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Concept Paper

Music Lover

A music lover is a person that likes or being

enthusiastic to music. Almost all people likes musics, it is
part of our life. Music lover also called a “melophile”
which means “music fanatic in practice or commonly to
describe a person who loves music”.As a music lover,we
performed with a different kinds of instruments and
vocal techniques to enhance our skills and talents.

The musics that we loved has played a great role

in today’s society, on an average, music lovers listen or
watch music videos four to five hours a day or maybe it
could take longer as long as he/she wants because of
the passion and love on music. It is also known that
music can alter and heighten a person’s emotions, and it
can also dominate conversations.

A music lover can vary to the genre or type of

musics they wanted. We have an example of these are;
rock, opm, ballad, pop and etc. A person’s personality
can also be known by knowing what genre of music they
always like to hear. Many of music lovers don’t
accompanied with another music lovers because of thier
differ own likings of thier genres like a metal head music
lover don’t like pop genre.
Being a music lover,Music helps us to relief stress
and could hinder struggles and problems example of
some of music lovers ignored the world when they
listening musics by using earphones.Music may also
enhance thier knowledge by understanding the message
of the songs.Commonly,there are lots of moral lessons of
the songs that they heard or read and the music lovers
could apply them.Several people might changed thier
lives or personality by being influenced of music.

There are kinds of music lover.The one who

conducts music,the other one who just listens
music.Unfortunetly being a music lover could may
him/her popular by willing doing efforts to compose
musics depends of the systematic of the songs.

As of now there will be more amount of music

lovers out there.How could anyone suppose to be hated
of musics?.We love music the way the music gives us a
pleasant satisfaction,Everytime we’re in love just to here
love songs,In times of heart brokened just to hear sad
songs.Music lovers comforts thier scenario by listening
music.Music lovers will change the future.If the music is
not exist,definetly the world is meaningless.A music
lover stays perpetual in this world.The music can
manage things.Music can touch you.This is my emphasis
about why we are music lovers about.

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