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The Psychological Self

Self-concept- how someone thinks about or how they perceive

themselves. The 14 yrs old kid Kosuke Kira, he thinks because
he’s just a kid he can pretty much get away with everything
without consequence.
The Existential self- being separate and distinct from others.
The Doctor Masahito Date, thinks that his way superior
compare to the others, also there is no life is much important
than his.
The categorical self- ability to put the self into categories. With
the knowledge of Kosuke Kira in Btooom and Ryota Sakamoto’s
skills, when the two got into a fight, Kosuke realized that Ryota
was also a Btooom player.
Self Esteem-refers to how we accept, approve or how much we
value ourselves. Himiko’s self-esteem is low, she’s always
scared, and with her hatred of Men, she’s do anything even to
the extent of which she’ll kill herself as long as no Men touch
Self-Efficacy-a belief of one’ ability to achieve goals, Nobutaka
Oda, with his confidence he was able to get the girl that Ryota
really likes, plus even when he got kicked out of school his life
did not stop from moving forward, another is when the
briefcase full of foods was being chased by Ryota, Nobutaka’s
determination prevail and he was able to get the food supply.
The Sexual Self
Secondary Sexual Characteristics-body structure, male or
female sex organs, also may include facial hair and Adams
apple. In Btooom only the noticeable characteristics was
Himiko’s large breast and Kiyoshi’s facial hair.
Erogenous Zone-part of the human body with heighten
sensitivity, In Btooom the group of men rape Himiko’s friends,
which started with arousal and end with orgasm. Also Himiko
was molested by the fat dude, grasping her breast, although
she doesn’t want this but she feels aroused by it.
Understanding Sexual Respond-there can be positive and
negative response from a partner, if he or she likes there has
four phases, excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution, on
the other hand if you are forcing your partner he or she can be
traumatized like what happened to Himiko when she witnessed
the rape of her friends and almost being rape as well.
Diversity of Sexual Orientation- to know one’s characteristics
without the need to specify each of the identities, when Himiko
got knock out, Ryota saw a fraction of Himiko’s panty and still
want to see more.
Sexually Transmitted Infection-spread by unprotected coitus,
when the boy band rape Himiko’s friends, they take turns on
raping the girls, this could lead to STI.
Family planning and contraception-By the end of the series the
two protagonist want to have coitus, Ryota knowing that
Himiko is still afraid of men touching her, he respected her for it
and did not went through with it.
The Spiritual Self
Belief in Supernatural Beings-Kiyoshi, believes in Buddha, he
prayed that Buddha save them, in “why are we drawn to this
beliefs?” it’s in his culture or social influence, although this was
not showed in the anime, it’s safe to assume that kiyoshi
believe Buddha because of culture.
Practice of Religion-the freedom of individuals to manifesr
belief in public or private areas. Kiyoshi prayed in the open or
public, to which Ryota could hear his prayer.
Rituals and ceremony-
Finding and Creating Meaning-we tend to search for answers,
the protagonist, or most of the characters in btooom ask their
selves why are they in the island, what did they do etc. We exist
first before we find our true essence, the nurse Shiki she
thought that her essence was to serve and protect the doctor
Masahito, but when he betrayed her, she swore that she will
kill him but in the end she could not do it, but instead she
nursed him when he got injured.

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