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Men and women are the two pillars, the combination of both of them

complete the pearl of life. Without the existence of both, the

imagination of life cannot be made. The destruction of any one part
has direct affect over the other. While designing women education
the truth should be kept in mind that men are responsible for the
outer affairs and women have the responsibility of domestic affairs
therefore they must equipped with knowledge so that the uprisings
may enlightened. Unless keeping in mind the basic principal that
men and women are two distinct creatures, they cannot developed
on an equal basis.
We live in an era of hurry that we have lost the inner resources like
inner satisfaction, leisure. Men have become materialistic that they
have demolished the inner peace. the treatment of inner health is
not medicine but the ultimate goodness, faith and truth. In we
become able to live with consciousness, many of our problems will
be solved. An Upanishad writer defined the spiritual life as the
satisfaction of mind. Body, mind and spirit must have harmony to
develop a harmonious life.

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