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Name: Nguyen Khanh Huyen - F12F

Narrow research topic : The habit of online clothes consumption of ITP students (aged


For private consumer around the global the well-known of e-commerce are more and

more has certainly gotten a new definition since the arrival of the

internet. Because of what the internet has to offer, any person or company from any

part of the world who is able to post and sell goods on the internet via a website is

able to sell. These days, it is even easier to find the most difficult of all products, by

easily typing in the product or item that you are looking for. One doesn’t have to

worry about location because it helps in making sure that their products would be

available to any and all destinations in the world.The internet is one of several non-

store formats frequently used by today’s consumers for shopping. By the end of 2003,

figures for online commerce were estimated at around 4.5 per cent of total retail sales,

with the internet the fastest growing shopping channel (Lorek, Maloy, 2003). Online

retailing was expected to reach sales of nearly $100 billion by the end of 2003, an

increase of 26 percent over 2002 (Mullin, 2003).Growth in the number of internet

shoppers, the number of women using the internet to shop.

The percent of internet sales dedicated to apparel products are trends that are expected

to continue (Maloy, 2003; Siddiqui et al., 2003).the average online shopping and

purchase intention rates among online shoppers also very strongly by product

vategory like clothing, shoes and consumer electronics were the most popular

onlineshopping categories worldwide.Among numerous consumerd from different age

groups, there is a large segment held by university students, who are the most likely to

accept and get access to new approach and ideas while having a source of income to

make a purchase on their own, both in large and small scale.Purpose to study college
students' attitudes toward and behavioral intention of shopping online for apparel

products .

Kim et al. (2003) used a modification of the Fishbein model to examine consumers’

behavioral intention toward online shopping for clothing. In their study, respondents

(who were internet users nationwide in the United States) were primarily men (70 per

cent) ages 35-55 (79 per cent). They found that access to a variety of brands and the

variety of merchandise were strong criteria shaping consumers’ decisions to shop on

the internet, with good quality of merchandise and reasonable prices the most

important attributes of online retailers. In addition, they observed that consumers who

had more favorable attitudes toward online shopping had higher intentions to

purchase clothing via the internet in the future. .Consumers view the internet as a way

to shop efficiently. The more the website can offer convenience in terms of finding

and obtaining merchandise online, the more satisfied the consumers. Positive factors

included in the merchandising component include wide product assortments,

availability of product information online, and ease of search and comparative

shopping for desired products.

This study focused on college-age consumers' responses to purchasing clothes on the

Internet, those in ITP where i am currently studying aged 18-21. The study

specifically addressed the issues of how often and why Internet purchases were

made..Therefore, this study is conducted to answer the three following

questions :”What is the frequency of online clothes consumption of ITP students? ”;

“What are factors that motivate students to buy clothes online? ”;and “What are

students' opinions towards quality of online clothes? ”. Furthermore, there would be

highlights of the online clothes contrast between local and boarding students and

issues related to buying clothes online.

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