%, which means that there are 5 different
sections for the box beam.
The thickness of the wings tf and that of the souls tw has been unified into a single
value t (the greater of both) to simplify the process, remaining on the side of safety.

Figure 10-4. Dimensions of the DRAWER section

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The properties of the sections with respect to their strong axis are:

The 5 sections will be considered and the minor that meets the ELS and ELU
verifications will be adopted as final.

10.4.2 Sizing / checking ELS Deformation

In the first place the smaller section is used, that is, DRAWER 1. From the combination
of actions 1 · SG + 1 · SL the value of the maximum arrow produced in the beam is
obtained. Check that the arrow does not exceed the permissible value:
𝐹 ≤ 𝐹𝑎𝑑𝑚
The maximum permissible arrow is set to L / 1000. Where L = 50 m, Fadm = 0.050 m.

Figure 10-5. Arrow of the beam with the CAJÓN 5 section

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Therefore, the CAJÓN 5 section is taken and then the ELUs are verified. ELU Resistance of sections

For the verification of the different ELU, the combination of actions 1.11 · SG + 1.30 · SL
will be used.
The maximum efforts in the beam have the following values:

Bending moment
According to Article 6.2.5 of the standard EN 1993-1-1 [A], the calculation value of the
bending moment MEd in each cross section must comply with:

being Mc, Rd, for class 3 sections:

Shear stress
According to Article 6.2.6 of [A], the shear calculation value VEd must comply:

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Interaction of stress S
ection 6.2.8 of [A] states that when the shear stress is less than half the plastic shear
strength Vpl, Rd, its effect on bending resistance can be neglected. That is, it must be

Therefore, there is no shear interaction. ELU Instability

Uniform elements subjected to bending
According to Article of [A], elements without lateral bracing subject to bending
around the strong axis must satisfy the following relationship:

Where Mb, Rd is the calculation resistance to bending versus lateral buckling. For class
3 sections, it can be calculated as:

where χLT is the reduction coefficient due to lateral buckling:

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αLT is an imperfection coefficient whose values appear in Table 6.3 [A] and depend on
the buckling curve. Table 6.4 [A] proposes the choice of the buckling curve depending
on the type of cross section.
Thus, for sections different from those formed in I, the buckling curve d must be
chosen, which implies αLT = 0.76.
Mcr is obtained from various parameters, such as the characteristics of the cross
section, loading conditions or lateral bracing.
The partial results can be found in the following table:

Applying the proposed condition at the beginning of this section:

Therefore, the beam does not reach the lateral buckling ELU. When all the
requirements are fulfilled, the beam with the Cajon 5 section is a valid alternative for
the execution of the crane.

10.4.3 Quantity of steel used

The amount of steel needed to build the beam will be:

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10.5 Option 4. Three-dimensional lattice beam with SHS

10.5.1 Description of the model
The following considered option consists of the use of a beam in spatial lattice of
triangular section and constant edge. This type of lattices are stable by themselves, do
not need external bracing and can support loads in all directions.
Lattice beams are characterized by the light L, the height or edge h, the arrangement
of the filling bars and the distance between nodes. The height is conditioned by the
load, the light, the admissible arrow, etc. Increasing h reduces the efforts in the cords
but increases the lengths of the filling bars. The song is usually between L / 10 and L /
A lattice structure is normally designed in order to transmit the loads applied by axial
stresses in the bars. However, in the lattice girders of tubular profiles the cords are
usually continuous, and the filling bars are usually welded on them. Therefore,
secondary bending moments are generated both in the bars and in the joints. Even so,
it is accepted that if the bars and joints are able to redistribute those moments in a
plastic way, the whole can be considered as articulated.
It is considered that approximately 50% of the weight of material corresponds to the
compressed cords, about 30% is contributed by the traction cords and the remaining
20% corresponds to the filling bars. Therefore, if you want to optimize the weight of
the structure, the objective will be placed on the compressed cord.

For the creation of the model using SAP2000 software, it has been considered that:

 Laces are continuous elements.

 The filler elements are joined at their ends by articulated knots.
 All the longitudinal axes of the elements coincide in the nodes.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Profiles used

For the design of this beam, tubular profiles of square section SHS (Square Hollow
Section) according to EN 10210-2 are used. It has been decided to use this type of
tubular bars to the detriment of the CHS (Circular Hollow Section) because the results
in terms of material expenditure are similar and, on the contrary, the execution of
joints between round tubular profiles is much more laborious, since the cuts are
curved. The list of sections to be used will be the range between the SHS 40X40X3 and
the SHS 400X400X16. Beam geometry

Height h and width b Since both the light and the load are high, it has been taken as
the edge of the beam:

Taking into account that L = 50 m,

Likewise, it has been taken as width b:


Figure 10-6. Geometry of the lattice beam

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Dimensions of filling bars

The dimensions of the filling bars and the angles they form with respect to the cords
are shown below:

10.5.2 Sizing / checking

The dimensioning of a beam in three-dimensional lattice is more complicated than that
of a beam of full soul as the box beam that has been treated previously, since it is
composed of multiple elements (cords, diagonals and uprights) and all of them
influence their behavior . Predimensioning fill elements

The objective is to define the section of the filling bars so that the program only deals
with sizing the cords and thus reduce the time of calculation of the structure. The
sections obtained with the pre-dimensioning will not be highly optimized, but as its
influence on the total weight of the structure is low, it is an acceptable solution.
Two sections are calculated, one for the compressed diagonals and the end posts (also
compressed), and another for the traction diagonals. For the horizontal uprights a SHS
40X40X3 profile is taken, since the efforts in these bars are very small (around 1 kN).
A lattice beam can be likened to a full-beam beam in which the filling elements are
responsible for absorbing the shearing forces.
Assuming that the upper cord is an SHS 400X400X16 (G = 184 kg / m), and that its
weight is approximately 50% of the total:

Starting from the combination of actions 1.11 · SG + 1.30 · SL used for checking the
ELU, the maximum shear stress in the beam is obtained:

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The axil on each diagonal is:

Where ρ = 61.70o the angle formed by the diagonal with the horizontal plane. So:

For compression diagonals, and conservatively, a SHS 120X120X5 profile is adopted,

with a buckling resistance Nb, Rd = 272.44 kN.
For traction diagonals, and also conservatively, a SHS profile 50X50X5 with a tensile
strength Nt, Rd = 309.92 kN is adopted. Final dimensioning

With the filling bars already defined, the cords will be dimensioned. The profiles
obtained are shown in Table 10-2:

Table 10-2. Sections used in the lattice beam

The results of the checks related to the last states according to the standard EN 1993-
1-1 [A] are shown below. ELS Deformation

From the combination of actions 1 · SG + 1 · SL the value of the maximum arrow
produced in the beam is obtained. It must be verified that the arrow does not exceed
the admissible value:

The maximum allowable arrow is set to L / 1000. Where L = 50 m, Fadm = 0.050 m.

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Figure 10-7. Arrow of the upper beam of the lattice beam

The bar that the ELU of deformation must comply with is the upper cord (Figure 10-7),
since it is the one that will serve as the base for the carriageway. ELU Resistance of sections

For the verification of the different ELU, the combination of actions 1.11 · SG + 1.30 · SL
will be used.
Table 10-3 shows the maximum stresses (sizing) for each type of bar.

Table 10-3. Dimensioning efforts in the lattice beam

The shear stress and bending moment will be disregarded in all cases except for the
upper bead check.
Axial tensile stress
The traction elements, see the lower cord and the diagonal traction, are checked as
According to Article 6.2.3 [A], the calculation value of the axial tensile force NEd in
each cross section must comply with:

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In the absence of holes, Nt, Rd can be taken as: ELU Instability

Uniform elements subject to compression
The elements requested by compression, as is the case of the horizontal upright, the
extreme upright and the compressed diagonal, are buckled.
According to Article of [A], the compressed elements must satisfy the following

where Nb, Rd is the buckling resistance. For sections of class 1,2 or 3, it can be
calculated as:

where χ the buckling reduction coefficient:


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α is an imperfection coefficient whose values appear in Table 6.1 [A] and depend on
the buckling curve. Table 6.2 [A] proposes the choice of the buckling curve depending
on the type of cross section.
Thus, for hot-finished hollow sections, the buckling curve a, which carries α = 0.21,
must be chosen. Ncr can be obtained as:

The partial results are detailed below:

Applying the proposed condition at the beginning of this section:

Elements subjected to compression and bending

The elements subjected to compression and bending combined as is the case of the
upper cord are checked as indicated in Article 6.6.3 [A] (Equation 6.61):

However, as Mz, Ed = 0, the above equation is:

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Where k and y is the interaction coefficient calculated according to Annex B of [A]. In

this case, kyy = 1.018.
On the other hand, χy and χLT are reduction coefficients by compression buckling and
lateral buckling respectively. As it is an element not susceptible to torsional
deformation, χLT = 1.

The SHS 350X350X8 profile is class 4, which, according to Table 6.7 [A]:

Applying the proposed condition at the beginning of this section:

When all the requirements are met, the lattice beam with SHS type profiles is a valid
alternative for the crane's execution.

10.5.3 Quantity of steel used

The amount of steel needed to build the beam will be:

Table 10-4. Weight of the girder in lattice by section type

Por tanto,

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10.6 Conclusions of the analysis

Table 10-5. Comparison of analysis results

After analyzing the various options available to carry out the execution of the gantry
crane object of this project, it is concluded that:

 Options 1 and 2, based on the use of simple hot rolled profiles type IPE and HE
respectively, are a all unviable lights and are discarded. Given the dimensions
of the beam and the magnitude of the load to be supported, at first glance it
was to be expected that they would not be adequate; However, it is important
to analyze them also to have an idea of what their application limit is in this
type of structure.
 The third alternative, which involves the use of an armed beam in a drawer, is
totally valid from the structural point of view. Its strong point is the relative
simplicity of manufacture and design, since it is composed of a single element
(although it is also necessary to foresee the use of internal stiffeners and other
reinforcement elements that have not been considered here and that make
design difficult and expensive. His construction). Its main disadvantage is that a
large amount of steel is needed for its construction.
 The fourth and last considered alternative, the truss beam with a triangular
section based on SHS tubular profiles, is also valid. Its strong point is the
enormous reduction in steel that it represents compared to the box beam, as
shown in Table 10-5. Its main weakness is the complexity of manufacturing in
the workshop, since the structure has multiple knots. Even so, some of these
knots are identical, so workshop work can be greatly simplified.

Considering all the previous points, we have chosen to choose alternative # 4 to carry
out the final design of the gantry crane. The difference in steel weight used is very
bulky (+ 627%) and covers the difference in manufacturing costs of both alternatives.
In addition, the crane will carry out its activity abroad, and the lattice structures offer a
much lower aerodynamic resistance. Therefore, less powerful drive groups will be
needed, which will mean a lower initial installation cost and lower energy consumption
throughout the entire life of the device.

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11.1 Description of the model
To design the complete crane, the beam in lattice with SHS type tubular profiles
obtained in the analysis of alternatives was taken as a basis. The crane is birraíl, reason
why it is composed of two identical porticos. To form each gantry, the supports have
been added with two supports formed by three tubular profiles as main elements
accompanied by bracing elements. Finally, both gantries are joined by several
reinforcing bars in the upper part and by the bogies or running trains in the lower part.
Figure 11-1 shows the complete crane modeled in SAP2000.

Figura 11-1. Modelo de la grúa pórtico en SAP2000

11.1.1 Design considerations

The following considerations have been made when developing the crane model:

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11.1.2 Beams
The geometry of the beams is basically the proposal and calculated in the analysis of
alternatives. However, some reinforcing bars have been added. This is due to the fact
that in the previous study only the effect of the own weight added to the service load,
both actions of gravitational component, has been considered. On the other hand, in
the complete design, in addition to the previous ones, horizontal loads are considered,
such as the action of the wind or the force of inertia due to the movement of the car.
Due to these actions it is necessary to brace the beam in the horizontal plane; To this
end, a series of cross-shaped bars are added in the lower plane of the lattice.
In addition, the section of the tractioned diagonals has been matched with that of the
compressed diagonals, in such a way that all the diagonals are constructed with the
same type of profile. This change is motivated by:

 In the previous study, the service load in the center of the beam has been
considered in L / 2. But the load can be moved along the whole beam, with
which the efforts can vary.
 Ease of construction. Although placing all the identical diagonals slightly
increases the weight of the structure, it is compensated by the greater ease of
construction to prevent any error at the time of assembly. For example, placing
a bar dimensioned to work with traction in the place of a compressed one
could lead the structure to collapse.

11.1.3 Supports
The efforts in the beams are transmitted to the running gear through the supports.
Each beam rests on two supports executed in latticework with three main profiles each
and various bracing bars to reduce the buckling length.
It has been considered that each bogie has two wheels located at its ends, which
coincide with the connection with the supports. The running gear has not been
included in the model; nevertheless, in the support conditions of the structure its
effect has been taken into account.

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11.1.4 Car
The trolley (Figure 11-2), which supports the hoist and moves on the gantry beams, has
dimensions of 5 x 7 m.
In addition, only two of its wheels are motorized, one per head.

Figure 11-2. Scheme of the car-polipast

11.2 Calculation of actions

Following what is explained in Chapter 8, the calculation of the actions that act on the
structure is shown below.

11.2.1 Own weight

The own weight SG of each element can be considered as a linear load distributed
along the same, of gravitational component. It depends on the profiles used in the
construction of the crane, so that its final value will not be known until the final
dimensioning has been obtained.

11.2.2 Service charge

The service load SL has been defined at 50 t. The trolley is supported on the beams by
two wheels per head, with which the service load is divided into four point loads of
12.5 t each.
SL is applied in three different and non-concomitant positions. SL1 and SL3 are applied
at the ends of the beams, the positions being most unfavorable for the supports, while
SL2 is applied in the center of the span, which is the least favorable position for the

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Figure 11-3. Service charge SL

11.2.3 Horizontal requests Obliquity

Figure 11-4. Oblique loading SHO

The loads due to the oblique movement have been calculated following the
development shown in Section 8.3.1:

 The arrangement of the pairs of wheels of the bogies is IFF

 There are 2 wheels per bogie, adding a total of 4 wheels
 It has been considered that the service load is in position 2, that is, in the
center of the bay. So:

Calculation of h:

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Calculation of the load of obliquity in the first pair of wheels:

Calculation of the load of obliquity in the second pair of wheels: Debidas al movimiento del pórtico

Figure 11-5. Load due to the movement of the SHP frame

Table 6 of the UNE 76201 standard [H] shows the average values of
acceleration and deceleration for various operating conditions of the lifting

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Table 11-1. Average values of acceleration and speed

For a translation speed of the crane of 0.40 m / s and, including it in group 1

"slow and medium speed with great travel", we have that Tm = 4.1 s and jm =
0.098 m / s2.
Calculation of the force of inertia due to the translation of the gantry: Debidas al movimiento del carro

Figure 11-6. Load due to movement of SHC car

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The carriage travel speed has also been set at 0.40 m / s, so, referring to Table
11-1, we have jm = 0.098 m / s2. Therefore, Fcm has the same value as in the
previous section; that is, Fcm = 4.41 kN.

Calculation of the force of inertia due to the carriage translation:

11.2.4 Wind in service

The wind is applied in two directions perpendicular to each other. On the one
hand, in normal direction to the plane of the gantry and in both directions
alternately (front wind SW1 and SW2). On the other side, in a direction parallel
to the plane of the portico, also in both directions (lateral wind SW3 and SW4).

Figure 11-7. Wind load in service

First the structure has been calculated without considering the wind loads and
then, once the initial sections of the elements are known, the wind loads have
been added and recalculated. Thus the final sections have been obtained. Wind on the structure

According to Table 8-3, for cranes type b) a wind pressure of 0.25 kN / m2 is

Since the structure is formed by bars of square section, this pressure is divided
between the width of each bar to obtain a linearly distributed force.

According to Table 8-4, for simple lattice frames with flat face profiles, Cf = 1.7
should be taken.

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In the case of frontal wind, the screen effect coefficient η must be calculated,
the calculation of which is shown below:

Table 11-2 shows the loads to be applied according to the section of the
element and its position (exposed or sheltered).

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Wind on the load

For cranes type b), a force is taken on the moving load of:

In cases SW1 and SW2 the resulting force per wheel applied to the structure is f
/ 4:

In cases SW3 and SW4 the resulting force per wheel applied to the structure is f
/ 2, since only 2 of the 4 wheels of the car are motor: Wind out of service

The crane will be provided with an anti-tipping device, in such a way that the
wheels are always in contact with the rolling track. For this reason, the action
of the wind out of service, which may involve a loss of balance of the structure
and a rollover situation, is dismissed and is not taken into consideration.

11.3 Calculation hypothesis

11.3.1 ELS
For the verification of the ELS of deformation, both the own weight and the
service load applied in the center of the beams (SL2) are combined without
aging, that is, without the application of coefficients. Therefore, the load
hypothesis in this case will be:

11.3.2 ELU
Following what is explained in Chapter 9, Table 11-3 shows all the combinations
of actions that have been considered for the sizing of the structure and the
verification of the ELU.

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Table 11-3. Increase coefficients of the shares and number of combinations

The process of calculating the structure is as follows:

First, it is calculated with the hypotheses that contain SG, SL, SHC and SHP, that is, the
shares belonging to CASE I except SHO, which depends on the total weight of the
loaded crane. Once the structure is calculated with these hypotheses, SHO is added. It
is resized and, with the obtained profiles, SW is added. With SW you have all the
combinations of CASE II. It is verified that it complies with SW and, if it does not
comply, iterations are carried out until all the bars comply and the design is then

11.4 Sizing / checking ELS Deformation
From the combination of actions 1 · SG + 1 · SL2, the value of the maximum arrow
produced in the beam is obtained. It must be verified that the arrow does not exceed
the admissible value:

The maximum allowable arrow is set to L / 1000. Where L = 50 m, Fadm = 0.050 m

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Figure 11-8. Arrow of top beam bead

The bar that must meet the deformation ELS is the upper cord (Figure 11-8), since it is
the one that will serve as the basis for the rolling path of the car. ELU Resistance of sections

Due to its low influence, the shear stress and bending moment will be disregarded in
all cases except for the upper bead check.
Axial tensile stress
The traction elements, see the lower cord and the diagonal traction, are checked as
According to Article 6.2.3 of [A], the calculation value of the axial tensile force NEd in
each cross section must comply:

In the absence of holes, Nt, Rd can be taken as: ELU Instability

Uniform elements subject to compression
Compressed elements are checked for buckling.

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According to Article [A], the compressed elements must satisfy the following

where Nb, Rd is the buckling resistance. For sections of class 1,2 or 3, it can be
calculated as:

where χ the buckling reduction coefficient:


α is an imperfection coefficient whose values appear in Table 6.1 [A] and depend on
the buckling curve. Table 6.2 [A] proposes the choice of the buckling curve depending
on the type of cross section.
Thus, for hot-finished hollow sections, the buckling curve a, which carries α = 0.21,
must be chosen.
Ncr can be obtained as:

The partial results are shown below:

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Applying the proposed condition at the beginning of this section:

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Elements subjected to compression and bending

The elements subjected to combined compression and bending, as is the case of the
upper cord, are checked as indicated in Article 6.6.3 [A] (Equation 6.61):

where kyy and kyz are the interaction coefficients calculated according to Annex B [A].
In this case, kyy = 0.424 and kyz = 0.453.
On the other hand, χy and χLT are reduction coefficients by compression buckling and
lateral buckling respectively. As it is an element not susceptible to torsional
deformation, χLT = 1.

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The SHS 350X350X10 profile is class 3, which, according to Table 6.7 [A]:

Applying the proposed condition at the beginning of this section:

When all the requirements are fulfilled, it can be ensured that the design with tubular
profiles type SHS in three-dimensional lattice is totally valid for the execution of the

11.5 Final conclusions

In this chapter the process of dimensioning the structure of a large-span gantry crane
has been shown. After this, it is concluded that:

 The structure of a large-span gantry crane has been successfully managed,

having previously selected one of the proposed alternatives and following the
rules set by current regulations. Therefore, the objective of this study is
 The process of calculating a three-dimensional lattice is laborious and, in a
certain way, complicated. The structure contains a large number of elements
and the configuration of each of them depends on the response of the rest.
 The applicable regulations for calculating the shares of this type of equipment
is certainly difficult to interpret, apart from being disseminated in various
regulations. Review and unification of these standards in a single document
would be very convenient.
 In structures with a separation between supports as large as is the case of this
crane, the design factor is the limitation of the maximum arrow. In this case it
has been taken to the extreme of L / 1000, when the industrial buildings move
in limits of L / 250 or L / 300. Due to this, the various elements are usually
oversized in terms of resistance, but this is necessary to ensure sufficient
flexural rigidity of the entire structural assembly.

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A1. Dimensioning efforts
Table A1 contains the maximum stresses per element type. Figure A1 shows the
position of each type of element within the structure of the crane.

Figure A-1. Types of bar

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Table A-1. Dimensioning efforts by type of element

A2. Use of the profiles

Figure A-2 shows the degree of use of the profiles of the structure.

Figure A-2. Degree of use of profiles

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A3. Reactions of the structure

Table A-2 shows the maximum reactions in the supports of the crane structure. These
may be of interest for the design of the bogies or for the calculation of the foundation
of the crane's raceway.

Figure A-3. Knots corresponding to the supports of the structure

Table A-2. Maximum reactions in support

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1 FILLING ADMINISTRATIVE CLAUSES ____________________________________________ 91

1.1 General Provisions _______________________________________________________ 91

1.1.1 Provisions of a general nature ___________________________________________ 91
1.1.2 Provisions concerning works, materials and auxiliary means ____________________ 95
1.1.3 Provisions for the reception of buildings and related works ____________________ 100

1.2 Optional Provisions ___________________________________________________ 104

1.2.1 Definition, attributions and obligations of building agents ____________________ 104
1.2.2 The Facultative Directorate ______________________________________________ 106
1.2.3 Optional visits_______________________________________________________ 106
1.2.4 Obligations of the agents involved _________________________________________ 107

1.3 Economic Provisions __________________________________________________ 107

1.3.1 Definition ____________________________________________________________ 107
1.3.2 Contract of work _______________________________________________________ 107
1.3.3 General Criterion ____________________________________________________ 108
1.3.4 Deposits _____________________________________________________________ 108
1.3.5 Of the prices _________________________________________________________ 109
1.3.6 Works by administration ________________________________________________ 112
1.3.7 Valuation and payment of the work _____________________________________ 113
1.3.8 Mutual indemnities ___________________________________________________ 115
1.3.9 Withholdings as collateral ________________________________________________ 117


2.1 Requirements on materials _____________________________________________ 119

2.1.1 Quality assurance (CE marking) __________________________________________ 120
2.1.2 Steels for metal structures ________________________________________________ 122

2.2 Prescriptions regarding Execution by Work Unit ____________________________ 123

2.2.1 Structures ____________________________________________________________ 126
2.2.2 Coatings ___________________________________________________________ 128
2.2.3 Quality control and tests__________________________________________________ 129

2.3 Prescriptions on verifications in the finished building ________________________ 131

2.3.1 Structures _____________________________________________________________ 131

2.4 Requirements in relation to the storage, handling, separation and other management
operations of construction and demolition waste __________________________________ 131

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1.1 General Provisions

1.1.1 General Provisions Purpose of the Specification of Conditions

The purpose of this Statement is to set the criteria for the relationship established
between the agents involved in the works defined in this project and to serve as the
basis for the execution of the work contract between the Promoter and the
Contractor. Contract of work

It is recommended to contract the execution of the works by work units, according to
the project documents and in fixed figures. To this end, the Construction Manager
offers the necessary documentation for the execution of the work contract. Documentation of the work contract

The following documents are integrated into the work contract, related by order of
priority according to the value of their specifications, in the case of possible
interpretations, omissions or contradictions:

 The conditions established in the work contract.

 The present Specifications.
 Graphic and written documentation of the Project: general and detailed plans,
reports, annexes, measurements and budgets.
In the case of interpretation, the literal specifications prevail over the graphs and the
dimensions on the scale measurements taken from the plans. Urban regulations

The work to be built will be adjusted to all the limitations of the project approved by
the competent bodies, especially those that refer to the volume, heights, location and
occupation of the site, as well as to all the conditions

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of reform of the project that the Administration may demand to adjust it to the
Ordinances, the Norms and the Current Planning. Formalization of the Work Contract

The Contracts will be formalized, in general, by means of a private document, which
may be raised to a public deed at the request of any of the parts.
The body of these documents will contain:

 The communication of the award.

 The copy of the deposit receipt of the deposit (in case it was required).
 The clause in which it is stated, categorically, that the Contractor undertakes to
strictly comply with the work contract, in accordance with the provisions of
these Terms and Conditions, together with the Report and its Annexes, the
State of Measurements, Budgets , Plans and all the documents that are to serve
as the basis for carrying out the works defined in this Project.

The Contractor, before the formalization of the work contract, will also give his
agreement with the signature at the foot of the Specification of Conditions, the Plans,
Price Table and General Budget.
All expenses incurred by the extension of the document in which the Contractor is
consigned shall be borne by the awardee. Competent jurisdiction

In the case of not reaching an agreement when differences arise between the parties,
both are obliged to submit the discussion of all issues arising from their contract to the
Administrative Authorities and Tribunals in accordance with current legislation,
renouncing common law and jurisdiction of the jurisdiction where the work was
located. Contractor's Responsibility

The Contractor is responsible for the execution of the works under the conditions
established in the contract and in the documents that make up the Project.
Consequently, it will be forced to the demolition and reconstruction of all the work
units with deficiencies or poorly executed, without it being able to serve as an excuse
the fact that the Facultative Direction has examined and

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

the construction was acknowledged during its construction visits, nor that they have
been paid in partial liquidations. Work accidents

It is mandatory to comply with Royal Decree 1627/1997, of October 24, which
establishes the minimum health and safety provisions in construction works and other
current legislation that, both directly and indirectly, affect the planning of the safety
and health in construction work, conservation and maintenance of buildings.
It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Coordinator, by virtue of Royal Decree
1627/97, the control and monitoring, throughout the execution of the work, of the
Health and Safety Plan drafted by the Contractor. Damages to third parties

The Contractor shall be responsible for all accidents that, due to inexperience or
carelessness, occur in the construction where the works are carried out as well as in
the adjoining or adjoining ones. It will therefore be in your account the payment of the
compensation to whom it corresponds and when it should be, and all the damages
that may be caused or caused in the operations of the execution of the works.
Likewise, it will be responsible for direct or indirect damages that may be caused to
third parties as a consequence of the work, both in it and in its surroundings, including
those that occur due to omission or negligence of the staff under its responsibility, as
well as those that derive from the subcontractors and industrialists involved in the
It is your responsibility to keep an insurance policy in place against third parties during
the execution of the works, in the "All risk of demolition and construction" modality,
signed by an insurance company with sufficient solvency to cover the contracted work.
. Said policy shall be provided and ratified by the Promoter or Property, and may not
be canceled until the Provisional Acceptance Certificate of the work is signed. Copy of documents

The Contractor, at his expense, has the right to make copies of the documents that are
part of the Project.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Supply of materials

The Contract shall specify the responsibility that may fit the Contractor due to delay in
the term of termination or in partial terms, as a result of deficiencies or shortcomings
in the supplies. Causes of rescission of the work contract

Sufficient causes of termination of contract will be considered:

 The death or incapacitation of the Contractor.

 The Contractor's bankruptcy.
 The alterations of the contract for the following reasons:
o The modification of the project in such a way that it represents
fundamental alterations of the same in the opinion of the Construction
Manager and, in any case, provided that the variation of the Budget of
Material Execution, as a consequence of these modifications, represents
a deviation greater than 20%.
o Modifications of work units, as long as they represent variations in more
or less than 40% of the original project, or more than 50% of the work
units of the reformed project.
 The suspension of work begun, provided that the period of suspension has
exceeded one year and, in any case, provided that for reasons beyond the
control of the Contractor, the awarded work is not commenced within three
months of the award. . In this case, the return of the deposit will be automatic.
 That the Contractor does not begin work within the term indicated in the
contract. Failure to comply with the terms of the Contract when it implies
negligence or bad faith, with prejudice to the interests of the works. The
deadline for the execution of the work.
 The abandonment of the work without justified causes.
 Bad faith in the execution of the work. Omissions: Good Faith

The relations between the Promoter and the Contractor, regulated by the present
Bidding Conditions and the complementary documentation, present the rendering of a
service to the Promoter by the Contractor through the execution of a work, based on
the mutual GOOD FAITH of both parties,

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who intend to benefit from this collaboration without any type of damage. For this
reason, the relations between both parties and the omissions that may exist in these
Terms and Conditions and the complementary documentation of the project and the
work, will always be understood as being provided by the GOOD FAITH of the parties,
which will duly correct them in order to achieve an adequate FINAL QUALITY of the

1.1.2 Provisions regarding works, materials and auxiliary means

The basic dispositions to be considered in the execution of the works, related to the
works, materials and auxiliary means, as well as to the receptions of the buildings
object of the present project and its annexed works are described. Accesses and fences

The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, access to the work, the enclosure or
fencing of the latter and its maintenance during the execution of the work, and may
require the Director of Execution of the Work its modification or improvement. Stakeout
The Contractor will initiate the rethinking of the works, indicating the main references
that will maintain as a basis for subsequent partial rethinking. These works will be
considered by the Contractor and included in its economic offer.
Likewise, the reconsideration shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Work
Execution and, once the latter has given its agreement, it shall prepare the Act of
Initiation and Stakeout of the Work accompanied by a definitive plan of redefinition,
which shall be approved by the Director. working. The Contractor shall be responsible
for the deficiency or omission of this procedure. Start of the work and pace of execution of the works

The Contractor will start the works within the term specified in the respective contract,
being developed in an appropriate manner so that within the indicated partial periods
the works are carried out, so that the total execution is carried out within the term
established in the contract.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

The Contractor shall be obliged to notify the Project Management of the

commencement of the works, in a reliable manner and preferably in writing, at least
three days in advance. The Construction Director will write the act of beginning of the
work and will sign it in the same work together with him, the day of the beginning of
the works, the Director of the Execution of the Work, the Promoter and the
Contractor. For the formalization of the act of beginning of the work, the Director of
the Work will verify that in the work there is a copy of the following documents:

 Execution Project, Annexes and modifications.

 Occupational Health and Safety Plan and its approval certificate by the Health
and Safety Coordinator during the execution of the work.
 Work License granted by the City Council.
 Communication of the opening of the work center carried out by the
 Other authorizations, permits and licenses that are mandatory by other
 Book of Orders and Assistance.
 Incidents Book.
The date of the act of beginning of the work marks the beginning of the partial and
total terms of the execution of the work. Order of works

The determination of the order of the works is, generally, the Contractor's faculty,
except in those cases in which, due to circumstances of a technical nature, its variation
is considered convenient by the Facultative Direction. Extension of the project due to unforeseen causes or force

When it is necessary to extend the Project, due to unforeseen reasons or due to any
incident, the works will not be interrupted, continuing according to the instructions of
the Facultative Direction while the Reformed Project is being formulated or processed.
The Contractor is obliged to carry out, with his personnel and his material means, as
much as the Direction of Execution of the Work arranges for deforestation,

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

shoring, demolition, stress or any work of an urgent nature, anticipating this service for
the moment, the amount of which will be entered in an additional budget or paid
directly, according to what is convenient. Interpretations, clarifications and modifications of the project

The Contractor may require the Construction Manager or the Construction Execution
Director of the Work, according to their respective duties and attributions, the
instructions or clarifications that are required for the correct interpretation and
execution of the projected work.
When it comes to interpreting, clarifying or modifying precepts of the Conditions of
Contract or indications of the plans, sketches, orders and corresponding instructions,
they will necessarily be communicated in writing to the Contractor, being this in turn
obliged to return the originals or copies, subscribing with his signature the informed
one, that will appear at the foot of all the orders, warnings and instructions that
receives both of the Director of Execution of the Work, like of the Work Director.
Any claim that the Contractor deems appropriate against the dispositions taken by the
Facultative Direction, will have to direct it, within the period of three days, to the one
who has dictated it, who will give him the corresponding receipt, if he requested it. Extension due to force majeure

If, due to force majeure or independently of the will of the Contractor, the Contractor
could not start the works, had to suspend them or could not finish them within the
established deadlines, he will be granted a prorogation provided for compliance, after
a favorable report from the Construction Director. To this end, the Contractor shall
state, in writing addressed to the Construction Manager, the cause that prevents the
execution or progress of the work and the delay that would arise from the agreed
deadlines, duly reasoning the extension requested by said cause. Responsibility of the facultative management in the delay of the

The Contractor may not excuse himself for not having met the stipulated works
deadlines, alleging as a cause the lack of plans or orders of the

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Optional Address, except for the case in which, having requested it in writing, it has
not been provided. Defective works

The Contractor must use the materials that meet the conditions required in the
project, and perform each and every one of the contracted works in accordance with
the stipulations.
Therefore, and until the final reception of the building, the Contractor is responsible
for the execution of the work he has hired and the faults and defects that may exist
due to poor execution, not being a defense that the Technical Director it has been
previously examined or recognized, nor the fact that these works have been valued in
the Partial Work Certifications, which will always be understood as extended and paid
to a good account.
As a result of the above, when the Director of Work Execution warns of defects or
defects in the work performed, or that the materials used or the equipment and
equipment placed do not meet the prescribed conditions, either in the course of the
execution of the works or once completed prior to the final reception of the work, may
provide that the defective parts are replaced or demolished and rebuilt according to
what was contracted at the expense of the Contractor. If the latter does not believe
that the decision is just and refuses to order replacement, demolition and
reconstruction, the matter will be brought before the Work Director, who will mediate
to resolve it. Hidden defects

The Contractor is solely responsible for the hidden defects and defects of the
construction, during the execution of the works and the warranty period, up to the
prescribed periods after the completion of the works in the current LOE, apart from
other responsibilities legal or of any kind that may arise.
If the Director of Execution of the Work had well-founded reasons to believe in the
existence of hidden defects of construction in the executed works, he will order, when
he deems it appropriate, to carry out before the definitive reception the tests,
destructive or not, that he considers necessary to recognize or diagnose the work that
supposes defective, giving account of the circumstance to the Director of Work.

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The Contractor will demolish, and subsequently rebuild, all the poorly executed work
units, their consequences, damages, and can not escape responsibility for the fact that
the Project Director and / or the Project Execution Director will they have examined or
acknowledged previously, or that part or all of the works that have been poorly
executed have been conformed or paid. Origin of materials, devices and equipment

The Contractor is free to provide materials, equipment and equipment of all kinds
where it deems appropriate and convenient for their interests, except in those cases in
which a provenance and specific characteristics of the project are required.
Obligatory, and before proceeding to its use, storage and commissioning, the
Contractor shall submit to the Construction Execution Director a complete list of the
materials, equipment and equipment to be used, specifying all the indications about its
technical characteristics, brands, qualities, provenance and suitability of each of them. Presentation of samples

At the request of the Construction Manager, the Contractor shall present the samples
of the materials, equipment and equipment, always with the anticipated anticipation
in the work schedule. Defective materials, equipment and equipment

When the materials, appliances, equipment and elements of facilities were not of the
quality and technical characteristics prescribed in the project, did not have the
preparation required in it or when, in the absence of formal requirements, it was
recognized or demonstrated that they are not adequate for its end, the Director of
Work, at the request of the Director of Execution of the Work, will give the order to
the Contractor to replace them with others that satisfy the conditions or are suitable
for the purpose for which they are intended.
If, within 15 days of receiving the Contractor's order to remove the materials that are
not in condition, it has not been complied with, the Promoter or Property may do so
on behalf of the Contractor.
In the event that the materials, devices, equipment or elements of facilities were
defective, but acceptable to the Director of Work,

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they will be received with the reduction of the price that that one determines, unless
the Contractor prefers to replace them by others in conditions. Expenses incurred by tests and trials

All expenses arising from the testing and testing of materials or elements involved in
the execution of the works shall be borne by the Contractor.
Any test that is unsatisfactory, is not performed by omission of the Contractor, or does
not offer sufficient guarantees, may be started again or new tests or tests specified in
the project, at the expense of the Contractor and with the corresponding penalty, may
be carried out. as all the complementary works to which any of the aforementioned
cases may give rise and which the Project Director considers necessary. Cleaning of the works

It is the obligation of the Contractor to keep the works and their surroundings clean of
both debris and leftover materials, remove temporary installations that are not
necessary, as well as execute all the work and adopt the measures that are appropriate
for the work to look good. Works without explicit prescriptions

In the execution of works that belong to the construction of the works, and for which
there are no prescriptions explicitly stated in this Schedule or in the remaining
documentation of the project, the Contractor shall comply, in the first place, with the
instructions issued by the Management Optional works and, secondly, to the norms
and practices of good construction.

1.1.2 Provisions of the receptions of buildings and annexed Works Considerations of a general nature

The reception of the work is the act by which the Contractor, once the work is
completed, delivers it to the Promoter and is accepted by the latter. I will

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be done with or without reservations and must cover the entire work or complete and
completed phases of the same, when agreed by the parties.
The reception must be recorded in a document signed, at least, by the Promoter and
the Contractor, stating:

 The parties involved.

 The date of the final certificate of the entire work or of the complete and
completed phase of the same.
 The final cost of the material execution of the work.
 The declaration of the reception of the work with or without reservations,
specifying, where appropriate, these in an objective manner, and the term in
which the observed defects must be corrected. Once the same have been
corrected, it will be recorded in a separate record, signed by the signatories of
the reception.
 The guarantees that, if applicable, are required of the Contractor to ensure its
Likewise, the final work certificate signed by the Construction Manager and the
Construction Execution Director will be attached.
The Promoter may reject the reception of the work considering that it is not finished or
that it does not conform to the contractual conditions.
In any case, the rejection must be motivated in writing in the minutes, which will set
the new deadline to make the reception.
Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the reception of the work will take place within
thirty days following the date of its completion, accredited in the final certificate of
work, term that will be counted from the notification made in writing to the developer.
The reception will be understood tacitly produced if after thirty days from the date
indicated the promoter would not have shown reservations or rejection motivated in
The computation of the terms of responsibility and guarantee will be as established in
the L.O.E., and will start from the date on which the record of reception is signed, or
when it is understood tacitly produced as provided in the previous section. Provisional reception

Thirty days before the completion of the works, the Director of Work Execution will
inform the Promoter or Property of the proximity of its completion in order to agree
on the act of Provisional Reception.

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This will be done with the intervention of the Property, the Contractor, the
Construction Manager and the Construction Execution Director. The other technicians
will also be summoned, who, if applicable, would have intervened in the management
with their own function in partial aspects or specialized units.
After a thorough recognition of the works, an act will be issued with as many copies as
there are participants and signed by all of them. From this date, the warranty period
will begin to run, if the works are in the state of being admitted. Next, the Technicians
of the Direction will extend the corresponding Certificate of End of Work.
When the works are not in the status of being received, it will be expressly stated in
the Minutes and the Contractor will be given the appropriate instructions to correct
the observed defects, setting a deadline to correct them, after which a new
acknowledgment will be made in order to proceed to the provisional reception of the
If the Contractor has not complied, the contract with the loss of the bond may be
declared terminated. Final documentation of the work

The Director of Work Execution, assisted by the Contractor and the technicians who
have intervened in the work, will write the final documentation of the works, which
will be provided to the Promoter, with the specifications and contents provided by the
legislation in force. Final measurement and provisional settlement of the work

Once the works have been provisionally received, the Director of Work Execution will
proceed immediately to its final measurement, with the precise assistance of the
Contractor or his representative. The timely certification will be extended in triplicate
which, approved by the Construction Manager with his signature, will be used for the
payment by the Promoter of the resulting balance minus the amount withheld as a
deposit. Warranty period

The guarantee period must be stipulated in the private contract and, in any case, it
must never be less than six months.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Conservation of works provisionally received

The expenses of conservation during the term of guarantee included between the
provisional and definitive receptions, will be borne by the Contractor.
If the building is occupied or used before the final reception, the daycare, cleaning and
repairs caused by the use will be borne by the Property and repairs for defects in work
or defects in the facilities, will be borne by the Contractor. Definitive reception

The final reception will be made after the warranty period has elapsed, in the same
way and with the same formalities as the provisional one. From that date, the
Contractor's obligation to repair at his charge any damage inherent to the normal
conservation of the buildings will cease, and all the liabilities that could derive from the
defects of construction will remain. Extension of the guarantee period

If, when proceeding to the recognition for the definitive reception of the work, it is not
found in the proper conditions, said definitive reception will be postponed and the
Construction Director will indicate to the Contractor the deadlines and forms in which
the necessary works must be carried out. If not done within those, the contract may be
resolved with the loss of the bond. Receptions of works whose contract has been rescinded

In the event of termination of the contract, the Contractor shall be obliged to
withdraw, within the term fixed, the machinery, facilities and auxiliary means, to
resolve the subcontracts that had been arranged and to leave the work in condition to
be resumed by another company without any problem.
The completed works and works will be provisionally received with the procedures
previously established. Once the warranty period has expired, they will be definitively
received as previously stated.
For works and works not determined, but acceptable in the opinion of the
Construction Manager, a single and definitive reception will be made.

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1.2 Optional Provisions

1.2.1 Definition, attributions and obligations of building agents

The attributions of the different agents involved in the building are those regulated by
the Law 38/99 on Building Regulation (L.O.E.).
Building agents are defined all the people, physical or legal, who are involved in the
building process. Their obligations are determined by the provisions of L.O.E. and other
provisions that are applicable and by the contract that originates their intervention.
The definitions and functions of the agents that take part in the construction are
included in chapter III "Building agents", considering: The Promoter

It is the natural or legal person, public or private, that individually or collectively
decides, promotes, programs and finances with its own resources or others, the
building works for themselves or for their subsequent disposal, delivery or assignment
to third parties under any title.
It takes the initiative of the whole process of the building, promoting the necessary
management to carry out the work initially planned, and takes charge of all the
necessary costs.
According to the legislation in force, the figure of the promoter also equates those of
manager of cooperative societies, communities of owners, or other analogous that
assume the economic management of the building.
When public administrations and bodies subject to the legislation of public
administration contracts act as promoters, they will be governed by the legislation of
public administration contracts and, in matters not contemplated therein, by the
provisions of the L.O.E. The Designer

It is the agent who, on behalf of the promoter and subject to the corresponding
technical and urban regulations, drafts the project.
They will be able to draft partial projects of the project, or parts that complement it,
other technicians, in a coordinated way with the author of this one.

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When the project is developed or completed by partial projects or other technical

documents as foreseen in section 2 of article 4 of the L.O.E., each designer will assume
the ownership of his project. The Builder or Contractor

It is the agent that assumes, contractually before the Promoter, the commitment to
execute with human and material means, own or external, the works or part of them
subject to the Project and the Contract of work.
SUBCONTRACTORS. The Construction Director

It is the agent that, as part of the facultative management, directs the development of
the work in the technical, aesthetic, urban and environmental aspects, in accordance
with the project that defines it, the building license and other mandatory
authorizations, and the conditions of the contract, in order to ensure its adequacy to
the proposed purpose.
They will be able to direct the works of the partial projects other technicians, under
the coordination of the Construction Director. The Director of the Execution of the Work

It is the agent that, forming part of the Facultative Direction, assumes the technical
function of directing the Material Execution of the Work and of qualitatively and
quantitatively controlling the construction and quality of the construction. For this, the
preliminary study and analysis of the execution project once drafted by the Architect is
indispensable, proceeding to request, in advance of the start of the works, all those
clarifications, corrections or complementary documents that, within its competence
and legal attributions. estere necessary to be able to lead in a solvent way the
execution of the same.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Entities and laboratories for quality control of the building

Building quality control entities are those qualified to provide technical assistance in
the verification of the quality of the project, the materials and the execution of the
work and its facilities in accordance with the project and applicable regulations.
They are laboratories of tests for the quality control of the edificación the able ones to
give technical assistance, by means of the realization of tests or tests of service of the
materials, systems or facilities of a construction work. Product suppliers

Producers of products are manufacturers, stockists, importers or sellers of
construction products.
Construction product is understood to be that which is manufactured for permanent
incorporation into a work, including materials, semi-finished elements, components
and works or parts of them, both finished and in the process of execution.

1.2.2 The Facultative Direction

In correspondence with the L.O.E., the Facultative Direction is composed of the
Construction Management and the Construction Execution Direction. The Coordinator
will be in charge of the Health and Safety in the execution phase of the work, in the
event that the mission has been awarded to a doctor different from the previous ones.
It represents technically the interests of the promoter during the execution of the
work, directing the construction process according to the professional attributions of
each participating technician.

1.2.3 Optional visits

They are those made to the work jointly or individually by any of the members that
make up the Facultative Management. The intensity and number of visits will depend
on the tasks assigned to each agent, and may vary depending on the specific
requirements and the greater or lesser requirement required to the technician to the
effect in each case and

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according to each of the phases of the work. They must adapt to the logical process of
construction, and the agents may or may not coincide in the work depending on the
specific phase that is being developed at each moment and the task required of each

1.2.4 Obligations of the intervening agents

The obligations of the agents involved in the building are those contained in articles 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, chapter III of the L.O.E. and other applicable legislation.

1.3 Economic Provisions

1.3.1 Definition
The economic conditions set the framework of economic relations for the payment
and reception of the work. They have a subsidiary nature with respect to the work
contract, established between the parties involved, Promoter and Contractor, which is
ultimately the one that is valid.

1.3.2 Contract of work

It is advisable to sign the contract of work, between the Promoter and the Contractor,
before starting the works, avoiding as much as possible the realization of the work by
The Project Management (Project Director and Project Execution Director) will be
provided with a copy of the work contract, in order to certify the agreed terms. It is
only advisable to contract for administration those irrelevant work items that are
difficult to quantify, or when a very careful finish is desired.
The work contract must foresee the possible interpretations and discrepancies that
may arise between the parties, as well as ensuring that the Project Management can,
in fact, COORDINATE, DIRECT and CONTROL the work, so it is convenient that they be
specified and clearly determined. , as a minimum, the following points:

 Documents to be contributed by the Contractor.

 Conditions of occupation of the site and start of works.
 Determination of the expenses of hookups and consumptions.

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 Responsibilities and obligations of the Contractor: Labor legislation.

 Responsibilities and obligations of the Promoter.
 Contractor's Budget. Price review (if applicable).
 Payment method: Certifications. Withholdings as guarantee (never less than
 Deadlines: Planning.
 Delay of the work: Penalties.
 Reception of the work: Provisional and definitive.
 Litigation between the parties.
Given that this Schedule of Economic Conditions is a complement to the work contract,
in the event that there is no contract for any work between the parties, it will be
communicated to the Facultative Office, which will make available to the parties the
present Bidding Terms of Economic Conditions that may be be used as a basis for the
drafting of the corresponding work contract.

1.3.3 General Criterion

All the agents involved in the construction process, defined in the Law 38/1999 of
Building Regulation (LOE), have the right to receive punctually the amounts accrued for
their correct performance in accordance with the contractually established conditions,
being able to demand reciprocally enough guarantees for the diligent fulfillment of
their payment obligations.

1.3.4 Bonds
The Contractor shall present a bond in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the
works contract: Execution of works under the bail

If the contractor refuses to do on his own the work required to complete the work
under the contracted conditions, the Construction Manager, on behalf of the
Promoter, will order them to execute a third party, or may do them directly by
administration, paying their amount with the deposit deposited, without prejudice to
the actions to which the Promoter is entitled, in the event that the amount of the
deposit is not sufficient to cover the amount of the expenses incurred in the units of
work that were not receipt.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Refund of the bonds

The bail received will be returned to the Contractor within a period established in the
work contract, once the Final Acceptance Certificate of the work has been signed. The
Promoter may demand that the Contractor credits him with the settlement and
settlement of his debts caused by the execution of the work, such as salaries, supplies
and subcontracts. Refund of the deposit in the case of partial receptions

If the Promoter, with the agreement of the Construction Director, agrees to make
partial receptions, the Contractor shall have the right to return the proportional part of
the deposit.

1.3.5 Prices
The main objective of the preparation of the budget is to anticipate the cost of the
process of building the work. We will decompose the budget into work units, a minor
component that is contracted and certified separately, and based on those prices, we
will calculate the budget. Basic price

It is the price per unit (ud, m, kg, etc.) of a material available on site, (including
transport to work, unloading on site, packaging, etc.) or the hourly price of machinery
and equipment. workforce. Unit price

It is the price of a unit of work that we will obtain as a sum of the following costs:

 Direct costs: calculated as the sum of the "basic price x quantity" products of
the labor, machinery and materials that intervene in the execution of the work
 Auxiliary means: Complementary direct costs, calculated as a percentage as a
percentage of other components, because they represent the direct costs
involved in the execution of the work unit and which are difficult to quantify.
They are different for each unit of work.

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 Indirect costs: applied as a percentage of the sum of direct costs and auxiliary
means, equal for each unit of work because they represent the costs of the
factors necessary for the execution of the work that do not correspond to any
unit of work in concrete.

In relation to the composition of prices, the current General Regulation of the

Contracts Law of Public Administrations (Royal Decree 1098/2001, of October 12)
establishes that the composition and calculation of the prices of the different work
units it is based on the determination of the direct and indirect costs required for its
execution, without including, in any case, the amount of the Value Added Tax that may
be levied on deliveries of goods or services rendered.
Consider direct costs:

 The labor force that intervenes directly in the execution of the work unit.
 The materials, at the resulting prices on site, that are integrated into the unit in
question or that are necessary for its execution.
 The personnel, fuel, energy, etc. expenses that take place due to the operation
or operation of the machinery and facilities used in the execution of the work
 The amortization and conservation expenses of the aforementioned machinery
and facilities.
The following should be included as indirect costs:
The expenses for the installation of offices on site, communications, building of
warehouses, workshops, temporary pavilions for workers, laboratories, etc., those
of technical and administrative personnel assigned exclusively to the work and the
contingencies. All these expenses, except those that are reflected in the budget
valued in units of work or in raised items, will be calculated in a percentage of the
direct costs, equal for all the units of work, which will be adopted, in each case, by
the author of the project in view of the nature of the projected work, the
importance of its budget and its expected execution period.
The technical characteristics of each work unit, in which all the necessary
specifications are included for its correct execution, can be found in the section on
'Prescriptions regarding Execution by

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Work Unit ', together with the description of the execution process of the work
If the description of the execution process of the work unit does not include any
necessary operation for its correct execution, it is understood that it is included in
the price of the work unit, so it will not involve an additional charge or increase in
the price of the work unit. unit of work contracted. Material Execution Budget (MEB)

It is the result of the sum of the unit prices of the different units of work that
compose it. The Budget of Material Execution is the result obtained by the sum of
the products of the number of each unit of work by its unit price and the raised
items. That is, the cost of the work without including general expenses, industrial
profit and value added tax. Contradictory prices

There will only be contradictory prices when the Promoter, through the
Construction Manager, decides to introduce units or quality changes in any of the
foreseen ones, or when it is necessary to face some unexpected circumstance.
The Contractor will always be obliged to make the indicated changes.
In the absence of agreement, the price will be resolved contradictorily between the
Project Manager and the Contractor before beginning the execution of the works
and within the term determined by the work contract or, failing that, within fifteen
working days from the start of the work. communicate convincingly to the
Construction Director. If the difference persists, we will go, first, to the more
analogous concept within the project's price table and, second, to the most
frequently used price bank in the locality.
The contradictory ones that there would be will always refer to the unitary prices
of the date of the contract of work. The date of the execution of the unit of work in
question will never be taken for the valuation of the corresponding contradictory
prices. Claim for price increase

If the Contractor, before signing the works contract, has not made the claim or
timely observation, it can not under any pretext of error or

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omission to claim an increase in the prices fixed in the corresponding table of the
budget that serves as the basis for the execution of the works. Traditional ways of measuring or applying prices

In no case may the Contractor claim the local customs and practices regarding the
application of the prices or the way of measuring the executed work units. It will be
as foreseen in the Budget and in the measurement criteria in the work included in
the Bidding Document. Of the revision of contracted prices

The budget presented by the Contractor is understood to be closed, therefore no
price revision will be applied.
Price revision will only be carried out when it has been explicitly determined in the
work contract between the Promoter and the Contractor. Collection of materials

The Contractor is obliged to execute the supplies of materials or work equipment
that the Promoter orders in writing.
The materials collected, once paid by the owner, are the exclusive property of the
owner, being the Contractor responsible for their storage and conservation.

1.3.6 Works by administration

They are called "Works by administration" those in which the steps required for its
realization are carried out directly by the Promoter, either by itself, by a
representative thereof or through a Contractor.
The works by administration are classified in two modalities:

 Works by direct administration.

 Works by delegated or indirect administration. Depending on the type of
contract, the work contract will regulate:
 Its settlement.
 The payment to the Contractor of the delegated administration accounts.
 The rules for the acquisition of materials and equipment.

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 Responsibilities of the Contractor in contracting by administration in general

and, in particular, due to the low performance of the workers.

1.3.7 Assessment and payment of the Works Form and deadlines for payment of works

It will be carried out by work certifications and the conditions will be included in the
work contract established between the parties involved (Promoter and Contractor),
which is ultimately valid.
Payments will be made by the property within the terms previously established in the
contract of work, and its amount will correspond precisely to the certifications of the
work formed by the Director of Execution of the Work, by virtue of which they are
The Construction Execution Director will carry out, in the form and conditions
established by the measurement criteria in the work incorporated in the Prescriptions
in terms of Execution by Unit of Work, the measurement of the work units executed
during the previous period of time, the Contractor may witness the performance of
such measurements.
For the works or parts of work that, by their dimensions and characteristics, have to be
later and definitely hidden, the contractor is obliged to notify the Director of the Work
Execution with sufficient advance, so that he can perform the corresponding
measurements and data collection, raising the planes that define them, whose
compliance the Contractor will subscribe.
In the absence of advance notice, whose existence corresponds to prove to the
Contractor, he is obliged to accept the decisions of the Promoter on the subject. Valuable relationships and certifications

In the terms established in the contract of work between the Promoter and the
Contractor, the latter will formulate a valued relation of the works executed during the
scheduled dates, according to the measurement practiced by the Director of Execution
of the Work.
The work certifications will be the result of applying, to the amount of work actually
executed, the contracted prices of the work units. However, the excesses of work done
in units, such as excavations

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and concrete, which are attributable to the Contractor, will not be subject to any
certification. The payments will be made by the Promoter within the periods
previously established, and their amount will correspond to the work certifications,
formed by the Facultative Management.
They will have the character of document and deliveries to a good account, subject to
the rectifications and variations that derive from the Final Liquidation, neither
assuming such partial certifications the acceptance, approval, nor reception of the
works they comprise.
The valued relationships will contain only the work executed within the term to which
the valuation refers. If the Facultative Direction requires it, the certifications will be
extended to origin. Improvement of freely executed works

When the Contractor, even with the authorization of the Construction Director, used
materials of more careful preparation or of greater size than the one indicated in the
project or substituted a class of factory for another one that had assigned a higher
price, or executed with greater dimensions any part of the work, or, in general,
introduced in it and without requesting it, any other modification that is beneficial in
the opinion of the Facultative Direction, will have no right other than the payment of
what could correspond to it in the event that the work had been built with strict
subjection to the projected and contracted or awarded. Payment of works budgeted with a lump sum

The payment of the works budgeted in a lump sum will be made prior justification by
the Contractor. For this purpose, the Construction Manager shall indicate to the
Contractor, prior to its execution, the procedure to be followed to maintain said
account. Payment of special jobs not contracted

When it is necessary to carry out any type of work of a special or ordinary nature that,
because it is not contracted, is not of the Contractor's account, and if they are not
contracted with a third person, the Contractor will have to perform them and satisfy
the expenses of all class that they cause, which will be paid by the Property separately
and under the conditions stipulated in the contract of work.

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM Payment of works executed during the warranty period

Once the provisional reception was made, and if during the warranty period any work
had been carried out, for its payment, the following procedure will be followed:

 If the works carried out were specified in the Project, and without just cause,
they would not have been carried out by the Contractor. In due time, and the
Project Manager required its completion during the warranty period, they will
be valued at the prices included in the Budget and paid in accordance with the
provisions of these Terms and Conditions, without being subject to price
 If precise works have been executed for the repair of damages caused by the
use of the building, since it has been used during that period by the Promoter,
they will be valued and paid at the previously agreed prices of the day.
 If work has been carried out for the repair of damages caused by deficiency of
the construction or the quality of the materials, nothing shall be paid by them
to the Contractor.

1.3.8 Mutual Compensation Compensation for delaying the completion period of the works

If, for reasons attributable to the Contractor, the works are delayed in their completion
in relation to the expected execution period, the Promoter may impose the
Contractor, with a charge to the last certification, the penalties established in the
contract, which shall never be less than prejudice that could cause the delay of the
work. Delay of payments by the Promoter

The conditions to be fulfilled by both will be regulated in the work contract. Improvements, increases and / or reductions of work

Only work improvements will be admitted, in the event that the Construction Manager
has ordered in writing the execution of new works or that they improve the quality of
the contracted ones, as well as the materials and machinery foreseen in the contract.

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Work increases will only be allowed in the units contracted, in the event that the
Project Manager has ordered in writing the extension of those contracted as a result of
observing errors in the project measurements.
In both cases it will be an indispensable condition that both contracting parties, before
their execution or employment, agree in writing the total amounts of the improved
units, the prices of the new materials or machinery ordered to be used and the
increases that all these improvements or increases of work suppose over the amount
of the contracted units.
The same criteria and procedure will be followed when the Project Manager
introduces innovations that imply a reduction in the amounts of the contracted work
units. Defective work units

Defective works will not be valued. Construction insurance

The Contractor is obliged to insure the contracted work during the entire duration of
its execution, until final acceptance. Conservation of the work

The Contractor is obliged to keep the contracted work during the entire duration of its
execution, until the definitive reception. Use by the Contractor of the Promoter's building or property

The Contractor may not make use of the building or property of the Promoter during
the execution of the works without the consent of the same.
When the Contractor leaves the building, both for the good completion of the works
and for the termination of the contract, he is obliged to leave it unoccupied and clean
within the term stipulated in the work contract. Payment of excise taxes

The payment of taxes and excise taxes in general, municipal or of another origin, on
fences, lighting, etc., whose payment must be made during the time of execution of
the works and by inherent concepts to the own works that are

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performed, shall be borne by the Contractor, provided that the contract of work does
not stipulate otherwise.

1.3.9 Withholdings as collateral

A percentage will be deducted from the total amount of the certifications, which will
be retained as a guarantee. This value must never be less than five percent (5%) and
will be liable for poorly executed work and for the damages that may be caused to the
This withholding as a guarantee will remain in the hands of the Promoter during the
time designated as the WARRANTY PERIOD, which can be said retention, "in cash" or
through a bank guarantee guaranteeing the total amount of the retention.
If the Contractor refuses to do on his own the work required to complete the work
under the contracted conditions, the Project Manager, on behalf of the Promoter, will
order them to execute a third party, or may do them directly by administration, paying
the amount with the deposit deposited, without prejudice to the actions to which the
Promoter is entitled, in the event that the amount of the deposit is not sufficient to
cover the amount of the expenses incurred in the units of work that were not of
The bond retained as a guarantee will be returned to the Contractor within the period
stipulated in the contract, once the Final Acceptance Certificate of the work has been
signed. The developer may demand that the Contractor credit him with the settlement
and settlement of his debts attributable to the execution of the work, such as salaries,
supplies or subcontracts. Execution deadlines: Work planning

The work contract must include the execution and delivery deadlines, both total and
partial. In addition, it will be convenient to attach to the respective contract a Planning
of the execution of the work where graphically and in detail the duration of the
different work items that must conform the contracting parties. Economic settlement of works

Simultaneously with the release of the last certification, the Economic Liquidation Act
of the works will be executed, which must be signed by the Promoter and the
Contractor. In this act the work will be terminated and

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will be delivered, where appropriate, the keys, the corresponding bulletins duly
completed in accordance with the Regulations in force, as well as the technical
projects and permits of the contracted facilities.
Said Act of Economic Liquidation will act as Provisional Reception of the works, for
which it will be formed by the Promoter, the Contractor, the Construction Director and
the Execution Director of the Work, being from that moment the conservation and
custody of the same by the Promoter.
The said reception of the works, provisional and definitive, is regulated as described in
the General Provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Final settlement of the work

Between the Promoter and Contractor, the liquidation of the work must be done in
accordance with the certifications made by the Construction Management. If the
liquidation is made without the approval of the Construction Management, it will only
mediate, in case of disagreement or disagreement, in the appeal before the Courts.

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2.1 Requirements on materials

This project specifies the technical characteristics that the products, equipment and
systems supplied must meet.
The products, equipment and systems supplied must meet the conditions that are
specified in the different documents that make up the Project. Likewise, their qualities
will be in accordance with the different norms that are published about them and that
will be complementary to this section of the Bidding Document. The materials that are
in possession of a Technical Suitability Document that endorses their qualities, issued
by recognized Technical Organizations, will have preference in terms of their
This control of the reception of products, equipment and systems on site will be
carried out according to article 7.2. of the CTE:

 The control of the documentation of the supplies, made in accordance with

article 7.2.1.
 The control by means of quality marks or technical evaluations of suitability,
according to article 7.2.2.
 Control by means of tests, according to article 7.2.3.
On the part of the Constructor or Contractor there must be an obligation to
communicate to the suppliers of products the qualities required for the different
materials, advising that prior to the use of the same the approval of the Director of
Execution of the Work and of the entities and laboratories responsible for quality
control of the work.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the materials used to comply with the required
conditions, regardless of the level of quality control established for the acceptance
The Contractor shall notify the Director of Execution of the Work, with sufficient
advance, the provenance of the materials it intends to use, providing, when requested
by the Director of Execution of the Work, the samples and data necessary to decide on
its acceptance.

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These materials will be recognized by the Director of Work Execution before their use
on site, without whose approval they can not be collected on site, nor can they be
placed. Likewise, even after placed on site, those materials that present defects not
perceived in the first recognition, whenever it is detrimental to the good finish of the
work, will be removed from the work. All expenses incurred will be borne by the
The fact that the Contractor subcontracts any item of work does not exempt him from
his responsibility.
The simple inspection or examination by the Technicians does not imply the absolute
reception of the same, being the appropriate tests that determine their suitability, not
extinguishing the contractual responsibility of the Contractor for these purposes until
the definitive reception of the work.

2.1.1 Quality assurance (CE Marking)

The term construction product is defined as any product manufactured for its
incorporation, on a permanent basis, to building and civil engineering works that have
an impact on the following essential requirements:

 Mechanical resistance and stability.

 Security in case of fire.
 Hygiene, health and the environment.
 Security of use.
 Protection against noise.
 Energy saving and thermal insulation.
The CE marking of a construction product indicates:
That it complies with certain technical specifications related to the essential
requirements contained in the Harmonized Standards (EN) and in the ETA Guidelines
(Guidelines for the European Technical Suitability Document).
That the system of evaluation and verification of the constancy of the benefits
indicated in the mandates relative to the harmonized standards and in the harmonized
technical specifications has been complied with.
Being the manufacturer responsible for its fixation and the competent authority in
matters of industry which ensures the correct use of the CE marking.

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It is the obligation of the Director of the Execution of the Work to verify if the products
entering the work are affected by compliance with the CE marking system and, if so, if
the conditions established in Royal Decree 1630/1992 are met. by which the Directive
of Construction Products 89/106 / CEE is transposed to our legal system.
The CE marking is materialized by the symbol "CE" accompanied by complementary
The manufacturer must take care that the CE mark appears, in order of preference:

 In the product itself.

 On a label attached to it.
 In its packaging or packaging.
 In the commercial documentation that accompanies it.

The letters of the CE symbol must have a vertical dimension of not less than 5 mm.
In addition to the CE symbol, a series of complementary inscriptions must be located in
one of the four possible locations, whose specific content is determined in the
harmonized standards and ETA Guides for each family of products, including:

 the identification number of the notified body (where applicable)

 the trade name or distinguishing mark of the manufacturer
 the address of the manufacturer
 the trade name or the distinguishing mark of the factory
 the last two digits of the year in which the marking was stamped on the
 the number of the CE certificate of conformity (where applicable)
 the number of the harmonized standard and in case of being affected by
several numbers of all of them
 the product designation, its intended use and its standardized designation
 additional information that allows identify the characteristics of the product
according to its technical specifications

The inscriptions complement CE mark markings do not have to have a special format,
typeface, color or composition, only the characteristics outlined above for the symbol
must be fulfilled.

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Within the characteristics of the product we can find that some of them present the
mention "Not determined benefit" (PND). The PND option is a class that can be
considered if at least one member state does not have legal requirements for a certain
characteristic and the manufacturer does not wish to provide the value of that

2.1.2 Steels for metal structures Steels in rolled sections

Supply conditions

 Steels must be transported in a safe manner, so that permanent deformation

does not occur and surface damage is minimal. The components must be
protected against possible damage to the slinging points (where they are
fastened to lift them).
 The prefabricated components that are stored before transport or assembly
must be stacked above the ground and without direct contact with it. Any
accumulation of water should be avoided. The components must be kept clean
and placed so as to avoid permanent deformation.

Reception and control

For flat products:

 Unless otherwise agreed, the state of supply of flat products of type S235, S275
and S355 of grade JR is at the choice of the manufacturer.
 If inspection and testing is requested in the order, the following must be
 Type of inspection and tests (specific or non-specific).
 The type of inspection document.
 For long products:
 Unless otherwise agreed, the state of supply of long products of type S235,
S275 and S355 of JR grade is at the manufacturer's discretion.

Storage and handling

If the materials have been stored for a long period of time, or in such a way that they
may have suffered significant deterioration, they must be checked before being used,
to ensure that

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they continue to comply with the corresponding product standard. Steel products
resistant to atmospheric corrosion may require a light trickle before use to provide a
uniform base for exposure to the weather.
The material should be stored under conditions that comply with the manufacturer's
instructions, when these are available.
Recommendations for use on site
The material should not be used if the shelf life specified by its manufacturer has been

2.2 Prescriptions regarding the Execution by Work Unit

The requirements for the execution of each one of the different work units are
organized in the following sections:
Measures to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements and
construction systems that make up the work unit
They are specified, if they exist, the possible incompatibilities, both physical and
chemical, between the various components that make up the work unit, or between
the support and the components.
Technical characteristics
The work unit is described, detailing in detail the elements that compose it, with the
correct specific nomenclature of each of them, according to the criteria established by
the regulations themselves.
Application regulations
The standards that affect the realization of the work unit are specified.
Measurement criteria in the project
Indicates how the unit of work has been measured in the drafting phase of the project,
a measurement that will then be checked on site.
Preconditions that must be fulfilled before the execution of the work units
Before the execution of each of the work units begins, the Director of the Execution of
the Work will have received the required materials and certificates, in basis as
established in the

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Relevant documentation by the technical editor of the project. The prior acceptance by
the Director of the Execution of the Work of all the materials that constitute the work
unit will be mandatory.
Likewise, a series of preliminary checks will be carried out on the conditions of the
support, the environmental conditions of the environment, and the qualification of the
workforce, where appropriate.
Of the support
A series of previous requirements is established on the state of the units of work
previously realized, that can serve of support to the new unit of work.
In certain climatic conditions (wind, rain, humidity, etc.) the works of execution of the
work unit can not be started, they must be interrupted or it will be necessary to adopt
a series of protective measures.
Of the contractor
In some cases, it will be necessary the presentation to the Director of the Execution of
the Work of a series of documents on the part of the Contractor, that prove his
qualification, or the one of the company by him outsourced, to realize certain type of
works. For example, the implementation of construction systems in possession of a
Technical Approval Document (DIT), must be carried out by the company owning the
DIT, or by specialized and qualified companies, recognized by it and under its technical
Execution process
In this section, the execution process of each work unit is developed, ensuring at all
times the conditions that allow achieving the level of quality expected for each
particular construction element.
Phases of execution
The phases of the execution process of the work unit are listed in order of execution.
Termination conditions
In some work units reference is made to the conditions under which a specific work
unit must be completed, so that it does not negatively interfere in the execution
process of the other units.

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Once the work corresponding to the execution of each work unit has been completed,
the Contractor will remove the auxiliary means and proceed to clean the element
made and the work areas, collecting the remains of materials and other waste
originated by the operations carried out for execute the work unit, all of them being
classified, loaded and transported to a recycling center, a specific landfill or a reception
or transfer center.
Service tests
In those units of work that are necessary, the service tests to be carried out by the
Contractor or installation company are indicated, whose cost is included in the price of
the work unit itself.
Those other tests of service or tests that are not included in the price of the unit of
work, and that its realization by means of accredited laboratories are detailed and
budgeted, in the corresponding chapter X of Quality Control and Tests, of the Material
Execution Budget (PEM).
For example, this is what happens in the ADP010 work unit, where it is indicated that
the cost of the density and humidity test is not included in the unit price.
Conservation and maintenance
In some work units, the conditions in which they must be protected for the correct
conservation and maintenance on site are established, until their final reception.
Criterion of measurement in work and conditions of payment Indicates how the
Project measurements will be checked on site, once all the quality controls have been
passed and the final acceptance by the Project Execution Director has been obtained.
The measurement of the number of work units to be paid will be made, where
appropriate, in accordance with the rules established in this chapter, will take place in
the presence and with the intervention of the Contractor, understanding that the
latter waives this right if, timely advised, do not appear on time. In such case, the
result that the Director of the Execution of the Work records will be valid.
All work units will be paid at the prices established in the Budget. These prices will be
paid for the finished units and

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executed in accordance with the present Technical Specifications and Prescriptions in

terms of Execution by Unit of Work.
These units include the supply, fees, transportation, handling and use of materials,
machinery, auxiliary means, labor necessary for its execution and indirect costs derived
from these concepts, as well as how many circumstantial needs are required for the
execution of the work , such as compensation for damages to third parties or
temporary occupations and costs of obtaining the necessary permits, as well as the
operations necessary for the replacement of easements and public or private services
affected by the process of execution of the works and by the facilities auxiliary.
Likewise, those concepts that are specified in the definition of each unit of work, the
operations described in the execution process, the tests and tests of service and
commissioning, inspections, permits, bulletins, licenses, fees or similar.
The Contractor will not pay a greater volume of any type of work than the one defined
in the plans or in the modifications authorized by the Project Manager. Neither will it
be paid, in its case, the cost of the restoration of the work to its correct dimensions,
nor the work that would have had to be done by order of the Facultative Direction to
correct any defect of execution.
Terminology applied in the measurement criterion.
Next, the meaning of some of the terms used in the different chapters of the work is
Metallic structures
Measured nominal weight. It will be the kg that results from applying to the metallic
structural elements the nominal weights that, according to dimensions and type of
steel, appear in tables.

2.2.1 Structures
Work unit EAV010: Steel S355JR in beams, supports and braces, with simple pieces of
hollow profiles for construction, finished in hot type SHS with welded joints.
Measures to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements and
construction systems that make up the work unit.

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The weld zone is not painted.

Steel will not be put in direct contact with other metals or with casts.
Technical characteristics
Supply and assembly of laminated steel UNE-EN 10025 S355JR, in hollow profiles
finished in hot, simple pieces type SHS, for beams, supports and braces, by means of
welded joints. Worked and assembled in the workshop, with surface preparation in
SA21 / 2 grade according to UNE-EN ISO 8501-1 and subsequent application of two
coats of primer with a minimum dry film thickness of 30 microns per hand, except in
the area in which Work welds must be made in a distance of 100 mm from the edge of
the weld. Even p / p of preparation of edges, welds, cuts, special pieces, trimming and
repair on site of any damage caused by transport, handling or assembly, with the same
degree of surface preparation and priming.
Application regulations

 CTE. DB-SE-A Structural safety: Steel.

 UNE-EN 1090-2. Execution of steel and aluminum structures. Part 2:
Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures.
 NTE-EAV. Steel structures: Beams.

Measurement criterion in project

Nominal weight measured according to the Project's graphic documentation.
Preconditions that must be fulfilled before the execution of the work units:
No welding work will be carried out when the temperature is below 0 ° C.
From the contractor
Submit for the approval, to the Director of Execution of the work, the assembly
program of the structure, based on the indications of the Project, as well as the
documentation that proves that the welders involved in its execution are certified by
an accredited body.
Execution process

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Phases of execution
Cleaning and preparation of the support plane. Staking and marking of axes.
Provisional placement and fixing of the beam. Aplomado and leveling. Execution of the
unions. Repair of superficial defects.
Termination conditions
Loads will be transmitted correctly to the structure. The surface finish will be adequate
for the subsequent protection treatment.
Criterion of measurement in work and conditions of payment
It will be determined, from the weight obtained in official scale of the units arrived at
work, the weight of the units actually executed according to Project specifications.

2.2.2 Coatings
Work unit RLC010: Surface treatment of anticorrosive protection for steel elements by
anticorrosive primer based on epoxy resin and zinc phosphate, applied in two coats
(100 μ).
Technical characteristics
Formation of protection layer against oxidation in steel elements, by anticorrosive
primer based on epoxy resin and zinc phosphate, applied by brush, short hair roller or
spray gun, in two hands, until reaching a total thickness of 100 μ. Even p / p cleaning
the support surface.
Application regulations

 CTE. DB-SE-A Structural safety: Steel.

 UNE-EN 1090-2. Execution of steel and aluminum structures. Part 2:
Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures.

Measurement criteria in the project

Measured surface according to the Project's graphic documentation, with the same
criteria as the base support.
Preconditions that have to be fulfilled before the execution of the work units
Of the support

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It will be checked that the support is clean, dry, free of oxides, dust and grease.
works will be suspended when the ambient temperature or the temperature of the
support is lower than 5 ° C or higher than 30 ° C.
Execution process
Phases of execution
Cleaning the support. Application of the product
Termination conditions
The applied layers will be uniform and will have adhesion between them and with the
Conservation and maintenance
It will be protected from rain at least during the 3 hours following its application.
Criterion of measurement in work and conditions of payment
The surface actually executed according to Project specifications will be measured,
with the same criteria as the base support.

2.2.3 Quality control and tests

Work unit XMP020: Test of soldering ability on a welded sample of laminated profile,
with determination of: decrease of the total burst load.
Technical characteristics
Tests to be carried out in an accredited laboratory in the corresponding technical area,
on a welded sample of rolled profile for use in metallic structure, taken on site, to
confirm its suitability for welding by determining the following characteristics:
decrease of the total load of breakage. Even displacement to work and report results.
Criteria for measurement in project
Test to be carried out, according to the documentation of the Quality Control Plan.
Phases of execution

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Displacement to work. Sampling. Conducting tests. Writing report of the results of the
tests carried out.
Work unit XMP030: Test on a sample of rolled profile, with determination of the
thickness of the coating.
Technical characteristics
Tests to be carried out in an accredited laboratory in the corresponding technical area,
on a sample of rolled profile for use in metallic structure, taken on site, for the
determination of the thickness of the coating, according to UNE-EN ISO 2808. Even
displacement to work Results report.
Criteria for measurement in project
Test to be carried out, according to the documentation of the Quality Control Plan.
Phases of execution
Displacement to work. Sampling. Conducting tests. Writing report of the results of the
tests carried out.
Work unit XMS020: Non-destructive test on a welded joint, using magnetic particles.
Measures to ensure compatibility between the different products, elements and
construction systems that make up the work unit.
The magnetic particle test will be carried out only on ferromagnetic materials.
Technical characteristics
Non-destructive test to be carried out by accredited laboratory in the corresponding
technical area, on a welded joint in metallic structure, by means of magnetic particles
for the determination of the superficial imperfections of the joint, according to UNE-
EN ISO 17638. Even displacement to work Results report.
Criteria for measurement in project
Test to be carried out, according to the documentation of the Quality Control Plan.
Phases of execution
Displacement to work. Realization of the essay. Writing report of the result of the test
carried out.

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Criterion of measurement in work and conditions of payment

The number of tests carried out by accredited laboratory will be measured according
to Project specifications.

2.3 Prescriptions on verifications in the finished building

2.3.1 Structures
Once the execution of each phase of the structure has finished, upon entering the
load, its effective behavior will be checked visually, verifying that no deformations not
foreseen in the project occur nor cracks appear in the structural elements.
Otherwise, when a problem is detected, load tests must be carried out, the cost of
which will be borne by the construction company, to evaluate the safety of the
structure, in its entirety or part of it. These load tests will be carried out in accordance
with a Test Plan that evaluates the viability of the tests, by an organization with
experience in this type of work, directed by a competent technician.

2.4 Requirements in relation to the storage, handling,

separation and other management operations of
construction and demolition waste
The corresponding Management Study of Construction and Demolition Waste will
contain the following requirements in relation to the storage, handling, separation and
other management operations of the construction waste:
The temporary deposit of the debris will be made in metal containers with the location
and conditions established in the municipal ordinances, or in industrial sacks with a
volume of less than one cubic meter, being duly marked and segregated from the rest
of the waste.
Those valuable waste, such as wood, plastic, scrap, etc., will be deposited in properly
marked and segregated containers from the rest of the waste, in order to facilitate its

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The person in charge of the work to which the container provides service will adopt
the pertinent measures to prevent the deposit of residues foreign to it. The containers
will remain closed or covered outside of working hours, in order to avoid the deposit of
remains foreign to the work and the spillage of the waste.
In the construction team, the human, technical and separation methods that will be
dedicated to each type of RCD must be established.
The requirements established in the municipal ordinances, the requirements and
conditions of the work license must be complied with, especially if they oblige the
separation at source of certain materials subject to recycling or deposition, the builder
or the work manager having to carry out an economic evaluation of the conditions in
which this operation is viable, considering the real possibilities of carrying it out, that is
to say, that the work or construction allows it and that suitable recycling plants or
managers are available.
The constructor must carry out a strict documentary control, so that the transporters
and managers of RCD present the vouchers for each withdrawal and delivery at the
final destination.
In the event that the waste is reused in other works or restoration projects,
documentary evidence of the final destination must be provided. The remains derived
from the washing of the gutters of the prefabricated concrete supply tanks will be
considered as waste and managed accordingly (LER 17 01 01).
The contamination by toxic or dangerous products of plastic materials, wood remains,
stockpiles or rubbish containers will be avoided, in order to proceed to its proper
The surface lands that can be used for gardening or the recovery of degraded soils, will
be carefully removed and stored for the shortest possible time, arranged in ridges not
higher than 2 meters, avoiding excessive humidity, handling and contamination

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CHAPTER 1. Structure ________________________________________________ 137
CHAPTER 2. Essays ___________________________________________________137
CHAPTER 3. Paintings ________________________________________________ 137

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Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

CHAPTER 1. Structure
1.1 Kg Steel S355JR in beams, supports and braces, with simple pieces of hollow
profiles for construction, finished in hot type SHS with welded joints.

Name P.ig Subtotal

SHS profiles 350X350X10 10592,6 10.592,599
SHS profiles 250X250X8 12052 12.051,988
SHS profiles 200X200X8 7974,62 7.974,618
SHS profiles 200X200X5 3428,34 3.428,338
SHS profiles 140X140X5 654,536 654,536
SHS profiles 120X120X5 9758 9.758,02
SHS profiles 60X60X8 270,438 270,438
SHS profiles 60X60X4 1365,14 1.365,138
SHS profiles 50X50X3 302,243 302,243
TOTAL Kg 46.397,860

CHAPTER 2. Essays
2.1 XMP020 Ud Welding ability test on a welded sample of Total Ud; 5,00
rolled profile, with determination of: decrease
of the total burst load.
2.2 XMS020 Ud Non-destructive test on a welded joint, using Total Ud; 30,00
magnetic particles.

CHAPTER 3. Paintings
Surface treatment of corrosion protection for steel elements by anticorrosive primer based on epoxy
resin and zinc phosphate, applied in two coats (100 μ).

Name P.ig L b Subtotal

SHS profiles 4 100,00 0,350 140,00
SHS profiles 4 200,00 0,250 200,00
SHS profiles 4 167,163 0,200 133,730
SHS profiles 4 112,903 0,200 90,322
SHS profiles 4 31,241 0,140 17,495
SHS profiles 4 547,853 0,120 262,969
SHS profiles 4 21,541 0,060 5,170
SHS profiles 4 197,938 0,060 47,505
SHS profiles 4 69,541 0,050 13,908
Total m² 911,099

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PRICE TABLE Nº1 _______________________________________________________ 143

PRICE TABLE Nº2 _______________________________________________________ 143

BOARD OF WORFORCE__________________________________________________ 145

BOARD OF MATERIALS __________________________________________________ 145

BOARD OF MACHINES ___________________________________________________ 145

PARTIAL BUDGETS ______________________________________________________ 146

Chapter 1. Structure ____________________________________________________ 146

Chapter 2. Essays _______________________________________________________ 146

Chapter 3. Paintings _____________________________________________________ 146

BUDGET RESUM ________________________________________________________ 146

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Nº Name Price

Number Letter
1.1 Structure kg Steel S355JR in beams, supports and braces, with 2,09 two euros with nine cents
simple pieces of hollow profiles for construction, finished in hot
type SHS with welded joints.

2.1 Essays Ud Test of soldering ability on a welded sample of rolled 187,50 one hundred eighty seven
profile, with determination of: decrease of the total burst load euros with fifty cents

2.2 Essays You Non-destructive test on a welded joint, by means of 35,87 Thirty five euros witch
magnetic particles. eighty seven cents

3.1 Paintings m² Surface treatment of anticorrosive protection for steel 19,58 Nineteen euros with fifty
elements by anticorrosive primer based on epoxy resin and zinc eight cents
phosphate, applied in two coats (100 μ).


Nº Name Price

Parcial Total (€)

1 Structure

1.1 kg Steel S355JR in beams, supports and

braces, with simple pieces of hollow
profiles for construction, hot finishes type
SHS with welded joints


Official 1st erector of metal structure. 0.021 h 16,700 0,35

Assistant assembler of metal structure. 0.021 h 15,370 0.32


Auxiliary elements and equipment for 0.016 h 3,000 0,05

electrical welding


Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Laminated steel UNE-EN 10025 S355JR, in 1,05 kg 0,990 1,04

hot-finished tubular profiles according to
standard EN 10210, single parts, for
structural applications.

Quick drying primer, formulated with 0,05 l 4,630 0,23

modified alkyd resins and zinc phosphate


2 Essays

2.1 Ud Test of soldering ability on a welded

sample of rolled profile, with
determination of: decrease of the total
burst load.


Report of results of the test of aptitude to 1,000 Ud 92,670 92,67

the welding in work on a welded sample
of profile laminated in metallic structure.

Tensile test of a welded steel 1,000 Ud 54,200 54,20

specimen for the calculation of the
reduction of the total burst load.

Repercussion of displacement to work for 1,000 Ud 0,710 0,71

the taking of samples

Take on samples of laminated metal 1,000 Ud 30,890 30,89

structure profile, whose weight does not
exceed 50 kg.


You Non-destructive test on a welded

joint, using magnetic particles

Non-destructive test on a welded joint, 1,000 Ud 34,150 34,15

using magnetic particles, according to
UNE-EN ISO 17638, including
displacement to work and report of

3 Paintings 34,15

3.1 m² Surface treatment of anticorrosive

protection for steel elements by
anticorrosive primer based on epoxy resin

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

and zinc phosphate, applied in two coats

(100 μ).


Official 1st painter 0,549 h 15,900 8,73

Painter assistant 0,329 h 14,640 4,82


Anticorrosive primer based on epoxy 0,300 Kg 16,980 5,09

resin and zinc phosphate


Board of workforce
Num Name of the workforce Price Hours Total

1 Official 1st erector of metal structure. 16,700 974,355 16.271,73

2 Official 1st painter. 15,900 500,193 7.953,07

3 Assistant assembler of metal structure. 15,370 974,355 14.975,84

4 Painter assistant 14,640 299,752 4.388,37

Total 43.589,01

Board of materials
Num Name of material Price Quantity Total

1 Report of results of the test of aptitude to 92,670 5,000 Ud 463,35

the welding in work on a welded sample
of profile laminated in metallic structure.

2 Tensile test of a welded steel specimen for 54,200 5,000 Ud 271,00

the calculation of the reduction of the
total burst load

3 Non-destructive test on a welded joint, 34,160 30,000 Ud 1.024,50

using magnetic particles, according to
UNE-EN ISO 17638, including
displacement to work and report of results

4 Take on samples of laminated metal 30,890 5,000 Ud 154,45

structure profile, whose weight does not
exceed 50 kg.

5 Anticorrosive primer based on epoxy resin 16,980 273,000 Kg 4.641,14

and zinc phosphate

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

6 Quick drying primer, formulated with 4,630 2.319,893 l 10.230,58

modified alkyd resins and zinc phosphate
7 Laminated steel UNE-EN 10025 S355JR, in 0,990 48.717,753 Kg 48.230,58
hot-finished tubular profiles according to
standard EN 10210, single parts, for
structural applications.
8 Repercussion of displacement to work for 0,710 5,000 Ud 3,55
the taking of samples.
Total 65.529,67

Board of Machinery

Num Name of the Machine Price Qt Total

1 Auxiliary elements and equipment for electrical 3,000 742,366 h 2.227,10


Total 2.227,10

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM

Partial budgets
Chapter 1. Structure
Num Description Measurement Price (€) Total (€)

1.1 Steel S355JR in beams, supports and braces, 46.397,860 2,09 96.971,53
with simple pieces of hollow profiles for
construction, finished in hot type SHS with
welded joints. (Kg)

Total 96.971,53

Chapter 1. Essays

Num Description Measurement Price (€) Total (€)

2.1 Welding test on a soldered sample of rolled 5,000 187,50 937,50

profile, with determination of: decrease of
the total burst load (Ud)

2.2 Non-destructive test on a welded joint, using 30,000 35,87 1.076,10

magnetic particles
Total 2.013,60

Chapter 1. Paintings

Num Description Measurement Price (€) Total (€)

3.1 Surface treatment of corrosion protection for 911,099 19,58 17.839,32

steel elements by anticorrosive primer based
on epoxy resin and zinc phosphate, applied in
two coats (100 μ). (m2)

Total 17.839,32

Jorge Poveda Catalán Nº 1171744 PESTM


Chapter Amount
1. Structure 96.971,53

2. Essays 2.013,60

3. Paintings 17.839,32

Budget of material execution 116.824,45

13% overhead 15.187,18

6% industrial profit 7.009,47

Sum 139.021,10

23% IVA 31.974,853

Contract execution budget 170.995,95

It increases the budget of execution by contract to the expressed amount of one

hundred seventy thousand nine hundred ninety five euros with ninety five cents.


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